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How much should we love animals?

Voice of Enki [JG]

Joy of Satan Guardian
Sep 20, 2017
Vira_ said:
Voice of Enki [JG said:
" post_id=478807 time=1703262164 user_id=84]
If I look at dogs for example, they are dirty, they do nothing useful. They are just there moving around and living on your back like vermin. They expect you to give them food, they expect you to give them a home, they even expect that you collect their faeces(shit), and they even demand your love, despite the fact that they are such a useless burden.

What do they do? Companionship? Protects?
We are a species that lives in community for a reason, and now we have other tools to protect ourselves, to move goods or to remove rats from a place. If you need companionship find a friend or girlfriend, don't take an animal to keep it out of its natural habbitat and make it a completely dependent, unnecessary pet slave that expects everything ready just because it exists.

Does it seem to you that a dog is made to be in the company of humans in their own homes? Look at them they have obvious predator traits, they should be in the wild among their own kind hunting to survive, not as house slaves in the home to make an owner smile. This is pretty sick.

They are essentially of no use to us, and it is better for them to be in their natural environment, otherwise they are just beings deprived of their nature.

You have a very warped view regarding this, I would say, you are even completely out of tune with the muse of life as a whole after reading the way you look at existence around you. The level of bitterness is disheartening.

In essence, what are we to the Gods? Relative to them, I am less than vermin is relative to myself. How dirty and unpleasant are we compared to the Gods? How ignorant and foolish.. I am nothing at all next to Satan, however, looking at it that way, makes no sense, neither do the Gods look at us that way or through such a lens.

Whether there is value in existence, depends also in what you attribute value to. The Gods see value in the existence of species themselves, the existence of diverse evolving and existing life has inherent value in their eyes, whether that life has value in context to a human society or not doesn't matter to them at all. Neither does it to me, value on these things is relative to the perspective from which you observe.

The description you give about dogs, one can say the same thing about almost all life on Earth, and even about yourself.

Realistically, what are we next to dogs? We consume more than any creatures on Earth, we take the habitat of nature, we pollute with our societies even when we try to minimize this individually, and yes, we demand endless comforts and necessities more than a hundred times than the needs of a dog and require dozens of times resources to support these needs, we shit more than all animals on the Earth combined, how useless and dirty is humanity? Even when I try to live a sustainable life, my dog pollutes less than I do and has not even 10% of my needs in life, am I then worse than a dog?

See how this view of yours isn't applicable in reality? These things do not make sense to judge existence by, as you get nowhere with it and it leads to disingenuous conclusions.

When looking at dogs, you have to understand how they are fundamentally different from their wild counterparts.

The entire soul of a dog is completely different, they are a different species altogether. They are also more complex in their thinking and expression, in many ways they are far more evolved. Due to the domestication, dogs have a symbiotic relationship with human beings. I have already explained that in my previous reply how this works.

Keeping a dog is not like taking a creature out of their natural habitat or whatever.

The natural habitat of a dog is to be besides a human, same for most other pets or domesticated creatures, because that is how they have evolved now and what they are now after being domesticated for thousands of years. Quite literally they are integrated within human society across the globe, as a symbiotic species, for a very long time. Dogs as a species exist to coexist along with humans, they have evolved and adapted this way and exist best this way, at the same time, humans receive a lot from their pets. Without pets, how lame would life be, how empty and terrible. Anyone who has ever had a pet, can say how much having one does enrich your life, even your family. Your children love this and are enriched through this, their lives better for having this companion.

The best memories from the childhoods of many people, memories which stick with people for their whole lives and even shape their views on life, are from their family pets.

The natural environment of a dog, is alongside humanity, in our homes and in our societies. Anything else, would be depriving them of their nature.

For many people, the companionship their pet provides them is invaluable.

