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  1. Voice of Enki [TG]

    #76792 jewishize

    It must be pointed out that Theurgy is not related to hebrew nonsense, or "angel magic" at all. If jews refer to hebrew crap by name of Theurgy it is merely a stolen concept. Theurgy is the act of invoking energies of the Gods into our souls to advance ourselves and advance our understanding...
  2. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Why did it take so long for the Clergy to realise Satan and Baal are the same being?

    If you look at the information that is revealed over time, and compare it to what was revealed before, there really isn't any such large contradiction where this is "entirely different" from what was spoken off before. Most of the time, people end up seeing very large contradictions where they...
  3. Voice of Enki [TG]

    ZEVISTS: Our New Name, Zeus & Thunder Power - Sat & Zev

    We are Zevists, Dear family! The word by itself is very powerful, just saying it invokes Bioelectricity, invoking the power of Zeus, the power of Life. Thank you High Priest HoodedCobra, for really binging us to the true core essence of our Gods! With these developments, I have closer to the...
  4. Voice of Enki [TG]

    The super conspiracy lol

    It is wrong to say there are narrative conflicts between what HPHC brings to us and what HPS Maxine has brought us before. The original aim of the JoS as HPS Maxine created, was the restoration of the Ancient Spiritual Truth and knowledge which predated xianity and other abrahamic influences...
  5. Voice of Enki [TG]

    About the polytheism and monotheism?

    Are you able to read English? If so, Read what I said again. These are fictional, purely written as a fictional story by a fiction writer. You understand? It is fiction. I hope that clarifies this.
  6. Voice of Enki [TG]

    About the polytheism and monotheism?

    Cthulu is nothing more than a fictional entity written about by that author "lovecraft", who was into a little bit of occult knowledge and read the necronomicon once, and then wrote fictional stories based on these entities, creating names himself and making them into cosmic monsters in these...
  7. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Temple of Zeus: Are We Polytheism or Monotheism?

    Humans have a natural tendency to "fall", due to entropic forces that erode beings and evolution and challenge creation. The enemy merely took advantage of this "falling" nature of human beings and created a system that takes advantage of this, with help of other alien beings, in order to...
  8. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Temple of Zeus: Are We Polytheism or Monotheism?

    It has been explained before that the energies of the Gods themselves were never bound. What was bound was the human perception of Them, and the existence of the Gods inside the human consciousness. The Gods were always unaffected, it was humans that were affected and lead to destroy their own...
  9. Voice of Enki [TG]

    About love / relationships

    In a more ideal situation, you would want to avoid certain things, like having many relationships that don't last in short order, however, for many people life is not ideal, someone might need to go through a phase like that in order to grow later. This is more common especially when someone is...
  10. Voice of Enki [TG]

    The 5 Ages & Zeus

    I think it is always very easy to blame the masses for many things, but a much greater problem is the ignorance and stupidity of those in power, rather than the masses who simply follow the dictates of those with power over them. Even if the masses do remain stupid, if those in power are...
  11. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Happy Imbolc (2025)

    Happy Imbolc Dear Family!
  12. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Reaching Confidence And Self-Esteem - Explained

    The Seminar is the most powerful and accurate Seminar on the subject of confidence. I've not read everything written by all people, but I'm confident there is nothing more accurate and beneficial than this Seminar by HPHC on the subject. Fundamentally a lot of things about confidence are...
  13. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Path To The Godhead - Checkpoints & Evil

    Don't mistake my response for an argument, I am merely educating you over things that you misconstrue and falsehoods which you accuse High priest HoodedCobra off which stem from your own lack of understanding. When I see something like this, I reply to educate and inform where understanding is...
  14. Voice of Enki [TG]

    God's returning

    People do have some misconceptions about this. If you pay attention, it is clear the Gods are already here. Anyone who participates with the God rituals regularly would feel this and understand this by this point. The Gods returning does not mean they will come here with spaceships to rectify...
  15. Voice of Enki [TG]


    I think you are simply overexerting yourself. Try to remain physically in a relaxed state, not too tense, and focus on engaging your mind specifically. When I mentioned determination, I meant mental determination, like a very strong focus, sharp and powerful. It can help to move your body...
  16. Voice of Enki [TG]


    How are you doing it? Explain the process to me how you are doing this, what does using determination here mean to you?
  17. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Path To The Godhead - Checkpoints & Evil

    You approach this topic from a state of double ignorance, the message of the post is lost on you because you view it through a lens of generalizations and populism, therefore missing what is said entirely. To equate this with lazyness of all things, says more about the state of your mind than...
  18. Voice of Enki [TG]

    About Heinrich Himmler.

    Aah yes, the famous laundry rooms with wooden doors, where some Zyklon B laundry cleaner was kept to disinfect the dirty clothes from people at Auschwitz, or perhaps the dreaded shower rooms where the jews were made to clean themselves regularly to prevent them from attracting illness or disease...
  19. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Bitter metallic taste in mouth "Cup of Posion"

    Lastly, I forgot to mention, you can direct excess energy from the Heart into the Solar chakra. Let it drop into the Solar Chakra, like liquid dripping or flowing into a cup. The Solar Chakra is the main powerhouse of the Soul, it should be the natural place for excess energy to settle, as it...
  20. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Bitter metallic taste in mouth "Cup of Posion"

    I know, as a precaution however I mention it.
  21. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Bitter metallic taste in mouth "Cup of Posion"

    I think you should specifically practice feeling the flow of energy pass between the upper and lower chakra's and visa versa. What might be happening in your case is that energy is not flowing smoothly through the Heart chakra, so it gets overstimulated. You can try this: Empower your...
  22. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Bitter metallic taste in mouth "Cup of Posion"

    How is your dental health? Do you have healthy gums? No bleeding from them? Do you use wooden tooth picks regularly between the teeth and molars? Rule any gum or dental related causes out first, as you can experience those symptoms as a result of unknown dental issues. If it is purely...
  23. Voice of Enki [TG]


    What you have to do when you see grey energy when doing aura cleaning, is keep focusing on the White gold energy that you need to visualize. Seeing grey energy means your aura is dirty, it can also indicate an upcoming health issue. Illness and such are seen on the aura before they manifest in...
  24. Voice of Enki [TG]

    SS & Technological Transcendance

    Magnum Opus is a term "Great work". In that sense, it is often used to refer to the greatest work either by an individual or a group. Of course the jewish WEF would refer to their "greatest work", which is a joke compared to Spiritual Transcendent Immortality, as their Magnum Opus. The reason...
  25. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Hello, When you are new here, it is too early to be thinking about reaching the Godhead. However, you can read about the process and what it means on the Joy of Satanas website: https://joyofsatan.org The same goes for handling enemy entities. Study the Joy of Satanas website well, and when...
  26. Voice of Enki [TG]

