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High heels, makeup, and masculinity

Aquarius said:
jrvan said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Also I thought this was a mens clothing/dressing topic? But its transforming into some kind of 'bashing this' & transgender debate ...

Par for the course.
I wish the few remaining problem children of the forums would hurry up and evolve past their problems so they stop dragging the rest of us down.

Either that, or Jack outlives his usefulness so he can be banned already.
You really wrote this?
Just a remainder that you have been the protagonist of most forum arguments since you arrived here.

While you make posts about cross dressing because you were never taught what masculinity is, Jack is giving good advice to people about growing and taking responsability. You don't like men who act like men, that is obvious, but now you have went to far as to want him to be banned for absolutely no reason at all.
You are a meak man honestly.

I'm guessing you didn't see what happened under the Psychic Vampirism thread less than a week ago then.

If cross dressing and "jack is so mighty and jrvan so lowly", is all you are taking from this thread then you are missing the entire point.
Aquarius said:
jrvan said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Also I thought this was a mens clothing/dressing topic? But its transforming into some kind of 'bashing this' & transgender debate ...

Par for the course.
I wish the few remaining problem children of the forums would hurry up and evolve past their problems so they stop dragging the rest of us down.

Either that, or Jack outlives his usefulness so he can be banned already.
You really wrote this?
Just a remainder that you have been the protagonist of most forum arguments since you arrived here.

While you make posts about cross dressing because you were never taught what masculinity is, Jack is giving good advice to people about growing and taking responsability. You don't like men who act like men, that is obvious, but now you have went to far as to want him to be banned for absolutely no reason at all.
You are a meak man honestly.

Well then how about you go fuck yourself Mr. Deuteragonist. You have no personal bone to pick with me. You're now resorting to the same exact lies and character attacks that you call arguments which your boy squad made. Same exact shit. Maybe get a megaphone and scream it at me 10 more times so I get the message clearly.

Let's run down the list:
Cross dressing
Not a real man
Can never compare to your perfect overlord Jack

GOT IT, BOSS! Thanks.

Anything new to say, Aquarius? Any fresh new lies and false accusations to throw in my face? Fucking dumbass. You don't know what weak is.
Jack said:
Also the earlier message wasn't intended to bash the person who are arsty or are involved in those areas.

What I have an issue with is these Free Associations being created between everything related to the material world and spirituality which is an actual Process.

Drawing ,Painting, singing or whatever it is that you're trying to do will not help you in the spiritual process one bit.

Your expression is your expression and that's fine but doing all these things is not going to open up your mind or your soul.

For example - A man wears makeup and a woman's dress (crossdressing). He's not going to suddenly or subsequently become intune with the energies of the soul and become proficient at it.

For example - A woman who is very emotional in nature if she wears a suit and tries to pretend to be a man in the mirror, she's not suddenly or subsequently going to become more logical.

For Example - Dancing, Singing, Painting etc are not going to allow you to connect deeper into your soul in any way.

These are all self expressions due to Astrology. And everyone's self expression is different. You can do whatever you want but it has nothing to do with the Spiritual Process.

In order to master the Feminine (Shakti - Energy) you have to sit in trance and absorb an energy source (preferably the sun) and learn to direct it. Or generate energy and direct it. Or ruminate on shapes and colors that are representations of particular energies (Yantras) in trance.

For Example - I'm not an artsy person and ive never been involved in any kind of arts (drawing, stories, Dancing ,singing etc.) My personal Expression is in Political Theory, Organization, Categorization ,Patterns ,systems,Management etc. And I can direct and use energies on a level most people cannot ,including artists, musicians and who knows what.

In essence, stop confusing things with things that aren't related and focus on the important things.

There is such a thing called Life, commonly can be split into the 4 vocations/aims.

Kama, Artha, Dharma and Moksha. To achieve Moksha (Spiritual liberation through completing the Magnum Opus), the other 3 aims must also be fulfilled in accordance with ones soul.

Through the course of Life, one will have lifetimes where there is greater focus on one particular Aim over the others, either out of necessity or because of past life influence/hangups.

Kama is the aspect of life ruling desires and emotional needs, as well as the lack of these and fulfillment. These vary from person to person, but any person does have them whether they are aware of them or not. Just as how one must focus understanding and mastering their Dharma, IE, doing the "important things", one must also understand ones desires and find healthy ways to fulfill them in accordance to ones nature.

Some people are at stages of life where there is a greater need to focus on Kama, the joys of life, rather than Dharma or Artha. Understanding this and fulfilling this is equally important for ones personal development as focusing and mastering ones Dharma and Artha. Eventually balance can be achieved between all 3 aims, which allows one to attain Moksha in life.

My point is, do not look down on people living their joys and fulfilling their lives needs. It's true there's certain things which are simply harmful desires born from dross on the soul, or ignorance or due to the corruption of society, but that only counts for very few extreme things.

Sometimes one finds needs or desires within that the mind simply cannot let go. In those cases, the individual simply has to ask themselves where they come from and how to deal with these, and in some cases the best and only answer is to fulfill these. It can be a manifestation of ones Kama in life.

The liberated soul is able to live free and unrestrained, all aspects of life are in balance and none are neglected. They live in accordance with their nature, succeed in their Dharma, Kama and Artha. Their souls desires and emotional needs are fulfilled, same as their duty's and attainments.

A big part of mastering ones Shakti, is understanding ones Kama, and fulfilling it, so the desires are liberated. If one has deep seated unfulfilled needs and desires, these can block one from every realizing their spiritual needs and can prevent one from succeeding in their Dharma and Artha. How this manifests, and whether this is the case or not depends on the individual and what stage of life they are on at the present, the souls nature in the moment.

In many cases, one fulfilling their needs and desires can and does allow for spiritual liberation, and for many people is necessary to reach greater levels of attainment.

If one feels the need to sing, paint or create in other ways, they should do this, and true fulfillment and spiritual liberation can literally be obtained from this if this is related to ones Kama, which it will be if there is a strong desire for this. It is likely necessary even for the said person on the path of mastering their Moksha.

Many people may get stuck in Kama, and their Kama may degenerate due to dross, however in combination with spiritual practice from the JoS, one can liberate ones Kama and understand ones true desires, remove the dross which cause one to have degenerate or harmful needs and learn to fulfill themselves in healthy ways for their soul.

The way you look at this is too shallow, and too literal. The process behind this is deep and very important, and the examples you gave are more so present within the andrapoda level of existence. When one works on the Soul and comes to understand ones True Kama, these sorts of examples as you brought up will not manifest within a person, as a balance is obtained and the nature of ones needs are understood.

Perhaps you would also benefit from understanding your Kama, and learning how to fulfill it in a healthy and positive way.

Hail Satan!
Aquarius said:
You really wrote this?
Just a remainder that you have been the protagonist of most forum arguments since you arrived here.

While you make posts about cross dressing because you were never taught what masculinity is, Jack is giving good advice to people about growing and taking responsability. You don't like men who act like men, that is obvious, but now you have went to far as to want him to be banned for absolutely no reason at all.
You are a meak man honestly.

The reason for jack to be removed is years of extensive rabbi rants trying to control people's sex lives, blasphemous practically xian morality, psychotic ideas and subtle red propaganda. And there is a difference between giving advice and vehemently attempting to dictate to people how to live their lives on a very intimate and personal level.

This is what xian priests do. Condemn, threaten and insult people until they start living their lives the way they dictate. I didn't turn my back on xian priests and their bullshit just so jack could take their place. This dogshit has no place in Satanism and has no place in Joy of Satan.

jrvan has a bad habit of jumping into existing arguments and I've said this already. But then so do you. You jump in anytime someone says anything mean to jack like a martyr protecting a priest. The personality cult surrounding jack is fucking sick. You and others who worship this character need to get a grip on reality and wake up.

Real men don't obsess over other people's lives and try to control them on a personal level like wanna-be rabbi dictators. No man with a modicum of testosterone spends hours upon hours online writing extensive texts trying to convince random people that he is an alpha male and such bullshit. This is a sign of insecurity more than anything.
jrvan said:
Aquarius said:
jrvan said:
Par for the course.
I wish the few remaining problem children of the forums would hurry up and evolve past their problems so they stop dragging the rest of us down.

Either that, or Jack outlives his usefulness so he can be banned already.
You really wrote this?
Just a remainder that you have been the protagonist of most forum arguments since you arrived here.

While you make posts about cross dressing because you were never taught what masculinity is, Jack is giving good advice to people about growing and taking responsability. You don't like men who act like men, that is obvious, but now you have went to far as to want him to be banned for absolutely no reason at all.
You are a meak man honestly.

Well then how about you go fuck yourself Mr. Deuteragonist. You have no personal bone to pick with me. You're now resorting to the same exact lies and character attacks that you call arguments which your boy squad made. Same exact shit. Maybe get a megaphone and scream it at me 10 more times so I get the message clearly.

Let's run down the list:
Cross dressing
Not a real man
Can never compare to your perfect overlord Jack

GOT IT, BOSS! Thanks.

Anything new to say, Aquarius? Any fresh new lies and false accusations to throw in my face? Fucking dumbass. You don't know what weak is.
Perhaps I did see from shallow lenses, but for some reason I always see you in the drama threads, and that's ever since you arrived here. There could be more useful threads, instead the ones who get 100+ comments are either the transgender threads or the drama threads.
You also wished for jack to be banned, while claiming others are problem children, don't you think it's childish to want to ban someone just because you don't like him. Some of the things jack writes are very edgy, can't deny that, but many are also very useful.
Aquarius said:
jrvan said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Also I thought this was a mens clothing/dressing topic? But its transforming into some kind of 'bashing this' & transgender debate ...

Par for the course.
I wish the few remaining problem children of the forums would hurry up and evolve past their problems so they stop dragging the rest of us down.

Either that, or Jack outlives his usefulness so he can be banned already.
You really wrote this?
Just a remainder that you have been the protagonist of most forum arguments since you arrived here.

While you make posts about cross dressing because you were never taught what masculinity is, Jack is giving good advice to people about growing and taking responsability. You don't like men who act like men, that is obvious, but now you have went to far as to want him to be banned for absolutely no reason at all.
You are a meak man honestly.

Would you want to meet someone who is constantly downplaying you? Who is constantly insulting you, harassing you or otherwise being mean to you?

Who does not allow you to express yourself? Always. Because it does not conform to his 'views and opinions'.

There is something very morally wrong with that. And we want him gone because of it. It causes fights because we are not the sissies that are like 'you are right *weep weep* please teach us to be more like you' ...

We all have our own needs ands wants and these need to be respected. I do not take such a person that wants to be 'almightly' 'overlordly' or whatever kind of dictatorship like qualities it might show, as a friend, nor as a partner, nor as someone higher than me. I'd rather be the assasin and get rid of that kind of person entirely, than let someone like that loose and let it hurt yet another person and cause more issues than to turn the other cheek and just ignore it.

The above behavior, thats just narcissism.

