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  1. H


    Compromiso con Satan Meditaciones   High Priestess Myla Limlal http://alegriadeenki.webs.com/ http://www.joyofsatan.org On Thursday, April 30, 2015 3:59 AM, "ddd ddd gadaviscat@... [AlegriaDeEnki]" <[email protected] wrote:   Hola...
  2. H

    JoS Portuguese Egroup

    Joy Of Satan Portuguese language e-group is now open http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoSPortuguese/ Hail Satan
  3. H

    JoS Portugueses E-group

    Joy Of Satan Portuguese language e-group is now open http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoSPortuguese/ Hail Satan
  4. H

    JoS in Portugueses Egroup

    Joy Of Satan in Portuguese language e-group is now open http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoSPortuguese/ Hail Satan
  5. H

    Jewish Power Pushing America Into WW3

    thanks for sharing this :)
  6. H

    666 - [Sermon Series on Numbers]

    Excellent sermon thank you
  7. H

    Meditation Solar chakra 666

    if u re chakras re open and unblock u ll be able to feel them more :) and yes to answer ur question u can however is always best to solar hr of the sun .
  8. H

    Something trying to hold me back from meditations

    could be a connection tubes cut it off have you tried other meditations vibrations w/ runes? mantras and squares yoga will help
  9. H

    Anyone wanna make some ongoing friendship?

    careful who u meet online is mostly not safe too many infiltrators.
  10. H

    8/26/13 Time

    Thank You for Sharing this
  11. H

    Pensamentos Involuntários / Indesejados

    Faz meditacao tb para sua aura protecao
  12. H


    train ur mind and be persistent everything when comes to meditation is on how much u really want it and you put into it
  13. H

    buracos na aura

    De: High Priestess Myla Limlal <limlal8@... Para: lumiernoir72 <lumiernoir72@... Enviadas: Quarta-feira, 7 de Agosto de 2013 21:51 Assunto: Re: Como repara buracos na aura Para selar buracos na aura, é preciso primeiro ter um campo de energia forte. Na maioria das vezes, depois de se...
  14. H

    This message is for Clergy members only

    You can Ask Father Satan that :) he hears you or do a ritual :)
  15. H

    New Sermon

    Great Sermon Thank you :)
  16. H

    Question about suicide.

    if u die without reaching to Godhead u will be born again and again *nto u do if u suicide it will start all over again Death is not even a way out!
  17. H

    A Story written for all our Satanic Warriors.

    thanks for sharing this :)
  18. H

    Meditacion y Pacto

    Gracias una vez que firme y dedicación se hace es permanente usted puede comenzar al día hacer más meditaciones y pedirle que te guíe y ser persistente en las meditaciones
  19. H


    O Poderoso señor Satanás, por quien todas las cosas son puestos en libertad, me arrojo por completo en tus brazos y ponerme sin reservas en todos tu poderosa protección. Confort mí y líbrame de todos los obstáculos y las trampas de los que quieren hacerme daño, tanto visibles como...
  20. H


    I am so thankful for Vapula for being so caring she helped me pass my finals exams (college) I had to take 5 exams(test) in one day was very stressful day I'm very thankful she assist me with all them in such a short time Thank you for everything you did for me Vapula Hail...
  21. H


    ángeles no son demonios los demonios son los Dioses de Duat los ángeles son los enemigos
  22. H


    i agree
  23. H


    huh ? u had to post this online so that everyone can read it that you have been raped? sooo strange :-p that fact that , a situation like this really have occur u wouldn't come so open telling everyone about it. Good luck
  24. H

    Trouble with husband...

    find a way and leave u dont need this shit life goes on u deserve better!
  25. H

    High priestess myla

    gracias por la oferta pero podría concentrarte en tu avance por el momento y meditaciones :)
  26. H

    Vatican officials arrested

    http://news.yahoo.com/vatican-official- ... 20910.html
  27. H

    Ancient Egyptian statue

    http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... raohs.html
  28. H

    Happy Summer Solstice 666!

    Happy Summer Solstice for everyone Hail Satan and all Gods of Duat <3
  29. H

    Opening Chakras

    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... akras.html
  30. H


    once u start be persistent and dnt give up or stop might take a while for some but eventually will open http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... akras.html
  31. H

    Grupo de estudio ?

