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About the change of Satan image on Jos main website

Char Aznable

New member
Jan 2, 2024
It seems that the image of Satan on Jos' main website has been changed recently. The picture on the left is the newly changed one, and the picture on the right is the original page.
I feel that the newly changed pictures are a bit weird. The old pictures can show the "handsomeness", "maturity" and "majesty" of Lord Satan, and are more artistic. Have the new version of the pictures been redrawn by AI? To be honest, it doesn’t feel as suitable as the previous pictures.
Of course, this is just my personal opinion. I don’t know what everyone else’s opinions are. Please express your opinions. Thank you all.

Not sure what's weird about the new image. It's actually more faithful to how I've seen in my dreams, etc. The only difference is sometimes I've seen either shorter or long hair, but the rest of the body is identical.

As a reminder: the Gods can appear as young or elderly as they feel like it. It's not our place to dictate their appearances. The only things you need to know is that's he's a fair-skinned, blond and blue-eyed White male.

Also, I believe the new picture better captures the beauty, majesty and maturity of our Father. I cried when I saw the update. Massive appreciation for the time dedicated to this!
I can understand why some people might not like it, not only because it is different, but because the style is different, etc, something new does need time to adjust to, and there is fair critique to give on the loss of detail in the background of the image.

However, despite some details missing, the focal point, Satan Himself, looks much better, which is most important in my opinion.

His face in the original image has always looked a bit strange, His expression is hard to read and His face just does not look good, there are quite a few things off in it.

Comparing the faces, the new image is much better and looks closer to how Satan's face looks when you see Him in meditation. The gaze in His eyes is also more secure. On the original image the expression looks frustrated and as if He is averting His eyes, which is unfitting.

In the new image, He does not avert His eyes, He looks straight at everything with a calm and assured gaze. It also looks like He is looking below, as if looking towards the Earth from the higher realm, watching us, at least that is what I see when looking at the image.

The use of AI in making images is unfortunately unavoidable, because there are no artists here at the moment who are skilled enough to make improved images for us themselves.

Condemning use of AI just on principle is foolish, as it is a tool that exists now which should be used when appropriate. In cases like us, it has a good place, as we require high definition images that look appropriate, while we do not have any artists who can create them for us at present, which is very unfortunate.

When there are artists who are skilled enough and can create drawings or painting of the Gods with the right level of quality that justifies Them as well as the appropriate looks, we can of course update the images once again with human creations and credit the artists if they want to be credited.

In fact, we'd definitely rather do that if we could, unfortunately we do not have that option at the moment..
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I can understand why some people might not like it, not only because it is different, but because the style is different, etc, something new does need time to adjust to, and there is fair critique to give on the loss of detail in the background of the image.

However, despite some details missing, the focal point, Satan Himself, looks much better, which is most important in my opinion.

His face in the original image has always looked a bit strange, His expression is hard to read and His face just does not look good, there are quite a few things off in it.

Comparing the faces, the new image is much better and looks closer to how Satan's face looks when you see Him in meditation. The gaze in His eyes is also more secure. On the original image the expression looks frustrated and as if He is averting His eyes, which is unfitting.

In the new image, He does not avert His eyes, he looks straight at everything with a call and assured gaze. It also looks like He is looking below, as if looking towards the Earth from the higher realm, watching us, at least that is what I see when looking at the image.

The use of AI in making images is unfortunately unavoidable, because there are no artists here at the moment who are skilled enough to make improved images for us themselves.

Condemning use of AI just on principle is foolish, as it is a tool that exists now which should be used when appropriate. In cases like us, it has a good place, as we require high definition images that look appropriate, while we do not have any artists who can create them for us at present, which is very unfortunate.

When there are artists who are skilled enough and can create drawings or painting of the Gods with the right level of quality that justifies Them as well as the appropriate looks, we can of course update the images once again with human creations and credit the artists if they want to be credited.

In fact, we'd definitely rather do that if we could, unfortunately we do not have that option at the moment..

