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Spiritual Satanism Year 2080

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
There is a very particular thing in the current time of Spiritual Satanism existing. Nor bad or ideal, but very particular.

On one hand, we come too early. People are still afraid, brainwashed, lied to and scared. Depending on ranges from outright robotized into an enemy drone, to people who are partly free, the situation is only now becoming better. Therefore the enemy control is still very strong. On the other hand, we could not by any means come later - this would be deadly and devastating for where this world is heading.

So we can say we are late, early, but also in time at the same moment.

It's becoming better because of our spiritual warfare.

However at the pace and how this civilization has evolved after the momentary loss of the National Socialists in WW2, the jewish power has ascended to heights of might impossible to topple by normal means.

The people who are supposedly 'waking up', are only going around an awakening which has started before. They move extremely, extremely slowly. The jews in the next two decades would have been controlling their brains with nanobots, and these people hug trees and they pretend they know everything. They as such preach defeatism as they see this very fact. In other words this war, realistically speaking, and without us existing, would be lost. Humanity would be destroyed.

The Gods however do not sit idle. In order to dissect a rapid growing tumor, the Gods have picked people who can see past the barrier of massive brainwashing, throughforms, mass confusion, and many other aspects. And they banded us here as a unit to turn the above into Victory, against circumstances largely impossible. Truly impossible. The average "Pagan" or the most virulent anti-christians, have never succeeded in doing anything serious to the enemy. This is because the Gods do not just throw their secrets around.

As they had no knowledge and no influence whats-over. Fear of the 'dark side' prevented them of seeing the True Light hidden in the Dark Side. Our affinity and bravery to cross over through the 'dark portal', is actually proof of our decisiveness in what our aspirations are. Many people blame us for this but they are dependent on us whether they admit it or like it or not. Sometimes it's almost as if they prayed to die instead rather than accept their position in this whole thing.

What is impossible for them is fully possible for us. We are not bound by the same possibilities nor the same knowledge limitation. The Gods give knowledge. Therefore we do not have the same rules on possibilities.

The people that now question us and speak of us in disrespect, after the enemy is destroyed, they will come begging for forgiveness. Satan's name will be practiced as SA-TA-NA-MA and people will massively become Nagas again, which is the rising of the Serpent. Sooner or later the world will understand our objective.

Imagine how impossible it has been to get Hitler to be understood again. After closely a century of lies. We achieved this and it happened largely. Now everyone knows what actually went down. Little by little, level by level, people woke up to the fact that this man came only to help, fighting against time. And giving us time as a result.

Same as Hitler and the NS, we come before our time. Way before. Hitler would be understood quite possibly one century later, as in the average person conveying the full message of their struggle. He came way before. Linearly speaking our appearance was deserved on the planet at 2080 or deep well into the Age of Aquarius. When people would have knowledge and further understanding. However the enemy makes that impossible and the Gods demand we lift the spiritual dross out of humanity to build the future.

In essence, we are the ones sacrificing, unto ourselves and to save the masses from their so called major wrongdoings. The enemy has hijacked this story. This is from Odyssey, Odysseus loses his kingdom and it becomes occupied by the cesspool of life. He has no allies, but he has the Gods on his side. Every power is against him. His form is changed and nobody understands him, he receives only ridicule. But when Odysseus absolves his kingdom, he gains his crown again.

We are fighting against time, and we are giving the world further time. Our battle will be remembered in the ages, but the most important thing people should focus on is their standing with the Gods. For they will be on our side forever and we must not disappoint those who love and protect us so dearly.

Our war currently lies in 'year 2018', but the greatness of this struggle will affect circumstances in aeons to come.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Great sermon as usual!
As we are on the topic of war, I have a question about the Shema RTR. Is it necessary that I follow after it with the other RTRs, or does it have an independent effect?
StraitShot47 said:
This whole time I thought we were late...

We are on time, there is stil time.

If everyone here does what one can do, we are just fine. If not even 100 years ago it would be too late.

