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The Taoist Path to Immortality

Sep 23, 2017
The original Taoist path to immortality aimed to cultivate/refine the etheric energy of the initiate into a perfected and 'primordial' state. When one cuts away the moralist elements that were inserted by the enemy, the religion is really just the understanding and practice of true spirituality. From my current studies in the form, I have found that the practice provided by Taoist Master Mantak Chia to be the most practical and workable for those interested in Qigong practice. Unfortunately lacking in this tradition of practice is the mantra aspect of the path which is the most powerful amongst all. However, one can still achieve a high level of spiritual development through a consistent and daily practice of the exercises provided. I note that one can do both the exercises from the Yogic and Qigong traditions as they both empower the soul differently and can cover what the other lacks.

This is a basic outline of the steps provided by Chia that I will go into more detail at a later date. These are nine alchemical stages of inner practice with each step building upon the mastery of the former. This practice supposedly and eventually results in the Magnum Opus.

1: Primordial Force Activation
2: Sexual Alchemy Practice
3: Fusion of the Five Elements & Eight Pakua Forces
4: Lesser Enlightenment of Kan & Li
5: Greater Enlightenment of Kan & Li
6: Greatest Enlightenment of Kan & Li
7: Sealing of the Five Senses
8: Congress on Heaven & Earth
9: Reunion of Heaven and Man (Return to Tao)

High Priest Lucius Oria

Primordial Force Activation (Basic Practices I)

The first three meditations that practitioners perform at all levels are the 'Microcosmic Orbit', 'Inner Smile', and 'Six Healing Sounds'. These exercises are necessary foundation for the inner alchemical/fusion practices later. An additional technique known as chi self-massage, is also usually practiced for maintaining proper chi flow.


Fig 1: The Microcosmic Orbit

The Microcosmic Orbit is a core exercise for spiritual cultivation. The Orbit consists of two main meridians/channels. The Governor meridian (yang), runs up the spine. The Functional meridian (yin) runs down the front of the body. Any pranayama is sufficient for preparation before practicing the Orbit. To perform the meditation, condense your chi into a ball of light to circulate it up the spinal chakras and down the frontal chakras with the base and crown chakras as nadir and apex points. One can direct the energy either through the breath or through attention. The breath method is a gradual and safer approach to opening the Orbit. While the attention method is faster, it can be dangerous. The attention method is simply focusing the ball of light at each point and moving on after one feels it has been sufficiently energised. The breath method is simply inhaling to raise the ball up the spine and exhale to bring it down the body. In both methods, the tongue must be placed on the roof of the mouth to fully open the circuit for the flow of chi. When finished, end the meditation with the ball either on the hui yin (perineum) point or in the Solar 666 chakra. This practice trains one to circulate energy to clear blockages and cultivate power. As a benefit, the general bioelectricity and health of the practitioner increases. The Orbit's importance is such that a variant of the technique is given as the first step of the Magnum Opus itself.


Fig 2: Inner Smile Meditation

The Inner Smile and Six Healing Sounds meditations supplement the practice of the Microcosmic Orbit by improving the quality of chi within the body. It is Taoist belief that emotions/energy are stored in the organs and this can be positive or negative. Accumulating too much of the negative eventually causes organ tension, malfunction and eventually failure. These meditations work to improve the efficiency and health of the body by relaxing the organs and transforming stagnant and negative energy into vital force. With the Inner Smile, one puts their attention into the organs of the body, visualising each one bathed in it's corresponding colour and the chi will follow your attention. Using the throat chakra for feelings of self appreciation will help with the 'Inner Smile' cleansing process. Think of this meditation as the flip side of cleaning your chakras. You're cleaning your vital organs by transforming negative energy into fresh chi for recirculation through the Microcosmic Orbit. The Six Healing Sounds, although titled as such, are more akin to pranayama. Each sound is exhaled through the breath subvocally rather than vibrated. The sounds are associated with; organs of the body, the five Taoist elements and seasons. Each sound is especially effective when coupled with the Inner Smile. The sixth healing sound is for the 'triple warmer' of the body. The triple warmer refers to the elixir fields of the head, heart and belly (Dantians).


