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You could start a thread on Ancient people. :lol:Shadowcat said:patrioticgentile_666 said:Shadowcat said:Yes, the jews have stolen things from many ancient languages and cultures including the ones named. The Canaanites however were not Semitic...Their descendants the Phoenecians were shown to have European DNA. The Canaanites and phoenecians are white and share about 95 percent of their DNA with many modern day lebanese.
Oh yeah, I remember HP Maxine's posts about the White Canaanites and White Egyptians, as language doesn't always dictate bloodline. I guess one can refer to them as "White Semitic-speaking" peoples, just like you have Arabic-speaking Blacks in Sudan.
Lebanese always had a very distinct-look. I guess it's way so many of the early Lebanese migrants to the United States had more White features than Arab.
There have also been (((studies from Harvard))) on genetics and these attempt to cover up the fact that whiteness was not always exclusive to Europe at one point (and obviously still is not). One idiot has a blog, calls himself "thuletide", and literally all he does is intellectually lazily regurgitates all this. He even admitted that he didn't think anything up that he puts on his blog but "just found it." but when I presented him with a whole bunch of info about the history of the region he just regurgitated the same (((harvard studies to me))) oy vey goy. whites were never there. (as the jew stresses to hide the fact that its arch enemies still thrive in the region today) One of our Gods had a mother from Sidon who was human. Sidon was a Canaanite city in present day Lebanon, and is still called such. The Gods would not race mix. Enough said? :lol:
MFW I realised one of our Gods was basically part Canaanite! But I am sure there are many others!
This really makes me think I should start study early history.. I'm kinda curious about my heritage but I heard a member say that we're not always born in the same region/bloodline even though we keep our Race (is it possible, as such, to change sub races? )