While my painting skills are not that far developed yet (at least in comparison with what can be accomplished with use of AI), I wonder if some of the graphics on the site also will be needed in higher resolution or even scalable vector graphics?

I ask, because I wanted to redraw/vectorize the header image of the Satanic Meditation page anyways, because I think it looks cool. 🙂

I could vectorize/redraw some other graphics as well if needed (Twin Serpent Meditation, Satanic Symbols..etc)
While my painting skills are not that far developed yet (at least in comparison with what can be accomplished with use of AI), I wonder if some of the graphics on the site also will be needed in higher resolution or even scalable vector graphics?

I ask, because I wanted to redraw/vectorize the header image of the Satanic Meditation page anyways, because I think it looks cool. 🙂

I could vectorize/redraw some other graphics as well if needed (Twin Serpent Meditation, Satanic Symbols..etc)

This is needed yes, in fact if you could help with this I think HP HoodedCobra and JG ApolloAbove would be pleased.

They'll see my reply here, but I'll let them know. You should make a sample image of your work, and can make a thread, or send it by email, etc.

Some of the graphics have been updated already, but due to the lack of artists updating everything is slow going.
Gained more pixels but lost considerable amount of detail and introduced artifacts. All in all…it’s alright, I guess.
This is needed yes, in fact if you could help with this I think HP HoodedCobra and JG ApolloAbove would be pleased.

They'll see my reply here, but I'll let them know. You should make a sample image of your work, and can make a thread, or send it by email, etc.

Some of the graphics have been updated already, but due to the lack of artists updating everything is slow going.
Alright, I am glad if I can help. I'll start as soon as I have some time on my hands 😄
I can understand why some people might not like it, not only because it is different, but because the style is different, etc, something new does need time to adjust to, and there is fair critique to give on the loss of detail in the background of the image.

However, despite some details missing, the focal point, Satan Himself, looks much better, which is most important in my opinion.

His face in the original image has always looked a bit strange, His expression is hard to read and His face just does not look good, there are quite a few things off in it.

Comparing the faces, the new image is much better and looks closer to how Satan's face looks when you see Him in meditation. The gaze in His eyes is also more secure. On the original image the expression looks frustrated and as if He is averting His eyes, which is unfitting.

In the new image, He does not avert His eyes, He looks straight at everything with a calm and assured gaze. It also looks like He is looking below, as if looking towards the Earth from the higher realm, watching us, at least that is what I see when looking at the image.

The use of AI in making images is unfortunately unavoidable, because there are no artists here at the moment who are skilled enough to make improved images for us themselves.

Condemning use of AI just on principle is foolish, as it is a tool that exists now which should be used when appropriate. In cases like us, it has a good place, as we require high definition images that look appropriate, while we do not have any artists who can create them for us at present, which is very unfortunate.

When there are artists who are skilled enough and can create drawings or painting of the Gods with the right level of quality that justifies Them as well as the appropriate looks, we can of course update the images once again with human creations and credit the artists if they want to be credited.

In fact, we'd definitely rather do that if we could, unfortunately we do not have that option at the moment..
In my opinion (without undermining the great efforts on improving the quality of the image itself), Father Satan`s facial expression in the original image gave a much more authentic touch. It expressed frustration and rejection at the same time, and was intended to be displayed this way by the artist. I believe that there was a reason for it (whether he was a satanist himself or not).

Therefore, AI could never replace the level of human imagination and / or artistic creativity. Especially when it comes to our bond with Father Satan and the Gods of Hell and their bestowing of immense creative powers into us.

Given my explanation above, AI technology is quite frankly not on "equal levels" (not yet), and should not be considered as such. These facial remakes are being algorithmically generated / calculated with whichever inputs by whomever (maybe Xians/Muslims/or even Jews?) programmed these.

Lastly, I adored father Satan`s original facial expression in this particular image. It expressed non-conformity, freedom, power and so much more.
The content update all-together is very good, but I will never adore an AI picture, I don't care. It's not something to use for holy art.

