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SATAN'S DAY RITUAL - 23rd to 29th Of December - Happy Yule Wishes!

Hail To our All Father SATAN!!

I was wondering how I could thank SATAN especially this year for wow for some times Satan let you lose all that he moves you and when you have get your Footing all collapse from where SATAN moved me away from. Father Satan actually removed me from a big City and moved me to the most relaxed and natural place in my country. For I will give myself for him any time in physical war but he has no need for that for we are now fighting and ripping this rotten shits all universe's that is and is not yet been released or created.

Woww this is the loveless most energetic post I have read in a long time totally hear rising energy all coming from the heart senters.

Thank you High Priest Hooded Cobra.

For we all walk different ways to paths toward our Father Satan for we all are created different and experience different ways from our Father Satan to be with him for eternity and making universes for us for us for our Father Satan so we can experience of how Wonderful Satan is and made us.

I hope you're understanding I know there is only one pathway to Father Satan.

Lydia said:
Happy Yule to every Spiritual Satanist here!

Beautiful sermon, and about Satan choosing the darkest night to be His night.

Beautiful ritual, too. Incredible power.

FuckYu_666 said:

Fuck off with that blasphemous bullshit. HAPPY YULE. We do not tolerate xianity here. (I see mod changed it from the full spelling to the X)

The translator translated Yule for me as "Natale" (in Italian), so I thought it was OK to write "Natale", but the translator translated it as the false name of "Xmas".
This was not intentional, I hope I have clarified.
blackhatpakistan said:
Happy Yule Out lovely Ho Cobra . May Father Satan bless you also .

I have two little question.

(1) Will I vibrate "T" as "TH" sound but back of throat?

(2)Can I start the new ritual with FRTR? Because before feeling Our Father Satan, I want to kill enemies first.

Hail Father Satan.

Satan's supreme power is forever and felt by all

Hail Satya!!!!!!!!!!!

If you clean after FTR, I don´t see any problem. Best is to wait a little inbetween so the energy can settle but if you don´t have time you can just do them: FTR/Tetra/Shatter-> cleaning returning curses 1&2 -> Satans day ritual.
Happy Yule, everyone!
May next year be a better year for us all!
The Symbol/Sigil resembles the ancient greek Omega letter.
Lydia said:
Happy Yule to every Spiritual Satanist here!

Beautiful sermon, and about Satan choosing the darkest night to be His night.

Beautiful ritual, too. Incredible power.

FuckYu_666 said:

Fuck off with that blasphemous bullshit. HAPPY YULE. We do not tolerate xianity here. (I see mod changed it from the full spelling to the X)

Can't wait for tomorrow! I just wanna say thank you to many of the countless brothers and sister and of course you HP. I am new to posting on the forums but have been getting advice from here for years. Whether it was from starting to do yoga because of Lydia's posts, the many workings created by different members and recorded by Academic Scholar, the numerous times someone posted about a problem they were having that I too was experiencing, and the advice of members like Blackdragon, Blitskreig, Fuchs, Jack, Ninrick, NakedPluto, and countless others. Finally of course is all the sermons given by the HPs and especially Hoodedcobra for keeping all of this running! I feel very blessed to be with our satanic family and looked over by the gods and goddesses.

Happy Yule to everyone!
Hail Satan!
Florina 22 said:
How can beginners in meditation show their gratitude?

In general, advancing yourself as well as helping the overall Satanic effort. This can take the place of spiritual warfare, internet warfare, helping answer questions, or helping JOS if you have translating or programming abilities.

As a beginner, you should seek a balance between your activities. For example, a balance between cleaning, protection, empowerment, as well as yoga. Also, balance the above activities into this. Don't feel like you must do all of one thing, such as RTR's all day. Instead, try to grow in all areas, such that you have stable growth over time.

If you are a beginner, don't expect yourself to be able to pull off all these rituals with ease, either. You may not be used to doing this sort of work, or you may have to learn all the pronunciations, and so on. So take your time and only focus on a little at a time. If you are still learning the RTR's, then focus on that before you do this ritual, for example.
I have a question when you say we have to focus on the sigil how exactly do we have to focus like should we focus on it like lighting or something like that like lighting in gold?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ninja 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to all of our Satanic Family,

Happy Yuletide to all of you.


