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About The Binding Of The Demons [Updated With FAQ]

you are a grandmaster. i can feel thats nothing that u say

but why didnt u have to talk earlier?

hmm anyway, great post. i learned tons
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The kikes couldn't do half of what they "Claimed", yet they did a lot of negativity and damage. Much of this was also done through the Gentiles stupidly channeling all these curses towards the Gods [used as parasites and cannon fodder by the jews]. Jews on their own couldn't achieve not even 5% of this.

I always felt like there was no way jews could possibly pull this off alone. It is now blatantly apparent through their many false religions they've recruited gentiles to raise energies and curse their own gods inadvertently. Their end is near.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Kebabguy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Despite all this, why did some demons join the enemy side?

This never really occurred and is just some nonsense that came from people who mistranslated some Sumerian texts that were allegorical as literal events. The Demons do not "Go to the enemy side". This nonsense was started after gross American mistranslations of Ancient texts, namely the Sumerian, which were out of Stichin's nonsense.

They are too advanced for this. Also, if any so called "Demon" were to do this, the Gods would know beforehand among other things. Along these lies we also have other nonsense that Anu betrayed Enlil and Enki, and other nonsense. These are gross mistranslations of spiritual allegories, and don't reflect the ET reality.

These things do not happen between the Gods. There is also no real "Other side", they have no choice, as the enemy hates lifeforms like the Gods. They are what parasites is vowed upon to fight a productive being.

Thank you for this post, making it official. I have encountered resistance here from others when I tried to say the very same thing. Hopefully, this time it will be clear.
One point I do not quite understand, if there can not be traitors, then how then in one place on the site described that there are Nordics accompanied by Greys, and that not all demons are from Satan? Thank you in advance for the answer.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Arcadia said:
Reflecting on the JoS itself is interesting. Back when I was still purely in the unknown, when I first discovered the main site, and read the material, I eventually stumbled into the Daemons section, which listed all the names out as per the "Goetia" list. Without angling towards disrespect, I remember reading the section that talked about the "Demons being set free", and the vivid experiences listed of them unfurling their wings, having been "trapped", so on, so forth.

About The Binding Of The Demons - Part 1

HPS Maxine has always been a talent, the situation yet remains things need to be explained properly. She has done more than she has articulated in a manner that can be understood. The interpretation of what was happening however and exactly what was the case, has been missing.

Therefore these subjects are poorly understood. Poor understanding leads to other issues. In anyway, HPS Maxine has always been extremely advanced, yet because of a lack of consensus based knowledge, she might not even have evaluated her own abilities, in a way. I have to expand upon the subject to clear things out.

She was able to tap into the sphere adjacent to this one that we live in and has been a natural chaneller and medium. Won't even get into the Astrology skills and other things.

Personally I have no questions in that she could easily have been a Pythia in Deplhi in a previous lifetime. For those who might know, that was the a highest post of prophetic ability and spiritual capacity of the Deplhic Oracle in the past, sort of like top High Priestess in previous lifetimes.

She wouldn't even care anyway to get anything out of this, but I write this to illustrate the level of ability and where this falls in an objective measuring of developed powers.

Regardless, coming into this life, we have to "re-start" again, yet many of these skills do carry on with us and eventually also unfold with meditation. Having known her for too many years and worked closely with her.

In regards to the effects of this, we saw this worldwide since. The deterioration of the enemy is obviously happening and there is no questioning that. In the 2000's, it was a mega structure that had ultimate power in the public sphere. Now closely nobody but minorities do really care about any of this. The enemy conditioning has been breaking down.

We worked on many things together as well, too many.

Similarly, I have seen and have related that the Gods were never really "bound" in the strict sense. Jews and nobody else can "Bind" these Demons or anything else. Only a part of them has been affected.

They were merely bound and removed from our perception. That has to do with the human mind, but not with their objective existence.

In hypnosis, you can program someone to stop seeing the number 1, for example. One will then might see the number but not recognize it. In a sense, that's what the jews have done to humanity, programming them to hate, detest, or ignore their own Gods.

The above is a very simplified view of the subject, which is more complex. In the same way one cannot bind the Sun or other major forces, the Gods cannot have anything like this done to them.

Yet, psychic warfare is still a situation. The enemy's aliens and our Gods do indeed "fight it out" and this involves a series of psychic warfare. Certain actions that humanity does [as in participating or not participating] can have a minor effect in all this.

In a sense, what the enemy did, was lock human beings into doing psychic warfare against their own Gods, and against our culture and our progenitor entities, since they lied to them these were "evil".

In the metaphysical writings of the jews and the "grimoires", these are written in this manner with bindings and other procedures. Long story short these don't affect the universe, but they did have an effect on the sphere of existence where human beings did exist under, which is a very low dimension.

The above is, in a way, like how the mind of a hypnotized person, would be unable to see the number 1, but others would. The number 1 also has not disappeared. If the hypnosis also starts wearing off, they might start seeing the number 1 but not remember what it is.

A similar situation to this occurred later on in the Middle Ages, where the people of Europe started digging out the statues of their own Gods, or reading the Ancient Writings that were never available before but to the Church and other thieves.

Eventually, as the hypnosis wears out, one will see these things. In the Middle Ages, there was absolutely no literacy for 90+% of the population, let alone spiritual knowledge for the masses.

For this reason, any gifted people, resorted in more natural forms of magick or could not explain their own experiences, they had no clue what was going on, and they were easy to find, labelled insane, or exterminated directly if they opened their mouth to the wrong person.

People that could see ghosts, communicate with the dead, had premonitions etc, all that have been discovered were attempted to be killed. These events mirror events in the history of mankind with the situation of the enemy's emerging power trying to shut us all down as a species, and keep us back.

Even now, we are still coming out of this ignorance, and this situation is ongoing. What's for sure, is that the Gods will reclaim their positions.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

About The Binding Of The Demons - Part 2

As the other post and replies did a summary of the situation in the external world, there is some additional knowledge that will answer more of the subject at this time.

The first part concerned the external history of the world, or the Gods, who were here in the previous ages to guide humanity. Part of this was a physical past in which the Gods visited our earth to create our species.

The Gods have left a part of themselves in this world. Externally thinking, one might ask, where is this part? What is it? A spacecraft? A tablet? A building?

No, that is human beings. We were actually seeded here a very long time ago as every SS here knows. That period was very much in the past, and the recent departure of the Gods signalled the end of the Golden Age.

Inside human beings however [not everyone now, it will only come out after real work for those who practice spiritually] there is latent potential that is for all intents, seeded by the Gods. The cultivation of this seed brings out this power, and in effect, also puts someone in the path of the Godhead.

From an internal standpoint, the attacks the enemy has done against our Gods, the removal of this culture, and the brainwashing of humans to remain eternally stuck into the mortal frame of existence, is an assault against the Gods, or rather a part of them.

Bindings, curses, and other issues such as this do indirectly affect the Gods, in the same way someone trying to grow a garden experiences it getting burned. Or a parent having their children locked somewhere and unable to communicate.

These bindings against the "Gods", in their dimension that concerns us humans, are reflections of what the Jews have done in a form of ritualistic slaughter against humanity also. In a sense, every curse uttered against the Gods, is also affecting human beings.

When the wise people of humanity were desecrated [many of which as stated in the JoS are ascended beings from the Golden Age and further], the shutting down of communication lines, does inadvertently affect humans. On a lower dimension, this was coupled with persecution, removal of knowledge, and perpetuation of spiritual oblivion.

As I have stated also in previous topics on the subject, years ago [you can find this in my writings], this is analogous to severing a telephone line.

In a very plain analogy, what one does through a Summoning or when attempting Communication, is attempting to communicate with the Gods in a psychic telephone. That analogy is elementary, oversimplified, yet serves as an easy way to understand the matter.

However, the telephone here, is nothing else but the human being itself. The enemy has done all of the following:

1. Attempt To Destroy the Telephone itself [human beings severed off spiritually]
2. Attempt To Destroy the Telephone lines [external attacks against the Gods, involving ET's and so on]
3. Destroy the very memory of that the telephone even existed [Spiritual Culture, lower enemy]
4. Seal the earth of any external "telephone" communication [the jewish Rabbis call this a "Curfew"], to retain humanity locked in and unable to interact with the external universe, and of course, the Gods.

All of the above, constitutes the greater work of "Binding the Demons". What the lower enemy has done is elementary and does not concern much, as lots of the above was actually the work of the higher enemy anyway, not these idiots they have here.

As one can understand, this situation runs deeper. Yet I believe through this post and the other one, most questions will permanently be rectified until the subject is retouched upon in the future.