Fig 3: Alchemical Cycle of the Five Elements (Positive)


Fig 4: Alchemical Cycle of the Five Elements (Negative)

The Taoist technique of Self-Massage Rejuvination (SMR) is excellent for clearing blockages from the meridians and strengthen the flow of chi in the body. This is done through raising energy from root lock to the hands which is then used to systematically massage the body. SMR strengthens the senses which in turn helps improve emotional control due to becoming more capable of handling what we receive through them. We become less susceptible to negative influences. Besides improving health and function, massaging the organs will also improve our emotional and personal characteristics. SMR is a good supplementary technique for one's spiritual practice and I recommend doing a full body SMR once a week (although necessary areas for healing and strengthening can be massaged daily). It doesn't take very long to do once mastered.

Tantric practitioner Loren Johnson performing all three meditations in sequence;


Taoist practitioner Mantak Chia performing Chi Self-Massage.



Chia, M. (1999). Awaken Healing Light of the Tao : The Microcosmic Orbit Meditation, Huntington, NY: Healing Tao Books.

Chia, M. (1986). Taoist Ways to Transform Stress into Vitality: The Inner Smile, Six Healing Sounds, Huntington, NY: Healing Tao Books.

Chia, M. (2006). Chi Self-Massage: The Taoist Way of Rejuvenation, Rochester, VT: Inner Traditions Bear & Co.
Thank you for your deep Satanic insight into old and functional, yet incomplete knowledge, High Priestess.

I have a question though, regarding the inner smile. Is hate necessarily negative and is love necessarily positive? Same goes for anger and what not, too. I mean, in Satanism, we are taught to live, experience and harness each feeling, as long as we don't get hung up in them. Do we need to "refine" every bit of hate into "love" or what not? My intuition says no but I'd like to make sure.

Thanks for the response, Satanic blessings upon you.
PeppermintTaco said:
Thank you for your deep Satanic insight into old and functional, yet incomplete knowledge, High Priestess.

I have a question though, regarding the inner smile. Is hate necessarily negative and is love necessarily positive? Same goes for anger and what not, too. I mean, in Satanism, we are taught to live, experience and harness each feeling, as long as we don't get hung up in them. Do we need to "refine" every bit of hate into "love" or what not? My intuition says no but I'd like to make sure.

Thanks for the response, Satanic blessings upon you.

We don't need to refine all the negative into the positive. That is just some corruption. Although having too much of either can be harmful to yourself in different ways. Try to find a balance. The inner smile meditation is just the colour meditation applied to your organs, rejuvinating them through the mind body connection.
High Priest Lucius Oria said:
PeppermintTaco said:
Thank you for your deep Satanic insight into old and functional, yet incomplete knowledge, High Priestess.

I have a question though, regarding the inner smile. Is hate necessarily negative and is love necessarily positive? Same goes for anger and what not, too. I mean, in Satanism, we are taught to live, experience and harness each feeling, as long as we don't get hung up in them. Do we need to "refine" every bit of hate into "love" or what not? My intuition says no but I'd like to make sure.

Thanks for the response, Satanic blessings upon you.

We don't need to refine all the negative into the positive. That is just some corruption. Although having too much of either can be harmful to yourself in different ways. Try to find a balance. The inner smile meditation is just the colour meditation applied to your organs, rejuvinating them through the mind body connection.

Then I'll take it as just converting the unhealthy excess. Thanks a lot. Good day.
Primordial Force Activation (Basic Practices II)

The Taoist texts show us the concept of generating the spiritual 'fetus' which acts to provide spiritual immortality. This golden fetus is the new immortal soul, the lesser rainbow body. There are further practices to integrate the five bodies to achieve full immortality.



