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Amitanshu666 said:
I m addicted to smoking, will smoking harm me spiritually?
Yes, it will.
Amitanshu666 said:
I m addicted to smoking, will smoking harm me spiritually?

Weed will harm you more then tobaco, but tobaco smoking does also lead to a harmed body (endurance, flexebility, less lung capacity etc). So jes since your body is not as strong as it could be this hinders your spiritual progress.
Yes. It creates a certain vibration in people that is lower and negative. It is not really possible to fully meditate your way out of it's still there if your still smoking. It also has a lot of well known health risks a simple search online would show you.

The good is this is more reversible than a lot of things so far as the health risks if you quit. After about 10 to 20 years (depending on the person and how long they smoked and how much) it will be mostly as if you never smoked unless you smoked so far as health so long you began to seriously damage your lungs or got a disease of the lungs that isn't reversible.

I have done drugs like heroin and crack before and I can say Nicotine is the single hardest thing to quit out of all of them I believe vape is way less harmful in spiritual and health effects. Maybe switch to that then try to quit that. It's not anymore hard or easy however fact is this is one of the hardest things you will ever do no matter what. It sucks.
A suggestion start a freeing the soul working for this with uruz ansuz or munka 111 times for at least 40 days then quit it will be easier by far affirm something about being free of withdrawal symptoms too that helps a little. Homeopathic medicine works quite well for nicotine addiction in my experience as well as some herbs. There are also Prescription medications and Tabex is quite helpful for this it can be bought online from European countries and shipped elsewhere.

However if you lack willpower nothing will work.
Amitanshu666 said:
I m addicted to smoking, will smoking harm me spiritually?

Not only will it harm you spiritually, it will also harm you physically. My grandmother was addicted to smoking. She died of lung cancer almost three years ago.

Please put the effort into curing this addiction. You will thank yourself later. Smoking also puts a huge strain on your financial situation, as cigarettes are getting more and more expensive.
I find smokers highly unattractive
NinRick said:
I find smokers highly unattractive
Me too, they smell. When I was a teenager I kissed a girl who smoked, man that was a nasty taste even though I also smoked at the time.
It's repulsing to see a woman smoking.
Additionally to what it has been said already, I noticed smoking creates holes in the aura and particularly damages the middle chakra. Similarly to drinking alcohol.

Quitting is a question of willpower and mindset. It is difficult only if you make it difficult. I smoked from May 2012 to October 2015 on and off. I quit on the 1st of November 2015 and never looked back. One of my grandmas smoked for decades, my grandfather smoked too and it killed him. After his death, she had a medical visit and was shown the extent of damage smoking had done to her lungs and respiratory system overall. She quit cold turkey too without ever looking and she hasn't smoked for decades now.

It depends on your willpower and mindset.

If you can't quit without thinking back, you could also try a cognitive approach by asking yourself a few questions. Why do you smoke? How does that help you? Isn't there something else that can replace smoking and perform better? etc.
Stormblood said:
Additionally to what it has been said already, I noticed smoking creates holes in the aura and particularly damages the middle chakra. Similarly to drinking alcohol.

Quitting is a question of willpower and mindset. It is difficult only if you make it difficult. I smoked from May 2012 to October 2015 on and off. I quit on the 1st of November 2015 and never looked back. One of my grandmas smoked for decades, my grandfather smoked too and it killed him. After his death, she had a medical visit and was shown the extent of damage smoking had done to her lungs and respiratory system overall. She quit cold turkey too without ever looking and she hasn't smoked for decades now.

It depends on your willpower and mindset.

If you can't quit without thinking back, you could also try a cognitive approach by asking yourself a few questions. Why do you smoke? How does that help you? Isn't there something else that can replace smoking and perform better? etc.

Does it hurt to drink wine ? Dionysus was the god of wine and entertainment, so wasn't wine harmful in ancient times ?