Alright then, make a portrait like it's for a king, and someone should develop the abilities for this. That is the realistic case of the topic. If most paintings look like sketches of a lesser level, this is the limitation; I did not create the limitation, it is something that exists because of lack of patience from Artists to reach a level to be able to do this. Many are able, but resolve is needed to actually attain this. That is not something I decide.

One can build a farm; maybe they have the potential to be a good farmer. But who will actually build the farm and feed the people who need the food today? We cannot feed people via the idea of "what could've been".

I keep hearing from artists they will do this or that, and eventually nothing is made, or portraits which are not up to the deserved level for Satan. I love all art and it all touches me, but portraits for Satan that would be listed, will have to be actual paintings of a very high level, as the representations have to be strong and proper.

But please spend these 1, 2, 3 or 10 years necessary to do this. Don't just create standards - update us also along the way.

It expressed frustration and rejection at the same time, and was intended to be displayed this way by the artist. I believe that there was a reason for it (whether he was a satanist himself or not).

The situation is that this previous picture, had to do with these things that don't really exist. There was no real "rejection from heaven" against Satan - it's based on the bitterness of that narrative and him looking as he was rejected, while it is not the case.

They represent an enemy claimed state; rejection, anger and all these things that no longer exist as Satan does have acceptance and is recognized. We cannot be defined by the paradigms of the enemy.

Other than that, there will be a section in the new page, that will contain all these original artistic depictions, with their timelines, as made by human beings.

I like the new picture of Father Satan, he looks more real looking than the older picture! Great work 😍

Basically I spent more than a whole day to fix this, so it does not violate the first picture, is very realistic of how Satan appears (it's very, very close) and it's also not based on enemy paradigm. It looks great.

Other than this, I am waiting for something of this level of artistic tier, and would be more than happy to include it, even an oil painting or something similar, in a dedicated art section (this picture and many other historical depictions will be included in a dedicated page for art by excellent artists, by the way):

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In my opinion (without undermining the great efforts on improving the quality of the image itself), Father Satan`s facial expression in the original image gave a much more authentic touch. It expressed frustration and rejection at the same time, and was intended to be displayed this way by the artist. I believe that there was a reason for it (whether he was a satanist himself or not).

Therefore, AI could never replace the level of human imagination and / or artistic creativity. Especially when it comes to our bond with Father Satan and the Gods of Hell and their bestowing of immense creative powers into us.

Given my explanation above, AI technology is quite frankly not on "equal levels" (not yet), and should not be considered as such. These facial remakes are being algorithmically generated / calculated with whichever inputs by whomever (maybe Xians/Muslims/or even Jews?) programmed these.

Lastly, I adored father Satan`s original facial expression in this particular image. It expressed non-conformity, freedom, power and so much more.

I'll be honest, the old image is simply not appropriate for Satan, as HPHC said, the depiction is based on the imagination of the artist drawing Satan as a person rejected by heaven, based on xian ideas about Satan.

That expression has nothing to do with Satan and is absolutely unfitting for Him.

Whenever I have seen Him, he never had such an appearance. It is not befitting of Him.

About AI, nowhere have I said that AI would be a replacement for true human creativity and talent.

However, how many people build their talent to reach even the level that the AI can exhibit now?

When artists create a masterpiece worthy of Him, not the kind of drawing that belongs on your families fridge door, these arguments would have some merit.

I on the other hand am quite glad that people have developed an excellent tool like this AI which can do a lot of great things in mere moments that would take a human days or even weeks, after they have build over a decade of experience and practice.

It is as I said, a very helpful tool in many circumstances, yet it does not infringe upon any real artistry unlike what many people claim or believe, as quality level human art is always preferred.

Unfortunately, it is hard to come by, especially for us.

And not to discredit the tool, I can say it does an excellent job here, and in fact does glorify Satan with this depiction.

