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  1. DarkAmaranthine

    Finding a satanic girfreind

    It's a bit hard to find a good partner for you, let alone a SS one. You can do a working, of course - but you should be more oriented in finding the perfect partner for yourself. There are a lot of things to take in consideration here if you're focused on getting a SS girlfriend, including...
  2. DarkAmaranthine

    Giving up & comitting suicide

    I agree. If it was about the survival of the fittest, we wouldn't even be here anymore. We'd be enslaved by the enemy. The Gods took the initiative to help us, even if we are weak and so behind when it comes to spirituality. We cannot pull this concept on our own kind - there is a difference...
  3. DarkAmaranthine

    High heels, makeup, and masculinity

    Thank you! I've been doing intensive research on skincare for my own issues and, as I've said, I managed to get rid of a severe case of acne that ruined my teenagerhood lol. I still have the scars thanks to my grandma and my skin isn't perfect, but it's an incredible improvement from how it used...
  4. DarkAmaranthine

    High heels, makeup, and masculinity

    It's a bit hard to not use skincare products when you do need a lot of knowledge, resources and - sometimes - money to make your own products. I'm a female but I've been into skincare for a few years and I have managed to get rid of very severe acne on my own. It was a hard journey, but I've...
  5. DarkAmaranthine

    Goddess Nut

    I've been looking more into Egyptian Mythology, and I'd love to know who is Goddess Nut when it comes to our own Goddesses. I haven't been able to find a lot of material on Her - besides some talk about the possibility of Her being Mother Lilith.
  6. DarkAmaranthine

    Pranayama with crooked nose

    If you have the money for a good doctor, yes. Obviously, once you're advanced enough you can work for it - but you need to decide for yourself if you want to solve it in the near future or later, when you possess the spiritual means. I'd recommend the surgery if it's possible at the moment.
  7. DarkAmaranthine

    Book Thread

    No, I don't think so. It's a pretty old article - and the original is in Romanian.
  8. DarkAmaranthine

    Book Thread

    Sleeping Beauty is also quite... yeah. No. Definitely not something you'd want your children to read. And about the article - I will see if I can find it. My former literature professor should still have it somewhere. If you're interested, I can go over it and translate it into English.
  9. DarkAmaranthine

    Will there be a day we all meet

    It's best to keep to yourself if you're new to this path. It can get lonely, of course, but in time you might actually develop connections with some SS on these forums. You just have to be patient and careful with hiding your real identity. A good thing is to turn your loneliness into...
  10. DarkAmaranthine

    Book Thread

    Ah yes, Mihai Eminescu is indeed quite the lecture. I remember making a book thread a while ago, on another account. You should read him - it doesn't have the same feeling as reading his poems in Romanian, but it's an amazing experience. The Evening Star is considered to be his greatest...
  11. DarkAmaranthine

    Will there be a day we all meet

    By then, we'll probably be a lot of SS. Living in different parts of the world. But I do hope that some of us will get to meet each other, when the time comes. It's definitely something that feels quite wholesome - being able to finally see the people you've considered family for a very long time.
  12. DarkAmaranthine

    Error 522 Satanisgod.org server

    I see there is also a problem with the SS War Room - so it's probably that.
  13. DarkAmaranthine

    Soul mates? do they exist

    I'm sorry to hear that. It is challenging, but I do believe you will be able to find someone good for you. Especially if you do a working to attract an ideal partner. I also used to believe that I might not find someone right for me, but that's not the best mentality to have. It's better to...
  14. DarkAmaranthine

    These weapons, which were confirmed by none other than Vladimir Putin

    Things are not ideal, obviously. What people should do is bring the jew actor down. There are few chances for Putin to fall - but if that idiot comes down, maybe someone more sensible will actually negotiate for peace. And why is everyone around the world so shocked when it comes to the...
  15. DarkAmaranthine

    I will tell you a little about myself

    We are a family, of course - but we do not babysit each other. And the Gods don't babysit us. They will help when necessary - but They do expect to see progress. And They do expect us to try our best. NinRick gives very good advice on this. You're probably not as unattractive as you think...
  16. DarkAmaranthine

    Jewish ancestry thread

    https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=60813 https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=56073 Threads that have discussed this particular problem in the past. You might find some interesting information there.
  17. DarkAmaranthine

    Jewish ancestry thread

    I think I've read somewhere on the forums that, even if they can do the RTRs, it will fuck them up - and it would be a very unpleasant experience for them. If that's not the case, then my bad.
  18. DarkAmaranthine

