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SATAN'S DAY RITUAL - 23rd to 29th Of December - Happy Yule Wishes!

Melvin said:
First question, is it normal to feel that you are still connected to the energies of the ritual even after finishing it ? That is what I am feeling and it seems strange, I would like to know if it is normal.

Yes, very normal.

Melvin said:
The second question is, are we connecting with the ritual? I ask this because one thing I noticed in this rite, is that the last 4 mantras used are Sanskrit mantras, Sat, Satya, Satanama, Satan, and as it was said before, whenever we use Sanskrit mantras we invoke the energy of the mantra, and consequently we are connected to the ritual, if this is true for this one, is there any effect ?

You need to look within to see the effects, as in meditating on it.
I just did this new ritual. It is absolutely beautiful! The energy reminded me of how i felt after my dedication.How could i be so silly....i was going on earlier about how i felt my guardian predicted this date the 21st for me on thanksgiving for whatever reason. i thought at first i was being reminded of yule or something else...sure somethings came to pass on this day....but i just registered shortly after i was finished here, that this special ritual came out today and that many of us started it tonight! Surely he was telling me of this! I am so happy for it.

Also with the runes. I personally use the crystals/stones that are said to go with each rune when i do workings. i actually carved them into each stone they go well with an i use them to ampify the energy and power. Feel free to do this to amplify the ritual! :). The info on the runes and what crystals they go to are on the elder furthark page, but with others you can also improvise. Sowilo for example calls for a diamond but most of us will not have a chunk of diamond laying around...so use clear quartz or perhaps another crystal that connects to the sun.

When i started and was holding the stones with the runes carved into them in my hands i felt like i was being told to hold the feminine ones in my right hand and the more masculine ones in my left. I did so.

After the ritual i felt a bit of a kundalini surge. The energy was beautiful!
Hail Satan!
Thank you for this, High Priest. I just had two questions about it:
1) Should we still do the Final RTR (all 3 parts) during these dates? Allowing enough time between the Final RTR and the Satan's Day ritual, of course
2) I'm still a bit confused on vibrating SAT and SATANAMA as I haven't done those before, does anyone have an audio link? Is SAT just vibrating like the first part of SATANAS?
The feeling of energy from this ritual, I feel has now words to describe it. The Resonance is really long lasting. The energy is so pure. It's like I'm trying to feel for truly a glimpse of Satan's energy. So much purity from its resonance.
Recycler1337 said:
FuckYu_666 said:
The energy in this post is fantastic, Merry Christmas to all!!!
I was wondering, will it be possible to do the ritual on normal days as well as this programme?
But this is the enemy name of the holiday, we celebrate Yule, or is it a joke-sarcasm?Well its little blow my mind) happy Yule to all and thank you for the wonderful ritual, Cobra, unfortunately I can not vibrate at night (and daytime is not always) because I live not alone, with a strong mental concentration, mind say, ritual still work?
The translator translates Yule as "Natale", so I thought the same could be used (just noticed)
But if I write "Natale" it is translated as "chirstmas".
Happy Yule to every Spiritual Satanist here!

Beautiful sermon, and about Satan choosing the darkest night to be His night.

Beautiful ritual, too. Incredible power.

FuckYu_666 said:

Fuck off with that blasphemous bullshit. HAPPY YULE. We do not tolerate xianity here. (I see mod changed it from the full spelling to the X)
Wuaaaah, I teared up reading the ritual!! I'm really looking forward to doing this, this makes me SO happy!!!

Thank you HP! :D
Happy Yule to everyone!! <3 :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

OpenMind2 said:
Also, all the information on the forum(quality ones) at a time in the future, will be awesome to be put in a full site, which have in it every piece of quality information and completation of information , from posts and comments, like a JOY OF SATAN without pdfs just pages full of complete and latest information from the community.
Ah yes, I also believe this would be an awesome idea, and I'm sure HP HoodedCobra has it in the back of his head as well. However, we do need to realize that he's just one person, and so we need to be patient with something like this as there are other, more important things that are currently running in the background (eg forum moderation, new rituals etc etc) that he needs to take care of.

One step at a time. :)
Thank you Commander Cobra, for the lovely sermons on Yule. As a kid, it was always a magical time for me, still is, now even more, knowing what I know.
Thank you for this Ritual, a beautiful gift to our Beloved Father Satan. I will do my best to perform all of it during the whole schedule.

