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  1. A


    It's because of the blood the mother gives the infant its blood kinda like a vampire movie lol
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    world economy

    I like bisexual women I prefer them actually.
  3. A

    Mixed emotions...

    Well some of my family is like that they just oraise jesus for everything getting better, eating I think you people know what I mean. They are very nice but it throws me out if my element so to say.
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    Let's just hope it wasn't inteded to mean nazarene. LOL
  5. A

    world economy

    Your right people but since he is out brother let's just look at it as he was thinking gay as in happy and using it like one would call a big guy tiny.
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    My Ex-Friend

    People please listen to Me on this you can't make any sense to or reason with a xian or a Muslim and don't even converse with a Jew. You are waisting your time. They ate brainwashed fanatics.
  7. A


    No DO NOT FEEL THIS WAY!! This is self defeat. Tell yourself , your mind, soul, and heart you can. Tell yourself your mind is not getting in your way over and over. Control your mind Do not let your mind control you. You can and will do this.
  8. A


    This is a great thing Shannon. I am very pleased to see our people advancing this is what its all about. After all if WE do not advance er are useless. People we must advance to be of any help to ourselves or father Enki!!! We owe it to HIM we owe it to OURSELVES!
  9. A

    Feeling being non-human

    This all has to do with your higher self. Wich someone was just asking about. But this can all be gone over at another time. I would rather one of the HP disect this instead of myself.
  10. A


    I personaly Like to say Satan Enki due to any God could go by this name being this is originally any God that dosnt believe as the Jew. But this is for board use only. But that's up to you. Freedom of choice and all. I doubt it matters I just do it because I know for sure then.
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    do i need to do concencration on a full moon

    I would think you could ask Enki to do this for you since the next full moon is far away. Light a candle for him and ask of this.
  12. A


    I do but what exactly do you wish to know? Second where did you hear about higher self?
  13. A

    Is She My Demon?

    Check het element or in lots of cases elements see if you two have the same. Then if so we can go from there.
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    Very clever. Nice nice nice
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    Sure it can be a dual. Here is what you do Luke. Get a black table cloth and then clean it. When you do your rituals put the table cloth over the table along with your candle or candles incense holder and your other items. Yes make a antham get a old knife make sure you cleanse it and you can...
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    Some will. When you feel that make your soul and aura Satanic blue. This is like the color of lighting. Give this spirit a dose of that. He will leave.
  17. A

    Angry about power

    Yes I know what you mean and I will tell you why they get mad. It is because it goes against everything they have been taught since a child. And it says to them that either your saying they are full of shit or that they have been living a lie their entire life. They way they think, act and...
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    plants and trees

    Your more than welcome :)
  19. A

    plants and trees

    My pleasure Shannon;)
  20. A


    Oh yes its one of our links. They are good.
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    Your element is probrably fire. Try envoking the other three to balance this out.
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    meditation skipping

    You will be fine just make sure you clean your aura. If your to busy try meditating for 5 minutes in bed right before you go to sleep.
  23. A

    earth day

    Great idea
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    nothing but a wish... :)

    Why does this have to be a wish? It can be a reality! You have a big heart I see. I like you already.
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    Anytime wizard.
  26. A

    plants and trees

    Sure you can but by emotion. Use your aura. Tune into your aura and then tune into theirs you will feel its emotion. I believe trees have healing power.
  27. A

    Astral communications

    You have to learn to astraly feel things like good feelings bad feelings. Do this when outside around a plant, tree etc. Then you will know if one of our Gods is near you.
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    ive hit a spiritual stop

    It happens. Do some void meditation this will help you clear your mind of unwanted thoughts wich on return means you will gain your focus and be back on track. This OS why void is of such importance.
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    Mind Mapping...

    Wikipedia is not a reliable source as I could get on there and redefine a word.
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    Just visualize or imagine the suns rays engulfing you entire body and soul.
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    aura of protection

    Chakras are seperate. Light each one up like the sun then spin them. Also do the aura of protection before you go to sleep. And when you wake up or before you leave.
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    Enki Serpent Power Within -

    No it dosnt also you have more than likely been taught to be fearful of snakes. Reprogram your mind.
  33. A


    Fuck David icke if I saw him I'd snatch him out of his truck hit him with a brick then start dancing!!!! He is slandering our Gods.
  34. A

    New dawn of Lucifer.

    You mean physically here or on the astral? And what do you mean by 32 vessels?
  35. A

    world economy

    Take back . Simple as that!
  36. A

    WTF is this

    Yeah and saying kids who are to young to understand Jesus in the son of god will burn in Hell along with other unbelievers. Wtf how is that love a dumb child who is incapable of learning their lie will pay. Wow I'm at a lost for words.
  37. A


    Emo its note to late there is alot of brain exercises for one void medatation this helps you have control over your mind and thoughts many have beat horrible studer problems by doing this exercise in abundance. It's never to late I personaly believe you will beat it!!!!
  38. A

    Abortions and Suicide.

