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Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
Due to the existence of the jew, our eternal enemy, and centuries of jewish curses, lies, propaganda and our unfortunate spiritual degeneration, the black race has suffered through so much since the enemy dominated this world. One of which are the horrid bonds of slavery- physically, spiritually and mentally. This is apparent throughout history and still bleeds on to the modern day.

What happened to the sacred race that our gods created? We have gone from nearly ascended beings to beings with a weak sense of racial wholeness and confidence.  

The problem though, and the thing that may very well be the major obstacle that holds us back from evolving and moving forward for the betterment of our selves, is we still hold onto the chains and lies dumped onto us for so long. There is no denying this. I observe and see this everyday. We are mental slaves which is why we still suffer on the inside.

There is lack of racial self respect, confidence and love because of constant lies and propaganda, not to mention our past being systematically destroyed. I see blacks constantly comparing our race to another race's standards. Also what I noticed is the fear and paranoia that many black gentiles have in regards to their race.They believe that society is always against them based on race alone. That we shouldn't try to achieve because we will always fail or be on the bottom.

If it isn't the biblical curses and ridicule like that of the Curse of Ham (which consciously and subconsciously makes blacks feel like we are a failure and living a cursed existence) it's from society and its standards, or from the lies of the jewish media that perpetuates ideas like white gentiles being the source of black problems, white beauty and wealth being the only standard, and so forth. 

All this just to stir up racial anger and resentment and shame.To keep us holding on to the idea that we are slaves, the bottom of society and such, which is utter deception. Until we let go all of this, we will always lack confidence and the will to achieve. All this may seem obvious, or not even severe but it can go so deep that it feels natural and like a normal part of our lives. This comes from past conditions, generational trauma and the like. Blacks act according to this mentality without even being aware of it. It's a tragedy.

This mentality has a backlash that goes in opposite directions: You have the blacks that have channeled this rage and inferiority complex into extreme afrocentrism and "appropriating" other race's achievement and history and blacks bashing whites and calling them names. Then you have on the other end the blacks who are completely ashamed of their race and have no identity or understanding of the rich black past rooted in Satan. This shame and grievance leads to other choices that send us down the hole of self destruction, carelessness or just devout xianity, accepting our "cursed" lives because ugly rabbis said so.

And then the enemy and some others slander us, calls us monkeys, slaves, mud races and the list goes on and on but it's so very funny how the enemy has gone out of its way to curse us so that we do not become advanced beings.The Jews and their ET masters know damn well what we can become. They know we are from Satan and that the kundalini is in us waiting to transform and make us supreme immortal beings with immense capabilities.

If we are such animals then why would the enemy go out of their way to curse us and keep us from accessing the kundalini? We all know why...

Jews are so sick and disgusting, they do not even have the capacity to reach immortality and god status, that's how insignificant and ugly they are. They only serve the purpose to degrade Satan's races and do the work of the vile enemy ETs. They are not even put together genetically. They are just total fuck ups. 

Whereas Satan put care and worked with nature to create his black race. Our god Satan and the daemons are the best and the best beings only create the best. Do not forget this and never ever let anyone.

You are here because Satan wanted you to be. If we were no good, he would have not created us, gave us the knowledge to become perfect and gods, nor would he have set up a priesthood of our race to hold on to this knowledge and tradition.

We as a people are Satan's first great accomplishment when it comes to gentile humanity's creation. We are the race and original design from the gods. Our skin, hair and features are unique, natural and varied like the different shades of this earth, brown, dark, natural and fully adapted to our earth and its sunny surroundings.They came from the mind of our Aryan god Satan.

We need to keep our eyes on the prize and finish and complete Satan's work. Raise your serpent and then complete the Magnum Opus. That is the game plan here. 

No more will we endure the taunts, name calling and racial disrespect from others and if that be the case, who cares? We do not need any other race to like us or see our potential. Only we have to realize that and make it reality by finishing the great work. We will be as the gods and have the same potential which is our birth right. We were not created to be inferior or slaves. Know that.

One more thing to mention are psychic enemy attacks. This is a major bitch and they will try to get to you in any way possible. Whether it be from reading shit posts about our race on this forum and anywhere else, or through your own fears and insecurities.

They also pay attention when they see you advancing and or doing a lot of spiritual warfare. This is super important and overlooked a lot. They do this in a way that makes their attacks seem indistinguishable from your own. It's not easy to shake. I know because I go through it all the time. You have to develop the will to ignore it and focus on the positives. There are only two options- believe the enemy and let them hold you back, or ascend and achieve great heights that you never thought possible.There are no others. 

Do not hold onto the enemy lies because they will surely take you for a ride if you let them. They are very scared of us advancing. If you suffer from enemy attacks, that just means you are making an effect that is harming them, which means keep going. Just guard your emotions and keep up your aura of protection.

I'll end it by saying that it is such a wonderful thing to see more black gentiles waking up and finding Satan. You are beautiful and benevolent souls that were meant to be here.Through him, we fully realize who we are, what our purpose is and what we can become, so from now on we remind each other and keep each other strong by repeating what needs to be. To ingrain this truth and positivity in our hearts and minds. 

Any true change that we seek ultimately starts with us.

Hail Satan
As a reminder, the RTRs free the soul and mind from the biblical curses. All the bindings and negativity will be released. It's cathartic. Do as many as you can daily. It's the main obstacle that keeps the serpent bound. Once you get that serpent going, the sky is the limit.
HPS Shannon said:
Due to the existence of the jew, our eternal enemy, and centuries of jewish curses, lies, propaganda and our unfortunate spiritual degeneration, the black race has suffered through so much since the enemy dominated this world. One of which are the horrid bonds of slavery- physically, spiritually and mentally. This is apparent throughout history and still bleeds on to the modern day.