    Hola ... no es seguro estar diciendo donde vives en Internet por favor tine mas cuidado por su propio bien
  32. H

    Vom Kopfstand zum Kranich

    schreiben Englisch bitte nur hier dank!!!!!
  33. H

    Getting kicked out

    u should never said anything special families who re involve w/ Islam is not safe everyone knows is best to keep mouth shut i hope u find a solution for this and dnt try to be accept by others and hope for there opinion live ur own life, regardless who follows u or not
  34. H

    Meditacion de Color

    Meditación de color * Esta meditación requiere la "respiración" de la energía. Usted debe tener experiencia con la Fundación Meditación antes de realizar esta meditación. Lamentablemente, "luz blanca" es usado en exceso por muchos Wicca y la gente de la Nueva Era que no saben lo que están...
  35. H

    Como Hacer un compromiso con Satanás

    http://sermonesalegriadeenki.webs.com/c ... on-satanas
  36. H


    has dedicarse todavía?
  37. H

    Enemy attack

    work everyday on ur aura protection
  38. H

    gods and ancestral cultures hispanic

    Alot hispanics re mostly came from Europe and native
  39. H


    Hp Maxine never said such a thing. Dont come bck to the groups causing problems again.THATS why u been banned before. u twist everything there is and make up to be the greatest thing and is really not! Get real!
  40. H


    a tiempo con dedicación y persistencia se puede lograr esto trabajar más en abrir sus chakras diariamente
  41. H

    somebody witha testimony help me

    if u study and learn the truth abt real satanism u would not go bck and try to meditate and advance get to know Father Satan Be patience and persistent everything does take time and work And dnt give up www.joyofsatan.org
  42. H

    Out partying last night, REALLY BIG MISTAKE!!!!!!!!!!!

    out of all the women that is up there u want to still be desperate for jew pus*y? nasty find someone else for sex if thats case
  43. H


    have u try do meditations affirmations rituals and works to fix ur situation? ask Gods for help and look for way to solve there is always a way
  44. H

    a islamic mma teacher

    i dnt understand people sometimes....why they want to get involve with someone just bcz they re nice?? lol who knows wt they will be like 3 yrs down on the road.....
  45. H

    I'm committing suicide tomorrow

    death is not always a way out u ll have to start all over again and how u think Satan would feel abt this?
  46. H

    Are members selfish or just wicked?

    u would grow if u really try on ur own having things handle , u will never learn practice and be persistent on meditations blaming others for nothing helping something u can always find a way to fix on ur own has many of us here had done before, and turn out fine.
  47. H

    Guys, we have an infiltrator here...

    every time a xtian tells me im going to hell i tell them, dam right and i'm looking toward too ! :-D
  48. H


    em breve teremos JoS em portugueses*to traduzindo ! Soon we will have JoS in Portugueses, im working it on it.
  49. H

    Hell, Saturn And The Gold

    thank u for sharing this .
  50. H

    The Gods and Sleep

    u serious?
  51. H


    have u read joyofsatan.org? http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... TANIC.html
  52. H

    Trance, what do you think?

    keep practicing and keep doing your meditations eventually you will get it for some takes time.
  53. H

    in peril

    awww this is for real lol u have to post ur information public?
  54. H

    Primordial Buddhism Updated

    interesting .thank you for taking you time for writing this.
  55. H

    Living with christians

    we don't try to covert anyone this is not like Christianity however you should focus on yourself for now and advance
  56. H

    online ouija board

    seriously ? u cnt even trust in real u think online u would?! dont think so! why dont u work on open & empower ur chakras and 3rd eye and astral hearing? You wont need ouija board once u achieve that. Thats why people need to work on advancement wont be so dependable on others and...
  57. H

    hard life

    you can bind her or do black magik , have her lose her job or something http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Spell.html
  58. H


    http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AlegriaDeEnki/message/235 High Priestess Myla Limlal http://alegriadeenki.webs.com/ http://www.joyofsatan.org From: Jose Martinez <satanas66657@... To: "[email protected]" <[email protected] Sent: Sunday, May 26, 2013 7:36 PM...
  59. H

    Hechizo de Amor

    Hechizo de Amor Para incitar al amor o la lujuria, se utiliza el orgasmo sexual y dirigió en el alma de la deseada. El ideal sería que se hace a menudo y cuando él o ella está durmiendo. Estimular a sí mismo para llegar al clímax al fantasear sobre el que desee. En el momento del clímax...
  60. H


    ella tiene que estar durmiendo lo que usted programa en la aura de ella
  61. H


    se puede programar en la aura de ella, mientras q/ están durmiendo con de energía de oro y afirmar lo que usted lo quieres de ella a veces hay que hacer todos los días
  62. H

