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The Reptilians, The Dragons & Father Satan

Shadowcat said:
patrioticgentile_666 said:
Shadowcat said:
Yes, the jews have stolen things from many ancient languages and cultures including the ones named. The Canaanites however were not Semitic...Their descendants the Phoenecians were shown to have European DNA. The Canaanites and phoenecians are white and share about 95 percent of their DNA with many modern day lebanese.

Oh yeah, I remember HP Maxine's posts about the White Canaanites and White Egyptians, as language doesn't always dictate bloodline. I guess one can refer to them as "White Semitic-speaking" peoples, just like you have Arabic-speaking Blacks in Sudan.

Lebanese always had a very distinct-look. I guess it's way so many of the early Lebanese migrants to the United States had more White features than Arab.

There have also been (((studies from Harvard))) on genetics and these attempt to cover up the fact that whiteness was not always exclusive to Europe at one point (and obviously still is not). One idiot has a blog, calls himself "thuletide", and literally all he does is intellectually lazily regurgitates all this. He even admitted that he didn't think anything up that he puts on his blog but "just found it." but when I presented him with a whole bunch of info about the history of the region he just regurgitated the same (((harvard studies to me))) oy vey goy. whites were never there. (as the jew stresses to hide the fact that its arch enemies still thrive in the region today) One of our Gods had a mother from Sidon who was human. Sidon was a Canaanite city in present day Lebanon, and is still called such. The Gods would not race mix. Enough said? :lol:

MFW I realised one of our Gods was basically part Canaanite :eek:! But I am sure there are many others!
You could start a thread on Ancient people. :lol:
This really makes me think I should start study early history.. I'm kinda curious about my heritage but I heard a member say that we're not always born in the same region/bloodline even though we keep our Race (is it possible, as such, to change sub races? )
im going to copy this post and use it for reference material in one of the books I'm writing its a bit like fantasy style books kind of like lord of the rings dragon age type world but im making the gods very prominent in the book once i finished drafting and writing it ill share a link so you can all have a bit of a read makes a lot of spiritual knowledge very blatant especially with runes although i did keep it a bit like fantasy style with magic use but none of this wands and reversed latin words business like they do in harry potter rather that runic hymns can be used to invoke certain powers to happen etc.

im also trying to make my guy go from being a money hoarding mercenary to being more of a hero character so it shows the progression pathway from someone new to satanism to someone who becomes an adept at it it heavily references norse and greek cultures especially where the dwarfs worship the norse style of gods but latter on when he visits the south to my version of Egypt ancient cultures will also refer to them as the Bes and some little known fairy folk are also going to be referenced as Pazuzu and a few other references such as direct interactions between certain gods so far he has only had dreams of and interactions with Lerajie and the Watch Tower the god who guards the gates of hell i also called this guy Himdal as i believe its the same entity might have to ask though but it would make sense as himdal also guards the gates of valhalla a few honourable mentions im sure that the gods would love such honourable mentions especially if it gets to be like game of thrones type level popular i want to show off their sigils as well and have a few references to the enemy actually being bad like i have a necromancer whom conveniently looks a lot like a jew and just so happens to be inside of a 9ft circle he sacrifices childeren in the book but unless i self publish i doubt that a publisher will let me keep that in there i will have to atleast change it to adult people i think none the less it will rasie a bit of subliminal awareness for people.

it also mentions a lot about meditation chakras and all that will be in the mage characters book i intend to make a proper series of books with characters from multiple books all meeting up to face down the main antagonist which is going to be like the jewish messiah and through a hard fight with these heros and the gods they banish the darkness completely.
Wotanwarrior said:
Shadowcat said:
Wotanwarrior said:
The Phoenicians were also settled in the south of the Iberian Peninsula for centuries, many archaeological pieces found in the Spanish Levant are very similar to those of the Phoenicians as the famous Lady of Elche.
Even today is said that many southern Spaniards we have Phoenician and Roman ancestry.