The relative simplicity of an animal allows them to fulfill roles in the lives of people that no human could ever fulfill. When it comes to dogs, they need almost nothing as compared to a human, they are content with very little, and when cared for well their affection is truly boundless in return for what you give. They are extremely pure in their expressions and affection, which by itself is uplifting and elevating. This is the case for any domesticated animal, not only for dogs.

Their affection and love for the people who take care of them is greater and more pure than any other being. To the extend this affection alone is soul mending. Looking at it like that, it is nothing less than Sacred and Divine.

Besides the affection, having a pet gets someone to activate in life. How many people are there who struggle to take good care of themselves? One may say, these people should just learn to do better or whatever. However, how are they going to learn that? Are they suddenly going to change their ways which they have se in for decades, and suddenly they would change for the better? Are they suddenly going to find friends or a partner, when they are in no position to attract such a person or receive such a person? Not at all.

For many people who have felt stuck in life, or alone, or decadent and futile, getting a pet activated them to finally get off their ass and make life something worth living, make life pleasant and worth looking forward to, as this pet requires you to care and requires you to put in effort, get off your ass and provide for them and yourself a better environment. When people take this commitment seriously, it transforms them for the better in all aspects of their life.

What other thing can provide this for a human being at such a small investment? There is nothing. Starting a family is not an option for many, having friends does not solve this at all, therapy? Perhaps if someone has a personal caretaker to activate them daily in life, each and every day. Ooh wait, isn't that exactly what a Dog does?

Indeed, when one takes the commitment seriously, a dog is the best activator in life, they are always there for you to get you going in life and keep you going. Through them, many people transform into better versions of themselves which they never could have accomplished without their animal companion.

To me, the excitement of my dog when I got home after being away for the day, the way she ran up to the door as she heard me arrive, and waited at the door for me to open it, to then excitedly jump up at me because she was glad to see me again, each and every day, it is one of the most endearing things in the world. The purity of her excitement, unconditional love and appreciation, this is not something you can really put into words. This alone is invaluable.

Then that feeling when she one day couldn't do that anymore, because she had become old and sick, but to still see her trying despite her old age and weakness, it is also indescribable. I cannot think back to that without getting tears in my eyes. To me, that dog enriched my life in ways that nothing else could have.

To say she had no value or was useless, is not only false, but certainly disingenuous towards life as a whole. Similarly, she could never have lived in the wild, as she was a completely different creature from any wild animal, her soul as a whole never existed in the wild, she was born to be a companion to human beings and she exists to coexist with human beings.

The whole fate and karmic pattern of such a life is completely different from any wild animal, karmically it is tied to humanity, dependent on it but also providing intangible uplifting bonds in return.

Spiritually, if you have a familiar, your familiar protects you in the literal sense, they are sensitive to many things comparable to a very spiritually open SS, they are sensitive to energy as well in ways beyond anyone but the most advanced spiritual people. Their physical senses are very sharp, and this is reflected in their sensitivity to the spiritual and immaterial. As a familiar, an animal brings you a lot, their aura keeps you safe as you sleep, their presence is purifying, it is like having an extra layer of protection 24/7. They can warn you of karmic things that are coming up, and the Gods can even communicate to you through them.

Besides that, taking something under your care teaches you a lot about life, about responsibility, and what it takes to give, to care and to protect. Someone who cares well for an animal, will care well for their family as well, while someone who cannot even take care of an animal certainly is not fit to handle the responsibility of taking care of a family of their own.

For most human beings, they will see their grandparents pass at a young age, and they will see their children or children from close family be born and grow, but it is rare for a single human being to witness an entire life from one person in their own lifetime, especially a complete one from beginning to passing, not through accident but through old age.

It is fulfilling to take care of another life, to have it by your side from the earliest moments they open their eyes, till they pass, it gives you a small glimpse at the greater path of life in a unique way as one can experience an entire lifetime in a short time of your own. This gives you the chance to immerse yourself in the essence of life, as you see it grow and pass before your eyes, and measure also the impact you have had on this life. In my eyes, this is quite a valuable experience that can be gained from this.