I've been wondering about this wine thing for days and that's why I wanted to ask. I will be glad if you answer.^^

Have a nice evening ^^
I'm also addicted. And yeah, as others said,it's really damaging. I remember back then(when I just got here(as after dedicating, not when I got on the forums) , I was already smoking for a few weeks/ a month at most) it was so much easier to meditate, getting in a trance was so much easier than now, and it would ve been much better if I didn't smoke at all, or just stopped, anyway my lungs were still pretty healthy at the time.

I also had an experience, due to circumstances, recently, like last year I think, in which I didn't touch a cig for 10 or so hours (it was during the night, and couldn't fall asleep), it just reaffirmed how bad it affects me. I had my mind clear, completely, and it was such a nice feeling, I did enter a trance easier than usual, and meditation was much more powerful, and more pleasant( I guess).

You really should stop smoking.

And I also want to ask for ideas on how to stop.
I ve tried programming myself before sleeping with affirmations to stop, tried doing a freeing working... but I just wake up to smoke more than before. I also tried cutting out various things that were making me keep smoking( like stress, "friends", etc), did cut them out, but the situation didn t really improve, and I quite ran out of ideas.

Do you guys think I should keep going with workings/affirmations even though I see myself smoking more by the day?
Smoking is the hardest to quit in my opinion and I have had good results using essential oils sublingually diluded with a carrier oil. I'm still struggling with mental triggers sometimes, but the oil really helps me immensely. This link https://healingsolutions.com/blogs/learn/essential-oils-for-quitting-smoking has a few options and I chose a lavender blend for nights and am about to try the sweet orange for days.
There was a topic made that had a really helpful regimen found here in our forums as well.
Lydias suggestion to use void meditation on the color yellow helped, and my love for the runes was utilized by vibrating Ansuz 40 times for 40 days, which I am still doing.
Sabazios said:
Do you guys think I should keep going with workings/affirmations even though I see myself smoking more by the day?

Yes. That is just karmic pushback. You always continue your workings until you get your results. However, if the situation proves especially hard, you can wait until you get more power, do more deep cleaning, or improve indirect factors such as your lower chakras (as they influence the will and discipline).

Even if your daily battle seems to fluctuate, keep up the efforts by destroying/flushing the cigarettes, even if you keep buying them. Actively fighting the problem will help, but as mentioned above, don't get discouraged when such daily fluctuations seem to temporarily turn against you.

Most of these freeing workings will amplify the symptoms. A working that involves freeing emotions can kick up those emotions into your day, seemingly randomly. However, dealing with past trauma in that way is much better than actually experiencing it again.
slyscorpion said:
However if you lack willpower nothing will work.

A solution to this, if people worry about such a problem before they can implement permanent solutions, would be to breathe in fire, programmed to now balance your fire element in all ways, in a healthy manner. Modifications could be programming the fire for pure will, or using similar energies like Surya or firey runes. Fire breathing can also work here.

One could do this before they work on an important working, where they worry their will is not sufficient.
And in case anyone is wondering, even a Libra sun (weak willpower) person still has will, even if not strong. If you can move your arms with your brain, then you can manipulate energy.


I remember that we talked about fire and its relation to the sense of self, in another thread. I don't think I have a good solution at that time. I believe for the best results, one needs to look at how exactly the energy is placed. In this way, not all fire placements are equal.

I believe people who need to improve their sense of self should direct Aries energy into their 1st house, as well as remove any obstacles currently present (like Neptune aspects).