    Abortion is up to the individual. As far as suicide it would depend on if you were like some POW or something like that and basically were going to ne killed after torture. Then I would think it maybe smart. But this would ne the only way I would think.
  39. A


    Here is the better question. Do all kikes know they are reptilian hybrids??
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    The Jewish Hand Behind The American Civil War

    Jesuits and jews worked hand to hand on that so let's not forget about those guys either .
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    Public Declaration

    Fuck em Brian. They are loosing the best guy they have too. Do a revenge spell on the buisness if they fire you .
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    Strange Cat

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    another thing I hate

    You should ask for a few more and then tear them up right in the face. This way it waist their Shit so that it is less for the pushy fucks to hand out.
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    Priest Under Fire for Serving Communion to Dog

    I'm for the dog over any of them. I love animals and myself have 6 rescues. Sounds like this dog needs to be rescued.
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    Ok any experienced Satanist please reply, I am in despereate need of

    You have to reprogram your mind. What I mean is pretend your mind is new or your brain wich ever is easier but only on the subject of religion forget all you have learned them examine this from a clean mind and you will see how foolish it all is them you will not have these thoughts...
  46. A

    Why "Satan?"

    Yes correct I have an older indian friend who knows all this it is not a lie incase you all are wondering its legit. Satanism ie the true religion everything else is bull. This is why in india Alot of them worship the cobra. It represents Enki
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    Notes On Atlantis

    No there is no real proof from the ancient Atlantis
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    is any body from IRAN satanists

    If anyone were from Iran and they said it they would be on great danger due to all the ignorance there so be very careful my friend.
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    Why Enki IS Satan...

    It's on the right track . So it works my friend . Actually your very on point.
  50. A


    All good for future people try squeezing your finger until it is red where the blood is there this also takes the feeling away.then push the needle in
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    Seeking assistance in the destruction of an enemy

    How about you program your soul and aura to deflect their negative energy and this will send it right back to their sorry ass. I just like the idea of people dying by their own sword and its much more fun to watch them ruin theirselfs by their own magic. Maxine tells us how to do this in the...
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    That was the old you now your new . No need for forgivness if any thing everyone is proud of you for searching instead of wondering around like a blind man spitting venom at the truth. Good to have you brother and I assure you Enki is anything but mad at you.
  53. A

    Day Five

    This is great. Every post should be about advancing unless your confused for real. This dosnt fall in the same category as being lazy friends.
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    UFO fought off??

    Hmm interesting
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    to who ever

    I'm straight sorry
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    need opions

    No that was a reply to another member about him looking for women in Africa . I'm in America. But thanks If I did live there I would love to.
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    That is horrible. People whom harm animals should be killed for this.
  58. A

    Some random thoughts I had about being healthy...!

    What they mean about magic mushrooms is real mushrooms that grow out of cow Shit. They make you see things. This is only with grain fed cows and also makes your brain bleed so don't do it.
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    Greek Gods and Goddess

    Yeah and here is an eye opener the Romans and Egyptptians where the most powerful nations ever ..they change Gods and they changed . Look what Islam and Christianity has done for them. Not jack Shit !!!
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    Jew-book steals data. (Another attack on personal Freedom)

    Here is a famous phrase amongst us. Darkness is light turned inside out.( Enlil)
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    need opions

    Yeah we call it duat though because all the negative Shit that is talked about
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    christian prayer help

    Lol tell her bible thumping ass Jesus says the m!n who prays in front of others us a fool and will not be favored but the man who prays in his closet will be favored. This us in the bible. So is she gonna go against Jesus... that should shut that fucking asshole up
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    Egypt Uprising

    Not good if the leader of the Muslim brotherhood takes control. He or it I should say is also a dictator. It will destroy thing in Egypt like artifacts and such. It is evil very evil. It is like the ultimate bin laden . Not good at all he will use power from Egypt to.fight their jihad. Fuck I'm...
  64. A

    for my brothers and sisters.

    I like the group perfect circle. Here is a good song..counting bodies like sheep lol check it out
  65. A

    Hello Im New to this...