    SS & Technological Transcendance

    So, right of the bat it should be known and understood there is a fundamental and irreconcilable incompatibility between the JoS and the pervading ideology of the WEF. We have our way of doing what we need to do, which will happen regardless of what any other existing group does. The WEF being...
  27. Voice of Enki [TG]


    Did you recite the Dedication Ritual Prayer? That is the most important part, besides the signing with blood. Only a very small drop of blood is needed. A small pinprick with a needle to get a drop of blood on the paper is enough. Yes, do not use the circle. The circle is an enemy symbolism, a...
  28. Voice of Enki [TG]

    New and Excited to start journey

    Greetings, welcome to the JoS. Since you are new here, you should start with studying the JoS website: https://satanisgod.org https://joyofsatan.org These feelings you have will be solved through meditation. When you have done the Dedication Ritual, you should start with the 40 day Program...
  29. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Other #75968 Reversed cards tarot

    These are important. When a card is reversed it indicates the affairs of this card are manifesting in a wrong way, or the opposite way of the original meaning of the card. It is a very important part of divination with Tarot. If you draw Ace of Swords reversed and you read this as Ace of Swords...
  30. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Satanic magic

    There is "meditation" and Satanic Power Meditation. It is clear what you are doing from how you write on the forums. Don't follow corrupt eastern practices that lead to nothingness. Perhaps you will actually learn something and develop yourself if you follow even a fraction of the Spiritual...
  31. Voice of Enki [TG]

    How did he know?

    Can't believe I have to do this, but here we are. Look where the nick in his ear is located. Now look at this image again: See where the indentation is located? It's the exact same location... :rolleyes:
  32. Voice of Enki [TG]

    How did he know?

    Do I really need to make a paint drawing to help you understand? You are denying reality because it suits your own views better, instead of being objective. The cut in his ear is literally at the exact angle of the bullet trajectory... Can't you see his head in that closeup picture of his ear...
  33. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Satanic magic

    Instead of arguing with semantics and other nonsense, you need to start studying spirituality and meditate if you want to make any points. These kinds of arguments you make from a purely material point of view with no understanding or knowledge are typical for secular minded individuals who...
  34. Voice of Enki [TG]


    No, you are wrong about dreams. Dreams are not a higher dimensional thing than the Astral. It is the opposite. The realm of the mind has various layers as well. At the highest layers, consciousness can be higher than the Astral, but this is not the realm of human consciousness. Dreams in a...
  35. Voice of Enki [TG]

    How did he know?

    Look closely, you can clearly see there is a little nick on the top of his ear in the second photo. His ear doesn't have the same rounded edge anymore, and there is a visible bullet sized "bite" out of it very visible in the second photo. Just because his ear looks "normal" doesn't mean it is...
  36. Voice of Enki [TG]


    The astral self is not a visualization, a dream or a fantasy. As the material body and dimension exists on a certain spectrum and vibration, there are other spectra of existence beyond the material and beyond the 3 dimensional. The astral is the next layer above the material, the lowest points...
  37. Voice of Enki [TG]

    choosing a High Priest?

    Yes, the Gods preside over the JoS Clergy. SS who show great potential and effort to be future High Priests or Priests will be guided by Them to manifest this potential. This is also communicated by the Gods to the current Clergy so these SS can be trained and initiated by the current Clergy...
  38. Voice of Enki [TG]

    How to fully uproot Christianity/Islam from your subconcious (And a request for the Clergy/Guardians)

    All you have to do to deprogram from this, is build the realization in your mind, based on factual observation, truth and knowledge, that xianity and pisslam are just bogus nonsensical programs and that the prayers are worthless nonsense, that these religions are nothing more than a worthless...
  39. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Practical martial arts

    Most MMA fighters use a basis of Muay Thai, kick boxing and grappling. For the latter it is usually a combination of Jiu Jutsu, Judo and wrestling. In my perspective, the most effective stand up fighters are Muay Thai fighters out of any sport fighting out there, nothing that kick boxing or...
  40. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Yuletide Raffle & Lucky Draw! [Update 10: WINNERS ANNOUNCED!!!!!]

    Congratulations to the winners! Thank you to everyone who participated in the event, this is a huge help for the JoS and a huge step forward for us as a whole. I'm really glad that the event has gone so well! To the people who did not win a prize, Don't forget about the other presents that...
  41. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Embarrassing question 😅

    This is normal, especially when you are new to working with sexual energy spiritually. The working will rile up and awaken your own sexual energy, and it also relies on this to be effective. You can simply masturbate with intention to spend this energy and have this calm down. Either you can...
  42. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Sexuality #75785 Tempted to masturbate

    One should take care of their human needs first, before trying to meditate. Hunger, thirst, exhaustion, sexual desire, any task that is on your mind, deal first with distractions by solving them (Eat, drink, sleep, masturbate or have sex, etc), then you can meditate with peace of mind. That is...
  43. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Another big fight + I left home

    Moloch is a jewish thoughtform, nothing to do with Spiritual Satanism. It's nothing more than another worthless name for the odious yahweh thoughtform. Anything related to moloch should be ignored and discarded, and spit upon.
  44. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Yuletide Raffle & Lucky Draw! [Update 10: WINNERS ANNOUNCED!!!!!]

    This is awesome High Priest! I am very glad the fundraiser has been reached this soon, which is a huge milestone for our JoS community as a whole. Thank you to everyone who participated, and good luck to everyone on the lucky draw! Special thanks to HPHC for organizing this perfectly, and for...
  45. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Has Syria officially fallen??

    When, and where approximately the nation was founded gives the natal chart of the nation. Same as when and where you were born is what gives you your natal chart. Regardless of how big the nation is, what you see in the chart will relate to the fate of the entire nation as a whole. That's how...
  46. Voice of Enki [TG]

    The Yogic Path to Enlightenment

    Such a beautiful sermon HPS. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and teaching us. Once again, I am very glad you became our dear HPS! Reading this got me into a trance naturally. I got so immersed, because the intention and will you put into the words is very powerful. Let us all try our...
  47. Voice of Enki [TG]

    I feel retarded for ever supporting Trump, and you will as well after you watch this:

    Yes. By a very large margin as well. Estimated indirect casualties from the post 9-11 wars are up to 4.7 million people in all affected regions. However, the vast majority of these were killed due to conflicts between native people, direct civilian casualties due to American military...
  48. Voice of Enki [TG]

    I feel retarded for ever supporting Trump, and you will as well after you watch this:

    This here folks is why you need to use your own mind to examine information presented to you, rather than blindly and idiotically believe things you are told that suit the world view you are convinced of. Do you have even the slightest clue how wrong and utterly bogus this statement is?
  49. Voice of Enki [TG]

    I feel retarded for ever supporting Trump, and you will as well after you watch this:

    America is the worlds foremost superpower. Just because jews lobby the nation and have a bunch of people acting as loyal puppets to them, does not mean the nation as a whole is a puppet nation. If that was the case, we would already live in the full jewish dystopia with no chances for any...
  50. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Re-examining the core principles of JoS

    History is very long, with much of it completely lost to time. If you examine further what happened in history, beyond the writings of jews and the accepted narratives of historians, you will see a very different picture than what you expect. When you look at the past, it is very abundantly...
  51. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Yuletide Raffle & Lucky Draw! [Update 10: WINNERS ANNOUNCED!!!!!]

