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  1. S

    Important Notice: Members Allowed to Apply

    I was curious at what happened when I couldn’t log in and the messages in the app weren’t syncing. I messaged JG NP before seeing this. I thought it was some mercury retrograde occurrences… Anyway, thanks.
  2. S

    [IMAGE] Blacks and Abrahamism

    Send a DM to JG Naked Pluto
  3. S

    [IMAGE] Blacks and Abrahamism

    You should join us over on the outreach program. Definitely could use more black satanists helping to awaken black gentiles.
  4. S

    IBS ...

    Do you feel comfortable talking about it, alittle? If you had a traumatic experience around that time then you must address it in order to get better. I imagine it’s a psychological trauma, yeah?
  5. S

    IBS ...

    I was thinking the same. Or something related. Strange that a doctor hasn’t come to that decision.
  6. S

    IBS ...

    Do you believe it is stress? Did you go through anything traumatic 4 years ago?
  7. S

    IBS ...

    From my understanding of the gut, kefir acts to balance out the enzymes and bacteria therein. It can cause diarrhea in some people but it acts as a balancing. I notice that people get diarrhea from kefir because of the high amount of bacteria and enzymes in it and causes a healing reaction. Most...
  8. S

    IBS ...

    Can you answer the other questions? What are you eating? Also, do you have access to fermented foods like Kefir and such? And if you don’t mind me asking, what country are you from? Fermented foods are not that hard to come by, I reason. It suck’s that you don’t have access to probiotics...
  9. S

    IBS ...

    My response got cut off. The most important questions: How long have you been experiencing this, exactly? What does your diet consist of? Though I don’t think it’s just diet alone. Do you take probiotics? Do you have any accompanying side effects? Like mental fog, mental illness, etc? Many...
  10. S

    JOSAfrica/ Blacksforsatan update suggestions

    People like that won’t get too far here.
  11. S

    JOSAfrica/ Blacksforsatan update suggestions

    I understand. I try to give these people the benefit of the doubt, seeing that they are here on this forum, I figured I try my best to get some insight into the mind. I also saw that person responded to all of us in different ways, about cursing MercuryWisdom and such. It’s was a little funny...
  12. S

    JOSAfrica/ Blacksforsatan update suggestions

    And I want to ask you a question, how do you feel about the fact that Satan, a white god, created the black race?Does it make you feel resent? Some kind of denial?
  13. S

    JOSAfrica/ Blacksforsatan update suggestions

    I had to delete one of your posts because you are just repeating the same argument over and over. It’s like spam. You are clinging to your argument so hard and being willfully blind even with the evidence being presented to you. It seems you lack a basic understanding of history. Africa is...
  14. S

    Help me please

    Have you spent time on the Joyofsatan.org website? Also, how did you find the Joyofsatan? The essence of Satanism is transforming the mind and soul through meditation. For starters, you are to study the website and then begin a power meditation program. On this forum, there is a section for...
  15. S

    Help me please

    In Voodoo blood sacrifices are practiced because it is an enemy practice… a requirement. In any culture where there is blood sacrifice, there is enemy ET infiltration and so on. To put it simply, they use the blood and the life force to empower their side and the enemy agenda. The Jewish race...
  16. S

    Help me please

    I’m not trying to cast aside the whole memory of Voodoo. It’s just there are too many enemy thought forms and spirits involved, especially in the blood sacrificing rituals. I admit that I have a wooden tarot book with the Legba symbol on it and a few framed pictures of the veves, but that’s...
  17. S

    Help me please

    He doesn’t need to practice the “satanic” or traditional parts of Voodoo. It’s just better he stay away from that. The Joyofsatan is the spiritual revival of all gentile traditional religions.
  18. S

    Help me please

    Welcome. Voodoo/Vodoun was a branch of spiritual satanism. Not anymore though. Do not get involved in Voodoo. The enemy has a grip on it. They have infested it. You are at the right place, here with spiritual satanism. Please read this information on voodoo/vodoun. Josafrica.com/voodoo.html
  19. S

    JOSAfrica/ Blacksforsatan update suggestions

    The black race is vast. What Ol argedco said is correct. Blackness do not know much about their past so they cling to a lot of false beliefs to get rid of the inferior complex man of them feel, and because many people don’t have a solid understanding of their own past, thanks to the enemy...
  20. S

    Baal Enlil in the Yoruba Religion

    And you all should probably remove the HP title on the black forum section, the sub- group intro, I mean.
  21. S

    JOSAfrica/ Blacksforsatan update suggestions

    Thanks for creating this thread. I stated this in the last thread. I’ll reiterate. The sites are being updating and organized— Josafrica/blacksforsatan website. It will be updated, edited, proofread and “modernized”, with more articles incoming, etc. I need a couple of weeks. And more info...
  22. S

    Baal Enlil in the Yoruba Religion

    I have felt a great deal of guilt after re what happened. To truly have given up is not returning and not learning from my mistakes and such. I went through a very heavy Saturn transit and other things when it all happened. I don’t want to dwell on the past and neither will I. It’s over. As...
  23. S

    Ancient City Kano

    The Lost Cities of Africa book has lots of good information like this in it. I have found that many races and cultures across the world has lost or hidden architecture that seemed to have been built or designed by the “older” types of gentile races, different than the gentile products we have...
  24. S

    How much should we love animals?