The navel area is the most important part to Taoist spiritual practice and is considered the key to eternal life. It is believed that the Dantian is located below the navel in the area of the Sacral chakra. However I disagree with simple logic, where do the energies of the Sacral and Solar energies collect ? This is where the lower Dantian, otherwise known as the Ocean of Qi is located. It is where the alchemy process begins and central to Taoist spiritual practice. The following exercises are used to open and strengthen the lower Dantian which is the main storage area for the body's Qi, and can be used to drive this Qi anywhere in the body. This is especially important for martial artists. There are many health benefits to having a strong lower Dantian however the primary alchemical function of the lower Dantian is the cultivation and refinement of the jing (sexual power) within the body.

Deep Abdominal Breathing


Deep abdominal breathing is the most basic breathing exercise that can and should be done all the time. It is the natural way we breathe and what the Taoists call, Iron Shirt. It's simple, babies do it. Expand the belly on the inhale and flatten it as you exhale. You'll find yourself with more energy through the day, sleep better and see your health improve over time.

This daily meditation is greatly enhanced with the foundation meditation along and the cultivation of a powerful ball of light at the lower Dantian. One can also gently tense the belly on the exhale to aid with the packing of energy although this is not necessary with the proper energy control. Qi flow improves as one advances in opening and strengthening the Dantian.

Energizer Breathing


This is the Taoist variant of the Bhastrika breathing exercise. It is the Taoist bellows breath. It works to open up all the meridians in the body, the twelve primary meridians and the eight extrodinary meridians and fill them with Qi. This will improve all aspects of health that the meridians are associated with. This in turn fills the Dantian which further increases the vitality of the practitioner.

The breathing exercise is the same as Bhastrika. Focus on the kevala point and form the Magpie Bridge. Take it easy, the benefits build with each session but the body, mind and soul needs time to adjust.

Laughing Qigong


This exercise involves simple laughter from the belly. This can be of varying degrees of intensity. This works on the 'second brain' of the body which is the gastrointestinal tract, the guts. According to Taoist thought, there is a connection between the brain and the second brain of the body and one can impact the other. This can be positive or negative. The diaphragm is exercised with the laughter which helps the lungs breathe more deeply and fully which further builds upon the previous two breathing exercises. This will also help to lessen the workload for the heart and improve the immune system through the activation of the lymphatic system and thymus gland. The sound 'ha' balances the water/fire ratio of the body which helps one avoid the excess of either.

The duration of this exercise up to the individual however, at the end one should take all the energy that is generated and cultivate it into a ball of light at the Dantian. The Inner Smile can be used as the Inner Laugh Qigong if one decides to do silent laughter.

Dantian Qigong

The lower Dantian has nine areas which can be individually worked upon which further opens and empowers the centre. This is accomplished through the Dragon and Tiger Breath, Perineum Power (root lock) and the Eleven Animal Posture exercises. The full exercises can be found in Tan Tian Chi Kung by Mantak Chia.

Iron Shirt Qigong

Iron Shirt Qigong was originally used by Kung Fu practitioners to improve internal power and resistance through the development of Qi within their organs, tendons and bones. Mastery of such was required before any actual fighting techniques were taught. This Qigong allowed them to withstand blows to their vital organs with the analogy with one without training experiencing the strike as steel and one with training experiencing such as plastic. The Qi protects.

This Qigong helps to properly align and empower the structure of the body through the creation of a Qi belt. Organs and glands are detoxified and worked with packed Qi to help cushion from external trauma and benefit from the increased Qi pressure. The fasciae sheets of the body are also packed with Qi to further protect the body with the added bonus of burning fat. One also learns how to properly root oneself to the Earth to release and absorb energy. Bone marrow is strengthened which enhances the blood and thus the lifeforce. Overall there is an increase flow of Qi and feeling of well-being. This Qigong teaches one Qi control.