If you don't understand this in the slightliest, I am done talking to you. And I would suggest that if you don't have anything useful to add, to leave this topic and shut up.
jrvan said:
Well then how about you go fuck yourself Mr. Deuteragonist. You have no personal bone to pick with me. You're now resorting to the same exact lies and character attacks that you call arguments which your boy squad made. Same exact shit. Maybe get a megaphone and scream it at me 10 more times so I get the message clearly.

Let's run down the list:
Cross dressing
Not a real man
Can never compare to your perfect overlord Jack

GOT IT, BOSS! Thanks.

Anything new to say, Aquarius? Any fresh new lies and false accusations to throw in my face? Fucking dumbass. You don't know what weak is.

jrvan you must replicate jack, the living paragon of masculinity, by writing at least 5 articles about masculinity/alpha male stuff in an attempt to validate your own masculinity online. Then you must purge all your emotion, and finally you must verbally degrade people online, but if someone does the same to you, block them and run away crying.

Only then will you become a real man...
Aquarius said:
Some of the things jack writes are very edgy, can't deny that, but many are also very useful.

Unlike many others, you cannot hide behind ignorance because you were here in the days where kikeson was polluting JoS. Many of the things kikeson wrote were very useful. He was booted anyway, rightfully so, also for preaching stupid shit that goes against Satanic values.

You look me in the eyes and tell me jack hasn't done the same. Kikeson too had a habit of scolding people for being "emotional", almost reprimanding them for being human. Go on, try to convince me that jack isn't doing the same.

Because jack has written many useful posts (I am not denying this), does not automatically absolve him of all the abhorrent psychotic and blasphemous shit he's posted. It's one thing to be edgy it's another to attempt to dismantle core values of Satanism and intruding into people's lives and dictating to them how to live, something the gods themselves don't do.

Satan tells us that we are free to follow the dictates of our own nature but you want to accept jack's crusade to oppose Satan's decision, and preach and dictate to everybody how to live their lives, how to be a man etc etc.

And if you do not conform to and accept his dictating of how you should live, he will insult you to no end until you do. Jack is not a Satanist. He sees spiritual knowledge as a tool to be hidden and used to enslave the masses as is confirmed by his passionate posts praising commie shitholes, and the thread where he said spiritual knowledge should be kept in the hands of a few.

I said this in my other thread. People who deny jack is a full blown traitor are fucking dreaming.
Dahaarkan said:
jrvan you must replicate jack, the living paragon of masculinity, by writing at least 5 articles about masculinity/alpha male stuff in an attempt to validate your own masculinity online. Then you must purge all your emotion, and finally you must verbally degrade people online, but if someone does the same to you, block them and run away crying.

Only then will you become a real man...

If he's a paragon then I'm a renegade (to manhood). ;)
Dahaarkan said:
Aquarius said:
Some of the things jack writes are very edgy, can't deny that, but many are also very useful.

Unlike many others, you cannot hide behind ignorance because you were here in the days where kikeson was polluting JoS. Many of the things kikeson wrote were very useful. He was booted anyway, rightfully so, also for preaching stupid shit that goes against Satanic values.

You look me in the eyes and tell me jack hasn't done the same. Kikeson too had a habit of scolding people for being "emotional", almost reprimanding them for being human. Go on, try to convince me that jack isn't doing the same.

Because jack has written many useful posts (I am not denying this), does not automatically absolve him of all the abhorrent psychotic and blasphemous shit he's posted. It's one thing to be edgy it's another to attempt to dismantle core values of Satanism and intruding into people's lives and dictating to them how to live, something the gods themselves don't do.

Satan tells us that we are free to follow the dictates of our own nature but you want to accept jack's crusade to oppose Satan's decision, and preach and dictate to everybody how to live their lives, how to be a man etc etc.

And if you do not conform to and accept his dictating of how you should live, he will insult you to no end until you do. Jack is not a Satanist. He sees spiritual knowledge as a tool to be hidden and used to enslave the masses as is confirmed by his passionate posts praising commie shitholes, and the thread where he said spiritual knowledge should be kept in the hands of a few.

I said this in my other thread. People who deny jack is a full blown traitor are fucking dreaming.
Well, the edgy kind of stuff I always skipped, let me go around his posts, I'll report later what I think.
Jack said:

That's far from how it works. From what you write, it seems to me that you misunderstand the connections between the various levels of being, and how the spiritual manifests into material, as well as how the material translates into the spiritual. To say that material actions cannot affect you on a spiritual level is completely wrong. In fact, you cannot advance spiritually to any substantial extent without advancing harmoniously in all areas of your life. The external affects the internal as much as the internal affects the external.

You cannot live inside your mind. You are giving a body because it's necessary to interact with others and the physical spheres in order to advance. Simple as that. Do not get too caught in middle-age writings and interpretations from people who never even raised their kundalini or reached any substantial level of advancement.

Even Lady Maxine talked about femininity, creativity and feminine self-expression, which were assaulted and repressed by the abrahamic programmes, leading to the suppression of the spiritual part of the soul. They are still assaulted. For example, look at architecture. Today's architecture is extremely ugly, unsightly. It's only functional but architecture is not meant to be only functional. It's meant to combine functionality (masculine) and artistry (feminine) into one. So, instead of using depressing grey and grey-fied colours for everything, colour should be used. Instead of using ugly saturnine shapes like parallelepipeds and cubes, they should think about other shapes with proper geometry. The Ancient understood this. Ancient Egyptian architecture looked amazing, Ancient Greek and Ancient Roman architecture are the most sought-after for their visual appeal, pagodas and other traditional Vedic architecture are amazing, traditional Japanese houses and temples look amazing too. All of the are also functional and withstood the test of time far longer than any modern buildings. Many of them can also withstand natural catastrophes easily, while modern architecture collapses easily, wears down, gets mouldy, etc.

VoE also explained some other things pretty well.

jrvan said:
If he's a paragon then I'm a renegade (to manhood). ;)
Playing too much Mass Effect?
Aquarius said:
Well, the edgy kind of stuff I always skipped, let me go around his posts, I'll report later what I think.


This is his most damning thread. The highlighted post includes near the end how he praises the way jews hide and handle spiritual knowledge, and goes on to elaborate that this should be applied to Satanism, and Satan's knowledge should be withheld and hidden, and given only to a select few.

Jack should have been permanently banned on the spot for this post alone. Going forward, countless posts exist of jack dictating to people how to live their lives as has been said repeatedly. Which is behavior that contradicts Satan's decision to permit us to follow the dictates of our own nature. This is blasphemy.


And culminating in the recent posts where he subtly praises and defends communist powers such as CCP, in his own words the only issue he has with china is their "trade deals", not the inhuman social credit shit this government practices. He even said in a more recent discussion the CCP doesn't need to be overthrown. Confirms to anyone with eyes the kind of person jack is, and what his ambitions are.

A communist slave state where he keeps all spiritual knowledge to himself and uses it to enslave the masses. Jack is not a Satanist. Jack is a wanna-be rabbi dictator.

A person who praises jews and communist governments and the way they handle things has no place here. To add insult to injury he is also toxic as fuck and is constantly degrading other members with unwanted and unhelpful criticisms.

Jack needs to be banned not because he's mean to some members but because he has a history of posting treason and heresy. And he's not improving in this regard no matter how many years go by.
Stormblood said:

Also, astrology may overcome after a point (mo), but that doesn't mean they don't still rule certain energies and their expression. Mars and Sun things will always be regarded as masculine because they are, Venus and Moon things will always be regarded as feminine. Saturn things are mostly masculine, and Jupiter things are neutral because Jupiter is the planet of cosmic unity (its managerial matrix, the crown chakra, doesn't even have any extension, while every other chakra has at least a front and a rear extension). Mercury is neutral as well, for other alchemical reason. Remember we're talking planets, not Gods.
VoiceofEnki said:
Jack said:
Also the earlier message wasn't intended to bash the person who are arsty or are involved in those areas.

What I have an issue with is these Free Associations being created between everything related to the material world and spirituality which is an actual Process.

Drawing ,Painting, singing or whatever it is that you're trying to do will not help you in the spiritual process one bit.

Your expression is your expression and that's fine but doing all these things is not going to open up your mind or your soul.

For example - A man wears makeup and a woman's dress (crossdressing). He's not going to suddenly or subsequently become intune with the energies of the soul and become proficient at it.

For example - A woman who is very emotional in nature if she wears a suit and tries to pretend to be a man in the mirror, she's not suddenly or subsequently going to become more logical.

For Example - Dancing, Singing, Painting etc are not going to allow you to connect deeper into your soul in any way.

These are all self expressions due to Astrology. And everyone's self expression is different. You can do whatever you want but it has nothing to do with the Spiritual Process.

In order to master the Feminine (Shakti - Energy) you have to sit in trance and absorb an energy source (preferably the sun) and learn to direct it. Or generate energy and direct it. Or ruminate on shapes and colors that are representations of particular energies (Yantras) in trance.

For Example - I'm not an artsy person and ive never been involved in any kind of arts (drawing, stories, Dancing ,singing etc.) My personal Expression is in Political Theory, Organization, Categorization ,Patterns ,systems,Management etc. And I can direct and use energies on a level most people cannot ,including artists, musicians and who knows what.

In essence, stop confusing things with things that aren't related and focus on the important things.

There is such a thing called Life, commonly can be split into the 4 vocations/aims.

Kama, Artha, Dharma and Moksha. To achieve Moksha (Spiritual liberation through completing the Magnum Opus), the other 3 aims must also be fulfilled in accordance with ones soul.

Through the course of Life, one will have lifetimes where there is greater focus on one particular Aim over the others, either out of necessity or because of past life influence/hangups.

Kama is the aspect of life ruling desires and emotional needs, as well as the lack of these and fulfillment. These vary from person to person, but any person does have them whether they are aware of them or not. Just as how one must focus understanding and mastering their Dharma, IE, doing the "important things", one must also understand ones desires and find healthy ways to fulfill them in accordance to ones nature.

Some people are at stages of life where there is a greater need to focus on Kama, the joys of life, rather than Dharma or Artha. Understanding this and fulfilling this is equally important for ones personal development as focusing and mastering ones Dharma and Artha. Eventually balance can be achieved between all 3 aims, which allows one to attain Moksha in life.

My point is, do not look down on people living their joys and fulfilling their lives needs. It's true there's certain things which are simply harmful desires born from dross on the soul, or ignorance or due to the corruption of society, but that only counts for very few extreme things.

Sometimes one finds needs or desires within that the mind simply cannot let go. In those cases, the individual simply has to ask themselves where they come from and how to deal with these, and in some cases the best and only answer is to fulfill these. It can be a manifestation of ones Kama in life.

The liberated soul is able to live free and unrestrained, all aspects of life are in balance and none are neglected. They live in accordance with their nature, succeed in their Dharma, Kama and Artha. Their souls desires and emotional needs are fulfilled, same as their duty's and attainments.

A big part of mastering ones Shakti, is understanding ones Kama, and fulfilling it, so the desires are liberated. If one has deep seated unfulfilled needs and desires, these can block one from every realizing their spiritual needs and can prevent one from succeeding in their Dharma and Artha. How this manifests, and whether this is the case or not depends on the individual and what stage of life they are on at the present, the souls nature in the moment.

