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Dreams of my Demon 😈



Last night I was thinking of my demon wanting to know my demon because I have not met my Guardian demon or know who they maybe, I’ve been here for over 8 months and I have no clue, but last night I was thinking of my Demon one I would like to interact with and I’m was saying in my mind to Father Satan I would like to know my Demon and I went to sleep and in my dreams I had a few, I woke up and fell asleep many times last night, but only one dream I remember when I woke up was
I was in a car 🚙 and from the back window it was open and no car has their back window open which was very weird, and then a male came through that window that was open and I looked at him and he looked a bit scary like in the movies how they portray a vampire look or a demon look, so I got scared of him and then the next second he was in the drivers seat ready to drive the car, but because I didn’t know who he was and he looked a bit scary I said to him get out of the car, and he went!
I’m just thinking was he my demon in my dream and I don’t know why I said get out, and if it was my demon I feel bad and sad now 😔 what should I do now?

Hail Satanas
Last night I was thinking of my demon wanting to know my demon because I have not met my Guardian demon or know who they maybe, I’ve been here for over 8 months and I have no clue, but last night I was thinking of my Demon one I would like to interact with and I’m was saying in my mind to Father Satan I would like to know my Demon and I went to sleep and in my dreams I had a few, I woke up and fell asleep many times last night, but only one dream I remember when I woke up was
I was in a car 🚙 and from the back window it was open and no car has their back window open which was very weird, and then a male came through that window that was open and I looked at him and he looked a bit scary like in the movies how they portray a vampire look or a demon look, so I got scared of him and then the next second he was in the drivers seat ready to drive the car, but because I didn’t know who he was and he looked a bit scary I said to him get out of the car, and he went!
I’m just thinking was he my demon in my dream and I don’t know why I said get out, and if it was my demon I feel bad and sad now 😔 what should I do now?

Hail Satanas
Honestly. One thing to always consider when asking if we should rely on dreams is our minds can influence them. Same with our spiritual expriences too like divination, telepathy etc.. Imagination exist and sometimes we can create or alter scenarios in our dreams too without meaning too.
Only few times I've heard of where they have looked or sounded different. That was back when the JOS clergy was doing energy work for the gods. They've made mention to some of the gods voices sounding a little raspy too before the energy work they did to free some of them.

What you should do is take it with a grain of salt. Don't let it have power over you. You've participated and exprienced the bliss from doing the rituals to the gods and goddesses right? Don't let the imagination blind your eyes and ears to the logic you've had with your epxriences with these rituals. That is what the enemy does when they manipulate us humans. They make sure they guide them down a road that blinds them to logic as well. In some cases it is also possible to self sabotage and bring ourselves to self destruction.

Do some rituals to the God's. Tell them about the situation. Honestly from personal exprience they will bless your soul even more for coming to them, they are understanding, they love their own and they can see more of the things we cannot... They can also take you further than any person can after a point.

I'm am sorry to hear though. Sometimes dreams are frightening. You said you are 8 months in so far? Within time you'll look back and know why there isn't a reason to be afraid anymore for sure. For now look ahead and see the days to come as you walk your road. As you grow yourself discovering the endless potential. The days to come is the light and the end of the tunnel. The ambition and strive to get there is the fire that guide your way. nurture it all carefully.

You'll want to master trances if you want to know who your GD is. I recommend making sure you master void meditation first, Then master trances, then get into clairadience and clairvoyance meditations. Slowly incorporate this into your daily routine more. Start small and see how your mind copes with it. Sometimes this will take months but it is achievable. The more you master void meditation the more itll give you control over things like concentration which enhances your magick ontop of raising your witchpower too. Void meditation will also help keep you sane and mentally in control. With the trances itll help you tap into and pick up on energy more. Making telepathy more easy too since we are slipping through barriers blocking that kind of stuff out, but itll take lots of practice. Sometimes we hear nonsense at first. Its like using muscles you havent used in awhile. Theyre out of synch and youre relearning and training to use them. So it's also normal to expect funky results at first too.

