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About HPS Maxine And The JoS

Shael said:
I completely agree with the idea of not feeling like engaging much with people on a lower level than you. I'm simply pointing out and questioning this idea that somehow she wouldnt even have wanted to briefly say she will be gone. I see absolutely no logical reason to explain why she would not even do that, if she is just taking a break.

This is literally a "transfer of leadership" from Maxine over to Cobra. As the leader and founder of the JoS, how in the world would it be justified to do this without any confirmation or communication whatsoever with the community itself? It makes no sense why she would stay completely silent during all of this.

This is what I'm questioning, and I don't care what anyone here thinks of me for it. It's a big situation that almost 0 details have been provided on.
Cobra didn't even say that Maxine told him she'd be taking a break, but rather just that she disappeared and he now assumes she's taking a break. That is how I understood that message. If this is not the case, then I'd gladly be proven wrong.
As far as a "transfer of leadership" goes it's been gradual and Cobra has seriously put in a lot of time and effort so I feel he deserves a bit more trust. Besides everything has been progressing as it should and the RTRs are still going strong. Actually Maxine could fall off the face of the earth and her legacy would still be standing strong thanks to Cobra so I still don't see any issues.
Shael said:
Lydia said:
I'm almost not sure what to write... look, I am nowhere near Maxine, but I personally know what it's like as you advance, and really get into spirituality, one absolutely NEEDS time off from online communications. It is painful, in a way, like ripping down to go back to forums, writing, emails, communicating with people, etc. Communicating with a large amount of people who are less advanced than one is can be jarring. One needs to stay in the spirituality mode, so to speak. So I can fully comprehend how Maxine did not write this herself, or let everyone know she was fine, especially as her advancement, or life, is nobody else's concern. I believe that she needs/needed to stay fully in focus of her spiritual goals, and not come back down to deal with forums and emails. Especially as she is far more advanced than I am so it would be more "amplified" for her.

Shael, if you have any psychic ability, or are able to communicate with the Gods, you should know better. We can sense she is fine, all is well, so wtf is your post about here.
I completely agree with the idea of not feeling like engaging much with people on a lower level than you. I'm simply pointing out and questioning this idea that somehow she wouldnt even have wanted to briefly say she will be gone. I see absolutely no logical reason to explain why she would not even do that, if she is just taking a break.

dumb as fuck all comment.

he has run things for all these years you fuckwit. she did not make the rituals she authored HIM to do it, guide, organize, lead. why she is not here hmmm, less than 300 posts, why should she speak to dumb fucks like you to tell her shit.?? 6000 posts wasted for idiots like you, im glad hes not left also.

how do you speak that way to? and when she talked about him? she gave him ful authority like hello dumbass? you're a fucking moron and they are brothers for years with TRUST.

you think satan is fucking stupid you moron? she was more psychic than you will ever be. she could SEE everything. she KNEW who she was putting up.

shit weak ass Ge***** boy cannot understand why they not speak straight to enemy jews killers agents and fucking *** that want to ki** people like that, thats what they exist FOR. why why? how? no imagination...

glory to Maxine, thank you for everything, always a GODDESS to me, no matter what. eternal respect.
What about those gentile traitors who have betrayed father satan and went to the enemy, are they guided by the enemy to the Magnum opus? Thanks in advance.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I think I failed to explain myself well, I completely understand that all the rituals we do have a perfect reason behind them, and perhaps I mixed between the grid and the veil HPS Maxine has talked about, meaning the veil with which the reptilians cover the planets and species they besiege to spiritually isolate them and limit their spiritual and intellectual capabilities. She explained this is the reason why you could show most people the truth and they would still not see it. I might just be misunderstanding the whole idea completely.

As for beating myself up over it for no reason, I'm definitely not feeling down, just had a moment of reality check. If anything, hearing about HPS Maxine has motivated me greatly. I was just making and observation that what I've achieved spiritually in my time as a Satanist, Maxine has probably achieved more in less than a year (I did a typo and wrote less in that year, I understand that her spiritual process wasn't exclusively or even a large part of it in the last couple of years, just like a lot of us, she's been on it ever since finding the Satanic path). All of this comparing has made me just more humble and take a more serious approach about my advancement.

Lastly, even though you do all of this to serve Satan and except nothing from us in return, still the very least a JoS member could do is show some gratitude.
Crying baby said:
What about those gentile traitors who have betrayed father satan and went to the enemy, are they guided by the enemy to the Magnum opus? Thanks in advance.

As far as the enemy is concerned you're supposed to be an unspiritual borg, a piece of worthless human meat, or and you are only a "Goyim Animal" if you're a Gentile. Only fit for slavery.

The only way the enemy will lead these people who leave Satan to go to them, is to the grave.
Blitzkreig said:
thedarkstar said:

Any work done on the astral influences the physical as well. When you do an aura of protection, this protects you entirely, not just on a soul level. HPS Maxine herself is strong enough to protect herself very well, but she is also protected by the Gods in her entirety. There have already been many completely foiled attacks against her. This shows the Gods can and will protect us physically.