    I wish I could donate sometimes for the benefit of other SS. I have 3 cats and understand how it can be a bit difficult to raise them, or any pet, if you don’t have the proper resources. Bless you for doing your best to care for your cats. Cats are one of the most beautiful animals I’ve ever...
  25. S

    Blacks and Anger: Deprogramming the Degenerate Mentality

    Thanks for all listing all of that extra information.
  26. S

    Blacks and Anger: Deprogramming the Degenerate Mentality

    I mean, things like potato chips, french fries and any fast food that contains these oils. It’s more than potatoes and hydrogenated oils- that was just one example of a particular food group. I forgot all the details but I think it was the standard white potato or something. I’ll have to look...
  27. S

    Blacks and Anger: Deprogramming the Degenerate Mentality

    There’s also the physical aspect of what contributes to the anger. Because of the welfare state, Jewish corporate schemes, drug wars, gangs, broken family structures, and economic degradation, black families have suffered generationally. "When work disappears" is the title of a good book. It...
  28. S

    The problem with black jos

    Oh, you’re definitely not the only one who feels the way you do. For a while, I disliked being black and disassociated with my race because of what I have seen. The whole thug, low-IQ, violent bunch are still considered a separate kind of black to me, but at the same time I understand they are...
  29. S

    The problem with black jos

    I agree completely. That’s a separate beast on its own to tackle. Reprogramming and refinement.
  30. S

    The problem with black jos

    I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say. I’m not talking about racialism. The gods feelings and perceptions are much higher, deeper, and more evolved than humans. I’m not going to comment on what that member said about a god not liking another god or succubus, because I don’t know...
  31. S

    The problem with black jos

    The biggest problem with the black mentality is the Jewish existence and their lies. The Jewish race was the one that started the whole racial problem. Starting with biblical curses like the curse of Ham and onward. And then, they inflame blacks with negative racial preoccupations, saying...
  32. S

    November: Ancestors, Departed Loved Ones

    Yeah, but I guess every number has its place. As far as I know, 15 degrees is the midway point between each Sabbat, about 6 weeks in, on both sides. Imbolc is in between Winter solstice and Spring Equinox, and so forth. The Sun stays in one constellation sign for about 30 days— one degree each...
  33. S

    November: Ancestors, Departed Loved Ones

    Then November is the perfect month for that since in 5-6 days the Sun will be 15 degrees in Scorpio. I remember there was a posting a while back about how we all came to understand that is the true Samhain/Halloween. Like when we celebrate Imbolc 15 degrees Aquarius. So I guess the midpoint...
  34. S

    The JoS Has A New High Priestess

    Yeah, I totally had to log in to post a congrats.
  35. S

    The JoS Has A New High Priestess

    Thanks, been working on myself. Miss you guys. This post was great to see for (now HPS) Lydia.
  36. S

    The JoS Has A New High Priestess

    Just seeing this— definitely congrats!
  37. S

    Just Wanted To Say Something About The Situation

    I believed it was only appropriate to write to all of you to publicly apologize to anyone who may have felt I let them down, or, to put it another way, failed. Also, I wanted to make it known that I have not left the JOS (who in their right mind would after everything that has happened or been...
  38. S

    The Beauty of the Human Soul of Satan and the Vortex of Life

    On this path of Spiritual Satanism, I've always loved the fact that as we study science and spirituality, they eventually meet and overlap, becoming one truth and observation. But the fact remains, thanks to the damned enemy, that there is no true science of life and spirit easily available to...
  39. S

    The Beauty of the Human Soul of Satan and the Vortex of Life

    On this path of Spiritual Satanism, I've always loved the fact that as we study science and spirituality, they eventually meet and overlap, becoming one truth and observation. But the fact remains, thanks to the damned enemy, that there is no true science of life and spirit easily available to...
  40. S

    Can’t hold in pee, immense anger and anemia

    Based on everything you said, you have a hormonal imbalance (worsened by the birth control.) Many times, in this modern world, many women have hormonal issues and painful and irregular periods and reproductive problems. The fact that you need birth control to balance your symptoms means you have...
  41. S

    SERIOUS Theeth and gums problem

    I'm sorry to hear. It seems that you have some sort of blood deficiency. Pale gums are a symptom. I don't know the full extent of your health but I can tell that, nine times out of ten, you have a kidney and liver issue. The kidneys are responsible for the teeth and bones, and the liver governs...
  42. S

    Father of the Black Race? What's up with the "Little White Book."

    AND BLACK PEOPLE WILL CONTINUE TO BE VCTIMS IF WE ALL KEEP SAYING WE ARE VICTIMS. That is part of the Jewish curse and plan. All gentiles are victims--plain and simple. The whole reparations situation has been discussed and is obsolete. If anything, all of humanity deserves reparations from...
  43. S

    The Truth About Black Intelligence Revealed”

    It's okay. It may not be easy for yourself to deprogram the hatred and all the things the jews have made blacks feel. Just focus on Satan and the black essence, and kundalini within yourself. Meditate on Satan whenever you feel lost or need guidance. Do not let the enemy extraterrestrials get...
  44. S

    Individual, Confidential Chinese Medicine Consultations

    I am so happy for you, brother. Operating two clinics-- that's amazing. I have learned a lot from you and wishing you all the best. Continue your good work. You and others here are a great inspiration when it comes to health and well-being.
  45. S

    Dr. Sebi

    Blessings back!
  46. S

    Dr. Sebi

    Yes. I agree with that. Meat and dairy are heavy on the digestion and the system, and for one who is ill and in need of a body cleanse, they need to stop consuming it for a while. Usually, people healing from cancer and other diseases will eat primarily veggies and/or juice fast. Plants are...
  47. S