    Como desprenderse Personas/ entidades que no deseas de su Aura

    depende de qué propósito es lo ritual generalmente negro o azul son principal
  63. H

    Como desprenderse Personas/ entidades que no deseas de su Aura

    No se. Yo no lo haría porque yo se de donde vine. lo que está atada a ella
  64. H

    Como desprenderse Personas/ entidades que no deseas de su Aura

    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ltars.html
  65. H


    No es seguro para dar a nombres de información en línea y personal, no lo hago y yo no recomiendo a la gente a hacern
  66. H


    por qué quiere forzar el amor en alguien en contra de su voluntad? el verdadero amor debe venir natural.
  67. H

    Child Abuse in name of religion

    there is abuses everywhere this is one of the other reasons gentiles needs to wake up and rise and reach to Godhead so all this will come to end .
  68. H

    Como desprenderse Personas/ entidades que no deseas de su Aura

    Cómo desprenderse Personas/ entidades que no deseas de su Aura La gente en nuestras vidas, especialmente aquellos de los cuales tenemos emociones para, y / o de los que estamos cerca, ya sea positivo o negativo, se unen a nuestra aura. Normalmente, estamos apegados a los chakras. Estos...
  69. H

    I dont care if I die anymore,,,,,

    giving up wont solve anything, since u have a son u need to be even more strong now and find a way to fix and solve this or divorce him
  70. H


    money always use gold energy on aura and do affirmations daily make sure you are specific where the money is coming from usually works faster that way for me at least Everyday on hour Jupiter do affirmations and money mantras engraving on soul with affirmations visualization and...
  71. H


    u wasting ur time , why dont u just focus getting ur life better get a job and move on work on advancement have u study Joy Of Satan carefully?and know and understand what true Satanism is about? wanna to die over a person is not worth it u think she would do same for u?dont think so...
  72. H

    Think For Yourself (a little something I wrote)

    the fact that , many re just lazy and want things to happen right away, without having to do any work or efforts a lot people wants things handle to them simple and easy Not understanding that everything takes work and time and lots of patience and dedication Persistent and constantly...
  73. H

    How to please Lucifer and his Demons?

    Father Satan is happy when we meditate daily and advance work hard too Laziness is always sign , people don't care When you care for Satan and the Gods you will do anything to make them happy getting out of the comfort zone is always a must.
  74. H

    Would anyone of you be willing to come to Singapore to save me?

    if u work on it yourself try to read and understand JoS and do he meditations and work on getting what u want u can do it just have to be persistent and might take some time but it can be done. what language u speak anyway?
  75. H

    Asking permission to trnaslate articles on JoS

    you have to email Maxine :)
  76. H

    My Altar :)

    i like it a lot and the blue n the table.
  77. H

    Meditation Solar chakra 666

    why u dont try to get off the medications and do more meditations instead? and yoga
  78. H

    Money Spell Pdf

    http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoyofSata ... sage/93831
  79. H

    Prayers and rituals oral

    do meditations daily to open up your chakras and unblock then
  80. H

    A New Member.(and his problems too)

    having a strong solar plexus helps a lot w/ money
  81. H

    Deranged thoughts

    http://www.vovimbaghie.com/satanic-serm ... -emotions/ u need to be constantly doing meditations control ur mind and emotions http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ntrol.html
  82. H

    La Revelacion de Mi Corazon

    Aqui se trata de una sala de satanismo espiritual No se trata de María creo que vaya a mal leer alegría de Enki http://alegriadeenki.webs.com/
  83. H

    Dear satanist.

    you shouldn't share any of ur personal information online is not safe. read and study joyofsatan.org
  84. H

    advice from my brothers and sisters about this girl i really like

    the way the world is and how things re happening around us, EVERYONE should be focus on advancing not girls.
  85. H

    Nothing else.

    what do you feel? maybe you should open and unblock all the chakras
  86. H

    Eliminating Fear

    Trust Satan
  87. H

    Spoke with Paimon for the first time today!!

