Thank you

for some reason Jews always appear in my life after a while...
Jews are always paying attention to any gentiles that find ways to succeed in life, and always want to steal everything from successful gentiles, it is literally one of their core modus operandi. This is why you see jews always trying to completely surround any Gentile billionaire or millionaire, because they want to own you and your wealth, even if you are merely a small business not close to millions, since you are successful, jews will try to rob you anyways because it is annuda shoah when gentiles are financially independent.
Be very careful about this. They will try to befriend you, they will try to seduce you with women (Jewish woman are literally programmed to do this, they do esther rituals for this), they will make offers soo attractive that they are almost impossible to refuse, but you have to remember that these are all lies, their only intention is to get into your wallet and hook you in through whatever way sticks so your success can be usurped and become their success. They do this automatically, not even specifically as a targeted attack, it is how they operate on a racial level.
Try to observe this and pay attention to how they approach you, how they try to befriend you, etc. You will be able to recognize this and see their patterns, and also their intentions from the look behind their eyes. If you can find a way to take advantage of them without any risk to your business or success, screw them over. Any dollar taken from their wallets is worthwhile. Parting with their money is more painful for them than parting with their life in some cases.