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High heels, makeup, and masculinity

Aquarius said:
NakedPluto said:
Aquarius said:
I believe that skin products are best when home made, too much shit in the ordinary ones. My face was as smooth as the bum of a toddler when I used coffee mixed with honey on it.
I only have 1 watch and I never use it so I don't consider buying any others. I prefer buying clothes and shoes, the elegant type, as I'm not the guy you will ever see in the street dressed casually.

That's nice and interesting. I am opposite, a lot of accessories and the most basic clothing ever. Never any brands or name of brands on the clothes. I hate wearing that, only plain white or black shirts, the simplest black or white jeans as well (if they are white I need the best quality one as usually white color needs proper quality) and the only clothing which can be expensive are the jackets for me. I have a preferred leather jacket, that is quite the love for me, but also different jackets, that I think really express my style or mood, not shoes or anything else.

Also sneakers and shoes, I swear I never understood, I buy the most basic ones. I don't get the hype about them same as football, never interested in. If it is a pleasing form, black or white, be it is the cheapest shit ever, I buy it and wear it, extremely comfortable with that.

About elegant clothing, I want to buy a tailored suit soon, just to have it. When I was young I detested such things, but now I do really appreciate how it makes me feel and how it fits me. I was at court meetings and since then I swore to buy something that will make me happy and be beautifully aggressive among those surroundings.

Also when I was a teen I would wear slim jeans, now I cringe at the thought, I had my taste do 180 degrees. I do wear for a couple of years only comfortable and standard jeans, and my body can breathe.

I have it in my chart, to me it is very hard, to not spend all of my money on beauty products, art or women. Obsessed. I also like to be persuaded to buy something, like I am very provocative to sellers when they try to advertise to me something. I'm begging to make me want to buy something only to do the job myself at the end.

I also consider the phone an accessory as well, I had for years a bb Porsche design, and want to go again with old school phones. No social media no nothing, I can do that for business on laptop.
I totally get the feeling you felt in the suit, that's how I dress nearly everyday, minus the tie, but I want to get around using that too. It feels overwhelming at first, you feel people's eyes on you, but the more annoying aspect are the people around you who are not used to changes, you'll feel more confident in a way that is intoxicating(at least it was for me at the beginning), now I'm just used to it. You'll shine in the eyes of people, they look at you differently, you're not the casual guy on the street, you're memorable, especially if you're in the USA as people dress like shit over there. I got used to dressing like that in high school, where everybody dressed like teenagers(of course, it's a highschool! lol), sometimes I was confused for a teacher.

VS this

Also, if you go in luxury clothing shops(not supreme or other bullshit) but where they sell elegant clothing, that's what you're looking for if you like that feeling of getting a great customer treatment.

As for minimalistic phones, I'd like one too, but I can't justify the expense when I have a perfectly working phone already. Also, whatsapp, does it have it? Nobody here uses normal messages anymore, just whatsapp.

Damn, I‘d love to dress like those men in the top picture, I‘d look sexy af in that shit.

I can not wear the clothes the guy on the bottom wears, I used to wear that tho.
But I got bigger now, and those jeans would look like leggings on me haha
existentialcrisis said:
jrvan said:
I do know for a fact though that boys used to wear dresses just like the girls. The parents back then did this because it was cheaper, and the boy wouldn't have his own gendered garments until he was older.

As for fashion, it changes all the time through the ages. Like I keep telling people, men still wear makeup to this day. News reporters and movie actors wear it all the time, and men in formal occasions sometimes wear it. Pirates wore it. Gentlemen wore it. Egyptians wore eyeliner to protect their eyes from the sun. Makeup was always a thing for both men and women.

No wonder women get sick of us and date girls. She "turned lesbian" on you for a reason, boys.

Maybe you should lay off the sissy hypnosis.

I'm not hypnotized. I came upon these answers through personal study, observation, intuition, and meditation. If you call it "sissy" then that's your opinion which you are entitled to. If you didn't know, "sissy" is shorthand for "sister." This line they feed all the boys, "don't be a girl," "don't be a sissy," and other variants is the real hypnosis that was started by jews, and is responsible for men always seeking power in the outer world even though they already have all the power they need inside of them with the female side of their soul (which jews push males to deny through their jewish programs).

It's not that wearing "effeminate" clothing will help you to harness your female soul power. It's just that denying it so forcefully (and shaming others who engage in these things) will create repression inside you and cause you to reject your female side of your soul which is where all the power is. The male side of the soul directs that power, but how can you direct that which you reject inside of yourself? You can't, and you won't - and that is why you will remain powerless.
Aquarius said:
NakedPluto said:
Aquarius said:
I believe that skin products are best when home made, too much shit in the ordinary ones. My face was as smooth as the bum of a toddler when I used coffee mixed with honey on it.
I only have 1 watch and I never use it so I don't consider buying any others. I prefer buying clothes and shoes, the elegant type, as I'm not the guy you will ever see in the street dressed casually.

That's nice and interesting. I am opposite, a lot of accessories and the most basic clothing ever. Never any brands or name of brands on the clothes. I hate wearing that, only plain white or black shirts, the simplest black or white jeans as well (if they are white I need the best quality one as usually white color needs proper quality) and the only clothing which can be expensive are the jackets for me. I have a preferred leather jacket, that is quite the love for me, but also different jackets, that I think really express my style or mood, not shoes or anything else.

Also sneakers and shoes, I swear I never understood, I buy the most basic ones. I don't get the hype about them same as football, never interested in. If it is a pleasing form, black or white, be it is the cheapest shit ever, I buy it and wear it, extremely comfortable with that.

About elegant clothing, I want to buy a tailored suit soon, just to have it. When I was young I detested such things, but now I do really appreciate how it makes me feel and how it fits me. I was at court meetings and since then I swore to buy something that will make me happy and be beautifully aggressive among those surroundings.

Also when I was a teen I would wear slim jeans, now I cringe at the thought, I had my taste do 180 degrees. I do wear for a couple of years only comfortable and standard jeans, and my body can breathe.

I have it in my chart, to me it is very hard, to not spend all of my money on beauty products, art or women. Obsessed. I also like to be persuaded to buy something, like I am very provocative to sellers when they try to advertise to me something. I'm begging to make me want to buy something only to do the job myself at the end.

I also consider the phone an accessory as well, I had for years a bb Porsche design, and want to go again with old school phones. No social media no nothing, I can do that for business on laptop.
I totally get the feeling you felt in the suit, that's how I dress nearly everyday, minus the tie, but I want to get around using that too. It feels overwhelming at first, you feel people's eyes on you, but the more annoying aspect are the people around you who are not used to changes, you'll feel more confident in a way that is intoxicating(at least it was for me at the beginning), now I'm just used to it. You'll shine in the eyes of people, they look at you differently, you're not the casual guy on the street, you're memorable, especially if you're in the USA as people dress like shit over there. I got used to dressing like that in high school, where everybody dressed like teenagers(of course, it's a highschool! lol), sometimes I was confused for a teacher.

VS this

Also, if you go in luxury clothing shops(not supreme or other bullshit) but where they sell elegant clothing, that's what you're looking for if you like that feeling of getting a great customer treatment.

As for minimalistic phones, I'd like one too, but I can't justify the expense when I have a perfectly working phone already. Also, whatsapp, does it have it? Nobody here uses normal messages anymore, just whatsapp.

I think every man should wear a suit :d
NinRick said:
(Also idk why people keep hating Jack tbh)

Because Jack is an antisocial problem child.
Jack said:
tabby said:
Jack said:
So you're telling men that wearing eyeliner and makeup like a transvestite is masculine and it's completely in your head ? Nice job.

All things are not going to be connected to masculinity. Trying to link everything back to masculinity in a social sense is weird and reeks of identity issues.

Yes there have been an extremely small minority of men who might have wore makeup like transvestites or might actually have been transvestites. So what ?

If you meant "source" as in where the info came from regarding the dress codes (not jrvan's personal thoughts on "screw the modern idea of masculinity"), it came from me as someone who actively studies historical dress.

A man wearing lace and bows in their hair today would be considered "crossdressing" for lack of a better word or "girly" (negative connotation there)... yet, men had no shame in wearing lace for their cuffs, collars, and shirts if they so desired or a bow in their styled hair not that long ago in history. What would be considered a "dress" by today's eye, were commonly worn by men in many cultures across history - I can't remember the proper term but imagine a tunic that's lengthened to the thighs or knees without trousers.

Men once took pride in wig wearing as a symbol of status, and also because hair washing was not routinely available as it is now.

Seems jrvan covered the rest already.
Did those men copy the women at that time or was it specifically their fashion at that time ?

Specifically their fashion at the time. Much of how “fancy” (or what we would consider “feminine”) the fashion was largely depended on what was deemed tasteful, especially by the upper class, and also environment conditions. It wasn’t so much like today where many change their styles and fashion choices based on what each gender is doing… for example say you wanted to be more “manly” you subconsciously avoid anything you think is deemed “girly” and vice versa. Back then that didn’t matter so much like it does now so it was less of a factor in clothing design.

What mattered more was the HOW, and the symbol of status. Such as how lace was incorporated into the clothing design or how one styled their hair or wig, rather than placing importance on what it was. Today the mentality is like “bows are for girls so I won’t wear a bow because I’m a boy” rather than “bows are elegant and look wealthy when I wear it like this, so I want to wear one like this as well to show off my status.” - hope that makes sense.

One thing I am aware of is to do with women not wearing trousers/pants or something as it was considered improper. But there’s not much I understand about that so I can’t elaborate further.

It’s hard to get a personal point of view from the people who lived back then unless you have access to a personal journal of a person or something, or are adept at past life regression. Hollywood movies aren’t ideal sources to learn that stuff from. Who knows, maybe the men and women did take some fashion ideas from each other, but I can only speculate and guess on that without the extra information at my disposal right now. Great sources to understand the mindset and thinking of people back then are very old novels from those times if one can find them, both fiction and non fiction. But that’s if you can stand and understand the old ways of speaking lol.
NinRick said:
VoiceofEnki said:
jrvan said:
He's always looking for a fight with me. He most likely has his Mercury in Leo, and I crushed his stupid little pride by humiliating him time and time again (which wasn't hard to do, and he basically did it himself - I just pointed out his stupidity and made it obvious for others who have less insight) so now he can never let it go and is on a mission to destroy me. He treats these forums like his personal playground and drama stage when he is bored, and everyone else gets tormented for it. He antagonized women for years just to get a rise out of them before I put a stop to it. He definitely does NOT believe that we are all family here, and he will never treat us as such.

Jack probably also has his Venus in Scorpio. What an annoying guy.

The placements you mentioned, there's nothing inherently wrong with them. Whether it manifests in annoying ways depends on the person in question, how they handle their astrology, how they express their traits and inheritance as well as your synastry with them.