The reason we have been seeing gradual advancement is because of pleasant spirirual labor of others from many generations. We do our part and we will be fine and win.
Transylvanian_SS_leader said:
Great sermon as usual!
As we are on the topic of war, I have a question about the Shema RTR. Is it necessary that I follow after it with the other RTRs, or does it have an independent effect?

Indepentently it works too. However of what use is to use plenty of spiritual gazoline and not throw a little match later...
I am going to be on this path for the rest of my life. Everyday ill follow through and help carry this torch. This banner of the Almighty Satan. I couldnt ever go back on that even if i wanted to. which I would never. Not want to follow through. And advance and be strong. Regardless of the bad days here and there. We all can do this. Slow and steady...but spiritually ruthless and eternally determined. This is our destiny and our true purpose. There is nothing more amazing. Then seeing ourselves advance. And knowing someday. We will be like the gods.
Thanks for this sermon, HoodedCobra. I feel very fortunate to have people like you bringing such inspiring and assuring words.

Heil to our Gods!
Heil Hitler, our Beloved AntiChrist!
HeilOdin666 said:
"As they had no knowledge and no influence whats-over. Fear of the 'dark side' prevented them of seeing the True Light hidden in the Dark Side."

Yes, what part you do not understand of this creative metaphor. Satanism even us here are assosciated with the dark side and darkness, mistakenly, for too long.

First of all with this above and your talk about a dark portal I think only the clergy and nobody else has a clue what you are referring to. I really don't think any readers here know anything of a dark portal.  To them they are just poetic mysteries or a fairytale.

I am talking about a dark portal in my backyard. It's big and huge and I push people through it that have zero idea where they are going...*Sarcasm included*. We kept this secret laid down for too long...Thank you for discovering it...You truly saved lots of people now by your major discovery of this major JoS secret.

Or simply it's called a metaphor. And everyone got exactly what I meant. Except you.

And I don't follow you with this fear of the dark side. Nobody knows what it is you are referring to. Thus they cannot be scared of something they have never seen, understood or conceptualized.

I do not follow the fear of the dark side either. But the majority of the planet does. And they are dead scared of Satan and what they consider as darkness but which is true light.

Are people who don't understand and have never heard the word "Bigfoot" afraid of Bigfoot? No. They can't possibly be afraid of Bigfoot until they even recognise the existence of the concept to begin with.

Yeah, ok? And? I guess nothing here moving on.

No different than this supposed fear of the dark side that you mention. And even if this is true and a false fear of the "dark side" is a problem among people. You can see by the questions I have raised that we are a million miles away from solving this problem when we can't even show what this problem is and that it exists.

No we are not. Everyone has heard the defamations about our "kind", just go out and tell a few people you are a Satanist what kind of stares will you get...

"Our affinity and bravery to cross over through the 'dark portal', is actually proof of our decisiveness in what our aspirations are."

This is called a metaphor. People are here due to successfully breaking incessant brainwashing and conditioning. Which shows they are serious about their longings be these power, truth, or enlightenment.

This portal that nobody has seen and nobody can describe is proof of
(insert virtue)_______. So just take my word on it guys.

Here you start to go full kike. This is not about "my word" this is about the direct proof that all Satanists here go past socially induced fear to take major decisions, which nobody else wants to make due to false fear, to move towards enlightenment.

I am not trying to be mean or name call. But this does remind me a bit of how jews create false artificial justifications for (insert virtue/status)________. It's the exact same thing in appearance and effect to the outside observer. Just as with the jews who claim all kinds of titles based on randomly created justifications.

If I told people that if you are born fat this is a thing to feel proud, that would be fitting in your described category. Your thinking has very vague gaps in it, even how you categorize things.

But what is stated here is simple, I congratulate and celebrate the event that people moved past the incessant brainwashing since infancy to take on this upward road. Which is fully real and literal. I just bring this fact in the front. The Gods even help people specifically because of the very essence of the above. So what crap are you talking about, that it has to do with "what I said"...