    I am amazed that we as a group are progressing as much as we are, to now be hosting events like these, which is simply awesome. The JoS has grown a lot, and continues to grow with each passing day, through the efforts of the Ministry, HPHC especially, and everyone who works for it, but also...
  52. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Re-examining the core principles of JoS

    This is completely nonsense. For one, we don't believe that Satan or Baalzebul are Annunaki aliens. They are Gods, way outside of this scope. The whole story about Enlil and Enki is entirely misappropriated and completely misinterpreted by idiots, who turned it into some stupid sci-fi fantasy...
  53. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Disgusted with whatever this is.

    The first step to attain communication with the Gods, is to care about communication with Them and be sincere in desiring a connection with Them. In your case, you couldn't care less, so of course there will be no communication. It is a self defeating principle. You complain about lack of...
  54. Voice of Enki [TG]

    What happens after inhaling grey energy?

    The Gods are eternal beings, in your life a year and a half has passed, while for the Gods this is nothing. They don't judge you based on this in the way you think they do. How many people do you think have made mistakes, spend lifetimes away from the Gods, forgot about Them or made poor choices...
  55. Voice of Enki [TG]

    What happens after inhaling grey energy?

    Why do you want to die and do this kind of thing? Rather than breathing in grey energy to kill yourself, you can breathe in Solar energy to revitalize your mind and soul, as a start.
  56. Voice of Enki [TG]

    2025 SS Calendars

    Magnificent! The calendar continues to improve year by year, and now is better than ever. Be Blessed dear Brother's and Sisters who worked tirelessly on the calendar this year!
  57. Voice of Enki [TG]


    There are natural ways to abort an unwanted pregnancy. Ancients in the past knew this too. For example, taking high doses of Vitamin C can cause an abortion. Getting a medical abortion is not really necessary, but the natural ways are hardly known these days. HPS Lydia told me a little bit...
  58. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Is X Jewish. ASK HERE

    You need to get your J-dar checked, he has not a schred of jewishness in him.
  59. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Reminder in regards to the upcoming election in the US- remember what the enemy does.

    Of course, these things are always overlooked in favour of emotional jerk reactions, because "trump bad mkay."
  60. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Reminder in regards to the upcoming election in the US- remember what the enemy does.

    Even if we pretend for a moment that the immigration issue in America is of paramount importance, as compared to the issue with israel at the moment, The whole point regarding this is, when there are less illegals and less immigrants, there will be less deportations, because there are less...
  61. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Reminder in regards to the upcoming election in the US- remember what the enemy does.

    Presidency of Donald Trump January 20, 2017 – January 20, 2021 :rolleyes:
  62. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Reminder in regards to the upcoming election in the US- remember what the enemy does.

    Read this quote again: It is how things are. Whether you can see that or not right now, doesn't mean things are different. What you are saying now, I have already addressed. Jews are placating trump, because they know they have to do this in a vain attempt to try and turn things in their...
  63. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Reminder in regards to the upcoming election in the US- remember what the enemy does.

    I have made my case very clear as to why a second trump term is infinitely more favourable than a kamala term out of all people. Yet all the response I get is "Trump is a liar so go kamala go!" I have kindly asked you to comment on my reply made, yet you have nothing to say whatsoever. You...
  64. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Reminder in regards to the upcoming election in the US- remember what the enemy does.

    Is that all you can say? I had really expected a slightly more intellectual response from a member that has been around as long as you have. I suppose these elections have muddled the waters a lot and all the nonsense around politics is making it hard to stay true to the things that matter for...
  65. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Reminder in regards to the upcoming election in the US- remember what the enemy does.

    These are simply short sighted and irrelevant things to look at. Have you read the other comments I made in my reply to you? Any thoughts about that? The big picture is what matters here, not deportations of some small less than a million people or illegals. These things are completely...
  66. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Reminder in regards to the upcoming election in the US- remember what the enemy does.

    Yes. And how much did that help to alleviate the jewish agenda? Do not forget that it was during the bush administration that 9/11 happened. What kind of irrelevant thing are these meaningless deportations? Or the amount of military support and actions taken in support of pissrael during the...
  67. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Reminder in regards to the upcoming election in the US- remember what the enemy does.

    Neither party will take our side into any consideration at all. That is not what we are expecting either, we know this won't happen. The main difference that you need to look out for here, and the defining difference between trump and kamala as presidential candidates is that kamala will be...
  68. Voice of Enki [TG]

    About The Upcoming JoS Logo & Aesthetic Websites Update

    You would see Satan, and think it is merely a human head too. The statue portrayed here is the Head of Zeus, Whom is Baalzebul, the Head God of the Ancient Pantheon. If you look, the Pentagram is not modified at all, instead, it is enshrining the image of Zeus here, rather than the image of...
  69. Voice of Enki [TG]

    About The Upcoming JoS Logo & Aesthetic Websites Update

    The upcoming update is truly excellent, strongly solidifying our aesthetics and clarifying the identity of the JoS for all outsiders who are beguiled by the false jewish notions and slander, misjudging us based on false assumptions, too lazy to look beyond their prejudice to read even a single...
  70. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Use this with the material square, these are related to material affairs in life

    Use this with the material square, these are related to material affairs in life
  71. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Yes you can.

    Yes you can.
  72. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Account deletion

    There is really no need for this.
  73. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Account deletion

    It becomes available automatically when members have been here for a few months and have over 100 approved posts.
  74. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Account deletion

    Yes, that is right. Cretins like him are merely here to waste our time and to seek attention. In the Ancient past, someone like him would have been permanently removed from the Temple of the Gods long ago.
  75. Voice of Enki [TG]


    There is nothing inherently wrong with sex work, however there are difficulties that come with this work which are often unavoidable, such as diluting of your energies, and dealing with strong or persistent attachments from strangers, along with potential dangers which are very detrimental to...
  76. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Few questions Hail Satan

    When you are in a place like that, where you have little to no privacy and personal notes can be read through by others at any time. Why in the world would you keep a personal journal detailing your private thoughts and feelings regarding topics such as Spiritual Satanism and National Socialism...
  77. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Account deletion

    Enough time has been wasted on this. I ask everyone here, why do we need to care about one person going off his rocker? It's not the first time this happened, and it won't be the last. It is nothing more than attention seeking behaviour. I will not tolerate this kind of behaviour any more.
  78. Voice of Enki [TG]

    I observe: Western common people resistance to invasion is weakening. What then?

