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An angel killing me in my dream


New member
May 3, 2024
Hi everyone, today in a dream I had a pretty strong psychic attack and I wanted to ask your advice on how to protect myself.
I had been seeing the number 11:11 for some time and recently thanks to a friend I found out it was an enemy number. Obviously I ignored it and went on with my spiritual life as usual. Last night, after doing the meditation to open the hand chakras (which went very well), I had this dream.
As I said in al old thread, before I became a Spiritual Satanist I was obsessed with archangel Michael. In my dream I was with my boyfriend and I remember climbing a wall,we were laughing and having fun. Suddenly a huge statue of Michael appeared behind my boyfriend, it came to life and first it hurt my boyfriend by pushing him and throwing him on the ground, and then it hit my hand with an arrow (the night before I had meditated on hand chakras,what a coincidence...) and made me fall down the wall. I hit my head and I was about to die, but as I got weaker and weaker I looked into the statue's eyes and whispered, “I will never be yours.” After that I felt my soul leave my body and I died. I woke up shortly afterwards.
Since it's pretty evident that this is a psychic attack and I'm a newie here, can you tell me how can I protect myself? This angel wouldn't stop hassling me. (I do protection aura and aura cleansing every day).
Thank you and Hail Satan!
One thing to remember is that these things cannot really harm you, the worst that will happen is you have poor sleep and will be tired because of that. So, no serious harm can happen to you through this.

Normally what this does is tire people out, and these thoughtforms or energies try to frighten people into obedience to the enemy programs, or harass them until they are exhausted and their life falls apart due to the stress and such, however for a dedicated SS you can always call upon the help of your Guardian, or ask Satan in a ritual to send a Demon to assist you if you ever are feeling overwhelmed by something like this to get reprieve while you build up your AoP so this cannot happen anymore.

What you experienced can also be a reaction from these energies that you had previously invited upon yourself before finding Spiritual Satanism and who you are now cleaning from your soul, during the cleaning process, you may experience resistance both from energies that you are removing, and also influence which may have gripped your mind at some point in the past.

The best thing you can do is extra Aura cleaning and detach from these enemy notions entirely, banishing them from your soul and mind.
Then you should build your aura of protection in the morning at the start of the day and in the evening before you sleep. Doing AoP right before sleep bolsters your protection at night so you are less susceptible to any such influences or nightmares.

I wrote a post about doing protections on your home and on cleaning your house/spiritually consecrating your house to Satan, which will help layer extra protection on you as well by keeping these things out of your environment.

Here it is:


It is important when you do any protection, to never doubt its effectiveness, and not to give any unwanted energies, influence or entities any chance to stick around.
Even if something does bother you or get through your protections, don't just ignore it, but actively reject it and push it away.

Think how you would kick an intruder out of your house if suddenly someone broke in, you won't just ignore them and try to continue sleeping.
These kinds of spiritual intrusions are non physical, so you use your mind and energy to push them away and reject them, kicking them out of your house or even out of your dreams if you learn to establish control there as well. That will come in time through meditation and empowering your mind.

Something as simple as imaging yourself literally kicking these out and affirming these are removed now and destroyed now is very effective.

Visualize Satan's sigil shining bright like the sun, then affirm something like this:

"In Satan's name, any christian or jewish influence, energies or thoughtforms are completely and permanently removed and banished from my life, banished from my mind and my soul, now and forever! In Satan's name I banish all of these disgusting odious things from my life forever!"
Una cosa da ricordare è che queste cose non possono davvero farti del male, il peggio che accadrà è che dormi poco e sarai stanco per questo. Quindi, non può accaderti alcun danno serio attraverso questo.

Normalmente ciò che fa è stancare le persone, e queste forme pensiero o energie cercano di spaventare le persone e costringerle a obbedire ai programmi nemici, o molestarle finché non sono esauste e la loro vita va in pezzi a causa dello stress e simili, tuttavia per una SS dedicata tu puoi sempre invocare l'aiuto del tuo guardiano o chiedere a Satana in un rituale di inviare un demone per assisterti se mai ti senti sopraffatto da qualcosa del genere per ottenere tregua mentre costruisci il tuo AoP in modo che ciò non possa più accadere.