People may do a Mars Square for improving their natal Mars, but that is simply going into the same house as before. More specificity is needed with particular goals.
Aquarius said:
NinRick said:
I find smokers highly unattractive
Me too, they smell. When I was a teenager I kissed a girl who smoked, man that was a nasty taste even though I also smoked at the time.
It's repulsing to see a woman smoking.
now most people are starting to use heated tobacco which sucks even more.
Veritá_666 said:
Aquarius said:
NinRick said:
I find smokers highly unattractive
Me too, they smell. When I was a teenager I kissed a girl who smoked, man that was a nasty taste even though I also smoked at the time.
It's repulsing to see a woman smoking.
now most people are starting to use heated tobacco which sucks even more.
"but but it's better!!!"
What is better is not needing a soother when you're a grown up.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=333444 time=1647064795 user_id=21286]

Yes. That is just karmic pushback. You always continue your workings until you get your results. However, if the situation proves especially hard, you can wait until you get more power, do more deep cleaning, or improve indirect factors such as your lower chakras (as they influence the will and discipline).

Even if your daily battle seems to fluctuate, keep up the efforts by destroying/flushing the cigarettes, even if you keep buying them. Actively fighting the problem will help, but as mentioned above, don't get discouraged when such daily fluctuations seem to temporarily turn against you.

Most of these freeing workings will amplify the symptoms. A working that involves freeing emotions can kick up those emotions into your day, seemingly randomly. However, dealing with past trauma in that way is much better than actually experiencing it again.
Thank you!
Baroness Blossom said:

Does it hurt to drink wine ? Dionysus was the god of wine and entertainment, so wasn't wine harmful in ancient times ?

I've been wondering about this wine thing for days and that's why I wanted to ask. I will be glad if you answer.^^

Have a nice evening ^^

Yeah. Alcohol in every quantity hurts the physical body and the other vessels. I have made some short articles on that. Overtime, it can even open holes in the aura and it lowers your body vibration. It doesn't matter how good your digestive system is either because part of it is already absorbed in the mouth.

Dionysus is the God of the pineal gland. The wine he rules is an allegory for the ambrosia produced by it. The "intoxication" is the ecstatic state which the ambrosia puts you in, which are stronger than any orgasm. Hence why "orgies" are attributed to his followers, despite it not being a literal practice.

Drinking alcohol in ancient times was an extremely small minority and it was frowned upon because it clouds your mind and numbs your senses, and drops your vibration to very low levels. Not to mention, no one likes alcohol by default. It is an acquired taste that is gained through social engineering. It is reinforced as a social norm by most people you meet, through examples and peer pressure, and also enforced on tv shows, films and social media.

Alcohol in the past was used exclusively as a disinfectant. Fermented drinks can be made and the alcohol can be removed from them to be used appropriately. You'll find some stores have "alcohol-free" version. I still wouldn't recommend them because they are usually very high in sugar. Alcohol-free whatever could be a treat once in a while during festivities. Definitely not a weekly or daily occurrence.

A small quantity of alcohol can also be drunk to deal with severe hypothermia. Another medical use centralforce explained once.

I personally don't even drink it occasionally because I don't see the use of my damaging my brain cells, even if temporarily, just to drink rubbish NPCs are drinking. You see, alcohol melts the myelin sheath around your nerves. This sheath is an organic tissue that distributes nutrients from your brain. By drinking alcohol, you are cutting select parts of your brain off from nutrients, which causes damage of different kind depending on which areas are affected. This is why habitual drinkers are found to have lower IQs. You don't need to get drunk to be subjected to this kind of damage. Not even half-drunk. Just drinking it causes it.

Minor damage can be recovered, sure, but why waste energy when it's needed for much more important stuff? Severe damage that habitual drinkers and alcoholics have take a very long time to heal, even with yoga and even if you target it specifically. That's why brain damage is often referred to as semi=permanent and permanent. This also ends up impacting all your head chakras.

Ultimately, alcohol and coffee are the worst recreational drugs because they are the most popularly used, abused and misused. The choice of whether to drink or not lies with you. You are responsible for your choices and in control of your life. I can only spread awareness.


Smite said:
Baroness Blossom said:
Does it hurt to drink wine ? Dionysus was the god of wine and entertainment, so wasn't wine harmful in ancient times ?

