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Why Doing RTR's is a Life and Death Matter: Astrology For Year 2020-2021

Thanks for the sermon HP,

We should definitely take this seriously as we know that we may never get another chance to make the most of this. It's solution in its purest form and a never ending solution, the only thing we have & the only chance to save this world as we've all known by now we do not live in a happy world but a very broken one. I'd say don't treat the RTR's as a chore but the extension of your will to see change as that's who you are and what it means to be gentile and SS, what proves our existence valid!
VoiceofEnki said:
On top of all that, the retarded drones aren't able to gather in churches either over this period, so the xians, muslims and others have been raising far less energy than they were before. There hasn't been a better time to do huge damage upon the enemy. During the greatest turmoil the largest victories can be made with proper work and efforts.

Hail Satan!

Most infuriatingly, I read a news article earlier today about Russians in St. Petersburg gathering in churches despite virus concerns, the disgusting priests were encouraging even sick to come to the church and participate in ridiculous communion and other ceremonies which can, and obviously did spread pathogens like wildfire. The enemy, where not prohibited by government mandate explicitly, will still attempt to gather the sheep into churches to become ill, in order to raise more negative energy from the suffering and potential death. Churches here in the U.S are also planning to take their services to the internet, so they are not giving it a rest, although it is true this is far weaker than what the Jews would prefer.

Even despite the virus, the enemy will try and coerce more xtian and muslim sheeple into church/mosque attendance, especially with more enemy holidays on the horizon. Xtianity thrives on Gentile suffering and many xtians are still gullible enough to attend church services, buying hook and sinker the lie that Jeboo's going to heal and protect them.

Also, some general advice for everyone doing RTRs, keep in mind that even one RTR done with focus, hatred, and fury is much more powerful than 3 RTRs done with barely any passion and little focus. If you are short on time, make your RTR count, and for those that have the time to do several, make all of them count. Take a short few moments before beginning the RTR's vibrations to meditate on all that the enemy has done, let it rekindle your anger anew, use it in your visualizations of the destruction of both the Hebrew letters and all that is associated with the enemy. HPS Maxine has wisely recommended doing the RTRs when angry before, as the energy of raw emotion can be very powerful. Draw spiritual strength from your hatred.
slyscorpion said:
I will keep fighting not going to let this earth go down we are the resistance. I think now is the time to think of what happened with the greys and the fact that at the last moment they didn’t care at all and were mindlessly distracted. I think if 3 percent of them fought back like what we said we are even worse off than they were but not sure they had the rtr type thing either.

Just thinking I am really worried I hope it’s not the end at least I tried and so did many of us. That is what matters it’s life and death.

So don’t stop enjoying life if you like go out to a park or walk in nature or something get connected to the beauty of life do what you need to do in your day to day life but remember without fighting nothing else will matter we will all be dead. So use that as your motivation to do the rtr and any other rituals posted by the Hps if they are in the near future and do whatever opportunity comes to you to do against the enemy online with spreading information. I think we can do this. Don’t worry too much but be the resistance.

100. I have found alot of joy in planting seeds on normie people by shifting the debate away from corona to 'global economic collapse', saying government acting schizophrenic. It open doors to plant seeds since the corona narrative is too hard to shake away from the controlled mass media for a normie to wake up from. Keep on trying. I am also trying my best to have fun and bypass all this anti human rules being placed because of this corona hype.
Ghost in the Machine said:

I really loved that because it so spoke to me. Since I escaped from the xian raising where I was I don’t even recognize myself anymore in the best way possible. For the first time in my life I have the chance to spread my wings and be who I was meant to be and I’ve been hitting the RTRs at least twice a day with all I have. I’ve finally been able to start so many projects that I’ve only ever dreamed of and it’s an amazing feeling to be able to see the difference we’re making!!!
Ghost in the Machine said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Azoun is correct. Everyone has a different bag to carry, and not everyone has the same back. There is no point to create universal measurements as no size fits all. Everyone must go in accordance to what they can and do what one can.