In many cases, one fulfilling their needs and desires can and does allow for spiritual liberation, and for many people is necessary to reach greater levels of attainment.

If one feels the need to sing, paint or create in other ways, they should do this, and true fulfillment and spiritual liberation can literally be obtained from this if this is related to ones Kama, which it will be if there is a strong desire for this. It is likely necessary even for the said person on the path of mastering their Moksha.

Many people may get stuck in Kama, and their Kama may degenerate due to dross, however in combination with spiritual practice from the JoS, one can liberate ones Kama and understand ones true desires, remove the dross which cause one to have degenerate or harmful needs and learn to fulfill themselves in healthy ways for their soul.

The way you look at this is too shallow, and too literal. The process behind this is deep and very important, and the examples you gave are more so present within the andrapoda level of existence. When one works on the Soul and comes to understand ones True Kama, these sorts of examples as you brought up will not manifest within a person, as a balance is obtained and the nature of ones needs are understood.

Perhaps you would also benefit from understanding your Kama, and learning how to fulfill it in a healthy and positive way.

Hail Satan!
I'm not denying what you're saying. What I'm saying is that a person's personal expression is different from other people's.

So telling someone wearing makeup or a dress to feel feminine is disinformation.

Your Femininity in the Social Sense can be expressed by whatever personal creative expression one has ,not specifically by wearing makeup and dresses.

In fact that is an extremely small group of people, possibly 0.00001%. Or would you disagree that wearing a woman's dress and wearing makeup like a woman isn't Auto Gynecophilia ?
Stormblood said:
Jack said:

That's far from how it works. From what you write, it seems to me that you misunderstand the connections between the various levels of being, and how the spiritual manifests into material, as well as how the material translates into the spiritual. To say that material actions cannot affect you on a spiritual level is completely wrong. In fact, you cannot advance spiritually to any substantial extent without advancing harmoniously in all areas of your life. The external affects the internal as much as the internal affects the external.

You cannot live inside your mind. You are giving a body because it's necessary to interact with others and the physical spheres in order to advance. Simple as that. Do not get too caught in middle-age writings and interpretations from people who never even raised their kundalini or reached any substantial level of advancement.

Even Lady Maxine talked about femininity, creativity and feminine self-expression, which were assaulted and repressed by the abrahamic programmes, leading to the suppression of the spiritual part of the soul. They are still assaulted. For example, look at architecture. Today's architecture is extremely ugly, unsightly. It's only functional but architecture is not meant to be only functional. It's meant to combine functionality (masculine) and artistry (feminine) into one. So, instead of using depressing grey and grey-fied colours for everything, colour should be used. Instead of using ugly saturnine shapes like parallelepipeds and cubes, they should think about other shapes with proper geometry. The Ancient understood this. Ancient Egyptian architecture looked amazing, Ancient Greek and Ancient Roman architecture are the most sought-after for their visual appeal, pagodas and other traditional Vedic architecture are amazing, traditional Japanese houses and temples look amazing too. All of the are also functional and withstood the test of time far longer than any modern buildings. Many of them can also withstand natural catastrophes easily, while modern architecture collapses easily, wears down, gets mouldy, etc.

VoE also explained some other things pretty well.

jrvan said:
If he's a paragon then I'm a renegade (to manhood). ;)
Playing too much Mass Effect?
You're misunderstanding what I'm saying.

I didn't say to live inside ones Mind. What I'm saying is that one's creative expression is different that another one.

For Example - Carl Scmidt can write and Adolf Hitler can paint.

Carl Scmidt doesn't have to copy Adolf Hitlers way of painting to express his creative Feminine side.

The argument given in this thread is that wearing a woman's clothing or makeup will make you Feminine or increase your Femininity, which is wrong.

For a healthy living existence surely you have to express your subconscious but wearing a woman's dress and putting up makeup in not a way to do this.

A better way to As VOE said express Kama is by getting in touch with what creative faculties you have and cultivate those.
Aquarius said:
Dahaarkan said:
Aquarius said:
Some of the things jack writes are very edgy, can't deny that, but many are also very useful.

Unlike many others, you cannot hide behind ignorance because you were here in the days where kikeson was polluting JoS. Many of the things kikeson wrote were very useful. He was booted anyway, rightfully so, also for preaching stupid shit that goes against Satanic values.

You look me in the eyes and tell me jack hasn't done the same. Kikeson too had a habit of scolding people for being "emotional", almost reprimanding them for being human. Go on, try to convince me that jack isn't doing the same.

Because jack has written many useful posts (I am not denying this), does not automatically absolve him of all the abhorrent psychotic and blasphemous shit he's posted. It's one thing to be edgy it's another to attempt to dismantle core values of Satanism and intruding into people's lives and dictating to them how to live, something the gods themselves don't do.

Satan tells us that we are free to follow the dictates of our own nature but you want to accept jack's crusade to oppose Satan's decision, and preach and dictate to everybody how to live their lives, how to be a man etc etc.

And if you do not conform to and accept his dictating of how you should live, he will insult you to no end until you do. Jack is not a Satanist. He sees spiritual knowledge as a tool to be hidden and used to enslave the masses as is confirmed by his passionate posts praising commie shitholes, and the thread where he said spiritual knowledge should be kept in the hands of a few.

I said this in my other thread. People who deny jack is a full blown traitor are fucking dreaming.
Well, the edgy kind of stuff I always skipped, let me go around his posts, I'll report later what I think.
Its important to call out disingenuous disinformation because it's pollutes youngsters minds

And it's ironic because Kikeson was the one who even introduced this idea of Gender Fluidity that men can wear dresses and makeup and feel feminine by becoming crossdressers (and get in touch with their Feminine side.)

To be honest I hope someone else does this job because I don't want to talk to these people, honestly. It makes me somewhat sad to see these things.
Dahaarkan said:
Aquarius said:
Well, the edgy kind of stuff I always skipped, let me go around his posts, I'll report later what I think.


This is his most damning thread. The highlighted post includes near the end how he praises the way jews hide and handle spiritual knowledge, and goes on to elaborate that this should be applied to Satanism, and Satan's knowledge should be withheld and hidden, and given only to a select few.

Jack should have been permanently banned on the spot for this post alone. Going forward, countless posts exist of jack dictating to people how to live their lives as has been said repeatedly. Which is behavior that contradicts Satan's decision to permit us to follow the dictates of our own nature. This is blasphemy.


And culminating in the recent posts where he subtly praises and defends communist powers such as CCP, in his own words the only issue he has with china is their "trade deals", not the inhuman social credit shit this government practices. He even said in a more recent discussion the CCP doesn't need to be overthrown. Confirms to anyone with eyes the kind of person jack is, and what his ambitions are.

A communist slave state where he keeps all spiritual knowledge to himself and uses it to enslave the masses. Jack is not a Satanist. Jack is a wanna-be rabbi dictator.

A person who praises jews and communist governments and the way they handle things has no place here. To add insult to injury he is also toxic as fuck and is constantly degrading other members with unwanted and unhelpful criticisms.

Jack needs to be banned not because he's mean to some members but because he has a history of posting treason and heresy. And he's not improving in this regard no matter how many years go by.
Here we go again with the Sewer Rat shit.

I stand behind everything that I've said in those two posts. Because if you read those posts you'd know that I didn't just say that spiritual knowledge should be in the hands of a special few.

I was comparing it to the paramilitary or the Military which has a metric system. The Mithraic Religion during Roman times, The SS in Nazi Germany and the Yeshiva Priests in Israel currently follow this system of increasing Spiritual Knowledge access. Infact all Pagan systems in the history of humanity had a metric system organization. And no one can argue this.

I was saying that hypothetically if it was a military it would be like that. And if it was the military, people would be reprimanded for being wasteful.

And the Communist China post is self explanatory. Everywhere US goes to overthrow Governments for Democracy they end up killing Millions of people including Babies ,Little Girls ,children.

And all of the Areas that they've toppled have more extremist elements now due to them overthrowing their governments.

My point is something that the United States Constitution is based on - non intervention in Foreign Affairs. If the United States tries to forcefully overthrow China, there's going to be a bloodbath of unending proportions of both Whites ,Chinese and other Nationalities.

When Governments are corrupt and Genocidal ,they are overthrown by their own people. That's my point.
tabby said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:

The pictures tabby posted are beautiful, however, not practical for day-to-day wear and it reminds me of the people that consider themselves 'fairies', color their hair and dress with such extravagant make-up every single day.
Even just a normal 'look' with eyeshadow done by a make-up artist takes one hour.
Such looks should be reserved for special occasions, not everyday wear.


Yes, they're a bit eccentric. Just like with clothing, makeup styles have a time and place as well, and will depend heavily on your overall appearance. This would be something one might find at a festival and such, rather than day-to-day, but I guess that also depends on the kind of person you are... Something like the third picture I posted, since its palette is neutral and not in your face with colour, you can get away with such an appearance for a dressed up formal/casual look (minus the floral stick), if one would be so inclined.

I gave those as a specific example because I doubt that many people would consider just normal daily makeup "creative", even though so much goes into making makeup actually look good on a persons face. It's like someone painting the details of a face on a marble statue.

Looking at the pictures again, a few times, you do look at them differently, which is what often happens if you were to look at a painting in a museum.

And true, not every color and shape of application looks great on everyone.
Jack said:
I'm not denying what you're saying. What I'm saying is that a person's personal expression is different from other people's.

So telling someone wearing makeup or a dress to feel feminine is disinformation.

Your Femininity in the Social Sense can be expressed by whatever personal creative expression one has ,not specifically by wearing makeup and dresses.

In fact that is an extremely small group of people, possibly 0.00001%. Or would you disagree that wearing a woman's dress and wearing makeup like a woman isn't Auto Gynecophilia ?

Clearly it would mean one has significant attraction to feminine expression if a man wants to wear makeup or do things that are considered feminine, wear feminine clothes, etc. However, whether this is negative or not depends on how it manifests and in what sort of way the person is interested in these things.

I went to buy perfume as a gift for a friend of mine once, and the person behind the counter happened to be a man that day. This man was wearing a lot of makeup, and likely was homosexual though I didn't know for certain, I assumed so due to their appearance.

Personally, I didn't mind either way, and this person knew very well about the perfumes the store sold, and helped me find a suitable one with their expertise, since woman's perfume is not really something I know much about.

While they were a man, somehow the fact they wore makeup suited this person. It did not feel out of place. Clearly, it is part of that persons life calling at that moment. Besides the makeup, they wore a suit and were a well kept person, overall they didn't look overly feminine despite the fact they wore makeup and clearly had some sort of feminine interests, like a deep knowledge about woman's perfumes (The store sold exclusively woman's perfumes).

It is fine to disagree with such a thing, but overall in such a case, I do not think it is problematic if a man feels more feminine, or feels more comfortable associating with certain levels of feminine expression, since all people are different, and personally it doesn't affect me at all whether that man likes to use makeup, etc, or not.

Generally I do not see the problem with this, or any whatsoever to be honest. Not all men are supposed to be purely masculine souls with strong manliness.