It is foolish to look at a placement and determine based on a single placement alone it must be something annoying or problematic. It doesn't work like that.

One Scoprio in Venus will be vastly different from another, same as a Mercury in Leo.

Yes! People need to understand that. A good example is synastry, imagine being friends with twins, your relationship will not be the same, eventho both share almost identical charts.

The placements will manifest differently, and the relationships will vary.

(Also idk why people keep hating Jack tbh)
Jack is based, he says what he thinks and doesn't pander to anyone. Regardless of whether you agree with him, that is respectable. His PUA type views in the past have been contendable but he has improved his outlook over time. And he does at least try to debate, not argue pointlessly for its own sake and to the point of flaming and ego stroking like some have done in this forum.
tabby said:
jrvan said:
SleepingWolf said:
Are you not aware Heels origin is with horseback riding? They were made to ensure cavalry wouldn't get knocked off their stirrups. Their invention was for war, not because of jews. Whether they had a hand in making normal women wear it later, is another question entirely. But Heels have been around for this purpose since the Persians at least, but always reserved for the cavalry .

Interesting. I suppose I can discard my assumptions then. I still think it's a crime to make them part of the fashion world, personally.

If you look back through a few decades ago, there was a shoe style called "the walking shoe"

Meant to say centuries not decades, whoops.
NinRick said:
VoiceofEnki said:
jrvan said:
He's always looking for a fight with me. He most likely has his Mercury in Leo, and I crushed his stupid little pride by humiliating him time and time again (which wasn't hard to do, and he basically did it himself - I just pointed out his stupidity and made it obvious for others who have less insight) so now he can never let it go and is on a mission to destroy me. He treats these forums like his personal playground and drama stage when he is bored, and everyone else gets tormented for it. He antagonized women for years just to get a rise out of them before I put a stop to it. He definitely does NOT believe that we are all family here, and he will never treat us as such.

Jack probably also has his Venus in Scorpio. What an annoying guy.

The placements you mentioned, there's nothing inherently wrong with them. Whether it manifests in annoying ways depends on the person in question, how they handle their astrology, how they express their traits and inheritance as well as your synastry with them.

It is foolish to look at a placement and determine based on a single placement alone it must be something annoying or problematic. It doesn't work like that.

One Scoprio in Venus will be vastly different from another, same as a Mercury in Leo.

Yes! People need to understand that. A good example is synastry, imagine being friends with twins, your relationship will not be the same, eventho both share almost identical charts.

The placements will manifest differently, and the relationships will vary.

(Also idk why people keep hating Jack tbh)
Jack is based, he says what he thinks and doesn't pander to anyone. Regardless of whether you agree with him, that alone is respectable. His PUA type views in the past have been contendable but he has improved his outlook over time. And he does at least try to debate, not argue pointlessly for its own sake and to the point of flaming and ego stroking like some have done in this forum.
DarkAmaranthine said:
It's a bit hard to not use skincare products when you do need a lot of knowledge, resources and - sometimes - money to make your own products.

I'm a female but I've been into skincare for a few years and I have managed to get rid of very severe acne on my own. It was a hard journey, but I've come to know a few things when it comes to taking care of your face.

I was thinking about making a post later on - but what I can say about physical scrubs is that you should avoid them if you have acne or a sensitive skin, as they can irritate the skin. I also recommend you to avoid products from brands such as Clean&Clear and St. Ives since they have lots of fragrance and ingredients that will damage your skin in the long-term, even if you get results now.

As a cleanser I personally use a PureActive one based on natural ingredients from Garnier - it's good for oily skin. I also use a CeraVe cleanser.

If you want something that's completely natural for cleansing the skin, there is the black African soap. I've also found a nice brand that makes natural soap out of goat milk, certain plans and essential oils.

For moisturizers, if you want something 100% natural I would recommend aloe vera gel. It does wonder on my skin. The only downside is that it might not be moisturizing enough if you have a dry skin. I've heard some stuff about coconut oil, but it can clog the pores. Shea butter also seems to be a good choice. There is also hyaluronic acid which you can get in moisturizers or as a serum - if you use a product that's rich in this acid, the best is to apply it on damp skin as it locks in moisture.

At the moment, I'm trying out a Garnier moisturizing gel cream with hyaluronic acid. Also tried one from Revox but it contains soy oil which clogs my pores and leaves my skin feeling oily, so I turned that one into a hand cream.

For treating skin problems naturally, I recommend essential oils. I've tried almost everything that can be found in the pharmacies or by the big brands regarding acne. Nothing worked. Tea tree oil? It completely got rid of my acne. Now I only have some breakouts depending on my menstrual cycle or on my eating habits.

Essential oils are cheap and very effective when used properly. You can even make a natural toner using them - I have one made out of aloe vera gel, water, lavender and rosemary essential oils - or add a few drops to your moisturizer. In time, you'll see a significant difference.

I would give a list with the best essential oils and what benefits they have, but I don't have the time at the moment.

Some can also be used with treating scalp or hair problems.

All very good advice, thank you.

About coconut oil: it's good for the body for most people, but it should never be applied to the face.

Argan oil is also really good in my opinion.

I'll be looking forward to that post about essential oils ;)
jrvan said:
ForVery said:
jrvan said:
No source. Pure speculation.
It's clear that Jack is looking for a fight.

He's always looking for a fight with me. He most likely has his Mercury in Leo, and I crushed his stupid little pride by humiliating him time and time again (which wasn't hard to do, and he basically did it himself - I just pointed out his stupidity and made it obvious for others who have less insight) so now he can never let it go and is on a mission to destroy me. He treats these forums like his personal playground and drama stage when he is bored, and everyone else gets tormented for it. He antagonized women for years just to get a rise out of them before I put a stop to it. He definitely does NOT believe that we are all family here, and he will never treat us as such.

Jack probably also has his Venus in Scorpio. What an annoying guy.
That's not true at all. I can clearly see that there are different people in this world. Ones like you who follow what Mageson said ,that Gender was a social construct. He also gave very isolated examples of men wearing high heels or makeup and tried claiming that being a tranny was special and spiritual. Then there's guys like me who do not think like that ,who believe that actions and behaviors are Gendered and even if it's a Social Construct ,it needs to stay that way for stability. There might be a few exceptions but I would consider them outcasts and not exemplifiers to follow in a society. For Example, I would follow to dress up like the Nazi SS in Suits ,Uniforms in alternate full color shirts and pants etc rather than shirts and pants of mixed colors.

Also on the topic of makeup ,makeup products contain a lot of estrogen and microplastics which can give women cancer and make them masculine and make men Trannies. This is not a joke.

My girlfriend used to wear makeup a lot but I've since convinced her to only wear it only when she's going to important functions. Honestly I don't think makeup really enhances someone's beauty. Maybe if you put light eyeliner on but other than it feels like an insecurity more than anything to change your face tone and structure to make others like you.

I would want to live in a world where Women do not wear makeup at all. I think that's something majority of men would agree with.
NinRick said:
Aquarius said:
NakedPluto said:
That's nice and interesting. I am opposite, a lot of accessories and the most basic clothing ever. Never any brands or name of brands on the clothes. I hate wearing that, only plain white or black shirts, the simplest black or white jeans as well (if they are white I need the best quality one as usually white color needs proper quality) and the only clothing which can be expensive are the jackets for me. I have a preferred leather jacket, that is quite the love for me, but also different jackets, that I think really express my style or mood, not shoes or anything else.

Also sneakers and shoes, I swear I never understood, I buy the most basic ones. I don't get the hype about them same as football, never interested in. If it is a pleasing form, black or white, be it is the cheapest shit ever, I buy it and wear it, extremely comfortable with that.

About elegant clothing, I want to buy a tailored suit soon, just to have it. When I was young I detested such things, but now I do really appreciate how it makes me feel and how it fits me. I was at court meetings and since then I swore to buy something that will make me happy and be beautifully aggressive among those surroundings.

Also when I was a teen I would wear slim jeans, now I cringe at the thought, I had my taste do 180 degrees. I do wear for a couple of years only comfortable and standard jeans, and my body can breathe.

I have it in my chart, to me it is very hard, to not spend all of my money on beauty products, art or women. Obsessed. I also like to be persuaded to buy something, like I am very provocative to sellers when they try to advertise to me something. I'm begging to make me want to buy something only to do the job myself at the end.

I also consider the phone an accessory as well, I had for years a bb Porsche design, and want to go again with old school phones. No social media no nothing, I can do that for business on laptop.
I totally get the feeling you felt in the suit, that's how I dress nearly everyday, minus the tie, but I want to get around using that too. It feels overwhelming at first, you feel people's eyes on you, but the more annoying aspect are the people around you who are not used to changes, you'll feel more confident in a way that is intoxicating(at least it was for me at the beginning), now I'm just used to it. You'll shine in the eyes of people, they look at you differently, you're not the casual guy on the street, you're memorable, especially if you're in the USA as people dress like shit over there. I got used to dressing like that in high school, where everybody dressed like teenagers(of course, it's a highschool! lol), sometimes I was confused for a teacher.

VS this

Also, if you go in luxury clothing shops(not supreme or other bullshit) but where they sell elegant clothing, that's what you're looking for if you like that feeling of getting a great customer treatment.

As for minimalistic phones, I'd like one too, but I can't justify the expense when I have a perfectly working phone already. Also, whatsapp, does it have it? Nobody here uses normal messages anymore, just whatsapp.

Damn, I‘d love to dress like those men in the top picture, I‘d look sexy af in that shit.

I can not wear the clothes the guy on the bottom wears, I used to wear that tho.
But I got bigger now, and those jeans would look like leggings on me haha
Those really are sexy. It's not difficult to dress like that, just on the more expensive side. I don't wear the hat though, just too much.
The best cosmetic product is water. If you drink enough water, it will support your body's detoxification processes. No acne and similar fat deposits will be anywhere on your skin, no dryness, not even eye bags or dark circles around your eyes. The latter, though, is also related to your sleeping patterns and caffeine intake (which should be sporadic because of adrenal damage). Unfortunately, most people drink only 2-3 litres of water which is not enough for the human body, as we're not all the same size. 2 litres is only enough if you weigh 30kg/66lbs which is no adult unless they are dwarves, 3 litres is only enough if you weigh 45kg/100lbs which is not most adults definitely. Maybe some women weigh 45kg. I don't know. I'm not interested in female physiology. Some fire people are also careless and have issues with basic maintenance skills, especially if their earth attribute is weak. So, they need to force themselves to pay particular attention to their water intake (i.e. apps like Hydro Coach) and to their schedule/routine in general, if they want to accomplish anything remarkable in life instead of burning the candle quickly at both ends.

