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Next Steps In This Russia/Ukraine War: THE LIKELY OUTCOMES OF THIS WAR [Updated 21 April 2022]

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Update 21 April 2022:
bnc7 said:
False flags in Ukraine. Have no doubt, Bidens handlers want this war.

"Mariupol Residents Accuse Ukraine Of Firing On Civilians"


The propaganda and lying is simply off the roof. Everyday I read the news and I have not much further to add other than that there are too many hoaxes, false flags, irregularities, but also a lot of never ending warfare simply because of jewing and nothing else.

The fact that also Putin literally was threatening the West with WW3 straight on the day of Passover is just utterly obvious.

All of this is also like straight up escalating with no mending of ties in sight. It appears Russia is unrelenting, and also the Ukrainian people will fight unceasingly for their homeland. The main factors that lead to the conflict do still remain not only unaddressed, but not even conversation is taking place in any meaningful way.

The jewish propaganda machine in the West is also on full throttle promoting the worst tier of fake news, such as that Finland and others are going to join NATO, crossing red lines that Russia would take as lines of retaliation.

The crimes the media is doing right now are incomprehensible. They are fuelling the flames of WW3, thinking this is some sort of shit joke like Covid-19. They have no comprehension on how Russia internalizes these news, and how dangerous these claims are. They are trying to hoax their way into making this war not only worse, but into an eventual never ending conflict or even WW3. That's some (((Media))) for us all.

From the United States, we don't really see serious attempts to de-escalate the situation. In fact, it appears that Biden and his close circle are only pushing the knife deeper. The stance of Biden will also make other geopolitical things worse, such as China and Taiwan, potentially opening up the world to more conflicts.

Putin appears a hundred percent unrelenting until he has verifications that the Russian border is secured. Zelensky on the other hand looks like he will drag this to the ultimate end no matter the price, even if this means WW3 or whatever of the sort, or casualties pile up to the millions.

Trump would have done better and this is not an understatement. At the current rate of affairs, this war is going to drag and keep dragging, without an "end" in sight. Certain people claimed this would "Finish" within 1 month, but the reality is, this might last at least a few months more, or even a year, especially if the Western Powers continue down the ineffective rule-sets they are applying.

Maybe the two sides will weaken and enter a small break within the next many months [not yet though] but eventual resurgence of war might happen again since there has been no conversation whatsoever between the two sides. It does not appear astrologically this will ease up anytime soon.

If it does, it will be by human hand, but the issue remains that it appears Putin wants to take a lot more from Ukraine and force negotiations again. He has certain demands he wants met.


Original Post: March 8th 2022.

Do not listen to any bullshitter that tells you this event is to be taken lightly or it doesn't matter. These people are literally clueless.

We will be affected as a globe from this event. The Gods will protect their own through this, but we must do the necessary steps. I write this as a disclaimer to get this out of the way, so that you don't read this in a worried state, but rather, with a focused mind instead.

If you saw a bullshit flu and it's influence in the globe, you can imagine how this event might affect life. Yes, it might not affect all Nations, but the climate of this world is going to change.

The climate in the West is that this is not going to affect us and so on. No, it will have a lot of damage, and much of this will also be reflected in regular people's lives. You have went to the Gas Station, or seen a Natural Gas bill in Europe, and you probably have seen how all prices could rise and so on.

As "Sanctions" and other things will be targeted in Russia, this will also backfire on the United States and the world at large. In fact, Western Nations who were not prepared of this, might experience meltdowns in some sectors because of these sanctions.

These are only first and primary symptoms of what might happen if this situation is kept on going. It appears the enemy wants, as a primary reason, to cause poverty and extreme fear in the globe. The "own nothing and you will be happy" will be made easier through the imposition of this level of poverty.

You will see this in everything I have illustrated in as early as November 2021. Clearly, it has come to pass. The reason you have a gallon of gas now costing 10 bucks in some places, is because of these artificial shortages due to the artificial price rising of oil, which is quintessential for wars and mobilizations.

Many people are also being kept in the dark, as with anything negative. The media, while they try to scare people, they aren't really warning them of anything at all. Governments on all times never warn people of what is to come, and people are left alone in disaster or shock when negative events occur.

In the Joy of Satan we say only facts about what is going to happen, so that we are prepared as individual Satanists and to be above these events. While these events affect the world, if one knows, one will guard and will therefore not be affected or guide their life in another direction, while many people that don't know might be devastated.

Imagine now living in Ukraine and you listened to Zelensky who was skiing 2 days before the invasion and didn't even guard the Nation by putting the military on high alert. These people now lost their lives because of negligence out of this jew.

Governments on the other hand, don't even give one damn to even warn their own people of impeding apocalypse.

There are three likely outcomes of this war that the enemy is creating over literally nothing, and they are as follows. I don't want to be a bringer of bad news, and as we have stated, we will adapt and overcome any of this on a personal or community level.

Ukraine has been picked as a sacrificial lamb in the Jewish agenda of ushering other plans such as a financial reconstruction and also our well known agenda of trying to impose the "Great Reset", since the Co-Vid situation was clearly lesser and not enough to cause these changes.

From all this, we will have people that will be displaced, people that will die, people that will struggle: Generally nothing on the end of a net positive.

1. WW3. This is the most further from reality scenario, but it is bad. This is the scenario the enemy wants, with the nukes and all of that. This is clearly a world devastation scenario, but it is the scenario most desirable by the enemy, and also the Greys who want to extinct humanity. While this scenario is by logical means the least likely, the enemy is also in a mode of insanity.