I've been wondering about this wine thing for days and that's why I wanted to ask. I will be glad if you answer.^^

Have a nice evening ^^
No, not if you over drink, nothing wrong with enjoying a small dose of wine.
As above.

Also, there is no such thing as "enjoying" alcohol. It's all enemy brainwashing. Only someone with leftovers of brainwashing can enjoy forms of self-harm.
Kavya Shukra said:
NinRick said:
I find smokers highly unattractive

Same. I find people who drink a large turn off. I grew up around family and abusive people who drank, and would waste their money getting drunk and being abusive. So I made sure I never touch a drop of liquor.

Smokers, alcoholics, anyone who uses recreational drugs is a turn-off for me too. I'm only attracted to growth-oriented people. People who consciously self-harm can beat it.

Not to mention how these things negatively affect others, like you said, and their performance in every area of life.

Anyway, I have spoken enough about this. Anyone who wants to read more in-depth about my position can use the search function.
Stormblood said:
Yeah. Alcohol in every quantity hurts the physical body and the other vessels. I have made some short articles on that. Overtime, it can even open holes in the aura and it lowers your body vibration. It doesn't matter how good your digestive system is either because part of it is already absorbed in the mouth.

Dionysus is the God of the pineal gland. The wine he rules is an allegory for the ambrosia produced by it. The "intoxication" is the ecstatic state which the ambrosia puts you in, which are stronger than any orgasm. Hence why "orgies" are attributed to his followers, despite it not being a literal practice.

Drinking alcohol in ancient times was an extremely small minority and it was frowned upon because it clouds your mind and numbs your senses, and drops your vibration to very low levels. Not to mention, no one likes alcohol by default. It is an acquired taste that is gained through social engineering. It is reinforced as a social norm by most people you meet, through examples and peer pressure, and also enforced on tv shows, films and social media.

Alcohol in the past was used exclusively as a disinfectant. Fermented drinks can be made and the alcohol can be removed from them to be used appropriately. You'll find some stores have "alcohol-free" version. I still wouldn't recommend them because they are usually very high in sugar. Alcohol-free whatever could be a treat once in a while during festivities. Definitely not a weekly or daily occurrence.

A small quantity of alcohol can also be drunk to deal with severe hypothermia. Another medical use centralforce explained once.

I personally don't even drink it occasionally because I don't see the use of my damaging my brain cells, even if temporarily, just to drink rubbish NPCs are drinking. You see, alcohol melts the myelin sheath around your nerves. This sheath is an organic tissue that distributes nutrients from your brain. By drinking alcohol, you are cutting select parts of your brain off from nutrients, which causes damage of different kind depending on which areas are affected. This is why habitual drinkers are found to have lower IQs. You don't need to get drunk to be subjected to this kind of damage. Not even half-drunk. Just drinking it causes it.

Minor damage can be recovered, sure, but why waste energy when it's needed for much more important stuff? Severe damage that habitual drinkers and alcoholics have take a very long time to heal, even with yoga and even if you target it specifically. That's why brain damage is often referred to as semi=permanent and permanent. This also ends up impacting all your head chakras.

Ultimately, alcohol and coffee are the worst recreational drugs because they are the most popularly used, abused and misused. The choice of whether to drink or not lies with you. You are responsible for your choices and in control of your life. I can only spread awareness.


I get it now.
Thank you for informing me.

Have a nice day ^^
Stormblood said:
Kavya Shukra said:
NinRick said:
I find smokers highly unattractive

Same. I find people who drink a large turn off. I grew up around family and abusive people who drank, and would waste their money getting drunk and being abusive. So I made sure I never touch a drop of liquor.

Smokers, alcoholics, anyone who uses recreational drugs is a turn-off for me too. I'm only attracted to growth-oriented people. People who consciously self-harm can beat it.

Not to mention how these things negatively affect others, like you said, and their performance in every area of life.

Anyway, I have spoken enough about this. Anyone who wants to read more in-depth about my position can use the search function.

