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The Black Sun of The Slavs by Edward Lonsa (Slavic Fairy Tales. Flying Animals. The Goryn / Gorynych Serpent.)


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2022

Slavic Fairy Tales​

Folk tales are the strongest carriers of knowledge, and often the most enduring. They are preserved where nothing else is preserved but the memory of our Gentile Mysteries. One can often see from them what and from where this or that Jewish program has stolen.

Here, for example, islam and its stolen, clearly Gentile origin, magic flying horse, Al-Burak, which supposedly carried a famous pedophile to the 7th heaven.

Flying Animals

The expression "being in the 7th heaven" means great pleasure and a feeling of bliss. This feeling comes naturally from meditating on the 7th (Crown) chakra as well as the pineal gland (Moon chakra). "The heavens/levels of heaven, the various heavens" are the chakras. So, in almost all peoples of the world you can find the legend of the flying horse - just look at how many flying horses there are in Russian folk tales alone! http://ru-skazki.ru/animals-glossary&animal=1715.html - they each have 6 wings, 12 wings - hence the Jews stole their seraphim and cherubs.

"Veinemainen forged for himself a horse as light as a straw, on which he could ride both on the waters and on dry land."

Note, many of the horses belong to the Serpents. In particular, The Goryn himself [the most well-known Serpent / Dragon in all Slav legends] had a magic horse. And often Serpent Gods of all nations ride on magic animals or objects. Such are Ivan on the Grey Wolf (unprecedented speed of riding = flight), Freya on cats or lynxes, Baba-Yaga on a stupa (sometimes objects are replaced by the living means of transport) or Ivan on the Hunchback Horse. In the Middle East you can find Goddesses on camels, from which the quran stole its baby for rape, "aisha".

These are all symbols of Freedom of the Soul, animals - in all Ancient peoples - are mysterious magical forces of the human Soul, giving it freedom, being properly "tamed" and "subdued", so these Horses and Horses, going back to Pegasus and Sleipnir, are very difficult to saddle and hold, as is Pegasus himself, according to legends. These forces must be dealt with, to begin with finding them at all. To do this, the hero goes into the field at night and watches the appearance of this creature, which first "tramples the crops," that is, being wild and primordial, can wreak havoc. The hero meditates and finds the cause of the problems, and "tames" it, i.e. submits it to his human will, directing it to good works. Then it gives him a Hunchback Horse, which allows him to get away with it and even travel to other worlds.

This is no different from how many Ancient civilized and primitive peoples depicted the Gods with the heads of birds - this is the symbol of Spiritual Freedom, since it is inherent to the bird to fly where no man can penetrate. Thus, Thoth Trismegistus, traveling through the worlds, was depicted with the head of a bird, and some savage peoples have preserved the image of the Priest or Enlightened One as a bird-man.

The Goryn / Gorynych Serpent

Zmei Goryn or Zmei Gorynych (Zmei means Serpent in Russian, Goryn means The One Who Burns, because in Ruissian language GORYET (ГОРЕТЬ) means TO BURN) – traditional European and Slavic image of the fire-breathing Dragon is completely unconcealed, clear and without any doubt, it is an image of the Snake of Satan, hot as the flame of Vulcan. In all legends - Western, Russian - there is this image of the Dragon, Basilisk or a giant and incredibly powerful Snake, such as Jormungand. All this is the central image of all our Ancient Mysteries, the pledge of human immortality and absolute power, which ended in the Bible in the image of the Serpent Tempter (Tempter of Eternal Life and Divine Power - the center of all our worship) is the Kundalini, which rises along the spine in the Great Work / Magnum Opus. The hero who defeats the Serpent is the Man who takes possession of this divine absolute power given by the Serpent and turns it to the service of himself, making it his own unlimited divine power.

The Russian words ГОРА (the mountain) and ГОРЕТЬ (to burn) have the same root. The mountain was forever the symbol of the spine column and the way of the Serpent of Satan up the spine. Also the Russian word ГОРОД (the city) has the same root because the city is something you built from the earth to the sky which is symbolic of your Satanic Path and the Way of the Serpent in the same time. As, for example, the Russian word for «pandemonium» (being used to describe not the Capital of Hell, but just the extremely huge city or buildings) which refers to the legend of the Tower of Babel, and the Tower of Babel is the image of the spinal column and the raising of the Serpent to the "heavens", i.e. the 7th chakra. This is why the Hebrew god brought it down, just as he once dethroned the Serpent from "heaven" to earth (under the base chakra) - all the same legend. Hence the Serpent, who lives in the mountains (elevation, part of the earth, going into the sky), he is also the Serpent, who "burns", i.e. breathes fire.

Read more about Gorynych here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zmei_(Russian)

The Slavic God Veles / Volos is also the Serpent God.

"In the Tatras there is a tale of the dragon Voloshin (the dragon and the devil are a pair); where he fell, Mount Voloshin appeared.

"The Children of Voloshin" is called the constellation of the Pleiades for their seven stars, which have become symbols of the seven chakras for many peoples.

"The tales of the Lithuanian people mention the devil Velnes, hiding in a log barn or in a domestic hearth." - i.e., in the sacred tree of the soul and in the lower chakra (the hot Snake lies under the root chakra)."

The Serpents, i.e., the entire Serpent People or the Serpent Race, were the Divas or Divine People, aka the giants, aka the Luminous People. Many words and character names, including Baba-Yaga, go back to the words meaning Serpents. See more below.

Now, another extremely common image among all the Aryan peoples of Europe and Russia is that of an orphan girl whose mother died and who lives with her stepmother, who does not love her because she is not her own daughter. Also constantly found is a group of fairy tales-epics about the battle of the Slavic heroes with non-Slavic peoples and non-White races, such as the Polovtsians and Tatars.

Author: Edward Lonsa
Translator: Edward Lonsa
(translated from Russian into English by Edward Lonsa)


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