Using the tool also requires time and patience, to get a good result you need to give it the right input in order to create something good with it, which requires also having a good vision on what the result should be.

It is not as soulless as you'd think. To call it a tool is very appropriate.
Alright then, make a portrait like it's for a king, and someone should develop the abilities for this. That is the realistic case of the topic. If most paintings look like sketches of a lesser level, this is the limitation; I did not create the limitation, it is something that exists because of lack of patience from Artists to reach a level to be able to do this. Many are able, but resolve is needed to actually attain this. That is not something I decide.

One can build a farm; maybe they have the potential to be a good farmer. But who will actually build the farm and feed the people who need the food today? We cannot feed people via the idea of "what could've been".

I keep hearing from artists they will do this or that, and eventually nothing is made, or portraits which are not up to the deserved level for Satan. I love all art and it all touches me, but portraits for Satan that would be listed, will have to be actual paintings of a very high level, as the representations have to be strong and proper.

But please spend these 1, 2, 3 or 10 years necessary to do this. Don't just create standards - update us also along the way.

The situation is that this previous picture, had to do with these things that don't really exist. There was no real "rejection from heaven" against Satan - it's based on the bitterness of that narrative and him looking as he was rejected, while it is not the case.

They represent an enemy claimed state; rejection, anger and all these things that no longer exist as Satan does have acceptance and is recognized. We cannot be defined by the paradigms of the enemy.

Other than that, there will be a section in the new page, that will contain all these original artistic depictions, with their timelines, as made by human beings.

Basically I spent more than a whole day to fix this, so it does not violate the first picture, is very realistic of how Satan appears (it's very, very close) and it's also not based on enemy paradigm. It looks great.

Other than this, I am waiting for something of this level of artistic tier, and would be more than happy to include it, even an oil painting or something similar, in a dedicated art section (this picture and many other historical depictions will be included in a dedicated page for art by excellent artists, by the way):

View attachment 2238
For me, I love and adore every essence of Satan`s images (depicted by HPS Maxine Dietrich). Never ever will any AI in the world have authority over me to question it, even if it would declare itself as new god in the coming future.
Alright then, make a portrait like it's for a king, and someone should develop the abilities for this. That is the realistic case of the topic. If most paintings look like sketches of a lesser level, this is the limitation; I did not create the limitation, it is something that exists because of lack of patience from Artists to reach a level to be able to do this. Many are able, but resolve is needed to actually attain this. That is not something I decide.

One can build a farm; maybe they have the potential to be a good farmer. But who will actually build the farm and feed the people who need the food today? We cannot feed people via the idea of "what could've been".

I keep hearing from artists they will do this or that, and eventually nothing is made, or portraits which are not up to the deserved level for Satan. I love all art and it all touches me, but portraits for Satan that would be listed, will have to be actual paintings of a very high level, as the representations have to be strong and proper.

But please spend these 1, 2, 3 or 10 years necessary to do this. Don't just create standards - update us also along the way.

The situation is that this previous picture, had to do with these things that don't really exist. There was no real "rejection from heaven" against Satan - it's based on the bitterness of that narrative and him looking as he was rejected, while it is not the case.

They represent an enemy claimed state; rejection, anger and all these things that no longer exist as Satan does have acceptance and is recognized. We cannot be defined by the paradigms of the enemy.

Other than that, there will be a section in the new page, that will contain all these original artistic depictions, with their timelines, as made by human beings.

Basically I spent more than a whole day to fix this, so it does not violate the first picture, is very realistic of how Satan appears (it's very, very close) and it's also not based on enemy paradigm. It looks great.

Other than this, I am waiting for something of this level of artistic tier, and would be more than happy to include it, even an oil painting or something similar, in a dedicated art section (this picture and many other historical depictions will be included in a dedicated page for art by excellent artists, by the way):

View attachment 2238
This picture is very nice too, great artistic work 😍
I refuse to believe that there aren't people among us here who posses ability to create artistic masterpieces.