What happened to the sacred race that our gods created? We have gone from nearly ascended beings to beings with a weak sense of racial wholeness and confidence.  

The problem though, and the thing that may very well be the major obstacle that holds us back from evolving and moving forward for the betterment of our selves, is we still hold onto the chains and lies dumped onto us for so long. There is no denying this. I observe and see this everyday. We are mental slaves which is why we still suffer on the inside.

There is lack of racial self respect, confidence and love because of constant lies and propaganda, not to mention our past being systematically destroyed. I see blacks constantly comparing our race to another race's standards. Also what I noticed is the fear and paranoia that many black gentiles have in regards to their race.They believe that society is always against them based on race alone. That we shouldn't try to achieve because we will always fail or be on the bottom.

If it isn't the biblical curses and ridicule like that of the Curse of Ham (which consciously and subconsciously makes blacks feel like we are a failure and living a cursed existence) it's from society and its standards, or from the lies of the jewish media that perpetuates ideas like white gentiles being the source of black problems, white beauty and wealth being the only standard, and so forth. 

All this just to stir up racial anger and resentment and shame.To keep us holding on to the idea that we are slaves, the bottom of society and such, which is utter deception. Until we let go all of this, we will always lack confidence and the will to achieve. All this may seem obvious, or not even severe but it can go so deep that it feels natural and like a normal part of our lives. This comes from past conditions, generational trauma and the like. Blacks act according to this mentality without even being aware of it. It's a tragedy.

This mentality has a backlash that goes in opposite directions: You have the blacks that have channeled this rage and inferiority complex into extreme afrocentrism and "appropriating" other race's achievement and history and blacks bashing whites and calling them names. Then you have on the other end the blacks who are completely ashamed of their race and have no identity or understanding of the rich black past rooted in Satan. This shame and grievance leads to other choices that send us down the hole of self destruction, carelessness or just devout xianity, accepting our "cursed" lives because ugly rabbis said so.

And then the enemy and some others slander us, calls us monkeys, slaves, mud races and the list goes on and on but it's so very funny how the enemy has gone out of its way to curse us so that we do not become advanced beings.The Jews and their ET masters know damn well what we can become. They know we are from Satan and that the kundalini is in us waiting to transform and make us supreme immortal beings with immense capabilities.

If we are such animals then why would the enemy go out of their way to curse us and keep us from accessing the kundalini? We all know why...

Jews are so sick and disgusting, they do not even have the capacity to reach immortality and god status, that's how insignificant and ugly they are. They only serve the purpose to degrade Satan's races and do the work of the vile enemy ETs. They are not even put together genetically. They are just total fuck ups. 

Whereas Satan put care and worked with nature to create his black race. Our god Satan and the daemons are the best and the best beings only create the best. Do not forget this and never ever let anyone.

You are here because Satan wanted you to be. If we were no good, he would have not created us, gave us the knowledge to become perfect and gods, nor would he have set up a priesthood of our race to hold on to this knowledge and tradition.

We as a people are Satan's first great accomplishment when it comes to gentile humanity's creation. We are the race and original design from the gods. Our skin, hair and features are unique, natural and varied like the different shades of this earth, brown, dark, natural and fully adapted to our earth and its sunny surroundings.They came from the mind of our Aryan god Satan.

We need to keep our eyes on the prize and finish and complete Satan's work. Raise your serpent and then complete the Magnum Opus. That is the game plan here. 

No more will we endure the taunts, name calling and racial disrespect from others and if that be the case, who cares? We do not need any other race to like us or see our potential. Only we have to realize that and make it reality by finishing the great work. We will be as the gods and have the same potential which is our birth right. We were not created to be inferior or slaves. Know that.

One more thing to mention are psychic enemy attacks. This is a major bitch and they will try to get to you in any way possible. Whether it be from reading shit posts about our race on this forum and anywhere else, or through your own fears and insecurities.

They also pay attention when they see you advancing and or doing a lot of spiritual warfare. This is super important and overlooked a lot. They do this in a way that makes their attacks seem indistinguishable from your own. It's not easy to shake. I know because I go through it all the time. You have to develop the will to ignore it and focus on the positives. There are only two options- believe the enemy and let them hold you back, or ascend and achieve great heights that you never thought possible.There are no others. 

Do not hold onto the enemy lies because they will surely take you for a ride if you let them. They are very scared of us advancing. If you suffer from enemy attacks, that just means you are making an effect that is harming them, which means keep going. Just guard your emotions and keep up your aura of protection.

I'll end it by saying that it is such a wonderful thing to see more black gentiles waking up and finding Satan. You are beautiful and benevolent souls that were meant to be here.Through him, we fully realize who we are, what our purpose is and what we can become, so from now on we remind each other and keep each other strong by repeating what needs to be. To ingrain this truth and positivity in our hearts and minds. 

Any true change that we seek ultimately starts with us.

Hail Satan
Beautiful sermon HPss ;)
It's a beautiful thing that we are Satan's handiwork. I've noticed the enemy is obsessed with keeping a certain narrative and mindset for blacks, where our existence is supposedly centered on a silly war against whites on all levels and proving our superiority in them. A black person can't be proud without proving an anti-white point.

This is not who we are. I've never felt as much alive as I do walking the path that our ancestors once walked long ago. I can truly say I'm proud of my race and really mean it. Plus with how far I've come Spiritually, the only way is forward and getting better and better.

Satan is one of a kind of a genius and a master of the universe. He doesn't create flawed things. Our present flaws are due to the enemy and also spiritual degeneracy and we black SS will fix these and show our people the true light of Satan that we once lived in.