Yes they did! Many also mixed with Romans later on. They fought for Hannibal in Carthage so some in North Africa also mixed with indigenous Amazeigh (berbers). Some Present day lebanese have Moroccan last names and berber or paleo berber haplogroups which is indicative of this. The nazis also deemed the indigenous Amazeigh to be aryan https://moroccan-family.com/2018/05/28/the-amazigh-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A3%D9%85%D8%A7%D8%B2%D9%8A%D8%BA/


German scientists at the time of Hitler declared that the Amazigh people were “Aryan” people to whom the Germans belonged and who considered them to be pure and high-class descendants of the human race. This is probably due to the similar anthropological characteristics of the Amazigh and Germans in terms of the prevalence of blond hair and colored eyes , And a study on the skull of the chromosomes and conducted by the world Henry Valois in 1944 confirmed the relationship between the genes of Amazigh and modern European man.

I wouldn't be surprised if some modern Spanish people also had some Berber blood as some also came to Spain.

The Barcidas family, to which Hannibal Barca belonged, also founded a city that still exists today called Cartagena, which means something like "New Carthage".
I forgot to mention it in the previous message about Berbers, besides during the Islamic invasions more people of Berber origin came to the Iberian Peninsula and in some paintings that survived from medieval times the Berbers were portrayed as light-skinned and blond and red-haired.

I am not surprised :)
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Shadowcat said:
patrioticgentile_666 said:
Oh yeah, I remember HP Maxine's posts about the White Canaanites and White Egyptians, as language doesn't always dictate bloodline. I guess one can refer to them as "White Semitic-speaking" peoples, just like you have Arabic-speaking Blacks in Sudan.

Lebanese always had a very distinct-look. I guess it's way so many of the early Lebanese migrants to the United States had more White features than Arab.

There have also been (((studies from Harvard))) on genetics and these attempt to cover up the fact that whiteness was not always exclusive to Europe at one point (and obviously still is not). One idiot has a blog, calls himself "thuletide", and literally all he does is intellectually lazily regurgitates all this. He even admitted that he didn't think anything up that he puts on his blog but "just found it." but when I presented him with a whole bunch of info about the history of the region he just regurgitated the same (((harvard studies to me))) oy vey goy. whites were never there. (as the jew stresses to hide the fact that its arch enemies still thrive in the region today) One of our Gods had a mother from Sidon who was human. Sidon was a Canaanite city in present day Lebanon, and is still called such. The Gods would not race mix. Enough said? :lol:

MFW I realised one of our Gods was basically part Canaanite :eek:! But I am sure there are many others!
You could start a thread on Ancient people. :lol:
This really makes me think I should start study early history.. I'm kinda curious about my heritage but I heard a member say that we're not always born in the same region/bloodline even though we keep our Race (is it possible, as such, to change sub races? )

To me one will always ideally reincarnate to the closest subrace to them possible but if not at least to the main race they belong to, which will always be a given. Race and Gender always remain the same as well as overall phenotype in general.
Now humanity is finally coming to discover it's past again and their lies are fading, ultimately with humans moving again towards their Gods and spiritual development once again, like they always were doing in the past.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank you, it was instructive Commander ...
That's right we'll win, fuck you rats and everyone involved against as!
Ramses said:
im going to copy this post and use it for reference material in one of the books I'm writing its a bit like fantasy style books kind of like lord of the rings dragon age type world but im making the gods very prominent in the book once i finished drafting and writing it ill share a link so you can all have a bit of a read makes a lot of spiritual knowledge very blatant especially with runes although i did keep it a bit like fantasy style with magic use but none of this wands and reversed latin words business like they do in harry potter rather that runic hymns can be used to invoke certain powers to happen etc.

im also trying to make my guy go from being a money hoarding mercenary to being more of a hero character so it shows the progression pathway from someone new to satanism to someone who becomes an adept at it it heavily references norse and greek cultures especially where the dwarfs worship the norse style of gods but latter on when he visits the south to my version of Egypt ancient cultures will also refer to them as the Bes and some little known fairy folk are also going to be referenced as Pazuzu and a few other references such as direct interactions between certain gods so far he has only had dreams of and interactions with Lerajie and the Watch Tower the god who guards the gates of hell i also called this guy Himdal as i believe its the same entity might have to ask though but it would make sense as himdal also guards the gates of valhalla a few honourable mentions im sure that the gods would love such honourable mentions especially if it gets to be like game of thrones type level popular i want to show off their sigils as well and have a few references to the enemy actually being bad like i have a necromancer whom conveniently looks a lot like a jew and just so happens to be inside of a 9ft circle he sacrifices childeren in the book but unless i self publish i doubt that a publisher will let me keep that in there i will have to atleast change it to adult people i think none the less it will rasie a bit of subliminal awareness for people.

it also mentions a lot about meditation chakras and all that will be in the mage characters book i intend to make a proper series of books with characters from multiple books all meeting up to face down the main antagonist which is going to be like the jewish messiah and through a hard fight with these heros and the gods they banish the darkness completely.