    anything is possible, but if u have to go after ur dreams and make it happen work for it , can be fulfill. Satan/Gods is not gonna handle everything on our hands just like that... they want people to work and advance earned. Abt Paimon , you need ask Satan careful who u trust...
  88. H

    Who Is White? (by David Lane)

    Lucie elizabeth lovato again u and ur games warning u one more time to stop!
  89. H

    advice from my brothers and sisters about this girl i really like

    what u need help for? we cnt fix ur relationship, or do anything abt it what u wrote was basically how u guys talk and how far no point to it ?! and had few arguments? im sure u can handle it yourself you can use meditations or rituals this is not that serious.
  90. H

    Camino del guerrero

    Establezca sus metas para llegar a Dios, No dejes que las distracciones que impiden la realización de sus metas Permanecer el foco y alertar Prepárese. Las adversidades son golpeados por la persistencia Al persistir y seguir adelante sin parar Si no te rindes, con el tiempo que se rompa el...
  91. H

    Warrior's way...short msg

    Set your goals to reach to Godhead, Don't let distractions keep you from achieving your goals Stay focus and alert Prepare . Adversities are beaten by persistence When you persist and keep going without stopping If you don't give up , eventually you will break the cycle and you will...
  92. H

    Warrior's way...short msg

    Set your goals to reach to Godhead, Don't let distractions keep you from achieving your goals Stay focus and alert Prepare . Adversities are beaten by persistence When you persist and keep going without stopping If you don't give up , eventually you will break the cycle and you will...
  93. H

    Warrior's way...short msg

    Set your goals to reach to Godhead, Don't let distractions keep you from achieving your goals Stay focus and alert Prepare . Adversities are beaten by persistence When you persist and keep going without stopping If you don't give up , eventually you will break the cycle and you will...
  94. H

    An-gels, Nephilim, Logos And Atlantis

    Thank u for sharing this
  95. H

    Advanced Crown Chakra Opening

    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... hakra.html
  96. H

    Hi, I'm new here, I love Father Lucifer with all my sincere heart ho

    here few sites http://www.666blacksun.org/satanic-nati ... -satanism/ http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... IONAL.html http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... wbies.html
  97. H

    About blood (again)

    yes blood is important for the ritual /dedication few drops of blood is fine
  98. H


    Si nota que su aura y chakras está gravemente sucio, al igual que con la enfermedad, a continuación, repita la limpieza aura completo: PARA LIMPIAR COMPLETAMENTE SU AURA, recitar un Rosario satánico, con el mantra semilla para el Sol, mientras visualizas a ti mismo envuelto en la luz de oro...
  99. H


    you dont have to be so rude if people comes here asking for help in any languages, anyone re more welcome to too We re here to help, regardless they ask in English or NOT . Obvious he knows we dont have a group yet in Portuguese thats why he was asking here. and there is nothing...
  100. H


    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... rance.html You need to study Joy of Satan carefully try learn has much u can
  101. H

    Saved my ass again!

    Satan and Gods do watch over us there could been many times, a lot of us could been dead already or this and that could had happen.... A lot people take life for granted and the Satan There is so much we all need to be thankful for Hail Satan and All Gods of Duat.
  102. H

    The vatican curse

    we have won the war already Everything is just matter of time. But in our time, we still at war, and is not over yet. We keep fighting into is over. yes Vatican is constantly working against JoS and members in any way they can to prevent people to advance has well , move forward in...
  103. H

    Strange feeling in my legs

    the energy s trap u could open ur lower chakras and hips chakras helps do yoga 2 daily it will help alot This meditation also helps to circulate the energy http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... nergy.html
  104. H


    te mandei um email sobre a dedicacao vc recebeu? http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... TANIC.html aki tem em espanhol e um pouco parecido com portugueses se vc presica mais de ajuda , so pergurtar http://sermonesalegriadeenki.webs.com/c ... on-satanas
  105. H

    Money for jos

    having a strong aura, soul and solar 666 helps with meditation and magic is possible for some might take a while but anything u want to achieve persistent on meditations.
  106. H

    Meditation Solar chakra 666

    Best time to do also Sunday Hr of sun Or just daily on hr of sun.
  107. H

    Meditation Solar chakra 666

    Yes u can do that too either way Once u done u do Aum 9x with Gold energy on ur aura.
  108. H

    Meditation Solar chakra 666

    http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoyofSata ... sage/93831 This meditation & the asanas i  drew re really good workings for the solar chakra and release a lot of energy there while opening it also helps to empower DO this positions and visualize and vibrate runic Reda or Raum( for advance) on...
  109. H