The likelihood here is low, as the enemy will also get extinct here, speaking of the Jews. The degree of chaos will be impossible to manage, and the enemy will likely perish with everyone else. Gentiles will however survive, because we are way more than them.

2. No WW3, but regional wars and torment for Russia's neighbours. That is medium likely. This, if left on it's own, might also escalate itself. If and how much more likely this will become, will depend a lot on things like the power of sanctions, if Putin is hell-bent on demilitarizing other neighbours, and what the Governments of these neighbouring countries like Finland are going to do.

If NATO and senile Biden also sit there and do nothing at all and NATO isn't on full readiness, chances are, the situation might get worse.

If the situation remains as is, Putin will likely not overextend on many fronts. But if you start hearing too much NATO friendly rhetoric in Finnish TV for example, then one must consider preparing to pack up for the next country.

If Putin feels like he can get away with anything, they might expand their attacks on other non-NATO Nations, which might be of lesser interest, especially if said Nations position themselves closely with NATO.

3. A New Cold War. That is a most likely scenario. Ukraine in this example might face territorial loss [permanently] and then the Ukrainian government will be replaced from the Comedian Zelensky to another shill that will be positioned, likely from Russia.

As in the crisis of Yugoslavia, bigger powers will pounce on Ukraine, and the Nation won't be the same as it was before, either if it wins or loses. It might take a decade until the Nation is again stable and functional in a normal way. A temporary or somewhat long lasting "stability" might arise in the Nation, but territorial losses and governmental changes, independent states, and other chaos will be the norm for a while.

This shifting of power balances will cause more effects, namely, a cold war and a period of extreme vigilance in Europe. This vigilance, will be for many years to come a deciding factor in how Nations will behave, so draconian measures of control, or a turn into militarism, might be the case. In fact, Nations might be left with no other choice but have to do this in order to maintain their existence.

For those who are a bit older, you remember the Cold War. A sheer war of ideological clashes between the Soviet Union and the United States, that was also coupled with other forms of wars, cultural, fiscal and proxy warfare. We might enter a period of a Cold War 2.0 after the situation "stabilizes" in Ukraine.

This will incur financially and culturally many brutal changes, which might extend far further beyond a physical war. Internet warfare, poverty or mass famine [this will affect ALL PARTIES INVOLVED, NOT JUST THE WINNERS], devaluations of currencies, all sorts of negative events will be accelerated from this.

The above, while the most "desirable" scenario, is NOT one without blood. Suffering is also involved in this one too.

4. As all of this happens, things like China and the Middle East, such as Taliban's new government, are going to get empowered, and grow in the shadows. That will be a devastating factor for global security, as Russia, EU and United States might be involved in a perpetual forms of hybridized warfare that will likely devalue all parties and empower things like China in the process.

A climate of global uncertainty will arise as a result. This uncertainty might trigger all sorts of security threats and issues for living citizens. That is already being opened now and it might escalate.

Klaus Schwab and others of his bunch like Billy Gates are of the idea that the United States must fall from being a primary world power, because this messes up their plans. Meanwhile, Klaus didn't really want a full blown war, but to enslave people through bogus pandemics and other large scale hoaxes, until they ushered their "Great Reset 2030 soylent china modern state" agenda.

This, in other words, might delay their plans, but it comes as a net cost of creating other conditions that Klaus and company might find as a good opportunity to abuse. Even if for example we exit this as a world with outcome 3, we will still have likely to deal with Klaus's dementia, new variants, or some sort of other bullshit they will come up with to continue on with Klaus's geriatric criminal reptilian agenda.

In other words, humanity has to wake up and we have to be vigilant over this too, not about the Ukraine crisis. It's doubtful the Globalists are going to let go after the recent failure of the Co-Vid situation.

In fact, what is the worse thing, is that if you put down Klaus's agenda, you will understand that the situation of this war is literally a by-product of the "Coronavirus" crisis [as explained in a previous topics, Nations enter wars because of the fiscal destruction]. We could effectively easily credit this too on Klaus's indirect causation.

Anyone who has anything to add here, feel free. Reading further information, news etc, on this subject, is very important.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Hope for the best prepare for the worst well like we said Jan 1st first 6 months of this year will likely have acts of extreme violence happen hopefully it is the first and last keep up the pressure the enemy crumbles the more we delay and blunt their nonsense the worse it gets for them.

Some good news is Australia federal Police once had 800 police officers and now 600 of them refuse to control the now 3 million people sized protests out the front of parliament I do believe I'm not far from seeing a potential revolution happen in my country never before has there been protests of this size in this country and that is only the one at Canberra we still have protests in the 100,000s and even millions protesting and in all major cities.

It is quite obvious that now a vast majority of the population is starting to get awfully unhappy with the Australian government (finally)

There is also groups of people now starting to get involved in group meditation and surprisingly they are doing the foundation breath and the fire breath techniques correctly invison light and driving heat up the spine while the "wise yogies" don't know anything beyond this basic level it is actually a surprising boon to see I have been attending slowly but surely educating the group of 60 or so odd people not telling them too much but maybe I have now quite the following slowly turning them into a proper mass coven I will report more on this later.

They also all send their "vibes" to destroy the covid mandate mass spiritual warfare most impressive for Australians.

Inflation prices haven't been too bad but still not great fuel price has gone up by about 50 cents here which in comparison to the rest of the world isn't actually that bad but still getting worse slowly but surely
got it.
I am hopeful that even a few "normal" politicians will be able to stem the tide of craziness. Not that they can avoid global economic effects, but they will avoid leading their nation into obvious disaster. Safety and security is the primary concern, and if that can at least be guaranteed, then all will be ok for now.