    Dr. Sebi

    Well, I honestly don't agree with that, at least not for people today. There are few who do okay on eating meat, but human evolved off meat. Meat has nutritional compound that is necessary. Meat consumption also has an energetic value. Years ago, I almost went vegetarian after seeing a factory...
  48. S

    Dr. Sebi

    He was just another gentile who already knew and glorified the power of natural healing. There are many other good gentiles who have met their demise or was ostracized for promoting natural and wholesome cures. It's definitely obvious that natural healing is the way, whether it be through yoga...
  49. S

    HIV Conspiracy

    According to scientific data collected by journalists, etc. the drug AZT was the thing that killed people then, and still today, thanks to the jewish pharmaceutical companies. That's what Jews do, they created so called pandemics and "diseases" just to come out with so called cures to poison...
  50. S


    Also, you're in Europe, right? Then it may be more difficult to get certain supplements.
  51. S


    Do you mean arthrosis? Sometimes health issues are just a matter of supplementation and or diet change, and not doing a working. But if money is an issue, then yes, do a working. Vital Proteins Cartilage Collagen pills/capsules is what you should take. It is available on Amazon and other...
  52. S

    The Truth About Black Intelligence Revealed”

    @cosmic6999 You are free to believe what you want. Perhaps this path isn't for you then, but obviously you are here still for a reason and only you know that, unless of course you decide not to keep visiting the forums. There are things you are missing and don't understand, and this only due...
  53. S

    Blood Sacrifices Explained: Our Gods And "Their Gods" [Updated]

    One more thing, I sent you an email to that address. If you didn't receive it, then I will just message you again with another email address. Just let me know.
  54. S

    Blood Sacrifices Explained: Our Gods And "Their Gods" [Updated]

    I've been meaning to email you too, but I suppose you weren't getting my emails. Will send you something. Thanks.
  55. S

    The Truth About Black Intelligence Revealed”

    Based on all my years as a satanist and working with the gods, I have learned that it doesn't matter much about the gods and their race compared to us, mainly non-whites. And when I say their race doesn't matter, I mean, all the gentiles of the world have only one true divine purpose and that is...
  56. S

    Blood Sacrifices Explained: Our Gods And "Their Gods" [Updated]

    Even blood sacrifices in Traditional African Religion are wrong. Blood sacrifice is of the enemy that have infiltrated and distorted all satanic/pagan traditions and rites. Most notably in West African Vodun and Haitian Voodoo. Many of the loas and veves are of the goetic demon gods...
  57. S

    Joy Of Satan: Positivity In This World

    Abandoned? Really? That's a bit dramatic, don't you think? No one was abandoned. The fact that I took time to focus on my kundalini, life and career is not abandoning anyone. Despite Satanism, we all have our own lives and personal issues to deal with. I've always still been here and will never...
  58. S

    Periods - A healing journey

    Thank you for that. I hope you're well.
  59. S

    Periods - A healing journey

    I've missed you and many others here on this forum so much. This is good information. Adding it to my files! The biggest thing I stick to when it comes to being in superb health is keeping the blood clean, built and always flowing.
  60. S

    Joy Of Satan: Positivity In This World

    As I read all of this, I always stop and reflect on the beautiful souls, here in Satan's domain, that have found the path. Keep being strong and brave, everyone.
  61. S

    The hidden meaning of "bitch"

    Hey, I'm fine. Just working on things-- kundalini and career. I was away for a little time. I'm fine and well. I'm a bit sensitive lately and find that I need little breaks from online activity, i.e. the news, etc. I hope you all are doing well. I do miss you guys.
  62. S

    Can Anyone Guide Me on How To Learn Vodun?

    It's important for you to know that Voodoo is heavily infested by xianity and the enemy. I would stay away from it. It's not what it use to be. Vodoo/Vodun was originally of Satan. It was a branch of spiritual satanism long ago. Please read this article if you have not already...
  63. S

    JoS Africa Is Now Live!

    Greetings to you. Yes, race is important as it deals with the soul but reaching god-head and uniting as a spiritual family under Satan and our creators is above all. Stay strong! Hail Satan
  64. S

    JoS Africa Is Now Live!

    It will also make a good back-up site.
  65. S

    Autism and History of Mental Illness

    Don't work with Saturn energies anymore. Instead focus on the sun and jupiter. The Sun works excellent for self esteem and confidence in success whatever be your endeavor. Jupiter expands and is a positive planet overall. Both planets are very positive. Autism is another situation that is...
  66. S

    Grandmother have pancreating cancer

    What is your grandmother's age?
  67. S

    Grandmother have pancreating cancer

    What is your grandmother's age?
  68. S

    How to cure eyes using runes

    Do you have access to purchasing certain items to help regenerate the cells of the eyes? I can recommend somethings but it depends on your financial situation. Also, what is the condition of your left eye?
  69. S

    JoS Africa Is Now Live!

    Hello, I am doing fine. I apologize if I have been away for a little. Just working a lot on Kundalini and some career goals that are needed which ties into the BS happening in the world. I do miss you guys, I must say. I hope everyone is well and staying strong really.
  70. S

    JoS Africa Is Now Live!

    Excellent work and initiative, Brother. I will send you an email!
  71. S

    Forced to take vaccine. What should I do?

    You, Aquarius and others who are in a position to not take that shot are lucky. Keep it up and stay safe.
  72. S

    Forced to take vaccine. What should I do?