Azoun said:
They did fight the enemy and I am grateful they did as much as they have. Some people can only do the bare minimum and the others who can do more should be motivated to do so rather than their efforts being dismissed.

I should've specified my context going towards those who can do more if even just one extra but choose not to because they'd rather play games 8 hours a day or other similar things.

I'm well aware that individuals actually do have limits both in energy and time and I apologize for not being more clear in my statement. I've said in many other previous posts on other threads for members not to push themselves beyond their limits and that even the RTR can prove exhaustive to ones spiritual efforts, so I definitely recognize it.
I'm doing 1 full RTR every day it takes me 17-25 minutes but before i barely managed to do full RTR for like 2 weeks now i'm happy i can do 1 full RTR every day also before, in the begining it took me 1 hour and 20 min to do an RTR now my record is 17 min. With time from 1 hour and 20 min i got beter and beter, faster and faster. I think by starting to do 2 RTR per day would be the same as before managing to do 1 RTR every day, doing it for some time then pausing it then doing again till i can mantain it every day. And i'm not lazy many time i was very tired before doing some meditations and i think RTR too i would take a pause for something like an hour or two then when i had more energy i would do the meditations, RTR. I'm doing my best to stay well, to be strong, to get stronger and to continue to fight! I wish you all good luck! Hail Satan!
Hijo de Satán 666 said:
Hola escribo esto con la intención de recibir ayuda.
Me siento perdido y confundido con todo lo que está pasando y más con todo lo que leo acerca de conspiraciónes y cosas por el estilo como la tierra es plana y cosas así, he estado leyendo predicciones y dicen que en año muy muy lejano todo se extinguirá y leer todo esto me está asustando mucho, ya no se que pensar ni en quien creer. Leo acerca de que nos envenenan a través del agua, aire, comida etc. Cosas como lo que dijo Michael Jackson en una de sus entrevistas de que toda la historia es falsa y que hay personas que controlan todo. Cosas como el proyecto Blue Beam que habla sobre que la tecnología humana está tan avanzada que puede hacer que aparezcan imágenes "religiosas" en el cielo y que las personas creerán en estás imagenes y me pongo a pensar si es posible todo esto. De que alguna vez nos extingamos completamente. ¿Y si el Satanismo Espiritual es una farsa?. ¿Y si realmente todo esto es una completa mentira?. ¿Matrix?. Todo esto me está haciendo asustar mucho y quizás les parezca muy gracioso esto pero quiero decirles que todo lo que digo me está pasando y tengo mucho miedo. Hablo de esto temas con ustedes buscando alguna ayuda y respuestas. Espero que me puedan ayudar. Cabe aclarar que en ningún momento quiero difamarlos o insultarlos de ninguna manera. Hice mi pacto hace aproximadamente un año (por si se lo preguntan). Muchísimas gracias a todos. Quiero mandar un gran saludo a la Suma Sacerdotisa Maxine Dietrich quien fue mi motivación desde el principio de esto ya que me enteré de esto por el PDF "Demonios los Dioses del Infierno" y me gustaba leer como relataba sus experiencias con los Dioses*Demonios. Espero con muchísimas ansías sus mensajes con la ayuda que necesito. ❤️❤️

Lunar Dance 666 said:
In past sermons I felt like I wasnt doing enough to even deserve it to call myself SS.. when we were rallied to do RTRs.. even though I did 1-2 daily...

All I can say right now is that we still have SS that have to go to work. SS that have a family to take care of multiple hours a day. They do not have the free time or luxury to spam as much as they can.

Are they any less?

Empathy/Emotion is not my strongsuit, I can be a little blind to the perspective of others and am usually a stern or harsh individual.

I apologize for any hurt feelings, for it was not my intention.
GG Allin said:
Don´t equate them with my culture. The scumfucks stand against pc and are racialy aware. They will also be erased if the one nation has its way. Sextupled my RTR amount today, did my part.

