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  1. L

    Attacking the enemy in their "base"

    Hilarious. Good on ya! Revenge is so sweet! HS
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    Relationship advice - confused

    I am writing this post to seek advice from fellow brothers and sisters about my situation. I broke my 8 month relationship, yesterday. I thought I had found the my ideal partner (she is of the same race) and astrologically the signs were indicating to this. I'll spare the details, bottom line is...
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    What should I do when listening to binaural beats?

    Binaural beats are meant to take the user into a deep trance, i presume it delta frequency. I have tried it,  got a headache listening to 2 annoying sound frequency simultaneously. Many people do claim to have success with it. IMO affirmations are best said when sufficient energy is raised and...
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    Using Binaural Beats

    It is individual. Personally, I don't feel comfortable and can't judge the level of trance I am in. Try few types out. 
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    Staircase to Godhood [link]

    Simple, yet subtly brilliant. Thanks for sharing.  
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    Summertime changes?

    As far as chronosxp goes, it starts the day on sunrise irrespective of time. You could check the local sunrise and see if it corresponds to chronos xp . Hope this helps... Hail Satan!!!
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    Spiritual Blockages

    I feel for you, brother. You have persevered, despite all adversity. Really admirable! Your patience will pay up soon. ( sorry, ur question is way above me, I cannot offer any help) Hail Satan!!!!!
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    Real testimony from a Satanist

     cannot see the link to download
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    Single serpent meditation symptoms, need guidance

    Thanks, white,wizard and magus. Now, I feel comfortable doing single Serpent regularly. My head has adjusted to this increased bioelectricity and not giving me problems anymore. I will still get my ears checked by doctor though. Achieving trance is so easy now.   
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    Single serpent meditation symptoms, need guidance

    My ears have never rang like this before, but only after a good meditation session and the feeling was quite good. I had multiple fractured my skull in a motorbike accident last year. This may be the reason. Anyways, I had held off. I tried the meditation again, it was smooth. I can't forget the...
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    Single serpent meditation symptoms, need guidance

    I felt, I have plateaued and started single serpent meditation. Previously, my program would consist of hatha, kundalini, breathing excercises, Full chakra empowerment and circulating energy.I attempted single serpent meditation with no expectations ( I considered myself not qualified!) and...
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    Help with working to find a suitable companion?

    Hello brothers and sisters, My life has been very lonely. I became finally aware of my porn addiction and how it is wrecking my social life (whatever is left of it). I have become a keyboard jockey, feel extremely shy to even talk to females. Going out partying to "pick up" women has...
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    Can kundalini cleanse from top to bottom?

    Thanks Brother, really motivating coming from you. Hail SATAN!!!
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    Can kundalini cleanse from top to bottom?

    I have started to become very conscious about my posture. My spine is definitely like an S. I always tend to pull my shoulders way back to straighten my back. Could you please link me up Salem Burke's post. Hail Satan!!
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    Multivitamins good or bad?

    The only solution is grass fed organic meat. As they eat some dirt along with the grass.
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    Multivitamins good or bad?

    Vitamins, depend on our body's ability absorb. Our body in turn depend on certain microbes and bacteria. For e.g. There is a certain microbe our body needs to absorb vitamin B12, these are found only in soil. Since, we wash all our food, there is no way get the good microbes. This is the same...
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    Can kundalini cleanse from top to bottom?

    The beginning series to open chakras are done top to bottom i.e. third eye,crown, throat...base. But, Kundalini flows from base to crown. I can very easily feel my chakras above heart. To feel the lower chakras , I need to focus for a couple of breaths. Currently, I have pain in my traps...
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    The Future is Shaping Up

    Wow!! Interesting stuff! Google glass sounds like scouter from DBZ. The device can probably can sense energy levels too. People will be screaming " it is over 9000" when they an SS. Hail Satan!!
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    Satan is Shiva ? ..angels are devtas ? rakshas are demons ?

    Yes Shiva is Satan. He has lot of names according to Ages. In this time period, he is referred to as SATAN. The Hindu gods are Daemons. HP Don has written many articles decoding information. Do not delve and relate Hinduism as it is corruption of Sanatana Dharma. Hail Satan!
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    Weekly destruction Rituals

    I want to do regular (weekly) warfare apart from 40 day destruction working. Group workings are only posted for important dates. Could someone upload basic warfare rituals in the files section. Suggestions are welcome! Hail SATAN!
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    In India long time ago, there was argument on who is stronger and better god, Siva or Vishnu(Amun). To settle the issue they appeared as one being called Hari-hara. Now this story makes sense.
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    Money working - Lord kubera along with Lakshmi

    Kubera is the God of wealth and material, his responsibilities are to distribute them while creating wealth is with Goddess Lakshmi. Kubera is mentioned as a deva in Rigveda. He is the store house of all prosperity and takes highest responsibilities. There is a back story/allegory which I...
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    somthing Forgotten, or Overlooked

    India is infested with muslims just like bed bugs. They multiply rapidly, degrade and suck the life out of the community. Majority of slums are muslims. Even today, they do not understand the term 'Family planning'. They have deeply embedded themselves into the society, even in Australia. I...
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    Few questions for destruction ritual?