Hail Satan! :)
Blackdragon666 said:
HPS Shannon said:
Due to the existence of the jew, our eternal enemy, and centuries of jewish curses, lies, propaganda and our unfortunate spiritual degeneration, the black race has suffered through so much since the enemy dominated this world. One of which are the horrid bonds of slavery- physically, spiritually and mentally. This is apparent throughout history and still bleeds on to the modern day.

What happened to the sacred race that our gods created? We have gone from nearly ascended beings to beings with a weak sense of racial wholeness and confidence.  

The problem though, and the thing that may very well be the major obstacle that holds us back from evolving and moving forward for the betterment of our selves, is we still hold onto the chains and lies dumped onto us for so long. There is no denying this. I observe and see this everyday. We are mental slaves which is why we still suffer on the inside.

There is lack of racial self respect, confidence and love because of constant lies and propaganda, not to mention our past being systematically destroyed. I see blacks constantly comparing our race to another race's standards. Also what I noticed is the fear and paranoia that many black gentiles have in regards to their race.They believe that society is always against them based on race alone. That we shouldn't try to achieve because we will always fail or be on the bottom.

If it isn't the biblical curses and ridicule like that of the Curse of Ham (which consciously and subconsciously makes blacks feel like we are a failure and living a cursed existence) it's from society and its standards, or from the lies of the jewish media that perpetuates ideas like white gentiles being the source of black problems, white beauty and wealth being the only standard, and so forth. 

All this just to stir up racial anger and resentment and shame.To keep us holding on to the idea that we are slaves, the bottom of society and such, which is utter deception. Until we let go all of this, we will always lack confidence and the will to achieve. All this may seem obvious, or not even severe but it can go so deep that it feels natural and like a normal part of our lives. This comes from past conditions, generational trauma and the like. Blacks act according to this mentality without even being aware of it. It's a tragedy.

This mentality has a backlash that goes in opposite directions: You have the blacks that have channeled this rage and inferiority complex into extreme afrocentrism and "appropriating" other race's achievement and history and blacks bashing whites and calling them names. Then you have on the other end the blacks who are completely ashamed of their race and have no identity or understanding of the rich black past rooted in Satan. This shame and grievance leads to other choices that send us down the hole of self destruction, carelessness or just devout xianity, accepting our "cursed" lives because ugly rabbis said so.

And then the enemy and some others slander us, calls us monkeys, slaves, mud races and the list goes on and on but it's so very funny how the enemy has gone out of its way to curse us so that we do not become advanced beings.The Jews and their ET masters know damn well what we can become. They know we are from Satan and that the kundalini is in us waiting to transform and make us supreme immortal beings with immense capabilities.

If we are such animals then why would the enemy go out of their way to curse us and keep us from accessing the kundalini? We all know why...

Jews are so sick and disgusting, they do not even have the capacity to reach immortality and god status, that's how insignificant and ugly they are. They only serve the purpose to degrade Satan's races and do the work of the vile enemy ETs. They are not even put together genetically. They are just total fuck ups. 

Whereas Satan put care and worked with nature to create his black race. Our god Satan and the daemons are the best and the best beings only create the best. Do not forget this and never ever let anyone.

You are here because Satan wanted you to be. If we were no good, he would have not created us, gave us the knowledge to become perfect and gods, nor would he have set up a priesthood of our race to hold on to this knowledge and tradition.

We as a people are Satan's first great accomplishment when it comes to gentile humanity's creation. We are the race and original design from the gods. Our skin, hair and features are unique, natural and varied like the different shades of this earth, brown, dark, natural and fully adapted to our earth and its sunny surroundings.They came from the mind of our Aryan god Satan.

We need to keep our eyes on the prize and finish and complete Satan's work. Raise your serpent and then complete the Magnum Opus. That is the game plan here. 

No more will we endure the taunts, name calling and racial disrespect from others and if that be the case, who cares? We do not need any other race to like us or see our potential. Only we have to realize that and make it reality by finishing the great work. We will be as the gods and have the same potential which is our birth right. We were not created to be inferior or slaves. Know that.

One more thing to mention are psychic enemy attacks. This is a major bitch and they will try to get to you in any way possible. Whether it be from reading shit posts about our race on this forum and anywhere else, or through your own fears and insecurities.

They also pay attention when they see you advancing and or doing a lot of spiritual warfare. This is super important and overlooked a lot. They do this in a way that makes their attacks seem indistinguishable from your own. It's not easy to shake. I know because I go through it all the time. You have to develop the will to ignore it and focus on the positives. There are only two options- believe the enemy and let them hold you back, or ascend and achieve great heights that you never thought possible.There are no others. 

Do not hold onto the enemy lies because they will surely take you for a ride if you let them. They are very scared of us advancing. If you suffer from enemy attacks, that just means you are making an effect that is harming them, which means keep going. Just guard your emotions and keep up your aura of protection.

I'll end it by saying that it is such a wonderful thing to see more black gentiles waking up and finding Satan. You are beautiful and benevolent souls that were meant to be here.Through him, we fully realize who we are, what our purpose is and what we can become, so from now on we remind each other and keep each other strong by repeating what needs to be. To ingrain this truth and positivity in our hearts and minds. 

Any true change that we seek ultimately starts with us.

Hail Satan
Beautiful sermon HPss ;)
It's a beautiful thing that we are Satan's handiwork. I've noticed the enemy is obsessed with keeping a certain narrative and mindset for blacks, where our existence is supposedly centered on a silly war against whites on all levels and proving our superiority in them. A black person can't be proud without proving an anti-white point.

This is not who we are. I've never felt as much alive as I do walking the path that our ancestors once walked long ago. I can truly say I'm proud of my race and really mean it. Plus with how far I've come Spiritually, the only way is forward and getting better and better.