Iggy Pop is a way better "naked man wearing a collar" than jewsus christ Alien. Fight me ;)
Dfiyo said:
Jude Reptilians?


I will write in regards to this very soon.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Dfiyo said:
Jude Reptilians?


I will write in regards to this very soon.

These look like "Starlink" satellites that SpaceX has sent to orbit.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Dfiyo said:
Jude Reptilians?


I will write in regards to this very soon.
HP I've seen the same thing from my home in Italy some days ago! I never seen one before but i thought that they May be connected to this situation. I knew it want a star because it did move in a weird way and after a while it disappeared and this is not something that stars do...

Another thing is that were i live there are some cases of the virus while in the region of Italy were I'am the cases are not that much, maybe it's related to these fuckers...
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Dfiyo said:
Jude Reptilians?


I will write in regards to this very soon.

Yeah, I mentioned this a while back. It has been reported way more UFO sightings in general now.
This is because the enemy is on the brink of full blown exposure, this also happened during the WWII.
It also happened during humans vulnerable periods such as the dark ages and so on. It is a classic tactic from what I gather, only this time we live in a modern time; cameras everywhere. This is their "harvest" and "destroy" tactic - this sound ludacris, but it has been done before, making people oblivious. They are currently only observing our situation I guess, and plotting something.

I sensed them on the Astral, I mentioned the astral seemed different in that there is more activity, and this has something to do with it. I wonder if HPHC have the same theories as I do or that he has information from the gods. This is very interesting.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Azoun is correct. Everyone has a different bag to carry, and not everyone has the same back. There is no point to create universal measurements as no size fits all. Everyone must go in accordance to what they can and do what one can.

I should've specified my context going towards those who can do more if even just one extra but choose not to because they'd rather play games 8 hours a day or other similar things.

I'm well aware that individuals actually do have limits both in energy and time and I apologize for not being more clear in my statement. I've said in many other previous posts on other threads for members not to push themselves beyond their limits and that even the RTR can prove exhaustive to ones spiritual efforts, so I definitely recognize it.

In past sermons I felt like I wasnt doing enough to even deserve it to call myself SS.. when we were rallied to do RTRs.. even though I did 1-2 daily...

All I can say right now is that we still have SS that have to go to work. SS that have a family to take care of multiple hours a day. They do not have the free time or luxury to spam as much as they can.

Are they any less?
Not any lesser. :)
Its about having the time to do it.
Everyone is different and its cool :)
13th_Wolf said:
GG Allin said:
Don´t equate them with my culture. The scumfucks stand against pc and are racialy aware. They will also be erased if the one nation has its way. Sextupled my RTR amount today, did my part.

Iggy Pop is a way better "naked man wearing a collar" than jewsus christ Alien. Fight me ;)

Whatever turns you on, turns you on. It's not my business.
Guyz do u think that all final school exam will be delayed in all country ? I want to know whats gonna happen in Hungary especially, bc im living here
Dfiyo said:
Jude Reptilians?


I've seen these a lot. I can't say for certain what they actually are but they seem to be able to 'glow' at will or based upon some sort of function or variable. I've come across a few that light up, then darken to invisibility, then light up at a different spot. They move in very odd patterns and I have seen one that was red once.

They can move faster than any plane I've ever seen, almost in the blink of an eye. I remember as a kid once I was looking out my window and staring at what I thought was the moon at twilight. I recall it suddenly speeding off out of sight to the right almost in an instant and that was when I was about 10 years old. It's the earliest memory I have on seeing them.

Since joining JoS I've seen them very frequently over the years and recall them showing up again just around the end of last year when I was looking up at the night sky and pondering about our gods. I saw the red one earlier that same year when I was on our back porch at night talking with some house mates and we ended up on the discussion of aliens where I started alluding to them some stuff about 'what is known as greys'. It sped off in the blink of an eye and disappeared just as I pointed it out to them... they didn't see it.