    Putin Receives Nobel Prize In Medicine For Ending COVID Pandemic ,Alex Jones made head of CDC

    To be fair, he DID cure COVID. War in Ukraine starts, COVID is no more in my country. One day it is - one day it isn't and everything returns to normal. No restrictions, no problems, nothing. Good job Putin. P.S: I am not joking when I say it took ONE DAY for every possible restriction to...
  19. DarkAmaranthine


    Not only will it harm you spiritually, it will also harm you physically. My grandmother was addicted to smoking. She died of lung cancer almost three years ago. Please put the effort into curing this addiction. You will thank yourself later. Smoking also puts a huge strain on your financial...
  20. DarkAmaranthine

    Soul mates? do they exist

    You will find someone for you. It doesn't have to be a soulmate - the bond of a soulmate is a conscious decision you make. In the end, you make the choice to be with that person. Even if you've been together in most past lives, it is YOUR choice to maintain this bond. A bond that can be...
  21. DarkAmaranthine

    What should an SS do?

    Be an example to those around you. Maintain a good ethic, a good work schedule - regarding your job and other activities -. Be curious about the world. Engage in different hobbies that you consider interesting. Find someone of your race that's good for you and have a family, if that's what...
  22. DarkAmaranthine

    Jewish ancestry thread

    If you're not advanced, best thing to do is to ask for signs from your Guardian Demon or Satan. Or, even better - keep on doing theRTRs. It has been mentioned before that doing the RTRs without any negative experiences means you aren't a jew. A jew wouldn't be able to do the RTRs regularly...
  23. DarkAmaranthine

    These weapons, which were confirmed by none other than Vladimir Putin

    Frankly, I'm disgusted by that jew actor. He acts like everything is a joke, making dumb declaration over dumb declaration and constantly changing his mind. It's awfully disgusting. The world, the war - they aren't his personal stage. And now so many Gentiles are suffering because of this...
  24. DarkAmaranthine

    The epitome of clown world in Romania.

    Thank you! It's good to be back.
  25. DarkAmaranthine

    Book Thread

    Oh yeah, sorry. I always get these two mixed up somehow.
  26. DarkAmaranthine

    For how long will gas prices stay this high?

    As long as you don't act irrationally like everyone in Romania did last night, you'll be fine. Prices will keep going up. Here it has been announced that the worst economical crisis since WW2 is about to begin.
  27. DarkAmaranthine

    Pranayama with crooked nose

    Personally, I like to pick my fights when it comes to what can be fixed only through modern medicine. But I do agree on the deviated septum thing. The best choice is to have it fixed by surgery. I also plan on doing it - when I'll have the budget, obviously. The bad part here is just how...
  28. DarkAmaranthine

    The epitome of clown world in Romania.

    Thank you! I'll contact you soon by email.
  29. DarkAmaranthine

    The epitome of clown world in Romania.

    Yes, I am. I'm quite surprised you recognized me. I had to take a long break from the forums and lost my old account.
  30. DarkAmaranthine

    Pranayama with crooked nose

    Surgeries can be quite expensive, depending on where he lives. I also have a deviated septum and while it hasn't really affected me during breathing exercises, I can understand why it can be a problem. It is harder to breathe through one nostril than the other.
  31. DarkAmaranthine

    The epitome of clown world in Romania.

    Thank you. I'm not happy with it. But I'm more than well aware that I don't have the financial resources to go through this at the moment. Maybe taking a break and gaining some financial independence will help me more in the long-term.
  32. DarkAmaranthine

    Pranayama with crooked nose

    Do you have a deviated septum?
  33. DarkAmaranthine

    The epitome of clown world in Romania.

    I am in my last year, but since I'm not ready to take my license paper this summer I was ready to leave it for January next year. Here we can freeze our university year - and we can return in the following 5 years. So, if we take it that way, I'm not giving up on my previous efforts. I'm just...
  34. DarkAmaranthine

    The epitome of clown world in Romania.

    Update: My university has decided to get back to physical classes. In two weeks. At this point, the only sensible choice I have is to freeze my year and finish my degree in 2023. It's not the best choice for me - as I'm sure my family will feel a certain sense of disappointment thanks to these...
  35. DarkAmaranthine

    Book Thread

    Nietzsche - the books I have from him are Twilight of the Idols, With the Antichrist and Ecce Homo I have a book by David Hume but I haven't read it yet so I can't express an opinion on him. Publius Ovidius Naso - great artist. Known for his Metamorphoses. Note: NOT to be confused with...
  36. DarkAmaranthine

    The epitome of clown world in Romania.