To have a pet is a choice for people that is available because we as human beings are advanced to be able to have this choice, to take another life under your wing and becomes the caretaker for another being. In this case, it is a privilege available due to the stability and advancement of our society and species as a whole.

You do not have to like this or want this yourself, but you should also be able to see it for what it is, learning to look at things not from the most negative/cynical perspective, but from at least the middle ground, to get closer to a complete understanding towards the affairs and manifestations of life.

To love and appreciate animals, should come naturally to any human being. If for any reason you do not feel this within your heart, even towards animals that exist specifically for their bonds with humans, or those whom enrich and elevate our lives with their presence and existence, fundamentally, you are missing an integral link to the world and to life as a whole.

How much we love them, is individual from person to person, depending also on the bond you have towards any specific animal, and depending on the nature of the animal and what they are in the world.

One would not look at a group of stray dogs the same as towards a proper family dog, same as one would not look appreciatively towards a swarm of locusts compared to a single grasshopper on your terrace in the summer, or an infestation of rats as compared to a pet rat. Nothing in nature is equal, and thus there is no one set way to approach life or all things.

Thus we must not unconditionally love life, a realistic approach is needed, the bottom line however is that one should be able to see all things for what they are and understand how they are part of the greater picture of existence, even in the case where we acknowledge it needs to be removed due to the undesired or harmful nature of it.
I had a dog, a puppy. But he died the feast day. I was very sad.

They have souls too. And do they have kundalini?

I don't understand why anyone would not love them.

Look at them;


Hatred against Dogs is a particularly Islamic Trait.

I will however buy a dog in the future and care for him/her as i love dogs and almost all animals who are bonded to Humans.
You know what FUCK YOU

I haven't been agrassive to anyone here in the forums but this asshole is full of ignorance stupidity and arrogance.

One time he claims that he have contact with LERAJIE , so i asked him what did you do for her in return and he refused to answer, how pathetic.

just imagine Maxine kept all her knowledge and researchs for herself, we all would end up screwed, god forbidden she is that sick.

I have a lot of cats i put literally half of my income to feed them , i also feed any cat or dog in the streets, i safe some Leftover bread to feed my neighbor chickens, i take care of any animals i met.

Well that's beyond your understanding.

Is this a curse from jews , to make humans hate animals.
Animals are another species and one is not forced to love them, but if consciousness rises, you will find it hard to not care for them, not as much as to love them, but to appreciate their existence. You don't "have to", but their position on the universe must be recognized. They live alongside us. We might as well respect them in the least, especially when they are not a threat.
blackwizard said:
I have had animals around since I was a child, from my father's dog to the dogs of family friends and neighbours.

I have always disliked the idea of touching and stroking them, not to mention when they jump on you or try to lick you, I feel a great sense of filth, even if they do it out of affection.
My respect for animals has always been:
"I leave you alone and you leave me alone, and we are all OK".

I have, however, felt sorry for many of these animals I have seen, who were simply chained in the garden for life, always ready to respond to the will of an owner.

But that is the oppinion I have always had.
More recently I have tried to develop a more schematic idea about animals, to see their usefulness from a completely external point of view.

I realise that some of the things I said are wrong, more so because I reasoned that we are different species, and that we were originally only humans and therefore should remain only among humans.

I remain of my opinion that I don't want to be around them, but it becomes undeniable to recognise their existence as entities connected to our species, so I consider them more instead of cutting them off completely, even if I don't want to deal with them anyway.

You can doubt me or my experiences with Goddess Leraje, and I honestly don't care, since it's something that only concerns me.
If I didn't answer you, it's because I probably forgot.
However, my answer is that it is a personal thing that is decided between you and the Deity you contact. On JoS you can find advice on what you can offer.
Vira_ said:
I have always disliked the idea of touching and stroking them, not to mention when they jump on you or try to lick you, I feel a great sense of filth, even if they do it out of affection.
My respect for animals has always been:
"I leave you alone and you leave me alone, and we are all OK".