As I've said though, I can't say for any certainty what they actually are because I don't really know.
Pretia libertatis said:
Guyz do u think that all final school exam will be delayed in all country ? I want to know whats gonna happen in Hungary especially, bc im living here
Strange question to ask in here lol but here in Italy they are still gonna do it but online.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Dfiyo said:
Jude Reptilians?


I've seen these a lot. I can't say for certain what they actually are but they seem to be able to 'glow' at will or based upon some sort of function or variable. I've come across a few that light up, then darken to invisibility, then light up at a different spot. They move in very odd patterns and I have seen one that was red once.

They can move faster than any plane I've ever seen, almost in the blink of an eye. I remember as a kid once I was looking out my window and staring at what I thought was the moon at twilight. I recall it suddenly speeding off out of sight to the right almost in an instant and that was when I was about 10 years old. It's the earliest memory I have on seeing them.

Since joining JoS I've seen them very frequently over the years and recall them showing up again just around the end of last year when I was looking up at the night sky and pondering about our gods. I saw the red one earlier that same year when I was on our back porch at night talking with some house mates and we ended up on the discussion of aliens where I started alluding to them some stuff about 'what is known as greys'. It sped off in the blink of an eye and disappeared just as I pointed it out to them... they didn't see it.

As I've said though, I can't say for any certainty what they actually are because I don't really know.

I only saw something odd once. I was outside and on the phone with my parents. Suddenly overhead there was this huge black triangular shaped thing that had lights on various parts of it that were whitish colored that looked big possibly bigger than the apartment building I was in. It slowly passed overhead. But the odd part is there was no noise from this at all and I don’t know of planes to go slowly like this and be able to pause in air. I kept watching it it didn’t do anything too weird except kind of paused and disappeared into the point of light of a star in the sky after being far enough away. Odd.

I know others saw this too. The military in the area put out an article that they were testing some kind of New planes but idk what are these things.

Other than that I saw nothing like this.
Aquarius said:
Pretia libertatis said:
Guyz do u think that all final school exam will be delayed in all country ? I want to know whats gonna happen in Hungary especially, bc im living here
Strange question to ask in here lol but here in Italy they are still gonna do it but online.

That's just flat-out retarded. This way people can cheat more and gain undeserved scores and GPAs, and thus have more opportunities than they deserve. It's unfair and infuriating.
Aldrick said:
My 2 RTRs for the day are done. Onward to victory.

It is not enough to say I believe but rather I FIGHT!!- Hitler

I started this daily RTR warfare with just one a day, repeating just one word after HP Maxine's audio file. To get me started, to match the pronunciation.

Then I did it with 3 words as I experimented with the amount of breath I had. Then I did 9 as it is the required number.
Then 9 and another one immediately after with 3, as I felt the 9 weren't getting me enough vibrational power, being spoken too fast.

Yesterday I started something new, double repetition, 18 times each word and 3 for the affirmation with as much conviction and power I can use.

The same day I had news from a god I'd tried to get to know more, and the morning after He again taught me something I have been bitchin about for too long, ensuring I choose the correct next step in my spiritual evolution.

This is to prove to all those who don't think the RTRs work or feel lazy about doing them.

They NOT ONLY demolish Jew scum, BUT AT THE SAME TIME remote the obstacles in your Soul (in the possibly QUICKEST way I ever observed!) SO You can develop your powers and reach Godhood faster!!!!

Now if THAT is not enough to convince anyone to do more RTRs I don't think anything else will.

Be smart and fierce Warriors! Let's make Father proud.

Stormblood said:
Aquarius said:
Pretia libertatis said:
Guyz do u think that all final school exam will be delayed in all country ? I want to know whats gonna happen in Hungary especially, bc im living here
Strange question to ask in here lol but here in Italy they are still gonna do it but online.