The quality of water is also important. Dry residue needs to be low, below 100mg. Preferably as low as possible. Hard water is not healthy. The higher dry residue is, the worst it will taste anything. Once they served me a Strathmore water bottle at a Wetherspoons. Dry residue was over 400... I wanted to send it back but I tried it out curiosity: it tasted like someone had spit into (the bottle was delivered closed of course, and is was a glass bottle so you can't tamper with it). Another important factor is the amount of calcium carbonate. The more it is, the more unhealthy the water is, leading to kidney stones over time. Not to mention, it's going to smell bad and taste bad, like most tap water in England. Water is supposed to be colourless, odourless and tasteless. If it's not, something is wrong.

Make-up was worn by priests, Pharaohs, royals, nobles and any upper class individual in Ancient Egypt, both male and female. Regardless of personal taste (I, for one, don't like it), one cannot say it's not masculine to wear make-up in general. That would be insulting to our beloved Herr Hitler, who wore make-up too when he was Pharaoh Ramses II. Are you going to say he's not masculine? He was a trillion times more masculine than all neckbeards criticising make-up combined, and has accomplish a lot more than any of you will ever accomplish. In fact, I bet that any of this self-appointed critics never accomplished 0.0001% of what he is, regardless of whether we take into account only one of his lives or all his lives combined.

What's certain is that lounging around dressed like a drag queen is not only extremely retarded, but also an extreme example that doesn't apply to general talks about make-up. If you think about that when you consider men wearing make-up, then you're committing a logical fallacy and should think twice before partaking in this discussion. Learn logic first.

High Heels
I do agree with jrvan on this. To others who have mentioned high heels for horse-riding, I can only say that there is a difference between wearing something for a specific activity and wearing something on a daily basis. But I suppose most guys, especially the youngest generations won't understand that since they want wear pyjamas (literally) and underwear (i.e. t-shirts, hoodies and sleeveless shirts) all the time including for job interviews, in the office, and even at funerals and weddings. I had a flatmate who'd go out in PJ and sliders (with socks! :roll: ) to buy cigarettes and groceries, no matter the time of the day. One should realise that different occasions call for different level of formal/casual (dress code). This wanting to remove difference and make everything bland/the same... I know you know what social engineering programme it is part of.

In conclusion, my take is that high heels are only suited to specific activities, such as horse-riding. Definitely not formal occasions, or going on a city break. And they should not be worn for several hours at once, in order to avoid feet damage. Feet damage is not limited to pain. Pain is just your body telling you you've damage yourself. What damage it is? You'll find out. One thing about high-heels is that it's not uncommon for muscles in your entire posterior chain (from heel to hip on each side) to stiffen. If you feel pain just by pressing on your calves or thigh with a fingertip, your muscles are compromised and you need to either:
:arrow: stretch them thoroughly, preferably multiple times a day until there is no pain (and a few more days after that
:arrow: use a foam roller and a lacrosse ball for soft tissue massage (or even a massage gun, if you can afford it)
:arrow: inhale energy from your feet chakras, up the legs, then the main chakras and out the crown. Your focus area is obviously the posterior chain(s) I mentioned.
:arrow: see a physiotherapist, which is the most costly option.
:arrow: inhale energy from your feet chakras, up the legs, then the main chakras and out the crown. Your focus area is obviously the posterior chain(s) I mentioned.

Spike heels are suited for nothing and only destroy your feet.

Clothes and colours
Let's make SS great again by abolishing lazy garments such as t-shirts, jeans, hoodies and sleeveless shirts, and also grey as colour. Let the NPC wear them.

Regarding pink and blue. Well, blue is mainly ruled by Venus, so obviously it's a feminine colour, not to mention it's a cold/yin colour in all its hues like Lunar Dance said. Some hues are ruled by Jupiter (royal blue), Mercury (navy blue) and Neptune (pastel/soft variations), but it doesn't change the fact it's a yin colour :lol:

Pink is made by mixing red with white, so it's neither masculine nor feminine. Or one could say it's both or more dominant in one side depending on whether red (yang/Mars/masculine) or white (yin/Moon/feminine) is used more in the mix.

Disclaimer: From now on, remember I'm only speaking about men's style, not women's.

Your hat, your belt and your shoes make the men. People in business and formal settings take notice of what you wear, as do many women and all observant people (like me). Personally, if I see a guy with dirty or otherwise poorly-maintained shoes, I won't give them the time of the day, unless it's strictly necessary to do so. It shows that they have a sloppy personality. Shoes need to be cleaned on a daily basis, otherwise the dirt accumulates and become difficult to remove. Dirty shoes are also not presentable. Just grab a brush and go under running water and brush. Poor personal maintenance level are a huge problem nowadays, and a symptom of immaturity (i.e. lack of awareness of Saturnine energies).

Hats are absolutely necessary when one goes outdoors. In winter, they protect against the cold and wind. In mid-season, they protect against the wind. In summer, they protect against the Sun. Indoors, hats are obviously useless and redundant. A man is expected to put on their hat when they go outdoors, and remove it indoors.

Belts are probably the most neglected item in modern times. I see many guys never wearing a belt. If your trousers have loopholes, you need to wear a belt. Plain and simple. Unless you're wearing a suit/slacks, then you can get away by wearing braces instead (depending on your taste). Tracksuit bottoms and sweat pants are only suited as sportswear and lounging around the house, so obviously they don't need belts. They don't even have loopholes to begin with!

Socks. I want to talk about this. What's up with this distasteful habit of wearing WHITE socks with non-sports clothes? It's an eyesore! I see the main culprits of this are Americans, British and German people. I haven't seen other cultures do it as much. Also, shorts don't go with long socks unless you're playing sports and you need the extra protection. Another eyesore. Shorts only go with ankle socks or no-show socks. Not to mention, they're generally more suited for hanging around water bodies such as rivers, lakes, the sea, the ocean... Socks absolutely don't go with sliders/slippers/flip-flops, and neither with sandals. Sandals also are unsightly if you are not at the beach... Sorry, Ancient Greece, but they just don't look good with modern clothes.

Cargos. They were invented for use in trade professions (i.e. electrician, plumber, mechanic...) and wildness expedition jobs because you need pockets to keep tools in. They are not meant to be worn casually in unrelated activities. Let's start wearing things for what they are for. You wouldn't use Isa for healing or for a freeing the soul working, would you? Would you use a Moon square to get a job in the military as a special forces operator? I doubt it.

Short-sleeved shirts. Just no. They look awful, not classy. A polo shirt, a henley shirt, etc, sure. Otherwise, rolling up your sleeves looks much better.

Yes, I am aware that, if you don't have astrological placements for style and beauty, you'll never understand what I am saying, o male reader. And I bet you're vehemently disagree in that case. Style and beauty are attributes of Venus, so it's normal for most me not to understand them, but one that is smart just studies the principles and applies them.

Lastly, I want to talk about fabrics. I'm absolutely against plastic nonsense like polyester. It's not suited for human skin contact. It usually comes from petrol. It was never tested extensively to determine it's safe. In fact, there are no longitudinal studies about this (neither biased nor unbiased), many people have allergic reactions to, and you are the guinea pig. In most cases, it's also HORRIBLE to the TOUCH, whether your sense of touch is particularly developed like mine or not. Sure, your polar fleece is comfy and useful when you're skiing/snowboarding or are otherwise out into the snow. Were a full-sleeved cotton or wool garment underneath so there is no skin contact.

If you want to "support the environment" or whatever environmentalist stuff, look for brands that sell ORGANIC natural fabrics (cotton, wool, linen, silk). If you buy a blend, make sure the natural part is at least 90%. Finally, for those who say poly-crap is good for sportswear because it's moisture/sweat-wicking and has other technologies that can be applied... Well, all those technologies can be applied to natural fabrics as well. In the Army, my uniform was 100% cotton. We walked in the mud and even swam in it. Nothing EVER bypassed it. When swimming and diving in it, the only part the mud would enter from would be the neck, of course. The uniform didn't let any water nor mud through. It would also dry reasonably fast even when sweating buckets in summer or because of heightened physical activity. So, yeah, you can do everything with natural fabrics. The issue is that the climate change retards are pushing unhealthy fabrics because of their nefarious plans, just like they push veganism, soylent, poo water and other nonsense.
You people keep taking the word makeup and applying it to things it doesn't apply to. Makeup is for cosmetic/beautification purposes, it has nothing to do with practicality. Calling a dark pigment smeared on the face to reduce glare makeup is like calling insignias and tactical markings on military vehicles racing decals.
Stormblood said:
The best cosmetic product is water. If you drink enough water, it will support your body's detoxification processes. No acne and similar fat deposits will be anywhere on your skin, no dryness, not even eye bags or dark circles around your eyes. The latter, though, is also related to your sleeping patterns and caffeine intake (which should be sporadic because of adrenal damage). Unfortunately, most people drink only 2-3 litres of water which is not enough for the human body, as we're not all the same size. 2 litres is only enough if you weigh 30kg/66lbs which is no adult unless they are dwarves, 3 litres is only enough if you weigh 45kg/100lbs which is not most adults definitely. Maybe some women weigh 45kg. I don't know. I'm not interested in female physiology. Some fire people are also careless and have issues with basic maintenance skills, especially if their earth attribute is weak. So, they need to force themselves to pay particular attention to their water intake (i.e. apps like Hydro Coach) and to their schedule/routine in general, if they want to accomplish anything remarkable in life instead of burning the candle quickly at both ends.

The quality of water is also important. Dry residue needs to be low, below 100mg. Preferably as low as possible. Hard water is not healthy. The higher dry residue is, the worst it will taste anything. Once they served me a Strathmore water bottle at a Wetherspoons. Dry residue was over 400... I wanted to send it back but I tried it out curiosity: it tasted like someone had spit into (the bottle was delivered closed of course, and is was a glass bottle so you can't tamper with it). Another important factor is the amount of calcium carbonate. The more it is, the more unhealthy the water is, leading to kidney stones over time. Not to mention, it's going to smell bad and taste bad, like most tap water in England. Water is supposed to be colourless, odourless and tasteless. If it's not, something is wrong.

Make-up was worn by priests, Pharaohs, royals, nobles and any upper class individual in Ancient Egypt, both male and female. Regardless of personal taste (I, for one, don't like it), one cannot say it's not masculine to wear make-up in general. That would be insulting to our beloved Herr Hitler, who wore make-up too when he was Pharaoh Ramses II. Are you going to say he's not masculine? He was a trillion times more masculine than all neckbeards criticising make-up combined, and has accomplish a lot more than any of you will ever accomplish. In fact, I bet that any of this self-appointed critics never accomplished 0.0001% of what he is, regardless of whether we take into account only one of his lives or all his lives combined.

What's certain is that lounging around dressed like a drag queen is not only extremely retarded, but also an extreme example that doesn't apply to general talks about make-up. If you think about that when you consider men wearing make-up, then you're committing a logical fallacy and should think twice before partaking in this discussion. Learn logic first.