You are correct that we should still take precautions, but it is important that you understand that astral workings will influence the physical realm.

yeah your right as well but working till your drop isn't good ether bad things can happen like it did to my dad he alive but only has a half of a arm but that is a diffrent story. i just don't like all this info being out but if father satan deemed it ok then it must be safe then
My heart and trust is with HC, with all the things he does, the help he gives, I trust him with all my heart, he's like a Brotherly figure to me and I will never doubt him(there's nothing to doubt anyway). May seem naive, but that's what I feel towards him. He's our great leader. Some of this comments are cringe, but hey, there's always gonna be the people who are less wise.
slyscorpion said:
Sundara said:
This post really helped me grasp the full risk that the forums have been at, and I had not yet seen things in such a light as I saw it while reading this. The entirety of my time I’ve been thinking how free and lucky we are, that things have never been this good which is only a partial truth. In the grand scheme of things, it has also never been this bad. Even through the dark ages and when the crusades were happening, as evil and sick as it was, the knowledge and people still existed together in communities. That was just the beginning of the abuse there. Now with technology and mass media, information is being buried hidden and corrupted. They’ve been planning this shit out for centuries. As soon as they wiped out communities and physical information, and fully had their mits in the population, they jumped on board with tech as the age of Aquarius approached. They’ve been rewriting history as it happens for ages. The world hasn’t ever seen destruction on the level that it’s on right now. Nor people. Now foods are poisoned, races are being mixed, and the world is headed full force into spiritual and physical degradation. I’ve been perceiving this world in such a beautiful and rose colored way the last 10 years.

I’ve also had an idea that as we transition through ages, that might mean that we are also aligned with a degree or fixed star. Do fixed stars have any effect on the ages? Just an estimation as I don’t know how long it takes for the earth to go through a degree, but when it was at 28 degrees of Pisces (scheat) it would’ve been around the beginning of the age of Pisces when there was mass murder and lost spiritual knowledge, misfortunes, and rapid changes in communities forming and deforming. When good scientists and philosophers started coming up this may have been around 4 degrees of Pisces. With 2000 years, if it changes a degree every 66 years and there’s an orb of 1-2 degrees then a fixed star could have an effect as long as 200 years. I’ll post this in the astrology forum but as we are possibly on the 29 degree mark in Aquarius (since the signs move through the ages backwards) it signifies a major end to many things. Same as every beginning and end of an age which has been stated on here before.

To be honest i believe its possible we hit 29.59 Aquarius on December 21st-23rd 2012 or some time after that. It is also possible we simply hit 0 something in Pisces where the energy starts to be mixed. I know i remember when i was younger the energy was Pisces totally and really bad. I am not fully sure on this but i felt a big shift on the 22nd 2012. 2024 is pluto in Aquarius and Neptune just barley hits the 0 Aries point for a few days then retrogrades. I feel like though the energy around earth is by far more Aquarius than pisces.
But even so to be honest there will still be some Pisces influence for a bit. The 29 degree of things towards the end and 0 degree retrograding towards the end starts to become mixed with the next sign if you tune into things you can feel this yourself. 2024 is when we more start to feel aquarius energies but it wont be true Aquarius energy more so until Neptune leaves Pisces for good in 2025.

This is just my thoughts but you dont have to worry about us needing to be fully into Aquarius energy in every way to have a better world. We will win against the enemy long before the last of Pisces energy is gone in 2150 or whatever Cobra said.

Well the whole global lockdown isn’t strictly running off of saturn in Aquarius thats for sure. Aquarius and Pisces both death with changes in freedom (Aquarius) or isolation (pisces), I was thinking either 29 or 0 degrees of Pisces right now too. I wonder what that entails, winning entirely. A lot of us may live to see it if we live to get to the hundreds.
FancyMancy said:
Retrospect said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Spiritual Satanism is real-life. It is not a silly, fake fantasy game, MMORPG or cosplay. It is real-life. I think you meant to say "offline" i.e. in the Physical World rather than online virtually.
Yes your right, I made this comment late at night. I just meant to explain that in everyday life people leave all the time without explanation, so why would he be surprised that there was nothing formal about her disappearance. It is part of life, one has to accept when it happens or be forever questioning it which is a waste of time.
I am happy that Facebook and Twitter still allow posts for the Joy of Satan... Facebook banned some websites, as it went against community standards. They do that with some sites. I have posted lots of articles on Facebook, got quite a few likes as well. Also, the Joy of Satan 666 page on Facebook. Lets hope this stays up.
Lots of occults on other forums THANK ME CONTINUALLY for giving them the links to the Power Meditations, and Satanic Witchcraft. FREE at that.. (, I send these via P.M.s,, or personal messages to individuals ). And,, these two links expose Christianity and such, quite well, so people will be well forewarned to avoid the J.C.I. religions. People are hungry for these power meditations and the other website forums don't give much of anything of value. And the crumbs they do give, is at a price.. ""Swallow a camel, and strain a gnat"". Jew principle at work there. The energy meditations get me to where I am sensing a presence 'riding me', brushing up on my aura, and, at times seeing and almost entering a different realm at my 3rd eye. I can only hope it's a Demon. I keep offering. As they wish. So I know the energy work can even help the 'psychically blind'. I know,, other literature has some good information and useful techniques,, but, as most of us here know, it is far more difficult to get the pearls from the dirt in most other literary work. Those here that do the research I have, over the years, will see this. The Joy of Satan website is the only site that gives so much useful information for FREE.. Salespeople in other occult sites are not too fond of this fact. ""They are all neo nazis, socialists, in servants to Hitler""", and other such excuses... So,, I tell them, that if the neo nazi, socialist stuff is not for them, that is fine. It's the Meditations and Witchcraft techniques, personal power that matter ,,, along with exposing Christianity and related religions. And a lot of people I have messaged with these meditations and witchcraft, agreed with me. Seems the more people know them, the better. This helps to bring about the ""Falling Away"" in the christian bible... In reality it could be called the Raising Up. Truth and Personal Power = Raising ourselves of the the lie and pit of religion. Thank you Satan
I knew the jos in 2016 and from what i have read on jos and the old fourms i think that Maxine is the smartest and the strongest person that you could read about, i also bet she did the stage one of the magnum opus.
Shael said:
What I find funniest most above all, is that 99% of people here simply accepted what was said blindly like sheep without even questioning anything. Although I cant say I'm surprised.

