The Alchemist7 [TG]
Head of Translations
cobra666 said:hi I've been a jos member for quite a few years now, you might know me as lelouch_vi_britianita or Sauske Uchiha or a few other names I've used but forgot the password to those accounts but enough, i was wondering if i was to have some people off fiver translate the exposingchrsitianity site into vietnamese, how would i distribute it? wouldn't i need to upload it to the internet and where would i upload it to? i have the money to get the exposingchritianity translated but im just not sure what to do after the tranlation is done, any input is much appreciated.
Hail Satan
Hello. Are you native Vietnamese? You shouldn't trust someone on the internet to translate JoS material especially since your real identity is at risk. If you want to join is best to translate it yourself if you are fluent in Vietnamese. That would save you the money you would spend, plus keeping you safe in the same time, also it avoids a potential scam from someone who would take your money and won't translate the website properly. Online professional translating is too expensive to trust someone who would do it a lot cheaper. For a site like Exposing Christianity a professional translation can easily go to hundreds of dollars.