This is Virgo energies going wild. You need to bring those back under check. A Mercury square can help with that.
Stormblood said:
This is Virgo energies going wild. You need to bring those back under check. A Mercury square can help with that.
Why should I do that? What do I need it for?
Vira_ said:
Stormblood said:
This is Virgo energies going wild. You need to bring those back under check. A Mercury square can help with that.
Why should I do that? What do I need it for?

I quoted the specific part of the post my answer refers to. To sum it up, it's because overactive Virgo energies are not only preventing you from feeling the affection in that jumping and licking they do, but they are also replacing with a "great sense of filth".

If the energies of a sign are overactive in a non-beneficial way like this, they need to be brought back to a healthy level of activity. Healthy expressions of the signs show balance of your energies, which is a requirement for higher levels of spiritual advancement.

You don't need to love animals. The respect you mention is enough. However, feeling a strong sense of filth instead of their affection is not beneficial or healthy for you.
Stormblood said:
Vira_ said:
Stormblood said:
This is Virgo energies going wild. You need to bring those back under check. A Mercury square can help with that.
Why should I do that? What do I need it for?

I quoted the specific part of the post my answer refers to. To sum it up, it's because overactive Virgo energies are not only preventing you from feeling the affection in that jumping and licking they do, but they are also replacing with a "great sense of filth".

If the energies of a sign are overactive in a non-beneficial way like this, they need to be brought back to a healthy level of activity. Healthy expressions of the signs show balance of your energies, which is a requirement for higher levels of spiritual advancement.

You don't need to love animals. The respect you mention is enough. However, feeling a strong sense of filth instead of their affection is not beneficial or healthy for you.

Can you explain how this is Virgo energies going wild?

I have to disagree and say it's a lack of Virgo/mercury. Although you recommending mercury energy is something I agree with but confused a bit on your reasoning.

I would assume if there was too much Virgo/mercury energies wouldn't that make a person "over nurturing". Like obsessed over helping to a detrimental level for the self and others.

Seems we have a similar solution to the this lol so that's what matters.
hailourtruegod said:
Can you explain how this is Virgo energies going wild?

I have to disagree and say it's a lack of Virgo/mercury. Although you recommending mercury energy is something I agree with but confused a bit on your reasoning.

I would assume if there was too much Virgo/mercury energies wouldn't that make a person "over nurturing". Like obsessed over helping to a detrimental level for the self and others.

Seems we have a similar solution to the this lol so that's what matters.

Well, an unbalanced Virgo can cause issues related to hygiene. Some people become overly messy. Others, overly clean. This can go as far as to make someone OCD. I know someone who won't even shake people's hands and often get into arguments with his wife because he doesn't greet people "properly". A friend of his told me that he's even awkward about people being in his house and touching his Nintendo Switch controllers.

I noticed this can also be selective. I have been with someone with a Virgo emphasis on their chart. They are very fussy about showers: they will wash themselves 5-7 times with body wash for each shower, to the point that they often have rushes on sensitive areas like elbow backs, armpits, knee backs, etc. They also hate dogs licking them and climbing on top of them. But they're fine living in a mess and barely ever cleaning their place.

What I'm trying to say is that there are multiple ways this can manifest.
Voice of Enki [JG said:
" post_id=478966 time=1703340291 user_id=84]
One may say, these people should just learn to do better or whatever. However, how are they going to learn that? Are they suddenly going to change their ways which they have set in for decades, and suddenly change for the better? Are they suddenly going to find friends or a partner, when they are in no position to receive such a person? Not at all.