As one can understand now, the "Telephone" of the Gods was still intact as it was back then, today. Yet, lines remain jumbled, and like after a nuclear war where one can find a radio, it can become increasingly difficult to attain communication. We are lucky enough however as this is definitely NOT impossible, which was the initial plan of the enemy for this to be.

In the enemy's "Kabbalah", that is celebrated as the "Destruction of the Idols". To demystify the jewish nonsense, this involves putting very big bindings on the souls of people [which is why we do the RTR as it does of all of this], shutting down the soul and parts of the mind in human beings.

In very linear terms, when the Gods are attacked, defamed, driven away, and so on, humanity simply loses access and knowledge that can elevate it. The end point of this is closure of the mind, and therefore, it's a matter of time until a human being is turned into a full scale animal.

This, is an attack on the Gods [ie, also, among other meanings, the Chakras] and constitutes merely what we refer to as psychic warfare. We know what this involves.

In a simplified form, from the above, we have the eclipse and removal of the influence and existence of the Gods in this planet, merely by limiting and destroying the elements of humanity that could keep this influence going, and therefore, us on this very path. We call this "Humanity's fall" and that is a very famous theme in Ancient literature.

Except of the natural fall having a natural aspect to it [when we incarnate], this other "Fall" concerns the curses and attacks against humanity, and how this forcibly severed human beings from the higher ways of evolving and spiritual growth.

The Gods have never left. They certainly did NOT abandon humanity. They departed this place during a time where they had left and founded behind a very big culture, in aeons past, that reassured that we would remain connected both with them but also with our inner self.

They can get anywhere they can, and those who are on the level of advancement, can truly communicate with them. It took a very long time to erode and destroy this, and this was done due to both decaying forces and enemy influence.

Regardless of beliefs and hearsay or nonsense, this communication is rare. Even in the times where the enemy wasn't really set here, this was still quite rare, but it remains a very possible reality for those specific souls and beings that really want to advance.

All of the culture they founded and the knowledge they did their best to safeguard and pass down through the centuries [through their invisible influence] still remains today as valid as it was tens of thousands of years ago. Humanity can still walk this path.

For those who are or were spiritually aware, they are under their influence, and they can grow beneath their support, as if they never left. The problem still remains however that the fallen state of humanity and states of a lot of astral dross, is not cleared yet [produced like sewage], and this can impede people seriously. Others can't escape this as it requires diligence.

It is in other words, a capable state of being achieved provided one meditates. It is achievable today as it were in the past. Since we have the knowledge, it will always be. Esoterically speaking, the "Gods Are Free", when one does open their own mind and soul up, which are given gifts from the Gods. The "Gods are Bound", when one's soul is closed and shut down.

Externally speaking again, numerous Demons on real interactions with human beings, have mentioned that they want to be "remembered". This "remembrance" is part of the upholding of this culture, extending it, and passing it down, so that human beings can have this opportunity to reconnect to get in touch with their divine origins.

It's worth the effort, and in fact, there is nothing else that is more worthwhile than this task.

By remembering them, we allow reconnection. Through the reconnection, we can start opening our minds again, and through application of spiritual knowledge, "We Free The Gods", and we "Become As The Gods".

Through this, we can walk once again the path to the Godhead.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666


Gear88 said:
I think it's simpler what you said that it affects lower entities and acts more of a distraction or difficulty except higher up, lower entities that cannot be bound are just noised up.

From what I know the "binding" of the Gods is a silly thing. Except in as much entities of lower areas the higher ups probably just keep blasting and eventually things happen.


Demons have ranks. The higher ones, when the enemy tried even "Something" against them, they put their top kikes on this, and all of them died or went insane. And of course it bore no effect. This was in the Middle Ages and before when they had "Total power" or so they thought. It simply never worked.

Jews, falsely "inspired" by stories that never happened, got exterminated in the process a great deal. That's because all of this was actually lies and more psychopathy of the jews, sort of how they write this bogus shit about how "JHVH" rules the "Earth" and other nonsense.

But if all of humanity in an enslaved state, is guided by them to let's say, curse some lower Demon, this definitely invites negative energy on them [as it would to a human being or others]. An example here is Asmodeus who told them after they tried to "conjure" him that their season will be short because that vermin only lives for a while, but the Demons do forever.

This is to be understood as literally causing a flu to an elephant. The elephant won't die from the flu. But it may cause considerable harassment.

Kebabguy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Despite all this, why did some demons join the enemy side?

This never really occurred and is just some nonsense that came from people who mistranslated some Sumerian texts that were allegorical as literal events. The Demons do not "Go to the enemy side". This nonsense was started after gross American mistranslations of Ancient texts, namely the Sumerian, which were out of Stichin's nonsense.

They are too advanced for this. Also, if any so called "Demon" were to do this, the Gods would know beforehand among other things. Along these lies we also have other nonsense that Anu betrayed Enlil and Enki, and other nonsense. These are gross mistranslations of spiritual allegories, and don't reflect the ET reality.

These things do not happen between the Gods. There is also no real "Other side", they have no choice, as the enemy hates lifeforms like the Gods. They are what parasites is vowed upon to fight a productive being.

Darksage666 said:
So the stories of the Jews making our gods do their will because they were bound((the pagan gods)) are all completely false?

I thought the theory was that some of the gods chakras were sealed up hence their auras were dark and they wished to return to the light or the power of the soul when bright. And she basically did sex magick to direct energy and unblock their chakras.

I thought she explained this on her YouTube video?

What she’s saying this, is invalid? Respectfully asking.

This is separated in two parts. Yes, that is unfortunate. Some lower ranking Demons were actually abused and cursed viciously. While this doesn't really affect a Demon permanently, it can be damaging.

Regardless, the stories of jews are exaggerated, yet the cursing and damning really did take place. Not all have the same amount of power. This was not only a doing of the enemy, but a reality of occult warfare between the enemy aliens and our Gods. But they are OK since they reside under more powerful Gods.

The "part" of the Demons that was bound was one "part" of them. The soul has many parts, and that is one of it.

This also indirectly ties into the aspects in humans themselves that were attacked, and the whole thing has dimensions and layers to it.

The kikes couldn't do half of what they "Claimed", yet they did a lot of negativity and damage. Much of this was also done through the Gentiles stupidly channeling all these curses towards the Gods [used as parasites and cannon fodder by the jews]. Jews on their own couldn't achieve not even 5% of this.

promitheusS88 said:
It had been strange to me that some people believed that the gods had literally binded ! Nobody can bind so powerfull beings. It was we (humanity) who were cut off from them, trapped in lower levels of existence, unable to hear them and unable to reach them. Thanks to Hps Maxine this has changed and now we are blessed

HPS Maxine and me too have done copious work on this, from years ago. I followed her through. She has done way more than this, but kept silent.

Refer also to other answered questions.

Yes, from a higher perspective, nothing can stop the Gods. These puny beings like the enemy mean nothing to them, yet, they can harass us and also indirectly be a nuisance [since they used humanity as a brainwashed army for this harassment].

The enemy and the ignorance they promote however, can be highly damaging to humans or even fatal. The enemy therefore is focused rather on abusing human beings, with the Gods being attacked in a form of scapegoating ritual [since they know humans are their progeny].

As Asmodeus has said, "Their rule is but for a season". The Gods see this whole thing as a temporary flu, on the greater perspective of things.
Recycler1337 said:
One point I do not quite understand, if there can not be traitors, then how then in one place on the site described that there are Nordics accompanied by Greys, and that not all demons are from Satan? Thank you in advance for the answer.
Greys have strong psychic abilities, and one of the things they are able to do very easily is to project an image into people's mind. So they project an image that looks human, or looks like a god, to try to get people to trust them. But it is a lie. This is where the story comes from of people seeing greys and "gods" together. There are no traitors.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Gear88 said:
I think it's simpler what you said that it affects lower entities and acts more of a distraction or difficulty except higher up, lower entities that cannot be bound are just noised up.

From what I know the "binding" of the Gods is a silly thing. Except in as much entities of lower areas the higher ups probably just keep blasting and eventually things happen.


Demons have ranks. The higher ones, when the enemy tried even "Something" against them, they put their top kikes on this, and all of them died or went insane. And of course it bore no effect. This was in the Middle Ages and before when they had "Total power" or so they thought. It simply never worked.

Jews, falsely "inspired" by stories that never happened, got exterminated in the process a great deal. That's because all of this was actually lies and more psychopathy of the jews, sort of how they write this bogus shit about how "JHVH" rules the "Earth" and other nonsense.

But if all of humanity in an enslaved state, is guided by them to let's say, curse some lower Demon, this definitely invites negative energy on them [as it would to a human being or others]. An example here is Asmodeus who told them after they tried to "conjure" him that their season will be short because that vermin only lives for a while, but the Demons do forever.

This is to be understood as literally causing a flu to an elephant. The elephant won't die from the flu. But it may cause considerable harassment.