Here you went full kike on your reply. Accussing me indirectly and baselessly because you are dumb. Which is mere braindead zombie verbal assault on your behalf. Based on a general statement about what jews are doing when there is zero of such happening in the post. If you even thought it happened and you wanted to show it as such...It's only because you wanted it to be that way when it was not. Or because you lack the mind to understand it was not.

You wish it existed like the mighty secret portal through which buckethead comes to earth but we are keeping a secret from you...

Or Science comes to conclusions based on murky mathematical justifications which only a Rabbi trickster could follow. So the conclusion is just accepted by the masses.

Yeah, gravity must also be a murky conclusion. Because some jews like Dr Noel Ignatiev claim they are scientists. People do not accept gravity because they feel that way but because it's a fact. Jews put people to accept fully illogical things contrary to their interest cause of their feelings. Another underhanded assault in your reply here towards me...

I DO NOT believe these comparisons are actually true about you or JoS. I have many reasons to believe in the validity of many things. But it's not true that John Smith who joined yesterday has a never ending well in his back yard with "benefit of the doubt" inscribed above it. He might believe these comparisons. And they are made against us by our enemies. They are extremely successful in this.

Yeah, let me know what descriptions fit better on that one on what the JoS is and how it's perceived. For I know all too well both in and out. As for the other incoherent statement on John Smith that makes no sense...Alright I guess.

People will never be more than fractionally engaged unless understanding and commitment to a higher goal is transferred to them. And this isn't happening now from what I have shown. I am sure you can see the truth of what I am saying and the problems that are created. Nobody is eager to jump through any portal.

Here is the ultimate attack on your post based not only on flat jealousy, the need to subvert what someone else talks about because of either trolling or mental incapacity. But further purposeful presentation of things that do not exist.

I replied so that you do not think I am simply being "mean" to you. It is what it is and the conclusion is as follows. It's either your thinking is stupid and you do not put it forth properly because you try to sound more clever, or that you are clever and you communicate things in a stupid manner trying to sound cleverer than you are.

Ultimately sounding like not only stupid but very underhanded in both situations.

...Or that you are just flat out trolling and a shit person...Who likes to attempt shitting posting...
Dear. Gods.

I just LOVE how someone can be so supremely stoopid as to think their mental weakness won't be shown out for just what it is: mental weakness.

Our Gods are supreme. And our Priesthood know what the fuck they are speaking of.

Are they perfect? No. Not by any means.

Do they have knowledge and wisdom greater to most? Absolutely. This is why they have been chosen by our Gods to help to lead us all to our own ability to become more wise and knowledgeable.

I trust my Gods. Ergo, I trust our Priesthood. Do I do so blindly? No. I take what they say and apply my Gods given ability of discernment. And thus far, I have found our Priesthood to be spot on in everything they have said.

We must ever be diligent to look upon what some here offer up to us. Even I, as someone that isn't even close to the sum of knowledge and wisdom of our Priesthood, can see a troll for a troll, and not someone that is merely seeking edification and elucidation on what has been offered.
It is a fact that humans themselves wouldn't be able to survive in the future. Either humans may adapt or perish in the future world, this I say based on Pollution, where the air we breathe is getting more and more polluted. The water available is not of good quality, even if you use the most high tech purifiers, the quality wouldn't be the purest. Same with the food. Hot environment..
The Complete stuffs you may already be aware.

Thing is ..
In ancient times, humans and animals both had made natural genetic changes in their bodies based on the environment they lived, this adaption helped them prosper. Well, look at the world now, most humans cannot even walk straight with an erect spine, What kind of evolution or adaption we can hope for the future? If you study, then there's just end for humans, though it be far long, it's a matter of concern.

In our case, the things can be different for us.
Amongst us who develop spiritually can make extraordinary genetic changes, and this is a must.

We will win this war for sure, as we WILL have peoples rush to the internet and landing on JoyofSatan to get answers, when none of their prayers to their fake God will answer to them, also no processed western jewish medicine to cure their pains. (Just drop side effects)

But, the aim of JoyofSatan is to elevate peoples.