If it means anything, it at least seems like Russia is taking heavy losses from their invasion. Trying to distinguish this from propaganda, it seems like their armored vehicles are getting hit left and right from missiles. I was even thinking the other day about how such a strategy (employing mass armored vehicles which are penetrated by modern arms), seems obsolete and detrimental.

It seems like everyone is trying to inflame Putin, goading him into taking some extreme action. So this situation could probably go badly even if NATO gets the advantage. It was NATO who largely pegged Russia as an enemy for no good reason, refusing to deal with them properly. So a statement of sorts is best.

Perhaps Russia, after securing Crimea and the oil/gas reserves or other objectives, will be tempted to peace out. On the other hand, if they do that, the remaining part of Ukraine will create itself as an enemy akin to what Russia was trying to avoid. So maybe they have to finish this entirely, but I cannot see how this conflict will die out soon, especially with the West agitating it.

It seems like if the situation tends towards peace, then we can expect more "natural" disasters like Covid, and subsequent economic punishment. While this is not as immediately devasting as physical war, it is easier to hide and play out without alarming too many people. Yet, a big enough war forces people to take action, whether they want to or not, rather than having the chance to think about anything.

If there is one positive outcome of this war, it is that more people should be clued in that they need to prioritize their basic needs. From there, it would be easier for communities to be prepared, not just one or two people. Even if such people are not necessarily aware of the enemy, they will be doing something constructive, against what the enemy wants.

Going forward, I hope everyone else is taking this situation, beyond just the coming year, extremely seriously as well. The time for being aimless is over. We have to be focused and diligent. No more wasting time on useless shit. This is something that has been on my mind recently.
Sooo... whatever happens, if one lives in a neighboring country to Russia, one SHOULD make a plan already to leave to another country, like Sweden? Or the USA?
I love USA the best. Biggest, most powerful country. Almost all of us in the family can speak English. LOTS of patriotic people etc.
Maxine's advice of stocking up still stands.
I'm gonna pressure my mother to stock up for as many months possible.
Also could someone, like Henu the Great, give me waterproof evidence(i cant find it anywhere), that Finland is not going to be a safe place to live soon(being right at Russias doorstep, with a socialistic government.
My dad and i neither trust the government, NEVER have been. But he STILL stubbornly thinks this will not escalate and just JOKES on the fucking subject... Same thing for the entire family.
Some of Romania's parliament members have just developed a universal draft law that applies whenever any sort of military crisis happens anywhere. It targets all male citizen up to 61y from home and abroad and stipulates they can be delivered under foreign command where it might be needed.

Other than that, there is still the issue of opening Romania's air space for planes to access the war theater in Ukraine. Kamala Harris is to visit Bucharest this week.

I did a Tarot reading yesterday and I drew Seven of Swords and The Chariot. It seems to suggest I should abandon my country. I'm really torn over this.
I'm always in awe at your knowledge HP. Great post. I can't add much other than a few personal anecdotes.

The thing that bewilders me is how these events are so closely tied to the WEF agenda. Putin was mentored by the WEF. Trudeau and at least half our cabinet is with the WEF. I don't know about the US, but considering how Biden and Kamala Harris are reading from the elite's NWO script tells us that the US is heavily compromised.
The UK, Australia, NZ, Norway, Sweden, Poland and Germany too are run by psychopaths. The whole world appears to be compromised, save from a few places in South America.

I saw a report where Putin was removed from the WEF website along with the Cyber Polygon program. They also used cyberattacks to heighten food shortages in tandum with gas shortages and carbon taxes. I suspect these cyberattacks on food suppliers will increase in severity as it's becoming a very weak point.

Right now it's looking like stagflation will increase along with debt. Canada's debt has doubled in the last two years and our tyrannical leader has now incurred more debt than any Canadian president in history.

I try to stay optimistic but lately it seems like these governments are trying to crash the world economy, move everyone into cities and get everyone on their UBI slavery system.

Still, Jason Kenny in Canada is pushing to open our borders and Truckers are rallying in Washington, USA.

Right now shelves are well stocked (per usual) in Canada where I am. Things seem normal on a 'ground level' right now but shit will eventually hit the fan.

I purchased some canned foods, dry foods and supplements. It's getting to a point where I think people need to be prepared for the coming storm. There is too much unpredictability with this whole situation.

I apologize if I sound fear-driven. Honestly, I've been putting more faith in myself and the Gods. We need to balance of intellect/rationality with spirituality. Too much of the former causes us to become misdirected by emotions, and not enough leaves us unprepared/ignorant.

This year has really tested me but it's a good thing. With all these challenges came great life lessons. Stay strong everyone. I know it's not easy but we must maintain balance in our lives now more than ever.
The Convid Hoax disappeared and now the Media is only Russia/ Ukraine conflict. Such a fast disappearance of the last crises of the previous two years.

It's hard for me to work out what's really happening there. The Ukraine military apparently bombing their own citizens. And they using crises actors. And giving weapons to criminals on the streets.

According to alternative media vids this new crises is a distraction from the high number of vaccine injuries.

And as people follow the new tragedy they're still changing legislation in the background to take away individual freedoms for the greater good of the group.

They're still ushering in the digital passports and working to legally ban alternative media. So the only news would be the mainstream.

I think those vaccines make people stupid or something it's like so many people can't think lately.

The greatest threat in my opinion is that online harm bill to shut dissenting voices of the mainstream media down.
I am not convinced that Russia can afford a war.