    Sorry for the late response. I understand the pressure. But again, think hard about it and make a decision. Its not safe, that's a lie. Of course they have to say that to get people to take it. People dying from it and getting all sorts of diseases and side effects are just side effects of...
  73. S

    Forced to take vaccine. What should I do?

    Everyone has to make a choice when it comes to what is injected into their bodies and every decision has a consequence. I don't speak much about the shot(It is ridiculous to call it a vaccine because it is not, it is an MRNA shot that works on a genetic level) because of the controversy, even on...
  74. S


    How long have you suffered from this? Mix organic turmeric powder with raw coconut oil on the stove until it is hot enough. Let it infuse, cool and then when it is warm just slosh it around in your mouth twice a day for some days and see how you feel. Its called oil pulling. The turmeric is for...
  75. S

    Erectile dysfunction

    Unless one has a working knowledge on healthy on many levels, something will be missed. That's western medicine... Can you go into detail about the nature of ED? How old are you? How long has this been occurring?
  76. S

    Bee pollen-is it any good?

    Bee pollen is good for most people. It is like a multiviramin. Its good for healing and building the body's cells, and for treating allergies, or building up a "resistance" to them. I use to take it in the past. I don't understand why someone would say its useless...
  77. S

    HPS Shannon

    Hi, thank you for asking. I am fine. I don't come on the forum as much as before but I periodically check up. I am working on my kundalini process. Its something that I choose to focus on fully now, that way I can give back to and help Satan and the JoS community even more. I admit I need to do...
  78. S

    Raw Milk

    Exactly. Completely agree.
  79. S

    Satan, the God of an African people

    There is reason to believe he had jewish DNA. Ethiopain Jew. There are plenty of "black" jews in Ethiopia. I wrote about the Rastafarian movement on my website.
  80. S

    Satan, the God of an African people

    Yes, I have written about the Yoruba Ife-Orisha tradition on my website. The Ifa Orisha tradition has the chakras system and more and emphasizes meditation and such. A lot of the Yoruba language and some of the gods, are egyptian in origin. In Vodun red, white and black are important colors too...
  81. S

    Satan, the God of an African people

    I see this potential in him too.
  82. S

    Satan, the God of an African people

    Excellent article. I have a book on the Masaai that I have been meaning to read. I will add your article to the BlacksforSatan website. Thank you!
  83. S

    Asking about protein shakes

    I agree with everyone here, especially Henu and Blitzkrieg. The concept of working out and body building is not my strong area because I do not believe that just having muscles equates to internal strength. There are people who have little muscle but have gained inner energy and a wide range of...
  84. S

    The Truth About Black Intelligence Revealed”

    I completely understand. Whatever the case, I do not agree with anti white or anti black sentiment especially when not warranted at all. I am pro-gentile. That's it. I very much see all gentiles (especially SS) as my family. That's just how it works. We are more similar than different when it...
  85. S

    The Truth About Black Intelligence Revealed”

    Thank you again for that input. I agree.
  86. S

    Raw Milk

    You are very welcome.
  87. S

    The Truth About Black Intelligence Revealed”

    Just to clarify again, I am not referring to just your post on this thread, I am referring to other posts by you and other whites. Just like I am also referring to posts by some black satanists too. Just different posts and different things...not to sound obscure. But anyway, all is fine. I...
  88. S

    The Truth About Black Intelligence Revealed”

    I think you misunderstood me. I was referring to yellowdragon about discouraging members from coming on the forum he/she said that in one of the quotes. I don't feel attacked at all. I do however (as I always have) felt that responses like yours and yellowdragon causes more confusion and...
  89. S

    Raw Milk

    I agree with Henu. I have been drinking raw milk almost everyday 8 for years. Never had a problem. The only problem I have had are minor digestive changes when I do not have it for months. That's because it contains living elements like enzyme and beneficial bacteria-- it can cause a cleansing...
  90. S

    The Truth About Black Intelligence Revealed”

    I thank Jack and Stormblood for adding on to the thread realistically. I personally do not agree with what Cowboy posted and there was no real reason to post that thread. There are other more balanced articles online to convey some of those points without being radical and absurd and knowing...
  91. S

    Blacks for Satan

    I apologize for this. I am in the midst of updating and improving the BlacksforSatan website.
  92. S

    Forced to get the Vaccine for Work

    Yup, and I keep telling and reminding people, they want everyone on the planet to get this particular vaccine for a reason. For a reason they push it and want to force us and there was even an article saying they are considering paying people to take it. That means something.
  93. S

    Forced to get the Vaccine for Work

    It is a tough situation indeed. You have to make the best choice for yourself but think long and hard before you get it. Save up while you can. ** Due to legalities I will just say this is my own opinion (even though science and commonsense shows that its not just opinion) but sure..this is my...
  94. S

    Winning Or Losing?

    I just vibrate it into my soul. I do 18 reps in one sitting instead of 9 reps, etc. When you get used to it, doing many RTRs a days isn't hard. It's like training. Once you get past doing a certain amount, its not bad at all. it takes me 28 mins to do 18 reps in one sitting instead of the...
  95. S

    Meditation Playlist?

    Yeah its about 11 mins long so perfect for you to get into that special space, or to complete yoga.
  96. S

    Winning Or Losing?

    The only thing we really need to be ready for is when they roll in the mandatory vaccines. This is a problem. If anyone has been paying attention to the news and alternative news outlets, they are getting ready to implement laws and rules that if one does not get the vaccine, they will not be...
  97. S

    Covid has a 1.4% mortality rate...

