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Improving As A Man

This is very powerful, thank HP for your instructions.

What is also unusual is that this is not the first time I have noticed some synchronization of events and various inspirations in my life and the sermons that come out.

The theme of being a man (perhaps due to the fact that Mars and the Sun are in Scorpio now) is indeed extremely important especially in connection with the brainwashed culture of the so-called “Generation Z” in this regard.

We must be examples for others and, most of all, the best version of ourselves in this regard.

In my opinion, you can’t just “become a man” once and continue to be in this status, justifying any of your very weak actions. In my understanding this is something like a knighthood, you can lose your title if you are too cowardly and obsessed.

Ultimately we must find the manifestation of our own Mars in the natal chart in its best sense and position, this will be the source of being a man from within.
Aquarius said:
Your problem is you compare yourself to others.

Yes, I have always been inspired by others.
And although it falters at times, I have always had great self-confidence.
I have always known I have great potential within.

As a child you have no choice but to compare yourself to others.
You cannot go out and get a job or purchase some cheeseburgers.
But you see other guys doing it.
I did not have a Father, so I needed those comparisons to build myself into a Man.

And you notice some patterns about reality.
You notice, if you work hard and you become strong like those Men whom you compared yourself to.
You will also, attract the same affects within your life.

I am inspired to develop my own Personality, Cultural Aesthetic, Style.
But if I choose to create a personality like a Bronie, because I did not take a moment to compare myself to them.
I would have failed miserably at life.

But, yes, I agree, there can and have been extreme negative implications within my own life.
It has caused great introspection into who I am, where I am headed on my current path.
What changes I can make to remove the things I dislike about others from myself.

The importance of amiable traits.
And even has allowed me to understand how the Gods smile upon admirable and honorable individuals.

The reality is, I do care about what other people think.
What other people think about me, is important and has an extreme impact on my life.
Sure, I could use meditation to become a sociopath.

But of what benefit is that to my family and community.
What benefit is that to my SS Siblings?
Bravera said:
Aquarius said:
Your problem is you compare yourself to others.

Yes, I have always been inspired by others.
And although it falters at times, I have always had great self-confidence.
I have always known I have great potential within.

As a child you have no choice but to compare yourself to others.

The reality is, I do care about what other people think.
What other people think about me, is important and has an extreme impact on my life.
Sure, I could use meditation to become a sociopath.

But of what benefit is that to my family and community.
What benefit is that to my SS Siblings?

Inspiration and comparison are different things.
Inspiration instills action, it gives one positive outlook and instills the seed of growth towards goals in life after seeing the living example of admirable success in other people.

Comparison is idle talk, doesn't lead anywhere, will either leave you with false confidence or with no self esteem because others are better or you are better than others in your mind. Comparison doesn't have much purpose. You are yourself, not someone else.

You need only compare to yourself and see what you have improved on or what you have slackened on.

Caring on what others think to an extent is very healthy empathic behavior, however one must never let the thoughts of others dictate ones own life. One must also question whose thoughts are relevant and whose aren't.

It doesn't matter what 99% of people think about you. What does matter is that you walk a high and respectable path in your life that can bring inspiration to others and that inspires yourself.

A high path is one of action, growth and high ethical values, where one believes in themselves and their chosen path because of present wisdom and understanding that one knows with certainty the respectable nature of the life you choose to live and things you strife for, which is opposite of sociopathy entirely.

This is something that needs to develop continuously alongside yourself.

Being inspired by the living examples of other people is helpful in this sense. Especially being inspired by the Gods.

Comparing to others doesn't do anything to further this however.

What helps you make better choices than a brony, is wisdom and knowledge of life, not idle comparison, as to even begin to compare you require understanding on what is right or false in life, which if you already have that sense in you, then it gives one nothing to compare anyway as you already have the understanding in mind.

Children compare because they do not know anything yet, they are of simpler mind and are in the process of understanding things which they learn by comparison in many cases.

After a point, both the need and the usefulness for comparison ceases.

A child may determine the age of a person based on height, because they compare their siblings and peers based on their height, thus a child may think a short adult is just a little bit older child than themselves, since their concept of age has been based on the comparison of height between people (babies are small, my father is big, my sister is bigger than me and she is older, so being bigger is older).