High Heels
I do agree with jrvan on this. To others who have mentioned high heels for horse-riding, I can only say that there is a difference between wearing something for a specific activity and wearing something on a daily basis. But I suppose most guys, especially the youngest generations won't understand that since they want wear pyjamas (literally) and underwear (i.e. t-shirts, hoodies and sleeveless shirts) all the time including for job interviews, in the office, and even at funerals and weddings. I had a flatmate who'd go out in PJ and sliders (with socks! :roll: ) to buy cigarettes and groceries, no matter the time of the day. One should realise that different occasions call for different level of formal/casual (dress code). This wanting to remove difference and make everything bland/the same... I know you know what social engineering programme it is part of.

In conclusion, my take is that high heels are only suited to specific activities, such as horse-riding. Definitely not formal occasions, or going on a city break. And they should not be worn for several hours at once, in order to avoid feet damage. Feet damage is not limited to pain. Pain is just your body telling you you've damage yourself. What damage it is? You'll find out. One thing about high-heels is that it's not uncommon for muscles in your entire posterior chain (from heel to hip on each side) to stiffen. If you feel pain just by pressing on your calves or thigh with a fingertip, your muscles are compromised and you need to either:
:arrow: stretch them thoroughly, preferably multiple times a day until there is no pain (and a few more days after that
:arrow: use a foam roller and a lacrosse ball for soft tissue massage (or even a massage gun, if you can afford it)
:arrow: inhale energy from your feet chakras, up the legs, then the main chakras and out the crown. Your focus area is obviously the posterior chain(s) I mentioned.
:arrow: see a physiotherapist, which is the most costly option.
:arrow: inhale energy from your feet chakras, up the legs, then the main chakras and out the crown. Your focus area is obviously the posterior chain(s) I mentioned.

Spike heels are suited for nothing and only destroy your feet.

Clothes and colours
Let's make SS great again by abolishing lazy garments such as t-shirts, jeans, hoodies and sleeveless shirts, and also grey as colour. Let the NPC wear them.

Regarding pink and blue. Well, blue is mainly ruled by Venus, so obviously it's a feminine colour, not to mention it's a cold/yin colour in all its hues like Lunar Dance said. Some hues are ruled by Jupiter (royal blue), Mercury (navy blue) and Neptune (pastel/soft variations), but it doesn't change the fact it's a yin colour :lol:

Pink is made by mixing red with white, so it's neither masculine nor feminine. Or one could say it's both or more dominant in one side depending on whether red (yang/Mars/masculine) or white (yin/Moon/feminine) is used more in the mix.

Disclaimer: From now on, remember I'm only speaking about men's style, not women's.

Your hat, your belt and your shoes make the men. People in business and formal settings take notice of what you wear, as do many women and all observant people (like me). Personally, if I see a guy with dirty or otherwise poorly-maintained shoes, I won't give them the time of the day, unless it's strictly necessary to do so. It shows that they have a sloppy personality. Shoes need to be cleaned on a daily basis, otherwise the dirt accumulates and become difficult to remove. Dirty shoes are also not presentable. Just grab a brush and go under running water and brush. Poor personal maintenance level are a huge problem nowadays, and a symptom of immaturity (i.e. lack of awareness of Saturnine energies).

Hats are absolutely necessary when one goes outdoors. In winter, they protect against the cold and wind. In mid-season, they protect against the wind. In summer, they protect against the Sun. Indoors, hats are obviously useless and redundant. A man is expected to put on their hat when they go outdoors, and remove it indoors.

Belts are probably the most neglected item in modern times. I see many guys never wearing a belt. If your trousers have loopholes, you need to wear a belt. Plain and simple. Unless you're wearing a suit/slacks, then you can get away by wearing braces instead (depending on your taste). Tracksuit bottoms and sweat pants are only suited as sportswear and lounging around the house, so obviously they don't need belts. They don't even have loopholes to begin with!

Socks. I want to talk about this. What's up with this distasteful habit of wearing WHITE socks with non-sports clothes? It's an eyesore! I see the main culprits of this are Americans, British and German people. I haven't seen other cultures do it as much. Also, shorts don't go with long socks unless you're playing sports and you need the extra protection. Another eyesore. Shorts only go with ankle socks or no-show socks. Not to mention, they're generally more suited for hanging around water bodies such as rivers, lakes, the sea, the ocean... Socks absolutely don't go with sliders/slippers/flip-flops, and neither with sandals. Sandals also are unsightly if you are not at the beach... Sorry, Ancient Greece, but they just don't look good with modern clothes.

Cargos. They were invented for use in trade professions (i.e. electrician, plumber, mechanic...) and wildness expedition jobs because you need pockets to keep tools in. They are not meant to be worn casually in unrelated activities. Let's start wearing things for what they are for. You wouldn't use Isa for healing or for a freeing the soul working, would you? Would you use a Moon square to get a job in the military as a special forces operator? I doubt it.

Short-sleeved shirts. Just no. They look awful, not classy. A polo shirt, a henley shirt, etc, sure. Otherwise, rolling up your sleeves looks much better.

Yes, I am aware that, if you don't have astrological placements for style and beauty, you'll never understand what I am saying, o male reader. And I bet you're vehemently disagree in that case. Style and beauty are attributes of Venus, so it's normal for most me not to understand them, but one that is smart just studies the principles and applies them.

Lastly, I want to talk about fabrics. I'm absolutely against plastic nonsense like polyester. It's not suited for human skin contact. It usually comes from petrol. It was never tested extensively to determine it's safe. In fact, there are no longitudinal studies about this (neither biased nor unbiased), many people have allergic reactions to, and you are the guinea pig. In most cases, it's also HORRIBLE to the TOUCH, whether your sense of touch is particularly developed like mine or not. Sure, your polar fleece is comfy and useful when you're skiing/snowboarding or are otherwise out into the snow. Were a full-sleeved cotton or wool garment underneath so there is no skin contact.

If you want to "support the environment" or whatever environmentalist stuff, look for brands that sell ORGANIC natural fabrics (cotton, wool, linen, silk). If you buy a blend, make sure the natural part is at least 90%. Finally, for those who say poly-crap is good for sportswear because it's moisture/sweat-wicking and has other technologies that can be applied... Well, all those technologies can be applied to natural fabrics as well. In the Army, my uniform was 100% cotton. We walked in the mud and even swam in it. Nothing EVER bypassed it. When swimming and diving in it, the only part the mud would enter from would be the neck, of course. The uniform didn't let any water nor mud through. It would also dry reasonably fast even when sweating buckets in summer or because of heightened physical activity. So, yeah, you can do everything with natural fabrics. The issue is that the climate change retards are pushing unhealthy fabrics because of their nefarious plans, just like they push veganism, soylent, poo water and other nonsense.
That is not makeup. Makeup as I understand it is a beautification process to become more appealing to men which consists of foundation, eyeliner and mascara.

What you're talking about is Elements of Ritualistic Worship worn by Nobles. These consist of Herbs which increase your powers. And that's something I wear too when I'm doing my morning meditation after bathing in terms of Sandalwood in the solar sign on my forehead.

That's not what makeup is.
jrvan said:

All very good advice, thank you.

About coconut oil: it's good for the body for most people, but it should never be applied to the face.

Argan oil is also really good in my opinion.

I'll be looking forward to that post about essential oils ;)

Thank you! I've been doing intensive research on skincare for my own issues and, as I've said, I managed to get rid of a severe case of acne that ruined my teenagerhood lol. I still have the scars thanks to my grandma and my skin isn't perfect, but it's an incredible improvement from how it used to be two years ago.

I've mainly seen black people use coconut oil for hydration when it comes to skincare - I don't know how efficient it would be for white people. So I don't recommend it for the face, as it's a comedogenic product.

And yeah, Argan oil is really good. It doesn't clog the pores and it can be used as a carrier for essential oils. Depending on the skin type, jojoba and grapeseed oils can also be very beneficial.

As for The Ordinary - for people who live in Europe a cheaper alternative can be Revox. They have mostly the same products and acids The Ordinary can offer. I've been using their products for a while and so far everything is going well.
Jack said:
That is not makeup. Makeup as I understand it is a beautification process to become more appealing to men which consists of foundation, eyeliner and mascara.

What you're talking about is Elements of Ritualistic Worship worn by Nobles. These consist of Herbs which increase your powers. And that's something I wear too when I'm doing my morning meditation after bathing in terms of Sandalwood in the solar sign on my forehead.

That's not what makeup is.

Eyeliner was worn by Ancient Egyptian males... I mean, it's either eyeliner, mascara or both. I never put make-up on myself, so I don't really know what the difference between the two is.
Henu the Great said:
Yeah it would be fine and dandy to wear suit all the time, old school, but highly inpractical for someone who commutes 99% with the bike and goes out only to ride bikes or run or some other athletic activity.

Who advocated wearing suits all the time?
Stormblood said:
Jack said:
That is not makeup. Makeup as I understand it is a beautification process to become more appealing to men which consists of foundation, eyeliner and mascara.

What you're talking about is Elements of Ritualistic Worship worn by Nobles. These consist of Herbs which increase your powers. And that's something I wear too when I'm doing my morning meditation after bathing in terms of Sandalwood in the solar sign on my forehead.

That's not what makeup is.

Eyeliner was worn by Ancient Egyptian males... I mean, it's either eyeliner, mascara or both. I never put make-up on myself, so I don't really know what the difference between the two is.
But they weren't wearing eyeliner for beautification purposes. That was done to ward off an evil gaze. This is done In various pagan cultures, including my own. Little babies have to wear this because the people believe it wards off evil. Also different to makeup the colors you're talking about was made in specific geometrical patterns. You can see this in Hieroglyphics. It's because Aryan Brahmins thousands of years ago went to Egypt to establish that civilization and the Egyptian priests have the same kind of markings on the hands and the body similar to how the South Indian Brahmins still do to this day. The Sri Yantra is the exact structure of the pyramids.

Again those has specific Ritualistic elements associated with it. I don't think women wear eyeliner for warding off evil nowadays or even know what it represents.
Stormblood said:

Unfortunately, most people drink only 2-3 litres of water which is not enough for the human body, as we're not all the same size. 2 litres is only enough if you weigh 30kg/66lbs ...
So do you think a guy who is approximately 70kg should drink about 5 liters of water? that's a lot for me.
I've been trying to drink enough for about a year now. However, I have to make an effort to drink even 2/3 liters consistently. Since I started working out several times a week this has improved a bit.

Would you kindly have sources/studies that support what you are saying?

One important thing. When you talk about let's say 6 liters of water. Are you referring to the direct consumption of water, or from the overall that can also come from foods or fruits etc.?