Limited harassments on Ukraine sure, but invasion and multiple fronts, WW3? I don't buy it.

Oligarchs are not happy. At all. Assets seized, banks frozen... We're talking billions, with a B.

I'm not gonna discuss the competence of the military operations on the level of "Pentagon Wars", but it has been surprising to many. Of course, misinformation and deception run wild on both sides, from doctored videos to "leaks". ANY rumor about Putin makes the discussion table 30ft longer.

Just watch the economics.

IF, and that's the big IF, Russia can switch to gold standard, or gold backed currency, they may have a chance. If not, we may be looking at close to Weimar conditions.

This WILL affect other countries economically, yes, from fuel shortages or prices skyrocketing, to panic buying like from beginning of FauciFlu, marina investing in military arming themselves, and some going bold on regional territories they consider provinces, like Serbia's Kosovo, Chinas Taiwan, Japan's Kiril south island.... If Ukraine falls and US/NATO does nothing, those regions are at risk.
If they win against Russia, no one will dare to try it.

China is observing this and are taking notes. There may be secret support from other nations like Iran and Venezuela (US diplomatic mission to Venezuela to secure oil contract, now best buddy)...

I'm any case of conflict, Israel wins as long as people die. If not from injections or lockdown depressions, poverty, then war it is.

For all participant countries, the only winning move is not to play.

Unless someone starts leaking noise about those Pfizer docs and start asking questions to distract from distraction.
Senators Paul, Johnson and Cruise Missile come to mind. Nothing will happen on those hearings, but we may see a sweat or two... Maybe.....
I suppose our incomes arrested going to drop, the prices get higher and higher, here it's almost impossible to live and this was prempeted as a plan to get the people in a state of fear of poverty and his personal securities.

I hope we can avert the other scenarios but since you need break eggs to make an omelete, even if the third scenario is a given and we, with the rtrs are causing work of destruction, it's invenitsble that a war wouldn't emerge.

The enemy is speeding up the process and so are we, it's sad that people are dieng and their deaths are tragic of course.

I believe Ukraine will give up on arms in the coming month.

What are the astrological guidances for the next month/months?

What should we expect?
What I see going through Scwabs mind is that before The United States is demolished as the Global World power, they have to overthrow the two Dictatorships of Russia and China and open them up to their control.

While they also hate America and the West ,they need the West and NATO to fight their opponents in Russia and China. Because otherwise they'll just sacrifice their own power without getting anything in return and Russia along with China and Southeast Asia will be the next superpowers.

Because while it seems that Jews are everywhere, still the different factions do not seem to be on the same page.

Bill Gates and Fauci seem to just want to be able to put different mRNA jabs inside people's bodies with impunity. I don't think Gates really cares about whose in power. Klaus Scwabb and his Jewish Financiers seems to want a One World Private Public Stakeholder Capitalism technocracy and the Dictator Xi Xingping does not seem to be willing to go along with this. Same with Russia. They seem to be wanting more like a Stalinist Dictatorship as opposed to a Technocratic Corporation control.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Anyone who has anything to add here, feel free. Reading further information, news etc, on this subject, is very important.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Ukrainian truckers can't go home and decide to keep working. Also they have done a research to the practices of the companies of the eastern states like litouwen, wit-rusland and a couple others...
Theyre underpaid, living out of their truck, don't get paid lodginf for the night (even though thats a requirement). Some have signed a contract to get paid in cash which they never get, for which the company that they work for avoid taxes etc etc. Also dutch control/patrolling on that is very lax compared to belgium and they're adviced by their companies to spend the night in their trucks on our borders.

Source: Trouw (a newspaper)

Also currently fuel is €2.39 and rising on the highway. 2 weeks ago it was €2.19 for one Liter of E10 fuel.

Also theres a lot of tax already on the fuel. FYI, and we are a country with one of the most expensive prices on fuel compared to this. Germany is much cheaper in example, up to 40-50 cents a Liter cheaper if you're lucky.
Also Giro555 has been instated. Commercials about "Donate to poor Ukraine".

And the news is becoming a tear jerker. Just yesterday they showed a video of an ukranian girl singing just to get reactions and responses.

The news is turning into a soap. One drama after another.
Thanks for writing this, HP Cobra.

To all SS reading this, keep meditating and advancing, we are all in this together. You are not alone, and we all have the Gods on our side. Listen to the Gods, tune in to them, they have our backs and will guide us.

Stay strong, everyone <3
Thanks for the sermon Grande Hooded Cobra ... in my country, Italy already targeted by migrants (the landings are never finished, not even during the pandemic) something worse will happen I'm afraid .... Think of the Italian government (made up of mentally disabled people), which is sinking the economy and at the same time welcoming refugees ... obviously the various non-profit organizations (Italian Red Cross. Unicef) had already prepared themselves with their fundraisers ....
I would just like to inform you that years ago the earthquake in Amatrice filled the pockets of various mafia members, the rubble is still there.
We know what awaits us but, above all, we know what we have to do. Hail Satan
While the Russia vs Ukraine wars were happening early, I’ve heard of reports of a Chinese warship pointing a green laser at an Australian war plane. Because of this, I might need to make plans equivalent to joining the military for the sake of learning how to properly fight people in crazy situations.

I know there’s spiritual methods of protection but as you said in some sermons, there needs to be physical plans too in this world dooming process made by the enemy. Would it okay if it is time I open and start reviewing my old anarchist cookbooks I’ll use this time to save myself and if ever possible, other innocent people, when these dark times finally go out of whack?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Greys who want to extinct humanity.