If there is a will there is a way. The JOS has done their part as well as to making this knowledge known. I wasnt sure if you already knew the above or not. I sent it anyways wishing well. They're fundamentals I've seen many forget and lose control on this path later down the road. Specifically the void meditation lol I understand its rather boring for many as well. Here are some things you can do that are cool. Things for you to remember to make it more exciting.

Take notice to the enviroment around you. A sign your mind is growing stronger is when you can pick up on where sounds are coming from accurately, when you can see in your mind everything around you with your eyes closed. You're establishing a stronger connection between the mind and the body and also growing the mind beyond average levels.

You'll be able to pay attention on where your ears focus as well. Blocking out sounds and focusing on other sounds. For example. Sit in a room where traffick is going on outside. You can open a window, or play nature sounds through the t.v. you can practice blocking out the nature sounds or sounds of traffick and focus on things like people talking in another room or you can put on a lecture on your phone and write down what you could hear and retain. Look back and see how much you progress as weeks go on. Take note to also how your magick advances as well.

I look forward to seeing the progress you make. I hope all goes well and your dreams get better for you.

Honestly. One thing to always consider when asking if we should rely on dreams is our minds can influence them. Same with our spiritual expriences too like divination, telepathy etc.. Imagination exist and sometimes we can create or alter scenarios in our dreams too without meaning too.
Only few times I've heard of where they have looked or sounded different. That was back when the JOS clergy was doing energy work for the gods. They've made mention to some of the gods voices sounding a little raspy too before the energy work they did to free some of them.

What you should do is take it with a grain of salt. Don't let it have power over you. You've participated and exprienced the bliss from doing the rituals to the gods and goddesses right? Don't let the imagination blind your eyes and ears to the logic you've had with your epxriences with these rituals. That is what the enemy does when they manipulate us humans. They make sure they guide them down a road that blinds them to logic as well. In some cases it is also possible to self sabotage and bring ourselves to self destruction.

Do some rituals to the God's. Tell them about the situation. Honestly from personal exprience they will bless your soul even more for coming to them, they are understanding, they love their own and they can see more of the things we cannot... They can also take you further than any person can after a point.

I'm am sorry to hear though. Sometimes dreams are frightening. You said you are 8 months in so far? Within time you'll look back and know why there isn't a reason to be afraid anymore for sure. For now look ahead and see the days to come as you walk your road. As you grow yourself discovering the endless potential. The days to come is the light and the end of the tunnel. The ambition and strive to get there is the fire that guide your way. nurture it all carefully.

You'll want to master trances if you want to know who your GD is. I recommend making sure you master void meditation first, Then master trances, then get into clairadience and clairvoyance meditations. Slowly incorporate this into your daily routine more. Start small and see how your mind copes with it. Sometimes this will take months but it is achievable. The more you master void meditation the more itll give you control over things like concentration which enhances your magick ontop of raising your witchpower too. Void meditation will also help keep you sane and mentally in control. With the trances itll help you tap into and pick up on energy more. Making telepathy more easy too since we are slipping through barriers blocking that kind of stuff out, but itll take lots of practice. Sometimes we hear nonsense at first. Its like using muscles you havent used in awhile. Theyre out of synch and youre relearning and training to use them. So it's also normal to expect funky results at first too.

If there is a will there is a way. The JOS has done their part as well as to making this knowledge known. I wasnt sure if you already knew the above or not. I sent it anyways wishing well. They're fundamentals I've seen many forget and lose control on this path later down the road. Specifically the void meditation lol I understand its rather boring for many as well. Here are some things you can do that are cool. Things for you to remember to make it more exciting.

Take notice to the enviroment around you. A sign your mind is growing stronger is when you can pick up on where sounds are coming from accurately, when you can see in your mind everything around you with your eyes closed. You're establishing a stronger connection between the mind and the body and also growing the mind beyond average levels.

You'll be able to pay attention on where your ears focus as well. Blocking out sounds and focusing on other sounds. For example. Sit in a room where traffick is going on outside. You can open a window, or play nature sounds through the t.v. you can practice blocking out the nature sounds or sounds of traffick and focus on things like people talking in another room or you can put on a lecture on your phone and write down what you could hear and retain. Look back and see how much you progress as weeks go on. Take note to also how your magick advances as well.