Stormblood said:
The quality of water is also important. Dry residue needs to be low, below 100mg. ....
Really, that low?
What about tap water in Italy?

it's a mess I need to improve my water consumption.
Stormblood said:
Jack said:
That is not makeup. Makeup as I understand it is a beautification process to become more appealing to men which consists of foundation, eyeliner and mascara.

What you're talking about is Elements of Ritualistic Worship worn by Nobles. These consist of Herbs which increase your powers. And that's something I wear too when I'm doing my morning meditation after bathing in terms of Sandalwood in the solar sign on my forehead.

That's not what makeup is.

Eyeliner was worn by Ancient Egyptian males... I mean, it's either eyeliner, mascara or both. I never put make-up on myself, so I don't really know what the difference between the two is.

I heard that the reason for this was it was something that flies do not like, and it kept the flies away from trying to go in their eyes.
Stormblood said:
The best cosmetic product is water. If you drink enough water, it will support your body's detoxification processes. No acne and similar fat deposits will be anywhere on your skin, no dryness, not even eye bags or dark circles around your eyes. The latter, though, is also related to your sleeping patterns and caffeine intake (which should be sporadic because of adrenal damage). Unfortunately, most people drink only 2-3 litres of water which is not enough for the human body, as we're not all the same size. 2 litres is only enough if you weigh 30kg/66lbs which is no adult unless they are dwarves, 3 litres is only enough if you weigh 45kg/100lbs which is not most adults definitely. Maybe some women weigh 45kg. I don't know. I'm not interested in female physiology. Some fire people are also careless and have issues with basic maintenance skills, especially if their earth attribute is weak. So, they need to force themselves to pay particular attention to their water intake (i.e. apps like Hydro Coach) and to their schedule/routine in general, if they want to accomplish anything remarkable in life instead of burning the candle quickly at both ends.

The quality of water is also important. Dry residue needs to be low, below 100mg. Preferably as low as possible. Hard water is not healthy. The higher dry residue is, the worst it will taste anything. Once they served me a Strathmore water bottle at a Wetherspoons. Dry residue was over 400... I wanted to send it back but I tried it out curiosity: it tasted like someone had spit into (the bottle was delivered closed of course, and is was a glass bottle so you can't tamper with it). Another important factor is the amount of calcium carbonate. The more it is, the more unhealthy the water is, leading to kidney stones over time. Not to mention, it's going to smell bad and taste bad, like most tap water in England. Water is supposed to be colourless, odourless and tasteless. If it's not, something is wrong.

Make-up was worn by priests, Pharaohs, royals, nobles and any upper class individual in Ancient Egypt, both male and female. Regardless of personal taste (I, for one, don't like it), one cannot say it's not masculine to wear make-up in general. That would be insulting to our beloved Herr Hitler, who wore make-up too when he was Pharaoh Ramses II. Are you going to say he's not masculine? He was a trillion times more masculine than all neckbeards criticising make-up combined, and has accomplish a lot more than any of you will ever accomplish. In fact, I bet that any of this self-appointed critics never accomplished 0.0001% of what he is, regardless of whether we take into account only one of his lives or all his lives combined.

What's certain is that lounging around dressed like a drag queen is not only extremely retarded, but also an extreme example that doesn't apply to general talks about make-up. If you think about that when you consider men wearing make-up, then you're committing a logical fallacy and should think twice before partaking in this discussion. Learn logic first.

High Heels
I do agree with jrvan on this. To others who have mentioned high heels for horse-riding, I can only say that there is a difference between wearing something for a specific activity and wearing something on a daily basis. But I suppose most guys, especially the youngest generations won't understand that since they want wear pyjamas (literally) and underwear (i.e. t-shirts, hoodies and sleeveless shirts) all the time including for job interviews, in the office, and even at funerals and weddings. I had a flatmate who'd go out in PJ and sliders (with socks! :roll: ) to buy cigarettes and groceries, no matter the time of the day. One should realise that different occasions call for different level of formal/casual (dress code). This wanting to remove difference and make everything bland/the same... I know you know what social engineering programme it is part of.

In conclusion, my take is that high heels are only suited to specific activities, such as horse-riding. Definitely not formal occasions, or going on a city break. And they should not be worn for several hours at once, in order to avoid feet damage. Feet damage is not limited to pain. Pain is just your body telling you you've damage yourself. What damage it is? You'll find out. One thing about high-heels is that it's not uncommon for muscles in your entire posterior chain (from heel to hip on each side) to stiffen. If you feel pain just by pressing on your calves or thigh with a fingertip, your muscles are compromised and you need to either:
:arrow: stretch them thoroughly, preferably multiple times a day until there is no pain (and a few more days after that
:arrow: use a foam roller and a lacrosse ball for soft tissue massage (or even a massage gun, if you can afford it)
:arrow: inhale energy from your feet chakras, up the legs, then the main chakras and out the crown. Your focus area is obviously the posterior chain(s) I mentioned.
:arrow: see a physiotherapist, which is the most costly option.
:arrow: inhale energy from your feet chakras, up the legs, then the main chakras and out the crown. Your focus area is obviously the posterior chain(s) I mentioned.

Spike heels are suited for nothing and only destroy your feet.

Clothes and colours
Let's make SS great again by abolishing lazy garments such as t-shirts, jeans, hoodies and sleeveless shirts, and also grey as colour. Let the NPC wear them.

Regarding pink and blue. Well, blue is mainly ruled by Venus, so obviously it's a feminine colour, not to mention it's a cold/yin colour in all its hues like Lunar Dance said. Some hues are ruled by Jupiter (royal blue), Mercury (navy blue) and Neptune (pastel/soft variations), but it doesn't change the fact it's a yin colour :lol:

Pink is made by mixing red with white, so it's neither masculine nor feminine. Or one could say it's both or more dominant in one side depending on whether red (yang/Mars/masculine) or white (yin/Moon/feminine) is used more in the mix.

Disclaimer: From now on, remember I'm only speaking about men's style, not women's.

Your hat, your belt and your shoes make the men. People in business and formal settings take notice of what you wear, as do many women and all observant people (like me). Personally, if I see a guy with dirty or otherwise poorly-maintained shoes, I won't give them the time of the day, unless it's strictly necessary to do so. It shows that they have a sloppy personality. Shoes need to be cleaned on a daily basis, otherwise the dirt accumulates and become difficult to remove. Dirty shoes are also not presentable. Just grab a brush and go under running water and brush. Poor personal maintenance level are a huge problem nowadays, and a symptom of immaturity (i.e. lack of awareness of Saturnine energies).

Hats are absolutely necessary when one goes outdoors. In winter, they protect against the cold and wind. In mid-season, they protect against the wind. In summer, they protect against the Sun. Indoors, hats are obviously useless and redundant. A man is expected to put on their hat when they go outdoors, and remove it indoors.

Belts are probably the most neglected item in modern times. I see many guys never wearing a belt. If your trousers have loopholes, you need to wear a belt. Plain and simple. Unless you're wearing a suit/slacks, then you can get away by wearing braces instead (depending on your taste). Tracksuit bottoms and sweat pants are only suited as sportswear and lounging around the house, so obviously they don't need belts. They don't even have loopholes to begin with!

Socks. I want to talk about this. What's up with this distasteful habit of wearing WHITE socks with non-sports clothes? It's an eyesore! I see the main culprits of this are Americans, British and German people. I haven't seen other cultures do it as much. Also, shorts don't go with long socks unless you're playing sports and you need the extra protection. Another eyesore. Shorts only go with ankle socks or no-show socks. Not to mention, they're generally more suited for hanging around water bodies such as rivers, lakes, the sea, the ocean... Socks absolutely don't go with sliders/slippers/flip-flops, and neither with sandals. Sandals also are unsightly if you are not at the beach... Sorry, Ancient Greece, but they just don't look good with modern clothes.

Cargos. They were invented for use in trade professions (i.e. electrician, plumber, mechanic...) and wildness expedition jobs because you need pockets to keep tools in. They are not meant to be worn casually in unrelated activities. Let's start wearing things for what they are for. You wouldn't use Isa for healing or for a freeing the soul working, would you? Would you use a Moon square to get a job in the military as a special forces operator? I doubt it.

Short-sleeved shirts. Just no. They look awful, not classy. A polo shirt, a henley shirt, etc, sure. Otherwise, rolling up your sleeves looks much better.

Yes, I am aware that, if you don't have astrological placements for style and beauty, you'll never understand what I am saying, o male reader. And I bet you're vehemently disagree in that case. Style and beauty are attributes of Venus, so it's normal for most me not to understand them, but one that is smart just studies the principles and applies them.

Lastly, I want to talk about fabrics. I'm absolutely against plastic nonsense like polyester. It's not suited for human skin contact. It usually comes from petrol. It was never tested extensively to determine it's safe. In fact, there are no longitudinal studies about this (neither biased nor unbiased), many people have allergic reactions to, and you are the guinea pig. In most cases, it's also HORRIBLE to the TOUCH, whether your sense of touch is particularly developed like mine or not. Sure, your polar fleece is comfy and useful when you're skiing/snowboarding or are otherwise out into the snow. Were a full-sleeved cotton or wool garment underneath so there is no skin contact.

If you want to "support the environment" or whatever environmentalist stuff, look for brands that sell ORGANIC natural fabrics (cotton, wool, linen, silk). If you buy a blend, make sure the natural part is at least 90%. Finally, for those who say poly-crap is good for sportswear because it's moisture/sweat-wicking and has other technologies that can be applied... Well, all those technologies can be applied to natural fabrics as well. In the Army, my uniform was 100% cotton. We walked in the mud and even swam in it. Nothing EVER bypassed it. When swimming and diving in it, the only part the mud would enter from would be the neck, of course. The uniform didn't let any water nor mud through. It would also dry reasonably fast even when sweating buckets in summer or because of heightened physical activity. So, yeah, you can do everything with natural fabrics. The issue is that the climate change retards are pushing unhealthy fabrics because of their nefarious plans, just like they push veganism, soylent, poo water and other nonsense.

Very helpful and informative in many ways. Thank you for taking the time to write all of this. I can vouch for all of it. You've really done your research, and I know a lot of it comes from your personal experience too. You completely nailed it.

The only things I have to add:
Traditional Japanese clothing includes the white tabi socks with sandals, and I personally find this appealing in a practical sense for avoiding tan lines. I do my best to avoid tanning.

My idea of wearing capris with long socks was to simulate the knee breeches with stockings as worn in an earlier time period of America, as a modern adaptation. I haven't tried it so I don't know how it would look. I'm not actually very familiar with capris and styles of capris because I've never worn them so it was just a little brain child of mine that I was thinking of testing later.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Stormblood said:
Jack said:
That is not makeup. Makeup as I understand it is a beautification process to become more appealing to men which consists of foundation, eyeliner and mascara.

What you're talking about is Elements of Ritualistic Worship worn by Nobles. These consist of Herbs which increase your powers. And that's something I wear too when I'm doing my morning meditation after bathing in terms of Sandalwood in the solar sign on my forehead.