It is a method used by simpler minds to try and make sense of the world around them, but it is flawed and meaningless in the hands of a wise person.
Bravera said:
Aquarius said:
Your problem is you compare yourself to others.

Yes, I have always been inspired by others.
And although it falters at times, I have always had great self-confidence.
I have always known I have great potential within.

As a child you have no choice but to compare yourself to others.
You cannot go out and get a job or purchase some cheeseburgers.
But you see other guys doing it.
I did not have a Father, so I needed those comparisons to build myself into a Man.

And you notice some patterns about reality.
You notice, if you work hard and you become strong like those Men whom you compared yourself to.
You will also, attract the same affects within your life.

I am inspired to develop my own Personality, Cultural Aesthetic, Style.
But if I choose to create a personality like a Bronie, because I did not take a moment to compare myself to them.
I would have failed miserably at life.

But, yes, I agree, there can and have been extreme negative implications within my own life.
It has caused great introspection into who I am, where I am headed on my current path.
What changes I can make to remove the things I dislike about others from myself.

The importance of amiable traits.
And even has allowed me to understand how the Gods smile upon admirable and honorable individuals.

The reality is, I do care about what other people think.
What other people think about me, is important and has an extreme impact on my life.
Sure, I could use meditation to become a sociopath.

But of what benefit is that to my family and community.
What benefit is that to my SS Siblings?
There is a difference between comparing yourself to others and being inspired by others. Also there is a fine line between caring about what others think and "caring too much", with the latter you come off as desperate, with the first you will be happy being your own person and not caring too
much about what others think. Caring too much about what others think about you will strain your mental freedom.
I came across this video on the Winter solstice, Satan's holiday, and this guy REALLY speaks the truth about the modern world and the issues of men, women and pretty much society in general. For SS having grown up with the absence of a parental male figure, or having lacked enough attention, I highly recommend watching this video.

Disclaimer, his videos are oriented toward the male audience and speaks a bit harsh at times in regard to women. But the truth is that the enemy agenda has shifted society in favor of women, it's just reality. Also, this guy has been demonized by youtube and had many videos deleted, so trust me when I say he really speaks for his values.

The GREATEST Masculine Advice Your Father NEVER Gave You

8 Life Lessons Every Man NEEDS - The Art Of War ( Sun Tzu )

7 POWERFUL Masculine Traits for SUCCESS in Life

NOFAP Makes You BETTER Than 99% Of Men

In this world, there is a scarcity of masculine men and actual male role models. There are too many who submit under pressure to the woke agenda and can't grow a pair to stand for their values.
Thank you, High Priest Hooded Cobra!
HP Hooded Cobra pay attention to neither blonde hair nor blue eyes. Put a black bag over the head of each individual albino that neither has blonde hair nor blue eyes yet not even White Gentile skin. Then use both guns and bombs to finish the holocaust against each individual albino as in like while neither paying attention to the hair nor eyes of the person with a black over their head.
Samkara said:
I came across this video on the Winter solstice, Satan's holiday, and this guy REALLY speaks the truth about the modern world and the issues of men, women and pretty much society in general. For SS having grown up with the absence of a parental male figure, or having lacked enough attention, I highly recommend watching this video.

Disclaimer, his videos are oriented toward the male audience and speaks a bit harsh at times in regard to women. But the truth is that the enemy agenda has shifted society in favor of women, it's just reality. Also, this guy has been demonized by youtube and had many videos deleted, so trust me when I say he really speaks for his values.

The GREATEST Masculine Advice Your Father NEVER Gave You

8 Life Lessons Every Man NEEDS - The Art Of War ( Sun Tzu )

7 POWERFUL Masculine Traits for SUCCESS in Life

NOFAP Makes You BETTER Than 99% Of Men

In this world, there is a scarcity of masculine men and actual male role models. There are too many who submit under pressure to the woke agenda and can't grow a pair to stand for their values.
Viewers: see this thread.
Stormblood said:
VoiceofEnki said:
Bravera said:

It doesn't matter how big your beard is, how much you can lift, how tall you are or how deep your voice is.

What makes you a man is not how you look, but how you act and what you do.