For many people who have felt stuck in life, or alone, or decadent and futile, getting a pet activated them to finally get off their ass and make life something worth living, make life pleasant and worth looking forward to, as this pet requires you to care and requires you to put in effort, get off your ass and provide for them and yourself a better environment. When people take this commitment seriously, it transforms them for the better in all aspects of their life.
how would you know these things? 😮

anyway, this post is golden
unfortunately sometimes people who even receive those "gifts" (better than "miracle" term, u know) are not ready yet, or blocked from reasons outside of themselves, for one reason or another, and the feeling of union, affection and protection towards the animal in question should be kept under control, as well as all other emotions, is this perhaps the true meaning of stoicism? instead of the modern garbage or what was decided to "propagate" the most?
bit off topic here, sorry

anyway this makes more sense to the fact that all the people here should feel blessed that we have all this information so easily available, and grateful for the constant efforts of the members here that try to bring these visions alive
Stormblood said:
hailourtruegod said:
Can you explain how this is Virgo energies going wild?

I have to disagree and say it's a lack of Virgo/mercury. Although you recommending mercury energy is something I agree with but confused a bit on your reasoning.

I would assume if there was too much Virgo/mercury energies wouldn't that make a person "over nurturing". Like obsessed over helping to a detrimental level for the self and others.

Seems we have a similar solution to the this lol so that's what matters.

Well, an unbalanced Virgo can cause issues related to hygiene. Some people become overly messy. Others, overly clean. This can go as far as to make someone OCD. I know someone who won't even shake people's hands and often get into arguments with his wife because he doesn't greet people "properly". A friend of his told me that he's even awkward about people being in his house and touching his Nintendo Switch controllers.

I noticed this can also be selective. I have been with someone with a Virgo emphasis on their chart. They are very fussy about showers: they will wash themselves 5-7 times with body wash for each shower, to the point that they often have rushes on sensitive areas like elbow backs, armpits, knee backs, etc. They also hate dogs licking them and climbing on top of them. But they're fine living in a mess and barely ever cleaning their place.

What I'm trying to say is that there are multiple ways this can manifest.

With that context, an unbalanced Virgo energies can most certainly do that stuff you mentioned before,I agree.

Thanks for clearing that up. I see what you meant now :)
GoldenxChild1 said:
13th_Wolf said:

Some of the books on there might be, only in reference to their being about things related to Christianity directly in some way- like there's one about the 30 years war in Germany, explaining about the brutality of it, which was ultimately a Christian war destroying and tormenting everyone who was caught up in it, arguably to a more inhumane degree than the 20th century wars. There's also others about Emperor Julian the "Apostate" and his life, Ostara publications seem to be quite anti-christian as a book publisher and just disseminating information. A good few of them are referenced here, like "You Gentiles" written by the jew Maurice Samuel.

I have read through March of the Titans a couple of times. It's a compilation of all recorded White history and I think some of it contains bunk at the beginning but I wouldn't say its tainted. It summarises the topics pretty well- noting you about lesser known facts, and where it comes to the enemy it acknowledges there was a spiritual downfall after the fall of Rome with their rise. The chapter on christianity is called "by stealth and steel" so it definitely doesn't paint the whole lovey dovey thing over the situation.

Anyway, animals. I had a dog who acted like a cat. He was a real weirdo, like me. Border Terrier with a fluffy old man beard and blonde on his ears. What Voice of Enki wrote is on the nose as always. Pets are a huge benefit to your existence, especially I think for people who gravitate to here being of a spiritual nature who might tend to be reclusive, untrusting people. Having a pet can go from being a chore to being an essential part to your life and you feel lost when it is threatened.

Having pets teaches you to open up and to open your heart again if life has screwed with you. There's a reason it's a thing they give veterans and sick people pets as charity, it is more of a tremendous gift to a person in that position, than any amount of money.

They bring a lot of Joy and motivation in life. Some people will struggle to understand that but it's the state of the world.
You know what FUCK YOU

I haven't been agrassive to anyone here in the forums but this asshole is full of ignorance stupidity and arrogance.

One time he claims that he have contact with LERAJIE , so i asked him what did you do for her in return and he refused to answer, how pathetic.

just imagine Maxine kept all her knowledge and researchs for herself, we all would end up screwed, god forbidden she is that sick.