To explain for anyone reading, the issue comes in when there is gender dysmorphia. A man who likes feminine things, is still a man, and so long they understand that, I personally do not believe it is problematic for one to express themselves femininely, especially since only a small percentage of men would really feel the need to express themselves in such a way. If said man begins to believe they must be a woman because they like feminine things, and therefore claims to be a woman, or transexual due to their feminine leaning interests, this is a case of harmful gender dysmorphia as a result of delusions or dross.

In such a case, it is simply problematic and harmful socially as well as personally.

I've said it before, the man should ask themselves "What kind of man am I?", instead of "Am I really a man?".

Generally it is fine if a man feels more comfortable being feminine, so long as it does not result in gender dysmorphia.

Sure, on higher levels of spiritual understanding and accomplishment, the man wouldn't really feel the need to do any weird crossdressing, and personally in most cases I also believe that kind of thing to be mostly a negative form of expression due to some sort of dross/false manifestation of their Shakti side. Whether it is depends on the level of manifestation of these things.

There's a difference between an eccentric feminine man and a cross dressing ladyboy andrapoda man for example. Which is why I brought this up to you and said I believe your view on this is too shallow.

As a note, I'm neither defending nor really opposing to the thing Jrvan brought up in this topic. I consider my view on these things to be much broader overall, as this isn't really something black/white, nor is it in many cases something constant on a personal or even a societal level.

It is however, clearly the case that the sort of thing Jrvan proposed is only marginal and would not be a common form of expression for men, as it clearly leans more to a feminine expression instead which is less common in men, but it doesn't have to be a negative thing overall.

A balance has to be found by the person with such desires or ideas, to find healthy ways for them to express this without dipping too low into the andrapoda level of this kind of thing.

As a side note, heels are a strange thing which I am uncertain as to why they are even associated with gender in the first place. I find them neither feminine nor anything else, and frankly find high heels mostly just an ugly thing that is unhealthy for the posture and feet, regardless if it's men or woman who wear these. It seems to be something more in the realms of fetishism than anything else if a man wants to wear them, and a fairly andrapoda manifestation at that.

Hail Satan!
Dahaarkan said:
Aquarius said:
Well, the edgy kind of stuff I always skipped, let me go around his posts, I'll report later what I think.


This is his most damning thread. The highlighted post includes near the end how he praises the way jews hide and handle spiritual knowledge, and goes on to elaborate that this should be applied to Satanism, and Satan's knowledge should be withheld and hidden, and given only to a select few.

Jack should have been permanently banned on the spot for this post alone. Going forward, countless posts exist of jack dictating to people how to live their lives as has been said repeatedly. Which is behavior that contradicts Satan's decision to permit us to follow the dictates of our own nature. This is blasphemy.


And culminating in the recent posts where he subtly praises and defends communist powers such as CCP, in his own words the only issue he has with china is their "trade deals", not the inhuman social credit shit this government practices. He even said in a more recent discussion the CCP doesn't need to be overthrown. Confirms to anyone with eyes the kind of person jack is, and what his ambitions are.

A communist slave state where he keeps all spiritual knowledge to himself and uses it to enslave the masses. Jack is not a Satanist. Jack is a wanna-be rabbi dictator.

A person who praises jews and communist governments and the way they handle things has no place here. To add insult to injury he is also toxic as fuck and is constantly degrading other members with unwanted and unhelpful criticisms.

Jack needs to be banned not because he's mean to some members but because he has a history of posting treason and heresy. And he's not improving in this regard no matter how many years go by.
Here are some examples -

Degrees of initiation

In the Suda under the entry Mithras, it states that "No one was permitted to be initiated into them (the mysteries of Mithras), until he should show himself holy and steadfast by undergoing several graduated tests."[60] Gregory Nazianzen refers to the "tests in the mysteries of Mithras".[61]

There were seven grades of initiation into Mithraism, which are listed by St. Jerome.[62] Manfred Clauss states that the number of grades, seven, must be connected to the planets. A mosaic in the Mithraeum of Felicissimus, Ostia Antica depicts these grades, with symbolic emblems that are connected either to the grades or are symbols of the planets. The grades also have an inscription beside them commending each grade into the protection of the different planetary gods.[4]: 132–133  In ascending order of importance, the initiatory grades were:[4]: 133–138 
The initiate into each grade appears to have been required to undertake a specific ordeal or test,[4]: 103

You can study The Thule Society, where most of the High Ranking members are from in the books of Nicholas Clarke and the model of the Society is similarly shrouded in extreme secrecy from the Outside.

The Babylonian mystery schools which were closed off to the elite.

The Spiritual Schools that Alexander studied in under Plato.

The Tantric Initiation Schools described in the Shiva Samhita where the Guru measures the initiates abilities and gives him differential meditation techniques according to him level.

Essentially all of the Initiation schools since the History of Humanity, Knowledge was given little by little after the Initiate rose up and up the levels of Initiation.

Spiritual knowledge has only been in hands of commoners now because of the internet and even then the vast majority of Humanity isn't interested in it ,even when it's completely free.

Again I'm not saying that Spiritual Knowledge should be secret. I was saying that in context of if the organization was a physical paramilitary or a secret society like Thule was.
Jack said:
You're misunderstanding what I'm saying.

I didn't say to live inside ones Mind. What I'm saying is that one's creative expression is different that another one.

For Example - Carl Scmidt can write and Adolf Hitler can paint.

Carl Scmidt doesn't have to copy Adolf Hitlers way of painting to express his creative Feminine side.

The argument given in this thread is that wearing a woman's clothing or makeup will make you Feminine or increase your Femininity, which is wrong.

For a healthy living existence surely you have to express your subconscious but wearing a woman's dress and putting up makeup in not a way to do this.

A better way to As VOE said express Kama is by getting in touch with what creative faculties you have and cultivate those.

This is well said, and also true.

To further elaborate some more on that, to take myself as an example, wearing make-up or female clothes, would not help me get in touch with my Shakti/feminine side whatsoever. Neither would it for any other man. The answer lies more in understanding your nature, your Kama, your true needs/desires and also to do sufficient meditation and self reflection to open your creative side and open up to your Shakti.

If a man feels attracted to the idea of wearing feminine clothes or makeup, etc, this would be as a result of leaning more towards a feminine form of expression intrinsically, not the other way around where doing these so called feminine things would get you deeper in touch with your feminine side as a man, that is simply completely wrong and ignorant.

Doing so would rather end up masking ones true Shakti with delusion, and further stray one from self realization instead.

Only if it is in ones true nature to have interest in such things does it make sense to pursue these things, if not then forcing this upon the self would only confuse the mind about your true self rather than get one closer to the true self even one bit.

I've never felt any desire to wear feminine clothes, or do such things as wearing makeup, since none of that is in my true nature.

None of these acts would help one to realize the Shakti of their soul, but it is plausible one may develop an interest towards such things after opening up to their Shakti despite never having it prior, if some form of feminine expression of that nature has been repressed for a long time, but this is not common and would only happen if that is part of ones true nature which has been repressed until that point of reconnecting with ones Shakti.

Hail Satan!
VoiceofEnki said:
Jack said:
You're misunderstanding what I'm saying.

I didn't say to live inside ones Mind. What I'm saying is that one's creative expression is different that another one.

For Example - Carl Scmidt can write and Adolf Hitler can paint.

Carl Scmidt doesn't have to copy Adolf Hitlers way of painting to express his creative Feminine side.

The argument given in this thread is that wearing a woman's clothing or makeup will make you Feminine or increase your Femininity, which is wrong.

For a healthy living existence surely you have to express your subconscious but wearing a woman's dress and putting up makeup in not a way to do this.

A better way to As VOE said express Kama is by getting in touch with what creative faculties you have and cultivate those.

This is well said, and also true.

To further elaborate some more on that, to take myself as an example, wearing make-up or female clothes, would not help me get in touch with my Shakti/feminine side whatsoever. Neither would it for any other man. The answer lies more in understanding your nature, your Kama, your true needs/desires and also to do sufficient meditation and self reflection to open your creative side and open up to your Shakti.

If a man feels attracted to the idea of wearing feminine clothes or makeup, etc, this would be as a result of leaning more towards a feminine form of expression intrinsically, not the other way around where doing these so called feminine things would get you deeper in touch with your feminine side as a man, that is simply completely wrong and ignorant.

Doing so would rather end up masking ones true Shakti with delusion, and further stray one from self realization instead.

Only if it is in ones true nature to have interest in such things does it make sense to pursue these things, if not then forcing this upon the self would only confuse the mind about your true self rather than get one closer to the true self even one bit.

I've never felt any desire to wear feminine clothes, or do such things as wearing makeup, since none of that is in my true nature.

None of these acts would help one to realize the Shakti of their soul, but it is plausible one may develop an interest towards such things after opening up to their Shakti despite never having it prior, if some form of feminine expression of that nature has been repressed for a long time, but this is not common and would only happen if that is part of ones true nature which has been repressed until that point of reconnecting with ones Shakti.

Hail Satan!
My creative expression lies In writing. And I like to write everyday about different topics that I come across my day to day life. Generally it is about a relationship between me and the world and my abstract thoughts about the way things are ,the intricacies etc. I hadn't shown that diary to anyone before but I recently showed to my girlfriend who said she was really impressed and also blown away by the level of writing skill I have.

She told me that I should start writing on the side and look into how to get published. Infact when I have time I'll look into that.

The topic about getting into more of your creative faculties is actually a topic in of itself. I've been blessed to have my Chart analyzed by some esteemed SS who've actually caught that I was very good at writing just from my astrology chart.

Actually, any esteemed astrologer should make a topic about how to identify the creative faculties personal within you in a chart.
tabby said:
 What would you do if the information you perceive to be false is only false to you because you did not understand it or misinterpreted it? What then? Suddenly a situation occurs where neither party can move onward to common ground because you firmly feel this information is incorrect, and the other is attempting to clear the misunderstanding by explaining further, which only ends up being discredited as "never happens, false" because you see it as false - no exceptions.

Is everyone else just expected to go along with it, and not get frustrated by the gate keeping that ends up occurring from this because something that is unconventional has been presented in the eyes of enemy programmed traditionalism, and overly logical and literal minds?

If there is a misunderstanding, I would hope that any of you could explain more of what you actually mean and what you are actually trying to say. In my further commebts I have been trying to explain in more detail about these spiritual processes, and specific psychic energy currents, and explain how they are entirely seperate and unrelated things to a physical action like wearing a dress.

I am still waiting for either of you to explain in detail what this spiritual process is, all of the specific energies involved and what each of them does, what all of the interactions are. And explain to me how the act of wearing a dress gets anybody any closer to being a god. And both of you have explained nothing, have given no example, and have mentioned no specific energies.

If you are going to keep stating a claim so strongly, the reason why you think it is the truth should be because you do understand everything that is happening. You understand every energy current that is involved, the interactions between them, and can explain the process of how each current is unlocked and strengthened and increased. And how putting on a dress creates spiritual improvement.