I've only tried weed once, and drank wine once. Both were horrible experiences. I had a horrible hallucinatory trip off weed because it felt like reality was warping and felt like it was melting. Never trying that again. It took me 3 days to detox from that terrifying experience.
Baroness Blossom said:
Does it hurt to drink wine ? Dionysus was the god of wine and entertainment, so wasn't wine harmful in ancient times ?

I've been wondering about this wine thing for days and that's why I wanted to ask. I will be glad if you answer.^^

Have a nice evening ^^

Hello! I'm wolfgang. I know Buer is a demon who helps with drug addiction! I'm sure that also includes cigarettes. Although in the description on the jos site it says he is averse to drunkenness, I believe the point is that addiction is holes in the aura and the imbalance of your energies. Like a hole is something I'm obsessed with (an uncomfortable feeling I can't shake), and the imbalance causes a compulsive feeling to grab something outside myself to fill the hole.

For example, wine is a drink that can be healthy for you in moderation. It might be best to ask him for guidance!

Also I believe its stated that opening the crown and 6th sense can help due to its euphoria feeling.
WolfgangMIA said:
Hello! I'm wolfgang. I know Buer is a demon who helps with drug addiction! I'm sure that also includes cigarettes. Although in the description on the jos site it says he is averse to drunkenness, I believe the point is that addiction is holes in the aura and the imbalance of your energies. Like a hole is something I'm obsessed with (an uncomfortable feeling I can't shake), and the imbalance causes a compulsive feeling to grab something outside myself to fill the hole.

For example, wine is a drink that can be healthy for you in moderation. It might be best to ask him for guidance!

Also I believe its stated that opening the crown and 6th sense can help due to its euphoria feeling.

Hello I'm Baron/ess blossom nice to meet you ^^ (My username is Baroness Blossom but I'm not a girl and you can call me Baron since Baroness is a feminine name)

In fact, I do not use alcohol, cigarettes, etc. because it is unhealthy but when my peers said "wine is alcohol" etc. I was curious and wanted to ask. Thank you anyway for replying and trying to help.
Serbon said:
And also I've read before that wine was not alcohol earlier, it was just like a juice of grapes.

I actually think so. I think it's broken on the enemy side too or it could be because of crafty people who want to facilitate grape fermentation.

Have a nice day ^^
WolfgangMIA said:
Hello! I'm wolfgang. I know Buer is a demon who helps with drug addiction! I'm sure that also includes cigarettes. Although in the description on the jos site it says he is averse to drunkenness, I believe the point is that addiction is holes in the aura and the imbalance of your energies. Like a hole is something I'm obsessed with (an uncomfortable feeling I can't shake), and the imbalance causes a compulsive feeling to grab something outside myself to fill the hole.

For example, wine is a drink that can be healthy for you in moderation. It might be best to ask him for guidance!

Also I believe its stated that opening the crown and 6th sense can help due to its euphoria feeling.

(there was a semantic error in a sentence and I had to cancel it to fix it so I'm posting it again)

Hello I'm Baron blossom nice to meet you ^^ (My username is Baroness Blossom but I'm not a girl and Baroness is feminine name So you can call me Baron)

In fact, I do not use alcohol, cigarettes, etc. because it is unhealthy but when my peers said "wine is alcohol" etc. I was curious and wanted to ask. Thank you anyway for replying and trying to help.
Baroness Blossom said:
WolfgangMIA said:
Hello! I'm wolfgang. I know Buer is a demon who helps with drug addiction! I'm sure that also includes cigarettes. Although in the description on the jos site it says he is averse to drunkenness, I believe the point is that addiction is holes in the aura and the imbalance of your energies. Like a hole is something I'm obsessed with (an uncomfortable feeling I can't shake), and the imbalance causes a compulsive feeling to grab something outside myself to fill the hole.

For example, wine is a drink that can be healthy for you in moderation. It might be best to ask him for guidance!