    This was what many, including myself, was saying. This covid things is a hoax. It is a hoax from the CCP and the Jewish elites to shut down the entire world, ruin the economy and destroy our freedoms, especially in America. The covid scam is to catapult the world into Jewish communism at super...
  98. S

    Blacks vs Whites

    I get called too pro white as well and some idiots online claim that I am a white person pretending to be black... Just because I dont want to see the white race or any gentile race destroyed... The problem is obviously these fools are all anti white, even the white ones, and think the white...
  99. S

    Blacks vs Whites

    Equally when you have Jews who pretend to be white and look white to the average person, then does majority of the crimes in the world...understand that blacks dont know the difference...which is why whites get the treatment that they do. That is why we are all here to change that. Jews have...
  100. S

    Blacks vs Whites

    I agree. I see you as a good leadership type too. I hope you continue to improve. You are a good example of the black race.
  101. S

    Blacks vs Whites

    This is a good post. I was just thinking about this topic. Everyone is free to post whatever they wsnt, within reason but don't come on this part of the forum to start problems or bash black gentiles here. Black gentiles here are diffetent obviously. Like what the heck is the point coming here...
  102. S

    Video on Reparations for Blacks

    Fenrir, keep being disrespect and your posts will not be approved on this part of the forum anymore. You have one more chance. All this blacks and whites going against each other is not the godly thing to do. Everyone here is working to reach godhead and become superior beings as Satan...
  103. S

    clarification on race in the soul?

    You need to just freaking relax. Don't go on the opposite extreme now.
  104. S

    igbo people

    And what supposed evidence is this? Can you present this so we can dismantle it here? I'm always hearing how black gentiles in Africa are the true Jews all the time. That crap is also said about blacks in America. There are a couple white organizations who think this about themselves as well...
  105. S

    Video on Reparations for Blacks

    I didnt mean reparations literally which is why I out quotation marks aside the word. They will pay us reparations with their spiritual and physical destruction. There is nothing, other than that, they can do to repay gentile humanity for what they have done. Their extermination is how they...
  106. S

    Video on Reparations for Blacks

    I agree. However many black americans are under the impression that reparations will go to them or familes of slave descendants and black people in America as a whole because they believe they are oppressed and that white america owes them something. Even the liberal garbage media paints it that...
  107. S

    Video on Reparations for Blacks

    I meant to say many citizens of the USA were against slavery for example as it apies to reperations to many blacks and so I dont agree that the USA should pay for it if many citizens fought against it or did not approve of it.
  108. S

    Video on Reparations for Blacks

    No, youre right. It should be heard and I agree and I have heard both sides and I stated my opinion. And the people in the thread stated their opinion. What I dont agree with is how it turned into some of you going back and fourth and it turned negative with you, Southernwhitegentile and...
  109. S

    clarification on race in the soul?

    I agree. Of Asian descent seem to be where her racial ancestry and soul type seems to be. A mixed race person still has a dominant soul up until a certain point. She shoould carefully look at her skin tone, features, eyes, etc, that shows the genetic connection. Native Americas are...
  110. S

    clarification on race in the soul?

    The whole interracial sex things harming another gentile's soul was crap pushed by a former HP who isnt with us anymore for obvious reasons. He was the same one who said that being friends with another race destroys the aura...
  111. S

    Video on Reparations for Blacks

    All this back and fourth should not escalate. Whites are being genocided and its very serious just like the black race is on its way to becoming the ultimate tool slave on the Jewish plantation completely. We should not make light of the situation that each race is going through. I agree with Ol...
  112. S

    clarification on race in the soul?

    Sometimes your responses are just...cold and extreme. Thats not the most polite and humane answer. This person is probably going through lots of confusion plus enemy attacks. Its not fair to just givea response like that when you dont know the situation with this person.
  113. S

    clarification on race in the soul?

    What is your friend mixed with?
  114. S

    clarification on race in the soul?

    I'm black. Where did you get that from? Never said I was mixed.
  115. S

    JoS situation

    I dont know what you mean? Are you referring to the clergy situation. If so, that has already been discussed.
  116. S

    Account Deletion

    Also, Eric, no one is asking you to trust anyone. Focus on your own path. When I first found out about Mageson I didnt believe it either and of course for a couple years I brushed it aside because I was sort of in denial. You're not the only one who as confused, hurt and doubted some aspects...
  117. S

    Racial origin

    I'm sorry you experienced that. Islam is one of the worst. Any gentile that grows up in Islam and then finds Satanism is strong. I'm happy for you. Islam is extreme and very violent program. You broke away from that and found the true path. Yes...youre origins and essence are of Satan. Be well.
  118. S

    Period Cramps

    Consider what CentralForce and Blitzkrieg suggested as they are connected with your hormones and kidneys. As far as TCM goes, it is a yin problem and taking the advice suggested will help. However, I know for a fact that this TCM formula helps and I take it from time to time. It will give you...
  119. S


    Vitamin A is definitely a key factor in healing dandruff, as well as being a component in most skin and cell issues.
  120. S

    Period Cramps

    These problems of course are from imbalanced hormones. Many women have this problem, if not all at some point in this life due to the issues with this modern age. Having hot flashes, painful and heavy periods are the result of an issue. There are more than a few causes of these things and...
  121. S

    Racial origin

    Another satanist and I were having this conversation before. Many have said that the indian sub race comes from mixtures between black and white gentiles over the course of hundreds of years but black and white mixes have not and do not create what we call the indian features, if anyone has...
  122. S


    Dandruff can most certainly be healed and easily in most cases. Dandruff is caused by an either damaged scalp or in most cases, dehydration, and toxin build up in the scalp. The best way to go about healing to drink adequate clean water. Use natural clean and nurturing hair products and...
  123. S

    Who is the demoted HP?