    I do not see people taking these opinions as gospel at all. I see people understanding and agreeing with the opinions shared, because it turns out after scrutiny and examination, the words of HPHC and HPS Lydia, and I say the JG's as well, is very accurate and True. Of course, people can...
  79. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Vietnamese Translation Thread

    This is not good. Machine translations are not to be used when translating. Have you been part of the translation project? If so, have you submitted any pages? If you have, now, other translators will have to manually review everything and check if the translations are proper or not, and any...
  80. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Account deletion

    You know very well what you have done. The public chat was unusable for members because every single day you were starting arguments over nothing, impossible to converse with, entirely unreasonable and after countless warnings and attempts speaking with you, there was not only no change or...
  81. Voice of Enki [TG]

    About Threats Done To My Life: And Ritual Schedule

    This is how we answer the threats of the enemy. We retaliate with the powers they fear in their worst nightmares since the dawn of their time. Hail Satan! Hail Balaam! Hail Orobas! Hail Marbas!
  82. Voice of Enki [TG]

    I observe: Western common people resistance to invasion is weakening. What then?

    The way it should go is, the native Europeans and the invasive muslims should begin to realize how the jews are the cause behind all this strife and these problems, and should instead realize they are best off being friends here, because the jews are the enemies of us all. However, unfortunately...
  83. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Our great task: To be a translator.

    Absolutely, Translations are some of the most important work done by anyone for the JoS. Even for smaller languages, when you translate, you are making this knowledge from the Gods available for millions of people for whom it otherwise may not have been in reach before. Translations eliminate...
  84. Voice of Enki [TG]


    Yes that is how it is. A-JO-HA. The words given are to show how the individual letters should sound. As there can be different A sounds in English, depending on what word is used. For example, the A sound in Almond is different from the A sound in Alligator. So, you vibrate the A in AJOHA...
  85. Voice of Enki [TG]

    How will the Jews fully abuse the number 2025?

    It doesn't really matter what the video is about.. The channel is literally called "The isreali nation person", and clearly is some random jew. They have a video slandering Greece on the channel too, among other typical jewish nonsense. This kind of video is simply nonsense...
  86. Voice of Enki [TG]


    Yes this is invalid, really bad even... Uruz and Sowilo should be used for that instead. Hagl should never be used on yourself in any circumstance...
  87. Voice of Enki [TG]


    Hagl is purely for destruction, it has no other uses, should be noted as a Black Magic Rune, as that is practically it's only use, and it is the most powerful among the runes when it comes to pure destruction as well. Perthro's protection is more specific, it has limited use as a protective...
  88. Voice of Enki [TG]

    My portrait of Zeus

    You are doing something, unlike people who only have ideas or wants but never do, that is good, regardless if the result is great or not yet so. If you keep working on this skill, you will continue to get better every time. Keep painting often. After 30 paintings, you can look back on the first...
  89. Voice of Enki [TG]

    I do not think that Enki is Satan (theory).

    These topics are fine and good to discuss. Please do be too upset about other people sharing contrary opinions, or let negative responses make you refrain from opening or participating in such discussion again in the future. These are appreciated topics. On the subject of your post itself. I'm...
  90. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Amazing Story of Growth and Love - Incubus and Me

    I believe this sermon is all that needs to be said here: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/succubi-incubi-cowardly-bunk.93101/
  91. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Are b/w mixed raced children always of the non-white race?

    Genetics always have active and recessive genes, and when you have children, a randomly selected 50% of your genetic line and a randomly selected 50% of her genetic line will combine into a new whole. When you are both predominantly white, and especially if these parts do not overlap in your...
  92. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Pandemonium - oil painting by DarkAries

    Good work. You are clearly very talented. Keep developing your talent and you can become a very capable SS artist. To see greater results, you have to paint a lot. If you're not doing so already, try to paint every day. Get in the work hours till the brush is an extension of yourself. For...
  93. Voice of Enki [TG]

    How can Satan help me lose weight?

    Look, if you strictly follow a ketogenic diet, you will lose weight. It is a simple matter of calories taken in being lower than calories spend in your life, and weight loss happens. Ketogenic diets are very low on calories generally, because they cut out almost all carbs, which are some of the...
  94. Voice of Enki [TG]

    What is the average age of this site?

    The vast majority of our members are adults of all ages. We have a forum for teens, as all people, regardless of age have the right to study the Truth and learn about Spiritual Satanism, get answers to questions and on things they are confused about, etc. Why did you want to know?
  95. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Kabalistic Squares

    Welcome to the JoS. For the Kabalistic Squares, the date that you start the Square is the date that matters. If you started a Square in an Exalted sign or Home sign and the planet transits into a detrimental sign halfway through the square, it will still be effective and beneficial, because...
  96. Voice of Enki [TG]

    I am sick

    Please don't drink sugary drinks when you are sick. Just drink carbonated water if you like the feeling of carbonated drinks, or drink tea. Take extra vitamin supplements, Zinc, Vitamin D and K2, Magnesium and extra Vitamin C are the most important. A good source of B6 is recommended as well for...
  97. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Question #5659: EMBODIMENT

    Breathing the element of Fire in through the crown is not advisable. It would be better to breathe the Fire and Air from the root side of the Sushumna, and the Ether/Akasha from the Crown side, then have the energies meet in the Solar chakra, after which they empower each other and can be...
  98. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Þorn 🙵 Ƿynn: Reviving Runes in the English Language

    So you know these are not runes anyway, then what is the point or the fuss about? It is just a waste of time. Language is for communication. Runes are for magic. Modern English is a language for communication, not a magical language, so it doesn't require runic characters. Not to mention that...
  99. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Þorn 🙵 Ƿynn: Reviving Runes in the English Language

    Old English is not English, the language we internationally speak. We are an international forum and thus on the main forum, we use modern English, the language people learn and are encouraged to use for international communication almost across the globe. What sort of old English revival you...
  100. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Is Alcohol in moderation okay

    There's many reasons not to drink alcohol, but no, the Gods won't judge you for drinking or going out and drinking, just be reasonable and don't get wasted. If you just drink in moderation and not to the point of complete drunkenness, and don't do anything stupid while under the influence of...
  101. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Contingency plan?