Did they give up on there plan to use humans as living batteries to collect consciousness?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
What do you think might happen to Romania?

We are supposedly protected by NATO, but our government is provoking Russia to a point where we are all worried. And general drafting is going to be started these days.

I don't want to overthink this, but with the whole situation in both education and international politics the whole country is in chaos. And we are also entering an economical crisis.

Moldova also isn't in NATO and I wouldn't be surprised if they're Putin's next target. And, knowing the history our countries have, I wouldn't be surprised if they plead for our help in the case of such a scenario.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I do not believe that the Russia-Ukraine war started from the superficial financial ruin of kosher-19. This is an old war that has only intensified at present for some reason. It is not unlikely that those evil infiltrated witches in Russia, have been chanting and shooting some curses from their bearded asses.

We must not overdo the assimilation, I say for us the Gentiles, the enemies are known to focus exclusively and extremely on the one.
In ten years China will be the new first superpower of the world and their currency will be the reserve currency of the world. India will also be growing in population, relatively speaking maybe even more than China.

What you write is not the worst - humanity has experienced famine, war and other things many times before. That's fine.

What worries me the most is that the Jews seem to want to discredit the ideology of National Socialism in the eyes of the people now, first of all by saying that after this war, no matter who wins, all kinds of persecutions of National Socialists may start in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Above all, it is in these three countries that persecution will begin, because the NS there could thwart Jewish plans to replace White Slavs with Islamic terrorists. This is most dangerous. Furthermore, I am extremely worried that many white supporters of National Socialism from other countries are going to fight in Ukraine - this war is ABSOLUTELY POINTLESS and now all white people should not go and fight for anyone, no matter Ukraine or Russia, but stay in their own countries and prevent Islamic migration! The Jews are now making sure that many white National Socialists die in the war and the rest, especially in Russia and Belarus, are being repressed.


I don't understand why nobody sees this!!!!!
I heard a man saying that Putin want to apply martial law on Russia territory , Russian's martial law can be appliyed even if the agression is done on other territory than Russia, to russians , like Ukraine.

And also those days there was a news that some city of Russia was attacked by ukrainians(probably russiand did it while being in ukraine)

Doing that he won't have financial problems, being able to put any 14+ years old to forced work how much hours a day he wants and without any paymant , to take whatever he wants from population, to give to population as much food and water as he want, instead of them having a choice and taking their money,houses, and goods basically. Stalin did it and killed like 20+million of his own population in this way from what I know, so I don't se why wouldn't it be a possibility.

Also this way he can stop any protest, kill easily all opossition LEGALY(whoever may be a threat can be killed)
And also free people from prison and use them in war or to work for different goals (800.000people in prison in Russia now, even half of them is a lot) + all the people put in prison because of protests, legally using them as slave workers after putting them to prison is also a possibility.

There is going to be a WARNING so the population can "escape" from martial law making them to be literally without rights in front of Putin, but where are they going to go if everybody hate russians now?

If this happens there is going to be a long-term war with milions of russians killed by Putin as was with Stalin.
DarkAmaranthine said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
What do you think might happen to Romania?

We are supposedly protected by NATO, but our government is provoking Russia to a point where we are all worried. And general drafting is going to be started these days.

I don't want to overthink this, but with the whole situation in both education and international politics the whole country is in chaos. And we are also entering an economical crisis.

Moldova also isn't in NATO and I wouldn't be surprised if they're Putin's next target. And, knowing the history our countries have, I wouldn't be surprised if they plead for our help in the case of such a scenario.

Fucked up the post a bit with the wrong quotes, I am very sorry for that.
Fanboy said:
thing that happened due to this, is that Ukraine had the only chemist in all of Europe that provided cheap and safe DIY medication to trans people.
Finally some good news, thank you fanboy.
Abyssos said:
What are people's thoughts on this? I know that this appears to be from 2009, I won't make any comment about if this is accurate or not, I want to know the opinions of others here.

This article is essentially saying that we don't actually have enough nukes to wipe out humanity completely.

This looks about accurate and factual.

The issue about the nukes and all this, is not that they will kill all of humanity, but that they could be very devastating, and also devastate life in the future, and cause strife, inhabitable areas due to toxic radiation etc.

It is not true that we can fully nuke the "Planet" [yet], but there is definitely a possibility of too many dying from all of this, and the dangers will linger for many decades. Even one nuke can under conditions create a terrible damage, one that also affects all life many miles from it's initial radius, and it all depends on the power of the rockets of choice.

There is enough to take down "Every capital" and all this, but there is not enough to extinct the whole planet. For this reason is why I wrote the Gentile people will definitely survive. There is definitely enough however for Israel to stop existing, and if they were to get involved in WW3, or if some of it's Nuclear neighbours chose this, they could drop a few of them.

There is no "poof gone" scenario. But "poof gone" capitals in a continent etc, this could easily be the case.
Master said:
I do not believe that the Russia-Ukraine war started from the superficial financial ruin of kosher-19. This is an old war that has only intensified at present for some reason. It is not unlikely that those evil infiltrated witches in Russia, have been chanting and shooting some curses from their bearded asses.

The situation with Ukraine and Russia is as old as the two countries. If you look only at them, you might think that this was a continuation of previous disputes. But would this have erupted if everything wasn't on the red edge to begin with? Maybe not.

The timing here, "Directly" at the end of the Co-Vid, is just uncanny and obvious. Some go as far as to say this event has occurred only for people to be forced to forget the "Coronavirus".