    If you were keeping up with some of my posts on the coronavirus I already explained and showed evidence that viruses are not what we have been told to believe. That they are material creatrd by the body. That viruses have never been shown to be isolated and have failed kochs postulates. Stating...
  124. S

    Where is HP Mageson?

    You guys should know, Mageson is one of the clergy that was kicked out for other reasons and slandering the RTR, etc. Its in HP HCs most recent sermon. I couldnt believe it either but its true. I still cant believe it but the proof has been shown.
  125. S

    In Regards To Traitors/Infiltrators and Other Types Of People

    I know you are referring to me about the virus situation and you have every right to disagree but I already explained the virus situation and I clearly said that they are NOT what science has said they are to be and I posted info and a link proving this, that they are chromosomes, etc. Not my...
  126. S

    Healthy lifestyle?

    Blitkrieg, youre doing such a good job on the health forum and giving balance health advice. I've been reading and analyzing them. Thank you. Good job. I'm impressed by how much you know and how you put then together. In the end, diet and spirituality are linked. Diet is not as complicated or...
  127. S

    Blacks For Satan Website Back Up

    Ask this question in the health sub forum ir main forum, but gene alteration and such comes ultimately with completing the magnum opus. Perfection of the genes and the ability to alter your appearance in certain ways is an ability as a result of reaching godhead.
  128. S

    Low BP

    Be careful about taking Statin. The body is a very intelligent and amazing thing. Whrn the cholesterol is high, that means the body is keeping it high to fix a problem. The body makes high cholesterol to try to heal as a mechanism. The last thing you want to do is use a drug to lower it. The...
  129. S

    My Dog won’t stop scratching!

    Where exactly is she scratching? One area? Did you inspect close enough to see what else it could be?
  130. S

    Genetic Modified Mosquitos....

    I dont think this is a good thing for the environment and eco system. I honestly believe that this mosquito situation will have negative consequences. Do you really think anything Bill Gates is involved in has any postives for gentiles or the earth?
  131. S

    Coronavirus Fake Tests

    From alternative microbiologists and the like, viruses are created from within the body in response to dead, dying or damaged tissue, body toxicity, being poisoned, etc, etc. They appear to be the result of disease. Virus in latin means poison. From the science I have read, viruses are produced...
  132. S

    Coronavirus Fake Tests

    And in my opinion and based on what science is showing, the virus exists but like I said, its not what we have been told they are. According to science and the WHO info, the covid virus is actually chromosome particles, which is what I have been saying is viruses are created by the body in...
  133. S

    100 things that you did not know about Africa

    Guys, please lets not turn this into a divisive situation that is the opposite of what some extreme white gentiles would say. The original link has some inaccuracies, we know this, and we read things the satanic way.
  134. S

    100 things that you did not know about Africa

    I dont think what shrekelstein said was wrong or debunking. Like Cowboy said, its just a general list from a different source. We all know the out of africa theory is wrong. The list is an interesting one for beginning one's study.
  135. S

    Coronavirus Fake Tests

    You have to give a better explaination than that. Sleeping under a cold fan during winter creates wind cold invasion of the exterior and causes those symptoms. Not a virus. Something similar happens to me when I sleep with the fan right on me...
  136. S


    This is really sad. Thank you for sharing. At this point the only people that we need to prove anything too is ourselves and our gods. Its a shame too that black Africans living in Africa do not even know about their past and whats going on and how much history was destroyed. There are still...
  137. S


    Yes, in terms of reading material those are also good books to inspire one. Lost cities of Africa was recommended to me by Azazel. I heard of it in the past but because I didnt know any better, I didnt think much of it.
  138. S


    The real danger is if we cant find any reason to love or respect our race, it is hopeless. Many black gentiles probably dont love their face simply because they are not white people, and that is flat out wrong and sad. You think our creator Satan would respect or be happy about that. No way...
  139. S


    Does your brother have any hang ups? What exactly is there not be proud of? Of course the situation that we are in at the current moment thanks to the Jews is not anything to be proud of. When we look forward, understand what we are, who we come from and what we can become, that is enough...
  140. S

    Black man shoots 5 year old White boy in the head. No mainstream media coverage

    SWG, no one is blaming you for feeling the way you do. Really just please understand about those major statements you make and you know are not true. The enemy is probably getting to you too. We all hate what is happening to the white race. They do not deserve this. None of us. Everyone...
  141. S

    Black man shoots 5 year old White boy in the head. No mainstream media coverage

    Come on guys, I never said I was leaving. I just said its best for me to concentrate on the black forum. Im behind on new sermons anway. I like you too ❤ I like your posts and how much effort you put in helping new members
  142. S

    Black man shoots 5 year old White boy in the head. No mainstream media coverage

    Thank you Coraxo, all good. Im not leaving and abandoning anyone who can benefit from whatever I have to offer. Believe it or not but I care about all the races.l deeply. I already see our potentiak and sacred existence. Truly. But I also am quite sensitive and passionate about my race when it...
  143. S

    Black man shoots 5 year old White boy in the head. No mainstream media coverage

    I know how you feel. I wrote a sermon in the black forum that you should read if you havent. Dont let anyone ever make you feel as though you dont belong and are inferior. Stay focus and advance your soul. Screw what others think about our race. I hope to see you more on the forum despite all...
  144. S