Agreed. Looks are just a consequence of taking proper care of your body. Certainly, looking like Arnold is not very wise in the path of Satanism :lol:

I also agree, and I know that I am probably not the right one to say this on this topic.. but considering the many posts (topics) that have been made in the past about how one should look or in general should be ... and telling others how they should be.. has for some reason always made me cringe.

It isn't about appearance or looks alone, it is also about the substance.. Don't be someone that you are absolutely not, but improve on what is suited for you to improve on.

Hp HC, this is a well written sermon, thank you, interesting to read.
Centring in your own Consciousness into the Absolute , that's what evolution is. The Inner Sky Centre (Swastika) of Sun God Consciousness in your head. That's the message of the Pyramid. Centre in your own Consciousness. Unfolding the inner Sun God Divinity within ,into your individual being. So we are both are and becoming. That's the paradox. It's duality without separation from Sun God Consciousness, immanent in everything ,rooted in the Transcendent reality ,the starting point , which is ,timeless ,formless and spaceless (that's why it's a single point), beyond Consciousness. The Black Sun ,where all duality ends and it's just God . The peak of the Pyramid. Withdrawing
Awareness into This (Black Sun) , within, is the Yoga. This the Kundalini rising to the crown chakra. One Transcends time , space and is permanently centred in Sun God Consciousness. This is what ends the karmic cycle on Earth. Karma is still generated but it's quickly resolved. As one is centred in Sun God Consciousness. There's still more unfoldment of the soul body which is always steeped in ,Sun God Consciousness Eternal Now. That's why they call it the sheath of bliss. Being Centered in Sun God Consciousness means one easily goes into the Absolute and out,this eventually turns the soul body into Gold ,like the Sun God Consciousness immanent that upholds and sustains it. Aum Narayana meaning Eternal Sustainer. The spirit of anything from the Greatest Mahadevas to asuric entities, animals ,insects , objects and so on ,is created by Sun God Consciousness considered feminine ,the yoni,withdraws into the Absolute,this creates a centre (Swastika). Then it's spiraled from the Absolute centre considered the male ,the Linga. The spirit form or body is formed in Sun God Consciousness,and corresponding bodies are the then spiraled into the Astral and then physical realms. So you see soul, world creation is never separate from Infinity,infact it's impossible. So it makes sense that to evolve soul and the corresponding bodies,you withdraw into the Source and come out more of an evolved being. It's duality without separation. The Kundalini is asleep, so it means Awareness is entangled in mind ,body. That's Astral , Physical. This is the intellectual (Astral), instinctive (physical body) mind. Obscuring the soul body , which is your true individual being ,in the Eternal Now. This is the body , that keeps reincarnating. Race is actually Astral, Physical / intellectual , instinctive mind. The soul body is image of Atma and is above this. Even with the Gods ,you will see their Astral form but their soul bodies are Golden. (Species are actually created in the Astral.)
Them being Gods is based on this. Their soul body maturity being Golden. It's Monistic Theism, meaning it's God and Gods. The infinite , uncreated ever a mystery doing the five main acts of creation, preservation, dissolution , obscuration and redemption. In immanent Sun God Consciousness, cannot spiral spirit beings from itself without It being a Being Itself also. This is intrinsic in everyone and cannot be denied,even if one denies this in their intellectual ego. But the soul body of everyone knows this. The knowing of the soul body often conflicts with the thinking of the intellectual ego in the Astral. To say it's just God and no Gods is wrong like the Abrahamic Faiths do. But also to say it's just Gods and no God is also wrong. It's Monistic Theism ,God and Gods. They are no Gods without God the uncreated Essence. No individual nature whatever it maybe is independent of Atma. It's the intellectual ego in the Astral that makes one think they are independent of the Atma , in man in this Yuga it often prevents one from being in Sun God Consciousness. The intellectual ego has to be submitted to Sun God Consciousness WITHIN. The Yoga , i.e. Kundalini rising simply won't happen without this.
Everyone is being Centered in their own self created karmic patterns. You go off Centre ,you suffer ,you Centre you evolve suffering is mitigated. What initiation does is that one starts Consciously Centering,so they accelerate their own Evolution. No one can do this work for you,and people will come to it when they are ready. The Union with Atma ,is already there,we are just trying to Realize the highest state of this Union,which is beyond Consciousness,into the Absolute the peak of the Pyramid ,where all duality ends. Pure Consciousness , Existence itself is Eternal Uncreated. People are identifying this as the physical body,all the problems in the world are coming from this. This is what makes people fear. In Consciousness it's God , Gods ,souls , worlds , duality without separation. In the Absolute ,Black Sun it's just God.
The Atma and Centre (Swastika) of It never moves,never changes. So there is nothing wrong. All actions , phenomenon are based on IT.
The Centre of Sun God Consciousness is linked to the crown chakra and the pituitary gland in the brain. Not the pineal gland ,which is linked to the Third Eye. The location of the pituitary gland is on the upper left ear and a bit forward,the pineal gland is often felt on the right upper ear a bit forward. The Pituitary gland has to be first stimulated,which in turn stimulates the pineal gland below it. When the secretions of these two glands form a complete circle (Ourobous, snake devouring itself) ,a Thunderbolt is generated from the peak crown chakra , descending down the spine and Kundalini is fully awakened and rises.