I look forward to seeing the progress you make. I hope all goes well and your dreams get better for you.

Thank you for taking the time to write all of this for me I really enjoyed reading it and appreciate it, yes I should do those meditations and open my senses to I could hear or see, but I’ve actually saw two beings before I came to Jos and I had heard my name called out a few times with someone who had the most beautiful voice, and these happened to me when I had not done any meditations, that been said
I have done many RTRs and the Gods rituals, and as I said the meditations, I’m also doing Yoga at yoga classes, but I should be consistent this is where my problem is, I do it for awhile and then I’m on a break for awhile so I haven’t been consistent in doing my meditations, I always have something coming up, distractions from the people around me.

When I said I got scared it was only because the person looked a bit scary looking you know how in the movies they make the Demons look scary, he didn’t look exactly like the demons in the movies but slightly less scary, but because I didn’t know who he was I got scared!
Yes I know as a SS we shouldn’t get scared that easily, maybe they are testing me in my dreams to see if I still scare easily and I didn’t do well in this dream lol, I’ll see how my next dreams turn out!
Thanks again for your reply
Hail Satanas
Thank you for taking the time to write all of this for me I really enjoyed reading it and appreciate it, yes I should do those meditations and open my senses to I could hear or see, but I’ve actually saw two beings before I came to Jos and I had heard my name called out a few times with someone who had the most beautiful voice, and these happened to me when I had not done any meditations, that been said
I have done many RTRs and the Gods rituals, and as I said the meditations, I’m also doing Yoga at yoga classes, but I should be consistent this is where my problem is, I do it for awhile and then I’m on a break for awhile so I haven’t been consistent in doing my meditations, I always have something coming up, distractions from the people around me.

When I said I got scared it was only because the person looked a bit scary looking you know how in the movies they make the Demons look scary, he didn’t look exactly like the demons in the movies but slightly less scary, but because I didn’t know who he was I got scared!
Yes I know as a SS we shouldn’t get scared that easily, maybe they are testing me in my dreams to see if I still scare easily and I didn’t do well in this dream lol, I’ll see how my next dreams turn out!
Thanks again for your reply
Hail Satanas
If you're already sensitive in a sense even prior to engaging in the meditations and discovering JOS then for sure take it slow. When you do these meditations it'll come more easily for you. Over doing it when the potential energy is already there will result in the outcome springing with extreme force into action when those doors do open. It's not something one may be ready for at the time which is why I do say take it slow.

Don't worry too much about the fear. The Gods already see the purity in your heart. Our judgement becomes clouded sometimes. By many factors. You are a kind soul that has been here many occasions with open arms to greet the beautiful souls that have come here looking for truth. Many members will find comfort and healing through your kindness here. Maybe one day you will realize how much this helps build this community to become stronger if you haven't already.

Truth be told you didnt know who that was that you seen in your dream. It couldve been one of our Gods, it couldve been the enemy protraying as a god or it couldve been a figment of your imagination getting the best of you. Regardless at the end of the day The Gods can see through all of this and will already see what had happened at the core of situation it took place.

Take it with a great of salt and learn what you can from each exprience. Find a way to grow from what ever situation you may face. Maybe your fear that you picked up on, can be a guide to show you there is still some attachments to the enemy that you are unaware about. Embedded into your subconscious somewhere. Sometimes life will hand us shit, but shit makes a beautiful ingredient in a compost for the most beautiful garden you are establishing. Just remember to keep working on that consitency and you yourself will build and establish this beautiful garden too.

They are called Gods for a reason. They are also very understanding which is something our lovely high priest hooded cobra was mentioning in one of his newer sermons.. When you go to the them with the same purity even if it is a bad dream, when you connect with them you will be reminded of the beauty they do possess. Just from their presence alone when you get their attention... You will feel complete each time.

Always remember the expriences you have with each God you connect with if you can through these rituals to the gods and any work you do on your own time for them. Let their mark they place upon you become a beacon of light for you to find your way back to them. You have nothing to worry about honestly.