    You don't have to worry about that, we have back ups of back ups and countless more backups spread all over the world of all the websites, so even in the worst event that someone completely shuts everything down, it will take at most a few days to get everything back up, and there is practically...
  102. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Question #5415: Excitement

    I'm slowly closing in on 10 years of Spiritual Satanism in my current life, and every day I am making mind boggling and almost unfathomable discoveries and reaching new understandings that 2 years ago I couldn't even imagine in my wildest dreams. It's all about perspective and what you open...
  103. Voice of Enki [TG]

    When does one become a member of the JoS?

    Equality is a lie in all fronts of life. The Gods preside over the Blessings and give them out how they see fit and how they should be given out. That said, any practicing SS who actively advances and participates in the ritual schedules, who is earnestly doing their best to walk the Path to the...
  104. Voice of Enki [TG]

    When does one become a member of the JoS?

    Yes, because only members of the Joy of Satan Ministries are Spiritual Satanists, this means, anyone who dedicates to Satan with the dedication ritual of the Joy of Satan, they are members of the Joy of Satan Ministries and Spiritual Satanists. Not any other dabblers who pretend to be...
  105. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Prophecy for dying

    Average wannabe spiritualist dabbler: Sun square is so bright and beautiful am I right? Satan so scary and intimidating, :'(( I'll just do the Sun squares and meditations and keep my cowardly comfortable beliefs that have been programmed into my soul, surely they are much better than the...
  106. Voice of Enki [TG]

    I need answers, srry 4 vent hehe

    I understand this person has hurt you and there are a lot of unresolved emotions due to this. However, doing the kind of working you are doing is not worth it. It won't help you heal from this situation, and it will waste a ton of energy and emotions. Just do a dethatching working from this...
  107. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Formal Introduction

    You can only private message once you have a certain amount of total posts made on the forum, I believe it is 50 posts. For personal questions, there is still always email available too, which most JG's and the Clergy have their email available. It may take time to get a reply, but we can be...
  108. Voice of Enki [TG]

    How can Satan win a war if he doesn't even appear to those who devote themselves to him?

    You will find that reality is much larger and expansive than you think or even imagine at the moment, to fully appreciate and receive this, you need to gradually open up your mind to the Truth regarding reality and the world we find ourselves in. This is a gradual process, open minded ness is...
  109. Voice of Enki [TG]

    How can Satan win a war if he doesn't even appear to those who devote themselves to him?

    As you are new to this, I would say, I can understand where you are coming from. To someone uninitiated, they read xianity and they see them claim "God said so, so it's true". And that same uninitiated or new person reads the JoS and sees written somewhere "Satan showed this to me or helped me...
  110. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Complaint against members who manage messages and threads

    Look, I saw what you posted again and reviewed the site as you posted. In one second, any SS will see and agree with me that the website you posted is complete blasphemy against Satan, and it is utter nonsense, as I suspected, and as the other moderator agreed on. The site in question is in...
  111. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Complaint against members who manage messages and threads

    I did not personally see the message you posted, however, consider these forum rules: 1. We know Satan and his Demons are real beings. If you are LaVeyan, or feel otherwise, do not push your beliefs here. 3. Blasphemy against Satan and/or his Demons will not be tolerated! 5. Do not try to...
  112. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Question #5306: is coffee good for you?

    High Priestess Maxine truly knew how to live. She lives life to the fullest, and really understood it in it's entirety. Most people know nothing on how to live, concerned with so many things that do not matter, yet forgetting and being oblivious to things that really matter. HPS Maxine...
  113. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Are tattoos harmful to my health and My soul?

    That doesn't matter. The question asked was it tattoo's are harmful/unhealthy or not, and the answer is, no, they are not unhealthy or harmful, so go ahead and get tattoo's if you want. Anything beyond that is opinion. It's fine not to like tattoo's, and it's fine to like them, either way it...
  114. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Donald Trump Assassination Attempt

    Did you watch the video? After the shots get fired, everyone behind him starts to scramble and try to take cover. You hear people screaming, some screaming in pain and horror, and 1 person got fatally shot, while another got very badly injured after getting shot as well. The shooter was taken...
  115. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Donald Trump Assassination Attempt

    Crazy how it looks that much like him.
  116. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Donald Trump Assassination Attempt

    Disgusting. As for this being staged, it certainly wasn't staged by Trump himself or his party. A person at the rally got killed, and another seriously injured. This assassination attempt looked too sloppy to be planned by the globalists directly, same as the attacker, he doesn't look the...
  117. Voice of Enki [TG]


    I made an oversimplified, hasty response, to avoid confusion I deleted it.
  118. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Question #5257: Two months

    If you have strength left, try to do Valefor's Ritual as HPS Lydia suggested. Keep the Gods close in your heart and mind, imagine Their sigils inside yourself, make a strong connection to Them. If you can't call upon Them anymore with your voice, then call upon Them with your mind and heart...
  119. Voice of Enki [TG]

    How to become sexually healthy?

    Your beliefs and your mind rule over these. If you believe something harmless will destroy you, it will be the end of you. If you don't make a big deal about something because you know it is harmless, nothing will happen. If you connect orgasm to self loathing, it will destroy you. If you...
  120. Voice of Enki [TG]

    How to become sexually healthy?

    To me, it sounds like a problem that you haven't acknowledged, is how you seem not to accept this part of yourself, even hate this part of yourself and you feel guilty over it, which causes you to develop harmful habits as a form of punishment for these things you hate about yourself...
  121. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Organising Translations: Present & Future

    What exactly do you have difficulties with? Give some examples and explanations that can be worked with.
  122. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Amanita Muscaria

    These kinds of things, drugs, mushrooms, whatever kinds of substances with mind altering effects, are simply not to be promoted, not even in a lukewarm manner on the forum here. There is no need for anyone to take them, there is no benefit to any of these things, it has no purpose in...
  123. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Father Satan's lab

    Your husband is not experienced enough to be doing any reading on people. This here is complete nonsense. He is in an early state of opening up his soul and higher senses, at which point the soul and especially the mind are not at all mature and developed enough to properly use these senses...
  124. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Amanita Muscaria

    This here is enough of an example why you should not do drugs. Don't encourage anyone to take strange substances, or experimental substances.
  125. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Babies, Lies Told to Women

    High Priestess Lydia writes one sermon dispelling lies told about childbirth and explaining the virtues of parenthood, "OY VEY SHUT IT DOWN! THE SATANISTS ARE ENCOURAGING EACH OTHER TO HAVE FAMILIES, THIS IS ANNUDAH SHOAH!" For someone who "respectfully disagrees", you are very...
  126. Voice of Enki [TG]

    An angel killing me in my dream

    One thing to remember is that these things cannot really harm you, the worst that will happen is you have poor sleep and will be tired because of that. So, no serious harm can happen to you through this. Normally what this does is tire people out, and these thoughtforms or energies try to...
  127. Voice of Enki [TG]

    For Our People: The Joy of Satan

    We cannot be bribed, nor can we be threatened. Regardless of what opposition we would face, the Joy of Satan remains supported and upheld by us, by our power and our hands, always, from our desire to uphold the teachings of Our Gods, Their Wisdoms and Their Truth's forever, to keep Them fresh...
  128. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Missing topic

    I recall that JG The Alchemist, the JoS Head of Translations, had mentioned to you that you could privately contact him about any issues you have had with Hungarian SS members, but it seemed that you never came back to him on that. It is fine to have personal responsibilities limiting your...
  129. Voice of Enki [TG]

    is Alice Weidel a jew?