Neither of you have made any attempt to explain how this works. Your explanation is just "It does happen, and you should believe me that it does happen." Not good enough. The two of you are the ones who are making strange claims, and the two of you are the ones who are presenting a situation as being some kind of spiritual process. So for you to make this claim, you should be able to fully support and explain it.

Could you say that I have not been attempting to explain and support my perspective? Could you say that I have not been trying to explain in fine detail what the feminine/masculine energy currents are, how they are related to Elemental energies, and how these are an entirely seperate thing from what is socially called feminine or masculine? And how when referring to these energy currents, the only reason why the words feminine or masculine were associated with them was because of an incorrect and false translation between sanskrit and english. And how these energy currents are not at all related to male or female. And even larger than that, how these energy currents are not related to any physical action which has different social contexts applied to it throughout time.

I think I have been very thorough in explaining and supporting my side of it. If you could take any of these examples here and explain how I am wrong, and supply your own explanation how they work that is better and more accurate than my description, I am entirely open minded and eager to learn more.

tabby said:
Where does the line get drawn before things devolve into bringing people's personal life and struggles that they shared in the forums into the argument as ground to discredit the person's comments or post as nothing more than just "they have issues"?

It is always my mindset to be looking for as many details as possible. On the deepest levels, the highest levels, and everything in between. And to observe how every detail fits together, how every detail influences every other one, and how all of it works together. It is  the total view of all of this information which can be called Truth.

So when I see somebody making such strange and unusual claims as he has been making, I do want to understand his perspective. I want to know what would have influenced him to have that view, because there might be information in here that I have been missing that would contribute to the larger picture of truth. And as I am trying to explain where his ideas would come from, I see how other details I know about him look to fit very well with what his perspective has ended up being. This is how it becomes about those details of his life, because those experiences shape his mindset and control how he chooses to see the world, which influences how he wants to try to connect things. Everybody tries to put together information the way I explained above, to get  the full picture from the small pictures. Exactly like putting together a puzzle. And our own history and life experiences are like a picture on the box the puzzle came in. We are going to try to assemble the pieces to fit that image. I see he has tried to assemble the pieces this way, and I see from what I know about his history the reason why he has chosen to try to do it that way.

My intention was not to use it to discredit him. My intention was not to try to make it look like he has issues. My only intention was to try to understand where his strange beliefs come from. Since he is not explaining or describing how he imagines his idea to work.

tabby said:
Saying things like this here:
"So how would these strange things have any spiritual benefit to a man? They have no benefit to a woman either. These things have no relation to nature, and no relation to anyone's soul."


"My point is that putting anything onto your face has nothing to do with spirituality, and it has nothing to do with either feminine or masculine energy currents. It is a meaningless action which has zero connection or influence on anybody's soul or psychic senses. It is entirely unrelated to anything spiritual."

 - are too extreme and locked into an exaggerated generalization, which makes them very easy to disprove, and very frustrating to have a discussion around. You've been really pushy, Ol, even on the verge of feeling near forceful about your opinion that you do not believe what jrvan had originally been quite patient attempting to explain to you.

If my claims here are very easy to disprove, then disprove them. I have been waiting for this the entire time, for either of you to provide any kind of explanation or description of how you imagine your strange claims to work. You say a man wearing a dress will help him in his spiritual improvement towards becoming a god. I am saying, explain to me how you think this would work. In full detail, and with descriptions of specific energy currents, what energy currents does it unblock and how does it unblock them?

And some things are certain. Not everything is relative or semantic. Wearing high heal shoes does not do anything to help a woman in any spiritual way. And wearing high heal shoes does not do anything to help a man in any spiritual way. Both of these are absolute certain facts. I am sorry that a statement like this does not seem to give you much room to argue, but there really is no argument because it is just the truth. If you believe that wearing some damaging and uncomfortable shoes is good for your soul, you should be able to explain to me exactly how it is able to help you. And I will be open minded to listen to your explanation. But you have given me nothing, so to me it looks like you have nothing.

tabby said:
Now where do we go from here? Because you've pissed jrvan off for making this personal, starting with bringing up his past having struggles with male friends and putting words in his mouth when it didn't even need to be brought up. Things should have remained at debating talking points, not the person behind them.

Jack is a different case that you did not need to make yourself part of. The sting of his nonsense is still fresh from the recent shaming under another thread, and his immediate intentions when asking for the source under this thread were made quite clear. It's just another tally to the list at this point on Jack's score board.

Why should it matter to me what emotion jrvan chooses to feel? That is his business. He is allowed to feel any emotion he wants, and I am allowed to feel whatever emotion I want. If he wants to go and cry like a baby, that is his choice and he is allowed to do it.

In my perspective, emotion has nothing to do with any of this. I am asking for basic facts, and basic explanations, about some basic elemental energy currents. It is like any other machine in the world, explain to me what the parts are, and how the parts work together. And when you explain to me how you see the machine working, I will look over your schematic and I will see if it does actually work in that way. And I will also be able to see where a mistake was made, where there is a broken part, and where to change a part so that the machine does function. And at the end of it, all of us will have an understanding of how it actually works and what the truth is. Which maybe I am wrong in some way and I am ready to admit it if I am. But we are not able to go through this process if you give me nothing.

And I absolutely am not able to imagine any reason why you are talking to me about Jack. I have never said anything about him anywhere near this topic. Jack and I are two seperate people. So what does he have to do with me, and why are you mentioning him to me? Because in one comment I replied to, jrvan has mentioned Jack's name in there? I was not responding to anything related to Jack, and I was not saying anything about him.

I was responding to the sentence where jrvan was saying that multiple different people here are problems who need to be gotten rid of. And since I am the one who disagrees with him, I guess that I am one of the people who he is calling a problem. And all I said was basically that is bullshit to say that I am a problem, and if either me or jrvan or problems it's more likely to be him than me.
jrvan said:
Understanding is only half the picture. There are scholarly types who understand everything with the left brain, but they won't ever practice it with the right brain. That's why Maxine said it's about knowledge AND applying that knowledge. You can understand everything and still be completely powerless because you don't do anything with the understanding. Likewise, what good is power if you don't understand how to use it properly?

Ironically, or perhaps within expectation, these far leftists and other nut jobs are achieving more change in society for better or worse than anyone else. The conservatives couldn't keep up with it decades ago, and they can barely even adapt now. And what do the conservatives do besides bark on the television as a talking head about all of their understanding of fiscal matters and practical considerations of reality? Yeah, they're right, but what are they accomplishing with that understanding? Meanwhile advertisers are doing the same things they have always done with the same success by talking to the right brains of people and programming them. Just like jews program peoples' subconscious minds with every single program they design, and then trying to impart conscious left brain understanding to their programmed golem zombies is impossible. You would have to engage in mass hypnosis to reach these mentally checked out degenerates.

Colors, symbols, icons, figurative meanings, styles of dress, styles of hair, etc... this all communicates to the right brain. It's the language of the female mind. If far leftists and other nutjobs fail to understand the meaning of life, then their counterparts of the left brain club fail to participate in life and understand the subconscious, nonverbal side of things. Both of these are imbalanced.

Yes I agree.

I didn't feel the need for me to expand on the other side since I was only going on with the topic in hand. It's on me that I keep thinking people will get the whole picture I'm conveying and part laziness of me not wanting to write a wall of text and just getting to the point. Which is what I wrote in another unrelated post.

Thank you for expanding on the other part in case others were confused. I used to think it was just a Twitter thing but it's an internet thing in general where people say for example they like pancakes and someone out of nowhere says "what do you have against waffles". It's a silly comparison but I think it puts it clearly how the internet tends to work when putting out ones input on a subject. It's on me to try harder in my replies for the message to be conveyed as clearly as possible.
New Satanists must be very embarrassed reading threads like this, and seeing how many like it there are.

Instead of being a part of an advanced organization of very enlightened people they see that this forum is nothing more than the jerry springer show.

Then people wonder why the truly enlightened Satanists like Maxine chose to stop coming here.
Jack said:
You're misunderstanding what I'm saying.

I didn't say to live inside ones Mind. What I'm saying is that one's creative expression is different that another one.

For Example - Carl Scmidt can write and Adolf Hitler can paint.

Carl Scmidt doesn't have to copy Adolf Hitlers way of painting to express his creative Feminine side.

The argument given in this thread is that wearing a woman's clothing or makeup will make you Feminine or increase your Femininity, which is wrong.

For a healthy living existence surely you have to express your subconscious but wearing a woman's dress and putting up makeup in not a way to do this.

A better way to As VOE said express Kama is by getting in touch with what creative faculties you have and cultivate those.

It may go a long way to find other ways to elaborate your thoughts in the future, if multiple people who are friendly (and some neutral) to you managed to misunderstand what you were saying. Thanks for clarifying.

VoE has already elaborated on some things, so I will avoid.

The rest I wanted to say that I am not telling men to wear women's clothes here or more artistic expressions of make. What I said is that painting make-up on someone's face is a form of art, and that we seem to agree on. As for men crossdressing, it just looks ridiculous, not even feminine. Crossdressing is an artificial "urge" for some people, meaning it comes from brainwashing from the enemy, not from the purity of one's soul. As such, it needs to be shed.

As for kama, it is not just getting in touch with creative faculties. It's by doing anything that NATURALLY brings you pleasure. This includes sex, romance, entertainment, and other things. As I mentioned other times, mindless forms of entertainment are abandoned as someone's soul matures and becomes cleaner.

Just getting in touch with your creative faculties, can become a source of any aim really. Dharma, moksha, artha... even the underlying aim of arogya. I believe the more one grows as a soul, the more all five aims will start bleeding into each other and become intimately connected. An example of this is having a career that makes you wealthy, is extremely pleasurable, and also leads to spiritual breakthrough. I remark "intimately connected", not "merged". It's impossible to merge all of them, in my opinion. The sex and romance aspect of Kama, for example, come to mind, as they will always be needed even when you ascend.
Jack said:
Dahaarkan said:
Aquarius said:
Well, the edgy kind of stuff I always skipped, let me go around his posts, I'll report later what I think.


This is his most damning thread. The highlighted post includes near the end how he praises the way jews hide and handle spiritual knowledge, and goes on to elaborate that this should be applied to Satanism, and Satan's knowledge should be withheld and hidden, and given only to a select few.

Jack should have been permanently banned on the spot for this post alone. Going forward, countless posts exist of jack dictating to people how to live their lives as has been said repeatedly. Which is behavior that contradicts Satan's decision to permit us to follow the dictates of our own nature. This is blasphemy.


And culminating in the recent posts where he subtly praises and defends communist powers such as CCP, in his own words the only issue he has with china is their "trade deals", not the inhuman social credit shit this government practices. He even said in a more recent discussion the CCP doesn't need to be overthrown. Confirms to anyone with eyes the kind of person jack is, and what his ambitions are.

A communist slave state where he keeps all spiritual knowledge to himself and uses it to enslave the masses. Jack is not a Satanist. Jack is a wanna-be rabbi dictator.

A person who praises jews and communist governments and the way they handle things has no place here. To add insult to injury he is also toxic as fuck and is constantly degrading other members with unwanted and unhelpful criticisms.