And I have already seen many examples in JoS Art section that show a lot of promise.

So, everyone who has talent for any kind of art, painting, music, sculpting...work on your abilities. I am absolutely certain you will thank yourself when you realize how far you've came.

Do not give up.
I prefer the new image. In the previous one, Father Satan has this kind of weird expression that I see as disgust/upset that doesn't fit Him.
The content update all-together is very good, but I will never adore an AI picture, I don't care. It's not something to use for holy art.
Why? What other limitations do you have for holy art? Are other digital tools off limits besides AI? Is only papyrus allowed for this?

Personally I don't see anything wrong with it if the accuracy and other metrics for success are met. Further, as HPHC explained, there was not an immediately viable avenue for this to be created if not through the AI.
Agreeing with Blitz, VoE, and HP here. Personally I am just happy to have a more clear image of Father Satan. I am still waiting for our artists to make more images of the Gods with the same level of quality. If we had them, we would use them.

At some point it would be nice to have actual artwork next to each God's name in the JoS websites, would really bring the life out. Nobody has done this yet, and I do not possess the ability to draw.
For me, I love and adore every essence of Satan`s images (depicted by HPS Maxine Dietrich). Never ever will any AI in the world have authority over me to question it, even if it would declare itself as new god in the coming future.

High Priestess Maxine used art which was available to her at the time, to dispel the false xian idea that Satan looks like a red skinned horned monster.

The images that others had drawn were great for that purpose, but did come with some limitations, such as low resolution uploads and not all of the very few genuine artworks ever made about Satan being very accurate to Him.

Since we have more possibilities now, it is high time to upgrade this, which is what has been done. That is all.

Don't try to spin it as if High Priestess Maxine's work is being undermined here just because something is improved on for the better with the improved possibilities we have available today.

The most important thing, which has also always been High Priestess Maxine's intention, was to accurately depict Satan and the Gods, to liberate the minds of people viewing the website from the false xian programming and slander regarding our Gods being ugly monsters.

Therefore, the important thing is accuracy so even the uninitiated can take a look at the website and see a very close image of Satan so that they can see Him for how He truly is.

I won't be replying further, since I have already explained this three different ways for you to understand, on besides the replies from High Priest HoodedCobra and JG Blitzkreig. Any further reiteration wouldn't serve any purpose if the person reading has a pea brain...
If one wanted an adequate portrait of Satan one would have to resurrect Titian or Velazquez and put him in front of Satan himself unfortunately, however at the moment I don't think it is possible.
Alright then, make a portrait like it's for a king, and someone should develop the abilities for this. That is the realistic case of the topic. If most paintings look like sketches of a lesser level, this is the limitation; I did not create the limitation, it is something that exists because of lack of patience from Artists to reach a level to be able to do this. Many are able, but resolve is needed to actually attain this. That is not something I decide.

Many said he is "thinking" when I mentioned that he looks "disgusted". Even on the AI pic, he still looks kinda sad, and the fact that he is not on "top", he is looking downwards, this is how I interpret it, the picture is inherently not perfect. He should be standing proud on top, as a winner, like on the picture you attached or the one where he is sitting on a globe in the center of a big coliseum.

If there is no able person for this, than that's it.
Anyways I'm okay with it, I just don't find it necessary to change it to the AI one. I don't think the meaning of the picture changed.
Why? What other limitations do you have for holy art? Are other digital tools off limits besides AI? Is only papyrus allowed for this?

I don't have much problem with digital art, as 90% of it is still human made (although you need much more talent for any other physical painting/drawing). The problem is it isn't assembled by a living being. You can have a pill, full of vitamins, nutritional value, and everything, which will give you everything you body needs, or you can have a beef steak with salad, which might even have less stuff then the pill.