Satan is one of a kind of a genius and a master of the universe. He doesn't create flawed things. Our present flaws are due to the enemy and also spiritual degeneracy and we black SS will fix these and show our people the true light of Satan that we once lived in.

Hail Satan! :)

Im happy to hear this from you. I know your kundalini was recently awakened and you understand that once you keep this going, you must go on. Let the kundalini and Satan's light keep you focused brother. The enemy HATES this so lets make them even more pissed off.

Wishing you all the best. You know to email me if you ever need assistance with your journey. Stay positive.
I am proud to be black. It's a wonderful thing, and through my dedication to progress through power meditation, I know I will succeed to becoming a god. I am a creation of Satan and that is great and mighty. Thanks for the sermon Shannon. You uplift us blacks with these kind words
Ramier108666 said:
I am proud to be black. It's a wonderful thing, and through my dedication to progress through power meditation, I know I will succeed to becoming a god. I am a creation of Satan and that is great and mighty. Thanks for the sermon Shannon. You uplift us blacks with these kind words

We are a unique race. The only of our kind. A new race created on this earth. We become the gods of our people and then they will look up to us as leaders and perfected ones of the black race.

Push yourself and do as many RTRs a day as you can. You will see what I mean.
HPS Shannon said:
Blackdragon666 said:
HPS Shannon said:
Due to the existence of the jew, our eternal enemy, and centuries of jewish curses, lies, propaganda and our unfortunate spiritual degeneration, the black race has suffered through so much since the enemy dominated this world. One of which are the horrid bonds of slavery- physically, spiritually and mentally. This is apparent throughout history and still bleeds on to the modern day.

What happened to the sacred race that our gods created? We have gone from nearly ascended beings to beings with a weak sense of racial wholeness and confidence.  

The problem though, and the thing that may very well be the major obstacle that holds us back from evolving and moving forward for the betterment of our selves, is we still hold onto the chains and lies dumped onto us for so long. There is no denying this. I observe and see this everyday. We are mental slaves which is why we still suffer on the inside.

There is lack of racial self respect, confidence and love because of constant lies and propaganda, not to mention our past being systematically destroyed. I see blacks constantly comparing our race to another race's standards. Also what I noticed is the fear and paranoia that many black gentiles have in regards to their race.They believe that society is always against them based on race alone. That we shouldn't try to achieve because we will always fail or be on the bottom.

If it isn't the biblical curses and ridicule like that of the Curse of Ham (which consciously and subconsciously makes blacks feel like we are a failure and living a cursed existence) it's from society and its standards, or from the lies of the jewish media that perpetuates ideas like white gentiles being the source of black problems, white beauty and wealth being the only standard, and so forth. 

All this just to stir up racial anger and resentment and shame.To keep us holding on to the idea that we are slaves, the bottom of society and such, which is utter deception. Until we let go all of this, we will always lack confidence and the will to achieve. All this may seem obvious, or not even severe but it can go so deep that it feels natural and like a normal part of our lives. This comes from past conditions, generational trauma and the like. Blacks act according to this mentality without even being aware of it. It's a tragedy.

This mentality has a backlash that goes in opposite directions: You have the blacks that have channeled this rage and inferiority complex into extreme afrocentrism and "appropriating" other race's achievement and history and blacks bashing whites and calling them names. Then you have on the other end the blacks who are completely ashamed of their race and have no identity or understanding of the rich black past rooted in Satan. This shame and grievance leads to other choices that send us down the hole of self destruction, carelessness or just devout xianity, accepting our "cursed" lives because ugly rabbis said so.

And then the enemy and some others slander us, calls us monkeys, slaves, mud races and the list goes on and on but it's so very funny how the enemy has gone out of its way to curse us so that we do not become advanced beings.The Jews and their ET masters know damn well what we can become. They know we are from Satan and that the kundalini is in us waiting to transform and make us supreme immortal beings with immense capabilities.

If we are such animals then why would the enemy go out of their way to curse us and keep us from accessing the kundalini? We all know why...

Jews are so sick and disgusting, they do not even have the capacity to reach immortality and god status, that's how insignificant and ugly they are. They only serve the purpose to degrade Satan's races and do the work of the vile enemy ETs. They are not even put together genetically. They are just total fuck ups. 

Whereas Satan put care and worked with nature to create his black race. Our god Satan and the daemons are the best and the best beings only create the best. Do not forget this and never ever let anyone.

You are here because Satan wanted you to be. If we were no good, he would have not created us, gave us the knowledge to become perfect and gods, nor would he have set up a priesthood of our race to hold on to this knowledge and tradition.

We as a people are Satan's first great accomplishment when it comes to gentile humanity's creation. We are the race and original design from the gods. Our skin, hair and features are unique, natural and varied like the different shades of this earth, brown, dark, natural and fully adapted to our earth and its sunny surroundings.They came from the mind of our Aryan god Satan.

We need to keep our eyes on the prize and finish and complete Satan's work. Raise your serpent and then complete the Magnum Opus. That is the game plan here. 

No more will we endure the taunts, name calling and racial disrespect from others and if that be the case, who cares? We do not need any other race to like us or see our potential. Only we have to realize that and make it reality by finishing the great work. We will be as the gods and have the same potential which is our birth right. We were not created to be inferior or slaves. Know that.

One more thing to mention are psychic enemy attacks. This is a major bitch and they will try to get to you in any way possible. Whether it be from reading shit posts about our race on this forum and anywhere else, or through your own fears and insecurities.