    We are a unique race. The only of our kind. A new race created on this earth. We become the gods of our people and then they will look up to us as leaders and perfected ones of the black race. Push yourself and do as many RTRs a day as you can. You will see what I mean.
  145. S

    Black man shoots 5 year old White boy in the head. No mainstream media coverage

    Just do you know, I understand everything you say. I just hope you understand where I was getting with and why I even commented on this thread. It was way beyond right and no one would have really commented on it or corrected it if I didnt. You know it was wrong of him but you wouldn't have...
  146. S


    Im happy to hear this from you. I know your kundalini was recently awakened and you understand that once you keep this going, you must go on. Let the kundalini and Satan's light keep you focused brother. The enemy HATES this so lets make them even more pissed off. Wishing you all the best. You...
  147. S


    As a reminder, the RTRs free the soul and mind from the biblical curses. All the bindings and negativity will be released. It's cathartic. Do as many as you can daily. It's the main obstacle that keeps the serpent bound. Once you get that serpent going, the sky is the limit.
  148. S


    Due to the existence of the jew, our eternal enemy, and centuries of jewish curses, lies, propaganda and our unfortunate spiritual degeneration, the black race has suffered through so much since the enemy dominated this world. One of which are the horrid bonds of slavery- physically, spiritually...
  149. S

    Black man shoots 5 year old White boy in the head. No mainstream media coverage

    Dont worry, this situation wont go on for too long. I already have the solution that will fix these horrible racial conversations.
  150. S

    Black man shoots 5 year old White boy in the head. No mainstream media coverage

    Now youre getting all upset and illogical just because I said that you shouldnt make a comment saying that it was wrong to say that the gods created non whites to destroy the white race? Youre so blind with anger that you think shit talking all non whites means that you become a strong Aryan...
  151. S

    Black man shoots 5 year old White boy in the head. No mainstream media coverage

    No one is saying that whites cant vent or anything. This is obvious. I do not see non whites talking shit on this forum. Its always white satanists doing it. Always. If a black satanist were to talk shit about a white person I correct them. If someone makes a blatant claim that non whites were...
  152. S

    Black man shoots 5 year old White boy in the head. No mainstream media coverage

    No one is saying that whites cant vent or anything. This is obvious. I do not see non whites talking shit on this forum. Its always white satanists doing it. Always. If a black satanist were to talk shit about a white person I correct them. If someone makes a blatant claim that non whites were...
  153. S

    Black man shoots 5 year old White boy in the head. No mainstream media coverage

    No, youre missing the point. You think I dont know whats happening or recognize whats happening? I dont care about the other things you said, but the point was making a stupid comment saying that alk the non white races were made to destroy the white race. You made that comment just like that...
  154. S

    Black man shoots 5 year old White boy in the head. No mainstream media coverage

    Whatever the case may be, he didnt need to say that stupid shit as if it was the truth and he knows it isnt. That I wont stand for. I hate black gentiles who are like that murderer, worthless and a waste of space. I am racist and angry towards degenerate blacks too, I dont even recognize them...
  155. S

    Black man shoots 5 year old White boy in the head. No mainstream media coverage

    So instead of making unneccesary racial remarks at non white gentiles, like calling us mud races, which is completely unneccessary, I hope you understand that Jews have done horrible things to humanity and blamed the white race completely and then black gentiles see this and can't tell the...
  156. S

    Black man shoots 5 year old White boy in the head. No mainstream media coverage

    I know you're angry at whats happening, I am too. We live in a disgusting and sick world. But you know damn well that the non white races were not created to destroy the white race. Do not make statements like that. All the races of Satan were created to become gods. I understand how these...
  157. S

    "Uncle Tom" documentary by Black conservatives and related

    Thank you for taking the time to put together a list of these videos. I have seen some of them. Of course the xian thing is unfortunate. Its always the conservatives that display the common sense among the two political parties. These are good videos. Thanks again.
  158. S

    Cat with Struvite Crystals

    Hello, how long havs your cat been through this problem? Has he or she been on a dry food diet in the past? How often does your cat drink water?
  159. S

    The Significance of African Dance

    Sorry for the late response. I think HP Lucius would have much more to say about this. I wish I could say more but the invidio links are not working for some reason on my end.
  160. S

    The Significance of African Dance

    Thank you Sundara. Your racial kin did utilize movement, similar to Voodoo dancing to stimulate and awaken the serpent enery. Its similar to the wild dances of the god seen in Europe, India and Egypt. Specific movement was for this reason...
  161. S

    Rabbi says Jews are Aliens sent to Conqor the world

    Maybe you you re read the last paragraph because it does not imply anything negative about Hitler. It says that he was forced in to the war because Jews like Stalin were trying to take over Europe...
  162. S

    Young Pharaoh vs Rabbi

    In the video, he told the rabbi that Jews were genetically engineered to take over the world. That was good for hime to say as that youtuber has many followers.
  163. S

    Rabbi says Jews are Aliens sent to Conqor the world

    This is a good one. Thanks. Will use it for my website.
  164. S


    Slyscorpion, Whatever you are going through is up to you to decide. You dont have to trust me or anything I say. I just wanted to offer a different medical perspective because what you are doing clearly isnt working. The point of the video and of the book that this man wrote shows and proves...
  165. S

    Biological Nature of the Gentile Races including kikes

    These are interesting observations but its best not to generalize too much. Alot of what we see are gentiles in a state in which Jews have created. For example, blacks being in gangs are because of the fatherless homes and economic destitution that the Jewish system have created. Whites and...
  166. S