I'm adding these for people who doesn't know how to pronounce certain words:



I'm uncertain about SATYA, is it pronounced "SSS - AAH - THH - YAH"?

I based it on the MUNKA pronounciation of "YAH".

Using Words of Power - Freeing the Soul

Happy Yule to you as well : )

SA-TI-yA. The I is as in the word eel. After this ee sound, the y is almost inaudible. Like the word Yasmin but without almost sound on the Y, almost heard like 'asmin.

Thank you, Brother : )
First of all, thak you HPHC for this posts, and all the other posts, especially in the last few months, they were very inspiring (i have been lurking for some time).

Since in this ritual there are some runes that i have not been using, i searched a bit online and found a video from Jackson Crawford(channel name) titeled The Names of the Runes (Elder Futhark) and i wanted to share with you (im not sure how to post video links, but you can find it when you search it on youtube). I am not sure if this is corrupted, i feel its not since he is rolling the R's but i would also apreciate if some one more expirienced listens to this and gives his/her opinion.

I hope this helps someone, and i will try to be more active in the future. In the past 6 months everytime i wanted to post something or anwser someones post i would allways start thinking, is my anwser helpfull at all or is my insight into this topic correct.

Perhaps it was an enemy attack or perhaps it were my insecurities. Whatever it was i understood that sometimes you need to make mistakes to learn.

Before deciding to post this i also had the same thoughts ,, if this is wrong will i be called a jew " or "what if i f*** up someones pronaunciation with this video". But this time i did not want to hide in my mouse hole, since again i got a present from Father Satan, Mother Lilith and the Gods, timed perfectly on the 23rd. It would be unfair that i just recive and don't atleast try to give something back.

JoS is a treasure of knowledge, and it is a living treasure, with all the members and HP's who can correct and teach.

Happy Yule Familiy! I wish for you whatever it is that you wish for yourselves!

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Mother Lilith!
Hail Teacher!
Hail Guardian!
FuckYu_666 said:
Recycler1337 said:
FuckYu_666 said:
The energy in this post is fantastic, Merry Christmas to all!!!
I was wondering, will it be possible to do the ritual on normal days as well as this programme?
But this is the enemy name of the holiday, we celebrate Yule, or is it a joke-sarcasm?Well its little blow my mind) happy Yule to all and thank you for the wonderful ritual, Cobra, unfortunately I can not vibrate at night (and daytime is not always) because I live not alone, with a strong mental concentration, mind say, ritual still work?
The translator translates Yule as "Natale", so I thought the same could be used (just noticed)
But if I write "Natale" it is translated as "chirstmas".

Got it, I also use a translator, DeepL not bad and does not translate so Yule :)
You have give us the most beautiful gift ! Thank you and Happy Yule to all the Family

Hail Satan for ever !
Happy Yule everyone, so great to be here with warriors of Satan and with you all.
Thank You High Priest Cobra for this amazing ritual. This is a real gift for our father, Satan.

Hail Satan !
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
luis said:
Awesome ritual! Is this in some ways empowering for us too? I feel wonderful after the ritual, the energy is like the sun.

Yes, and all the Gods, since we are all related through our Gods.
I felt this Gold/Sun like energy, really awesome! I definitely feel more connected to our God's too, it feels like it's strengthening our connection to them even more.
I am a very beginner in meditations and this would just be my 8th day meditating, also I am a little sick.

Should I do the ritual or would it be better to do it in another way like meditating to Satan or something similar?
I am a very beginner in meditations and this would just be my 8th day meditating, also I am a little sick.

Should I do the ritual or would it be better to do it in another way like meditating to Satan or something similar?
FuckYu_666 said:
Recycler1337 said:
FuckYu_666 said:
The energy in this post is fantastic, Merry Christmas to all!!!
I was wondering, will it be possible to do the ritual on normal days as well as this programme?
But this is the enemy name of the holiday, we celebrate Yule, or is it a joke-sarcasm?Well its little blow my mind) happy Yule to all and thank you for the wonderful ritual, Cobra, unfortunately I can not vibrate at night (and daytime is not always) because I live not alone, with a strong mental concentration, mind say, ritual still work?
The translator translates Yule as "Natale", so I thought the same could be used (just noticed)
But if I write "Natale" it is translated as "chirstmas".

Then you need a real translator, such as DeepL, not jewgle translate which is one of the worst translators on the web.