Being still in lotus pose or stilling the physical body tames or centres the Ida channel linked to instinctive, emotions and is feminine ,into the Sushammna middle channel. Thinking on the Still Atma Sun God Consciousness WITHIN,tames or centres the Pingala channel linked to mental, intellectual ,activity and is male, into the Sushammna middle channel. This is the actual Kundalini Yoga. It's called Raja Yoga it's very powerful. One has to be a devotee of Satan/Murugan to be successful in this.
Centring in your own Consciousness into the Absolute , that's what evolution is. The Inner Sky Centre (Swastika) of Sun God Consciousness in your head. That's the message of the Pyramid. Centre in your own Consciousness. Unfolding the inner Sun God Divinity within ,into your individual being. So we are both are and becoming. That's the paradox. It's duality without separation from Sun God Consciousness, immanent in everything ,rooted in the Transcendent reality ,the starting point , which is ,timeless ,formless and spaceless (that's why it's a single point), beyond Consciousness. The Black Sun ,where all duality ends and it's just God . The peak of the Pyramid. Withdrawing
Awareness into This (Black Sun) , within, is the Yoga. This the Kundalini rising to the crown chakra. One Transcends time , space and is permanently centred in Sun God Consciousness. This is what ends the karmic cycle on Earth. Karma is still generated but it's quickly resolved. As one is centred in Sun God Consciousness. There's still more unfoldment of the soul body which is always steeped in ,Sun God Consciousness Eternal Now. That's why they call it the sheath of bliss. Being Centered in Sun God Consciousness means one easily goes into the Absolute and out,this eventually turns the soul body into Gold ,like the Sun God Consciousness immanent that upholds and sustains it. Aum Narayana meaning Eternal Sustainer. The spirit of anything from the Greatest Mahadevas to asuric entities, animals ,insects , objects and so on ,is created by Sun God Consciousness considered feminine ,the yoni,withdraws into the Absolute,this creates a centre (Swastika). Then it's spiraled from the Absolute centre considered the male ,the Linga. The spirit form or body is formed in Sun God Consciousness,and corresponding bodies are the then spiraled into the Astral and then physical realms. So you see soul, world creation is never separate from Infinity,infact it's impossible. So it makes sense that to evolve soul and the corresponding bodies,you withdraw into the Source and come out more of an evolved being. It's duality without separation. The Kundalini is asleep, so it means Awareness is entangled in mind ,body. That's Astral , Physical. This is the intellectual (Astral), instinctive (physical body) mind. Obscuring the soul body , which is your true individual being ,in the Eternal Now. This is the body , that keeps reincarnating. Race is actually Astral, Physical / intellectual , instinctive mind. The soul body is image of Atma and is above this. Even with the Gods ,you will see their Astral form but their soul bodies are Golden. (Species are actually created in the Astral.)
Them being Gods is based on this. Their soul body maturity being Golden. It's Monistic Theism, meaning it's God and Gods. The infinite , uncreated ever a mystery doing the five main acts of creation, preservation, dissolution , obscuration and redemption. In immanent Sun God Consciousness, cannot spiral spirit beings from itself without It being a Being Itself also. This is intrinsic in everyone and cannot be denied,even if one denies this in their intellectual ego. But the soul body of everyone knows this. The knowing of the soul body often conflicts with the thinking of the intellectual ego in the Astral. To say it's just God and no Gods is wrong like the Abrahamic Faiths do. But also to say it's just Gods and no God is also wrong. It's Monistic Theism ,God and Gods. They are no Gods without God the uncreated Essence. No individual nature whatever it maybe is independent of Atma. It's the intellectual ego in the Astral that makes one think they are independent of the Atma , in man in this Yuga it often prevents one from being in Sun God Consciousness. The intellectual ego has to be submitted to Sun God Consciousness WITHIN. The Yoga , i.e. Kundalini rising simply won't happen without this.
Everyone is being Centered in their own self created karmic patterns. You go off Centre ,you suffer ,you Centre you evolve suffering is mitigated. What initiation does is that one starts Consciously Centering,so they accelerate their own Evolution. No one can do this work for you,and people will come to it when they are ready. The Union with Atma ,is already there,we are just trying to Realize the highest state of this Union,which is beyond Consciousness,into the Absolute the peak of the Pyramid ,where all duality ends. Pure Consciousness , Existence itself is Eternal Uncreated. People are identifying this as the physical body,all the problems in the world are coming from this. This is what makes people fear. In Consciousness it's God , Gods ,souls , worlds , duality without separation. In the Absolute ,Black Sun it's just God.
The Atma and Centre (Swastika) of It never moves,never changes. So there is nothing wrong. All actions , phenomenon are based on IT.
The Centre of Sun God Consciousness is linked to the crown chakra and the pituitary gland in the brain. Not the pineal gland ,which is linked to the Third Eye. The location of the pituitary gland is on the upper left ear and a bit forward,the pineal gland is often felt on the right upper ear a bit forward. The Pituitary gland has to be first stimulated,which in turn stimulates the pineal gland below it. When the secretions of these two glands form a complete circle (Ourobous, snake devouring itself) ,a Thunderbolt is generated from the peak crown chakra , descending down the spine and Kundalini is fully awakened and rises.
Being still in lotus pose or stilling the physical body tames or centres the Ida channel linked to instinctive, emotions and is feminine ,into the Sushammna middle channel. Thinking on the Still Atma Sun God Consciousness WITHIN,tames or centres the Pingala channel linked to mental, intellectual ,activity and is male, into the Sushammna middle channel. This is the actual Kundalini Yoga. It's called Raja Yoga it's very powerful. One has to be a devotee of Satan/Murugan to be successful in this.
Hi all !