Look who's talking !! I don't know if you're an infiltrator or just a dumb pathetic dummy with no racial indentity

How dare you to say that 99% of the JoS members are sheep ... !!!
And why! because you don't have the ability to see and understand what others have seen and understood
Even if someone drew your map you still wouldn't understand ...
Lydia said:
Shael, if you have any psychic ability, or are able to communicate with the Gods, you should know better. We can sense she is fine, all is well, so wtf is your post about here.

You are so funny:) my toaster has more psychic ability then shael

PS. Reminder
Shael has a history of attacking Aryan long-term members, also this "member" defended a proven jew infiltrator
fausty666 said:
Shael said:
Lydia said:
I'm almost not sure what to write... look, I am nowhere near Maxine, but I personally know what it's like as you advance, and really get into spirituality, one absolutely NEEDS time off from online communications. It is painful, in a way, like ripping down to go back to forums, writing, emails, communicating with people, etc. Communicating with a large amount of people who are less advanced than one is can be jarring. One needs to stay in the spirituality mode, so to speak. So I can fully comprehend how Maxine did not write this herself, or let everyone know she was fine, especially as her advancement, or life, is nobody else's concern. I believe that she needs/needed to stay fully in focus of her spiritual goals, and not come back down to deal with forums and emails. Especially as she is far more advanced than I am so it would be more "amplified" for her.

Shael, if you have any psychic ability, or are able to communicate with the Gods, you should know better. We can sense she is fine, all is well, so wtf is your post about here.
I completely agree with the idea of not feeling like engaging much with people on a lower level than you. I'm simply pointing out and questioning this idea that somehow she wouldnt even have wanted to briefly say she will be gone. I see absolutely no logical reason to explain why she would not even do that, if she is just taking a break.

dumb as fuck all comment.

he has run things for all these years you fuckwit. she did not make the rituals she authored HIM to do it, guide, organize, lead. why she is not here hmmm, less than 300 posts, why should she speak to dumb fucks like you to tell her shit.?? 6000 posts wasted for idiots like you, im glad hes not left also.

how do you speak that way to? and when she talked about him? she gave him ful authority like hello dumbass? you're a fucking moron and they are brothers for years with TRUST.

you think satan is fucking stupid you moron? she was more psychic than you will ever be. she could SEE everything. she KNEW who she was putting up.

shit weak ass Ge***** boy cannot understand why they not speak straight to enemy jews killers agents and fucking *** that want to ki** people like that, thats what they exist FOR. why why? how? no imagination...

glory to Maxine, thank you for everything, always a GODDESS to me, no matter what. eternal respect.
Shaels comment may be considered disrespectful but your reply is also degrading to the integrity of community standards, we're all allowed to express our opinions and shouldn't be spazzed at for doing so, especially in this way. Unfortunately this situation has many frustrated, understandably, but we simply need to move on here.

Regarding Maxine though, her last post was near the end of March, we all know March 21st to be a special date for the Magnum Opus. But this could however be something more complicated than we know. Anyways I'm sure many who are knowledgeable or experienced know genuine Kundalini awakenings and things that extend beyond this, such as the Magnum Opus, is simply something the ordinary man cannot ascertain. From studying the works of other spiritual adepts who've written their Kundalini experiences it's known that this is not a process that lasts for a few days, with conditions that vary in the process.

Simply trust in your intuition and the gods, despite all of the events going on I've never been more optimistic for the future of this world. A normal man could say I'd be crazy but there's this overwhelming feeling of confidence despite everything.
Coraxo said:
I understand you. But do you realize that all of this is exponential? When someone first starts, there is a time when very little change is happening. Then they start getting stronger, and as they get stronger, the amount of change they are able to have becomes larger. They keep getting stronger, then they increase in amounts that keeps getting larger, then they become more stronger, then they increase in a much bigger amount.

Maxine who has had probably more focus on this work than anybody else in the world, every day, for more than 20 years. Imagine how big she has become after all that? So of course she is able to increase in larger amounts than you faster than you can. Only because you have not done the work that she has done, and not for nearly as much time as her.