The "Financial Ruin" from Co-Vid hasn't really arrived yet [it was postponed by infinite printing] and a war is the perfect coverup for let's say, a failing Euro, or a failing Dollar, or an artificial scarcity and depression.

The US has incurred wars only to save the petrodollar and have excuses to enforce policies that would back-pedal inflation. Now, all Nations have been tense through these, and it's no doubt that a contributing factor for these governments, instead of blaming their own self about these events, would be to start something like a bogus war or start a bogus cold war.

Even the Co-Vid was a simulation of a bogus war fake "war" against a virus. The policies of printing, new infrastructure, how people behaved, force quarantines, were basically a form of literal "war". Apparently this nonsense wasn't enough so here everyone goes for more.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Abyssos said:
What are people's thoughts on this? I know that this appears to be from 2009, I won't make any comment about if this is accurate or not, I want to know the opinions of others here.

This article is essentially saying that we don't actually have enough nukes to wipe out humanity completely.

This looks about accurate and factual.

The issue about the nukes and all this, is not that they will kill all of humanity, but that they could be very devastating, and also devastate life in the future, and cause strife, inhabitable areas due to toxic radiation etc.

It is not true that we can fully nuke the "Planet" [yet], but there is definitely a possibility of too many dying from all of this, and the dangers will linger for many decades. Even one nuke can under conditions create a terrible damage, one that also affects all life many miles from it's initial radius, and it all depends on the power of the rockets of choice.

There is enough to take down "Every capital" and all this, but there is not enough to extinct the whole planet. For this reason is why I wrote the Gentile people will definitely survive. There is definitely enough however for Israel to stop existing, and if they were to get involved in WW3, or if some of it's Nuclear neighbours chose this, they could drop a few of them.

There is no "poof gone" scenario. But "poof gone" capitals in a continent etc, this could easily be the case.

The gentiles underground(shambala) would intervene if the enemy would attempt to nuke the entire planet, right?
Artanis said:
Sooo... whatever happens, if one lives in a neighboring country to Russia, one SHOULD make a plan already to leave to another country, like Sweden? Or the USA?
I love USA the best. Biggest, most powerful country. Almost all of us in the family can speak English. LOTS of patriotic people etc.

Don't be in worry in the immediate short term, but better have that passport ready and enough money to fly away if the situation somehow escalates. The danger does not look immediate.

Finland is also powerful, and if Russia opens up more fronts, they might invite the worst outcomes, so they logically choose to avoid it.

Just have a plan B ready just in case.
Artanis said:
Also could someone, like Henu the Great, give me waterproof evidence(i cant find it anywhere), that Finland is not going to be a safe place to live soon(being right at Russias doorstep, with a socialistic government.
My dad and i neither trust the government, NEVER have been. But he STILL stubbornly thinks this will not escalate and just JOKES on the fucking subject... Same thing for the entire family.
I do not have such evidence and I do not want to speculate. It can go either way with the conventional war, but one thing is for sure which is that the former unipolar world order is coming to an end and China is going to dominate the world stage from about 2032 forward. Economic uphaeval is is certainty and one should make the most out of personal development and magickal workings.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Something I have noticed is when people feel they might face certain death they become a bit more open about debating all this Great Reset literature. The drop the "conspiracy theory" pseudo-intellectual bullshit because that was done only for social validation which means shit in the context of a war and economic crash. Proof that many of our goyim enemies are just choosing their side while being at least partially awake... as I thought for some time.
A bit of an update: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/here-are-all-latest-news-and-developments-ukraine-war-march-8

"Zelensky Ready To 'Discuss & Find Compromise' On Crimea, No Longer Insists On NATO Membership"

Key passages:

Yesterday ahead of what was the third round of Russia-Ukraine attempts to establish a ceasefire, which reportedly didn't result in much progress, the Kremlin issued updated demands saying it would halt all military operations if Ukraine agreed to the following: recognize Russian sovereignty over Crimea, acknowledged the statehood of Donetsk and Luhansk, and importantly to update the Ukrainian constitution barring entry into external military alliances (namely NATO).

"[Zelensky:] I’m talking about security guarantees. I think items regarding temporarily occupied territories and unrecognized republics that have not been recognized by anyone but Russia, these pseudo-republics. But we can discuss and find the compromise on how these territories will live on. What is important to me is how the people in those territories are going to live who want to be part of Ukraine."

"Regarding NATO, I have cooled down regarding this question a long time ago, after we understood that NATO is not prepared to accept Ukraine."

BREAKING: Ukraine is ready for negotiations with the Russian Federation on key points, but wants to receive a "clear and specific, legally binding set" of guarantees for its security in a situation where NATO has openly announced that it will not accept Ukraine.


Not sure how genuine Zelensky is, although there is surely internal pressure for him to find a solution here. He claims he doesn't want to be in NATO, although he was just begging for them to fight this war for him through a no-fly zone. He may still try to sabotage things going further.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The likelihood here is low, as the enemy will also get extinct here, speaking of the Jews. The degree of chaos will be impossible to manage, and the enemy will likely perish with everyone else. Gentiles will however survive, because we are way more than them.

I know this is a bit silly to ask because this information is probably as hidden as the most important part of the enemy.

A few years ago about twoish or so. I began to study some things on the enemy and came to the belief that jews are at about a population Worldwide of maybe 630ish million or so around that number. For example in the old ProPHP forums in the early newspapers that were massprinted back in the Crimean War of 1820s-1830s, 6 million Russian/Ukrainian jews in danger. And so since Napoleons strike back 6 million has been shoved up people's asses to manifest a 6 gorillian scenario.