    For one you should not expect to look under your bed and find they Boogy man. What you should expect is alot of hard work and dedication and all of us to help guide you but only only if you have searched and can't figure it out on your own. Good to have you be with us sister.
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    need opions

    Oh and one more point. He says turn the other cheek if offended or hit. But this god dosnt turn the other cheek. When you offend him you go to Hell. Lol
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    need opions

    This and it'd plain and simple. The god of the bible says he is not the author of confusion yet the whole bible contradicts itself and therfore is confusing. For instance the god Jehova tells the Jews to slughter the pagan people because he says that they offer their children for a sacrifice of...
  68. A

    Looking to hook up with active and true followers of Satan in London

    Hmmm wish I was closer. I just wish a fuck would try and set me up to jump or hurt me because of my beliefs in father ... as this is what I do after all is war . People do not be so quick to give out information on yourselfs we have enemys.Also Monica doll if you are a born Satanist why do you...
  69. A

    I owe this to you all...

    Well bud when we do drugs and drink liquors it makes us easy targets for enemy invasion or basically you are very easy to manipulate. This is why our great great great God Enlil is so against the use of drugs and alcohol. So most likely any post you posted along with any feelings you possessed...
  70. A

    Seven Texas Sized Ships on their way to Earth?

    Hmm come to think of it there are all these wacks talking about the rapture coming in May. Or the end of the world lol. Maybe and just maybe this has some relationship.
  71. A

    Looking to hook up with active and true followers of Satan in London

    Remeber this unfortunate fact. Be weary of whom you meet. There are those who want to hurt our kind. We are few. But strong
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    Where's all the REAL babes at?

    Damm I figured most would be Muslim with scarfs over their face. Oh well take advantage of the xian
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    Seven Texas Sized Ships on their way to Earth?

    Are you sure it is Enki
  74. A


    That's like loving the pope. Next this thing will be trying to get a blow job from you and to pray to it five times a day
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    Where's all the REAL babes at?

    I didn't know they had babes in south Africa ... joking
  76. A

    Glad to be back - Hail Satan!

    Hmm you have a problem I would say. But it is your wife so I imagine you do live her. Just ask her not to down your God and Gods and keep it at that. Also I would tell her to not lay a finger on your altar. Just out if respect for you. That would be like you burning her bible. Wich could be...
  77. A


    Interesting. Ask this Adam if he is of Enki and see what he says? If he dosnt answer or goes around the question then you better watch yourself.
  78. A

    Possible dilemma, would appreciate feedback :-)

    When he does sue him for defiling your chatecter and slander. Then alienation if affection if your wife believes him that is. If he has any assets 40% of it will then belong to you.
  79. A

    hallo brothers and sisters,

    So if I said chop off your pecker would you do it? My point here is we don't offer sacrifices. Unless you wanna sacrifice your time and make a candle. As in homemade. Or do meditations or wright a poem. Something if that nature.
  80. A

    Coming out more and more.

    Brian I for one am proud to be your brother. I think we should all do this. I have started to a little but now after reading this I will more. I would of lived to see their faces when you replied me!! Priceless. Lol
  81. A

    (no subject)

    Well for starters quit reading the satanic bible and read up on meditations. Then practice them.
  82. A

    Procrastinating in Spiritual Satanism- Not smart

    By the way I'm not just talking out of my ass. I have attended college for this my granpa is a atorney and I've been through the system many times. All that's behind me . But I'm just saying you will not do time if you do not have any prior convictions it drug charges. Plus its a Pety pety pety...
  83. A

    Procrastinating in Spiritual Satanism- Not smart

    Well if you've never been arrested for drugs before your not gonna do any time period. Second if its the same prescription as your mother then your dumb ass lawyer should be convincing the DA that no jury will convict you being you were broke as a joke due to a failed economy not to mention you...
  84. A


    Good question. I do not have the slightest clue myself. Hopefully someone will shed some knowledge on both subjects.
  85. A

    to who ever

    Sounds great. Do what must be done!
  86. A

    I have officially been dedicated for four years

    Yes didn't you feel like a slave as a catholic. Congrats brother
  87. A


    Here is the best information you can get period.meditation. this i@ the only way to advance. I don't care what anyone else tells you this is the only way to advance. I can't say this enough.
  88. A

    Any High Priest

    Lack if focus and lack of meditation and lack of cleaning your aura
  89. A

    i really need help

    Please please help me. That sounds like a little Catholic boy sitting in front of a crucifix begging Jesus. I'm not being a ass or trying to make fun of you. I am doing as you asked us. Helping you. Do you get it
  90. A

    help me pliz

    Please re type I can't understand typing like dis cuz it be hard to do plus it takes us back another five hundred years
  91. A

    I confronted my mother and told her that everything from the Bible w

    Let's not forget this is your mother. Take it easy on her. Print stuff off and expose the lie to her in this way. But please this is your mom. Let's not gang up on a fellow Satanist mother. These are the one cases where you should go lite. Like I say print stuff of from HIS exposing...
  92. A

    Meditation with Alcohol

    It is easier but and I say but this is just the same as using a crutches. It takes away the whole point. You will continue to use these crutches for the rest of your life
  93. A

    I have this friend...