That's not what makeup is.

Eyeliner was worn by Ancient Egyptian males... I mean, it's either eyeliner, mascara or both. I never put make-up on myself, so I don't really know what the difference between the two is.

I heard that the reason for this was it was something that flies do not like, and it kept the flies away from trying to go in their eyes.

It's also sun protection for the eyes which are very sensitive and vulnerable. Otherwise you would have to wear sunglasses all the time, and I don't know if they had those back then. I don't think they had sunglasses, but then again I didn't think they had high heels either until I was shown otherwise.
Stormblood said:

My little seamstress heart is beaming from your comment.

Also, FINALLY a male voice talking about fabrics. It is such a pain to get people to understand why polyester and vegan leather is such bullshit stuff, unhealthy for the body and unhealthy for the environment. I’m so freaking happy right now.

I’m just going to go quietly fangirl from reading all this because this is an awesome comment, Stormblood.
Jack said:
jrvan said:
ForVery said:
It's clear that Jack is looking for a fight.

He's always looking for a fight with me. He most likely has his Mercury in Leo, and I crushed his stupid little pride by humiliating him time and time again (which wasn't hard to do, and he basically did it himself - I just pointed out his stupidity and made it obvious for others who have less insight) so now he can never let it go and is on a mission to destroy me. He treats these forums like his personal playground and drama stage when he is bored, and everyone else gets tormented for it. He antagonized women for years just to get a rise out of them before I put a stop to it. He definitely does NOT believe that we are all family here, and he will never treat us as such.

Jack probably also has his Venus in Scorpio. What an annoying guy.
That's not true at all. I can clearly see that there are different people in this world. Ones like you who follow what Mageson said ,that Gender was a social construct. He also gave very isolated examples of men wearing high heels or makeup and tried claiming that being a tranny was special and spiritual. Then there's guys like me who do not think like that ,who believe that actions and behaviors are Gendered and even if it's a Social Construct ,it needs to stay that way for stability. There might be a few exceptions but I would consider them outcasts and not exemplifiers to follow in a society. For Example, I would follow to dress up like the Nazi SS in Suits ,Uniforms in alternate full color shirts and pants etc rather than shirts and pants of mixed colors.

Also on the topic of makeup ,makeup products contain a lot of estrogen and microplastics which can give women cancer and make them masculine and make men Trannies. This is not a joke.

My girlfriend used to wear makeup a lot but I've since convinced her to only wear it only when she's going to important functions. Honestly I don't think makeup really enhances someone's beauty. Maybe if you put light eyeliner on but other than it feels like an insecurity more than anything to change your face tone and structure to make others like you.

I would want to live in a world where Women do not wear makeup at all. I think that's something majority of men would agree with.

I don't give a fudge about Mageson. Gender itself isn't a social construct, but some of our conceptions of gender related attributes are indeed social constructs that are artificial and don't reflect reality, and would never have arisen organically without the jews around. This is simply a fact. You can verify this fact by studying different cultures and civilizations in contemporary times as well as past ages - the conceptions of what is male related and what is female related will be different depending on where you look. This includes dress codes and fashion.

Makeup is, generally, cosmetic and therefore governed by Venus. As long as females have that Venus glyph next to their names, they will wear makeup. Not all of them, but there will always be women wearing makeup no matter the time period, and this is a historical truth. For some people, makeup is art - not everyone wears it out of insecurity. The insecurity that many women feel is manufactured by jews in the first place, and people were surely wearing makeup before the jews even existed.

People have to do their research on makeup companies to know what is in the products. Not all of them are necessarily jewed or run by jews. People can also make their own makeup products, but this takes a little bit of time investment into studying ingredients and whatnot. There are plenty of online tutorials for homemade makeup too.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Stormblood said:
Jack said:
That is not makeup. Makeup as I understand it is a beautification process to become more appealing to men which consists of foundation, eyeliner and mascara.

What you're talking about is Elements of Ritualistic Worship worn by Nobles. These consist of Herbs which increase your powers. And that's something I wear too when I'm doing my morning meditation after bathing in terms of Sandalwood in the solar sign on my forehead.

That's not what makeup is.

Eyeliner was worn by Ancient Egyptian males... I mean, it's either eyeliner, mascara or both. I never put make-up on myself, so I don't really know what the difference between the two is.

I heard that the reason for this was it was something that flies do not like, and it kept the flies away from trying to go in their eyes.

The reason that The Egyptians wore eyeliner was so that the sun rays wouldn't irritate their eyes which were blue, because they were Nordic so their eye color was blue which is sensitive to light.
The black color absorbs the light so they put it around their eyes for that reason.
Blue eyes are good for dark and cold climate, like norway, but not for African climate.
Stormblood said:
Jack said:
That is not makeup. Makeup as I understand it is a beautification process to become more appealing to men which consists of foundation, eyeliner and mascara.

What you're talking about is Elements of Ritualistic Worship worn by Nobles. These consist of Herbs which increase your powers. And that's something I wear too when I'm doing my morning meditation after bathing in terms of Sandalwood in the solar sign on my forehead.

That's not what makeup is.

Eyeliner was worn by Ancient Egyptian males... I mean, it's either eyeliner, mascara or both. I never put make-up on myself, so I don't really know what the difference between the two is.

Mascara is the (usual black) stuff that goes on the wimpers (hairs of the eyes) applied with a special round brush whereas eyeliner goes on the eyelid and is usually a kohl pencil or a liquid with something like a penseel tip (small paintbrush).
Stormblood said:

I was taught that belts and suspenders were not fashion acessoiries but were used to not make your pants fall or slide down..
And they werent used if your pants didnt slide down.. some belts are more fashion acessoiries though. Thats all Ill say.
It might be nice to read others opinions on how to dress, or to see what they find acceptable..
Henu the Great said:
Yeah it would be fine and dandy to wear suit all the time, old school, but highly inpractical for someone who commutes 99% with the bike and goes out only to ride bikes or run or some other athletic activity.

You can always get a horse :p
TheAbyss said:
So do you think a guy who is approximately 70kg should drink about 5 liters of water? that's a lot for me.
I've been trying to drink enough for about a year now. However, I have to make an effort to drink even 2/3 liters consistently. Since I started working out several times a week this has improved a bit.

More like about 4.5. I think 5 would be too much for you.

Would you kindly have sources/studies that support what you are saying?

People like flexibility coaches, who work on athletic performance, rather than just pushing the interests of certain people. As for the studies, I will have to have a look again because it's been more than 4 years.

One important thing. When you talk about let's say 6 liters of water. Are you referring to the direct consumption of water, or from the overall that can also come from foods or fruits etc.?
Just the drinking part, not food. It is especially important if you're active (as everyone should be, because of health and advancement)

Really, that low?
What about tap water in Italy?
It's not very low. I drank water with 40mg or less of dry residue and it was very good. I'm not sure about tap water in Italy but it's definitely 10x better than in England. At least, everywhere I lived. It doesn't smell nauseously and it doesn't taste nauseously. Still, like it has been stated by other users in water topics, it is best to have a water filtration.

jrvan said:
The only things I have to add:
Traditional Japanese clothing includes the white tabi socks with sandals, and I personally find this appealing in a practical sense for avoiding tan lines. I do my best to avoid tanning.

My idea of wearing capris with long socks was to simulate the knee breeches with stockings as worn in an earlier time period of America, as a modern adaptation. I haven't tried it so I don't know how it would look. I'm not actually very familiar with capris and styles of capris because I've never worn them so it was just a little brain child of mine that I was thinking of testing later.

I don't have that issue because I only get sunburns, but never on my feet.

Out of personal taste, shorts look better when they are between knee length and 3/4 of the way to the length. I never understood people who wear short shorts and always despised rugby shorts when I played rugby because they're just too shorts (so I wore running tights below and also to conceal my boxers...). Still, this is personal taste. I wouldn't annoy anyone for wearing short shorts, unless they were wearing at a beach event that requires smart casual or a more formal dress code.

Woodlandman said:
The reason that The Egyptians wore eyeliner was so that the sun rays wouldn't irritate their eyes which were blue, because they were Nordic so their eye color was blue which is sensitive to light.
The black color absorbs the light so they put it around their eyes for that reason.
Blue eyes are good for dark and cold climate, like norway, but not for African climate.
That's very interesting. I would have never thought of wearing make-up to protect myself from the Sun.

@Jack, make-up is make-up, whether it's used for beautification or other purposes. I'd argue that I don't think the human body has any need for "beautification" when you have proper diet and use proper hygiene products. I really don't think ugly people look better with make-up.

@anyone else who quoted me, I have read. I didn't reply because I either didn't think it was needed or I just didn't know what to say. Same for the people where I only quoted part of the comment.
Stormblood said:
Perfect, thank you.

I would also have a question regarding training. But I refrain from asking you since it is off-topic plus I will look at your old posts first so you don't have to repeat yourself.

So just to give you a heads up in case. :)
Honestly i believe there is a fine line between being cringe and being beautiful when it comes to people expressing femininity or masculinity. If you want to beautify yourself, no matter who you are, you must do it in a balanced way, proper to the circumstances and type of event, and in a way that enhances the beauty of your body, not to turn yourrself into pennywise or somethin. Dont go too far with it ( drag queens ) , but also dont just laze around and not take care of your beauty ( jews and cucks )... in one post by Stormblood i think, he said that Apollo is basically masculine beauty, Hermes is masculine intellect and craftyness. Etc. ... you have to realize that any type of extremities in our modern society is based upon insecurity or some other pointless goals and ideals. You wanna wear high heels and youre a guy? Sure go ahead. But if you want to shine in your real authentic beauty go for a shoe that compliments your feet and body, and dont go overboard with it and dont turn yourself into an entire circus for the whole world to laugh at, and then falsely believe you are " expressing yourself ", or " living your true freedom "..... so many of these basic, rather insignificant blocks in the mind will go away when you become a god, which is why the gods do not have any sort if thesepointless problems. We were all destined to become gods but we were hindered, and now we are paying the price in many forms... such as ridiculous excessive drag queens😂😂😂😂😂😂
If somebody starts from the point of wanting to imitate a woman in looks or in behaviour, the certain result is he is basically going to turn himself into some circus clown or freak. There is no possible good result from this, because it is not even starting from a goal or an intention that is good. If the person wants to have more feminine energy to his soul, these actions will accomplish zero of this goal. It is entirely unrelated. And the worst thing about it that makes him the most of a freak, is that he does not do any of these things because he genuinely wants to. The reason he does these things is from the idea that it is a requirement on the way to another goal. For an example, if a man wants to have long hair because he likes it that way, I have full respect and support for this. If a man does not like his hair to be long, but he does it anyway because he is trying to have more feminine energy in his soul and he thinks the long hair will accomplish that, then he is a freak and I don't respect him. I guess I should say that my definition of a freak would be somebody who has no connection to reality, and is self-harmful because of this confusion. It would be harmful for the 2nd guy to have long hair because that is the opposite of what he actually wants and he is only doing it for some confused and ridiculous reason.