Barbara Lerner Spectre mentioned israel posses 8 million or so jews. Which is obviously a lie, I recall studying some material, newspapers, and a bit of Ryan Dawson before is multi-million times shoah as it seemed eventually he GTFO out of youtube and went to bitchute even if that isn't the best platform, I guess to say he got deplatformed and demonetized completely entirely even trolling with his waifu wife's account at some point.

Anyways it's believed that israel according to these expansionist properties has WAY more than 8 million citizens. In fact the data showed that israel is expanding and building so much and modernizing complexes that it's akin to a nation building multi-millions population of residence. For example I've come to the conclusion from studying some stuff their population might be at about 35 million as a static amount in recent decade or so. But is expanding to accommodate roughly upwards of 80ish million people. I'm aware the shofar call has been raised quite a bit in these last few years. I recall some jewish articles or shabbos articles promoting a call home situation, which isn't the first time.

So after evaluating the situation and processing everything. Completely out of my ass but enough to state guaranteed even IF wrong, their population is A LOT higher than they care to mention. But I came to the conclusion that if there are about 13-16 billion Gentiles on the planet and around 1% or about less than 1% is jewish I've also read some explain as less than 2-3% then funny enough there is about 600ish million jews around.

My question is that out of the question?

For example I have a family member state when jews were kicked out of Spain in the Pluto in Scorpio situation probably one of the most prominent expulsions up to that date but also begs the question events Worldwide. Spain lost money and it was bad kicking the jews is bad. Mind you this family member is quite a jewish cock sucker and I've spoken about them before. But they state that was bad and I'm like OF COURSE kicking several tens if not hundreds of thousands of dumbasses is gonna hit the economy no shit. But it revitalized Spain and made them basically the nation to colonize the new World. Funny English is seen as the most common language or most used language due to America but Spanish is a close and in some cases a almost first place language.

So basically it seems with all the pogroms and massacres and all the things jews forced unto themselves based on their criminal communist behavior. Would 600ish million be out of the question in current days? Would 30-80 million desiring growth of israel be out of the question?

All I know is it seems like there is some sort of awakening of jews or something. I've been paying attention to the jews and their bullshit in Ukraine and it seems like with the stupidity of covid and making conspiracies not theories but facts. IF anything people are paying attention to alternative news coverage and paying attention to things that don't make sense to NPCs(Andrapods) even normies are like "Hmm interesting" even normies are realizing SHTF moments.

So in essence HP.Cobra how many spawns of the enemy extra-terrestrials do you believe or researched exist?

(I've been trying to get this question answered to a reasonable degree for almost twoish if not three years now but no one seems to have a straight answer. I don't want to go the way of they are so small but are in so many key positions with so many shabbos cocksuckers around them they are a puffing up their feathers like a big bird but are in fact in such small numbers it leaves people scratching their heads. But at the same time I don't want to say the jews kept their population small and purposefully keep small and yet knowing israel and jews it's quite the opposite with 2-3-4-5 children in many cases. Honestly I don't know how many jews are; even the joke of American jews of being only 1% is getting old indeed what is the real percentage?)

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Abyssos said:
What are people's thoughts on this? I know that this appears to be from 2009, I won't make any comment about if this is accurate or not, I want to know the opinions of others here.

This article is essentially saying that we don't actually have enough nukes to wipe out humanity completely.

This looks about accurate and factual.

The issue about the nukes and all this, is not that they will kill all of humanity, but that they could be very devastating, and also devastate life in the future, and cause strife, inhabitable areas due to toxic radiation etc.

It is not true that we can fully nuke the "Planet" [yet], but there is definitely a possibility of too many dying from all of this, and the dangers will linger for many decades. Even one nuke can under conditions create a terrible damage, one that also affects all life many miles from it's initial radius, and it all depends on the power of the rockets of choice.

There is enough to take down "Every capital" and all this, but there is not enough to extinct the whole planet. For this reason is why I wrote the Gentile people will definitely survive. There is definitely enough however for Israel to stop existing, and if they were to get involved in WW3, or if some of it's Nuclear neighbours chose this, they could drop a few of them.

There is no "poof gone" scenario. But "poof gone" capitals in a continent etc, this could easily be the case.

When the Tsar Bomba was detonated a 100 megaton weapon that was scaled down to 50 megatons a Stalinist-kike bird puffing weapon.

Basically the flash was seen as far away as Finland's capital and windows broke as far away as London. At least from the information I've read.

The problem is the radiation. Many believe nuclear weapons are dangerous for their blast and burn especially with thermonuclear i.e. hydrogen weapons. Nuclear weapons are quite weak in fact many times over Hurricanes despite proofing and resistance against them often times the mutli-nuclear weapon power of a Hurricane or Typhoon in the far East. In reality the secondary effects are far worse than the principle impact of the force of nature.

For example damaging levies and bodies of water and making them overflow and drown or slush the territories creating mudslides and other forms of Earthly damage.

I live in a place whereby Hurricanes have happened. And while we are not in a part that has many secondaries. In certain places and certain parts of the World secondary effects are far worse than the principle storm.

It's the same with Nuclear weapons despite most nuclear armaments being in the sub 5 megaton range. For example most nuclear weapons used in modern style even General Maybourne postulated or understood stuff. It's simply trying to get the device through static defense to strike a target. Even conventional super and hyper sonic cruise missiles are used to cover nuclear devices to act as secondary and tertiary targets.

So in some cases or most cases New York would be struck multiple times by small payload yields of 200-500KT vs trying to ram a 5-10-15MT higher scale weapon.