Look at this picture, the exponential line. 0 to 6 is a beginner. 6 to 8 is someone who has been working for a few years. Maxine is like 10. The person on 5 is complaining that the person on 10 is going faster than them. So put in the work and carry yourself there.
NakedPluto said:
So my visions of you Cobra having everything of and for the authority of warfare and *** are true. I told you in an email that only you were placed to give orders for our army. Very nice.

Unfortunately I will be unable to post anymore and even perform my duties as a SS for a very long period of time. I will be introduced to my career which is nothing more than what a Pluto life entails. With no privacy and related.

With that said I wish you all extreme happiness and be strong. Hail Satan!

First Ghost, and now you Pluto? You’ve been an awesome member and helpful, thank you for everything and I’m excited for you and your career. I think you know the right choices for yourself and even if it’s a lot of hard work to get to wherever you need to get to you will succeed and make the contributions to the world you hope to make with your mindset.

As far as seeing each other on the astral and being given information about members from the Gods, this has happened during communication and I didn’t realize this was something the Gods help with. I felt invasive seeing these things and tried to respect astral privacy but I haven’t really been able to prevent what I’ve seen. I suppose if we’re not supposed to know something then we won’t. What Maxine has done and has accomplished would’ve been impossible for just the average meditator. She’s truly something else and has guided our Satanists in this generation on a profound level.
The real and true priesthood is comparable to great scientists and philosophers and goes beyond, because it is divinity.

Great Sermon, Thank You Commander!
FancyMancy said:
Retrospect said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Spiritual Satanism is real-life. It is not a silly, fake fantasy game, MMORPG or cosplay. It is real-life. I think you meant to say "offline" i.e. in the Physical World rather than online virtually.

I don't believe I said anything like this or related to this at all I think you misunderstood what I was saying. I know life is nothing like a role playing game. I was just saying there are many different directions things can go. When you become more open if you focus you can realize some of these directions.

For example we could have done nothing at all was my point. I can kind of see where that would lead. What people don't realize is this would have been the endgame time for the enemy whether we did anything or not. For example had me done nothing I had a vision there would have been some war or something and everything would have been shut down we would have gone into hiding much of the planet would be completely destroyed by now or in the near future. The last moments would have been spent in some basement somewhere I would have been killed my girl would have gotten the chip possibly or been killed along with me.

These are some things to think about. You always have choices from every moment you are alive and breathing the general path of your life. There are many ways this can go. If you go into deep meditation you can kind of see this. You make one fuck up it can change the entire future of your life. This isn't really a game as one fuck up and your dead for real or you have a shitty life. So to think of the other outcome leaves us no choice but to fight.

The future can be really beautiful or it can be a nightmare. The enemy had already planned long ago to use this transition period of the ages to cement their rule. We are foiling that and will. This is not a role playing game this is life. We must care about it if we want to survive. That goes to the Hitler quote in my signature. Very important words. If we don't fight we don't live or even deserve to live long story short. Those who do not have any will to fight will not survive even in the coming world if they live for that. The reason is advancement if they never advance or meditate much they will still eventually dissapate and be poof gone forever. So it's an eternal struggle we must always fight and have will to live.
I haven’t been here long (only recently felt a pull to start commenting on the forums) so I don’t think it’s my place to say much on this.

If it weren’t for HPS Maxine, and others spreading the links of JoS... I’d probably have been driven to insanity given my situation before finding JoS with my partner.

So thank you, to her, to you - HP HoodedCobra, the Gods of course, and everyone who has contributed to JoS. I’m looking forward to the next steps.

Wherever she is now, I wish HPS Maxine all the best.

Hail Father Satan!
Sundara said:
slyscorpion said:
Sundara said:
This post really helped me grasp the full risk that the forums have been at, and I had not yet seen things in such a light as I saw it while reading this. The entirety of my time I’ve been thinking how free and lucky we are, that things have never been this good which is only a partial truth. In the grand scheme of things, it has also never been this bad. Even through the dark ages and when the crusades were happening, as evil and sick as it was, the knowledge and people still existed together in communities. That was just the beginning of the abuse there. Now with technology and mass media, information is being buried hidden and corrupted. They’ve been planning this shit out for centuries. As soon as they wiped out communities and physical information, and fully had their mits in the population, they jumped on board with tech as the age of Aquarius approached. They’ve been rewriting history as it happens for ages. The world hasn’t ever seen destruction on the level that it’s on right now. Nor people. Now foods are poisoned, races are being mixed, and the world is headed full force into spiritual and physical degradation. I’ve been perceiving this world in such a beautiful and rose colored way the last 10 years.

I’ve also had an idea that as we transition through ages, that might mean that we are also aligned with a degree or fixed star. Do fixed stars have any effect on the ages? Just an estimation as I don’t know how long it takes for the earth to go through a degree, but when it was at 28 degrees of Pisces (scheat) it would’ve been around the beginning of the age of Pisces when there was mass murder and lost spiritual knowledge, misfortunes, and rapid changes in communities forming and deforming. When good scientists and philosophers started coming up this may have been around 4 degrees of Pisces. With 2000 years, if it changes a degree every 66 years and there’s an orb of 1-2 degrees then a fixed star could have an effect as long as 200 years. I’ll post this in the astrology forum but as we are possibly on the 29 degree mark in Aquarius (since the signs move through the ages backwards) it signifies a major end to many things. Same as every beginning and end of an age which has been stated on here before.