They also pay attention when they see you advancing and or doing a lot of spiritual warfare. This is super important and overlooked a lot. They do this in a way that makes their attacks seem indistinguishable from your own. It's not easy to shake. I know because I go through it all the time. You have to develop the will to ignore it and focus on the positives. There are only two options- believe the enemy and let them hold you back, or ascend and achieve great heights that you never thought possible.There are no others. 

Do not hold onto the enemy lies because they will surely take you for a ride if you let them. They are very scared of us advancing. If you suffer from enemy attacks, that just means you are making an effect that is harming them, which means keep going. Just guard your emotions and keep up your aura of protection.

I'll end it by saying that it is such a wonderful thing to see more black gentiles waking up and finding Satan. You are beautiful and benevolent souls that were meant to be here.Through him, we fully realize who we are, what our purpose is and what we can become, so from now on we remind each other and keep each other strong by repeating what needs to be. To ingrain this truth and positivity in our hearts and minds. 

Any true change that we seek ultimately starts with us.

Hail Satan
Beautiful sermon HPss ;)
It's a beautiful thing that we are Satan's handiwork. I've noticed the enemy is obsessed with keeping a certain narrative and mindset for blacks, where our existence is supposedly centered on a silly war against whites on all levels and proving our superiority in them. A black person can't be proud without proving an anti-white point.

This is not who we are. I've never felt as much alive as I do walking the path that our ancestors once walked long ago. I can truly say I'm proud of my race and really mean it. Plus with how far I've come Spiritually, the only way is forward and getting better and better.

Satan is one of a kind of a genius and a master of the universe. He doesn't create flawed things. Our present flaws are due to the enemy and also spiritual degeneracy and we black SS will fix these and show our people the true light of Satan that we once lived in.

Hail Satan! :)

Im happy to hear this from you. I know your kundalini was recently awakened and you understand that once you keep this going, you must go on. Let the kundalini and Satan's light keep you focused brother. The enemy HATES this so lets make them even more pissed off.

Wishing you all the best. You know to email me if you ever need assistance with your journey. Stay positive.
Thanks :D
Ramier108666 said:
I am proud to be black. It's a wonderful thing, and through my dedication to progress through power meditation, I know I will succeed to becoming a god. I am a creation of Satan and that is great and mighty. Thanks for the sermon Shannon. You uplift us blacks with these kind words
Feelings' mutual.
I just want to add a little thing.

My brother, asked me why one should be proud of the black race. I didn't have a good answer, but I said I will always stand and support my race. I love your post and further strengthen my belief and love for my race.

We should be proud of our race no matter what happens.
Hail Satan!!
SETI said:
I just want to add a little thing.

My brother, asked me why one should be proud of the black race. I didn't have a good answer, but I said I will always stand and support my race. I love your post and further strengthen my belief and love for my race.

We should be proud of our race no matter what happens.
Hail Satan!!

Does your brother have any hang ups?
What exactly is there not be proud of?
Of course the situation that we are in at the current moment thanks to the Jews is not anything to be proud of.

When we look forward, understand what we are, who we come from and what we can become, that is enough.

Its a process to heal the black mind. If any of us cant find a reason to love, acknowledge or respect our then it becomes a hopeful endeavor. Tell him this.
The real danger is if we cant find any reason to love or respect our race, it is hopeless.

Many black gentiles probably dont love their face simply because they are not white people, and that is flat out wrong and sad. You think our creator Satan would respect or be happy about that. No way.

With the current situation with the black race in America and Africa and all the the Jew has condemned us to, of course the situation doesnt look good. It will get better though.
SETI said:
I just want to add a little thing.

My brother, asked me why one should be proud of the black race. I didn't have a good answer, but I said I will always stand and support my race. I love your post and further strengthen my belief and love for my race.

We should be proud of our race no matter what happens.
Hail Satan!!

I suggest the book Lost Cities of Africa by Basil Davidson

When We Ruled by Robin Walker
Cowboy123 said:
SETI said:
I just want to add a little thing.

My brother, asked me why one should be proud of the black race. I didn't have a good answer, but I said I will always stand and support my race. I love your post and further strengthen my belief and love for my race.

We should be proud of our race no matter what happens.
Hail Satan!!

I suggest the book Lost Cities of Africa by Basil Davidson

When We Ruled by Robin Walker

Yes, in terms of reading material those are also good books to inspire one. Lost cities of Africa was recommended to me by Azazel. I heard of it in the past but because I didnt know any better, I didnt think much of it.
He likely has hangups. Funny enough, he thinks humans sucks and should be replaced by robots.Africans have issues of racial respect.

In my country, when we see a white man on the road street or whatever, it's like we see a god walking. For instance the feelings a homeless person has when he sees a billionaire in his expensive car. Everyone wants to be like him. He automatically receives respect from people.

For example, there was the story of a young boy who burnt his nose by placing a hot wet towel on his nose everyday hoping it will have the shape of a white man's nose. Seriously!

Even myself, when I was a kid about 5 years old. My dream was to marry a white woman. Thanks to Satan I know better now.

Sometimes ago, my lecturer said if anybody tells you that Africans were ones developed, the person is telling you lies. Even the educated class don't even agree we were ones great.
Some people wants white(britain) to colonise us again because our corrupt leaders can't lead us well. They think perhaps whites will lead us well because they are advanced.

Everyone wants be getting an American citizen by force in Nigeria. If fact people spend their life time saving money to go to America, Britain and the likes. There is hardly any place on Earth, you won't find Nigerians.

Bleaching creams make matters worse. I knew a boy who was dark skinned and I saw him recently with a fair skin. Some of them don't even apply it well. Some parts of their body is black and other parts fair.

As Africans we really need to develop a sense of uniqueness. Our culture is being erased slowly because everyone likes to speak English. I myself don't know how to speak my language which is the Yoruba language.i only understand it somehow.