I discovered JoyOfSatan few weeks ago when one of you followed me on Gab. His bio promote your activities.
Curious, I've had a look on the joS web site and has been stupefied by such level of redpilling !
Congratulation to all High Priests for this huge work !
I uploaded the zip, read many articles and started the meditations.

Up to now, the best I knew on the esoteric plan was F Bardon but it's full of unusable data and Bernard de Montreal (conferences in french). All the rest is Jewified.
Jos provide all is required to start and is concrete and really efficient.

I admit to not be ready to write a word on paper addressed to the infernal sphere to started a kind of contract with an entity coming from a plan I cannot contact, up to few weeks ago, such action was foolishness for me and though YHWH, Saturn and Satan was the same guy.
Few hours ago, I read that the main god of the Gallic pantheon is Lug - the enlighten -, often represented with crow... another Lucifer/Wotan representation.
Yesterday, someone call me few minutes after I though to him about the idea I was in mind about him. Such things never append in my life.
At first, I must adapt my psyche, mental and so on. I know there is psychic people who speak to me, ones are good, other are bad and it's difficult to difference each other.

My knowledge :
  • Development and server management under Linux - my avatar is made with OpenScad, I can do many 3D stuff with that.
  • Music, my instrument is the piano since child. I know the solfa - but never play these times, no inspiration since few years.

I presented myself in the thread "Improving as a Man" because it's time to approach the life in this manner for me.

Hail Victory
Ælberiigor said:
Hi all !