    How would mark zuc look like if he was a woman? Yeah, like this creature 🤢
  130. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Growing in discipline

    What High Priestess Maxine had written for the Joy of Satan was more general, for a more general audience, just to inform anyone studying on what exists and what can exist, it is different from an in depth personal account by someone. Explaining more than what High Priestess Maxine wrote on the...
  131. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Growing in discipline

    It is the opposite. People get more confused, because they read what someone experienced through this, and they see something that sounds similar to what they experienced once. Now they think they are risen as well and activated their kundalini, and they will use your posts and experiences to...
  132. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Growing in discipline

    These experiences are not really important or very useful at all to relay on the general forum, because what happens is people who cannot experience these things themselves due to being new to this, will end up living vicariously through the experiences of others and experiencing this in their...
  133. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Diet Program.

    I'll be honest, most of what you say here is nothing more than a myth. Dietary fiber is very overrated in its importance, I know people who barely have any fiber in their diet who are perfectly healthy, even myself I do not have a very fiber rich diet anymore (I used to, but I changed that)...
  134. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Is post-mortem certain?

    No worries at all, I understand fine now what you wrote. All of this is very good news, with Spiritual Satanism you are absolutely able to fix these problems. I have seen people with many problems completely turn their life around with Spiritual Satanism in just a few years. The plan you...
  135. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Is post-mortem certain?

    You should see all of these points as separate goals in your life. You can succeed on all of these things, but trying to do everything at once is unlikely to work. Consider that you at the moment struggle with all of these things, how much better would you already be if you succeed on only...
  136. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Is post-mortem certain?

    Looking at your situation, I would suggest a first step to regain control over your mind, through consistent and daily void meditation. Medication like those makes it difficult or impossible to perform any higher meditations, however, simple basic things can still be done. If you also have...
  137. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Is post-mortem certain?

    Before you do a drastic irreversible mistake, please take note that you can talk about your problems here, and we can help you with things. Not to mention, the Gods can also help you if you are in a desperate situation and don't know what to do anymore, but are still open to receive help and...
  138. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Aura of Protections

    Even back in 2017, you already posted like a High Priestess. I am very glad you decided to take up the mantle and became officially ordained HPS Lydia!
  139. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Question #4851: Motivation

    Words or speech is how we convey our intent towards the world. Speech has meaning and is defined, therefore, the words being defined carry intention in them, and this intention is understood. When speech and intention do not align, the power of both is weakened. Same as if you do not know the...
  140. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Question #4851: Motivation

    Positive is charging or empowering, while negative is depleting or emptying. In a positive way, means in an empowering way, the charging of what you are directing attention towards. Since we are dealing with energies here, the word "positive" has great effects here, since our minds know positive...
  141. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Shorter affirmations can work fine, however in this case I strongly recommend using a longer one...

    Shorter affirmations can work fine, however in this case I strongly recommend using a longer one as I had written here. I write this here, because there is significant power in creating what can be considered a "verse", where each sentence opens up the next. Spoken while in a light trance...
  142. Voice of Enki [TG]

    The first working I will post, is for anyone who seeks a love relationship, but who does not...

    The first working I will post, is for anyone who seeks a love relationship, but who does not have a specific person in mind whom they would wish to invoke attraction in. Love workings can be separated into two rough categories, either a targeted working, or a general working. A targeted...
  143. Voice of Enki [TG]

    I will periodically be writing and sharing workings here on my profile, whenever I feel inspired...

    I will periodically be writing and sharing workings here on my profile, whenever I feel inspired to think of something. What I will write are specific workings which I would recommend for certain issues or problems, based on what I feel inspired to write about in the moment, or if perhaps I...
  144. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Question #4845: magic for my skin

    This is not exactly true. Drinking water does not help to break down fat at all, it has no effect if you drink more or less water on the body fat in your body. The primary cause of acne in hormonal, or endocrine related. Something in your endocrine system is out of whack, causing excessive...
  145. Voice of Enki [TG]

    About love / relationships

    Lastly, I am not your personal answer bot. I answer how I should answer, and specifically I encourage self study in any SS, because if all you can do is ask questions and have people spoon feed you everything, you will not get anywhere as a Spiritual Satanist. So, I try to encourage you...
  146. Voice of Enki [TG]

    About love / relationships

    Looking at this now, you really shouldn't be doing any workings at all, and you need to focus first on studying the Joy of Satan. How to do workings is explained on our website, for example. Had you read the page, or searched the website, you would know the answer here, and had you understood...
  147. Voice of Enki [TG]

    How did you handle your first Saturn return? I'm going through it now

    Saturn starts influencing the chart even when it is in 10 degrees orbit to your natal Saturn. Stronger effects will be felt around 5 Degrees, but you will begin to notice Saturn's influence from 10 degrees orbit.
  148. Voice of Enki [TG]

    About love / relationships

    Read this article from the JoS website: https://satanisgod.org/AUM.html Since you still have such basic questions, you need to study the Joy of Satan more. You can just put the word AUM into the JoS website search and this article is the first one that shows. Try to be more diligent with your...
  149. Voice of Enki [TG]

    How did you handle your first Saturn return? I'm going through it now

    Your Saturn return happens when the progressing Saturn gets within orb of your Natal Saturn. The effects become stronger as it gets closer to your Natal Saturn, and are at their peak when it is exact with your Natal Saturn. The time this takes depends on how the current Saturn is progressing...
  150. Voice of Enki [TG]

    When was Joy of Satan officially born?

    I can't control where or what you post, and I'm not the first person to say something along these lines, so sure :)
  151. Voice of Enki [TG]

    About love / relationships

    I believe affirmations themselves can hold great power, when the intent behind them is very strong. The affirmation here is long, but it flows from one sentence to the next, the idea being that each sentence opens up the next within the mind of the person, allowing the mind to fully realize the...
  152. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Question #4823: Third Eye Buzzing

    You may have given up on spiritually advancing, but your Soul has not, it screams out to you, practically begging you to stop being a fool and waste this opportunity to replenish yourself and live a better life, since your soul does not want to dissipate in the future. Your neglect of your soul...
  153. Voice of Enki [TG]

    When was Joy of Satan officially born?