    Thanks En Haradren Amlug. Could I combine rituals, as in do banishing and destruction at the same time. Hail Satan!
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    Few questions for destruction ritual?

    Although these rituals are self explanatory, I have few Questions. 1. I have a rune set, so do I need to place em upon the sigil or near the altar? 2. I have read Hp Maxine saying to use separate ritual tools for destructive workings? what are the tools other than burning bowl? If you...
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    40-day working vs Kabbalistic squares

    Thank you Shannon and Wayseeker. I am waiting until New moon to start my Munka working. I will start Mars Square on tuesday and Sun Square on Sunday as the planets are right.
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    40-day working vs Kabbalistic squares

    Hello Family, I have moved into my own place. For the first time in my life, I can meditate when I want too and perform destruction rituals. I am so excited and overwhelmed at the same time. I want to do so much. I have experience using mantras but never committed to 40-day working or...
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    Strong Triple Aura of Protection (all levels)

    The trick is really in the *brightness*. As Hp Maxine says using gold in conjunction with any color is even more potent. I visualize the color vibrant like the sun and gold rays emanating mixed with the color. Satyam Shivam Sundaram ( All that is true and all that is beautiful is Eternal)
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    40-day working vs Kabbalistic squares

    Hello Brothers and Sisters, I finally got a place for myself( a room). I am really really excited as I can meditate and work on Destruction Rituals, at my convenience. Without the burden of being afraid of getting caught. Which is more effective 40-day working or Satan's squares? I have...
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    I do not own pets, but my cousins have 2 cocker spaniels. They feed it:rice with milk, boiled chicken & lamb. They are healthy, one is 18 years old and going strong. P.S. The dogs sometimes refuse rice with milk, just mix a pieces of meat
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    Finding a mate

    Tell you are Pagan and are attracted to Egyptian, Norse or Greek Gods. Women most of the time find in interesting. Always conceal and appear to be mysterious in certain subjects. If done right, they think highly of you.
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    'Satan blessed us with', 'Satan provided' and other...

    I personally bow to Satan in respect. Relationships with Satan is personnel. Satan doesn't demand nor ever push anything on us, everything you do is for yourself and, respect and admiration for him. Then again, it also depends on ones past lives and how long you have been with Satan. Just as...
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    Men-Orgasm vs Ejaculation??

    Ah! now I get what they say, "drawing seed into the brain". When semen is broken down in the bladder is it re-absorbed? You may probably know semen contains essential nutrients and minerals. Even though in minute quantities, ejaculating 3-4 times a day, that makes 21 times in week, lot...
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    Men-Orgasm vs Ejaculation??

    In Taoism men practice an art called injaculation or exterior blocking. Basically, a few seconds before ejaculation, pressure is applied by three fingers between the anus and scrotum, blocking the flow of semen which prevents ejaculation and waste of sexual energy, but orgasm happens. "The...
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    Old JOS group?

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    Old JOS group?

    Does the old group(blacksun) exist? I tried searching, but in vain. Even though not in use, I am interested in reading all the old posts, as if contains much knowledge. Thanks for your help. Hail Satan!
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    Confusion regarding 23rd Dec, Satan-Krishna-Vishnu

    I knew Satan is Siva. Maha Siva-rathri " Great night of Lor Siva" is celebrated on 20 Feb. According to the Hindu calendar the Sun enters 1 deg of Capricorn on 20th Feb. This beyond no doubt proves Siva is another alias for Satan. Is the Hindu calendar completely wrong? and is the Western...
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    Confusion regarding 23rd Dec, Satan-Krishna-Vishnu

    We all know that Satan's most Important Day of the year is December 23, when the Sun is one degree into Capricorn. The day following the beginning of the Winter Solstice/ YULE is celebrated. In South-India there is a festival similar called Vaikunta Ekadashi or "the gate to Lord's Inner...
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    Mars Square didn't work :/

    @lolabardonik My kundalini energy used to vent through my third eye as my 6th chakra was blocked). I wished to direct it out of my crown chakra, but in vain. 3rd eye is just an energy channel. It is easy to open, many people focus on 3rd eye not the 6th chakra. Do a 40 day working and...
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    Link between sleep and Power Meditations

    Through my experience, I have learned that sleep and Power meditations are linked somewhat energetically. I regularly do some breathing exercises, aura cleansing and EZ spin, before going to sleep. My sleep duration was in the range of 5-6 hr. Even if I tried to sleep more, my body wouldn't let...
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    Ritual or any working during void course of MOON

    Thank you for the information :)
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    Ritual or any working during void course of MOON

    My apologies! I assumed that new moon or no moon means that moon is in void. Noobish assumption. Thank you for the link. New is for 3 days not void. I have another question, does new moon affect workings in any way?
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    Ritual or any working during void course of MOON

    In my area, the current void course of moon is for 3 days, according to Cronos XP. Is Cronos right? Should I not do any kind ritual or energy work for 3 whole days? Hail Satan!
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    In Hinduism sanskrit names are aspects to describe them. Satan has 100's or thousands of names attributed to him. Through my understanding and research, I feel Brahma is Thoth,Nigishzidda. Siva is Satan,Enki. I have my doubts on Visnu. At this point, I feel Vishnu is Marduk,Amon Ra, Surya...
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    Regarding procrastination , slacking in meditation etc.