I discovered JoyOfSatan few weeks ago when one of you followed me on Gab. His bio promote your activities.
Curious, I've had a look on the joS web site and has been stupefied by such level of redpilling !
Congratulation to all High Priests for this huge work !
I uploaded the zip, read many articles and started the meditations.

Up to now, the best I knew on the esoteric plan was F Bardon but it's full of unusable data and Bernard de Montreal (conferences in french). All the rest is Jewified.
Jos provide all is required to start and is concrete and really efficient.

I admit to not be ready to write a word on paper addressed to the infernal sphere to started a kind of contract with an entity coming from a plan I cannot contact, up to few weeks ago, such action was foolishness for me and though YHWH, Saturn and Satan was the same guy.
Few hours ago, I read that the main god of the Gallic pantheon is Lug - the enlighten -, often represented with crow... another Lucifer/Wotan representation.
Yesterday, someone call me few minutes after I though to him about the idea I was in mind about him. Such things never append in my life.
At first, I must adapt my psyche, mental and so on. I know there is psychic people who speak to me, ones are good, other are bad and it's difficult to difference each other.

My knowledge :
  • Development and server management under Linux - my avatar is made with OpenScad, I can do many 3D stuff with that.
  • Music, my instrument is the piano since child. I know the solfa - but never play these times, no inspiration since few years.

I presented myself in the thread "Improving as a Man" because it's time to approach the life in this manner for me.

Hail Victory
It trully is life changing once you encounter all of counter facts provided by the joyofsatan. When I came across the website in 2013 this was before the internet exploded with anti jewish sentiment. So the information provided by the JOS on the jews was even more groundbreaking.
tandt said:
Your signature touches me deeply

i experienced rock bottom early on with intensity in my life, to the point of trying to kill myself 3 times, and apart from the circle of self-destruction and strong problems in important areas for a human to have sanity and live well.

all this during the commitment to satan.

my body technically could fail, mind, spirit, soul, everything.

but i was never left alone, never without support, never me and nature, action and consequence.

always with fatal things, even in the hypothesis that something is extremely certain to give a single result, the gods came with their direct intervention.

i am one of the most blessed individuals who, through 0 contributions at that point in history, had the grace of having many problems alleviated in my life and still receiving what was necessary in every way so that i could heal, put an end to all the misfortune in my soul and be free and have my spiritual self-sufficiency.

i still had a living demonstration of my place in the world, who i should be with, what to look for, what level i should reach, in an indefinite way, since it is up to me to advance to the maximum and i can change things.
(while i was in an absurd crisis, i literally felt on top of the world, end of 2021)

whenever possible i will tell people to build relationships with demons, cultivate them, put them actively in their lives, the greatest satanic blessing is being able to do yours yourself, but i think secondly, is receiving them.

there is no intimate relationship more valuable than that with a god.
nebu said:
tandt said:
Your signature touches me deeply

i experienced rock bottom early on with intensity in my life, to the point of trying to kill myself 3 times, and apart from the circle of self-destruction and strong problems in important areas for a human to have sanity and live well.

all this during the commitment to satan.

my body technically could fail, mind, spirit, soul, everything.

but i was never left alone, never without support, never me and nature, action and consequence.

always with fatal things, even in the hypothesis that something is extremely certain to give a single result, the gods came with their direct intervention.

i am one of the most blessed individuals who, through 0 contributions at that point in history, had the grace of having many problems alleviated in my life and still receiving what was necessary in every way so that i could heal, put an end to all the misfortune in my soul and be free and have my spiritual self-sufficiency.

i still had a living demonstration of my place in the world, who i should be with, what to look for, what level i should reach, in an indefinite way, since it is up to me to advance to the maximum and i can change things.
(while i was in an absurd crisis, i literally felt on top of the world, end of 2021)

whenever possible i will tell people to build relationships with demons, cultivate them, put them actively in their lives, the greatest satanic blessing is being able to do yours yourself, but i think secondly, is receiving them.

there is no intimate relationship more valuable than that with a god.

That’s very true, our Gods are always with us both in times of happiness and sorrow.
Thank you for sharing such a deeply touching story of your life and i am happy you made it through
May the Gods bless you

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