    Oh, there is no way I will continue this year if they decide to maintain this decision. I'll freeze it and continue the semester next year. Or two years. Depends on where I find myself then. At this point, I am completely sick - mentally and physically - because of this university. Was it...
  37. DarkAmaranthine

    (Need advice) How to make a petition to the Gods or Satan

    The Gods take care of our loved ones. Either way, it's not a bad idea to ask Father Satan for help in this situation - or your Guardian Demon. You can always give something back in return for this. As an addition to previous comments, you should try to create a balance between your...
  38. DarkAmaranthine

    The epitome of clown world in Romania.

    Unfortunately, I have studied Humanities for most of my life. Languages are, of course, useful. As I don't plan on staying in this country for a long period of time, at least I will have something to show when it comes to degrees. And languages are universal, especially English. In our...
  39. DarkAmaranthine

    Next Steps In This Russia/Ukraine War: THE LIKELY OUTCOMES OF THIS WAR [Updated 21 April 2022]

    Fucked up the post a bit with the wrong quotes, I am very sorry for that.
  40. DarkAmaranthine

    The epitome of clown world in Romania.

    I won't give exact details about my university, but what I can tell you is that I'm absolutely shocked and baffled over how idiotic our minister of Education is. Tell me you are retarded without actually telling me you are retarded.
  41. DarkAmaranthine

    Soul mates? do they exist

    Don't look at soulmates the way they are portrayed nowadays. It's a bond that is forged and which can be broken willingly. It doesn't have anything to do with predestination. You aren't born with a soulmate. Not everyone has a soulmate. You build a relationship with a soul, over several past...
  42. DarkAmaranthine

    The epitome of clown world in Romania.

    I do feel a bit bad for complaining about it when I'm aware of what is happening so close to our borders. But this is a desperate situation for so many students. We're being tossed around with zero regard concerning our well-being. This university sucked out of my being almost all motivation and...
  43. DarkAmaranthine

    The epitome of clown world in Romania.

    Attendance is mandatory, unfortunately. We have professors who ask for mandatory attendance for both courses and seminars. If we start physically, a lot of students will get fucked. And no, there is no need for us to attend physically. We're the Faculty of Letters. WE STUDY HUMANITIES. Yes, it...
  44. DarkAmaranthine

    What if im an enemy soul and we don't know it

    There is nothing wrong with you. I haven't been an active member in our community until recently, but I have seen a lot of members help everyone else when they can - and you are one of those members. You're not a failure for suggesting we use technology. It's definitely not ideal - the way it...
  45. DarkAmaranthine

    Soul mates? do they exist

    You're saying it's "the natural order" as if monogamy is abnormal. In a good society, it should be your personal choice if you wish to have one partner - or more. Don't forget that things were different in the past. Polygamy and/or open relationships shouldn't be forced upon people. The same...
  46. DarkAmaranthine

    The epitome of clown world in Romania.

    We are trying our best to put pressure on the university. The thing is, almost every student would've been happy to go back physically this year. At the beginning of the year, of course. We were told we would start physically - and a few days before the beginning of the first semester, in...
  47. DarkAmaranthine

    The epitome of clown world in Romania.

    I am shaking in anger while I'm writing this. As a bit of context: Quite a few universities in Romania have opted for the fully online system. My faculty has decided, at the beginning of this semester, that we will continue online until the end of the year. Surprise-surprise: the government...
  48. DarkAmaranthine

    Yoga: Easy & Rest Days; Anti-Anxiety Bedtime Routine

    I'm also dealing with a spinal curvature. It's hard but I was guided by my GD to a Hatha yoga routine that fits my needs. It can definitely be discouraging when everyone tells you that such problems can only be solved through surgery - but you will get to a better place if you remain...
  49. DarkAmaranthine

    Black magic cheater revenge working

    I'm not thinking about anything related to that. Right now, I don't have enough resources to spend on revenge - and he'll suffer enough on his own for what he did. Frankly, at this point I just hope he'll become a better person and not do this to some other poor girl as well. And no, he is not...
  50. DarkAmaranthine

    Serious problems with break up

    Oh yes, I understand your intentions. Maybe a radical change would help me more now. Believe me, at the moment I do feel like... leaving everything behind to go somewhere new, start something new. But I have to finish a degree I no longer enjoy and... settle my life a bit. I was planning on...
  51. DarkAmaranthine

    Black magic cheater revenge working

    Thank you for the good intentions. It's really appreciated that everyone here cares so much. I do believe justice should be served - and it will be served. I'm already well aware that he will regret breaking up with me. I don't know when, but he will regret it. On his own. Right now I'm...
  52. DarkAmaranthine

    Serious problems with break up

    I was so confused when you said that. XD Either way, thank you very much for all the advice. I'm still suffering - I think he's trying to get together with the other girl, so yeah - but I know I'll find someone better. As I have said, I feel a deep yearning to feel love and to love. All I...
  53. DarkAmaranthine

    Problems with appetite.