Kebabguy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Despite all this, why did some demons join the enemy side?

This never really occurred and is just some nonsense that came from people who mistranslated some Sumerian texts that were allegorical as literal events. The Demons do not "Go to the enemy side". This nonsense was started after gross American mistranslations of Ancient texts, namely the Sumerian, which were out of Stichin's nonsense.

They are too advanced for this. Also, if any so called "Demon" were to do this, the Gods would know beforehand among other things. Along these lies we also have other nonsense that Anu betrayed Enlil and Enki, and other nonsense. These are gross mistranslations of spiritual allegories, and don't reflect the ET reality.

These things do not happen between the Gods. There is also no real "Other side", they have no choice, as the enemy hates lifeforms like the Gods. They are what parasites is vowed upon to fight a productive being.

Darksage666 said:
So the stories of the Jews making our gods do their will because they were bound((the pagan gods)) are all completely false?

I thought the theory was that some of the gods chakras were sealed up hence their auras were dark and they wished to return to the light or the power of the soul when bright. And she basically did sex magick to direct energy and unblock their chakras.

I thought she explained this on her YouTube video?

What she’s saying this, is invalid? Respectfully asking.

This is separated in two parts. Yes, that is unfortunate. Some lower ranking Demons were actually abused and cursed viciously. While this doesn't really affect a Demon permanently, it can be damaging.

Regardless, the stories of jews are exaggerated, yet the cursing and damning really did take place. Not all have the same amount of power. This was not only a doing of the enemy, but a reality of occult warfare between the enemy aliens and our Gods. But they are OK since they reside under more powerful Gods.

The "part" of the Demons that was bound was one "part" of them. The soul has many parts, and that is one of it.

This also indirectly ties into the aspects in humans themselves that were attacked, and the whole thing has dimensions and layers to it.

The kikes couldn't do half of what they "Claimed", yet they did a lot of negativity and damage. Much of this was also done through the Gentiles stupidly channeling all these curses towards the Gods [used as parasites and cannon fodder by the jews]. Jews on their own couldn't achieve not even 5% of this.

promitheusS88 said:
It had been strange to me that some people believed that the gods had literally binded ! Nobody can bind so powerfull beings. It was we (humanity) who were cut off from them, trapped in lower levels of existence, unable to hear them and unable to reach them. Thanks to Hps Maxine this has changed and now we are blessed

HPS Maxine and me too have done copious work on this, from years ago. I followed her through. She has done way more than this, but kept silent.

Refer also to other answered questions.

Yes, from a higher perspective, nothing can stop the Gods. These puny beings like the enemy mean nothing to them, yet, they can harass us and also indirectly be a nuisance [since they used humanity as a brainwashed army for this harassment].

As Asmodeus has said, "Their rule is but for a season". The Gods see this whole thing as a temporary flu, on the greater perspective of things.
I thought the bad Nordic definition came out of here.
Recycler1337 said:
One point I do not quite understand, if there can not be traitors, then how then in one place on the site described that there are Nordics accompanied by Greys, and that not all demons are from Satan? Thank you in advance for the answer.

They are a similar species, like humanoids. They are also from entirely other "Constellations" and don't have anything to do with the Gods. Some also appear blue or grey skin colored, and they aren't with the Gods.

There are numerous "Humanoid" beings and some even represent what we call in earth as the "Nordics". What in the JoS is described as a "Nordic" is a specific phenotype alien that is on our side [of which there are also non-Nordics and so on].

The false projection of these can also be done as the enemy does have the means to fake "Appearances" and if one is not advanced and knows what is going on, they can be deceived. A lot of "Angels" have also showed to people like the "Nordics", or like anything else, yet, they are nothing but thoughtforms and generally it's greys that cause that confusion.

This can be seen but one has to be very advanced. For lack of better terms and explanations, many things have been simplified too.

Some pages circa 2003 need revision, HPS Maxine has stated this for so many of her posts. A lot of info from 2003 and 2005, came out of lack of knowledge and before we had cleared up what was going on entirely.

Even her as years went became way better in Astral communication, despite of being very advanced to begin with.

Be very aware on astral communication and don't simply "open up" to any entity simply because it "looks" like a Nordic or whatever.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
They are a similar species, like humanoids. They are also from entirely other "Constellations" and don't have anything to do with the Gods. Some also appear blue or grey skin colored, and they aren't with the Gods.

Are Whites descendants of Orionian Nordics or just shows same phenotype?
Bright Truth said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
They are a similar species, like humanoids. They are also from entirely other "Constellations" and don't have anything to do with the Gods. Some also appear blue or grey skin colored, and they aren't with the Gods.

Are Whites descendants of Orionian Nordics or just shows same phenotype?

Obviously, yes. That's why they left their culture here and everyone has been following this culture. Also the same is the case for other Gentiles who besides of looks, were also genetically engineered and were given the same.

Jews might "look" [like goblins] but they could pass like everyone else [as Rabbi Laitman says] but their looks don't mean anything, since they are seeded here by the enemy. They likewise follow and promote this enemy culture.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Bright Truth said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
They are a similar species, like humanoids. They are also from entirely other "Constellations" and don't have anything to do with the Gods. Some also appear blue or grey skin colored, and they aren't with the Gods.

Are Whites descendants of Orionian Nordics or just shows same phenotype?

Obviously, yes. That's why they left their culture here and everyone has been following this culture. Also the same is the case for other Gentiles who besides of looks, were also genetically engineered and were given the same.

Jews might "look" [like goblins] but they could pass like everyone else [as Rabbi Laitman says] but their looks don't mean anything, since they are seeded here by the enemy. They likewise follow and promote this enemy culture.

Are there other alien cultures as far as humans origins is concerned like say, Sirius or Pleaides, Lyra, etc. I've heard a great deal about those constellations being the origins of human race alongside Orion though I'm not entirely sure.
Kevin Hernandez said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Bright Truth said:
Are Whites descendants of Orionian Nordics or just shows same phenotype?

Obviously, yes. That's why they left their culture here and everyone has been following this culture. Also the same is the case for other Gentiles who besides of looks, were also genetically engineered and were given the same.

Jews might "look" [like goblins] but they could pass like everyone else [as Rabbi Laitman says] but their looks don't mean anything, since they are seeded here by the enemy. They likewise follow and promote this enemy culture.

Are there other alien cultures as far as humans origins is concerned like say, Sirius or Pleaides, Lyra, etc. I've heard a great deal about those constellations being the origins of human race alongside Orion though I'm not entirely sure.

Sirius, Orion, Pleiades, Aldebaran, are all related to humanity and our Gods.

In Pleiades there is a mixed situation. These are big constellations, not small places. The constellation that we call "Draco", seems to also correlate with the enemy that we call Reptilians, but also Greys in another one.

Alien theories however write too many things and confuse matters too much. Like it becomes completely boggled past a point.

People for example thing that entities that preach to them bullshit new age nonsense are always "Good" and say that because they happened to come across others that don't, that they are "Evil" and so on. Too much blindness going on, and I would rather not write on this subject now, since it's of very little concern about us as human beings.

Like I find almost no value on it except of mental entertainment.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Kevin Hernandez said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Obviously, yes. That's why they left their culture here and everyone has been following this culture. Also the same is the case for other Gentiles who besides of looks, were also genetically engineered and were given the same.

Jews might "look" [like goblins] but they could pass like everyone else [as Rabbi Laitman says] but their looks don't mean anything, since they are seeded here by the enemy. They likewise follow and promote this enemy culture.

Are there other alien cultures as far as humans origins is concerned like say, Sirius or Pleaides, Lyra, etc. I've heard a great deal about those constellations being the origins of human race alongside Orion though I'm not entirely sure.

Sirius, Orion, Pleiades, Aldebaran, are all related to humanity and our Gods.

In Pleiades there is a mixed situation. These are big constellations, not small places. The constellation that we call "Draco", seems to also correlate with the enemy that we call Reptilians, but also Greys in another one.

Alien theories however write too many things and confuse matters too much. Like it becomes completely boggled past a point.

People for example thing that entities that preach to them bullshit new age nonsense are always "Good" and say that because they happened to come across others that don't, that they are "Evil" and so on. Too much blindness going on, and I would rather not write on this subject now, since it's of very little concern about us as human beings.

Like I find almost no value on it except of mental entertainment.

In the few instances I came across ETs, besides greys in attacks, in astral projection or similar activities, all were very very reserved, total uninterested or rather bored at my manifestation there as I was shown things by being escorted by a Demon. Elementals were stereotype of their element.

A more interesting and fruitful conversation, also very relatable to us as human would be necromancy, as for ETs, there is absolutely nothing relatable or worth of communication as a random occurrence.