Defeating the Jewish System is our concern, but advancent is our aim.

All paths lead to Satan, who is real, legit truth.

This is my advice to the peoples who read our forums, either be of the enemy or be one who just wants answers to life.
Satan and his demons will help
..As They Are Helping
Again, my respect and salute to all Brothers & Sisters.
Our empire should be built far before than 2080.
Haha.. HP Cobra, the time should be 2040 at least. Well, we will work hard. :)

In my opinion, there is no genetic change needed. At least not for adapting to pollution. We don't have to taint ourselves to adapt to this plague. On a higher level, pollution is due to the death cloud that surrounds our planet, made by the Torah curse, and by the enemy control on the energy grid of the planet. Once we gain back control, we can reverse that over time. I'm sure that those working in environmental careers will be tasked by default with the upkeep of the environment, with both spiritual and material means.
Cobra you are right and I am sorry. I am wrong.

You have every right to point out and take issue with my character flaws. You have every right to be upset with everything that happened here. I glitched straight into full retard mode.

I don't care about the original point in all of this. I don't care about saving my image and looking good.

I went about the discussion of that in the worst way possible. I wont even attempt to salvage my discussion of that point.

You don't deserve this.

The reason I come here is because I have rough edges to sand. And flaws to fix. I am a shipwreck survivor from the boat called my life. See proof in my above comments.

I don't intend to troll people, upet them or attack them for no reason. But I cannot virtue signal here. Because I let my own shit get in the way of everyone else and that's not right.

I am sorry and I take responsibility for being an idiot.
so much drama over a simple and yet beautiful metaphor in this short and couraging post... i do understand everything hoodedcobra says, and i do like it alot when he uses metaphors, i am myself such a person i always talk in metaphors when explaining things to others, those are like the best examples one can give so people to understand it... and yet some others dont... which reminds me of my problem with virgo and libra (me being pisces), because those signs (from my perspective) have trouble understanding things and usually complicate where the things are pretty simple that they cant get any more "simplier" than they are...

so lets just enjoy this post for what it is, its a statement of our wins and wins to come if all of us stay on the way so... lets just all stay on the way alright?... and stop making a drama over a simple metaphor... this is why problems among people exist
HeilOdin666 said:
Cobra you are right and I am sorry. I am wrong.

You have every right to point out and take issue with my character flaws. You have every right to be upset with everything that happened here. I glitched straight into full retard mode.

I don't care about the original point in all of this. I don't care about saving my image and looking good.

I went about the discussion of that in the worst way possible. I wont even attempt to salvage my discussion of that point.

You don't deserve this.

The reason I come here is because I have rough edges to sand. And flaws to fix. I am a shipwreck survivor from the boat called my life. See proof in my above comments.

I don't intend to troll people, upet them or attack them for no reason. But I cannot virtue signal here. Because I let my own shit get in the way of everyone else and that's not right.

I am sorry and I take responsibility for being an idiot.

Okay. I deleted your comment because it was simply toxic. I approve toxicity to solve it, it's against my interest, I can simply ban comments and that's it. However do not take this too far. You have also trolled and baseline insulted HP Don in the past and he deserved it neither. He is one of the most hardworking clergy as well.

The Clergy is here due to personal choice to work for everyone, due to mass sacrifice, and due to devoting their life to the cause and everyone here. People complain about one job, but how about having one job that is 24/7, one normal day job, and then extra things you shove in the schedule as well?

Clergy is to serve basically, you live a life of work and serving others. I sleep, wake up, live and die while thinking about the people here. And I still have extremely high tolerance for shit.

Which makes me think you can build one as well....
To high priest /ess (s)

you just saved my soul and my life and i think for a lot of us
so from the bottom of my soul thank you , thank you for all of your work , effort , time, sacrifice for all of us.

i wish you will NEVER die and reach the magnum opus.

And whatever the circumstance and years are , i will stand with my brothers here , because it have to be done.