    I just read this again and it amuses me. He says he found god. Well ask him where his god has been hiding. Also how do you feel around him? Strong, weak or what? I will be waiting for a answer.
  94. A


    I have read about the drecs. Are they Spiritual Satanist? I can't seem to figure this out.
  95. A

    Can anyone?

    Have you ever seen a God manifest before you eyes? Or is it telepathic communications?
  96. A

    sigil of satan necklace

    Yes I must have this as well. I have the tattoo so you know I must get the knecklace.
  97. A

    Jewish Bankers War On America updated

    Screw those little ugly fuckers
  98. A


    Don't know if anyone has noticed but the rhp will bring about its own death. It already has. They kill each other already. Lol pretty sad
  99. A


    You can purchase a stainless steel bowl at your local wal mart
  100. A

    I have this friend...

    Also he isn't worth your time. You see your waisting your valuable time on his ass while you could be advancing
  101. A

    I have this friend...

    Don't worry about him you can't save the world let him be. His loss . You should meditate and concern yourself more with advancing. As fat as him banashing demons I think that there is no need to worry. Your talking about a peon going up against a God. That's humorous.
  102. A


    All good. I'm sure he made a mistake but no there is no way any sacrifices in spiritual Satanism. Make a sacrifice to your time so you can do more meditations. All about the meditations. Can't stress it enough.
  103. A

    A long posting. But please bear with me. Its about past lives and In

    I was really hoping the Russian lady could speak English
  104. A

    A long posting. But please bear with me. Its about past lives and In

    I wish I could say I could friend but you guessed it I can't.
  105. A

    Will there really be an Anti-Christ

    Your exactly right too
  106. A

    about animal chakras?

    I don't have a clue. Wish I could of helped. I must say it sounds interesting.
  107. A

    to who ever

    You should contact a high priest. I'm nowhere near that so I'm not the one but I wanna ask did one of our high priest or priestess make you a high priestess?
  108. A

    Looking to talk to a witch

    But whatever you prefer. That's just me
  109. A

    Anti-Deppressant Meds

    Well let's just say if you are depressed and a doctor prescribes you this then take them and when you are off of them continue meditations. Remember patience is a valuable thing.
  110. A

    Advice needed, dear Brothers and Sisters....

    Well if you havnt dedicated you should ask Enki if this is your guardian. I'm not sure one will have a guardian if not dedicated. Don't hold me to that though.
  111. A

    Darkness Magick/Umbrakinesis, Necronomicon, Annunaki

    I would not mess around with black magic until you have mastered white. Just my opinion.do as you wish
  112. A

    Seeking, Learning.

    Interesting. Unfortunately I can not give you a answer because I can only guess. We spiritual SATANIST will not give mundane answers. Also we are always open to science. Hopefully you can shed some light on this for us.
  113. A


    All good I never thought anything bad anyway. Your a satanist we r all.on the same side no need for apologizing
  114. A

    A long posting. But please bear with me. Its about past lives and In

    Who is this lady how can i contact her? Sounds interesting
  115. A

    (no subject)

    Lots of void meditations.
  116. A

    Professional Speaker for Father

    Copy the exposing Christianity part from our site and make many new sites with this info. I think this will be good enough.
  117. A

    I'm lost, honestly.

    Your scared because that is how that faith controls you. Through fear. When you dedicate expect not having that fear. Hence the expression a Christian disease
  118. A

    Looking to talk to a witch

    Witch?? I never really liked this title as most people think of evil big noses with a wart on the tip of it. Just saying
  119. A


    I think all kinds are good. Keep a open mind
  120. A

    brothers and sisters this is serious

    Alot of talk about infiltraters. This is what they want. For you to get caught up in that instead if doing what in fact gives us our power. Meditation and such. This is where our power lies and how it increases. So let's not fall for their trap and let's advance! The more we advance the more...
  121. A

    Plastics!!! ah shyt!!!

    Program your soul and aura to deflect his energy and send it back to him. This will fatigue him. He will give up.
  122. A

    SERMON: Fighting Words

    Your right and the more we meditate the more power we have!!
  123. A

    need in help desperate situation

    Wish I could help but I'm not in the area I do wish you the best of luck friend.
  124. A

    Hail Satan!

    Congratulations .. I love positive feedback
  125. A


    Cleanse your aura
  126. A

    Maxine, I raised it.

    Congratulations. If I may ask how long have you been a satanist? This is a great motivation for all of us
  127. A


    --- In [email protected], "kad1101" <kad1101@... wrote: I'm sure you mean well but Loki is Enlil ..Odin is Enki I'm positive .
  128. A


  129. A


    What would be the correct date to be both Capricorn and Aquarius

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