I also highly doubt actual ETs have conversations with random people as I already said, my familiarity with these foreign beings is just as little and unimportant as, oh well you exist and that's it. From both parts truly.

There was one being, that came to me after I assume noticing I was interested in talking to a deceased person. It came to me at night and I used to have a lamp. It kept messing with the light while touching and feeling electromagnetic energy on the half of my body. I was rather upset and didn't knew who it was or from what part specifically. Neither an attack, neither something meaningful just a being touching my arm and trying to communicate. It wasn't a Demon also, as Demons come and go in a second and finish their task if necessary, such as cleaning, you don't even have time to think. Serpent and astral body in flames then after the loud entrance they are gone the second you react.

So this being I came to understand, that night as I saw, opened a "portal" and all night I was visited by deceased people. Normal people, asking me to tell x family something, another one wanting to "eat" etc etc. Something extremely random truly. I didn't respond to any of these requests and by the morning all of those people told me that they are sad and returned to what seemed to be a sleeping state. Besides this interaction I have more, but these are rather spirit beings, elementals, thoughtforms, not exactly ETs, in my opinion. There are levels of existence.
Kevin Hernandez said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Bright Truth said:
Are Whites descendants of Orionian Nordics or just shows same phenotype?

Obviously, yes. That's why they left their culture here and everyone has been following this culture. Also the same is the case for other Gentiles who besides of looks, were also genetically engineered and were given the same.

Jews might "look" [like goblins] but they could pass like everyone else [as Rabbi Laitman says] but their looks don't mean anything, since they are seeded here by the enemy. They likewise follow and promote this enemy culture.

Are there other alien cultures as far as humans origins is concerned like say, Sirius or Pleaides, Lyra, etc. I've heard a great deal about those constellations being the origins of human race alongside Orion though I'm not entirely sure.

In as much we can't be certain about said colonies unfortunately lots of new ager groups and new age organizations have kinda a Bibliotechapleyades mentality and state greys or aliens or hostile aliens or something is from those places.

For example it's possible that yes there are aliens hostile in a small section the Universe is vast and the enemy attacks all over the place. But it seems like we keep running into these new age groups that promote non-sense or hippy non-sense.

For example despite the fact the Gods want to help the Earth the very act of them stating disarm yourself or don't use nukes or don't build them is a dangerous statement. IF anything like HP.Cobra said a while back Humanity is so pathetic at spiritual defense much less offense that weapons is what we need.

Unfortunately in my own personal opinion I think as FANATICAL and ZEALOUS as we should be politically and spiritually. The same can be said about any entity. Even our own Gods are at scrutiny by Humanity. Imagine if the Gods arrived it would crash on a lot of people in a negative way. Even the Gods would avoid humanity continuously providing support behind the scenes.

Sheer fact is our air space both planetary atmosphere and our own SPACE is under control by entities whether good, neutral, or bad. In essence the safest play a Human will play is everyone is hostile. And surely not wrong of a statement or action. Sure attacking our Gods or even the enemy is futile think battle of LA in the 40s, the alien ship nothing happened but we did end up killing 13 people with flak falling on them.

Sheer fact is the last thing a person will rationally do is rationally think in essence Humanity is on the cusp of return of Alien interaction and yet we have too many people who believe yoloswag420 and that aliens = non-sense.

These questions albeit a bit negative in that not everyone wants to know more than outside our space but this is JoS and people demand answers and deserve them. Are also things that don't affect us. For now it's good that your answer is provided @Kevin. But at the same time we gotta worry about ourselves down here. I'm glad you ask as these are very common new age non-sense. Either there ARE grey or hostile or asshole aliens out in those regions or they tell them that to fool them only to not make them study these places.

Either way I think the entirety of Humanity going to outspace or even space mining is all a bunch of non-sense. Humanity is too incompetent it'll literally create a Gundam scenario what's the meme from Gundam two plantary with exo-space capacity fighting each other. Gundam serves as a perfect example of how futile Humanity is always fighting each other and never resolving it's disputes. Perpetual war. It's not okay to remain in perpetual ignorance we SHOULD know about these places.

But I think for now we should be content with looking at Orion and knowing that's the main point the other places we deal later on.

Albeit I too fall in line with looking at colonies. I do know the Gods have allies like the March 2019 sermon whereby some sort of Elf eared race helped Satan and the Gods so at least it's assuring to know not all hostile aliens are coming rather some if not many want to help Humanity.
NakedPluto said:
In the few instances I came across ETs, besides greys in attacks, in astral projection or similar activities, all were very very reserved, total uninterested or rather bored at my manifestation there as I was shown things by being escorted by a Demon. Elementals were stereotype of their element.

A more interesting and fruitful conversation, also very relatable to us as human would be necromancy, as for ETs, there is absolutely nothing relatable or worth of communication as a random occurrence.

I also highly doubt actual ETs have conversations with random people as I already said, my familiarity with these foreign beings is just as little and unimportant as, oh well you exist and that's it. From both parts truly.

There was one being, that came to me after I assume noticing I was interested in talking to a deceased person. It came to me at night and I used to have a lamp. It kept messing with the light while touching and feeling electromagnetic energy on the half of my body. I was rather upset and didn't knew who it was or from what part specifically. Neither an attack, neither something meaningful just a being touching my arm and trying to communicate. It wasn't a Demon also, as Demons come and go in a second and finish their task if necessary, such as cleaning, you don't even have time to think. Serpent and astral body in flames then after the loud entrance they are gone the second you react.

So this being I came to understand, that night as I saw, opened a "portal" and all night I was visited by deceased people. Normal people, asking me to tell x family something, another one wanting to "eat" etc etc. Something extremely random truly. I didn't respond to any of these requests and by the morning all of those people told me that they are sad and returned to what seemed to be a sleeping state. Besides this interaction I have more, but these are rather spirit beings, elementals, thoughtforms, not exactly ETs, in my opinion. There are levels of existence.

Everything you mention is very interesting, I will have a thousand questions about it but... I would especially like to have a confirmation about the demons.

When I work on my chakras, or especially during the Return of the curses, or other work, I regularly hear a big "crack" at the window frame. I always wondered if it was GD or a demon coming.
Especially now, after the cracking noise, my left ear is often literally tugging. It's like someone is pulling on the inside of my ear. Weird lol

I am working on opening my soul and astral senses, but they are not really open yet. That is why I am not sure if it is my GD and/or demon.
You say they don't stay long?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Kevin Hernandez said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Obviously, yes. That's why they left their culture here and everyone has been following this culture. Also the same is the case for other Gentiles who besides of looks, were also genetically engineered and were given the same.

Jews might "look" [like goblins] but they could pass like everyone else [as Rabbi Laitman says] but their looks don't mean anything, since they are seeded here by the enemy. They likewise follow and promote this enemy culture.

Are there other alien cultures as far as humans origins is concerned like say, Sirius or Pleaides, Lyra, etc. I've heard a great deal about those constellations being the origins of human race alongside Orion though I'm not entirely sure.

Sirius, Orion, Pleiades, Aldebaran, are all related to humanity and our Gods.

In Pleiades there is a mixed situation. These are big constellations, not small places. The constellation that we call "Draco", seems to also correlate with the enemy that we call Reptilians, but also Greys in another one.

Alien theories however write too many things and confuse matters too much. Like it becomes completely boggled past a point.

People for example thing that entities that preach to them bullshit new age nonsense are always "Good" and say that because they happened to come across others that don't, that they are "Evil" and so on. Too much blindness going on, and I would rather not write on this subject now, since it's of very little concern about us as human beings.

Like I find almost no value on it except of mental entertainment.

I definitely agree, my head would hurt just trying to make sense of shit that is probably made up by the enemy anyway. Though I wonder if Orion has a different lifestyle than us. If they have sports or games they play, or activities they would do, education system, or how do they teach baby extraterrestrials about things of the universe or does it come naturally? I'm definitely curious on how life in Orion is like, but that's probably a topic for another day.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Similarly, I have seen and have related that the Gods were never really "bound" in the strict sense. Jews and nobody else can "Bind" these Demons or anything else. Only a part of them has been affected.

They were merely bound and removed from our perception. That has to do with the human mind, but not with their objective existence.

In hypnosis, you can program someone to stop seeing the number 1, for example. One will then might see the number but not recognize it. In a sense, that's what the jews have done to humanity, programming them to hate, detest, or ignore their own Gods.

Do you realize that this contradicts the JoS site and what HP Maxine said before that the Gods were literally bound by the enemy greys (and not by the jews) when they were outnumbered and lost a war 10k years ago? I've posted these excerpts from JoS many times before, here they are:

When we freed the Demons in 2002-03, they all bolted their wings, indicating their power was restored to them.