May satan help us rediscover our ancestrial pride.
SETI said:
He likely has hangups. Funny enough, he thinks humans sucks and should be replaced by robots.Africans have issues of racial respect.

In my country, when we see a white man on the road street or whatever, it's like we see a god walking. For instance the feelings a homeless person has when he sees a billionaire in his expensive car. Everyone wants to be like him. He automatically receives respect from people.

For example, there was the story of a young boy who burnt his nose by placing a hot wet towel on his nose everyday hoping it will have the shape of a white man's nose. Seriously!

Even myself, when I was a kid about 5 years old. My dream was to marry a white woman. Thanks to Satan I know better now.

Sometimes ago, my lecturer said if anybody tells you that Africans were ones developed, the person is telling you lies. Even the educated class don't even agree we were ones great.
Some people wants white(britain) to colonise us again because our corrupt leaders can't lead us well. They think perhaps whites will lead us well because they are advanced.

Everyone wants be getting an American citizen by force in Nigeria. If fact people spend their life time saving money to go to America, Britain and the likes. There is hardly any place on Earth, you won't find Nigerians.

Bleaching creams make matters worse. I knew a boy who was dark skinned and I saw him recently with a fair skin. Some of them don't even apply it well. Some parts of their body is black and other parts fair.

As Africans we really need to develop a sense of uniqueness. Our culture is being erased slowly because everyone likes to speak English. I myself don't know how to speak my language which is the Yoruba language.i only understand it somehow.

May satan help us rediscover our ancestrial pride.

This is really sad.

Thank you for sharing. At this point the only people that we need to prove anything too is ourselves and our gods.

Its a shame too that black Africans living in Africa do not even know about their past and whats going on and how much history was destroyed. There are still ruins and evidence of greatness left over and even the african locals dont know much about it.

White gentiles do have beautiful features but to want harm and change yourself just to make yourself have these features are shameful and horrible especially for the psyche and a bit of disrespect to Satan. But people have their own opinions..

Sometimes its the other way around too.

Look how many whites try to get tanned because they think they are too pale and dislike it, or how the women these days want to get butt enhancements and for their thighs too just to mimic the natural shape of black women, and of course many get lip work done to plump them up and make them bigger because some are just born with very thin lips. Where as most blacks have plump lips and they are beautiful.

Or how many people that are not of black ancestry have to work more at the gym to get the natural muscle definition we have.

This I know and see all the time.

We all just need to be proud of our features and dark skin is not ugly. I think what might make people not like it is when they see unattractive people with it. Lets be honest with ourselves, physical beauty among all races is something society holds high all over the world and everyone likes physical beauty.

I have seen dark african men and women and when they are attractive and handsome, they look very exotic. Trust me on that. Just like I have seen unattractive white gentiles despite the thinner noses and lighter eyes and such. And same goes for Asians.

To be even more honest, not gonna lie, I have also seen Jews who were physically attractive but that does NOT mean anything. They are an ugly soul inside and out. Physical attraction is one thing but the beauty and brilliance of the soul is the most supreme.

The fact is life is more important than dwelling about physical features and the like. Physical health, physical symmetry of the body, proportions, hygiene and the radiance of the soul is most important, and most attractive.

Think about it. When we meet people who may not be as attractive or beautiful, when we find out positive things about them or that they have commited humanitarian things for example, they look much more attractive because we see how they are good and beautiful souls. I have average looking people who are very beautiful because their energy is so positive and attractive.

When one sees this truth, you understand.

I do however wish I was a bit darker than I am but I can't change that either and its just fine too...because beauty is not just one standard. I can see why lighter skin is desirable too. It is what it is. Really, I'd be fine if I was born lighter or darker.

My grandmother on my father's side is dark skin but she is very beautiful and very shapely physically even at her age now.
Which is another thing, black people have the advantage of ageing less rapidly because the melanin in our skin and the way we evolved has protected us from the rapid breakdown from the elements.

Acceptance is the first thing to attaining peace within the self, and then you recognize and highlight the features.

The white race is a great race but we have the same potential and have had an amazing past.

The Jews entirely and to different degrees Arab and White gentiles did their part to ramsack and destroy our history physically and what we are. Thats a fact. It was sad part of history but when take a sense of knowledge and history about one self, you have nothing.

Also, there have been scholars from all over who have uncovered the past and greatness of Africa. Its all referenced in the book that Cowboy listed. Lost cities of Africa.

By the way, I think it's super cool that you are Yoruba. I wish I knew the language. My ancestry is from West Africa, Nigeria of course, like most blacks in America. It would benefit you to hold on to that and try to learn it.

Vodun and the Ifa Orisha tradition are from there.

From my knowledge and study, the Yoruba are a developed people with a rich past and they are connected to the Egyptian gods and culture too.

Stay strong dearest.
SETI said:
He likely has hangups. Funny enough, he thinks humans sucks and should be replaced by robots.Africans have issues of racial respect.

In my country, when we see a white man on the road street or whatever, it's like we see a god walking. For instance the feelings a homeless person has when he sees a billionaire in his expensive car. Everyone wants to be like him. He automatically receives respect from people.

For example, there was the story of a young boy who burnt his nose by placing a hot wet towel on his nose everyday hoping it will have the shape of a white man's nose. Seriously!

Even myself, when I was a kid about 5 years old. My dream was to marry a white woman. Thanks to Satan I know better now.

Sometimes ago, my lecturer said if anybody tells you that Africans were ones developed, the person is telling you lies. Even the educated class don't even agree we were ones great.
Some people wants white(britain) to colonise us again because our corrupt leaders can't lead us well. They think perhaps whites will lead us well because they are advanced.