That's just flat-out retarded. This way people can cheat more and gain undeserved scores and GPAs, and thus have more opportunities than they deserve. It's unfair and infuriating.
Well, not like italian italians find work easily without a university degree. It's easy to cheat but with oral tests so with a webcam it's noticeable if people look up down left and right to see something haha
Stormblood said:
Aquarius said:
Pretia libertatis said:
Guyz do u think that all final school exam will be delayed in all country ? I want to know whats gonna happen in Hungary especially, bc im living here
Strange question to ask in here lol but here in Italy they are still gonna do it but online.

That's just flat-out retarded. This way people can cheat more and gain undeserved scores and GPAs, and thus have more opportunities than they deserve. It's unfair and infuriating.

RIP people who actually got progress in knowledge because they actually deserved it, praise be to the rapefugees which will use a second monitor to fake their way into a PhD and become brain surgeons for the rest of the plebians.
Stormblood said:
Aquarius said:
Pretia libertatis said:
Guyz do u think that all final school exam will be delayed in all country ? I want to know whats gonna happen in Hungary especially, bc im living here
Strange question to ask in here lol but here in Italy they are still gonna do it but online.

That's just flat-out retarded. This way people can cheat more and gain undeserved scores and GPAs, and thus have more opportunities than they deserve. It's unfair and infuriating.

Questions would probably have to have a time limit per question and all questions multiple choice depending on the kind of tests..
Thats the only way to make it kind of fair for everyone..
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Stormblood said:
Aquarius said:
Strange question to ask in here lol but here in Italy they are still gonna do it but online.

That's just flat-out retarded. This way people can cheat more and gain undeserved scores and GPAs, and thus have more opportunities than they deserve. It's unfair and infuriating.

RIP people who actually got progress in knowledge because they actually deserved it, praise be to the rapefugees which will use a second monitor to fake their way into a PhD and become brain surgeons for the rest of the plebians.
Here in France scholar finals are cancelled, but no one is talking about university exams which worries me a bit cause its my first year in a proper faculty after 3 long years of language study and 5 long years of dialysis treatment ;<
Their movement patterns are always linear, they can manipulate perception (sometimes sounds, forms like other flying devices, invisibility ). Its pretty surprising how they are able to show in the sky at night/late afternoon/evening, people are walking on the streets and noone remarks.
This have come to me very recently ,and i will like every to share their mind ,saturn in aquarious ,l want to do saturn square but in in stead of saturn mantra i will replace it with the RTR ,and i think this is very powerful.
Gabi1234 said:
There is something that I don't understand in the forum people say that thay are vs jews but how someone in this forum said that it's okay to be a jew and Satanist and also satan accepts you as you are

Satan accepts every Gentile as they are and understands humanity deeply. Jews do not fit in this category as they are not His creation and they have been attacking Him for thousands of years, and they are creations of His enemies.
Jax911 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Stormblood said:
That's just flat-out retarded. This way people can cheat more and gain undeserved scores and GPAs, and thus have more opportunities than they deserve. It's unfair and infuriating.

RIP people who actually got progress in knowledge because they actually deserved it, praise be to the rapefugees which will use a second monitor to fake their way into a PhD and become brain surgeons for the rest of the plebians.
Here in France scholar finals are cancelled, but no one is talking about university exams which worries me a bit cause its my first year in a proper faculty after 3 long years of language study and 5 long years of dialysis treatment ;<

What will probably happen is one of the three:

1. Semester will go on as usual, but you will do conferencing. Examination period may happen with a very small group in a huge room, but I doubt this for now in most European countries, due to fears of Co-Vid in the room.
2. The School year or semester may get expanded into Summer. Then people will return physically to classes (unlikely).
3. In rare cases, the Semester may be cancelled and moved months ahead.