Ciò che hai sperimentato può anche essere una reazione di queste energie che avevi precedentemente invitato su te stesso prima di scoprire il Satanismo Spirituale e che ora stai ripulendo dalla tua anima, durante il processo di pulizia, potresti sperimentare resistenza sia da energie che stai rimuovendo, sia da anche un'influenza che potrebbe aver catturato la tua mente in qualche momento del passato.

La cosa migliore che puoi fare è pulire ulteriormente l'aura e distaccarti completamente da queste nozioni nemiche, bandendole dalla tua anima e dalla tua mente.
Allora dovresti costruire la tua aura di protezione al mattino all'inizio della giornata e alla sera prima di dormire. Fare AoP subito prima di dormire rafforza la tua protezione durante la notte, quindi sei meno suscettibile a tali influenze o incubi.

Ho scritto un post su come proteggere la tua casa e su come pulire la tua casa/consacrare spiritualmente la tua casa a Satana, il che ti aiuterà a proteggere ulteriormente anche te mantenendo queste cose fuori dal tuo ambiente.

Ecco qui:


È importante quando si adotta qualsiasi protezione, non dubitare mai della sua efficacia e non dare a energie, influenze o entità indesiderate alcuna possibilità di restare.
Anche se qualcosa ti disturba o supera le tue protezioni, non ignorarlo semplicemente, ma rifiutalo attivamente e allontanalo.

Pensa a come cacceresti un intruso fuori di casa se all'improvviso qualcuno irrompesse, non lo ignoreresti semplicemente e proveresti a continuare a dormire.
Questi tipi di intrusioni spirituali non sono fisiche, quindi usi la tua mente e la tua energia per respingerle e respingerle, cacciandole da casa o addirittura dai tuoi sogni se impari a stabilire il controllo anche lì. Ciò avverrà col tempo attraverso la meditazione e il potenziamento della tua mente.

Qualcosa di semplice come immaginare di buttarli letteralmente fuori e affermare che vengono rimossi e distrutti ora è molto efficace.

Visualizza il sigillo di Satana che brilla luminoso come il sole, quindi afferma qualcosa del genere:

"In nome di Satana, qualsiasi influenza, energia o forma pensiero cristiana o ebraica viene completamente e permanentemente rimossa e bandita dalla mia vita, bandita dalla mia mente e dalla mia anima, ora e per sempre! Nel nome di Satana bandisco tutte queste cose disgustose e odiose dalla mia vita per sempre!"
Thaaanks!! <3 I do AoP twice a day already, in the morning and before going to sleep. A member suggested this ritual https://josrituals.org/ritual/rtr/demonic-authority.html . Can I also do this even if I'm a newie? Do I have to vibrate the last words or I only have to affirm them?
Thaaanks!! <3 I do AoP twice a day already, in the morning and before going to sleep. A member suggested this ritual https://josrituals.org/ritual/rtr/demonic-authority.html . Can I also do this even if I'm a newie? Do I have to vibrate the last words or I only have to affirm them?
If you feel to do a ritual for this situation, I suggest you to do the Shattering Jewish Soul Protection ritual, since it contains the reverse name of the entity of your dream: leh-ah kkhh eem.
About the last words, which are the affirmations, you should affirm them with intention.
It is good to do AoP twice a day, you should add what JG Voice of Enki wrote.
I don't know if you already do the RtR everyday, it is very important for personal safety, also to follow the current schedule, HPS Maxine's Ritual and Lord Balaam's Ritual are extremely powerful and very precious.
If you feel to do a ritual for this situation, I suggest you to do the Shattering Jewish Soul Protection ritual, since it contains the reverse name of the entity of your dream: leh-ah kkhh eem.
About the last words, which are the affirmations, you should affirm them with intention.
It is good to do AoP twice a day, you should add what JG Voice of Enki wrote.
I don't know if you already do the RtR everyday, it is very important for personal safety, also to follow the current schedule, HPS Maxine's Ritual and Lord Balaam's Ritual are extremely powerful and very precious.
thanks! No I haven't done any RTRs yet because I've been a SS since 3 months only and a Brother told me to wait until the 6th month to start doing RTRs

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