Is artificial art or real art suits the Gods?
Honestly, I don't understand what all the fuss is about. Personally, I'm not a big fan of AI myself when it comes to art, but I can't say that it doesn't look better here. There are actually a few details and elements missing, but let's be honest, the quality looks much better. For example as others have already mentioned the face of Lord Satan. He looked angry before and His facial features are disproportionate. In the newer picture He looks beautiful. I don't see sadness here in his expression like someone mentioned. I may understand where other people's opinions are coming from, it's about using AI. However, if I have to choose between the previous art and the new, better quality one generated by AI, I prefer the second option. Simple because it better reflects the appearance of Lord Satan. Joy of Satan is constantly evolving and moving forward, some changes are necessary. I am sure that if we have an artist who will be able to perfectly recreate the appearance of Gods and Goddesses, HP Hoodedcobra would use it for reference, but there is no such person at the moment. I think a new version looks much better and clearer.
I am waiting on the complainers here, to actually start taking the necessary painting classes and everything else necessitated for the changes of this topic.

Alternatively keep complaining and so on, but don't perceive that at the lack of actual work any opinion can be taken very seriously.

Being that seriously offended about a topic, it's now time to take art classes for the next 10 years needed, to make these portraits. I cannot do that too I am already doing 25 other things like a human terminator (Non-AI).

It's time except of setting "standards" to actually follow them also.

In Ancient Egypt, people who were High Priests and Pharaohs also had a pyramid. But let's not make standards about topics where those responsible for these don't want to do or achieve, as it's a waste of time.

Is artificial art or real art suits the Gods?

Granted I was overseeing the creation of this and I had to keep trying to explain to the AI what to do, for the most part, it was made via a form of labor and acceptance still. It took many attempts to reach an understanding and I had to study the AI a lot to see how it could attain the explained parameters etc.

I am not an artist, but an artistic tool was used and it was not just an "auto generation". Still, I am not an artist, so waiting for the standard setters to take the art classes etc.
If I complain about the sewage to the people responsible for this, they won't tell me to be a sewage engineer and be helpful instead of just complaining.

And I'm not offended, and especially not seriously, because it's such a small detail. I don't even want my opinion to be considered, I'm just saying.
I understand people's feelings about AI and art but this is NOT a time for it. High Priest Hooded Cobra works like most people cannot comprehend FOR US. For people to shit on his efforts like he would put out something not good enough to honor Satan and uplift the JoS is so ungrateful and a horrible thing to do. Can you imagine how he feels? He gives his life for this, he loves and serves us, he presents us something he has spent hours on just to have people complain. It's not right.
I know it was nobodies intention to hurt him, and probably these complaints come from wanting the best for everything, but you have to think these things through before they come out like this. What he said about standards is spot on.
HP, the new image is great, far better than the previous one and is respectful and appreciative of Satan's nature. Thank you for your work :)
If I complain about the sewage to the people responsible for this, they won't tell me to be a sewage engineer and be helpful instead of just complaining.

And I'm not offended, and especially not seriously, because it's such a small detail. I don't even want my opinion to be considered, I'm just saying.

Our opinion is influenced by our experience and knowledge of the world, so if someone is hypothetically asking you to imagine yourself as an engineer, this means to reflect more deeply on the work involved and factor that into your opinion.

If your opinion is putting a high standard on the work involved, yet no results would've materialized otherwise, then probably your opinion is overly harsh or putting excessive demands, hence why you were asked to reflect more on this.

In your analogy of the beef steak or cheaper substitute, this situation here is that the beef steak didn't exist. So in that sense, I don't see a reason to avoid the AI option, especially if HP says it is more accurate to Satan, plus more visibly appealing.