Things that mandatorily require large gatherings are automatically postponed, such as giving exams for specific degrees, despite of deadlines, but you have to be on the lookout here.
Um does anyone have the JOS protection ritual? can't quite remember the runes for it, pretty sure its fehu algiz Tyr but i'm not sure and the link is down, i remember the affirmation though. Also i'm sure your aware but i can't read the post you made on the 1st HP Cobra. Thank you for your time :D
Sunman666 said:
This have come to me very recently ,and i will like every to share their mind ,saturn in aquarious ,l want to do saturn square but in in stead of saturn mantra i will replace it with the RTR ,and i think this is very powerful.
Why not both?? i just did a Saturn square and it was Very effective only takes like 10 minutes at most. might even do a second one in the coming months, also having an affirmation increases its power greatly
Specter said:
I'd say don't treat the RTR's as a chore but the extension of your will to see change as that's who you are and what it means to be gentile and SS, what proves our existence valid!

It kind of baffles me to think that one would, or could, think of doing RTRs as a chore. At first, when you're new and have a bazillion doubts and questions perhaps, sure, but if I (the one who USED not to feel any energy) have had success with feeling and even receiving confirmation by Satan and other gods themselves, right after the "HAIL SATAN!" in the RTR, that I'm doing the rightest thing, I don't think anyone, and I mean anyone else has an excuse for not doing RTRs daily.

Right now I'm doing two (of course with 9 reps), but I'm experimenting with different reps to see if I feel them as more powerful. The past few days I've done first 18 (9x2) reps, and then again 9 reps, affirmation and another 9 reps and affirmation. I even experimented with the affirmation 9 times once and I could notice a slight improvement in my dreams, I'm keeping it down to 3 affirmations now because that's what the instructions say.

Last night I even had troubles sleeping, the same stupid nightmare in a row (something movie like, entities and scary fucking dolls lol) but at some point the fear got so strong I managed to break the cycle by grounding my energy and cleaning my aura INSIDE the dream. It suddenly got better, I hope some entities got burned alive. Pity I didn't use Air and Lightning as it's kinda my favorite topic right now, discovering so much about Air.

Point is, I'm observing a lot of effects on either side: the entities are targeting me for my continuous work, the gods are helping me understanding I'm doing the right thing FOR my continuous work. Hence, the RTRs are REALLY a powerful weapon!

No excuses people! You can't let only the HPs and more dedicated people fight this war, it's a war we're ALL involved in! We CANNOT afford to lose Earth to these jewish mothefuckers!!!

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Specter said:
I'd say don't treat the RTR's as a chore but the extension of your will to see change as that's who you are and what it means to be gentile and SS, what proves our existence valid!

It kind of baffles me to think that one would, or could, think of doing RTRs as a chore. At first, when you're new and have a bazillion doubts and questions perhaps, sure, but if I (the one who USED not to feel any energy) have had success with feeling and even receiving confirmation by Satan and other gods themselves, right after the "HAIL SATAN!" in the RTR, that I'm doing the rightest thing, I don't think anyone, and I mean anyone else has an excuse for not doing RTRs daily.

Prepare to be baffled, then because I've seen it as a chore. Don't get me wrong, I feel wonderful after doing it, but at the same time I'm never satisfied because there just has to be more to do rather than chanting/vibrating hebrew in reverse. I always think logically, and logic has always told me "Vibrating hebrew in reverse is an excellent countermeasure but when is the offensive strike incoming?" For every action, there is an equal reaction when it comes to physics, but when it comes to war for every action, there is a stronger reaction and it will continue like this until we or the enemy reach maximum war exhaustion and attrition starts to take effect.

That's what I feel we are missing. We have an excellent countermeasure that not only affects us but Gentiles worldwide, but is there an offensive aspect to the RTRs? This is something I've wanted to know.
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Specter said:
I'd say don't treat the RTR's as a chore but the extension of your will to see change as that's who you are and what it means to be gentile and SS, what proves our existence valid!