Also I believe its stated that opening the crown and 6th sense can help due to its euphoria feeling.

(there was a semantic error in a sentence and I had to cancel it to fix it so I'm posting it again)

Hello I'm Baron blossom nice to meet you ^^ (My username is Baroness Blossom but I'm not a girl and Baroness is feminine name So you can call me Baron)

In fact, I do not use alcohol, cigarettes, etc. because it is unhealthy but when my peers said "wine is alcohol" etc. I was curious and wanted to ask. Thank you anyway for replying and trying to help.

Yeah most wine has an alcohol content but its not super unhealthy like most things.
It was a common drink for celebrations in the ancient world.

Nice to meet you >.<
Smite said:
Dionysus the god of grape harvest, wine making and festivals(
The ancients drank wine on occasions during festives, the egyptians had beers too, bread and beer was regular in egypt but I don't know if the alcohol was as strong as it is today.
However drinking it ones a month just a glass won't hamper you growth or do anything.
You are over exaggerating the effects too much.
And I also think people like wine by default, I don't know about others but I do like grape wines. It is not peer pressure or anything just the taste is good.

No, this is modern corruption to advance the alcohol industry and push it further into people's minds that "It was always done by humans" and "It's in human's nature to desire alcohol when partying."

You are taking things too literally from myth.

Wine was made popular by xianity, enforced as a drink during the "holy communion" to represent the blood of that fictional character. Over time, they got the majority addicted. Drinking wine, through sympathetic magic, ties people to the enemy thoughtform. You can hypnotise people into thinking they are monkeys. Imagine how easy it is to make people like something that would normally not even considered a drink.

You don't have any evidence of "overexaggerating" as there isn't any. Ask any God or Goddess of Healing and Medicine, and it will tell you the same as I did in regards to him and, additionally, they will go more in-depth.

There are also no unbiased studies that can prove what you say. It's like that idiot from Leangains saying that you can eat diets of 60% protein without any negative effect on the body because 1 study was done showing that this is the case. Only 1 study, especially with limited sample size proves nothing. Even more so considering it was sponsored by supplement companies. So, there was vested interest in the study having results that could be used to promote their supplements.

You also evidently lack the ability to observe people's auras, chakras and overall souls for damage. You also have no knowledge of what norms, culture and peer pressure are. Those subject are the only things that the discipline of sociology can actually help with.

Opinions are irrelevant when compared to fact.

By all means, if you want to drink wine, keep drinking it because your body is yours and not mine. However, don't come here pushing misinformation about it because it doesn't work and there is no way you can win any argument just with opinions, especially with people who actually have developed spiritual abilities.
Baroness Blossom said:
Stormblood said:
Additionally to what it has been said already, I noticed smoking creates holes in the aura and particularly damages the middle chakra. Similarly to drinking alcohol.

Quitting is a question of willpower and mindset. It is difficult only if you make it difficult. I smoked from May 2012 to October 2015 on and off. I quit on the 1st of November 2015 and never looked back. One of my grandmas smoked for decades, my grandfather smoked too and it killed him. After his death, she had a medical visit and was shown the extent of damage smoking had done to her lungs and respiratory system overall. She quit cold turkey too without ever looking and she hasn't smoked for decades now.

It depends on your willpower and mindset.

If you can't quit without thinking back, you could also try a cognitive approach by asking yourself a few questions. Why do you smoke? How does that help you? Isn't there something else that can replace smoking and perform better? etc.

Does it hurt to drink wine ? Dionysus was the god of wine and entertainment, so wasn't wine harmful in ancient times ?

I've been wondering about this wine thing for days and that's why I wanted to ask. I will be glad if you answer.^^

Have a nice evening ^^


Here is an image I remember being shown awhile ago by someone don't remember where but I found it and will share it with you.

I think this probably is bad. Also it's said to be connected to the star Algol by many people.