    Meditation Solar chakra 666

    This meditation & the asanas i drew re really good workings for the solar chakra and release a lot of energy there while opening it also helps to empower DO this positions and visualize and vibrate runic Reda or Raum( for advance) on solar coming in from back , front and sides, to inside...
  110. H

    New here

    Mulciber, he is so nice =)
  111. H

    Meditation Solar chakra 666

    This meditation & the asanas i  drew re really good workings for the solar chakra and release a lot of energy there while opening it also helps to empower DO this positions and visualize and vibrate runic Reda or Raum( for advance) on solar coming in from back , front and sides, to inside...
  112. H


    u been watching too much Aladdin cartoon .
  113. H

    Feeling insane.

    why haven't u ask Satan for help? do a banishing ritual once ur chakras are open u need keep working on them and ur aura also for protection will avoid alot problems
  114. H

    Dedication Fail?

    u should keep on with daily meditations and work on advancement this is what spiritual Satanism is about is what Satan wants for all of us Not doing anything, and wait for things to happen without u putting affords ?!things dont work that way.
  115. H

    (no subject)

    have you read joy of Satan carefully ?
  116. H


    em farmácias vende canetas insulinas com agulhas para diabeticos(eles usao no dedo p/ tirar gotas de sangue) mais vc pode usar p/ tirar sangue p/ o ritual is facil e rapido
  117. H

    Hatha/Gymnastic q's

    Thank You Hps Maxine
  118. H

    think I am under attack

    probably distractions from enemy u should work on ur aura build it strong and keep urself protected anything u can detached and programed
  119. H

    What to do when your in love...

    This is pointless Dont push it. if the guy dont love u, he dont move on. Dont force anything, just because u want him. is selfish . Real Love is not forcing someone to love u bck w/ spells ect. should come naturally if doesn't , maybe is not meant to be. You should be focus on ur...
  120. H

    something i wrote

    The truth is in Satan Inside of me, this truth runs deep My strength of will and determination along with his energy Everything can be overcome His power and knowledge ,there is no God like him. My chakras and my soul is filled with his light. His immense light, power, numbers , keys...
  121. H

    good sermon

    i want to re post this sermon by Hps Maxine is really good sermon and reminder . http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoSNewsletter/message/4 Sermon 12/09/08 Many people have trouble getting into trances, concentrating, and/or being motivated to meditate. This is just with meditation...
  122. H

    How to know if you have a Demon Husband?

    u sound desperate in most of ur post ! and a lot of ur post are inaccurate information i warn u to stop ! im sure if u get banned, im sure would just come bck w/ another nickname like mostly of kikes do! Abt Hps Maxine life, is no one business! No God/Demon would do such a thing.
  123. H

    Economic collapse prediction

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8j38-oP ... e=youtu.be how to prepare: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vF42q0ueVJE
  124. H


    Well said hoodcobra :-)
  125. H


  126. H


    Lucie elizabeth lovato i suggest u stop doing ur B.S games go bck to ur forums along with ur kikes.
  127. H


    typical lucie elizabeth lovato!!!!!!!!!!
  128. H


    Fear is a tool of the enemy.
  129. H

    attack from christians need help from

    u can try to fix it urself this problems and prevent this attacks u can use meditations and rituals bind them work on ur aura protection several times a day if u dont start doing things for yourself, u wont advance Reasons why if important to advance depending on others and Gods all...
  130. H

    the enemy

    Im surprised u even waste ur time and words on this people just ignore and walk away. SIMPLE. http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ntrol.html here more information Jesus never exist http://see_the_truth.webs.com/Jesus_Christ.htm
  131. H

    Kundalini rising

    have u open and unblock ur chakras? perhaps u should start if u haven't done so will help you advance
  132. H

    Watching out for your own good.

    I just want to let everyone here know and special for new-babies we do have alot infiltrators in the groups BE CAREFUL with those who claims they re so advance Just because someone claims they work for Satan DONT MEAN that they do. There is a few webs site i noticed online, that they...
  133. H


    Sólo quiero que todo el mundo aquí sabe y especial para los recién bebés que tenemos infiltrados mucho en los grupos Ten cuidado con los que se afirma que son tan avanzados Sólo porque alguien dice que trabajan para Satanás No quiero decir que lo hacen. Hay algunas telas sitio, me di...
  134. H

    Watching out for your own good.