Everyone wants be getting an American citizen by force in Nigeria. If fact people spend their life time saving money to go to America, Britain and the likes. There is hardly any place on Earth, you won't find Nigerians.

Bleaching creams make matters worse. I knew a boy who was dark skinned and I saw him recently with a fair skin. Some of them don't even apply it well. Some parts of their body is black and other parts fair.

As Africans we really need to develop a sense of uniqueness. Our culture is being erased slowly because everyone likes to speak English. I myself don't know how to speak my language which is the Yoruba language.i only understand it somehow.

May satan help us rediscover our ancestrial pride.

The reason why African leaders today aren’t good is for one the real revolutionaries were killed. Such as Kwame Nkrumah, Lumumba, Sankara and Gaddafi. Second the IMF and world bank put heavy debt on african countries. Some African countries pay more on debt repayments then heath care. Third is that the Africans don’t control or profit off their own natural resources. The Congo for example has trillions in natural resources and Lumumba wanted to use them to benefit his people. Then Lumumba was assassinated and the western countries backed a dictator because he allowed the west to have the natural resources as long as he stayed in power. Now Jews like Dan Gertler and Glencore won those resources. To make it even worse they don’t pay taxes. The Congo could be as developed as Saudi Arabia if it weren’t for tax evasion. The Jews pay a little extra the the Congo leader to not pay taxes. So the leader is in a mansion while his people are poor. That’s just one example but it applies to all African countries. Which is why Gaddafi wants to have a gold dinar African currency. Then he was killed by the western nations. Now you have AFRICOM in Africa to take more resources such as oil. I think of Africa and the African diaspora united on common goals maybe there’s be a better chance to change things. That’s what Malcom x tried to do and of course he was killed. Garvey tried to do it first but was deported and stopped. The only way for Africa to be truly liberated is for the diaspora to get on board. That’s what I think.
I often see black men together with jew "women." The jews love black men, and the black men like it because they think the jew is white. Only time I see them with a real white woman is if the woman weighs 400 pounds. That's something they need to be freed from, and realize the difference. It's like they are going right into a spider web, and the spider is venomous.
SETI said:
He likely has hangups. Funny enough, he thinks humans sucks and should be replaced by robots.Africans have issues of racial respect.

In my country, when we see a white man on the road street or whatever, it's like we see a god walking. For instance the feelings a homeless person has when he sees a billionaire in his expensive car. Everyone wants to be like him. He automatically receives respect from people.

For example, there was the story of a young boy who burnt his nose by placing a hot wet towel on his nose everyday hoping it will have the shape of a white man's nose. Seriously!

Even myself, when I was a kid about 5 years old. My dream was to marry a white woman. Thanks to Satan I know better now.

Sometimes ago, my lecturer said if anybody tells you that Africans were ones developed, the person is telling you lies. Even the educated class don't even agree we were ones great.
Some people wants white(britain) to colonise us again because our corrupt leaders can't lead us well. They think perhaps whites will lead us well because they are advanced.

Everyone wants be getting an American citizen by force in Nigeria. If fact people spend their life time saving money to go to America, Britain and the likes. There is hardly any place on Earth, you won't find Nigerians.

Bleaching creams make matters worse. I knew a boy who was dark skinned and I saw him recently with a fair skin. Some of them don't even apply it well. Some parts of their body is black and other parts fair.

As Africans we really need to develop a sense of uniqueness. Our culture is being erased slowly because everyone likes to speak English. I myself don't know how to speak my language which is the Yoruba language.i only understand it somehow.

May satan help us rediscover our ancestrial pride.
This is sadly true. Many Africans lack a sense of racial pride. Many blacks subconsciously carry a lot of shame in our dark past. Add the fact that the enemy is ever pushing the false over exaggerated black history where achievements of other races are stolen. This makes blacks who try researching into our past take it as a joke and lose hope.

The skin bleaching problem is prevalent in Africa, and has to do with lack of racial pride. It's not that much of a problem though, at least in my country but lighter skin tone is considered more beautiful. I love my complexion, it's not too dark. My eye color is dark brown, I love my physical traits and would never alter them. I think Nigeria is a critical case when it comes to that.

Most African leaders are sell outs and this is a very serious thing and is deep. A bunch of jews own vast land portions here and one of them may have been involved in Epstein's affairs (wildlife conservationist Kuki Gallmann).

Do not despair, Africa is in a grave situation but we are here now. We will fix things.
HPS Shannon said:
As a reminder, the RTRs free the soul and mind from the biblical curses. All the bindings and negativity will be released. It's cathartic. Do as many as you can daily. It's the main obstacle that keeps the serpent bound. Once you get that serpent going, the sky is the limit.

Hello HP Shannon...I do the RTRs daily and I am wondering what each of the words recited mean...I am getting much better at syntax and pronunciation and my ear can now hear the subtleties between the sounds and how they flow...This has increased my sensitivity to hearing the vibrations in my mind...I am wondering if there is a translation in English for the words used...
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Egyptian_race_controversy Have a look, it's for all ya'll
Will Turner said:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Egyptian_race_controversy Have a look, it's for all ya'll
Egypt was a White civilization that went back tens of thousands of years.
The mix of other races was a recent thing and a mark of Egypt's degeneration as nearly all ancient civilizations were racially pure.
Blackdragon666 said:
Will Turner said:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Egyptian_race_controversy Have a look, it's for all ya'll
Egypt was a White civilization that went back tens of thousands of years.
The mix of other races was a recent thing and a mark of Egypt's degeneration as nearly all ancient civilizations were racially pure.