To be honest i believe its possible we hit 29.59 Aquarius on December 21st-23rd 2012 or some time after that. It is also possible we simply hit 0 something in Pisces where the energy starts to be mixed. I know i remember when i was younger the energy was Pisces totally and really bad. I am not fully sure on this but i felt a big shift on the 22nd 2012. 2024 is pluto in Aquarius and Neptune just barley hits the 0 Aries point for a few days then retrogrades. I feel like though the energy around earth is by far more Aquarius than pisces.
But even so to be honest there will still be some Pisces influence for a bit. The 29 degree of things towards the end and 0 degree retrograding towards the end starts to become mixed with the next sign if you tune into things you can feel this yourself. 2024 is when we more start to feel aquarius energies but it wont be true Aquarius energy more so until Neptune leaves Pisces for good in 2025.

This is just my thoughts but you dont have to worry about us needing to be fully into Aquarius energy in every way to have a better world. We will win against the enemy long before the last of Pisces energy is gone in 2150 or whatever Cobra said.

Well the whole global lockdown isn’t strictly running off of saturn in Aquarius thats for sure. Aquarius and Pisces both death with changes in freedom (Aquarius) or isolation (pisces), I was thinking either 29 or 0 degrees of Pisces right now too. I wonder what that entails, winning entirely. A lot of us may live to see it if we live to get to the hundreds.

Actually I think it is. Well that and Uranus in Taurus. They started the lockdown when Saturn was near the end of Capricorn (the energy was incoming a little of aquarius by the time they did it) I honestly think Saturn in Aquarius was eyed by the enemy as a good time to start to make their move for awhile. It could mean restrictions on freedom in a negative sense or restrictions on technology and the internet look at the internet purge and censorship didn't really full on start till Saturn was in Aquarius and the very end of the 29th degree of Capricorn again if you notice. Uranus in Taurus can cause economic issues and a crashing of the economy. The enemy I believe is eyeing that as well though they more timed something for when Saturn was in Aquarius too. They want to finish the economic crash while Saturn is in Aquarius and maybe they are eyeing the square of Saturn and Uranus to pull something when that is more exact we will have to watch this.

The other thing the enemy was eyeing with Uranus in Taurus was this. Taurus is a venus ruled sign dealing with the traditional feminine and things dealing with females. If you noticed they did not ever start pushing this trans thing and all the gender confusion till Uranus entered Taurus. Before that you never heard of that stuff much in the mainstream but suddenly it was all over. Now I admit to not liking normal gender roles and all that but there is no need for all this stuff or to take it to extremes that is the Jews they are pushing an agenda here.

So it appears the enemy eyed both these things for an agenda of some sort. They will obviously like Saturn in Pisces too I am guessing for something. We will see as time goes on. My hope is that we get the enemy out of power soon though.

I think though they originally planned for the economic crash and take over in Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus plus some other stuff.

Communism sadly fits Saturn in Aquarius theme and vibe very well. So they may use this to really go for leftism and Marxism as well a lot. So we have to watch that and keep fighting and hoping for the best.
Shael said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I have my doubts on the legitimacy of this. It's understandable if she wanted some time off, but it makes absolutely 0 sense for her to do this by just wordlessly disappearing.

This kind of post should have been done by her instead of you. But she's just silent.

Either you are bullshitting and hiding important details, or she disappeared for reasons other than "taking a break". This whole narrative is fishy.
Aside from the obvious fact you have no respect for clergy, is this some lame attempt to cause mistrust among new members or something? I'm sorry but spiritual advancement is a real thing. HPS Maxine has been meditating under the guidance of Gods like Satan and Azazel for almost two decades and she mentioned frequently that Azazel had her study about the Magnum Opus daily. It's obvious she has performed it or is performing it.
Crying baby said:
What about those gentile traitors who have betrayed father satan and went to the enemy, are they guided by the enemy to the Magnum opus? Thanks in advance.
Of course not. How could an enemy guide and help you to the point and intention of your own existence?

Retrospect said:
FancyMancy said:
Retrospect said:
Spiritual Satanism is real-life. It is not a silly, fake fantasy game, MMORPG or cosplay. It is real-life. I think you meant to say "offline" i.e. in the Physical World rather than online virtually.
Yes your right, I made this comment late at night. I just meant to explain that in everyday life people leave all the time without explanation, so why would he be surprised that there was nothing formal about her disappearance. It is part of life, one has to accept when it happens or be forever questioning it which is a waste of time.
The sheepiness of living in a sheepy World with a jew shepherd runs deeply is some.

Syd Silver said:
Shael said:
What I find funniest most above all, is that 99% of people here simply accepted what was said blindly like sheep without even questioning anything. Although I cant say I'm surprised.

Look who's talking !! I don't know if you're an infiltrator or just a dumb pathetic dummy with no racial indentity

How dare you to say that 99% of the JoS members are sheep ... !!!
And why! because you don't have the ability to see and understand what others have seen and understood
Even if someone drew your map you still wouldn't understand ...
Do you think shael thinks that all people who use this forum actually log-in and post? "99%", lol. There would be a lot of people who don't have accounts here.

Master said:
The real and true priesthood is comparable to great scientists and philosophers and goes beyond, because it is divinity.