It kind of baffles me to think that one would, or could, think of doing RTRs as a chore. At first, when you're new and have a bazillion doubts and questions perhaps, sure, but if I (the one who USED not to feel any energy) have had success with feeling and even receiving confirmation by Satan and other gods themselves, right after the "HAIL SATAN!" in the RTR, that I'm doing the rightest thing, I don't think anyone, and I mean anyone else has an excuse for not doing RTRs daily.

Right now I'm doing two (of course with 9 reps), but I'm experimenting with different reps to see if I feel them as more powerful. The past few days I've done first 18 (9x2) reps, and then again 9 reps, affirmation and another 9 reps and affirmation. I even experimented with the affirmation 9 times once and I could notice a slight improvement in my dreams, I'm keeping it down to 3 affirmations now because that's what the instructions say.

Last night I even had troubles sleeping, the same stupid nightmare in a row (something movie like, entities and scary fucking dolls lol) but at some point the fear got so strong I managed to break the cycle by grounding my energy and cleaning my aura INSIDE the dream. It suddenly got better, I hope some entities got burned alive. Pity I didn't use Air and Lightning as it's kinda my favorite topic right now, discovering so much about Air.

Point is, I'm observing a lot of effects on either side: the entities are targeting me for my continuous work, the gods are helping me understanding I'm doing the right thing FOR my continuous work. Hence, the RTRs are REALLY a powerful weapon!

No excuses people! You can't let only the HPs and more dedicated people fight this war, it's a war we're ALL involved in! We CANNOT afford to lose Earth to these jewish mothefuckers!!!


hmmm well since it baffles you, I think I can explain because i used to think of the Final RTR that way (only that one)

Its because their too busy COUNTING THE COSTS. like i get it takes time, BUT TO THOSE who still think this way; DO YOU THINK the African Child who has to walk 10-20 miles to get water counts their STEPS? NO, they just do it, SO JUST DO IT, push those thoughts away and carry on I know its not 1 for 1 but its the same premise,

Also when I blot the letters out I like saying "these hebrew letters have lost all their power in every way totally permanently and completely and are now dead in every way totally permanently and completely" as imagine them being erased. Seems to add lots of extra power. Hope this helps, stay strong everyone.

Hail Satan!
Hail Astaroth!
ShadowTheRaven said:
Prepare to be baffled, then because I've seen it as a chore. Don't get me wrong, I feel wonderful after doing it, but at the same time I'm never satisfied because there just has to be more to do rather than chanting/vibrating hebrew in reverse. I always think logically, and logic has always told me "Vibrating hebrew in reverse is an excellent countermeasure but when is the offensive strike incoming?" For every action, there is an equal reaction when it comes to physics, but when it comes to war for every action, there is a stronger reaction and it will continue like this until we or the enemy reach maximum war exhaustion and attrition starts to take effect.

That's what I feel we are missing. We have an excellent countermeasure that not only affects us but Gentiles worldwide, but is there an offensive aspect to the RTRs? This is something I've wanted to know.

Maybe this idea will help:

What if I told you that the RTR is either a shield and a spear? That not only it shields you a little more every time you do it, but it also pushes the spear a tiny bit deeper into a jewish skull?
And on top of that, it's also a 'healing spell' in that it removes part of the shit your Soul has been contaminated with during all this time in order to slowly turn you into a god?

Because I found the RTR does just that. It protects you, destroys your enemies, and raises you into a better vibration, ensuring you can take a deep breath of actual air, not the polluted filth a jew has pushed you under with the sole of the shoe he paid with your taxes.

Every time you skip the RTR another jew claims his self given right to push you deeper, but every time you do one, or two, or three RTRs in a day, your arm drives Satanic steel into the vermin that laughs at your suffering and the suffering of all you love.

If this visualization isn't enough to motivate you...