The practices of the above can be found in Iron Shirt Chi Kung I, II and III by Mantak Chia.

Tai Chi Qigong & Tao Yin

Tai Chi is a major energy meditation which has many different styles. The one taught by Mantak is the Yang style which consists of thirteen movements performed and repeated in the four directions. The movements and postures (outer form) along with the internal energy working develops the inner structure and Qi flow of the meridians. Many people focus too much on the outer form and thus neglect the true power of the Qigong which is the internal work. With proper training, Tai Chi allows the practitioner to work with various sources of energy such as Earth, Lunar, Solar and such which provide a myriad of benefits too long to list.

Tao Yin (Taoist Yoga) is done to stimulate and harmonise Qi flow within the body and improve flexibility and condition of the spine and psoas muscles which are called the 'Muscles of the Soul'. The second brain is worked on and there is an overall improvement in health and structural alignment. It is a moving meditation and done in either sitting, lying or standing positions.

Tai Chi & Tao Yin Qigong both require knowledge of the previous exercises and how to work with the internal energy of the body.

The practices of the above can be found in Tai Chi Chi Kung I, II and Tao Yin by Mantak Chia.

All of these exercises are foundational and necessary. They work to provide the Qi foundation necessary for the future alchemical workings. In the next article, I will be providing information on the next step of this path which is the control and mastery over the sexual energy and organs of the body for cultivation of the jing. Sexual Kung Fu.

High Priest Lucius Oria

Thank you High Priest Lucius Oria for the very informative post.
I know these things takes time to compile but will you be able to provide a pdf format of this post as well?

I would really appreciate.

Hail The Boss and The Patheons of Hell forever and always.
Thank you High Priest Lucius Oria for the very informative post.
I know these things takes time to compile but will you be able to provide a pdf format of this post as well?

I would really appreciate.

Hail The Boss and The Patheons of Hell forever and always.
Shamutanti666 said:
Thank you High Priest Lucius Oria for the very informative post.
I know these things takes time to compile but will you be able to provide a pdf format of this post as well?

I would really appreciate.

Hail The Boss and The Patheons of Hell forever and always.

You can Save the info on this page thus far by right clicking your mouse and clicking print, then change the destination to PDF. A small trick that works with chrome. If not you can always use a website to pdf converter online by searching this in a search engine such as google. Copy the link of the link of this page, convert and download. Method one is a fastest way in chrome though.
Braun666 said:
Shamutanti666 said:
Thank you High Priest Lucius Oria for the very informative post.
I know these things takes time to compile but will you be able to provide a pdf format of this post as well?

I would really appreciate.

Hail The Boss and The Patheons of Hell forever and always.

You can Save the info on this page thus far by right clicking your mouse and clicking print, then change the destination to PDF. A small trick that works with chrome. If not you can always use a website to pdf converter online by searching this in a search engine such as google. Copy the link of the link of this page, convert and download. Method one is a fastest way in chrome though.

Thank you Braun. I can only via phone, but I will try the website converter tip.