I would like to ask, is there something special about being born on Satan’s day? I am hoping this ritual will help them get a glimpse of the Blue Light on this special day for both our Father Satan and them.

This year was the most fulfilling and the most important in my Satanic Life, I have learned and grown so much. I'm feeling really hopeful for the next years ahead. I am deeply thankful in particular to Father Satan and Lady Astarte who have been very patient and guided me all through this year. I am also very thankful to High Priestess Maxine Dietrich as well as to High Priest Hooded Cobra and all of the Joy of Satan Priesthood.
I would also like to thank my Brothers and Sisters in Satan with whom I have been learning so much from their knowledge and experience. Thank you all.

I wish everyone a Happy Yuletide!!
May next year be full of achievements for all of us!

This is awesome!!🔥 Different and very difficult! And very intricate details on the sound vibrations . But I will figure it out. This is very beautiful!!💖 Thank you for sharing this!!🐍🙏 Hail Satan!! Happy Yultide!!💖🍷🎁
This is awesome. May the jews and their "shabbos goyim" pay for their defamation of Satan, the Gods, and us.
Thank you for this gift to Satan, a gift to us all! Hail Satan and Happy Yule!
Happy Yuletide to all!

Hail Satan!!
Awesome ritual! Is this in some ways empowering for us too? I feel wonderful after the ritual, the energy is like the sun.
Happy Yule my troops
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Thanks for the ritual HP. Hoodedcobra666

Here is more info about the Runes one can use other pronounciations but one has to stay in one language /spelling off them like only use the germanic or gothic or norwegian one, for every rune used in one working. Also one can fokus on the runes while vibrating them, to enhance/strengthen the ritual. Or do it without does also work.


Did sort them related to the working order

Start by Vibrating the Runes and then affirming once the following sentences beneath them:

Fehu x10,

Lagur x10,

Berkano x10 , then affirm:

Lord Satan, Sanctified and Blessed is your Name
The blessed vowels and the blessed consonants,
Holiest of holies, the Great Pathway,
The loud, the hiss, the uprising, the sea, the silent.

I call you by your Name and bless you with my Brothers and Sisters in Satan [affirm once]: A, SAT,

Ansuz x10,

Sowilo x10,

Algiz x10, then affirm

Tonight we lift all curses uttered against your Name,
We remove all sins that have falsely been sent to you,
Your Name is detached from corrupted notions, lies and slander,
Now and Permanently.

[Focus on the Sigil willing this so]

Tiwaz x10,

Sowilo x10,

Thurisaz x10, then affirm

All sins and hostile energy sent against you Satan,
is now sent to your enemies and those that have slandered you.
All hatred sent against your Name is backfired onto the
Jews and those who alongside them have slandered your Holy Name.

[Focus on the Sigil willing this so]

Algiz x10,

Sowilo x10,

Berkano x10, then affirm

You stand invincible like a thousand suns,
No evil can touch you.
Infinitely powerful is the Shenu around you,
bright like the Power of a thousand burning Suns.

[Focus on the Sigil willing this so], THEN

Vibrate SAT x10 times, then
Vibrate SATYA x10 times, then
Vibrate SATANAMA x10 times, then
Vibrate SATANAS x10 times, then affirm 3 TIMES or 10 TIMES [your choice]:

You stand invincible against all lies.

Then close the ritual with a HAIL SATAN

and say one time:

Satan’s Power Is Supreme and Felt by All.




Ø Germanic: Fe (Fehu)
Ø Gothic: Faihu
Ø Norse: Fé
Ø Anglo-Saxon: Feo, Feoh
Ø Icelandic: Fé
Ø Norwegian: Fe
Ø Swedish: Fehu

#1. This rune begins the Futhark alphabet and is the first of the three ættir.
Characterizes the beast of burden. Slavish, stupid, slow, domesticated and mild.
Cowardly. This is the sending rune used in magick. To grow, to wander to
Positive aspects; white magick:
Wealth, possessions, honors, property, money, expansion. Power over one’s
environment, increase in wealth; fertility, mobility.
Black Magick: Instills cowardliness, dullness, breaks the spirit, binds an enemy;
instills fear and dependence in an enemy.