When JoS expands, we can hire new artists, but for JoS to expand well, it needs a proper representation of Satan, which I assume is why HPHC spent time on this.
I understand people's feelings about AI and art but this is NOT a time for it. High Priest Hooded Cobra works like most people cannot comprehend FOR US. For people to shit on his efforts like he would put out something not good enough to honor Satan and uplift the JoS is so ungrateful and a horrible thing to do. Can you imagine how he feels? He gives his life for this, he loves and serves us, he presents us something he has spent hours on just to have people complain. It's not right.
I know it was nobodies intention to hurt him, and probably these complaints come from wanting the best for everything, but you have to think these things through before they come out like this. What he said about standards is spot on.
HP, the new image is great, far better than the previous one and is respectful and appreciative of Satan's nature. Thank you for your work :)

No bro, this Cobra goy needs to collect some cotton and also to also spend 25 years to become an Artist too bro. Why doesn't also Cobra play the Violin better than Tartini. Above all, where are my flipflops, he didn't bring them.

Cobra even used AI to compensate for one picture that nobody would paint after 3 years. Crazy stuff brother. I hope he also does my plumping and I have endless other things to pin on him.
No bro, this Cobra goy needs to collect some cotton and also to also spend 25 years to become an Artist too bro. Why doesn't also Cobra play the Violin better than Tartini. Above all, where are my flipflops, he didn't bring them.

Cobra even used AI to compensate for one picture that nobody would paint after 3 years. Crazy stuff brother. I hope he also does my plumping and I have endless other things to pin on him.
Call 1-666-Cobra’s Fault everybody! Lol
I’m kidding.
If I complain about the sewage to the people responsible for this, they won't tell me to be a sewage engineer and be helpful instead of just complaining.

And I'm not offended, and especially not seriously, because it's such a small detail. I don't even want my opinion to be considered, I'm just saying.
Other than what JG Blitz already replied to you, your comparison is way off the mark.

It's more like complaining about the sewage to the leader of your country, when the leader of your country and his minister for arts have already advertised for years the opportunity to produce artwork for the Gods. If after years, artists have not followed through, what are people complaining about exactly when the country leader had to do the work himself with a suitable tool?

A degree of realism is needed here, not blind complaints and rejection. Many people here would benefit taking classes about managing expectations, as expectations are 99.9% of the time at an unrealistic level whenever I read a complaint on this forum.

Before needlessly complaining, one needs to research very DEEPLY and inform themselves about what the requirements are for a given task, what's the skill level available, how much time to allocate to the task, what can be accomplished by that skill level available within the allocated time, and so on.

This here is just unnecessary whining in my opinion. Spend some months consistently training to learn painting and you'll understand how hard it can be to reach the required level beyond what AI currently does.

Also, spend some months analysing the psychology of human behaviour, and you'll understand why most people do not have wait it takes to develop any satisfactory level of skill. Many people think it's too much effort, and do not place the Gods in their rightful place as number 1 priority.

If they did, HPHC wouldn't have had to use AI for this. He would also not have to use backup plans for other situations.

It's easy to complain when you don't know what it takes to do something and what is possible and realistic. Many people will always be complainers rather than problem-solvers because of this mindset.
I prefer the new image. In the previous one, Father Satan has this kind of weird expression that I see as disgust/upset that doesn't fit Him.
I think exactly the same, in the new image his facial expression looks much more detailed and natural.
High Priestess Maxine used art which was available to her at the time, to dispel the false xian idea that Satan looks like a red skinned horned monster.

The images that others had drawn were great for that purpose, but did come with some limitations, such as low resolution uploads and not all of the very few genuine artworks ever made about Satan being very accurate to Him.

Since we have more possibilities now, it is high time to upgrade this, which is what has been done. That is all.

Don't try to spin it as if High Priestess Maxine's work is being undermined here just because something is improved on for the better with the improved possibilities we have available today.

The most important thing, which has also always been High Priestess Maxine's intention, was to accurately depict Satan and the Gods, to liberate the minds of people viewing the website from the false xian programming and slander regarding our Gods being ugly monsters.

Therefore, the important thing is accuracy so even the uninitiated can take a look at the website and see a very close image of Satan so that they can see Him for how He truly is.