The word 'Yule' is not currently translator, as the real name is lost, but it is considered one of the names of Odin.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There is a joy in this type of walking.

Thanks for this amazing Ritual, Brother. I already did it twice and it feels pretty powerful, even by me. I would suggest for the future to do this more, like at least one day of the week, worldwide, to keep this up as a Family for our Father Satan.

As for the quoted part.. that felt so familiar I had to say something about it. I remember a much younger me, before the JoS website was even born, looking for answers and sometimes stumbling upon a "hint" that would feel definitely right, like the day I figured out everything about powers is about energy.. pretty obvious NOW, but things like these back then, and even now when I do the math and find my occasional new answers, feel exactly like that: Joy.

HP Maxine couldn't have chosen a better name than JOY OF SATAN! :D


I dont know if its okay to ask but i will, i have to

Was you hooded cobra who did this ritual? becouse i was looking at what every rune work for, and the sentences, everything, its like perfect. This ritual, at least for me, its the best one in terms of composition and runes, its just perfectly done, the one who create it its a genius

Big thanks for helping us to help each other
I freaking loved doing this!!!
This is for new people, it is important to visualize while doing any witchcraft.

While vibrating the runes, visualize how the Sigil is burning like the sun.
Like HighPriest said, put another blazing layer around the Sigil, let golden vibrant and bright particles shoot away from it, with pure golden fire, like the sun.
Maybe this helps you, this video shows the actual size of the sun, compared to how we see it, as it is so bright.

I imagined how this sigil was gigantic in front of earth, engulfing the entire earth, even the "shadow side", and blazing even more up and the earth during the affirmations.
I saw it from earth, as well as from space.

Try to visualize, this is very important!
Quite some people never visualize while doing the RTR, this is very sad.
If not trained, visualisations are hard, this is true, but each and every ritual or working, where you use visualisations, will both empower your working and yourself, as you get used to using visualisations - Next time it will be easier for you to use them.


Hail Satan forever!
Shine your eternal light on your Kingdom!
Like thousand blazing suns!!
balo666 said:
I dont know if its okay to ask but i will, i have to

Was you hooded cobra who did this ritual? becouse i was looking at what every rune work for, and the sentences, everything, its like perfect. This ritual, at least for me, its the best one in terms of composition and runes, its just perfectly done, the one who create it its a genius

Big thanks for helping us to help each other

To give you that, our HighPriest is a Genius and Has the highest position for a human right now for a very good reason. :p
balo666 said:
I dont know if its okay to ask but i will, i have to

Was you hooded cobra who did this ritual? becouse i was looking at what every rune work for, and the sentences, everything, its like perfect. This ritual, at least for me, its the best one in terms of composition and runes, its just perfectly done, the one who create it its a genius

Big thanks for helping us to help each other

I worked a lot to make this Ritual give you all a perspective of seeing our Lord Satan in a very direct way. Many are plagued with false ignorance, and I believe from the comments that the overwhelming majority not only glorified Satan in an appropriate way, but that we also connected to Lord Satan.

This should remain as memory for us all and we must insist and stay strong in this path and walk in confidence.

Words cannot describe how happy I am when people get a glimpse of these matters, or even better other comments which explained how they could see Father or feel His most powerful presence.

This is also how everyone is going to be when the enemy's dross will have subsided. Clarified, better and happier.

Thank you all and may blessings come to everyone from all directions.
LeydeLuz said:
I am a very beginner in meditations and this would just be my 8th day meditating, also I am a little sick.

Should I do the ritual or would it be better to do it in another way like meditating to Satan or something similar?

You can definitely focus, let go, and try to allow this to touch your heart metaphorically speaking. Do not let the fact that you are new keep you away from this.

You might also even say the prayer and then just have a moment to yourself and relax.
❤️thank you so much for this HP Cobra will do this with my family tonight. Perfect!! Happy Yule to all my brother's and sisters in Satan.

Hail Satan!
Hail Amon Ra!
Awake666 said:
❤️thank you so much for this HP Cobra will do this with my family tonight. Perfect!! Happy Yule to all my brother's and sisters in Satan.

Hail Satan!
Hail Amon Ra!

That is beautiful. I can almost feel the warmth and beauty of doing things like this one's beloved family. Have a Happy Yule!!
I wish you to break everything that binds you today in a most pleasant manner family! HAIL SATAN!!!!! :roll:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