Great Sermon, Thank You Commander!
In a NS/SS civilisation, Scientists and Philosophers are schoolchildren compared to Spiritual Satanic Mages. There is no real need for the former when the latter exists. It is just another way to waste money on accomplishing very little. We won't need Scientists and Philosophers, in the way that they have been, in the future; with our Third Eye Chakra open, we can know the truth and it becomes much, much harder to be deceived.

slyscorpion said:
FancyMancy said:
Retrospect said:
Spiritual Satanism is real-life. It is not a silly, fake fantasy game, MMORPG or cosplay. It is real-life. I think you meant to say "offline" i.e. in the Physical World rather than online virtually.
? I was replying to Retrospect.

Along the lines of what I said about sheepiness above - what I might have been too subtle about is that there is still a lot of sheep and sheperd-following in people, including on here. We are still learning to stand on our own two feet, and like a Baby/Toddler, we can't do that immediately. If there is a cover-up about Maxine, then what will that do and what will that not do? We still have the tools and abilities to do things Magickally/Spiritually, regardless. We might need closure, but what does closure do? It doesn't help us improve our lives; it just makes us feel better, that we think we have knowledge of something. Consider those people who complain about things but do nothing to make them better, or who cry at every little detail on hospital programmes when a patient dies and they say that life is terrible or wildlife programmes when an Animal eats another Animal and they say that Nature is evil - it accomplishes nothing. Whether HPS Maxine is doing very well or doing terribly, how would that stop us, and why should it stop us? I am still a sceptical person, even with things said on here - including by HPs/HPSs; me knowing or not knowing HPS Maxine's current status makes no difference to me, no matter how much I might or might not want - or "need" - to know.
Shael said:
Blitzkreig said:
Since you asked what I think, I will reply. To me this is, to put it mildly, very strange. Under the assumption that nothing bad happened to Maxine, there is an extremely limited pool of possibilities where it would make sense for her to then just disappear wordlessly. Because usually when someone disappears like this, it's not because "they are just taking a break" or similar.
One does not "take a break" by disappearing suddenly for over a year without saying a word.

The fact that Cobra didn't say anything to logically justify this leaves things with no more than two possibilities. Which is one, there is something that happened that he does not want to speak about, or even is uncertain about, himself (for example the Magnum Opus theory of yours, or other theories like Maxine being taken to the Gods etc). Or two, that she did not leave out of her own will for whichever reason, with circumstances that didn't even let her write anything about this on here.

What I find funniest most above all, is that 99% of people here simply accepted what was said blindly like sheep without even questioning anything. Although I cant say I'm surprised.

Maxine has said plenty of times that the Truth doesn't fear questioning, and that blind faith is something that the xians do. Honestly, a lot of people should be asking questions here considering the lack of any concrete information and details about the literal founder of the JoS disappearing wordlessly. All we got is "Maxine stopped talking to me in April 2020 and has been gone ever since. But she is safe so just take my word for it".
Basically you're like those 'Yeah Satan has created humanity, given them civilization, been a father and provider for Gentiles as many cultures recorded and is still fighting for us today but let us question him and not give him our trust' guys.

Maxine has been loyal to the cause all through and of course has been protected. She mentioned that she was studying the Magnum Opus under Azazel so I don't think it's strange she took a break from everything shortly after that. For all we know, the Magnum Opus probably takes months or years.

HPHC has been around for many years and is part of the backbone of the JoS together with very few other SS like Maxine but yeah let's not trust him guys. I mean, hasn't he always given us reasons not to trust him?

This is the same bullshit HPS Shannon was put through. Clergy dedicates their life to the cause and do so much than we'll ever know but some random 'SS' who sadly has the trust of many throws it all out the window.

I'm sorry but I trust Satan and his clergy, as many real SS do.

I think you have some personal vendetta against HPHC. Why don't you take it to private emails? All you're doing now is making false accusations (literally everyone knew Maxine was studying the Magnum Opus and she even mentioned that she was lacking time to come to the forums, in addition to mentioning that her goals with regard to the JoS were accomplished) and slandering one of the most hard working Satanists, who has probably done more work for our side than you would in a decade.

As some have stated you've been at it for months, first time I even had to confirm that the bullshit was coming from you.
Syd Silver said:
Lydia said:
Shael, if you have any psychic ability, or are able to communicate with the Gods, you should know better. We can sense she is fine, all is well, so wtf is your post about here.

You are so funny:) my toaster has more psychic ability then shael

PS. Reminder
Shael has a history of attacking Aryan long-term members, also this "member" defended a proven jew infiltrator

It is no mystery that when you are sucked dry by a psychic leech once or more times a day, you become spiritually numb.
Specter said:
fausty666 said:
Shaels comment may be considered disrespectful but your reply is also degrading to the integrity of community standards, we're all allowed to express our opinions and shouldn't be spazzed at for doing so, especially in this way. Unfortunately this situation has many frustrated, understandably, but we simply need to move on here.