Enjoy your day.
I have been doing the 6 healing sounds and the chi self massage for almost 6 months now. And i gotta say, doing chi self massage removes blockages as much as yoga, so if you do yoga most of it is not necessary, but the massage for the inner organs, the heart, the lungs, the spleen, the liver and the bowel, is recommended to do before doing yoga and breathing exercises, as it calms any tensions in these organs, which allows to concentrate better and also do breathing and asanas more effectively. Also doing it daily helped solve the bowel movement problems for me, which i had since childhood. Also all taoist practices up to the point of chi self massage concentrates on cleaning the soul, which is followed by empowerment starting from elixir chi kung, which i'm studying at the moment. The most important point of taoism is the circulation of the chi, chi circulation is as important as blood circulation, the better the circulation of such, the better one can ward off negativities and diseases, improving ones immunity. This is maybe why the word chi coincides with the word blood in chinese which is also called chi.
I’ve been interested in Tao for a minute because the Gods have repeatedly brought this up. I have also done Tao during invocation before ever having heard of Tao. For clarity, I don’t need to be Asian to work on such things or promote Tao? Even though it is asiatic, I think the spiritual practice is important and it has been helpful for me to understand some of what the Gods have been trying to help with. I’m not Asian buI they have pushed me towards some of what Tao has to offer. As far as the end, is it suspicious in any way that it deals with the ether? Or are they trying to say this is rising and projecting onto the either in a different way? Pardon me for popping onto the wrong forum. Every now and then I study up on a little of everything,
Sundara said:
I’ve been interested in Tao for a minute because the Gods have repeatedly brought this up. I have also done Tao during invocation before ever having heard of Tao. For clarity, I don’t need to be Asian to work on such things or promote Tao? Even though it is asiatic, I think the spiritual practice is important and it has been helpful for me to understand some of what the Gods have been trying to help with. I’m not Asian buI they have pushed me towards some of what Tao has to offer. As far as the end, is it suspicious in any way that it deals with the ether? Or are they trying to say this is rising and projecting onto the either in a different way? Pardon me for popping onto the wrong forum. Every now and then I study up on a little of everything,

I am a white soul who incorporates many Chinese and Asian practices into my path.

I have studied Chinese Medicine in an advanced way and am continually deepening my knowledge in that field despite my cultural and racial background.

I have been quite successful in doing so although it certainly surprises the local Chinese where I live when we speak together and they realise how well I understand it!

This is because Satan has guided me to this knowledge so.. If you feel lead then you should study it!

I will say Tao/Dào is something that implies a path or a way... There are many paths but the idea of the Tao in this sense is the middle path, balance of Yin and Yang energy in the body, essential for the ongoing spiritual practices taught by the Chinese.. So when speaking to Chinese people, you need to be clear about which Dào you are referring to, otherwise it can be taken many different ways..

For instance Feng Shen zhi Dao (minus correct tone marks) means 'Way of the wind spirit' or 'Path of the wind god' or 'Mastery of wind' amongst a few other ways it can be understood.. So the word Dào can imply a few different 'paths' if that makes any sense whatsoever...
Centralforce666 said:
Sundara said:
I’ve been interested in Tao for a minute because the Gods have repeatedly brought this up. I have also done Tao during invocation before ever having heard of Tao. For clarity, I don’t need to be Asian to work on such things or promote Tao? Even though it is asiatic, I think the spiritual practice is important and it has been helpful for me to understand some of what the Gods have been trying to help with. I’m not Asian buI they have pushed me towards some of what Tao has to offer. As far as the end, is it suspicious in any way that it deals with the ether? Or are they trying to say this is rising and projecting onto the either in a different way? Pardon me for popping onto the wrong forum. Every now and then I study up on a little of everything,

I am a white soul who incorporates many Chinese and Asian practices into my path.

I have studied Chinese Medicine in an advanced way and am continually deepening my knowledge in that field despite my cultural and racial background.

I have been quite successful in doing so although it certainly surprises the local Chinese where I live when we speak together and they realise how well I understand it!

This is because Satan has guided me to this knowledge so.. If you feel lead then you should study it!

I will say Tao/Dào is something that implies a path or a way... There are many paths but the idea of the Tao in this sense is the middle path, balance of Yin and Yang energy in the body, essential for the ongoing spiritual practices taught by the Chinese.. So when speaking to Chinese people, you need to be clear about which Dào you are referring to, otherwise it can be taken many different ways..

For instance Feng Shen zhi Dao (minus correct tone marks) means 'Way of the wind spirit' or 'Path of the wind god' or 'Mastery of wind' amongst a few other ways it can be understood.. So the word Dào can imply a few different 'paths' if that makes any sense whatsoever...

Thank you sir

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