I also thought about writing a "fictional magic" book but without taking the commitment of a series (though I dream of a tetralogy). Maybe if during the next years these kinds of books become popular, as in if more SS write books, people will start connecting them and suspect it's more than fantasy. You could add "Dedicated to the Joy of Satan" on the first page, where everyone writes "For my mother/readers/the universe etc etc" or add The JoS on the credits page. That makes me think, I read the post where HPS Maxine said the Gods were coming in 20 years, if in these 20 years people would get exposed to the Gods in a positive way, like if our SS that work in the entertainment, art, music, video games industry etc , if they would all make subliminals like that, maybe people would be more open to the Gods sooner.
The christards attack the serpent cause( it's bes Satan's) but when you look closely at their teachings, all snakes were cursed in the garden of eden fairy-tale,now why would the jewish god curse snakes? I'm sure it's the jewish thoughtform preventing the kundalini from rising, but I also like another explanation by a Scholar, who said it's the jewish god cursing pagans,pagans used imagery of snakes in their worship, then the jews came,the jews would sacrifice humans and animals that were sacred to pagans, then pagans would get angry attack the jews, an the jews would go (reeeeeeeeeeee wes bes victims goyims),
Ah yes, a question I've had even before my first encounter with JOS sites.

Glad that one is solved, and I also learned something new.

Wotanwarrior said:
Shadowcat said:
Wotanwarrior said:
The Phoenicians were also settled in the south of the Iberian Peninsula for centuries, many archaeological pieces found in the Spanish Levant are very similar to those of the Phoenicians as the famous Lady of Elche.
Even today is said that many southern Spaniards we have Phoenician and Roman ancestry.

Yes they did! Many also mixed with Romans later on. They fought for Hannibal in Carthage so some in North Africa also mixed with indigenous Amazeigh (berbers). Some Present day lebanese have Moroccan last names and berber or paleo berber haplogroups which is indicative of this. The nazis also deemed the indigenous Amazeigh to be aryan https://moroccan-family.com/2018/05/28/the-amazigh-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A3%D9%85%D8%A7%D8%B2%D9%8A%D8%BA/


German scientists at the time of Hitler declared that the Amazigh people were “Aryan” people to whom the Germans belonged and who considered them to be pure and high-class descendants of the human race. This is probably due to the similar anthropological characteristics of the Amazigh and Germans in terms of the prevalence of blond hair and colored eyes , And a study on the skull of the chromosomes and conducted by the world Henry Valois in 1944 confirmed the relationship between the genes of Amazigh and modern European man.

I wouldn't be surprised if some modern Spanish people also had some Berber blood as some also came to Spain.

The Barcidas family, to which Hannibal Barca belonged, also founded a city that still exists today called Cartagena, which means something like "New Carthage".
I forgot to mention it in the previous message about Berbers, besides during the Islamic invasions more people of Berber origin came to the Iberian Peninsula and in some paintings that survived from medieval times the Berbers were portrayed as light-skinned and blond and red-haired.

My inner mad scientist has officially flared once more, but I lack understanding and I particularity am interested in genes and how to alter them, and on hearing about several ragtag group of people who alter genes of different life forms, it makes me want to know how to alter genes.
I looked everywhere I could regarding understanding and even editing genes but found nothing, If anyone has anything I could analyze, let me know.
Ludwick said:
Ah yes, a question I've had even before my first encounter with JOS sites.

Glad that one is solved, and I also learned something new.

Wotanwarrior said:
Shadowcat said:
Yes they did! Many also mixed with Romans later on. They fought for Hannibal in Carthage so some in North Africa also mixed with indigenous Amazeigh (berbers). Some Present day lebanese have Moroccan last names and berber or paleo berber haplogroups which is indicative of this. The nazis also deemed the indigenous Amazeigh to be aryan https://moroccan-family.com/2018/05/28/the-amazigh-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A3%D9%85%D8%A7%D8%B2%D9%8A%D8%BA/

I wouldn't be surprised if some modern Spanish people also had some Berber blood as some also came to Spain.