Simply trust in your intuition and the gods, despite all of the events going on I've never been more optimistic for the future of this world. A normal man could say I'd be crazy but there's this overwhelming feeling of confidence despite everything.

look when i know, this hurts me and angers me

i don't trust only intuition. i fucking things. y'all bitches were saying cobra said shit, dypet rod posted a link sometime ago. i followed that link. let's see what i found?

i found magestein slander Satan + JoS + collaboration with zola + slander /w lies rest of JoS clergy + full traitor rabbi mode. claims like "Satan is hebrew" and other shit. reasons he was kicked out FOR, all THERE.



that's some pluto and smart detective work. anw sorry for my rage.

fausty666 said:


Not protesting about it, but I see these asterisks on members’ messages quite often lately, censoring their original words, and I wonder why, since there wasn’t this before. Not that I noticed at least.

Have new policies been adopted related to this? Or it’s simply been happening that members have been posting too much personal dat and the like lately?
I can understand if HPS Maxine asked HP Hooded Cobra to write or post a topic if she was short on time on her behalf, but until then, I just see a lot of people taking what is said at face value without further questions.

I like reading her posts when she does post, but being absent from the ancient-forums for a year, any member is allowed to raise questions politely and civilly and point things out from their own valid and reasonable observations about her absence and what is being written about it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Shael said:
Wait. So Cobra didn't provide any detail in that long ass post?

I might as well go into Israeli TV and give out to them every single information. What size shoes we wear and so forth.

That will be open, transparent, satisfactory, and really non sheep like.

I can't afford to be a sheep now alongside people who understand things a bit further or smarter. Or who can simply verify with the Gods, for example.

I didn't even know it "had" to be addressed until I learned people were actually getting desperate for it to be addressed lol, like HPS Maxine owes them any satisfaction. Given the verifiable fact all of JoS-related websites are being kept online and functional as hard as possible.

I'm glad we were given this courtesy though, any JoS updates are very welcome.

I guess I understant the phases now, previously we were in the phase "Maxine is not a real representative of Satanism 'cause I can't make the Satan himself show up to me to validate these rituals and info for me", now we are in the phase "HC is not a real representative of Satanism 'cause I can't make HPS Maxine herself to show up to me to validate these rituals and info for me". LOL
So as the JoS go further on becomeing a threat to how some people define Satanism made everyone level up a bit also on how much bs they get. :p

Blackdragon666 said:
HPHC has been around for many years and is part of the backbone of the JoS together with very few other SS like Maxine but yeah let's not trust him guys. I mean, hasn't he always given us reasons not to trust him?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
VoiceofEnki said:
Shael said:
I have my doubts on the legitimacy of this. It's understandable if she wanted some time off, but it makes absolutely 0 sense for her to do this by just wordlessly disappearing.

This kind of post should have been done by her instead of you. But she's just silent.

Either you are bullshitting and hiding important details, or she disappeared for reasons other than "taking a break". This whole narrative is fishy.

Am I seeing this right? Another one crawling out of the woodwork? Hmm.. Took a while for this one, but there were some signs here for some time, so I’m not surprised.

I'd rather not be too quick to engage into calling as it has been done for me in this case.

Shael has been very vocal about all the things he knows and understands, which is nothing less sort of absolutely everything lately. He felt based on emotional standards that HPS Maxine had some obligation which in reality she did not. For whatever reason.

I definitely think this was far more personal from him rather than an evaluation of the situation, but I do not care.

I personally I do not care about statements as these as explained in the original topic, those who needed or could understand due to level or be fitting to be informed have been let known of what can be understood, both by Demons, and by HPS Maxine personally.

If I can chime in, even when I was heavily into warfare last year (8-10 everyday) just the attacks were blowing me off for the most part. Not sure what happens at the top but there were attacks that I have no way of explaining in any legible manner.

As for the question of Shael, while general spamming sessions I would start thinking about what is going to happen of the people living in USA let alone for someone who has suffered so much *with the 2020 update*. We can look at things in a manner that suita our perspective but we shouldnt forget about how many people choose to get alone later in this path, Nikola Tesla as an example.

The Gods for the most part have been making known about their influence/guidance to us. And they for most part takw care of their own , as I have seen personally. And we can get carried away and ask for 10mins of the forum everyday. Things which can seem trivial to us. But most of the knowledge is already here atleast for basic spiritual growth, strong enough to start getting communication and grow on your own. And with the matters heating up it would be better if the founder for most parts chooses not to come. Greys have been fairly active on our planet for the past year and that is something I am seeing on my level which is not even that high. There were times when I would cry for hours not able to move from the attacks, where focussing on Beelzebul's sigil would make me laugh uncontrollably or even Satan's sigil for the most part. "They have destroyed worlds" is something I would be reminded of when I would compare myself to the masses or not having any self respect after the attacks. Also I hate to mention it but the Gods would often let me know "there are many traitors or just plain impostors on the forums ". Also not being here on the forums even for a month with continuous work on self makes one not log in or just graze through for the most part.

This sheep analogy of Shael's is not wrong for the most part, if we dont question and just take things as they are. But this is not a closed environment we arw working in, it is an open system with atleast 10 variables influencing our daily lives and then bring in the spirituality, attacks, personal life goals yada yada.
Plus as mentioned the average person is stooping down to levels uncomprehendable or not thought of. Where in even hours of logical debates ( with the learned ones) doesnt amount to anything; and if they get the same result a few weeks later, its as if it had never been mentioned by anyone but themselves. Think about the Covid crises for the most part; what would it take for people to wear a mask and just comply so we wouldnt be locked the fuck down( but again there are atleast a 1000 factors influencing this too.