This example of hair is pretty dumb, but you can apply this to anything that people do to purposefully try to "be" more feminine. But there is nothing feminine about this, it is only a clown doing clown things. He is not "being" anything, and the only thing he is doing is suppressing and hating his own self and trying to force himself to fit some unrealistic image. And the worst part is it accomplishes nothing, and it is all for no reason.

You are not going to become a god by wearing high heal shoes. You are not going to become a god by covering your face with clown makeup. You are not going to become a god by wearing a dress. All of these things are just retarded, with no basis in nature. It is for no good reason. If you wear high heal shoes because you think they are comfortable, and high quality, and they really are your favorite shoes, then there is nothing wrong with this. If a man wears a dress because it is comfortable and he actually likes it, it is unusual but there is nothing wrong with it. But doing it because of falsely believing that there is any good reason for it, that is the problem. I mean the actual action is not really the problem, but it is the confusion and stupid nonsense ideas that influence the action that are the real problem.

None of that shit is feminine, and it all has absolutely nothing to do with what a feminine energy current is. Feminine energies are the magnetic energies, when masculine energies are the electric energies. Feminine energies are contracting, and masculine energies are expanding. Feminine psychic energies lead to sensitivity and being able to feel the interactions between different energy currents, and masculine psychic energies lead to holding within you large amounts of power, and being able to project your own energy currents into the world. Intuition is one of the world's greatest strengths, and this is a pure feminine energy. These are just quick examples, and as somebody has their own spiritual experiences he will understand this better. But these are what a feminine energy actually are.

So wearing high heal shoes, dresses, makeup, wigs, other weird shit, it can not be said strongly enough about how these things have absolutely nothing to do with any kind of feminine energy or any kind of spirituality. These are the jew's replacement for spirituality after they have burnt our libraries and erased our history. When they see us trying to understand ourselves, this is the shit they try to give to us as a replacement to distract us. Then they laugh at us for being retarded and falling for the ridiculous hoax.

And about high heal shoes and makeup, I think that these things are just harmful and stupid in general regardless of which of the 2 genders somebody is. I am always feeling disappointed when I see a beautiful woman covered up by makeup, because the only thing it does is cover up and hide how beautiful she already is. It is like blocking out the sun. It is like covering up a goddess with a wooden mask. It's just sad. And if a woman is not much beautiful, the makeup is still not doing anything to help her. It is obvious that she is purposefully trying to hide and cover herself. The only thing I see makeup being helpful for is if somebody has a real medical problem, like if a burn victim wants to cover that up and look more like everyone else. Like a prosthetic. It would be useful and helpful for this.

And high heal shoes are the worst. They do horrible and permanent damage to the person's feet which hill hurt and harm her for the rest of her life. When she is young she can ignore this pain, but when she is old will she even be able to walk? The entire structure of the feet changes. Bones move to different places. Tendons and ligaments stretch and move and maybe tear. Muscles are atrophied and destroyed in some places, and are overly stressed in other places. It is a crime against humanity that these harmful shoes are promoted to be popular. And mostly I think that the biggest problem is safety. These shoes do not allow a woman to run away if she has to. What if she is in danger? And with those shoes on, she is just like a deer on the pavement. Barely able to walk and completely unable to run. The only way I could ever agree with this is if she also has a gun to protect herself with, and has a lot of training to be able to effectively use it. And is completely sober.

So how would these strange things have any spiritual benefit to a man? They have no benefit to a woman either. These things have no relation to nature, and no relation to anyone's soul.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
If somebody starts from the point of wanting to imitate a woman in looks or in behaviour, the certain result is he is basically going to turn himself into some circus clown or freak. There is no possible good result from this, because it is not even starting from a goal or an intention that is good. If the person wants to have more feminine energy to his soul, these actions will accomplish zero of this goal. It is entirely unrelated. And the worst thing about it that makes him the most of a freak, is that he does not do any of these things because he genuinely wants to. The reason he does these things is from the idea that it is a requirement on the way to another goal. For an example, if a man wants to have long hair because he likes it that way, I have full respect and support for this. If a man does not like his hair to be long, but he does it anyway because he is trying to have more feminine energy in his soul and he thinks the long hair will accomplish that, then he is a freak and I don't respect him. I guess I should say that my definition of a freak would be somebody who has no connection to reality, and is self-harmful because of this confusion. It would be harmful for the 2nd guy to have long hair because that is the opposite of what he actually wants and he is only doing it for some confused and ridiculous reason.

This example of hair is pretty dumb, but you can apply this to anything that people do to purposefully try to "be" more feminine. But there is nothing feminine about this, it is only a clown doing clown things. He is not "being" anything, and the only thing he is doing is suppressing and hating his own self and trying to force himself to fit some unrealistic image. And the worst part is it accomplishes nothing, and it is all for no reason.

You are not going to become a god by wearing high heal shoes. You are not going to become a god by covering your face with clown makeup. You are not going to become a god by wearing a dress. All of these things are just retarded, with no basis in nature. It is for no good reason. If you wear high heal shoes because you think they are comfortable, and high quality, and they really are your favorite shoes, then there is nothing wrong with this. If a man wears a dress because it is comfortable and he actually likes it, it is unusual but there is nothing wrong with it. But doing it because of falsely believing that there is any good reason for it, that is the problem. I mean the actual action is not really the problem, but it is the confusion and stupid nonsense ideas that influence the action that are the real problem.

None of that shit is feminine, and it all has absolutely nothing to do with what a feminine energy current is. Feminine energies are the magnetic energies, when masculine energies are the electric energies. Feminine energies are contracting, and masculine energies are expanding. Feminine psychic energies lead to sensitivity and being able to feel the interactions between different energy currents, and masculine psychic energies lead to holding within you large amounts of power, and being able to project your own energy currents into the world. Intuition is one of the world's greatest strengths, and this is a pure feminine energy. These are just quick examples, and as somebody has their own spiritual experiences he will understand this better. But these are what a feminine energy actually are.

So wearing high heal shoes, dresses, makeup, wigs, other weird shit, it can not be said strongly enough about how these things have absolutely nothing to do with any kind of feminine energy or any kind of spirituality. These are the jew's replacement for spirituality after they have burnt our libraries and erased our history. When they see us trying to understand ourselves, this is the shit they try to give to us as a replacement to distract us. Then they laugh at us for being retarded and falling for the ridiculous hoax.

And about high heal shoes and makeup, I think that these things are just harmful and stupid in general regardless of which of the 2 genders somebody is. I am always feeling disappointed when I see a beautiful woman covered up by makeup, because the only thing it does is cover up and hide how beautiful she already is. It is like blocking out the sun. It is like covering up a goddess with a wooden mask. It's just sad. And if a woman is not much beautiful, the makeup is still not doing anything to help her. It is obvious that she is purposefully trying to hide and cover herself. The only thing I see makeup being helpful for is if somebody has a real medical problem, like if a burn victim wants to cover that up and look more like everyone else. Like a prosthetic. It would be useful and helpful for this.

And high heal shoes are the worst. They do horrible and permanent damage to the person's feet which hill hurt and harm her for the rest of her life. When she is young she can ignore this pain, but when she is old will she even be able to walk? The entire structure of the feet changes. Bones move to different places. Tendons and ligaments stretch and move and maybe tear. Muscles are atrophied and destroyed in some places, and are overly stressed in other places. It is a crime against humanity that these harmful shoes are promoted to be popular. And mostly I think that the biggest problem is safety. These shoes do not allow a woman to run away if she has to. What if she is in danger? And with those shoes on, she is just like a deer on the pavement. Barely able to walk and completely unable to run. The only way I could ever agree with this is if she also has a gun to protect herself with, and has a lot of training to be able to effectively use it. And is completely sober.

So how would these strange things have any spiritual benefit to a man? They have no benefit to a woman either. These things have no relation to nature, and no relation to anyone's soul.

This was really insightful. Hail satan
Ol argedco luciftias said:
If somebody starts from the point of wanting to imitate a woman in looks or in behaviour, the certain result is he is basically going to turn himself into some circus clown or freak. There is no possible good result from this, because it is not even starting from a goal or an intention that is good. If the person wants to have more feminine energy to his soul, these actions will accomplish zero of this goal. It is entirely unrelated. And the worst thing about it that makes him the most of a freak, is that he does not do any of these things because he genuinely wants to. The reason he does these things is from the idea that it is a requirement on the way to another goal. For an example, if a man wants to have long hair because he likes it that way, I have full respect and support for this. If a man does not like his hair to be long, but he does it anyway because he is trying to have more feminine energy in his soul and he thinks the long hair will accomplish that, then he is a freak and I don't respect him. I guess I should say that my definition of a freak would be somebody who has no connection to reality, and is self-harmful because of this confusion. It would be harmful for the 2nd guy to have long hair because that is the opposite of what he actually wants and he is only doing it for some confused and ridiculous reason.

This example of hair is pretty dumb, but you can apply this to anything that people do to purposefully try to "be" more feminine. But there is nothing feminine about this, it is only a clown doing clown things. He is not "being" anything, and the only thing he is doing is suppressing and hating his own self and trying to force himself to fit some unrealistic image. And the worst part is it accomplishes nothing, and it is all for no reason.

You are not going to become a god by wearing high heal shoes. You are not going to become a god by covering your face with clown makeup. You are not going to become a god by wearing a dress. All of these things are just retarded, with no basis in nature. It is for no good reason. If you wear high heal shoes because you think they are comfortable, and high quality, and they really are your favorite shoes, then there is nothing wrong with this. If a man wears a dress because it is comfortable and he actually likes it, it is unusual but there is nothing wrong with it. But doing it because of falsely believing that there is any good reason for it, that is the problem. I mean the actual action is not really the problem, but it is the confusion and stupid nonsense ideas that influence the action that are the real problem.

None of that shit is feminine, and it all has absolutely nothing to do with what a feminine energy current is. Feminine energies are the magnetic energies, when masculine energies are the electric energies. Feminine energies are contracting, and masculine energies are expanding. Feminine psychic energies lead to sensitivity and being able to feel the interactions between different energy currents, and masculine psychic energies lead to holding within you large amounts of power, and being able to project your own energy currents into the world. Intuition is one of the world's greatest strengths, and this is a pure feminine energy. These are just quick examples, and as somebody has their own spiritual experiences he will understand this better. But these are what a feminine energy actually are.