Keep up your good work, remember to keep going. You got this. Learn what your limits are and build upon them slowly over time. Again you got this. I believe you can do it.

If you're already sensitive in a sense even prior to engaging in the meditations and discovering JOS then for sure take it slow. When you do these meditations it'll come more easily for you. Over doing it when the potential energy is already there will result in the outcome springing with extreme force into action when those doors do open. It's not something one may be ready for at the time which is why I do say take it slow.

Don't worry too much about the fear. The Gods already see the purity in your heart. Our judgement becomes clouded sometimes. By many factors. You are a kind soul that has been here many occasions with open arms to greet the beautiful souls that have come here looking for truth. Many members will find comfort and healing through your kindness here. Maybe one day you will realize how much this helps build this community to become stronger if you haven't already.

Truth be told you didnt know who that was that you seen in your dream. It couldve been one of our Gods, it couldve been the enemy protraying as a god or it couldve been a figment of your imagination getting the best of you. Regardless at the end of the day The Gods can see through all of this and will already see what had happened at the core of situation it took place.

Take it with a great of salt and learn what you can from each exprience. Find a way to grow from what ever situation you may face. Maybe your fear that you picked up on, can be a guide to show you there is still some attachments to the enemy that you are unaware about. Embedded into your subconscious somewhere. Sometimes life will hand us shit, but shit makes a beautiful ingredient in a compost for the most beautiful garden you are establishing. Just remember to keep working on that consitency and you yourself will build and establish this beautiful garden too.

They are called Gods for a reason. They are also very understanding which is something our lovely high priest hooded cobra was mentioning in one of his newer sermons.. When you go to the them with the same purity even if it is a bad dream, when you connect with them you will be reminded of the beauty they do possess. Just from their presence alone when you get their attention... You will feel complete each time.

Always remember the expriences you have with each God you connect with if you can through these rituals to the gods and any work you do on your own time for them. Let their mark they place upon you become a beacon of light for you to find your way back to them. You have nothing to worry about honestly.

Keep up your good work, remember to keep going. You got this. Learn what your limits are and build upon them slowly over time. Again you got this. I believe you can do it.

Thank you so much once again for taking the time to write all this to me, you are definitely a wonderful soul, I’m so glad we have wonderful family members here, it’s like a fresh breath of air from the corrupt world outside of jos, it a has been a pleasure to have conversed with you, you also keep up the your good work and I’m sure you will go very far in jos
Thank you dear 🥰

Hail Satanas
Do not worry about thoughts such as if the God's are upset or things as such, you can remain blocked on that for very long time, I am telling from personal experience.
The God's are beyond our own understanding and I can tell you for 100% that They know us before we knew ourselves, meaning , They get that we can be/do some things which are not that great or which would give us the impression that we had "upset" them in any way.

He's making a lot of sense.

But overall just try to do more and connect more, eventually , one day, you can ask the question direct : Was it you, in that dream?
Also , they can take various forms and shapes, mostly they communicate trough Dreams I know this, deeply. This is very wonderful topic, I will explain more soon to come about dreams and many other things. Do not worry at all and be happy Sister! It's normal to get scared by some geezer of 3M , honestly, I think If it was an actual Demon he would had Knew obviously to take another form, enough not to scare you away but when you will encounter similar moments you can always ask the questions to them directly in the dream , ask " Are you on Satan's Side??" if they try to avoid the question and trick your mind into other things then it means they are not one of our own and he can fuck off.
Do not worry about thoughts such as if the God's are upset or things as such, you can remain blocked on that for very long time, I am telling from personal experience.
The God's are beyond our own understanding and I can tell you for 100% that They know us before we knew ourselves, meaning , They get that we can be/do some things which are not that great or which would give us the impression that we had "upset" them in any way.

He's making a lot of sense.