Ø Germanic: Laaz (Laguz)
Ø Gothic: Lagus
Ø Norse: Lögr
Ø Anglo-Saxon: Lagu
Ø Icelandic: Lögur
Ø Norwegian: Laukr
Ø Swedish: Lagur

#21. Conceals and symbolizes the unknown. Reveals and counteracts poisons.
The hidden is revealed. Assists in the awareness of energies and enhances
one’s sensitivity. Good for dowsers and pendulum workers. Helps in astral work.
Can be used to enhance physical and psychic strength. Used in feminine magick
and masking the forces of other runes.



Ø Germanic: Bercna (Berkano)
Ø Gothic: Bairkan
Ø Norse: Bjarkan
Ø Anglo-Saxon: Beroc
Ø Icelandic: Bjarkan
Ø Norwegian: Bjarkan
Ø Swedish: Berkana

#18. This rune can be used in workings for female fertility, feminine magick, and
nurturing. It is used in concealment and protection. This rune symbolizes
feminine energies. It is an old Pagan custom to enclose a child at birth with the
protective energies of Berkano, which remain with him/her throughout his/her life.



Germanic: Aza (Ansuz)
Gothic: Ansus
Norse: Óss, Áss
Anglo-Saxon: Aesc, (Os, Ac)
Icelandic: Óss, Áss
Norwegian: As

#4. Rune of the power of speech, destroys tyranny; “Your spiritual force sets you free” Order, the opposite of chaos, creative inspiration, magickal oratory ability and to persuade others and audiences through speech. Opens channels of self-expression and overcomes obstacles of every kind. Used in removing bindings. Assists in enhancing one’s psychic and magickal abilities. Also used for work in invocations. Used with Lapis Lazuli in working to communicate with Demons.



Germanic: Sugil (Sowilo)
Gothic: Sauil
Norse: Sól
Anglo-Saxon: Sigel
Icelandic: Sól
Norwegian: Sol
Old Danish: Sulu
Old German: Sil, Sigo, Sulhil

#16. Sowilo is the rune of the Sun and can be used in masculine magick. Sowilo is a rune of invincibility, and final triumph. This rune is movement and action and bestows the will to take action. It symbolizes the chakras and the lightening bolt, spark of life. Kundalini is like lightening and flashes in the brain when it connects with the 6th chakra. Sowilo is used to strengthen the will and confidence. It has both shielding and combative properties. Used in understanding the energy forces in the world and on the astral. When used with other runes, it activates and empowers them. It can be used in meditation and to empower the chakras. Brings out one’s leadership abilities and one’s ability to inspire others.
Enhances one’s strength of spirit. Gem is the diamond.



Germanic name: Algis, Algiz or Elhaz
Gothic: Algs
Anglo-Saxon name: Eolh
Norwegian name: Elgr

#15. This rune is used for protection. It is also used in consecration and the banishing of negative energies. It is excellent for the operator to wear when performing dangerous rituals as it protects against negative energies. Black tourmaline is the stone used with this rune.



Germanic: Tys (Tiwaz)
Gothic: Teiws
Norse: Týr
Anglo-Saxon: Tir, Tiw
Icelandic: Týr
Norwegian: Ty

#17. Instills courage and honor. Tyr is the rune of justice. Used for stability and the binding of chaotic energies. Good for defense and revenge workings as it represents justice. Bloodstone and hematite are the stones used with this rune.


Germanic: Thyth (Thurisaz)
Gothic Thauris
Norse: Þurs
Anglo-Saxon: þorn
Icelandic: Þurs
Norwegian: Thurs

#3. Rune of cutting, sharpness, and pain. Brute strength, destructive power of chaos and ruin. Also of death and regeneration, transformation and breaking down barriers. The power of this rune is wild and a strong mind/will is needed to direct it. Ur assists the energy of other runes it is used with to manifest in reality. Like a lightning bolt, Thorr brings on the energies of the berserker, energies this wild should only be used in war or attack. Can raise and guide thunderstorms and direct lightning. In many German fairy tales such as “Sleeping Beauty” the prick of a thorn, pin or spindle casts a spell upon the victim. The bloodstone has been used with this rune in the raising of thunderstorms. Hematite used with this rune can shield against electro-magnetic energies and is therefore helpful in deflecting curses. Using this rune with a pointed crystal focuses energies and projects them.
Black Magick: Brings destruction and confusion. Thorr is used in the destruction of enemies and in curses. Used to control another or render the individual defenseless.
White Magick: Rune of healing. Enhances wisdom, courage, physical strength, independence and leadership.