From mid-December of 2002 through mid-April of 2003, myself and four others freed over 100 Demons. This was accomplished through sex magick. At the point of orgasm, we connected our souls to the souls of each of the Demons and transferred energy from each of our chakras to their chakras. This was a very rewarding experience. After the energy was transferred, each one bolted wings.

When we got started in freeing the Demons, a few were extremely desperate and tried to bribe me into freeing them immediately. The energy drain was intense as we connected our souls to the souls of the Demons and transferred our life force at the chakras. I told them that I only take orders from Satan and they would have to go through him, according to the order he wanted them to be freed. I just stayed extremely focused. The others who worked with me on this project experienced a lot of the same.


Spiritual Satanism does not in any way condone spirit abuse as taught in the classical grimoires. The Demons who were bound and compelled to do the bidding of the sorcerers are now free and anyone using the nine-foot circle methods and "Jehova" names is inviting personal disaster. The Demons are our friends and with respect and reverence in summoning through Satan, we seek to establish mutually beneficial relationships with them.


I was involved in an ongoing project- freeing the Demons.* My Guardian Demon, Azazel, and Thoth came to me as they were working with me. Thoth was the Patron Demon of our project and he accompanied each of our Guardian Demons, bringing each Demon to be freed. Glasya-Labolas needed to be freed right away. My daughter was in my room watching TV and there was a lot of commotion in my house. I told them I would have to wait until later.

Five minutes or so later, my daughter’s puppy urinated on my bed. I had to strip the bed and wash the bedding. Because of this, everyone had to leave my room. When Demons want something done, things seem to fall into place.

I went into my room, locked the door, and began to work on Glasya-Labolas. My kids were fighting, banging on the door and other kids came over and the house was a madhouse, but I tuned out all of the commotion, and successfully freed him.

In addition, HP Maxine said before that the Demons had their kundalini knocked back to the spine and that's why they used sex magick to shoot energy to their chakras. Note that performing energy work to a being is quite different to simply "removing blocks that connect us to them", it has to do with freeing the beings themselves. She also said that the reason Glasya-Labolas needed to be freed immediately was because a jewish family was going to abuse him in a few days as they were doing every year, so they freed him just in time.

I don't like this Nu-JoS interpretation where everybody allegorizes everything. The binding was literal, as the JoS site and posts by HP Maxine show.
Also I can say from my own experience in being 15 years in JoS: This is the first time a HP comes and says that the binding of the Gods is allegorical and confusing it with the severing of communication between Gods and humans. It was always understood to be literal, and that the cutting off of communication was a totally different, unrelated thing that had nothing to do with the binding of the Gods. Yes, the enemy did put curses to cut off communication between us and the Gods, but this was not the binding of the Gods, but a different thing unrelated to it. A traitor HP for example was a member of many Grimoire groups that abused the Demons, and after the Demons were freed he said the spirit abusers there started having many troubles and most of these groups were closed.

Not only that, but the freeing of the Demons back in 2003 was understood to be a momentous event that changed history, both by the humans and by the Gods (even Satan Himself), not just restoring of communication. HP Maxine said to a person who questioned the freeing of the Demons: "Look back in history and see what has happened in the Middle East since 2003 and you will understand that the Demons were really freed". She also said that after they freed the Demons she saw a vision of two Rabbis, one in his 70's and the other one in his 40's in which the older rabbi said "we are finished", but the younger one refused to believe it.
Rational Satanist said:
Also I can say from my own experience in being 15 years in JoS: This is the first time a HP comes and says that the binding of the Gods is allegorical and confusing it with the severing of communication between Gods and humans. It was always understood to be literal, and that the cutting off of communication was a totally different, unrelated thing that had nothing to do with the binding of the Gods. Yes, the enemy did put curses to cut off communication between us and the Gods, but this was not the binding of the Gods, but a different thing unrelated to it. A traitor HP for example was a member of many Grimoire groups that abused the Demons, and after the Demons were freed he said the spirit abusers there started having many troubles and most of these groups were closed.

Not only that, but the freeing of the Demons back in 2003 was understood to be a momentous event that changed history, both by the humans and by the Gods (even Satan Himself), not just restoring of communication. HP Maxine said to a person who questioned the freeing of the Demons: "Look back in history and see what has happened in the Middle East since 2003 and you will understand that the Demons were really freed". She also said that after they freed the Demons she saw a vision of two Rabbis, one in his 70's and the other one in his 40's in which the older rabbi said "we are finished", but the younger one refused to believe it.

I have participated in works such as these and other works, and the poor understanding of these matters is what makes you think it's a contradiction. There is actually none.

However, for this to be understood or explained even more, I have to write about a tome of subjects on other things, which is impossible right now.

Therefore, for now the matter remains patched.

This was also one of the important works and we have done others which have went unpublished, as late as 2017, 2018 and so on.

In the same way, HPS Maxine went by what she saw and we went by what was experienced, yet from 2003 and onwards, there has been a lot more knowledge than this. She decided to speak out about this for other reasons.

We have reworked on many things in the previous years, only, this time, I added way more knowledge to everything so the blind statements from 2003 have ceased.

There are two parts to this, one literal, and yes, the other is "allegorical", in that this affects ourselves. It's therefore not really "allegorical" but practical.

Regardless, due to poor knowledge and even poorer understanding, I might have to relate some things which you might consider painful, and past this.

The writings are to be taken in conjunction. And as you can see, there is no "Allegory" into this, it's all a practical reality.

Nobody ever said that this was allegorical in that it is "nonsense".

You are just of poor spiritual understanding, and in particular, want to see that as a part of your own nonsense, which I don't intend to participate into.

The souls, especially those of the Gods, have levels of power.

If you think the Gods who reside in other constellations and are part of an order of things beyond comprehension, can be dragged on a noose by a Rabbi, then I am really sorry for this.

This clearly occurred out of poor relation of the subject, which is also why this necessary.

Now if you think kikes can make the universe fall apart, or that they can bind fully a being that old, and make it do errands around, that is your own lack of consciousness which is typical in those who lack knowledge.

I am aware oversimplified and low tier thinking will make this task extraordinarily difficult of relating anything.

Even when she said what we have done, this invited scorn, no different than now that I unfold the subject further is the same case. When HPS Maxine said that, people with even less knowledge didn't understand what was what, and it became a form of ridicule.

I don't intend to speak further on the subject for now.

All the knowledge needed is in this thread to understand this situation.

If certain people think the universe would fall apart by some Rabbis or whatever, that is enough in itself to make me think it's a waste of my time to even try to explain.

Regardless I did this to clear up some things for those who might have delusions.
shut up cobra my copy paste know better than u🤣🤣🤣

after like 11 yrs being with hps maxine suit and tie. U dont know. 🤣🤣

random guy does. whatt she say in public. lol?

idiot still think this is not her will. LOL.

COBRA i truly hope u dont quit over so much stupid.

do u even understand 10% of what he write...
Rational Satanist said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Similarly, I have seen and have related that the Gods were never really "bound" in the strict sense. Jews and nobody else can "Bind" these Demons or anything else. Only a part of them has been affected.

They were merely bound and removed from our perception. That has to do with the human mind, but not with their objective existence.

In hypnosis, you can program someone to stop seeing the number 1, for example. One will then might see the number but not recognize it. In a sense, that's what the jews have done to humanity, programming them to hate, detest, or ignore their own Gods.

Do you realize that this contradicts the JoS site and what HP Maxine said before that the Gods were literally bound by the enemy greys (and not by the jews) when they were outnumbered and lost a war 10k years ago? I've posted these excerpts from JoS many times before, here they are:

When we freed the Demons in 2002-03, they all bolted their wings, indicating their power was restored to them.


From mid-December of 2002 through mid-April of 2003, myself and four others freed over 100 Demons. This was accomplished through sex magick. At the point of orgasm, we connected our souls to the souls of each of the Demons and transferred energy from each of our chakras to their chakras. This was a very rewarding experience. After the energy was transferred, each one bolted wings.

When we got started in freeing the Demons, a few were extremely desperate and tried to bribe me into freeing them immediately. The energy drain was intense as we connected our souls to the souls of the Demons and transferred our life force at the chakras. I told them that I only take orders from Satan and they would have to go through him, according to the order he wanted them to be freed. I just stayed extremely focused. The others who worked with me on this project experienced a lot of the same.


Spiritual Satanism does not in any way condone spirit abuse as taught in the classical grimoires. The Demons who were bound and compelled to do the bidding of the sorcerers are now free and anyone using the nine-foot circle methods and "Jehova" names is inviting personal disaster. The Demons are our friends and with respect and reverence in summoning through Satan, we seek to establish mutually beneficial relationships with them.