The Barcidas family, to which Hannibal Barca belonged, also founded a city that still exists today called Cartagena, which means something like "New Carthage".
I forgot to mention it in the previous message about Berbers, besides during the Islamic invasions more people of Berber origin came to the Iberian Peninsula and in some paintings that survived from medieval times the Berbers were portrayed as light-skinned and blond and red-haired.

My inner mad scientist has officially flared once more, but I lack understanding and I particularity am interested in genes and how to alter them, and on hearing about several ragtag group of people who alter genes of different life forms, it makes me want to know how to alter genes.
I looked everywhere I could regarding understanding and even editing genes but found nothing, If anyone has anything I could analyze, let me know.

There is a lot that still needs to be understood from our part on the human genome. From what I recall in order for something to bind as far as codes in genes, and chemically, the two have to fit together like a puzzle piece. If you would want to modify this, the way the puzzle pieces so to speak would have to be artificially shaped differently to be made purposefully to bind to something else...this was my theory back in school anyway as I had a fascination with this for a time as well. I do not know if this is possible or if it has been done. I do know about CRISPR through with the deal on designer babies.

I am all for eugenics and editing out undesirable and weaker genes to make a stronger healthier offspring, lebensborn at that! but I also think there is still something missing from the knowledge of gene modification and this causes problems in the long term if I am not mistaken with health. I don't know if this counts for CRISPR, but GMO foods for example are also something that isn't the greatest for the human body. This is not because genetic modification is bad, but because I think there is something missing from this as far as knowledge, basically how to do it the exact proper way without long-term bad effects. A piece missing so to speak.

Father Satan knows the human blueprint back and forth, when you open enough you can inquire. There are also a lot of things with science that have been held back and corrupted so take care also as to what you absorb.
So just a couple quick questions, trying to fit this all together after all.
So do they want to kill all of mankind, or enslave all of mankind in some kind of mind control device? It seems like every post I see between here and everywhere else nobody can make up their mind which it is. If they can mind control you wouldn't they want MORE people to mind control not to kill them all? The only answer I've ever gotten that made sense to me is that the enemy actually have 2 ways of looking at things and half of them want mind control and the other half want everyone dead. Kinda like Democrat and Republican. This answer, it seems, would counter the argument they are a hive mind. Are they hive minded to their rulers and the rulers can't make up their mind?
Second question is does anyone know where the kazarians come into all this? I would love to have more info on this particular subject. From my understanding most of the original people we call the jews today are pretty much wiped out and the kazarians moved in and took over their names. Along with everything else they stole.
One of the things I always found interesting as well is that the paladin knight is always the one to storm the castle, kill the dragon, and save the maiden within. This post kinda puts that more into perspective...
VERY informative post guys, and I am loving the replies to this. I wish to thank all of you for the information.
patrioticgentile_666 said:
Shadowcat said:
patrioticgentile_666 said:
Many are Canaanite and Aramaic terms, see, the Hebrew language was nothing more but a malformed and cursed dialect of Canaanite and Aramaic, as well as hijacked forms of the other Semitic languages, such as Edomite, Phoenician, Moabite and etc., that the Reptilians and their "chosen race" human hosts decided to use, this is what we today today refer to as "Hebrew". Even the language itself is simply a cursed creation formed from hijacking and distorting something pre-existing. I truly hate seeing it.

Aramaic succeeded Canaanite as the dominant Semitic language, which became official language throughout the various Pagan Mesopotamian empires, it was also the dominant language spoken in most of the Roman Empire's Semitic-speaking territories (mind-you, while Arabic was spoken by certain Arab tribes in Roman Syria and Palestine, it was still a minor language in the Levant at the time), until once-more, the kikes and Xians hijacked Aramaic, and now every time you mention Aramaic, everyone starts to assume and label it the "langue of Rabbi Jebo".

I often refer to Canaanite as the "Semitic Sanskrit", one of the mothers of all the Semitic languages, NOT Hebrew as kike-loving psuedo-scientists want you to believe.

Remember, Semitic peoples are legitimate Gentiles, and are NOT JEWS which is why I absolutely hate the word "anti-Semitic", like what, jooz are the only Semitic race now? (from their PoV, YES) oy vey........