    I just want to let everyone here know and special for new-babies we do have alot infiltrators in the groups BE CAREFUL with those who claims they re so advance Just because someone claims they work for Satan DONT MEAN that they do. There is a few webs site i noticed online, that they...
  135. H

    Watching out for your own good.

    I just want to let everyone here know and special for new-babies we do have alot infiltrators in the groups BE CAREFUL with those who claims they re so advance Just because someone claims they work for Satan DONT MEAN that they do. There is a few webs site i noticed online, that they...
  136. H

    Watching out for your own good.

    I just want to let everyone here know and special for new-babies we do have alot infiltrators in the groups BE CAREFUL with those who claims they re so advance Just because someone claims they work for Satan DONT MEAN that they do. There is a few webs site i noticed online, that...
  137. H

    sitio web actualizado

    http://alegriadeenki.webs.com/meditacionesprincipio.htm Gracias
  138. H


    She is very kind i made drawing for her She help me a lot , im so thankful . Every time i see the drawing , reminds me of wt she did for me .
  139. H

    im ahmed 22 years from egypt

    Dont share to anyone in Egypt that u re SS can be very dangerous in some countries is even against the law Study joyofsatan.org do daily meditations, be persistent with a lot work and effort in time u will see results I tell everyone if they would just STUDY and pay very close...
  140. H

    some advice could help

    http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoyofSata ... les/MONEY/ Aura : http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/AURA.html Money meditation: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html I suggest u work daily on ur aura and chakras study joyofsatan.org learn Hail Satan and...
  141. H

    Salem Burke?

    this is not important here is past and done, over with it. He is long gone with the enemy
  142. H

    Why Should I Trust Him?

    Satan deserves our Trust our loyalty and dedication , and our time Only Few would really understand this, deep in there souls they know why Gods been trough so much and Satan sometimes we only think of our selfs and forgets that there is more then just us 'there' People get so caught...
  143. H


    Thank u for sharing this important information Hail Satan and all Gods of Duat.
  144. H

    Trying to understand Satan.

    The AL Jilwah says it all http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ilwah.html
  145. H

    *Importante * Para todos los miembros de JoS 4/09/13

    Satanás quiere que esto hecho! El Vaticano ha estado maldiciendo y atacarnos [JoS conjunto] en una vigilia de 24/7 [sólo radiante de amor cristiano]. Nunca se detienen, a excepción de la última Sábado, un día antes de su 'Pascua' y para aquellos de ustedes que pueda recordar el día...
  146. H

    What the...?

    Vatican is working 24/7 to destroy us there have there ways of distracting Everyone must work daily on aura protection several times this is serious
  147. H

    Blacks and satanism

    correct .not every country uses same words, has here in usa. In south America word Negros is not n racist term is in terms for black, nothing racist I have many different cultural background friends SS I care for them all has same =)
  148. H

    Third eye?

    You re NOT trying to fix any problems.
  149. H

    Third eye?

    You should seek a psychiatrist. this is not the place for this. i suggest u stop or u ll be banned.
  150. H

    Blacks and satanism

    i agree !
  151. H

    Origines de Satanismo

  152. H

    Third eye?

    sounds like u have Dysthymia.
  153. H

    Third eye?

    Why u here then? to distract others with ur pity mind games? typical for attention seekers !!!
  154. H

    Urgent health problem, help !

    There is 400 types of anemia , some very severe u can do healing meditations depending on what type she/he has?! she/he can take iron supplements and the 35 food grade hydrogen peroxide oxygen therapy helps to heal Bone marrow
  155. H

    Urgent health problem, help !

    http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/cienc ... pons33.htm http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... aling.html
  156. H

    Urgent health problem, help !

    http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/cienc ... pons33.htm http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... aling.html
  157. H

    Urgent health problem, help !

    http://www.amazon.com/Minute-Miracle-Hy ... sim_hpc_28
  158. H

    Staying Strong through Father

    Thank You for sharing this But is enemy will always try to distract/attack us somehow they re always looking for a way. they will use anyone, they can sometimes even our closest family members. Is best u start working on ur chakras, unblocking them all and empower each one of them. Im glad...
  159. H

    Poem to Adolf Hitler

    Beautiful poem
  160. H


    Animals re sacred to the Gods we don't do any rituals with them!!!
  161. H

    Satan's five wives.

    is his personal business and his personal reasons . We have to respect others privacy, has same for the Gods.
  162. H

    help me

    dnt give personal information over the groups/internet is not safe. read joyofsatan.org this is not a church
  163. H

    Meditacion de la Llama

  164. H

    Is there a meditation to increase intelligence?