But the issue is radiation and the general toxic nature. ESPECIALLY if biological and chemical weapons are used along with the nuclear strikes. Sheer fact is even a single nuclear weapon would increase cancer levels a notch higher. It be akin to be scrapped by a Gamma Ray Burst even the graze of a GRB causes untold trickling of damage to the Earth.

Sheer fact is Humanity will survive and certain jewish people will survive as well especially more so if they are military and in some DUMB/P/Underground facility and like said the Grey/Reptilian cabal might rejoice.

But it seems like a silly victory if anything Humanity will just restore itself if Humans work together and there seems to be a mutual compatibility rather than a Mad Max scenario. Unfortunately Humanities stupidity and the goyimism I can see many being killed like Mad Max or like the doomsday movies whereby you see roving gangs of Humans killing indiscriminately and not wanting civilization. I can easily see God was right or Jesus is right or end is nigh doomsday scenarios proves we are evil sinners and YOLOSWAG420 mentality.

Even in the Fallout series with such mad max mayhem there are still pockets of civilizations even financial aspects still intact like Tim Pool mentioned even in Fallout they use bottlecaps as money people want items barter bullets even are gonna be hot commodities people want water or food or hell even a 2L bottle of coke despite how bad dark/light sodas are would still be a treat to some and wanting.

Nuclear weapons = weak but nuclear byproduct i.e. secondaries and tertiary effects = the desired effect.

Remember we got attacked by the enemy 10K years ago. And Humanity survived and rebuilt so much for the almighty reptilian/grey cabal hell they even had to create their jewish kosher supervisors cause they wanted the planet. If anything the enemies superior nuclear weaponry isn't even capable of stopping humanity unless they meant it and nuked the entire thing to hell and back or just blew up the planet.

Nuclear is dangerous for the destruction of existence not entirely the capacity to wipe out lives. It's not guaranteed to take everyone out. Hell many farmers would survive and rebuild humanity if they pay attention.
Henu the Great said:
I do not have such evidence and I do not want to speculate. It can go either way with the conventional war, but one thing is for sure which is that the former unipolar world order is coming to an end and China is going to dominate the world stage from about 2032 forward. Economic uphaeval is is certainty and one should make the most out of personal development and magickal workings.

Where did the date 2032 come from?

Do you think it might be worthwhile to learn Chinese (or Korean) in the long run, thinking about the future rearrangement of the world?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Master said:
I do not believe that the Russia-Ukraine war started from the superficial financial ruin of kosher-19. This is an old war that has only intensified at present for some reason. It is not unlikely that those evil infiltrated witches in Russia, have been chanting and shooting some curses from their bearded asses.

The situation with Ukraine and Russia is as old as the two countries. If you look only at them, you might think that this was a continuation of previous disputes. But would this have erupted if everything wasn't on the red edge to begin with? Maybe not.

The timing here, "Directly" at the end of the Co-Vid, is just uncanny and obvious. Some go as far as to say this event has occurred only for people to be forced to forget the "Coronavirus".

The "Financial Ruin" from Co-Vid hasn't really arrived yet [it was postponed by infinite printing] and a war is the perfect coverup for let's say, a failing Euro, or a failing Dollar, or an artificial scarcity and depression.

The US has incurred wars only to save the petrodollar and have excuses to enforce policies that would back-pedal inflation. Now, all Nations have been tense through these, and it's no doubt that a contributing factor for these governments, instead of blaming their own self about these events, would be to start something like a bogus war or start a bogus cold war.

Even the Co-Vid was a simulation of a bogus war fake "war" against a virus. The policies of printing, new infrastructure, how people behaved, force quarantines, were basically a form of literal "war". Apparently this nonsense wasn't enough so here everyone goes for more.

My grandmother has received a msg in the mail to come get a second booster jab just last week or last monday or so.

Not a single word in the media.

Both my dad and the rest of the family as far as I am aware, are being super brainwashed towards this. Say one piece of info that proves x is wrong, they've forgotten it within the next 24 hours or they come up with counter reasoning.

I am sick of the fearmongering within my family and I am afraid they will force my little cousin to take that crap too.

it is also hard to nearly impossible to argue with doctors who have been in the field for decades.
I know that you warned us that things will get bad but I still haven't believed and I still cannot believe how things ended up...., to actually go from a plan to another with such a fastened pace. What's next, giving the nobel prize to Putin for medicine because he solved the coof problem now?!
We trully live in a demented world and I know that all of this is the prelude of the ending of jewish tyranny, the Gentiles should make their new flag from the flailed backs of the jews when everything will end!!!
Just one more recent update: When I do the RTR lately, when I do the scratching I do them normally for all 3 parts of the RTR, but when it comes to the affirmation part I actually imagine those affirmations to have already taken place for sometime. I Imagine the letters not having any power for sometime now, the tetragramation being dead and communication being null for sometime and the soul diagram for shattering being destroyed and the enemy being under constant damage and attacks for a long time and being severely damaged ,more and more day by day. I think this will put some extra damage.
Dark Lawyer said:
Henu the Great said:

Where did the date 2032 come from?

Do you think it might be worthwhile to learn Chinese (or Korean) in the long run, thinking about the future rearrangement of the world?
Economic confidence model (ECM) by Martin Armstrong, look it up. You be the judge how accurate it is. Fact is, nature works in cycles.

Linguistic capabilities, the more the better, but it is up to you to decide what and how much you learn. Learning a specific language makes sense when you are in a position to use it in your life. You can of course learn as a hobby, nothing wrong with that. A factory worker hardly needs to learn Chinese for example, but someone who is in contact with foreigners can need.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