I won't be replying further, since I have already explained this three different ways for you to understand, on besides the replies from High Priest HoodedCobra and JG Blitzkreig. Any further reiteration wouldn't serve any purpose if the person reading has a pea brain...
I can perfectly understand what you want people to know, and I reiterate that I do not mean (as already stated above) to undermine anyone`s benevolent work. In fact, I followed HPHC`s relentless work, dedication and sharing for many years and highly appreciate it, and would be one of the last to try do something like you mentioned in your reply.

Let me try break this topic about the ai image generation down into one clear and quintessential thing without further need to expand any unneeded discussion.

Drawing an accurate image of Satan`s appearance is an extremely (if not the most) difficult task per se which is understandable. If it wasn`t, one best attempt from the best artist after many years would have sufficed to accomplish the art. But then again, he would have had to somehow prove that he himself is gifted with godly art craft, which can not be easily verified.

All I am saying is, AI does not fit this job for that reason. Calculating external data sources in an attempt to bring out reliable facelifted versions of a facial structure from a meaningful art image won`t suffice. I also want to mention that I respect all SS member`s views on how similar the ai generated image resembles his true looks according to their dreams and visions.

The old pictures of HIM on the JOS site where there for many years and have served goodly for the most part in my opinion. I didn`t see a urgent need for such replacement. I myself dedicated and was ok with Father Satan`s superb and most beautiful facial expression from the beginning.

I made my dedication to Father Satan many years ago. It was from the bottom of my soul. It was the most important decision for me. That`s why I felt the need to give out my 2 cents on this.
If I complain about the sewage to the people responsible for this, they won't tell me to be a sewage engineer and be helpful instead of just complaining.

And I'm not offended, and especially not seriously, because it's such a small detail. I don't even want my opinion to be considered, I'm just saying.

Complaining about sewage makes sense when there is sewage.

Instead you see the grass across the street was trimmed and some flowers were planted for free by the mayor to spruce up the neighborhood, and you condemn him that he dared to plant some flowers and trim the grass for free, equating this work to the spilling of sewage.

It's time to grow up a little rather than be an entitled contrarian over nonsensical "principles" in your mind.

Leave the complaining when there is something to complain about. Usage of AI is nothing to complain about.

As I have said, it is the usage of a tool, not a soulless generation of something.

Go use a little bit of that AI and try to get results like High Priest HoodedCobra has gotten, it is far from what you imagine it to be.
Looking at the I.A. picture. If your wondering it's not Artificial Intelligence though it is Artificial Intelligence in a sense. Think of it kinda like S.M.C. or Self-Modifying Code also known as Morphological Coding. You can implement psuedo-random or random effects in a game or program for example similar to procedural generation.

It's actually I.A. or Intelligent-Algorithms. It's basically a fancy word for artificialized specialty code as in reality all it's doing is using our data and "thinking" of something better albeit the intelligence is only beginning to come in and even then it'll take time to produce more serious things.

I'm not against artificial properties as someone who posses the Dragon's tail Lunar Nodes; South Node Leo and North Node Aquarius as well as being Cancarian and interacting not just with Pluto in Scorpio but Pluto in Aquarius just as well including being very interested in Science-Fantasy or Science-Fiction as people put it. I did many years ago in my youth deeply get involved with Anarchy Online Funcom's MMORPG and one of the few successful non-Fantasy MMORPG sold. The Norwegian Magic kinda like True Norwegian Black Metal deeply stained my soul positively for the better playing that game the artwork, music, and the items and their description. Deeply magickal and futuristic tones to the game.

In my personal opinion I like the new look better. Why?

Simply because he looks better, much if I may say so a quite handsome visage. But on top of that he looks more like he is longing to see the return of his kingdom on Earth and deeply pondering his desire to return Humanity back to it's Godly throne it deserve and was created to function in the manner to which by himself, Satan and the other myriad of Gods and entities desire Humanity to be it.

In simplest terms I see Satan quietly and patiently waiting for his day. I'm longing the day I can return to rebuild my kingdom on Earth.

As Nergal from Dimmu Borgir puts it, "As we slowly awaken from slumber to receive the light that shines forevermore".

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