Yes, the jews have stolen things from many ancient languages and cultures including the ones named. The Canaanites however were not Semitic...Their descendants the Phoenecians were shown to have European DNA. The Canaanites and phoenecians are white and share about 95 percent of their DNA with many modern day lebanese.

Oh yeah, I remember HP Maxine's posts about the White Canaanites and White Egyptians, as language doesn't always dictate bloodline. I guess one can refer to them as "White Semitic-speaking" peoples, just like you have Arabic-speaking Blacks in Sudan.

Lebanese always had a very distinct-look. I guess it's way so many of the early Lebanese migrants to the United States had more White features than Arab.

Libyans ancient ones where white also.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
belzebub1988 said:
What has the Church done against Satan?
is Satan a Reptilian, an Anunnaki, a Nordic alien?

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

The name draconian comes from drako of Athens, one who uses the rules to his advantage an dictates extreme punishments such as miserable death for small offenses.

Then came Solon the father of democracy, a shining sun of justice.
Each man is an animal and not a subject.

The human dragon on earth has the head of a hippo, and the whiskers of a catfish, the ears of a steer and the teeth of a wolf. and the eyes of a tiger and the antlers of the stag. The claws of the eagle and the body of the snake. The muscles of a grizzly and the scales of a salmon. The tail of a tadpole and the fires bellows of the bullfrog.

The human being is the soul of all these things together, the dragon represents the beginning and the end of all life, the hunter and the hunted. The elements equally, each color, a neuter flame

The human soul is the dragon, with the natures of all the animals on earth into one naked monkey form. We are this divine human avatar with our limbs and our faces. The true figure of the zenith of evolution

Give or take the imbalances that give us our character and personality
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Ramses said:
im going to copy this post and use it for reference material in one of the books I'm writing its a bit like fantasy style books kind of like lord of the rings dragon age type world but im making the gods very prominent in the book once i finished drafting and writing it ill share a link so you can all have a bit of a read makes a lot of spiritual knowledge very blatant especially with runes although i did keep it a bit like fantasy style with magic use but none of this wands and reversed latin words business like they do in harry potter rather that runic hymns can be used to invoke certain powers to happen etc.

im also trying to make my guy go from being a money hoarding mercenary to being more of a hero character so it shows the progression pathway from someone new to satanism to someone who becomes an adept at it it heavily references norse and greek cultures especially where the dwarfs worship the norse style of gods but latter on when he visits the south to my version of Egypt ancient cultures will also refer to them as the Bes and some little known fairy folk are also going to be referenced as Pazuzu and a few other references such as direct interactions between certain gods so far he has only had dreams of and interactions with Lerajie and the Watch Tower the god who guards the gates of hell i also called this guy Himdal as i believe its the same entity might have to ask though but it would make sense as himdal also guards the gates of valhalla a few honourable mentions im sure that the gods would love such honourable mentions especially if it gets to be like game of thrones type level popular i want to show off their sigils as well and have a few references to the enemy actually being bad like i have a necromancer whom conveniently looks a lot like a jew and just so happens to be inside of a 9ft circle he sacrifices childeren in the book but unless i self publish i doubt that a publisher will let me keep that in there i will have to atleast change it to adult people i think none the less it will rasie a bit of subliminal awareness for people.

it also mentions a lot about meditation chakras and all that will be in the mage characters book i intend to make a proper series of books with characters from multiple books all meeting up to face down the main antagonist which is going to be like the jewish messiah and through a hard fight with these heros and the gods they banish the darkness completely.

I also thought about writing a "fictional magic" book but without taking the commitment of a series (though I dream of a tetralogy). Maybe if during the next years these kinds of books become popular, as in if more SS write books, people will start connecting them and suspect it's more than fantasy. You could add "Dedicated to the Joy of Satan" on the first page, where everyone writes "For my mother/readers/the universe etc etc" or add The JoS on the credits page. That makes me think, I read the post where HPS Maxine said the Gods were coming in 20 years, if in these 20 years people would get exposed to the Gods in a positive way, like if our SS that work in the entertainment, art, music, video games industry etc , if they would all make subliminals like that, maybe people would be more open to the Gods sooner.