Jack needs to be banned not because he's mean to some members but because he has a history of posting treason and heresy. And he's not improving in this regard no matter how many years go by.
Here we go again with the Sewer Rat shit.

I stand behind everything that I've said in those two posts. Because if you read those posts you'd know that I didn't just say that spiritual knowledge should be in the hands of a special few.

I was comparing it to the paramilitary or the Military which has a metric system. The Mithraic Religion during Roman times, The SS in Nazi Germany and the Yeshiva Priests in Israel currently follow this system of increasing Spiritual Knowledge access. Infact all Pagan systems in the history of humanity had a metric system organization. And no one can argue this.

I was saying that hypothetically if it was a military it would be like that. And if it was the military, people would be reprimanded for being wasteful.

And the Communist China post is self explanatory. Everywhere US goes to overthrow Governments for Democracy they end up killing Millions of people including Babies ,Little Girls ,children.

And all of the Areas that they've toppled have more extremist elements now due to them overthrowing their governments.

My point is something that the United States Constitution is based on - non intervention in Foreign Affairs. If the United States tries to forcefully overthrow China, there's going to be a bloodbath of unending proportions of both Whites ,Chinese and other Nationalities.

When Governments are corrupt and Genocidal ,they are overthrown by their own people. That's my point.

Whatever, it's always the same excuse that others don't understand what's being said in plain english.

Jack doesn't mean to restrict knowledge when he's proposing methods and excuses to restrict knowledge. Jack doesn't mean to praise the reds when he's praising the reds. Jack doesn't mean to control people's lives when he tries to control people's lives. Jack doesn't mean to degrade you when he's degrading you.

You keep bringing up the U.S as a counterpoint as if anyone mentioned the U.S. You'll just derail the conversation constantly to not have to address the fact you are simply behaving like a CCP bot trying to uphold their image and downplay how anti human this regime is.

I have nothing else to say, the red flags are all out there and going forward whatever damage this guy brings to the group or individuals is no longer just on him.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
jrvan said:

I plainly don't care how you spend your time or what you do. It means nothing to me. What bothers me is when somebody invents something and goes around promoting it as spirituality, when the entire thing is fictional and invented by that one person. Because now this is harming anybody who reads it who is believing it. So whenever anybody is telling lies about spirituality, or just self-created nonsense, I am always going to try to correct it. None of this is personal or about you.
Didn't you hear? Real men wear their G-strings with fishnets and stillettos underneath their latex dress. That's the most essential step in your transition... uh to godhood, goy. The power is in the panties. My mistress and her bull both told me so. If you disagree then I will have you know that you are a misogynistic gynophobe and I will call to have your neanderthal ass removed. Enjoy being powerless, honey 💅💅💅

The future is female!
The Outlaw Torn said:
New Satanists must be very embarrassed reading threads like this, and seeing how many like it there are.

Instead of being a part of an advanced organization of very enlightened people they see that this forum is nothing more than the jerry springer show.

Then people wonder why the truly enlightened Satanists like Maxine chose to stop coming here.

The best one can do if they don't have the patience is to avoid these types of topics all together and go for the topics that have merit behind them and also helping out the new members if one has enough experience and wisdom.

I agree that it can get ridiculous in some topics. I considered this place a "safe place" from normie topics like celebrity gossip but recent posts proves that there's no escape. It is what it is and again one can either choose to avoid it or engage in a mature manner and see where one can help out the confused person or if there's something that can be brought up that adds to the bigger picture of things.

Sometimes these conversations have to brought up since the world is in chaos and many have these types of views that are totally wrong and we're here to fix that. RTRs will help with the influence but reprogramming people away from their false beliefs comes much faster when heard from the wiser which some here have added their input in these types of topics.

Lastly since you're new it's understandable why you have a misconception as to why Maxine isn't here. Better to learn why than to say ignorant things that will only give you flak from the advanced members which I'm sure will roll their eyes seeing that part of your comment.
The fact is repression can go both ways. Jack once repressed the feminine. Jrvan represses the masculine.

This results in a backlash and going to extremes. Not all men are brainwashed to think that feelings, self care and fashion is for fags. That was once the majority case in history and in the 20th century, and currently the case in the third world. But it is not the case for everyone.

On the contrary, quite alot of men are brainwashed to hate being men, to hate masculinity and put femininity on a pedestal, which leads to repression of masculinity, especially in the west. So they overcompensate by swinging to the other side. Especially when they are lacking in Yang traits. To be fair, the feminine role is passive and easier to play. Developing masculinity requires hard work, decisive action and self responsibility, you cannot become a man, or become masculine for that matter, by growing a beard, putting on a pair of pants, boots and some flannel and chopping a block of wood.

Look at all the soyboy cucks with beards and flannel. These superficial things have nothing to do with promoting masculinity in oneself. Neither does putting on yoga pants and eyeliner develop the feminine side of the soul, only meditation can do that. They can be expressions of a dominant polarity in oneself, but they do not affect the balance specifically. Furthermore, "feminine" in the spiritual sense is allegorical, this is not a matter of gender as it is in the material world.

That is really what's going on here. As long as people are repressing the traits that they are weak in, there can not be fruitful discourse, because they are tied up in guarding their vulnerabilities and trying to keep the repressed at bay. The jungian shadow rears its ugly head.
Ol argedco luciftias said:

Ol to be fair you seem to be stuck on your own idea of a certain thing and somehow you don't seem to even make the effort to understand the other side of where they are coming from.

You think its instantly transgender. Its not.

Let me make a reference.. In the eastern martial arts practices they have something called 'strength from within' or something along those lines.
Being creative, comes from within, the outward expression are forms of art.

That is the simpliest explanation I can give you. And it is simple to be understood. You don't need x process does that or y process does that.
Its not mathematics. Its not physics. Nor is it biology. Nor any of the 'sciences' that are fully rooted purely in the 'logic' mind in the way it is pushed nowadays.

A genius is not someone that can just remember easily and reproduce on a high level. A genius is the one that uses a creative process whilst doing so, going above and beyond. Finding solutions to things, and thinking out of the box whilst doing so.
... Creating brand new solutions.
That is what a genius is.

... Jrvan nor tabby are saying that a man should dress like the queen of England if they desire it so.. Thats ridiculous. You have kaftans (if I remember the name of the thing right), other long robes, like a kimono (male and female kimonos are barely any different from each other in how they're made) and other more 'unisex' garments.
Are you also saying that 'kilts' aren't mens robes? The Scots would entirely disagree with you.
hailourtruegod said:
Lastly since you're new it's understandable why you have a misconception as to why Maxine isn't here. Better to learn why than to say ignorant things that will only give you flak from the advanced members which I'm sure will roll their eyes seeing that part of your comment.
The official answer for absence is that she is more focused on doing the magnum but who said you can’t do that while participating on the forum?

Actually that makes a lot of sense to me. Just look at some the ego battles on here. Do you think any of them have the maturity or enlightenment to become Gods? I do think it is better to stay away if you want to advance faster.

She and the other truly advanced don’t want to become clowns of the ancient forums circus.

Just imagine how much of a drain it is to be someone like cobra that has to read through and approve all of this every single day. Not even the drama just all of the trolls and other ridiculous things you have to deal with.
Dahaarkan said:
Jack said:
Dahaarkan said:

This is his most damning thread. The highlighted post includes near the end how he praises the way jews hide and handle spiritual knowledge, and goes on to elaborate that this should be applied to Satanism, and Satan's knowledge should be withheld and hidden, and given only to a select few.

Jack should have been permanently banned on the spot for this post alone. Going forward, countless posts exist of jack dictating to people how to live their lives as has been said repeatedly. Which is behavior that contradicts Satan's decision to permit us to follow the dictates of our own nature. This is blasphemy.


And culminating in the recent posts where he subtly praises and defends communist powers such as CCP, in his own words the only issue he has with china is their "trade deals", not the inhuman social credit shit this government practices. He even said in a more recent discussion the CCP doesn't need to be overthrown. Confirms to anyone with eyes the kind of person jack is, and what his ambitions are.

A communist slave state where he keeps all spiritual knowledge to himself and uses it to enslave the masses. Jack is not a Satanist. Jack is a wanna-be rabbi dictator.

A person who praises jews and communist governments and the way they handle things has no place here. To add insult to injury he is also toxic as fuck and is constantly degrading other members with unwanted and unhelpful criticisms.

Jack needs to be banned not because he's mean to some members but because he has a history of posting treason and heresy. And he's not improving in this regard no matter how many years go by.
Here we go again with the Sewer Rat shit.

I stand behind everything that I've said in those two posts. Because if you read those posts you'd know that I didn't just say that spiritual knowledge should be in the hands of a special few.

I was comparing it to the paramilitary or the Military which has a metric system. The Mithraic Religion during Roman times, The SS in Nazi Germany and the Yeshiva Priests in Israel currently follow this system of increasing Spiritual Knowledge access. Infact all Pagan systems in the history of humanity had a metric system organization. And no one can argue this.

I was saying that hypothetically if it was a military it would be like that. And if it was the military, people would be reprimanded for being wasteful.

And the Communist China post is self explanatory. Everywhere US goes to overthrow Governments for Democracy they end up killing Millions of people including Babies ,Little Girls ,children.

And all of the Areas that they've toppled have more extremist elements now due to them overthrowing their governments.

My point is something that the United States Constitution is based on - non intervention in Foreign Affairs. If the United States tries to forcefully overthrow China, there's going to be a bloodbath of unending proportions of both Whites ,Chinese and other Nationalities.

When Governments are corrupt and Genocidal ,they are overthrown by their own people. That's my point.

Whatever, it's always the same excuse that others don't understand what's being said in plain english.

Jack doesn't mean to restrict knowledge when he's proposing methods and excuses to restrict knowledge. Jack doesn't mean to praise the reds when he's praising the reds. Jack doesn't mean to control people's lives when he tries to control people's lives. Jack doesn't mean to degrade you when he's degrading you.

You keep bringing up the U.S as a counterpoint as if anyone mentioned the U.S. You'll just derail the conversation constantly to not have to address the fact you are simply behaving like a CCP bot trying to uphold their image and downplay how anti human this regime is.

I have nothing else to say, the red flags are all out there and going forward whatever damage this guy brings to the group or individuals is no longer just on him.

I made another thread for this. It's okay if you don't want to say anything further on it, but I'm just pointing this out here for others to try to salvage any positive and productive part of my thread that might be left. (I'm not saying you're responsible for the thread being derailed.)

Jack said:
The argument given in this thread is that wearing a woman's clothing or makeup will make you Feminine or increase your Femininity, which is wrong.

Mate, go back and read the thread properly rather than wearing black out glasses and ear pods because you want to infinitely label jrvan a cross dressing cuck spreading disinformation.

Clearly the history lesson went in one ear and completely out the other, or maybe it didn't go into your ears at all. We are NOT saying that men should wear women's clothing. A dress designed for a woman's body and features should not be worn by men. A man's "dress" must be designed and styled to suit the body of a man and a man's features. Men if they desire to wear what one would indeed call a dress these days, but let me use the term robes so you don't have a crap fit about what I'm explaining to you, that is not going to lessen their masculinity and manhood anymore than when high ranking navy soldiers wore wigs and laced cuffs centuries ago in Europe. Take the extreme modern go-to images out of your head and read the freaking comments.