So wearing high heal shoes, dresses, makeup, wigs, other weird shit, it can not be said strongly enough about how these things have absolutely nothing to do with any kind of feminine energy or any kind of spirituality. These are the jew's replacement for spirituality after they have burnt our libraries and erased our history. When they see us trying to understand ourselves, this is the shit they try to give to us as a replacement to distract us. Then they laugh at us for being retarded and falling for the ridiculous hoax.

And about high heal shoes and makeup, I think that these things are just harmful and stupid in general regardless of which of the 2 genders somebody is. I am always feeling disappointed when I see a beautiful woman covered up by makeup, because the only thing it does is cover up and hide how beautiful she already is. It is like blocking out the sun. It is like covering up a goddess with a wooden mask. It's just sad. And if a woman is not much beautiful, the makeup is still not doing anything to help her. It is obvious that she is purposefully trying to hide and cover herself. The only thing I see makeup being helpful for is if somebody has a real medical problem, like if a burn victim wants to cover that up and look more like everyone else. Like a prosthetic. It would be useful and helpful for this.

And high heal shoes are the worst. They do horrible and permanent damage to the person's feet which hill hurt and harm her for the rest of her life. When she is young she can ignore this pain, but when she is old will she even be able to walk? The entire structure of the feet changes. Bones move to different places. Tendons and ligaments stretch and move and maybe tear. Muscles are atrophied and destroyed in some places, and are overly stressed in other places. It is a crime against humanity that these harmful shoes are promoted to be popular. And mostly I think that the biggest problem is safety. These shoes do not allow a woman to run away if she has to. What if she is in danger? And with those shoes on, she is just like a deer on the pavement. Barely able to walk and completely unable to run. The only way I could ever agree with this is if she also has a gun to protect herself with, and has a lot of training to be able to effectively use it. And is completely sober.

So how would these strange things have any spiritual benefit to a man? They have no benefit to a woman either. These things have no relation to nature, and no relation to anyone's soul.

Conversely, having an aversion to things like long hair because one thinks it is "only for girls" and because one doesn't want to "be a girl" acts to suppress and reject the feminine side of the soul. Like you said, these things are neutral and have nothing to do with "being a boy" or "being a girl" so applying a gender charge to things like hair, makeup, etc... is just causing problems psychologically and even spiritually. Both males and females can dress, style, and look however they want, and this has nothing to do with their gender or gender identity. It's a foolish trick upon the self to associate those things with gender. Males and females historically have worn makeup so it's not gender exclusive, and like I already pointed out, high heels used to be gender exclusive for males which was also stupid.

Couldn't agree more about high heels. They also cause the spine to be misaligned (as do heeled shoes in general). They have no rightful place in the fashion world, IMO, and I think they should be done away with entirely in the marketing sphere (which jews control, go figure).

I disagree with some of your comments about makeup. Not everyone does it out of insecurity. It can be a form of art, and you can find or create makeup without harmful chemicals. If you think about it, every human face is like a blank clay canvas with the same universal features - when you apply makeup, you can create your own unique face which is a lot of fun and is a form of self expression. You reduce the parts that you don't want to show while highlighting the parts that you do want to show. It's kind of like the moon which shows a different face to us every night with different amounts of light and shadow (being poetic here). Even people with beautiful faces who aren't at all ashamed of any part of their face still enjoy makeup. You can be disappointed in them if you want, but that's only your own opinion and perspective, and a lot of people would feel really insulted if you expressed that opinion to them when they don't have insecurity issues at all.

As for wanting to "look like a woman," well, for me personally it's mostly a matter of being dissatisfied with male clothing options which I find dull, boring, unvaried, unattractive, grey, and lifeless - all of which I don't want to feel like. I absolutely resent what male fashion has become in this age, and I passionately rebel against it. I seek to create my own style that satisfies me and feels good for me. None of this has anything to do with a misguided effort to seek the feminine, nor to engage in spiritual bypassing - not for me anyway. I just really, really hate male clothing. I hate how it looks, and I hate how it feels. If you look at most male clothing styles, all it does is conform to the shape of the human body directly. The leg wear is shaped exactly like legs, the sleeves are shaped exactly like arms, the torso piece is exactly like the torso, and all of it is squared... an ugly, plain, unvaried square shaping. Female clothing by contrast is cut in all manners of fun, interesting shapes and styles. Male clothing is far too pragmatic. This stupid male craving for efficiency simply becomes laziness after a point, and I hate it. I want fun! Fuck efficiency. I also hate the colors... drab and unexciting. Just like most males themselves these days. Work work work until all the life is sucked out of you, and you've forgotten everything about being a fun loving boy let alone being a colorful human being.
I hear people have a distaste for killer clowns...

Ol argedco luciftias said:
If somebody starts from the point of wanting to imitate a woman in looks or in behaviour, the certain result is he is basically going to turn himself into some circus clown or freak. There is no possible good result from this, because it is not even starting from a goal or an intention that is good. If the person wants to have more feminine energy to his soul, these actions will accomplish zero of this goal. It is entirely unrelated. And the worst thing about it that makes him the most of a freak, is that he does not do any of these things because he genuinely wants to. The reason he does these things is from the idea that it is a requirement on the way to another goal. For an example, if a man wants to have long hair because he likes it that way, I have full respect and support for this. If a man does not like his hair to be long, but he does it anyway because he is trying to have more feminine energy in his soul and he thinks the long hair will accomplish that, then he is a freak and I don't respect him. I guess I should say that my definition of a freak would be somebody who has no connection to reality, and is self-harmful because of this confusion. It would be harmful for the 2nd guy to have long hair because that is the opposite of what he actually wants and he is only doing it for some confused and ridiculous reason.

This example of hair is pretty dumb, but you can apply this to anything that people do to purposefully try to "be" more feminine. But there is nothing feminine about this, it is only a clown doing clown things. He is not "being" anything, and the only thing he is doing is suppressing and hating his own self and trying to force himself to fit some unrealistic image. And the worst part is it accomplishes nothing, and it is all for no reason.

You are not going to become a god by wearing high heal shoes. You are not going to become a god by covering your face with clown makeup. You are not going to become a god by wearing a dress. All of these things are just retarded, with no basis in nature. It is for no good reason. If you wear high heal shoes because you think they are comfortable, and high quality, and they really are your favorite shoes, then there is nothing wrong with this. If a man wears a dress because it is comfortable and he actually likes it, it is unusual but there is nothing wrong with it. But doing it because of falsely believing that there is any good reason for it, that is the problem. I mean the actual action is not really the problem, but it is the confusion and stupid nonsense ideas that influence the action that are the real problem.

None of that shit is feminine, and it all has absolutely nothing to do with what a feminine energy current is. Feminine energies are the magnetic energies, when masculine energies are the electric energies. Feminine energies are contracting, and masculine energies are expanding. Feminine psychic energies lead to sensitivity and being able to feel the interactions between different energy currents, and masculine psychic energies lead to holding within you large amounts of power, and being able to project your own energy currents into the world. Intuition is one of the world's greatest strengths, and this is a pure feminine energy. These are just quick examples, and as somebody has their own spiritual experiences he will understand this better. But these are what a feminine energy actually are.

So wearing high heal shoes, dresses, makeup, wigs, other weird shit, it can not be said strongly enough about how these things have absolutely nothing to do with any kind of feminine energy or any kind of spirituality. These are the jew's replacement for spirituality after they have burnt our libraries and erased our history. When they see us trying to understand ourselves, this is the shit they try to give to us as a replacement to distract us. Then they laugh at us for being retarded and falling for the ridiculous hoax.

And about high heal shoes and makeup, I think that these things are just harmful and stupid in general regardless of which of the 2 genders somebody is. I am always feeling disappointed when I see a beautiful woman covered up by makeup, because the only thing it does is cover up and hide how beautiful she already is. It is like blocking out the sun. It is like covering up a goddess with a wooden mask. It's just sad. And if a woman is not much beautiful, the makeup is still not doing anything to help her. It is obvious that she is purposefully trying to hide and cover herself. The only thing I see makeup being helpful for is if somebody has a real medical problem, like if a burn victim wants to cover that up and look more like everyone else. Like a prosthetic. It would be useful and helpful for this.

And high heal shoes are the worst. They do horrible and permanent damage to the person's feet which hill hurt and harm her for the rest of her life. When she is young she can ignore this pain, but when she is old will she even be able to walk? The entire structure of the feet changes. Bones move to different places. Tendons and ligaments stretch and move and maybe tear. Muscles are atrophied and destroyed in some places, and are overly stressed in other places. It is a crime against humanity that these harmful shoes are promoted to be popular. And mostly I think that the biggest problem is safety. These shoes do not allow a woman to run away if she has to. What if she is in danger? And with those shoes on, she is just like a deer on the pavement. Barely able to walk and completely unable to run. The only way I could ever agree with this is if she also has a gun to protect herself with, and has a lot of training to be able to effectively use it. And is completely sober.

So how would these strange things have any spiritual benefit to a man? They have no benefit to a woman either. These things have no relation to nature, and no relation to anyone's soul.

It's like what I tried explaining to Jack. It's how something is used, not what it is. If you use makeup in a creative way like playing with colors and designs around the eyes to suit the outfit you're wearing, that would be a form of feminine expression and tapping into the creative mind. Using makeup in such a way draws the eye of others to look at your face as well. That's a trick people should try to learn when you're figuring out how to dress yourself - where do you want people's attention to be drawn to most? Wherever you want people to focus, you make it stand out in some way while neutralizing the other areas, and create a balance between highlights of color and neutrals. An outfit for all intents and purposes is effectively wearable art. The more harmonious the art with your body is, the better it's going to look on you.

Men can wear dresses perfectly well IF they wear a dress that is meant for their body and suits their features, while balancing the rest of the outfit. Unfortunately, males wanting to break the social restrictions with these things often end up wearing a dress that was made for a woman's body and features, with no understanding of how to balance the outfit, and it makes them look quite ridiculous. That's where you get your clown situation.

These are just a couple other areas where a lot of people go wrong in approaching clothing or makeup, and breaking social restrictions.
tabby said:
If you use makeup in a creative way like playing with colors and designs around the eyes to suit the outfit you're wearing, that would be a form of feminine expression and tapping into the creative mind.

I might be misunderstanding what you are saying with this, but this looks like the entire point that I am disagreeing with. It does not have any connection to spirituality or feminine psychic energy currents to put some paint on your face.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
None of that shit is feminine, and it all has absolutely nothing to do with what a feminine energy current is. Feminine energies are the magnetic energies, when masculine energies are the electric energies. Feminine energies are contracting, and masculine energies are expanding. Feminine psychic energies lead to sensitivity and being able to feel the interactions between different energy currents, and masculine psychic energies lead to holding within you large amounts of power, and being able to project your own energy currents into the world. Intuition is one of the world's greatest strengths, and this is a pure feminine energy. These are just quick examples, and as somebody has their own spiritual experiences he will understand this better. But these are what a feminine energy actually are.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