Maybe after the book series gets published and made popular then in the updated version when every goes to buy the latest version of the book add that in or if they make an anime or TV series have it made blatantly obvious
Ramses said:
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Ramses said:
im going to copy this post and use it for reference material in one of the books I'm writing its a bit like fantasy style books kind of like lord of the rings dragon age type world but im making the gods very prominent in the book once i finished drafting and writing it ill share a link so you can all have a bit of a read makes a lot of spiritual knowledge very blatant especially with runes although i did keep it a bit like fantasy style with magic use but none of this wands and reversed latin words business like they do in harry potter rather that runic hymns can be used to invoke certain powers to happen etc.

im also trying to make my guy go from being a money hoarding mercenary to being more of a hero character so it shows the progression pathway from someone new to satanism to someone who becomes an adept at it it heavily references norse and greek cultures especially where the dwarfs worship the norse style of gods but latter on when he visits the south to my version of Egypt ancient cultures will also refer to them as the Bes and some little known fairy folk are also going to be referenced as Pazuzu and a few other references such as direct interactions between certain gods so far he has only had dreams of and interactions with Lerajie and the Watch Tower the god who guards the gates of hell i also called this guy Himdal as i believe its the same entity might have to ask though but it would make sense as himdal also guards the gates of valhalla a few honourable mentions im sure that the gods would love such honourable mentions especially if it gets to be like game of thrones type level popular i want to show off their sigils as well and have a few references to the enemy actually being bad like i have a necromancer whom conveniently looks a lot like a jew and just so happens to be inside of a 9ft circle he sacrifices childeren in the book but unless i self publish i doubt that a publisher will let me keep that in there i will have to atleast change it to adult people i think none the less it will rasie a bit of subliminal awareness for people.

it also mentions a lot about meditation chakras and all that will be in the mage characters book i intend to make a proper series of books with characters from multiple books all meeting up to face down the main antagonist which is going to be like the jewish messiah and through a hard fight with these heros and the gods they banish the darkness completely.

I also thought about writing a "fictional magic" book but without taking the commitment of a series (though I dream of a tetralogy). Maybe if during the next years these kinds of books become popular, as in if more SS write books, people will start connecting them and suspect it's more than fantasy. You could add "Dedicated to the Joy of Satan" on the first page, where everyone writes "For my mother/readers/the universe etc etc" or add The JoS on the credits page. That makes me think, I read the post where HPS Maxine said the Gods were coming in 20 years, if in these 20 years people would get exposed to the Gods in a positive way, like if our SS that work in the entertainment, art, music, video games industry etc , if they would all make subliminals like that, maybe people would be more open to the Gods sooner.

Maybe after the book series gets published and made popular then in the updated version when every goes to buy the latest version of the book add that in or if they make an anime or TV series have it made blatantly obvious

Do you think it is safe to post it here before it's published? We're not only SS here, some are infiltrators. They could publish it before you. We can read it after you finish it, and advertise :twisted:
But do the so called reptilians even look reptilian, or was this name only given to them to associate them with the Dragon and Father Satan? I think this is the case. And the theory with Alfa Draconis that again may not be true, in my opinion was put there to "validate " this fact.
Draconian and Demon, both beautiful. Draconian seems so beautiful to regard the highest Gods/Goddesses as. I had not heard of this before, in reference to jews. I don't usually study them on the web or in art or whatever else I do.

Draco and Lucius in Harry Potter now just seems even more intentionally placed there and made them out to be the worst. Then there's "khaleesi" "mother of dragons" in Game of Thrones. Obviously a million other Dragon and Draco allegories in pop culture with bright haired characters. The Witcher, another one. I've kind of become a fan of some of the recent shows and movies that have come out, obviously. I use to hate tv. My mind was blown when Frozen came out. Lol.

I did look up Draconian on Google and it came up with talk about "draconian law" as a term for tyranny coined in Greece initially for harsh use of rule and then another first thing that came up was reference to Nazi Germany as "Draconian". A backhanded use of the word.

Hope this isn't off topic. I can't wait for the updated page.
OmegaWraith said:
Second question is does anyone know where the kazarians come into all this? I would love to have more info on this particular subject. From my understanding most of the original people we call the jews today are pretty much wiped out and the kazarians moved in and took over their names. Along with everything else they stole.

I've been seeing people talk about the kazarians also.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