    I'm not sure about this, since it was way before my time with the JoS. I would have to ask HPHC about this to know for sure.
  154. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Jewish business

    Jews are always paying attention to any gentiles that find ways to succeed in life, and always want to steal everything from successful gentiles, it is literally one of their core modus operandi. This is why you see jews always trying to completely surround any Gentile billionaire or...
  155. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Jewish business

    This is a sure fire way to get screwed over. Jews see a gentile doing well in life, they approach them with business offers and ideas, and in the end usurp all your success and profits and business, the age old tactic which they always try with any gentile running a business. Don't be fooled...
  156. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Germany Was Going To Win WW2 With Ease

    All these buffoons, for their hubris, likely will never reincarnate again. Playing with human lives because of ego is one of the most hated acts in the eyes of our Gods. These traitorous bufoons who had no clue about the new era of warfare from WW2 caused endless amounts of deaths due to being...
  157. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Meditation Question

    Personally I believe binaural music to be complete nonsense. I have tried it a few times just to test anything, but it doesn't do anything and certainly doesn't have a therapeutic effect as it advertised. If anything it just buzzes the brain, or could cause headaches because the sounds are...
  158. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Drawing energy question

    Here is a little trick to help with this, which is quite easy to do when you have a grasp on feeling and directing energy. The normal state of an active and empowered aura is one which radiates outwards, at the same time it is open to external energies to attach, there is a two way interaction...
  159. Voice of Enki [TG]

    When was Joy of Satan officially born?

    Please refer to Her as High Priestess Maxine Dietrich. She is and always will be the First JoS High Priestess, that title remains with Her forever.
  160. Voice of Enki [TG]

    When was Joy of Satan officially born?

    The Joy of Satan is the revival and continuation of the lost Spiritual sects under the Gods, there have been many like us, from the recent Thule society and SS in NS Germany, to the Free Masons, the Greek Philosophers, the Founding Fathers of America, the Egyptian Brotherhood of the Snake, the...
  161. Voice of Enki [TG]

    When was Joy of Satan officially born?

    It was officially born when High Priestess Maxine first began her work on the website in 1998, as far as I remember. It may have been earlier. You could say it was officially born when High Priestess Maxine first made contact with Satan and dedicated to Him, which she did before she started...
  162. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Filing Formal Complaints To The Joy of Satan

    It matters a lot whether you are a jew, because Satan never accepts jews, as jews are incapable of stepping onto the Rising Path to reach towards the Divine through the infinite evolutionary potential in the souls of gentile folk. They do not have this potential within them, because of the...
  163. Voice of Enki [TG]

    About The Name "Satan" & The General Public

    Spiritual Satanism is never for the faint of heart. For people to join and receive the sweet fruits of the Divine, they must conform to Satan, never the other way around. I know the True God of the All in All. Satan is His name, now and for eternity, the unchanging and ever True Divine. Even...
  164. Voice of Enki [TG]

    About love / relationships

    You don't need to immediately jump into a relationship with a girl, you can just talk to them first for a while, maybe meet up a few times and see how things are. You cannot know much about a person just from knowing they just broke up. These girls who just broke up, they are available again...
  165. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Forum Badges: Explained

    The Badge system is very well done. Congratulations to all JoS members who have given their time and effort over the years and have now received these badges! I'm extremely glad and proud we have so many likeminded people here who have put in their work out of their own desire and will to see...
  166. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Gods' rituals, healing, Shared Global Consciousness.

    We all agree that our community here is like a family, however that doesn't mean High Priest HoodedCobra is everyone's cousin or bro and everyone here is familiar with him on the first name basis. Even in private conversations/emails with High Priest HoodedCobra, I refer to him by his Title as a...
  167. Voice of Enki [TG]

    About love / relationships

    You should ask yourself, why is it a problem if a girl has already had a relationship before they met you? Does it matter if they broke up with someone and they are looking for a different partner? Sure, if these girls have issues either because of their past relationships, or because they are...
  168. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Can astral projections change the past?

    Reading a little bit about this mirrors experiment, I think I understand what really happens there, and it isn't anything very special or significant. Basically, being surrounded by mirrors while the light is shone in the chamber from the top would create a very trippy experience for anyone...
  169. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Filing Formal Complaints To The Joy of Satan

    We are a group for the higher minded, the mature and respectable people on the Earth. We understand that not everyone who joins here would have these qualities in the proper measure to begin with, and we are very kind and tolerant in that regard when we see a person who tries to improve...
  170. Voice of Enki [TG]

    JoS Rituals Website - Old VS New

    In the past I still regularly used the old website, because I preferred the old format and got used to that, but with all the improvements and updates made to the new JoS rituals site, I haven't used the old rituals site since the new year. I agree with JG ApolloAbove that the old JoS rituals...
  171. Voice of Enki [TG]

    About the change of Satan image on Jos main website

    Complaining about sewage makes sense when there is sewage. Instead you see the grass across the street was trimmed and some flowers were planted for free by the mayor to spruce up the neighborhood, and you condemn him that he dared to plant some flowers and trim the grass for free, equating...
  172. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Question #4802: What can I do to get rid of shyness

    It often really is as simple as taking baby steps to slowly crawl out of your turtle shell. Often shyness, besides other psychological causes behind it, is simply because the person has very little experience talking with others in general, and they fear the unknown regarding this, the mind is...
  173. Voice of Enki [TG]

    About the change of Satan image on Jos main website

    High Priestess Maxine used art which was available to her at the time, to dispel the false xian idea that Satan looks like a red skinned horned monster. The images that others had drawn were great for that purpose, but did come with some limitations, such as low resolution uploads and not all...
  174. Voice of Enki [TG]

    About the change of Satan image on Jos main website

    I'll be honest, the old image is simply not appropriate for Satan, as HPHC said, the depiction is based on the imagination of the artist drawing Satan as a person rejected by heaven, based on xian ideas about Satan. That expression has nothing to do with Satan and is absolutely unfitting for...
  175. Voice of Enki [TG]

    About the change of Satan image on Jos main website

    This is needed yes, in fact if you could help with this I think HP HoodedCobra and JG ApolloAbove would be pleased. They'll see my reply here, but I'll let them know. You should make a sample image of your work, and can make a thread, or send it by email, etc. Some of the graphics have been...
  176. Voice of Enki [TG]

    About the change of Satan image on Jos main website

    I can understand why some people might not like it, not only because it is different, but because the style is different, etc, something new does need time to adjust to, and there is fair critique to give on the loss of detail in the background of the image. However, despite some details...
  177. Voice of Enki [TG]

    About Andras

    There is no better or worse Guardian Demon to have as an SS. You are given the GD which is most fitting to you, and all of them are equally competent at protecting you from harm by negative entities, because all of them are Divine beings who have no trouble handling these lesser entities.
  178. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Relationships with demons and earthly partners.