    Einstein was a jew U can always start working on each chakra daily pineal gland helps w/ IQ
  165. H

    Blacks and satanism

    i suggest u take deep studying on more on what spiritual satanism is about we re not racist , we have black, hispanics and asians ect here im hispanic but my ancestors re Europeans We re against Jew race , there re the enemy !
  166. H

    Relation's with a demon, Can it be changed after?

    Why would a person do such a thing to the Gods? seriously don't start something , you wont finish is better to stay open .
  167. H

    Mas informacion sobre la alineacion correcta de Chakra

    i han puesto mas informacion abajo en la pagina http://alegriadeenki.webs.com/alineacindechakra.htm
  168. H

    Girar as chakras

  169. H


    Muchas Gracias .
  170. H


  171. H

    Please take time to read this, My difficulties/Third Eye/Homage

    have u try working open ur chakras?and unblock them? why have such a person like that at home?tell him to leave don't fight don't do anything illegal. You can use meditations to help Rituals also Be careful giving out details of such personal informations abt ur life online i...
  172. H


    could be u were together w/ one in past life =)
  173. H

    Looking for local Satanists

    there is no mentor here http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoSNewsletter/message/414 There are no mediators in satanism. http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ators.html
  174. H

    Advice on who may help me in my area of relationship (its specific)

    http://www.vovimbaghie.com/satanic-serm ... -emotions/
  175. H


    se intenta trabajar en abrir los chakras? La perseverancia es necesario Paciencia y continúe haciendo las meditaciones
  176. H

    Spiders & Insects

    me too. lol but i wont kill them
  177. H

    Lord Andras

    True !
  178. H

    Lord Andras

    No one should be afraid of the Gods Fear is a tool of the enemy .
  179. H

    La creacion

  180. H

    Rosario Satanico

  181. H

    Primordial Buddhism

    Thank u for sharing this knowledge. Hail Satan and all Gods of Duat.
  182. H

    I'm really... just hopelessly lost... Help?

    keep cleaning ur aura and do aura protection takes time but does works be persistent Try to find a way there is always a way Hail Satan and All Gods of Duat
  183. H


    Xtians are bunch of Hippocrates influenced and used easy by enemy choose there path u ll end worse or just like them life full of B.S and emptiness ! Spiritual Satanism is about reaching to Godhead We meditate daily, work on fixing what needs to be fix work on your chakras Once u...
  184. H


    Is not good idea! and is not safe what if u ever need to go hospital? Hps Maxine wrote abt this before U can make Father Satan proud in other ways by advancing and being persistent on ur meditations There is many other way u can make him proud! There is still alot work needs to be done!
  185. H

    Wagner, Nietzsche and National Socialism

    thank u Hail Satan and all Gods of Duat !
  186. H


    undedicate? huh why u doing all this for? is this a joke ?(distraction) if u dont want something just leave no one is gonna kiss ur ass abt staying in this is not Christianity were we beg people to stay in is not my lost, is urs! If u really wanted this in first place, u would at least...
  187. H

    HELP, Relationship with a xtian

    well she still have the christian mentally regardless she accept u or not and of course she would react that way is what xtians do . before u start anything more serious w/ her sit down and think if u can see urself with her for a long long time if not, best to get involve(start) on...
  188. H

    please read

    would u give ur number to a stranger n the street? is kinda same thing u doing here. Not everyone here is real SS, there is people who pretend to be! Just be careful who u let in ur life! Dont waste time and dont trust everyone! Study on your own joyofsatan.org if you have any question...
  189. H

    Israeli Women Solders...

    lol i like how u pointed the details so clear though!
  190. H

    Israeli Women Solders...

    Yea true There re many who do look like gentiles but re not.
  191. H

    Group Rituals and Group Workings - Ending the Vatican

    I Agree 100%!!! Hail Satan and all Gods of Duat !
  192. H

    Sermon 3/20/13

    i agree w/ u En Haradren Also they need to adjust to changes sudden change for some could be a problem if they re not ready for it

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