I was involved in an ongoing project- freeing the Demons.* My Guardian Demon, Azazel, and Thoth came to me as they were working with me. Thoth was the Patron Demon of our project and he accompanied each of our Guardian Demons, bringing each Demon to be freed. Glasya-Labolas needed to be freed right away. My daughter was in my room watching TV and there was a lot of commotion in my house. I told them I would have to wait until later.

Five minutes or so later, my daughter’s puppy urinated on my bed. I had to strip the bed and wash the bedding. Because of this, everyone had to leave my room. When Demons want something done, things seem to fall into place.

I went into my room, locked the door, and began to work on Glasya-Labolas. My kids were fighting, banging on the door and other kids came over and the house was a madhouse, but I tuned out all of the commotion, and successfully freed him.

In addition, HP Maxine said before that the Demons had their kundalini knocked back to the spine and that's why they used sex magick to shoot energy to their chakras. Note that performing energy work to a being is quite different to simply "removing blocks that connect us to them", it has to do with freeing the beings themselves. She also said that the reason Glasya-Labolas needed to be freed immediately was because a jewish family was going to abuse him in a few days as they were doing every year, so they freed him just in time.

I don't like this Nu-JoS interpretation where everybody allegorizes everything. The binding was literal, as the JoS site and posts by HP Maxine show.

How can a God be “so desperate” to be freed “in literal sense”? I don’t understand this part. They don’t need us for anything. Are you implying that they needed a human for their well-being or freedom or something?
CinnamonCake said:
Rational Satanist said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Similarly, I have seen and have related that the Gods were never really "bound" in the strict sense. Jews and nobody else can "Bind" these Demons or anything else. Only a part of them has been affected.

They were merely bound and removed from our perception. That has to do with the human mind, but not with their objective existence.

In hypnosis, you can program someone to stop seeing the number 1, for example. One will then might see the number but not recognize it. In a sense, that's what the jews have done to humanity, programming them to hate, detest, or ignore their own Gods.

Do you realize that this contradicts the JoS site and what HP Maxine said before that the Gods were literally bound by the enemy greys (and not by the jews) when they were outnumbered and lost a war 10k years ago? I've posted these excerpts from JoS many times before, here they are:

When we freed the Demons in 2002-03, they all bolted their wings, indicating their power was restored to them.


From mid-December of 2002 through mid-April of 2003, myself and four others freed over 100 Demons. This was accomplished through sex magick. At the point of orgasm, we connected our souls to the souls of each of the Demons and transferred energy from each of our chakras to their chakras. This was a very rewarding experience. After the energy was transferred, each one bolted wings.

When we got started in freeing the Demons, a few were extremely desperate and tried to bribe me into freeing them immediately. The energy drain was intense as we connected our souls to the souls of the Demons and transferred our life force at the chakras. I told them that I only take orders from Satan and they would have to go through him, according to the order he wanted them to be freed. I just stayed extremely focused. The others who worked with me on this project experienced a lot of the same.


Spiritual Satanism does not in any way condone spirit abuse as taught in the classical grimoires. The Demons who were bound and compelled to do the bidding of the sorcerers are now free and anyone using the nine-foot circle methods and "Jehova" names is inviting personal disaster. The Demons are our friends and with respect and reverence in summoning through Satan, we seek to establish mutually beneficial relationships with them.


I was involved in an ongoing project- freeing the Demons.* My Guardian Demon, Azazel, and Thoth came to me as they were working with me. Thoth was the Patron Demon of our project and he accompanied each of our Guardian Demons, bringing each Demon to be freed. Glasya-Labolas needed to be freed right away. My daughter was in my room watching TV and there was a lot of commotion in my house. I told them I would have to wait until later.

Five minutes or so later, my daughter’s puppy urinated on my bed. I had to strip the bed and wash the bedding. Because of this, everyone had to leave my room. When Demons want something done, things seem to fall into place.

I went into my room, locked the door, and began to work on Glasya-Labolas. My kids were fighting, banging on the door and other kids came over and the house was a madhouse, but I tuned out all of the commotion, and successfully freed him.

In addition, HP Maxine said before that the Demons had their kundalini knocked back to the spine and that's why they used sex magick to shoot energy to their chakras. Note that performing energy work to a being is quite different to simply "removing blocks that connect us to them", it has to do with freeing the beings themselves. She also said that the reason Glasya-Labolas needed to be freed immediately was because a jewish family was going to abuse him in a few days as they were doing every year, so they freed him just in time.

I don't like this Nu-JoS interpretation where everybody allegorizes everything. The binding was literal, as the JoS site and posts by HP Maxine show.

How can a God be “so desperate” to be freed “in literal sense”? I don’t understand this part. They don’t need us for anything. Are you implying that they needed a human for their well-being or freedom or something?

This is a complex subject and nothing I said in anyway invalidates what HPS Maxine has said.

Regardless this is being pointlessly falsely analyzed to create a meme that these things are antithetical or whatever.

I think probably because some are seeking a meme, like my favorite faker here Fanboy.

Upon the analysis of the levels of existence all this will be understood. For now it will be clear to those who are advanced.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
CinnamonCake said:
Rational Satanist said:
Do you realize that this contradicts the JoS site and what HP Maxine said before that the Gods were literally bound by the enemy greys (and not by the jews) when they were outnumbered and lost a war 10k years ago? I've posted these excerpts from JoS many times before, here they are:




In addition, HP Maxine said before that the Demons had their kundalini knocked back to the spine and that's why they used sex magick to shoot energy to their chakras. Note that performing energy work to a being is quite different to simply "removing blocks that connect us to them", it has to do with freeing the beings themselves. She also said that the reason Glasya-Labolas needed to be freed immediately was because a jewish family was going to abuse him in a few days as they were doing every year, so they freed him just in time.

I don't like this Nu-JoS interpretation where everybody allegorizes everything. The binding was literal, as the JoS site and posts by HP Maxine show.

How can a God be “so desperate” to be freed “in literal sense”? I don’t understand this part. They don’t need us for anything. Are you implying that they needed a human for their well-being or freedom or something?

This is a complex subject and nothing I said in anyway invalidates what HPS Maxine has said.

Regardless this is being pointlessly falsely analyzed to create a meme that these things are antithetical or whatever.

I think probably because some are seeking a meme, like my favorite faker here Fanboy.

Upon the analysis of the levels of existence all this will be understood. For now it will be clear to those who are advanced.

Thank you for your answer High Priest. Since I'm not old on forums, I don't know members’ styles or the memes. Considering that my mother tongue is not English, I get confused when I read it carefully. In another thread, he said that Demons could not help Gentiles because They were spiritually binded by the enemy in literal sense. Actually, I was always thinking about why They protect us now but They didn't protect witches when they were burned in the past. If I asked this to Rational Satanist, his answer would be "Because They were desperately binded." would be. However, since I am not an advanced Satanist, there are many things that remain unclear to me. I guess that's exactly what nature is and spirituality is subject to nature's law. An entitlement is needed. As long as you deserve it, you will know the truth; and you can only see the universe and reality as much as your spiritual level. This is nature, I know.
Can I ask a question on Aliens since we are on the subject.(This is why I love JoS the Mr.Bitter mentality, Starcraft 2 meme, Rotterdam(Kevin) goes Mr.Bitter your going off-topic, Mr.Bitter goes No, No; I'm circling around the topic eventually I'll circle back. Funny meme from 2013 casting on MLG I think before memes were really common place kinda like crypto before it went big).

ANYWAYS, My question is with so MUCH knowledge both real and fake how the hell does as a High Priest scour through everything?

I apologize if this makes me sound foolish I assume the Gods lead people to certain knowledge but it seems like even that falls into a xtian moniker of "Jesus christ give me the power to clean my floor I need God's help to clean" mentality. I assume like a member posted a long time ago a prominent member, thought implants and thought packages. If you have a specific thing implant if a large thing package and synchronicities for example XYZ member finds thread opened on the subject they wanted and it's like WTF the coincidence is too strong.

Right now there seems to be huge things going on. For example real knowledge, fake made up disknowledge, and random crap real and or crap people type up. For example a member on our forum has the Shadowlands Geocities website which is an interesting old school website it is basically HTML 1.0/2.0 website with outdated but useful knowledge for example the website opened up the same time HAARP popped in which it discusses. These old school websites are being taken down and destroyed. For example HP cobra has a a few websites that don't exist neither on the web nor archive. They are xtian interpretations of the bible used to learn how to fight against the bible. For example a member of ours has a xtian websites that states not only does evil not equal evil but evil = uppity and funny enough the Eternal creator states the jews are so uppity the very kikes that God loves are told they are so evil they can't call themselves Sisters of Sodom because the Sodomites are less uppity than jews. Funny the guy goes on a rant stating if this is how the truth of the bible is then it makes the biblical end of the World, end is nigh useless it completely refutes Gods intention to end the World.