    So the main thing to remember regarding Incubi and Succubi, is that this kind of thing is really reserved for the most advanced people. As someone who has had some level of experiences myself with this, first, it is much easier to have and maintain a relationship with an earthly partner...
  179. Voice of Enki [TG]


    I am very glad to hear you overcame these induced fears, great to hear this. You have made an important step today, overcoming these false limitations and enemy induced fears. Now, remember this experience, and if at any point in the future you have any negative experience related to Demons...
  180. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Conversations with snakes

    Yeah and you are Satan in a different reality while your father is Satan's grand father in another reality. In all seriousness, I am not here to argue with you. The Joy of Satan explains what these are very well, and we know these to be as I have told you.
  181. Voice of Enki [TG]


    Demons do not cause any negative phenomenon on SS, nor for people who aren't yet dedicated. In the latter case, at worst They will be dismissive or not really give you much attention. They will not cause any negative phenomenon, unless the individual is blatantly attacking them or blaspheming...
  182. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Updates: New JoS Guardian, JoS Donors System, Site Updates, Outreach etc

    Welcome JG Karnonnos, I'm very glad you have joined us! Be blessed Brother, for having you is a blessing for the JoS and our community.
  183. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Conversations with snakes

    These things are very common delusions that form in the minds of new SS. People think they are drinking tea with Azazel every day, and that Satan wipes their ass in the bathroom like their dad when they were a baby... Also of course you were Rameses II in your past life, and also Napoleon, and...
  184. Voice of Enki [TG]

    How is Satanism older than christianity

    This is very simple really. The jewish hoax of xianity started no more than 2000 years ago, while the ancient Pagan religions have existed for thousands of years prior. Take Sumer as an example, the Ancient Pagan Empire from more than 6000 years ago. Predating xianity by way more than 4000...
  185. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Aura colors

    I think you are approaching this from the wrong angle. The color of the Aura is dependent on the energies that are dominant within a person, and a Spiritual Satanic practitioner can influence this and literally program this as they like through these meditations on specific wavelengths (colors)...
  186. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Shiva and Kali

    I mean to say that it is pointless to try and place any numerical value of "age" onto a being that is not only eternal but also existing eternally. For the Gods, time is not like how we perceive it, you cannot put it into such terms or words because they are on a different dimension in regards...
  187. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Shiva and Kali

    Satan is not merely a material being who has lived for some arbitrary amount of time. HP HoodedCobra explained this best in the post Henu linked. Everyone should read that. Thinking of Satan as only a being who lives some whatever amount of years only limits your perception of Him, His true...
  188. Voice of Enki [TG]

    How many of you still eat WHITE REFINED SUGAR?

    It is mostly because rock salt, especially himalayan rock salt is the least polluted kind of salt available. Even the best quality sea salt is at risk of being polluted by micro plastics, because the oceans, especially shores, are very polluted by plastics these days. Himalayan rock salt...
  189. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Important Notice: Members Allowed to Apply

    Great to see such a response. To anyone hesitant, if you have time, sign up for it and give it a try. This will also help you get out of your shell and act, take it as an opportunity to activate and give back to Satan, donating your time and effort. If ever you are not sure what you can do...
  190. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Important Notice: Members Allowed to Apply

    Excellent. Now we will bring the dawn after this 2000 years twilight, with the Gods above, as the glass which magnifies Their light into the world. People deserve to know Them. It is our duty to give the masses the choice to Know Them. Good luck everyone! Our blessed efforts of today will...
  191. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Happy New Satanic Year: 2024

    Thank you High Priest for this awe inspiring message! With you at the helm High Priest HoodedCobra, Together with our family of spirit, we will raise the Joy of Satan to the position she ought to have. By our hand, the world will be Godless no longer. Everyone will have the chance, the choice...
  192. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Happy Beltane, Hail Baalzebul!

    Happy Beltane to all fellow Spiritual Satanic Brothers and Sisters! Hail Baalzevulon! Be blessed for the Satanic new year everyone!
  193. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Knowing this, who dares to not worship? — quret al yezid

    It is written like this: Knowing this, who dares deny? Knowing this, who dares fail to worship? Knowing this, who dares worship the false gods of the Koran and bible? It is written more as a wake up call to readers, rather than a threat. He says this after establishing himself to the reader as...
  194. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Knowing this, who dares to not worship? — quret al yezid

    What is worship to Satan is very different compared to the godless false faiths of the koran or bible. To meditate and partake in Satan's mysteries and knowledge, to have Him in your heart as He holds His knowledge within His heart, and to follow His teachings and dictates to your best ability...
  195. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Question #4479: In need of resources

    I will tell you with 100% certainty that he is not a jew. Not every berg is a jew, neither is every person with different beliefs a jew. Whether he is a Scientologist or not, I have not looked into this and will look into this, however even so the information in his video's is very legitimate...
  196. Voice of Enki [TG]

    Question #4479: In need of resources

    I vouch for Dr Eric Berg as well. From all the health/doctor's channels on youtube that I have seen, Dr Eric Berg is the most right. He knows what he talks about, and he has the integrity to admit when he was wrong and correct himself when he has discovered new knowledge. He is not too different...
  197. Voice of Enki [TG]

    A beginner's question on Jews and non-Aryans

    He was an Earthly human. A God with Earthly origin. For his skin color, it is closer to olive or tan. It is a wrong interpretation that he is black or very dark.
  198. Voice of Enki [TG]

    A beginner's question on Jews and non-Aryans

    These are very normal questions and interests to have, things to satiate the insatiable human curiosity. As you spend more time with Spiritual Satanism, you will look at these kinds of questions differently with time, and you realize these aren't really that useful or important to know. Often...
  199. Voice of Enki [TG]

    A beginner's question on Jews and non-Aryans

    As I said before. All the named Gods with darker complexion in their description have different origins from the Black race on Earth. About Asmodeus, you can read here: https://ancient-forums.com/index.php?threads/lunar-eclipse-rtr-ritual-shattering-enemy-defenses.57248/page-5#post-256265 He...
  200. Voice of Enki [TG]

    A beginner's question on Jews and non-Aryans

    I do not know the answer to most of these questions unfortunately. I can say with certainty however that the original African Pagan Gods that their tribes believed in, those who did not do strange sacrifices or other strange rituals which some tribes did do but most didn't, are the same as Our...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