    Thank you for the information. As a question, is it necessary to follow the exact routine given here when it comes to Hatha yoga? I've been struggling with scoliosis for a while and when it comes to yoga, I follow a routine that will easy my pain in that. If anything, I'm quite sure my GD...
  54. DarkAmaranthine

    Serious problems with break up

    ...how did you know?! XD
  55. DarkAmaranthine

    Black magic cheater revenge working

    I'm the person that... got cheated on. And while I would love to get revenge for this, I am aware that -at least for the moment- I must focus on myself. I do believe he is the dick in this situation, considering the fact that he has been using me for sex and for doing his homework. I am also...
  56. DarkAmaranthine

    Serious problems with break up

    Thank you. I am trying to be myself right now. I feel like I haven't been myself for a really long time now. At least I have some good reading to do while dealing with this situation and studying. Nietzsche, Gibbon. Hume. I feel like nothing heals the soul more than a good book.
  57. DarkAmaranthine

    Serious problems with break up

    I know what I want. The Gods helped me so much in this - i don't think I would've found out without Them. My intuition is strong, but my trust is stronger. What made me check his Discord that night was... incredibly strong. It did affect my self-confidence and self-esteem quite a lot, but... I...
  58. DarkAmaranthine

    Serious problems with break up

    Didn't think we'd get the chance to talk after everything that happened then. I guess it's been... two long years in which we both went through our hardships and processes. If you want to get in touch again, send me a message on what we used to talk on. My phone got messed with these past...
  59. DarkAmaranthine

    Problems with appetite.

    Some of you might already know me from my post with a horrible break up. Cheating, huge amount of stress and pain over several days, heartbreak. At this point, I haven't been able to eat more than a meal in 3 days. I've barely been able to drink water - I hadn't noticed it with all of the...
  60. DarkAmaranthine

    Serious problems with break up

    I've gotten enough details from people to realize he was making really bad excuses to justify break up. A break up that didn't even exist. He is trying to justify cheating. Now that we had actually broken up, things are tough but... I'll get better. Slowly. I know he'll regret this in time...
  61. DarkAmaranthine

    Serious problems with break up

    The thing is, I told him. Repeatedly. But he was still pushy about doing what he wanted. I know. I just feel so used. Honestly, I even regret meeting him. Very few good things came out of this relationship. And cheating is one of the things I despise the most.
  62. DarkAmaranthine

    Serious problems with break up

    Update. Things have come to an end. Having a group of mutual friends, things were... complicated. He tried to convince them that aw had broken up before he cheated. It didn't work as I had proof that didn't happen. Proof that went against his proof. I feel... incredibly down. Why? The...
  63. DarkAmaranthine

    Serious problems with break up

    I have a huge yearning for love and understanding. Frankly, all I want from life is a decent job, to do my work as a SS and to have someone who loves me and whom I love back. I understand this was needed. And I understand I need to focus on myself and review how I see relationship and how I...
  64. DarkAmaranthine

    Serious problems with break up

    I imagine it is karma but... I don't want to blame the enemy for this. I don't want to... blame my problems on the enemy. But the relationships... they start so well. And yeah, there might be problems - but they are problems that should be solved through communication. And then something...
  65. DarkAmaranthine

    Serious problems with break up

    Thank you for such a detailed guide. I will look into it... not today, though. I can barely struggle with eating today. I told my mom about the situation - as expected, she wasn't too happy. But... At least I got a sign from the Gods. A 666 sneaked in while I was listening to some songs to...
  66. DarkAmaranthine

    Serious problems with break up

    I didn't expect to get so much support, to be honest. I wish to thank you all for being here for me. It's greatly appreciated. Two common friends we have helped me realize just... how used I was. They did have some concerns regarding our relationship, but they are teenagers and didn't want to...
  67. DarkAmaranthine

    Serious problems with break up

    I've been a Satanist for a while now... even if I haven't been active on the forums. But I'm in a situation that... begs for help. Not directly. Just... advice and emotional help. I've been struggling a lot with my life. University and spiritualism. Until recent years, I was a workaholic and...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