Infos are from here :https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Odin.html
Is it required to bathe before the ritual ?
I did it for today.
Can I clearly do the ritual more than once a day (as for RTRs)? I would like to do it whenever I have the chance.
Some confusion about pronunciations.

1) For pronouncing SAT, SATYA, SATANAMA, do I do the entire word in one breath but when I do the SATANAS i do only one syllable per breath?

2) The pronunciation of T. So in all these words the T is this letter in sanskrit - "त". If you pronounce this letter it will be pronounced with the tongue touching the front 2 teeth and how a Spanish or Italian person would say T. When vibrating it, the tongue touching the teeth would also cause a TTTZZZZ like sound. But on the jos page which teaches the SATANAS pronunciation, it's said to pronounce the T with the tongue touching the pallet instead. This will actually be a different sound than what you would expect if the tongue touches the front teeth.

In the past I've always pronounced the T in SATANAS with the tongue touching the pallet but now that I think about it I'm not sure if that's fully correct.
Happy Yule Out lovely Ho Cobra . May Father Satan bless you also .

I have two little question.

(1) Will I vibrate "T" as "TH" sound but back of throat?

(2)Can I start the new ritual with FRTR? Because before feeling Our Father Satan, I want to kill enemies first.

Hail Father Satan.

Satan's supreme power is forever and felt by all

Hail Satya!!!!!!!!!!!
It feels lovely performing this ritual.

I had an unexpected big Satan's Day Eve talk with Satan this evening. We started by reflecting on how much progress I had made since last year, and then also the Joy of Satan as a whole, as Hooded Cobra mentioned.

It suddenly became a very deep conversation, and I quickly became emotionally filled with such sincere and overwhelming gratitude and love for Satan, such that it felt like I could not thank him enough. It was an unusual and somewhat overwhelming force that I had not expected, but gladly recieved.

After about 40 minutes, the conversation ended, and I offered Satan my blessings whilst wishing I could do more.

This ritual really makes me feel that more.


Already felt a shift in energy around when we woke up this morning. This is an exciting ritual, can't wait for the others.
Happy Yule everyone and have a beautiful holiday!
Bright Truth said:
Rabbi Shimon will definitely go mad. Good. Let him be.

And thanks for your all efforts and hardwork, Commander. I kind of feel emotional tonight (it's because of good emotions by your words, it's just like Lord Alexander's speech to his army). Your words made me remember once again how Father Satan is most beautiful and revered. This world definitely deserves to be saved. Though I used to hate this world (and probably will hate after once again my emotional mood gone), right now I feel like it deserves to be saved. Just because Father Satan wants it this way, I want to save it, I want to make Father's wish come true. Probably my words don't make sense and sound ridiculous but sometimes words make you feel them. Like "Father", though always I use this word for refer to Satan, sometimes I really feel, that he is a real father. Anyway, really I started to talk nonsensical. xD Happy Yule!

This does not sound like nonsense to me.
Happy Yule to all, it felt like some bad voices and influences invading my head with viral intrusiveness were finally dissipating in me as I did this ritual. Some other spiritual problems which felt like sinking motion and chains from making me achieve whatever certain specific things I wanted in life have finally faded.

Now I better make the most out of this. Huge thank you for the ritual HP :D !
Manofsatan said:
The feeling of energy from this ritual, I feel has now words to describe it. The Resonance is really long lasting. The energy is so pure. It's like I'm trying to feel for truly a glimpse of Satan's energy. So much purity from its resonance.

Congratulations. The whole point of this ritual was to introduce people into Satan's energy, besides the levels we know already. Cherish this experience and keep it in your heart.
luis said:
Awesome ritual! Is this in some ways empowering for us too? I feel wonderful after the ritual, the energy is like the sun.

Yes, and all the Gods, since we are all related through our Gods.
SeguaceDiSatana said:
I did it for today.
Can I clearly do the ritual more than once a day (as for RTRs)? I would like to do it whenever I have the chance.

Sure, but don´t fry your self/ don´t over do and don´t neglet your other meditations.
स त न म said:
Also, is there a need to clean our auras after this one?

No it is a blessing. But you can clean before, to better intake the energy.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