It's on you to decide what you want to do but on an energy level it can be harmful or allow things to take you over if your in a really drunk state. If that happens you may do something violent or bad and not know it or be able to control it at the time. That has been reported a lot.
WolfgangMIA said:
Baroness Blossom said:
WolfgangMIA said:
Hello! I'm wolfgang. I know Buer is a demon who helps with drug addiction! I'm sure that also includes cigarettes. Although in the description on the jos site it says he is averse to drunkenness, I believe the point is that addiction is holes in the aura and the imbalance of your energies. Like a hole is something I'm obsessed with (an uncomfortable feeling I can't shake), and the imbalance causes a compulsive feeling to grab something outside myself to fill the hole.

For example, wine is a drink that can be healthy for you in moderation. It might be best to ask him for guidance!

Also I believe its stated that opening the crown and 6th sense can help due to its euphoria feeling.

(there was a semantic error in a sentence and I had to cancel it to fix it so I'm posting it again)

Hello I'm Baron blossom nice to meet you ^^ (My username is Baroness Blossom but I'm not a girl and Baroness is feminine name So you can call me Baron)

In fact, I do not use alcohol, cigarettes, etc. because it is unhealthy but when my peers said "wine is alcohol" etc. I was curious and wanted to ask. Thank you anyway for replying and trying to help.

Yeah most wine has an alcohol content but its not super unhealthy like most things.
It was a common drink for celebrations in the ancient world.

Nice to meet you >.<
I also was misinformed. I'm glad our brothers and sisters are each unique and can bring their knowledge to us! Thank you.
It makes sense all alcohol is bad for you, their arguments are based on fact as well intuition of the spiritual nature.

Just like an SS should!
Smite said:

The effect of wine comes from regular consumption, if comsumed daily, but you said it will start doing damage to you the moment it touches your mouth which is an exaggeration, too much.

Wine is harmful yes and I am quite aware of the damages, but what am talking about is that it's not like toxic like poison. If taking in small amount maybe once in a month or in a blue moon on occasions it will do nothing.

I know you want to warn them but don't exaggerate things to high.

There are many things who harm you instantly. Some with a negative outcome, others with a positive outcome. For example, when you train at high intensity, you get microtears in your muscles. Tears are a form of damage, yet it is positive. It happens even if you train once a month or in a blue moon. The microtears then repair and your muscles are slightly stronger from it, then this is lost because you only do it once a month or once in a blue moon.

The concept with alcohol is similar. Physical, spiritual, and experiential will show the kind of damage that it occurs. In this case, it is a type of damage that makes you weaker rather than stronger. If it once in a blue moon or once a month, it will also be repaired easily and it will be as if you were never damaged. If it more often, the damage will compound, will become more difficult to heal, and ultimately become either semi-permanent or permanent. This is why alcohol is considered a drug in medical sciences, an intoxicant drug.

It seems to me like you're taking it too lightly, because drinking is a modern social norm. A negative one.

Here's the Wikipedia page for acquired taste, which you wont' read, and here is definition for acquired taste. Coincidentally, even Wikipedia lists wine as an acquired taste.

The notion that drinking occasionally is harmless comes from alcohol companies and outdated medical papers. Similar to how "fat is harmful and you should eat low-fat food and drink skimmed/semi-skimmed milk".

Anyway, I have said everything. Feel free to have the last word or proceed the discussion alone.
slyscorpion said:

Here is an image I remember being shown awhile ago by someone don't remember where but I found it and will share it with you.

I think this probably is bad. Also it's said to be connected to the star Algol by many people.

It's on you to decide what you want to do but on an energy level it can be harmful or allow things to take you over if your in a really drunk state. If that happens you may do something violent or bad and not know it or be able to control it at the time. That has been reported a lot.