It takes time, Brother, and it takes your utmost effort and work, but when you're out of that filth and the jew will fall to his knees begging you for mercy... You will be thankful you dedicated enough time each day to fight this spiritual war.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:

It kind of baffles me to think that one would, or could, think of doing RTRs as a chore. At first, when you're new and have a bazillion doubts and questions perhaps, sure, but if I (the one who USED not to feel any energy) have had success with feeling and even receiving confirmation by Satan and other gods themselves, right after the "HAIL SATAN!" in the RTR, that I'm doing the rightest thing, I don't think anyone, and I mean anyone else has an excuse for not doing RTRs daily.

Prepare to be baffled, then because I've seen it as a chore. Don't get me wrong, I feel wonderful after doing it, but at the same time I'm never satisfied because there just has to be more to do rather than chanting/vibrating hebrew in reverse. I always think logically, and logic has always told me "Vibrating hebrew in reverse is an excellent countermeasure but when is the offensive strike incoming?" For every action, there is an equal reaction when it comes to physics, but when it comes to war for every action, there is a stronger reaction and it will continue like this until we or the enemy reach maximum war exhaustion and attrition starts to take effect.

That's what I feel we are missing. We have an excellent countermeasure that not only affects us but Gentiles worldwide, but is there an offensive aspect to the RTRs? This is something I've wanted to know.

Yeah it's hard to not see it as a chore sometimes, but definitely a necessary one. But I think it'd feel much more rewarding to value it as something more than that, we're unrelenting because we know it's the right thing to do logically, emotionally and rationally. Some of us have seen the enemy try and harass us after doing them, visions, attacks etc.., it's spiritual warfare after all but we just use it to reassert the importance of what we do and anyone else who's had the same should cherish that realization because you're doing fairly good.

I've pretty much assumed the offensive aspect, physically, is gentile humanity as a whole to finally become aware of the jews in their entirety and finally get things done while we remain the spiritual backbone of everything to the populace who be our front line and physical manifestation of our will, but how everything plays out is uncertain.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:

It kind of baffles me to think that one would, or could, think of doing RTRs as a chore. At first, when you're new and have a bazillion doubts and questions perhaps, sure, but if I (the one who USED not to feel any energy) have had success with feeling and even receiving confirmation by Satan and other gods themselves, right after the "HAIL SATAN!" in the RTR, that I'm doing the rightest thing, I don't think anyone, and I mean anyone else has an excuse for not doing RTRs daily.

Prepare to be baffled, then because I've seen it as a chore. Don't get me wrong, I feel wonderful after doing it, but at the same time I'm never satisfied because there just has to be more to do rather than chanting/vibrating hebrew in reverse. I always think logically, and logic has always told me "Vibrating hebrew in reverse is an excellent countermeasure but when is the offensive strike incoming?" For every action, there is an equal reaction when it comes to physics, but when it comes to war for every action, there is a stronger reaction and it will continue like this until we or the enemy reach maximum war exhaustion and attrition starts to take effect.

That's what I feel we are missing. We have an excellent countermeasure that not only affects us but Gentiles worldwide, but is there an offensive aspect to the RTRs? This is something I've wanted to know.

My question is "how is it not offensive?" We're literally dismantling the jooish soul with this. That's why nothing they do works. It's not just a countermeasure. It's a cure, a DEW and a countercurse all at the same time. Very beautiful.

DEW = direct energy weapon
Today when I did the final RTR images of churches falling came into my mind and I remembered this video from long ago when playing Warcraft ||| - it's a 2 min video quite interesting when the demon Archimonde laid waste to the city by creating a magical effigy out of the dust, which he then crushed


Easter is just around the corner, I wonder what the xians will do

1. sit idly in their homes and pray online :lol:
2. go to churches to pray and listen to the priests and get infected in the same time :lol:

Could this really be the fall of the xian church :?:

Another thing I noticed when doing the final RTR is that somehow it felt easy to do like there was no pressure against doing it and the time seemed to move slower when doing it

Hope I'm not getting delusional from the quarantine :lol:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