But the images I have been shown by the Gods was breathtaking. Open doors with people cursing us in groups. What do you think happens to people at the top?

All I will say is the Gods have been really active/protective in all this. Focus on a sigil and get your *exact answer* if that is what you aim for.

Shael said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I have my doubts on the legitimacy of this. It's understandable if she wanted some time off, but it makes absolutely 0 sense for her to do this by just wordlessly disappearing.

This kind of post should have been done by her instead of you. But she's just silent.

Either you are bullshitting and hiding important details, or she disappeared for reasons other than "taking a break". This whole narrative is fishy.

I would mention again the Gods are really active right now. If I can go a while back, I mocked the tone of the Slothz Tales so show how strange it went, It was around 10-12 months back. I was not amazed for the most part when He was kicked out. It wasnt out of the blue that it had happened. I have a way maybe because of my age where I would just go and argue with the Sigil, maybe annoy the Gods at these times but it was after that when I wrote the post with energy beeming all through me. It is true that there are loads of impostors/ information hidden from us. But the Gods, the one incharge dont let us know at times.
maybe because of the way I became after an attack manifesting on the physical ( I got dreams of it weeks before asking me to stop this war), it became appartently clear to me, it is the Gods that Matter The Most. And if death were to come, I werw to die alone, in my case going to the Satanic Hell. Anyone crazily in war last year may have experienced attacks, some so strong I wouldnt be able to explain what was happening. And Are we the forget the Al-Jilwah? He is the One that decides the tenure ( not to mention if someone becomes stupid enough to pop some drank and end it on their own).
Focus on The Sigil.
FancyMancy said:
Syd Silver said:
Shael said:
What I find funniest most above all, is that 99% of people here simply accepted what was said blindly like sheep without even questioning anything. Although I cant say I'm surprised.

Look who's talking !! I don't know if you're an infiltrator or just a dumb pathetic dummy with no racial indentity

How dare you to say that 99% of the JoS members are sheep ... !!!
And why! because you don't have the ability to see and understand what others have seen and understood
Even if someone drew your map you still wouldn't understand ...
Do you think shael thinks that all people who use this forum actually log-in and post? "99%", lol. There would be a lot of people who don't have accounts here.

I think you assume too much
If I remember correctly on the old version of the forum HPS Maxine said: "Assumption is the mother of all fuckups"

So I don't assume anything, I work with facts, you can't contradict the facts with assumptions.
Stormblood said:
Syd Silver said:
Lydia said:
Shael, if you have any psychic ability, or are able to communicate with the Gods, you should know better. We can sense she is fine, all is well, so wtf is your post about here.

You are so funny:) my toaster has more psychic ability then shael

PS. Reminder
Shael has a history of attacking Aryan long-term members, also this "member" defended a proven jew infiltrator

It is no mystery that when you are sucked dry by a psychic leech once or more times a day, you become spiritually numb.

Exactly, and why did he become spiritually numb?

One becomes spiritually numb because he does not clean his Aura, because he does not meditate, because he does not keep his energies high and so on
And if one does not do these things then he is obviously not spiritually open and he can't communicate with the Gods

And if one has been registered on JoS for 3 years and he doesn't meditate then ... what is this person? a troll? an infiltrator? maybe both.
Dypet Rod said:
fausty666 said:


Not protesting about it, but I see these asterisks on members’ messages quite often lately, censoring their original words, and I wonder why, since there wasn’t this before. Not that I noticed at least.

Have new policies been adopted related to this? Or it’s simply been happening that members have been posting too much personal dat and the like lately?

This user was basically getting a little heated and was revealing sensitive information about specific individuals. But all he said was true. What he mentioned was some cheezy details of some shills based on the ones you mentioned.

Other times where this may happen is if someone writes fedposting such as espousing physical damage. Not need to elaborate on that one.

Lastly this can also happen if one is naive or stupid to post their geographic location and/or post their birthday details on open forums.
Shael said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I have my doubts on the legitimacy of this. It's understandable if she wanted some time off, but it makes absolutely 0 sense for her to do this by just wordlessly disappearing.

This kind of post should have been done by her instead of you. But she's just silent.

Either you are bullshitting and hiding important details, or she disappeared for reasons other than "taking a break". This whole narrative is fishy.

I agree.

Shael, I emailed your proton email address today before answering to this post.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Dypet Rod said:
fausty666 said:


Not protesting about it, but I see these asterisks on members’ messages quite often lately, censoring their original words, and I wonder why, since there wasn’t this before. Not that I noticed at least.

Have new policies been adopted related to this? Or it’s simply been happening that members have been posting too much personal dat and the like lately?

This user was basically getting a little heated and was revealing sensitive information about specific individuals. But all he said was true. What he mentioned was some cheezy details of some shills based on the ones you mentioned.

Other times where this may happen is if someone writes fedposting such as espousing physical damage. Not need to elaborate on that one.

Lastly this can also happen if one is naive or stupid to post their geographic location and/or post their birthday details on open forums.

I see, thank you for clarifying, HP.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