    Masturbating without channelling/programming energy is useless. There is relief because all chakras open up, at the time of climax, and there is a rush of energy. After climax the energy should be directed up the spine,without ejecting energy out of the body. Performe Ascending energy...
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    November 20 2012

    I am quite confused as to what constitutes magickal or material. Is healing of bones considered magickal? Is building muscle/flexibility material? Hail Enki!
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    How do I get in a Trance?

    Doing breathing exercises like 10 Tibetian breaths or Hatha/Kundalini yoga for atleast 10 mins will easily put you in trance,with no effort on your part. Its a win-win situation you get into trance and gain energy, which makes the power meditation session go smoothly. Cleaning your aura...
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    Bike Accident

    I had a horrific bike accident in April. I was too careless, I wasn't wearing a helmet and was driving heavily intoxicated. I was at 160 km/hr speed and lost conscious (fell asleep). I woke up at the hospital after the fall. To sum it up Satan saved my ass and I am ever grateful. I sustained...
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    Extreme Diets Of Steve Jobs

    One of good friends is a vegan. He has a youtube channel called durianrider http://www.youtube.com/user/durianriders?feature=g-u-u. He debunks most of the vegan myths. Most people cannot sustain a vegan diet because they don't get enough calories. I personally eat upto 3500 calories via...
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    a little HOPE

    I am going through the exact same thing. I have had suicidal tendencies. But my faith has been strong. I need to get back on my ass. Good luck brother! Hail Satan
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    Alignment of chakras : Quick question.

    Hello brothers & Sisters, While performing foundation meditation, we absorb energy into base and send it all the way into crown and vice versa. Is it necessary to align and realign in each direction? So that energy always enters the base of the pyramid and leaves at apex.Would it be...
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    I feel the same. May be his presence.
  53. L


    Wow! coming from South India, I am stunned. Thanks for sharing this info. HS
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    hatha yoga

    check under files in groups. hope this works http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HellsArmy666/files/
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    Re: Sermon : The Apple and the Serpent

    That makes a lot of sense.
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    SERMON 07.04.2011

    Thank you very much, HP Mac Friday. I needed to hear this. Hail Satan Hail All Mighty Gods of Duat
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    Welcome Buddy, Wish you all the best. Hail Satan
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    History Channel?

    Brother, I understand your concern. Just remember the media is controlled by Jewish cohorts. They are very much aware of spiritual Satanism. They would do anything in their tracks to lead people astray. We got to stay strong in this point of time. Our time will come. Hail Enki, Hail the...
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    Burning sensation on my back

    Thanks brother, that explains a lot. Hail Father Satan
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    pineal gland detox

    I have heard skate liver oil helps. Lot of people have given positive feedback for it. You could use filters or simply bless the water yourself or ask your guardian demon to empower it. It's typical New age stuff. They are the ones without.
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    Burning sensation on my back

    Hello Brothers & Sisters, I have this unusual burning sensation on my back. Its not physical, I lift weights and don't feel a thing. Whenever I concentrate (meditate,study) my temple chakra's and third eye chakra throb's. This feeling is very obvious and reoccurring. this profound effect...
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    Connection between Demons and Hindu Deity

    Hello everyone, I have been a lurker for a while, still new. I come from a Hindu background. Is Lord Shiva and Enki the same entities? There are lot of similarities between Toth & Ganesh, Lilith and Kali. There are lower deities similar to lower order of demons. Astrology, kamasutra(sex)...
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    I'm getting a strange surge of energy through my body

    I remember HP Maxine explaining on JOS site to not hold excess chi more than what your body can handle. In one of her sermons she explained how an martial artist died because of blockages and he couldn't release his chi. I am not scaring you, but it is a good thing. I get a lot of twitches in my...
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    Looking for some advice.

    You could try to improve your diet. Google De-calcification of pineal gland. workout?
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    New age cult going on youtube

    Hey people, You may have recently come across lot of New age people on youtube. There is this unique guy dero7 who claims to have connected to his HIGHEST SELF. He also claims to have travelled up to 7 dimensions. He has his own group called unite the collective. He speaks of opening...
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    falling effect causing jerk while sleeping.

    Hey fellas, I have been trying to get into a deep trance lately. Unsuccessful though. When I sleep normally I get this feeling of falling in my dreams. My body jerks in response. My bed literally shakes. Is this out of fear?? Hail Enki, Regards, liberate4free

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