My questions are:

1.| How does the rapid engorging of the internet with information both real and fake help our side?

For example people talk about aliens and entities especially these new agers and yet many people tend to laugh their ass off at alien/entity information. It's kinda like the spiritual memes. Why is it that whenever someone talks about spirituality and religion they talk about aliens and alien interaction.

2.| Is humanity this really pathetic that we don't know who the hell is in our airspace?

Now with Space Force and pushing towards space while aliens aren't around en mass, there is always military and NASA interaction stating Ayylmaos are watching us. For example our comms being hacked only for alien voice to state "God does not want you out here turn around".

3.| However do we scour through all this information?

I'm repeating myself but seriously whatever information there is it begs the question how the hell are people ever gonna learn the truth or bother learning the truth. It seems like enemy organizations just spend their day coming up with non-sense.

It seems to me like they are trying to hostilify aliens and make any alien in essence. Humanity is alone trust no one kill everything mentality. Funny reminds me of Independence Day, Do not shoot the air or else you can start an inter-galactic war.

I had a few more questions but they are repetitive. It seems like Alien = Spirituality, Spirituality = Alien. And yet some of you guys mention pretty rational things. Certainly not things I've read on in new age circles. It seems new agers and certain people don't use critical thinking like the grey alien that showed Betty Ross that his is God. How the hell does basically some sort of alien device or water nuclear fusion engine dispelling steam = God. Like seriously it seems like the aliens are trolling and creating memes to promote aliens by making a mockery of aliens.

I consider JoS members to seriously want alien interaction both spiritual and or physical properly. For example we know Orion is on our side and yet Orion is deemed most evil by new agers. Some of the places people mention seemingly contradict new agers or puts them on the spot they are told all these guys are evil and yet it's the opposite. I'm not saying IF Humanoid = Good, there's asshole and enemy Humanoids. But it seems like the duping in people is huge.

It reminds me of the post by HP.Cobra on the planet that broke out of Kosher Supervision. A Human colony that is "cutting edge". I wonder what made them succeed and what made them open up. Is it possible they had their own Joy of Satan group that eventually wrestled the semitic beast down and revealed to everyone and everything spirituality and mass spirituality popped in only for there to be hostilities between the semitic trick species and the host Human species.

Sometimes I wonder why were born in clown World like literally if each planet holds a unique kosher supervision. Then the Earthicans are pure retarded yoloswag420 dumb fucks.

It seems like all our questions can't be answered which is a shame cause I'm sure even new agers want to know who they are interacting with and probably some have realized something is going on but are too hippiesh to bother following through.

NakedPluto said:
In the few instances I came across ETs, besides greys in attacks, in astral projection or similar activities, all were very very reserved, total uninterested or rather bored at my manifestation there as I was shown things by being escorted by a Demon. Elementals were stereotype of their element.

I'm quoting to speak on this. I wouldn't be surprised if this happens. Both the law of above and below is present. The being XYZ saw many things or knows many things. I would not be surprised if what amuses us and makes us believe in the Gods or entities makes us eventually go "I'm bored lets do something".

Similar to alien interaction we interact with aliens. Funny physically the news goes berserk eventually even the physically unspiritual Humans would get bored. Always alien crap I come home from work only to be bombarded with alien crap let me go on Hulu or Netflix and watch a film or show.

Just as Humans below as normal non-spiritual entities or aspiritual entities get bored. I wouldn't put it past higher entities that eventually things get boring. For example manifesting a saber funny a God would be amused by your efforts but when they manifest something it's some insanely advanced sword with Runic symbols and it's like for example. I pull out a katana and it's just some American made blade from some company. Some advanced Alien pulls out his own Katana and it's a highly engineered advanced thing that funny enough upon striking my blade it cracks my blade even a OG Japanese Hanzo blade would get damaged.

Same here it's like look Satan I got a machine gun and Satan pulls out his machine gun and goes THIS is a machine gun. And your like WTF is that, that you just pulled out. Cool.

Silly example excuse the silliness of it. But in essence what we can do is amusing as a Teacher-Student discipline but in trying to impress the Gods or show off we are lightyears behind the ability to do that. Despite physical attempts by people for example there are many guns, swords, bullets, and other weapons the Gods might be impressed by and could upgun them as spiritual and or physical generational weapons.

For example you might manifest astral armor but the Gods can do the same only at a much more extreme level.

I think boredom is the right word out of our ignorance. Maybe lack of enthusiasm or maybe entities that seen many and aren't impressed. For example you pull out a astral blade only for them to kinda like shrug their shoulders.
I don't understand what's so difficult to understand about this. Connecting your chakra to those of higher beings like the Gods creates a bridge between the higher levels and the lower levels, for example. People need to leave at the door the xtard mindset of taking things too literally.
Stormblood said:
I don't understand what's so difficult to understand about this. Connecting your chakra to those of higher beings like the Gods creates a bridge between the higher levels and the lower levels, for example. People need to leave at the door the xtard mindset of taking things too literally.

The "Fall of Man" relates to the fall of "Mankind". Orion didn't fall or rise because of the actions of anyone here. History has been greatly affected because of some works, only through the context of this astral low dimensional prison here.

The enemy vermin cannot affect the Gods on the higher levels, just the parts which humanity can comprehend due to spiritual poverty.

Satan remains supreme and ruler. What the people do here and if we are locked in an astral cage or not, and the dynamic of this cage, affect only the cage. And we need to take this down, not to help the Gods, but only to get in touch with reality.
Rational Satanist said:

he say only a PART of them ahs been affected. what u on about bro?

explain u dickhead, i read ur post. side by side with cobra.

where the fuck is """Contradiction""". nowhere.

sorry but this priest has done more than anyone.

fucks like u make me vomit. ewwwwww

in the metaphysical writings of the jews and the "grimoires", these are written in this manner with bindings and other procedures. Long story short these don't affect the universe, but they did have an effect on the sphere of existence where human beings did exist under, which is a very low dimension.

what the fuck u on? Are we on the golden age u fool?

u smell like dogs shit to me. long time.
Rational Satanist said:
Also I can say from my own experience in being 15 years in JoS: This is the first time a HP comes and says that the binding of the Gods is allegorical and confusing it with the severing of communication between Gods and humans. It was always understood to be literal, and that the cutting off of communication was a totally different, unrelated thing that had nothing to do with the binding of the Gods. Yes, the enemy did put curses to cut off communication between us and the Gods, but this was not the binding of the Gods, but a different thing unrelated to it. A traitor HP for example was a member of many Grimoire groups that abused the Demons, and after the Demons were freed he said the spirit abusers there started having many troubles and most of these groups were closed.

Not only that, but the freeing of the Demons back in 2003 was understood to be a momentous event that changed history, both by the humans and by the Gods (even Satan Himself), not just restoring of communication. HP Maxine said to a person who questioned the freeing of the Demons: "Look back in history and see what has happened in the Middle East since 2003 and you will understand that the Demons were really freed". She also said that after they freed the Demons she saw a vision of two Rabbis, one in his 70's and the other one in his 40's in which the older rabbi said "we are finished", but the younger one refused to believe it.

"Thank God" it took a long time for this to be directly public and seen by all. Your manifestation I mean. I had to verbalize defenses for things you were not guilty of, but waited on this from the first time I responded to you.

You also posted and wanted people to talk bad and attack JoS on the internet for a twisted way of promotion. That post I reported.

However, I will not say any other things and keep my opinions reserved about this. Just that no usual human is able and advanced enough to interpret the reality of the matters told and birthed by HPS Maxine. She was ahead of her time and all of us, and things have a direct, straight to the point practically. Take on phrase from her and I can write a book explaining the depth of it.

For me personally I always knew what she referred to since I was a kid and read it. Cobra explained very well and it is easy to understand. At this point one has to have a little orientation as a human being in relation to the universe and the state of the matters. This confrontational points born from an already known supposed self victimized vulnerability is of low tryout.

Anyone is welcomed to advance and know and ask. Yet let the conclusions due after real appliance. I was really unaware this topic was so interesting for people and emotionally invested, as it appears, Cobra knows and did best in relating the state of the matters.
NakedPluto said:
Rational Satanist said:
Also I can say from my own experience in being 15 years in JoS: This is the first time a HP comes and says that the binding of the Gods is allegorical and confusing it with the severing of communication between Gods and humans. It was always understood to be literal, and that the cutting off of communication was a totally different, unrelated thing that had nothing to do with the binding of the Gods. Yes, the enemy did put curses to cut off communication between us and the Gods, but this was not the binding of the Gods, but a different thing unrelated to it. A traitor HP for example was a member of many Grimoire groups that abused the Demons, and after the Demons were freed he said the spirit abusers there started having many troubles and most of these groups were closed.