But overall just try to do more and connect more, eventually , one day, you can ask the question direct : Was it you, in that dream?
Also , they can take various forms and shapes, mostly they communicate trough Dreams I know this, deeply. This is very wonderful topic, I will explain more soon to come about dreams and many other things. Do not worry at all and be happy Sister! It's normal to get scared by some geezer of 3M , honestly, I think If it was an actual Demon he would had Knew obviously to take another form, enough not to scare you away but when you will encounter similar moments you can always ask the questions to them directly in the dream , ask " Are you on Satan's Side??" if they try to avoid the question and trick your mind into other things then it means they are not one of our own and he can fuck off.
Thank You Viego I appreciate you writing this to me and reassuring me, very true about dreams, like you said in time I will actually ask who that was in my dream,
I’m not worried anymore after you two brothers commenting here it makes me feel better and more clarified and what I must do
Last night I was thinking of my demon wanting to know my demon because I have not met my Guardian demon or know who they maybe, I’ve been here for over 8 months and I have no clue, but last night I was thinking of my Demon one I would like to interact with and I’m was saying in my mind to Father Satan I would like to know my Demon and I went to sleep and in my dreams I had a few, I woke up and fell asleep many times last night, but only one dream I remember when I woke up was
I was in a car 🚙 and from the back window it was open and no car has their back window open which was very weird, and then a male came through that window that was open and I looked at him and he looked a bit scary like in the movies how they portray a vampire look or a demon look, so I got scared of him and then the next second he was in the drivers seat ready to drive the car, but because I didn’t know who he was and he looked a bit scary I said to him get out of the car, and he went!
I’m just thinking was he my demon in my dream and I don’t know why I said get out, and if it was my demon I feel bad and sad now 😔 what should I do now?

Hail Satanas
Don’t overthink it, you’ll know who’s your GD when you’re ready and the time is right.

For me, when I first discovered the JoS and went to the Gods list I was extremely fascinated by Astarte like no other, all the other Gods were awesome and interesting however I was obsessed with Astarte, I also read one of her names and when I first read it I had this feeling like when you know someone before but you’ve forgot the name and just went on with your life when I read that name something clicked and I said to myself I know this name despite never hearing it before.

But I thought that Astarte was a crowned Princess of hell ain’t no way regular me would have her as a GD and I wasn’t sure so I didn’t want to delude myself so I kept reading the demons list and attributes and kept an open mind.

Only years after this I had a message while meditating to try something and I got the message that Astarte was my GD loud and clear I still didn’t want to delude myself so I asked here on the forums and HP confirmed that yes this was a confirmation from the Goddess.

I was ecstatic. I love her waaaay too much.

So, with the GDs you will know when the time is right. Also, take your time 8 months is not much, don’t put a timeline on it.

As for the dream, I honestly think it doesn’t necessarily mean much at all.

With dreams you will meet a bunch of nonsense dreams, stress-response dreams, enemy attacks, and very rare prophetic or special dreams.
With the prophetic dreams there’s always a special type of energy you won’t feel in most dreams, you’ll know it when you feel it, but there would be no doubt about them.
Last night I was thinking of my demon wanting to know my demon because I have not met my Guardian demon or know who they maybe, I’ve been here for over 8 months and I have no clue, but last night I was thinking of my Demon one I would like to interact with and I’m was saying in my mind to Father Satan I would like to know my Demon and I went to sleep and in my dreams I had a few, I woke up and fell asleep many times last night, but only one dream I remember when I woke up was
I was in a car 🚙 and from the back window it was open and no car has their back window open which was very weird, and then a male came through that window that was open and I looked at him and he looked a bit scary like in the movies how they portray a vampire look or a demon look, so I got scared of him and then the next second he was in the drivers seat ready to drive the car, but because I didn’t know who he was and he looked a bit scary I said to him get out of the car, and he went!
I’m just thinking was he my demon in my dream and I don’t know why I said get out, and if it was my demon I feel bad and sad now 😔 what should I do now?

Hail Satanas
No this is not your guardian Demon !
Don’t overthink it, you’ll know who’s your GD when you’re ready and the time is right.

For me, when I first discovered the JoS and went to the Gods list I was extremely fascinated by Astarte like no other, all the other Gods were awesome and interesting however I was obsessed with Astarte, I also read one of her names and when I first read it I had this feeling like when you know someone before but you’ve forgot the name and just went on with your life when I read that name something clicked and I said to myself I know this name despite never hearing it before.