Apparently stating that once upon a time the dress code of history is what some might consider so-called "cross dressing" today, means we are telling people to wear women's clothing. And apparently stating that using makeup in a CREATIVE WAY I.E. CREATIVE SELF-EXPRESSION IN THE FORM OF ART allows one to tap into the feminine mind - is telling people that makeup itself will make you feminine and increase femininity. And Apparently stating the following:

jrvan said:
Conversely, having an aversion to things like long hair because one thinks it is "only for girls" and because one doesn't want to "be a girl" acts to suppress and reject the feminine side of the soul. Like you said, these things are neutral and have nothing to do with "being a boy" or "being a girl" so applying a gender charge to things like hair, makeup, etc... is just causing problems psychologically and even spiritually. Both males and females can dress, style, and look however they want, and this has nothing to do with their gender or gender identity. It's a foolish trick upon the self to associate those things with gender. Males and females historically have worn makeup so it's not gender exclusive, and like I already pointed out, high heels used to be gender exclusive for males which was also stupid.

is telling people that for a man to be spiritual or feminine you have to dress like a girl.

Men and designs that do it right:

Chinese hanfu:

American founders and soldiers:
(note the black bow in their powdered wigs, and frills for the collar and such)

Correct me if I'm wrong, I believe this is called a kurta:

Scottish kilt:

Ancient Greek:



Men have become so rigid on wearing anything associated with girls out of fear of being called a girl that they won't even break out of the xtian mind of how to dress, and insist that men who are not afraid of these things are total sissies and cucks with identity issues. Then we have the ignorance and enemy brainwashing problem. Skirts, dresses, makeup etc, the kinds men once wore were not called "women's wear" they were called men's wear, and the style and cut of the clothing was designed for a man's body. The application of the makeup was for a man's face. Not this "gender bending" nonsense that you claim it all is. The modern idea is that for men to wear dresses or skirts or makeup, since it's "women's' wear" they have to wear the ones made for women, designed for women. No. Just plain no. If the dress, or skirt, or makeup is specifically done with the MALE BODY in mind NOT the woman's body, you don't get your clown or drag queen situation.

This is how NOT to do it:
I'm sure you can find your own creative examples, but I've spent enough time on this.
existentialcrisis said:
The fact is repression can go both ways. Jack once repressed the feminine. Jrvan represses the masculine.

This results in a backlash and going to extremes. Not all men are brainwashed to think that feelings, self care and fashion is for fags. That was once the majority case in history and in the 20th century, and currently the case in the third world. But it is not the case for everyone.

On the contrary, quite alot of men are brainwashed to hate being men, to hate masculinity and put femininity on a pedestal, which leads to repression of masculinity, especially in the west. So they overcompensate by swinging to the other side. Especially when they are lacking in Yang traits. To be fair, the feminine role is passive and easier to play. Developing masculinity requires hard work, decisive action and self responsibility, you cannot become a man, or become masculine for that matter, by growing a beard, putting on a pair of pants, boots and some flannel and chopping a block of wood.

Look at all the soyboy cucks with beards and flannel. These superficial things have nothing to do with promoting masculinity in oneself. Neither does putting on yoga pants and eyeliner develop the feminine side of the soul, only meditation can do that. They can be expressions of a dominant polarity in oneself, but they do not affect the balance specifically. Furthermore, "feminine" in the spiritual sense is allegorical, this is not a matter of gender as it is in the material world.

That is really what's going on here. As long as people are repressing the traits that they are weak in, there can not be fruitful discourse, because they are tied up in guarding their vulnerabilities and trying to keep the repressed at bay. The jungian shadow rears its ugly head.

I'm not repressed in jackshit other than money flow and sex drive. I'm in the process of getting revenge on the monsters who caused that to me.

I was a fucking Centurion in my past life. Get@me.
Jack said:
Here are some examples -

Degrees of initiation

In the Suda under the entry Mithras, it states that "No one was permitted to be initiated into them (the mysteries of Mithras), until he should show himself holy and steadfast by undergoing several graduated tests."[60] Gregory Nazianzen refers to the "tests in the mysteries of Mithras".[61]

There were seven grades of initiation into Mithraism, which are listed by St. Jerome.[62] Manfred Clauss states that the number of grades, seven, must be connected to the planets. A mosaic in the Mithraeum of Felicissimus, Ostia Antica depicts these grades, with symbolic emblems that are connected either to the grades or are symbols of the planets. The grades also have an inscription beside them commending each grade into the protection of the different planetary gods.[4]: 132–133  In ascending order of importance, the initiatory grades were:[4]: 133–138 
The initiate into each grade appears to have been required to undertake a specific ordeal or test,[4]: 103

You can study The Thule Society, where most of the High Ranking members are from in the books of Nicholas Clarke and the model of the Society is similarly shrouded in extreme secrecy from the Outside.

The Babylonian mystery schools which were closed off to the elite.

The Spiritual Schools that Alexander studied in under Plato.

The Tantric Initiation Schools described in the Shiva Samhita where the Guru measures the initiates abilities and gives him differential meditation techniques according to him level.

Essentially all of the Initiation schools since the History of Humanity, Knowledge was given little by little after the Initiate rose up and up the levels of Initiation.

Spiritual knowledge has only been in hands of commoners now because of the internet and even then the vast majority of Humanity isn't interested in it ,even when it's completely free.

Again I'm not saying that Spiritual Knowledge should be secret. I was saying that in context of if the organization was a physical paramilitary or a secret society like Thule was.

"Unlike most religions, Spiritual Satanism encourages one to question everything. Being one's personal best and exceeding limitations are the essence of Spiritual Satanism and this begins with using one's brains to their maximum potential."


"There are no mediators in Spiritual Satanism. We strongly encourage our people to interact one on one with Satan. The ministry is here for guidance and support only. One's relationship with Satan is between that individual and Satan. We take the stance of "responsibility to the responsible." We place no limitations on knowledge or personal power and do everything we can to make all knowledge available to EVERYONE- not just a select few who are a self-appointed "elite" as with other religions. Satan encourages self-study, learning, direct experience."


"Many people disregard so-called" "occult" power, they do not take it seriously or are otherwise completely ignorant concerning it. The truth is, occult power has been in the hands of a few for centuries. Christianity has been their tool for removing this knowledge from the populace.
Following the removal of knowledge, a fictitious past was invented to keep people from knowing the truth. People who do not understand or are unfamiliar with these skills are at the mercy of those who have them and who are adept at using them. Thousands of years ago in Ancient Egypt, this power was well known and most of the populace knew how to use it. With the arrival of Judeo/Christianity and Islam, knowledge was systematically destroyed wherever it was found."

The Outlaw Torn said:
hailourtruegod said:
Lastly since you're new it's understandable why you have a misconception as to why Maxine isn't here. Better to learn why than to say ignorant things that will only give you flak from the advanced members which I'm sure will roll their eyes seeing that part of your comment.
The official answer for absence is that she is more focused on doing the magnum but who said you can’t do that while participating on the forum?

Actually that makes a lot of sense to me. Just look at some the ego battles on here. Do you think any of them have the maturity or enlightenment to become Gods? I do think it is better to stay away if you want to advance faster.

She and the other truly advanced don’t want to become clowns of the ancient forums circus.

Just imagine how much of a drain it is to be someone like cobra that has to read through and approve all of this every single day. Not even the drama just all of the trolls and other ridiculous things you have to deal with.

The forums are the one place where we can reach our people to inform them of the truth. The enemy has hijacked and blocked all other avenues of mass communication in society for getting the truth out.

The formation and maintenance of these forums for all of our benefit is one of the great proud achievements of our High Priest Hoodedcobra. He has moved heaven and earth to provide this for us. This beautiful place is not only a kosher free platform for truth, but also a battle station for spiritual warfare. All out in the open. Years later this place is still running and hasn't been compromised and taken over by the jewish machine.

If you want to spit on this place because it's not good enough for your precious ass then you should go make a better one. Otherwise why are you still here if you don't like it.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Recently, reading some sermons and other things from years past, I did reminiscence into some events of the past years in the JoS. This made me think of how long we have come, but in a very objective fashion. Then I thought of the case with others in this, and how it all came together.

In 2005, when HPS Maxine was taking her life into sacrifice mode in the daily to create the JoS, meditation sections [the first and most important on the LHP at this point], warfare and spiritual power programs, some people did only this: steal her information, try to be part of the JoS and go against it later, attack like typical xians and jews, and so on.

The blow to the enemy, was a great one at the size never seen before prior to that happening. As one would have it, there was a reaction to this from the enemy.

At circa 2006 one "HP" was bribed and they just joined the enemy after years of being with the JoS, going into a disinformation spree against HPS Maxine. The turn was a totally "unexpected" 180 degree turn with all one would expect, slander, attacks, attempted takedown from within etc. The stuff they said was literally nonsensical to unimaginable extents.

The claim went like this: HPS Maxine was their High Priestess and organizer for years in Satan then all of a "sudden", HPS Maxine was a monster, the JoS served thoughtforms, Satan was evil, HPS Maxine had the wrong idea all along, Jews were always correct in what they said of Satan, HPS Maxine was the most evil person alive, the JoS was wrong even if before based on their previous claims that it was the Truth incarnate, the list goes.

The lies were so low tier and typical that they reek collapse on their own. Many copycats of the JoS have been created over the decades [too many to count], on top of everything else, having most of the time the same aims ranging from larping to infiltration.

Being that any of these accusations against a person are so so so objective, one would know instantly or at least early on, since they are hanging around with such big big monsters, wouldn't they? Do you hang around monsters and not notice them? Of course not.

But these people decide oftentimes it's time to "hate" on HPS Maxine or Satan Himself, you know, when they have played the charlatans here first for a few years, then a rabbi came around with the pouch of gold, or something similar. One suddenly has this..."moral epiphany".

Of course this 'moral epiphany' always involves the reason why the Rabbi handed the pouch: disinformation, attack, slander, attempted takedown, sharing info with the enemy and so on, so forth. The enemy didn't come to these people to just..."save them" from the evil of Satan and HPS Maxine. There's more to the deal...

Then their so called 'morals' suddenly change and they go into a sudden so moral spree against the JoS and the people that "They so well knew". The two scenarios cannot co-exist. Suddenly moral enlightenment kicks in. It's always the same pattern in repeat with these because it's part of the plan.

When I first encountered this happening, I was needless to say, rather shocked. Now looking back at so many similar examples, it's a totally boring situation for me.

I cannot imagine, for one, how one that truly met with Satan and the Gods, can ever turn their "back" on them, or not understand their power. Or for example not understand what a betrayal may entail for them. They generally find out the hard way, in a served cold dish.

Primarily my shock came out of myself, since I, having experienced this path, considered this an impossibility to even be possible. How and why were my primary questions.

This is truly an impossibility for any REAL Satanist, of course. Note however, the key word here is real.