I've been curious actually. do you drink at all Sly?

i'm debating whether I should drink even rarely, recently. Since my conclusion is if your seeking that state you want to "escape" your mind, so you could say someone who likes to drink wants to be "out of their mind" when someone says "your out of your mind" they are basically saying your insane. I have no problem with people drinking like Storm said in a "Blue moon" but drinking at all is nearly promoting insanity within the self.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
slyscorpion said:

I am not saying that wine is good. But this picture just looks like nonsense.

have no idea if it is or not to be honest. Just thought I would share as it looks like something only someone who saw energy would come up I probably should have included that as a disclaimer. To me from what I am able to sense the energy of alcohol has a lot of fire element to be honest that isn't mentioned here. However it is very low vibration that I know for sure. I don't particularly care for it. I was an alcoholic for years now I can hardly even finish a drink since I can't stand the vibration and energy of it or taste and feeling it gives you. Just makes me want to throw up. That should tell people it's probably not good if you can't stand it after progressing more.
Smite said:
The effect of wine comes from regular consumption, if comsumed daily, but you said it will start doing damage to you the moment it touches your mouth which is an exaggeration, too much.

No, Stormblood did not exaggerate. A part of what you eat directly goes into the bloodstream through the walls of the mouth and through the gums of teeth. The food doesn't necessarily have to go to small intestine for it to be absorbed by the blood. So no, this is not an exaggeration when he says that part of food is absorbed in the mouth.


The above is about sugar. However, there is no denial that the same applies for alcohol. Do you really want alcohol in your blood in any amount ? I will be frank. Personally, that idea or notion of alcohol in blood is repelling and detestable to me.
Smite said:
Stormblood said:
Smite said:

The effect of wine comes from regular consumption, if comsumed daily, but you said it will start doing damage to you the moment it touches your mouth which is an exaggeration, too much.

Wine is harmful yes and I am quite aware of the damages, but what am talking about is that it's not like toxic like poison. If taking in small amount maybe once in a month or in a blue moon on occasions it will do nothing.

I know you want to warn them but don't exaggerate things to high.

There are many things who harm you instantly. Some with a negative outcome, others with a positive outcome. For example, when you train at high intensity, you get microtears in your muscles. Tears are a form of damage, yet it is positive. It happens even if you train once a month or in a blue moon. The microtears then repair and your muscles are slightly stronger from it, then this is lost because you only do it once a month or once in a blue moon.

The concept with alcohol is similar. Physical, spiritual, and experiential will show the kind of damage that it occurs. In this case, it is a type of damage that makes you weaker rather than stronger. If it once in a blue moon or once a month, it will also be repaired easily and it will be as if you were never damaged. If it more often, the damage will compound, will become more difficult to heal, and ultimately become either semi-permanent or permanent. This is why alcohol is considered a drug in medical sciences, an intoxicant drug.

It seems to me like you're taking it too lightly, because drinking is a modern social norm. A negative one.

Here's the Wikipedia page for acquired taste, which you wont' read, and here is definition for acquired taste. Coincidentally, even Wikipedia lists wine as an acquired taste.

The notion that drinking occasionally is harmless comes from alcohol companies and outdated medical papers. Similar to how "fat is harmful and you should eat low-fat food and drink skimmed/semi-skimmed milk".
I read this part were it damages you Instantly, studies shows that no amount of achohol is safe I already knew that any amount is harmful, I dont buy wine to drink myself actually never but if I was ever offered wine by somebody or a relative I will still take it, just for cortesy.
Maybe you were right about the wine thing but not to run away like you are saying like it is poison, unlike poison I think the effects are manageable.

I understand what you are saying. The only thing I can say about courtesy is by making a comparison.

If a relative offered to make a cut on your arm or leg because it's tradition, would you accept out of courtesy?

I refuse anything that is harmful and, if they try and guilt me by saying I'm being rude/impolite or whatever, I tell them they're actually extremely rude for offering to harm me.

Anyway, drinking once in a while is manageable, yes, as long as it's done responsibly (so no getting drunk or drinking more than a certain amount of alcohol units). I choose not to. What you choose is up to you.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