And then the same jews who promote this lie about Egypt, hide the fact that Ethiopia and Nubia had a culture just as advanced as the Egyptians.
grandfitzpoobah666 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I often see black men together with jew "women." The jews love black men, and the black men like it because they think the jew is white. Only time I see them with a real white woman is if the woman weighs 400 pounds. That's something they need to be freed from, and realize the difference. It's like they are going right into a spider web, and the spider is venomous.

yes it is too my great satanic goal to liberate the black men from the jew and secure his future with white women so that he may be free and satisfied in every way.
It is my great goal for you worthless rats to be gone.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
It is my great goal for you worthless rats to be gone.
It couldn’t keep the mask on for long. First they were on another account months ago promoting the 420 tree puffing lifestyle, now they are on another thread talking about how hormones have turned them into a pretty trans woman and about how wearing a chastity belt is a great thing. Just a total embarrassment. It will probably be back tomorrow on another account.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
It is my great goal for you worthless rats to be gone.
It couldn’t keep the mask on for long. First they were on another account months ago promoting the 420 tree puffing lifestyle, now they are on another thread talking about how hormones have turned them into a pretty trans woman and about how wearing a chastity belt is a great thing. Just a total embarrassment. It will probably be back tomorrow on another account.
And promoting trans surgery for 7 year olds. I was wondering how long would it take for the rat to be banned.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
In full color.

You ruined my breakfast, many thanks :cry:
Meteor said:
I already thought he was a weirdo, but to think it was this disgusting... I gave him the benefit of the doubt before since I thought he was still SS despite it all, but it seems I was wrong. I'm starting to see where Aldrick's mentality of being quick to assume users who say strange things are jews or trolls comes from. Considering the ridiculous attitude and behaviour, I really shouldn't be surprised.
I remember asking Jack not to make people feel unwelcome over personal differences. What a waste. I'm disgusted and disappointed.
I’m not trying to be the thought police. There are certainly people that come here and have beliefs that marijuana or something else is positive but in time they will read and see how it is negative without having to open their dumb mouth and have it beaten into them as to why these things are negative, like this person. We should not turn these silent spectators away for having the wrong thought, they will come around eventually.

However, someone like this that comes with these beliefs and has to be very vocal about how they are right and you’re wrong are here in bad faith with the purpose of subversion. This guy seriously calls himself a High Priestess while having zero merit and promoting the enemy agenda.

Judge it case by case.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
In full color.

Wait a minute.........Who is this ???
Meteor said:
mercury_wisdom said:
Jack said:
Wait a minute.........Who is this ???

I think that's probably a different person, even if they have similar views. They're both gross, but in different ways.
I believe that too. The person who SWG linked is a degenerate girl who likes communism and drugs, while grandfitzpoobah has mentioned he is a guy who wants his dick amputated so it can't be the one SWG linked.
They're both gross though, I agree.
Aquarius said:
Meteor said:
mercury_wisdom said:

I think that's probably a different person, even if they have similar views. They're both gross, but in different ways.
I believe that too. The person who SWG linked is a degenerate girl who likes communism and drugs, while grandfitzpoobah has mentioned he is a guy who wants his dick amputated so it can't be the one SWG linked.
They're both gross though, I agree.

Well I mean some people lie about themselves. I wouldn't take that thing at its word, personally. It might have 20 different private identities for all we know, alongside its fake public ones.

I'm unconvinced either way. Maybe it's them, maybe it's not. Maybe SWG was making a joke. I haven't a clue.

Doesn't really matter to me anyway. They are who they are, and whoever that is is a bag of scum.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Jack said:
Wait a minute.........Who is this ???
Grandfitzpoobah666, Ron g, or whatever name they are going by now.
This is the most diametrically opposite political statement I've ever seen. Putting "Spiritual Satanist" and BLM together is like Stalin going up to the podium prostrating before Adolf Hitler and saying how he loves the Nazis. This is actually insane.
Very powerful post, H.P. Shannon! Your words are deeply appreciated. I have a question. I am biologically the child of a white gentile mother and a Black gentile father. I was adopted when i was 6 weeks old by two black parents and raised into a black extended family experience. Recently got my DNA results from Ancestry.com and found I slightly less than half of my genetic background goes back to Great Britain and the other half traces to Nigeria, Benin, Central Africa and regions thereabout. In spite of the fact that, like many African Americans, I have mixed heritage, I have always identified as Black. O have always felt a special affinity with ancient Egypt and the deities of Egypt. Here's my question. Spiritually, how should a Black person of mixed heritage find the most suitable Satanic path? I am extremely proud to be Black, to know the history, culture and the truth about my ancestors' struggles in the US. However, I have direct ancestral ties to two cultures and places. Does it matter if I choose to focus on the gods/daemons on one side? The "one drop" of Black blood tradition in this country is very strong!
JHMartin said:
Very powerful post, H.P. Shannon! Your words are deeply appreciated. I have a question. I am biologically the child of a white gentile mother and a Black gentile father. I was adopted when i was 6 weeks old by two black parents and raised into a black extended family experience. Recently got my DNA results from Ancestry.com and found I slightly less than half of my genetic background goes back to Great Britain and the other half traces to Nigeria, Benin, Central Africa and regions thereabout. In spite of the fact that, like many African Americans, I have mixed heritage, I have always identified as Black. O have always felt a special affinity with ancient Egypt and the deities of Egypt. Here's my question. Spiritually, how should a Black person of mixed heritage find the most suitable Satanic path? I am extremely proud to be Black, to know the history, culture and the truth about my ancestors' struggles in the US. However, I have direct ancestral ties to two cultures and places. Does it matter if I choose to focus on the gods/daemons on one side? The "one drop" of Black blood tradition in this country is very strong!
You are black, regardless of that you have the same Gods that the White man has, which are Satan and his Demons.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