As with always, some people are mentally weak, unstudied, don't believe their own experiences, and can be flipped out by a few lies here and there. But this would only happen again to newbies who don't know what is going on.

Then, we have an enemy with infinite resources, and infinite people without a job on the planet, who would be very willing to undertake anything of the sort for whatever reason.

Many people can be confused if that happens, but these things are a common occurrence if anything else. But every child, the first time they see a thunderstorm, they freeze. Walk now and see how many thunderstorms others have seen...

Before these pages existed, most people had no clue how to meditate, the Satanic world was a mess. In regards to what kind of insane garbage place this was, the history exists in the web. All the curses against Satan in all of the aeons had heavily manifested.

It was just drug users, some larpers, mostly crazy people or those with mental illness, and some other emo people only interested in the socially rebellious aspects of Satanism which for the most part, were kosher controlled. Then you had other worse bunch than that.

Indeed, Rabbis must have been very happy at their spells, attainments, and hollywood portrayal of Satan.

In regards to spiritual knowledge, there wasn't even this garbage you read from LaVey and only hebrew dogshit all over the place, if anything hardly existed. Even getting specific paper books was rather difficult, and HPS Maxine took the opportunity of the internet to change this.

Be it that many "Satanists" of the era were just posers, the Gods had to work primarily with her, and other cases of lesser people individuals. The curses were vast and I know this for a fact, as I saw these affect my co-workers in Satan, other people, and everything we have been trying to do and so on.

But I saw also another thing: the real ones always did prevail regardless against everything.

Knowledge was so lacking, even these charlatans many people see today, are blessed charlatans to even have some if any spiritual knowledge online. Even their larping is many steps ahead than what was before.

JoS gave it all for free, giving of course many of these people a little mouth they would never have to speak against this structure which Satan has clearly maintained against all odds and possibilities. Since we gave everyone a mouth, they speak against us now.

Over the years, and those who are older here know this, people have came, and people have went. I've met people and people. Traitors have come out, legitimate people have went absent due to responsibilities, and many, which often fly beneath the radar and make no fuss [unlike the garbage always does] I have seen achieve great success.

Traitors all but kept hating, vanished, disappeared, or remained non relevant copycats that literally just rephrase and steal all the JoS teaching or just preach bullshit of the enemy already present online. Of no importance.

Legitimate people have at least in a back and forth motion, seen in the very least, become more powerful from being with Satan. The lives of these people have been positively touched.

Lastly, the most scary thing for the enemy, or that of successful individuals and or decent and powerful individuals rising out of Satanism, such as in the "Times of Old", has the enemy shitting their pants every single night.

They cannot fathom how such a bunch of cursed, attacked, marginalized, and general circus that existed prior, managed to do something to offend them, or even go as far as to defeat them and form a great spiritual army. It keeps them up at night.

Like HPS Maxine back then, I look at what has been built, and I know what matters. I will be eternally hated for the work I did to construct Satanism. I know where I am headed.

Some people don't because they suck, or because when they came around everything was ready by people greater than they. Unlike the enemy, those of Satan are loyal to Satan out of free choice.

Nobody intimidated us, forced us, threatened us, or coerced us to be with Satan. We can at anytime click leave and go. Satanism is not for the feint hearted, and definitely not for those who don't have it somewhere inside themselves already.

Spiritual Satanism is for those who believe in our mission, that Satanic Souls matter for something important, those who want to develop spiritually and look into the occult - a hidden, "Cursed" and largely defamed craft.

Over the years, I encountered a far greater mission and Truth in Satanism. In all ways bigger beyond compare to my initial reasons for joining. At any rate, I could theoretically go back, but never did and never will do.

You cannot unsee the Truth.

The enemy watched Satanists for centuries as shit-heads, cursed individuals, trash of the earth. In a sense, they fit us all in their kosher paradigm of the bible. Prostitutes, inferior intelligence, whatever have you.

Satanists were called "defiled", they were cursed, psychic attacks done against them, killed and tortured, and the kinds of Satanists became the "worst thing of the Earth". Before that, Satanists were the best of the earth.

Even though, in the past, what we consider "Satanists" today, such as the people of the occult, the Pagan priesthoods, and the spiritual people of these, were the pupil of the eye for all Pagan civilizations.

Some idiots and short sighted individuals are losing the sight of the greater mission and goal for Satanism. Engaged in petty infighting, they cause issues and try to fragment us. To all people who understand this, have an iron mind and don't be dissuaded by them. One has to be certain of their path here and what they are doing.

That vermin explained above, is rotten, because only rotten individuals would ignore the obvious dangers and prospects of our undertaking. Listen not to these rotten people who try to do what the enemy did, set fire into this precious tree of Satan. We have seen it produce golden apples already...I eat the Golden Apple and I laugh at them.

Satanism is for those who have some aim for themselves, and those who agree with the values the JoS has been sharing since it was created under Satan. It's for those who feel it in their hearts that they belong to the Gods.

Those who are in this category, will always be of the Gods. As for the rest, who is keeping you? Did someone come to your house to ask you? Did we use trillions of dollars to slam ads inside your brain in facebook? Did you get intimidated by your local Satanic Church which does not even exist, at the claim that you'll burn in Hell? Were you bullied by your non existent Satanic street gang?

No, nothing of the above. Everyone is here out of their free will and a call of their heart. And those who understand this will continue.

As for the rest, I question this: Is anyone keeping you?

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

You should also review our 10 year charter, and watch as we fulfill it. If you don't believe in the strength and value of these forums and this community then you will soon enough. It will become even more obvious than it already is.
Stormblood said:
jrvan said:
If he's a paragon then I'm a renegade (to manhood). ;)
Playing too much Mass Effect?

I play Commander Shepherd as a girl every time. :lol:
Lunar Dance 666 said:

This specific situation, I do not see it as having anything to do with "transgender."

What I see is a man who seems to have never had a good relationship with other men. Who is extremely uncomfortable with any man who has a "manly" personality. Sees every "manly" man as being some kind of enemy, or as being a bad person.

He is convinced that every action that a man does every moment of every day is entirely motivated by not wanting to be girly, and thinks that most men are like this. But this can not be thought of as an exaggeration, and I am the only person who exaggerates. How could this even be possible? The amount of mental energy and focus to maintain every moment of every day thinking "don't be like a girl." When almost every situation has nothing to do with male or female anyway. I honestly can't imagine any possible way for a healthy person to maintain that type of focus on such a strange or ridiculous thought pattern for 100% of the time, especially when nearly all situations that take up most percentage of time of the day have no relation to manly or girly, but jrvan is convinced that most men are like this. I don't think even the sickest and most insane transgender person spends as much time and focus thinking about being seen as manly or girly as jrvan believes that most men spend.

And if I say that this is ridiculous, or that the amount of choices determined by this reasoning can not possibly be as high as 100%, then I am the person who is exaggerating? And if I question this, I am dismissive or I am closed minded, or I am just wrong. And they could very easily prove me wrong at any moment, and I guess the only reason they haven't is to be nice.

Am I the only person who sees all of this as just being insane? And just plain ridiculous? The situation is the jrvan seems to be a deeply obsessed person, and he seems to be the kind of guy that he describes. But instead of always having to avoid doing anything girly, jrvan is always having to avoid anything manly. Which I am not judging him, and I have never said anything is bad about this behaviour. I have never said anything bad about him. But he takes his own personal obsession of purposefully not being manly, and he tries to invent all kinds of fake spirituality around it to justify it, or to act like it is the correct way to be. He tries to act like this is something that will help him to become a god, and help his soul to be better.

I have never said anything about the way jrvan chooses to act. I have never joked about him not being manly, and never said anything bad about it. Because I don't care how he acts or what he does in his life. But the one thing that does make me angry is when a person lies and invents fictional and nonsense things, and then pretends that it is spiritual laws or that these things are required for spiritual advancement. I have no patience for this, and I will not try to allow this to happen. I will not allow this guy to harm and confuse and lie to people, just because he has his own emotional problems he wants to force the same ones onto everyone else.

I guess I am not allowed to say anything "personal" even if it is directly related to the conversation and is directly related to all of jrvan's mindset. I can not mention his mother, or the opinion that she very strongly had, or the things she used to do. But anybody can search old comments and see for themself. It does seem to be very strongly related to his current mindset.

The part that is most important, is that he is inventing fictional things and pretending that they are spiritual laws. Lying about what people have to do, and lying that these things will help anybody. It is a lie that wearing a dress will help you spiritually. It is a lie that having makeup on your face will help you spiritually. It is a lie that wearing certain shoes will help you spiritually. All of these things are direct lies, and they do not have good intentions. These kinds of ridiculous lies are harmful to people. Any jew who walks in here and invents some retarded ritual and promotes it as being necessary, this is harmful to everybody. And I am not saying jrvan is a jew, he is not, that was just an example for something similar.

At the very least, if somebody is going to lie like this and invent nonsense shit, they should at least be able to reasonably describe how it works, what all of the parts and influences are, and how it has the effect that they claim it to have. And if it was something real, it would be able to be described. And yes, all spiritual things are able to be completely described in full detail how they work. Spirituality is science, and spirituality is physics, and it can be clearly explained. It is very similar to biology the level of details that it can be explained with. Maybe some person does not know enough to be able to describe it in that detailed of a way, but none of this is a mystery where "you put this in, and you get this out, and nobody can explain how it happens."

If you believe that wearing a dress is helpful for your soul, and it gets you closer to being a goddess, please explain to me why you think this and how does it do this. I am able to explain in very fine detail all of the reasons why this is not true. But if I am wrong and you are right, it should be even easier to prove me wrong. Just explain one single beneficial effect that it does for anybody's soul. It should be extremely easy to prove me wrong because I am saying there are zero things that it does spiritually. So if you can come up with an example of just one thing, I am proven wrong. And I will accept and admit that if I am wrong. But if nobody is able to explain a single benefit that it gives to wear a dress, then it looks like it is time to admit that this was just lies and fictional spirituality.

And I do not care what kinds of dresses have been worn by men in different cultures around the world. And I do not care what kinds of dresses have been worn by women in different cultures around the world. This means nothing to me. I have never said that it is a bad thing to wear a dress, and I do not care what anybody wears. The only thing I said all along, is that there is zero effect on your soul, and zero improvement towards becoming a god, that is achieved by wearing a dress.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
A genius is not someone that can just remember easily and reproduce on a high level. A genius is the one that uses a creative process whilst doing so, going above and beyond. Finding solutions to things, and thinking out of the box whilst doing so.
... Creating brand new solutions.
That is what a genius is.

Yes, I agree with this.

But can you also agree that a man making himself look like some drag queen kike will give him zero improvement towards becoming a genius? And it will give him zero improvement towards becoming a god? And that this has zero connection to any kind of spirituality? I honestly can't imagine why people work so hard to try to defend such stupid nonsense.

If a man wants to dress like a woman, he is allowed to do that. I don't give a fuck what anybody wants to wear. I have never said for anybody to wear, or to not wear, anything. But I can not imagine why you pretend that a man dressing like a woman is some kind of spiritual ritual or that it is going to help him at all.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