Not only that, but the freeing of the Demons back in 2003 was understood to be a momentous event that changed history, both by the humans and by the Gods (even Satan Himself), not just restoring of communication. HP Maxine said to a person who questioned the freeing of the Demons: "Look back in history and see what has happened in the Middle East since 2003 and you will understand that the Demons were really freed". She also said that after they freed the Demons she saw a vision of two Rabbis, one in his 70's and the other one in his 40's in which the older rabbi said "we are finished", but the younger one refused to believe it.

"Thank God" it took a long time for this to be directly public and seen by all. Your manifestation I mean. I had to verbalize defenses for things you were not guilty of, but waited on this from the first time I responded to you.

You also posted and wanted people to talk bad and attack JoS on the internet for a twisted way of promotion. That post I reported.

However, I will not say any other things and keep my opinions reserved about this. Just that no usual human is able and advanced enough to interpret the reality of the matters told and birthed by HPS Maxine. She was ahead of her time and all of us, and things have a direct, straight to the point practically. Take on phrase from her and I can write a book explaining the depth of it.

For me personally I always knew what she referred to since I was a kid and read it. Cobra explained very well and it is easy to understand. At this point one has to have a little orientation as a human being in relation to the universe and the state of the matters. This confrontational points born from an already known supposed self victimized vulnerability is of low tryout.

Anyone is welcomed to advance and know and ask. Yet let the conclusions due after real appliance. I was really unaware this topic was so interesting for people and emotionally invested, as it appears, Cobra knows and did best in relating the state of the matters.

Part 1 and 2 combined do answer these questions. Anyhow, more will be understood with very broad terms after this page is updated:


This page is so elementary that it causes ultimate confusion. There is a whole aspect of knowledge that needs to be shared. Try to remain calm until all of this is related. Then all will make sense.

Regardless I am not against people telling whatever.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Part 1 and 2 combined do answer these questions. Anyhow, more will be understood with very broad terms after this page is updated:


This page is so elementary that it causes ultimate confusion. There is a whole aspect of knowledge that needs to be shared. Try to remain calm until all of this is related. Then all will make sense.

Regardless I am not against people telling whatever.

I succeeded in breaking glass with the mental body, but I was actually focused on the inner grid of energy. A crack in the door flashed my attention in a cup of glass and it exploded from a point. My father when young did the same. It is very dangerous and advanced and happened accidentally. I assume the real knowledge of these aspects go as far as beyond comprehension related to the above subject.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Part 1 and 2 combined do answer these questions. Anyhow, more will be understood with very broad terms after this page is updated:


This page is so elementary that it causes ultimate confusion. There is a whole aspect of knowledge that needs to be shared. Try to remain calm until all of this is related. Then all will make sense.

Regardless I am not against people telling whatever.
I think I have already wrote before in the forum that Maxine had definitely less knowledge around that time and the Gods were not bound but it was us who were more bound, the enemy definitely tried everything. I'm glad I understand this. I'm sure other that are a bit advanced can understand too. I can see why some may be a bit more confused but some may just be infiltrators, it's not difficult to understand that at the time Maxine had less knowledge and her astral senses were not as open to understand fully what was happening...
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Part 1 and 2 combined do answer these questions. Anyhow, more will be understood with very broad terms after this page is updated:


This page is so elementary that it causes ultimate confusion. There is a whole aspect of knowledge that needs to be shared. Try to remain calm until all of this is related. Then all will make sense.

Regardless I am not against people telling whatever.
I think I have already wrote before in the forum that Maxine had definitely less knowledge around that time and the Gods were not bound but it was us who were more bound, the enemy definitely tried everything. I'm glad I understand this. I'm sure other that are a bit advanced can understand too. I can see why some may be a bit more confused but some may just be infiltrators, it's not difficult to understand that at the time Maxine had less knowledge and her astral senses were not as open to understand fully what was happening...

We went by what we had. Thankfully, the Gods helped us way more than this.

2003 to 2020, is thankfully a very big distance evolution wise. I am glad it's the case, and not the contrary.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I have always wondered about this, but since I wasn't there, I don't allow myself to speculate much on this, as I am not really in the spiritual level required to comprehend all that happened back then. But since you brought this subject up I have been thinking about this. The only way I could think of for this to make sense and not invalidate HPS Maxine's statements is exactly what you just linked.
I know the Gods project parts of their soul and consciousness on Earth which is why they are able to help us here and interact with us. And these are the parts that have been actually bound. Not their whole souls, for if the Greys had that incredible amount of power we would not be here right now having this conversation anyway.. thanks for the explanations.
Fanboy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Arcadia said:
Reflecting on the JoS itself is interesting. Back when I was still purely in the unknown, when I first discovered the main site, and read the material, I eventually stumbled into the Daemons section, which listed all the names out as per the "Goetia" list. Without angling towards disrespect, I remember reading the section that talked about the "Demons being set free", and the vivid experiences listed of them unfurling their wings, having been "trapped", so on, so forth.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

i think we definitely have a significant effect in the warfare. even diverting the attention of the enemy is a huge boon for our gods, the more of a stink we make the more the stronger enemies have to split their resources. in an equal battle, a minor aid can become the turning point and can mean victory or loss. lose your footing and you lose your balance and you get caught on your heels. a minor rock could twist your ankle, a minor storm could capsize a compromised ship, a minor cold could open you up to a deadly virus and such. if there is anything ive learned about life its that just when you think you're untouchable it all comes crashing down from the most insignificant thing. thats the law of life, its time the lizards get a taste.

hail satan <3
This is exactly what was in my mind :D
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

My sincere thanks for your guidance HP.
This is quite mind boggling, and it serves to answer some questions, yet it also creates more. I suppose learning, it never ends, no matter what level we are on collectively or individually.

I have a few questions, though.

About a week ago, I personally had a somewhat negative encounter with a Xian man, trying to "teach" me something I was still learning about. His demeanor was impatient, harsh, and almost as if subconsciously trying to exert dominance over me (I'm female and he was deeply involved in Xianity, complete with the fake smiley mask).
I politely thanked him, and asked for him to clarify things for me in another way. It was seemingly beyond him to even fathom to speak to me in a different tone of voice. Long story short, I remembered Lilith and her free and strong spirit. And how the enemy demeaned her and our Astarte. I looked around me that day and noticed that everyone seemed desensitized to women and, people in general, being treated that way. Perfectly programmed slaves, molded to operate in a cut-throat environment.
I was so upset that I did some RTRs to let off some steam. But it was not enough for me. I prayed to Lilith and Astarte for guidance. Eventually, I found myself asking them to lead me to the worst verses concerning women in the Bible. This served as even more RTR fuel and meditation.

My questions are: Is it fine to create our own RTRs to lessen the effects of the enemy in a very specific aspect of our lives?
Can we do so to remove a cheap binding off of a specific God or Goddess as a Thanksgiving offering (at least to open human perception of him or her, as you say)?
Does the Freeing the Serpent RTR help with dealing with earthly suppression of women or the feminine? Can we use it to raise energy for say, Lilith or Astarte?
And finally, will we ever perform a ritual for Mother Earth, to raise its Auric Shielding and self-healing?

Excuse me if I sounded a bit self-centered. Just some honest questions triggered by a lot at once. 😅
Sounded like a Feministin
Thank you for making such an indepth reply to my original post. I have felt this was important for a long time now, and new initiates can now have certain misconceptions dispelled just in case they aren't ready to fully interpret some of the older information still present on the main site, until such a time some of the earlier foundations can be refined with more advanced understandings. The updated information so far (Baalzebul, Azazel and Astarte) has been magnificently done.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Arcadia said:


About The Binding Of The Demons - Part 1

HPS Maxine has always been a talent, the situation yet remains things need to be explained properly. She has done more than she has articulated in a manner that can be understood. The interpretation of what was happening however and exactly what was the case, has been missing.

Therefore these subjects are poorly understood. Poor understanding leads to other issues. In anyway, HPS Maxine has always been extremely advanced, yet because of a lack of consensus based knowledge, she might not even have evaluated her own abilities, in a way. I have to expand upon the subject to clear things out.

She was able to tap into the sphere adjacent to this one that we live in and has been a natural chaneller and medium. Won't even get into the Astrology skills and other things.

Personally I have no questions in that she could easily have been a Pythia in Deplhi in a previous lifetime. For those who might know, that was the a highest post of prophetic ability and spiritual capacity of the Deplhic Oracle in the past, sort of like top High Priestess in previous lifetimes.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666


Gear88 said:

Kebabguy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

As Asmodeus has said, "Their rule is but for a season". The Gods see this whole thing as a temporary flu, on the greater perspective of things.

I had made exactly the same thought, that Maxine was Pythia in the Oracle of Delphi ! ! !

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