    Coronavirus Fake Tests

    I am not a medical professional or have training. I am just an avid researcher and do study. I also have experience in natural healing and such but not a medical professional. I simply go with what makes sense and I agree with you DiscipleofSatan. This is just how I see it. PCR tests do not...
  167. S

    Coronavirus Fake Tests

    Thank you Blitzkrieg for your polite response, and sharing what you feel. I understand GITM and his positive intentions, It just got me so irate and frustrated that he called me an ex satanist and said a couple other things in the email that came off as deluded or strange. I am not calling him...
  168. S

    Coronavirus Fake Tests

    Thats my point HoodedCobra, whether my sources were jews or gentiles, science is science. Jews and Gentiles alike can be good at science as it is a truth that is part of life and how we all function. The Jewish and Gentile sources both talk about how microbial diseases are the result of disease...
  169. S

    Coronavirus Fake Tests

    Ghost in the Machine, you are lying. You did tell me that Satan told you about me psychically. This is what you wrote in the email. "So Satan told me you've been looking at my emails, you know they're there but are refusing to read the entire writings only bothering to skim through. So I...
  170. S

    Coronavirus Fake Tests

    etiology-epidemiology-and-therapeutic-history-of-malaria-validate-germ terrain-duality-postulates-thereof-1747-0862-1000261.pdf This is another example. Like I said I believe in terrain/germ-terrain duality theory. Now if anyone here believes that having a different opinion or agreeing with...
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    Coronavirus Fake Tests

  172. S

    Coronavirus Fake Tests

  173. S

    Coronavirus Fake Tests

    I'm not going to keep going back and fourth with you. I already said what I needed to say. Dust and DNA particles are not the same thing. They have different mass and substance. Get a clue. And first of all, I say "virus" because virus is latin for poison and they are dead genetic material...
  174. S

    Coronavirus Fake Tests

    You can ponder all you want but he won and court and no one was able to prove it or anything like that. Dont shoot the messenger.
  175. S


    It makes up feel like you're a degenerate specimen of your race who has not yet fully opened his mind and let go of the displaced rage. Are you done yet insulting other members of other races for no reason whatsoever to just appear like an awakened white man? I know youre very hurt by what has...
  176. S

    Coronavirus Fake Tests

    You know what I find very funny Ghostinthe Machine? Is that in our private emails (the one in which I emailed you first to apologize about what happened on the last topic of this convo) is that you started with me saying that I wasnt a satanist anymore, saying that Satan himself psychically told...
  177. S

    Can Alzheimer's be cured?

    Also Nino, how are you doing with the health issues you had before? Did you take what I suggested you take for the liver consistently? Hope youre better.
  178. S

    Can Alzheimer's be cured?

    Nothong wrong with using magick, or a square but If I was noticing that I was starting to develop alzheimers, I would do a heavy metal detox, supplement with Magnesium, primarily magnesium malate which is said to pass the blood brain barrier and pull out the aluminum. Old people have a higher...
  179. S

    Coronavirus Fake Tests

    I was scared too. Its natural but then I started studying viruses and what they really are. I dont care if the virus exists or not, because the effects of it like the shut down and supply chain has been devastating. I dont go out wearing a mask like a sheep. Masks are ridiculous and in this...
  180. S

    Coronavirus Fake Tests

    Yup the only argument I see here are trivial points about whether or not some governments agreed with the virus thing or not. The enemy controls the world government through commands and or propaganda, so of course some world leaders will agree to a shut down it by their own choice. So what...
  181. S

    Coronavirus Fake Tests

    Be careful about posting things pertaining to the "virus" as you will eventually be accused of covorting with the enemy or not being a satanist anymore...its happened to me by a certain someone. Saying that denying the virus is what the enemy wants is funny when you see the enemy is pushing...
  182. S

    Can Alzheimer's be cured?

    Yes, it can be. But it has to be through a healing protocol which will more or less need the participation and willing consent of your grandparent and when I say that I mean she must be willing to follow along with it without being forced or constantly pushed. Aluminum and heavy metal...
  183. S


    Maybe you should study more instead of being so damn rude. Christianity and its doctrines are and work as a prerequisite and conditioning for white gentiles to allow and agree with its communism, pacifism, weakness and race destroying. Many whites did allow multicultiralism and almost pushed for...
  184. S


    The point of the video and information is that it is a fake manufactured disease and anyone can test positive under many different circumstances. Even if you are pregnant it creates factors that make you test positive and the PCR test that is used to test for these things do not work for that...
  185. S


    You might want to watch this video of you want a second opinion on what you are going through. This man also wrote a book proving this. https://youtu.be/_-_HoE-dRv0
  186. S


    Thank you. The problem with Basilar is he has a problem with me because I am black and especially that I am saying things and truths about the white race, and the fact that it is coming from a black person makes him very upset because he still believes that the reason white gentiles are in the...
  187. S


    You made no sense at all. Shows your lack of insight with Satan, the concept of spiritual degeneration and why gentiles were created and for what purpose. Nice try though. How about you start thinking like the god Sorath? You might learn something a bit.
  188. S


    What was that suppose to mean? Compensating for who? You have alot to learn here, youre still new so cant get upset at that What I mentioned is the truth for both races, just because you are new here, full of ignorant hate and still probably dont see the full picture for what it is because...
  189. S

    July 20th Race Awakening

    I think he meant he like whats happening that Jews are getting the spotlight however we need to take it further by showing and proving the actual difference between white gentiles and Jews. Once we do that, its a major success. Baby steps.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