Hail SATAN!!

Hail high priest(s) and priestess(s)!!
HoodedCobra666 said:
HeilOdin666 said:
Cobra you are right and I am sorry. I am wrong.

You have every right to point out and take issue with my character flaws. You have every right to be upset with everything that happened here. I glitched straight into full retard mode.

I don't care about the original point in all of this. I don't care about saving my image and looking good.

I went about the discussion of that in the worst way possible. I wont even attempt to salvage my discussion of that point.

You don't deserve this.

The reason I come here is because I have rough edges to sand. And flaws to fix. I am a shipwreck survivor from the boat called my life. See proof in my above comments.

I don't intend to troll people, upet them or attack them for no reason. But I cannot virtue signal here. Because I let my own shit get in the way of everyone else and that's not right.

I am sorry and I take responsibility for being an idiot.

Okay. I deleted your comment because it was simply toxic. I approve toxicity to solve it, it's against my interest, I can simply ban comments and that's it. However do not take this too far. You have also trolled and baseline insulted HP Don in the past and he deserved it neither. He is one of the most hardworking clergy as well.

The Clergy is here due to personal choice to work for everyone, due to mass sacrifice, and due to devoting their life to the cause and everyone here. People complain about one job, but how about having one job that is 24/7, one normal day job, and then extra things you shove in the schedule as well?

Clergy is to serve basically, you live a life of work and serving others. I sleep, wake up, live and die while thinking about the people here. And I still have extremely high tolerance for shit.

Which makes me think you can build one as well....

Don this goes for you as well. And anybody else who i have wronged, clergy or members. Cobra is right. Believe it or not I do actually like you, despite whatever you may think of me. To be truthful I enjoy your material a lot. What you put out time after time is great. You all have my respect. I am sorry.

I know sometimes I can get off track with my approach. Which is something I hope to correct. Here we have clergy who have taken the hardest job in the world. Every person here has within them the finest material. A collection of precious gems.

I don't ever wake up and decide to cast the gems to the floor because I felt like being an evil dick that day. But with poor approach and a bit of imbalance it might just happen, as was the case here. You'd be surprised how quick it can happen without really even setting out to accomplish such a thing. In a way I share the distaste with all of you.

I don't say this to make excuses that take away anyone's feelings. Or to give myself a reason to not fix my shortcomings. But maybe someone else can learn from my mistakes.
HeilOdin666 said:

you are one of those rare people here on the forum who actually admit their mistakes, apologize, stay on the forum and work to make themselves better and all is good :D while others just pop, tell us all to fuck off and leave the forums and say how stupid we all are because we are unable to help someone or because someone decides to call themselves biological son of Satan (some do know who i mean...), soooo you are not that case, all is good :D
Godmode said:

In this particular situation in regards to the whole incident, the song could go "Oh lawd please don't make me sound like a troll"...
Thank you Hp hooded cobra even if hitler is not here at the current time , there are many hitlers around the world..and this struggle will not stop until we restore our lands and our freedome...the jews did a very big mistake by taking our world and yet they keep doing mistakes that lead to thier destruction. However i dont think all jews meditate..maybe the importent once...knowing this fact...why we fear ???
Hello to all united Comrades of Satan

I think that being an active Satanist it's quite frustrating nowadays because you got the Truth but you can not easily share it around moreover due to what the enemy has done on energy (and material) level you cannot easily touch the results of your work as well....I see myself like a man in the desert who is making an umbrella because it will rain meanwhile everybody around doesn't still know what the rain is...of course when it will rain lots of them will ask for umbrella but it will be too late to make one....when i feel too off i try to remember that i am lucky because I got a chance to make a revolution in and out of me today...we are already rising and I will see the time where they will pay the big bill

Hail Satan
HoodedCobra666 said:
Godmode said:

In this particular situation in regards to the whole incident, the song could go "Oh lawd please don't make me sound like a troll"...

Lol, yes exactly. I was going to try to summarize it with something clever but it was simply just too retarded of a thing to happen.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