But I thought that Astarte was a crowned Princess of hell ain’t no way regular me would have her as a GD and I wasn’t sure so I didn’t want to delude myself so I kept reading the demons list and attributes and kept an open mind.

Only years after this I had a message while meditating to try something and I got the message that Astarte was my GD loud and clear I still didn’t want to delude myself so I asked here on the forums and HP confirmed that yes this was a confirmation from the Goddess.

I was ecstatic. I love her waaaay too much.

So, with the GDs you will know when the time is right. Also, take your time 8 months is not much, don’t put a timeline on it.

As for the dream, I honestly think it doesn’t necessarily mean much at all.

With dreams you will meet a bunch of nonsense dreams, stress-response dreams, enemy attacks, and very rare prophetic or special dreams.
With the prophetic dreams there’s always a special type of energy you won’t feel in most dreams, you’ll know it when you feel it, but there would be no doubt about them.
I don't think that ISIS is your guardian.
Don’t overthink it, you’ll know who’s your GD when you’re ready and the time is right.

For me, when I first discovered the JoS and went to the Gods list I was extremely fascinated by Astarte like no other, all the other Gods were awesome and interesting however I was obsessed with Astarte, I also read one of her names and when I first read it I had this feeling like when you know someone before but you’ve forgot the name and just went on with your life when I read that name something clicked and I said to myself I know this name despite never hearing it before.

But I thought that Astarte was a crowned Princess of hell ain’t no way regular me would have her as a GD and I wasn’t sure so I didn’t want to delude myself so I kept reading the demons list and attributes and kept an open mind.

Only years after this I had a message while meditating to try something and I got the message that Astarte was my GD loud and clear I still didn’t want to delude myself so I asked here on the forums and HP confirmed that yes this was a confirmation from the Goddess.

I was ecstatic. I love her waaaay too much.

So, with the GDs you will know when the time is right. Also, take your time 8 months is not much, don’t put a timeline on it.

As for the dream, I honestly think it doesn’t necessarily mean much at all.

With dreams you will meet a bunch of nonsense dreams, stress-response dreams, enemy attacks, and very rare prophetic or special dreams.
With the prophetic dreams there’s always a special type of energy you won’t feel in most dreams, you’ll know it when you feel it, but there would be no doubt about them.
Thank you for sharing your story, you are very fortunate to have found your Goddess and Astarte as one of the high ranking Goddesses, yeah I know I shouldn’t get impatient, and in time I will find mine! I know we have to be patient with a lot of things
Have you communicated with her yet?
Thank you for sharing your story, you are very fortunate to have found your Goddess and Astarte as one of the high ranking Goddesses, yeah I know I shouldn’t get impatient, and in time I will find mine! I know we have to be patient with a lot of things
Have you communicated with her yet?
She’s always there for me when I pray to her for protection or guidance. Father Satan as well.

There were times where I thought I was screwed because of some bad situations or when I was afraid something might happen even if it’s trivial or a big deal I get comforted by signs (numbers is a big one 666. 555, etc.) and I’m protected and good nothing bad happens to me and everything falls into place, even when it seemed it couldn’t.

You also don’t have to know your GD to ask for their help, protection, guidance, or sending them your gratitude.
She’s always there for me when I pray to her for protection or guidance. Father Satan as well.

There were times where I thought I was screwed because of some bad situations or when I was afraid something might happen even if it’s trivial or a big deal I get comforted by signs (numbers is a big one 666. 555, etc.) and I’m protected and good nothing bad happens to me and everything falls into place, even when it seemed it couldn’t.

You also don’t have to know your GD to ask for their help, protection, guidance, or sending them your gratitude.
I agree with you, they are always there for us in times of need, I have had help when I needed it so badly and thanks to Father Satan and my God/ demon/ demoness!
I also see many triple numbers 555, 444, 222, 777, and only a few times 666
So I know that’s a sign for me too they are around
Thanks for commenting once again it really helps because sometimes we miss certain things and been reminded is a good thing 🙏💕

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