I have a lot of cats i put literally half of my income to feed them , i also feed any cat or dog in the streets, i safe some Leftover bread to feed my neighbor chickens, i take care of any animals i met.

Well that's beyond your understanding.

Is this a curse from jews , to make humans hate animals.
I wish I could donate sometimes for the benefit of other SS. I have 3 cats and understand how it can be a bit difficult to raise them, or any pet, if you don’t have the proper resources.

Bless you for doing your best to care for your cats. Cats are one of the most beautiful animals I’ve ever seen and have had the pleasure to care for. Haagenti is my GD.

I wish you all the best financially when it comes to caring for them, and of course, for yourself.
I wish I could donate sometimes for the benefit of other SS. I have 3 cats and understand how it can be a bit difficult to raise them, or any pet, if you don’t have the proper resources.

Bless you for doing your best to care for your cats. Cats are one of the most beautiful animals I’ve ever seen and have had the pleasure to care for. Haagenti is my GD.

I wish you all the best financially when it comes to caring for them, and of course, for yourself.

Thank you man I really appreciate it 🙏🏻
Honestly, I never understood why anyone could hate dogs or cats. I've had cats my whole life and I just love them, I have 2 right now and they're wonderful companions. They're like my best friends, always so full of love and affection. They're literal gifts from the Gods in my opinion.
You have a very warped view regarding this, I would say, you are even completely out of tune with the muse of life as a whole after reading the way you look at existence around you. The level of bitterness is disheartening.

In essence, what are we to the Gods? Relative to them, I am less than vermin is relative to myself. How dirty and unpleasant are we compared to the Gods? How ignorant and foolish.. I am nothing at all next to Satan, however, looking at it that way, makes no sense, neither do the Gods look at us that way or through such a lens.

Whether there is value in existence, depends also in what you attribute value to. The Gods see value in the existence of species themselves, the existence of diverse evolving and existing life has inherent value in their eyes, whether that life has value in context to a human society or not doesn't matter to them at all. Neither does it to me, value on these things is relative to the perspective from which you observe.

The description you give about dogs, one can say the same thing about almost all life on Earth, and even about yourself.

Realistically, what are we next to dogs? We consume more than any creatures on Earth, we take the habitat of nature, we pollute with our societies even when we try to minimize this individually, and yes, we demand endless comforts and necessities more than a hundred times than the needs of a dog and require dozens of times resources to support these needs, we shit more than all animals on the Earth combined, how useless and dirty is humanity? Even when I try to live a sustainable life, my dog pollutes less than I do and has not even 10% of my needs in life, am I then worse than a dog?

See how this view of yours isn't applicable in reality? These things do not make sense to judge existence by, as you get nowhere with it and it leads to disingenuous conclusions.

When looking at dogs, you have to understand how they are fundamentally different from their wild counterparts.

The entire soul of a dog is completely different, they are a different species altogether. They are also more complex in their thinking and expression, in many ways they are far more evolved. Due to the domestication, dogs have a symbiotic relationship with human beings. I have already explained that in my previous reply how this works.

Keeping a dog is not like taking a creature out of their natural habitat or whatever.

The natural habitat of a dog is to be besides a human, same for most other pets or domesticated creatures, because that is how they have evolved now and what they are now after being domesticated for thousands of years. Quite literally they are integrated within human society across the globe, as a symbiotic species, for a very long time. Dogs as a species exist to coexist along with humans, they have evolved and adapted this way and exist best this way, at the same time, humans receive a lot from their pets. Without pets, how lame would life be, how empty and terrible. Anyone who has ever had a pet, can say how much having one does enrich your life, even your family. Your children love this and are enriched through this, their lives better for having this companion.

The best memories from the childhoods of many people, memories which stick with people for their whole lives and even shape their views on life, are from their family pets.

The natural environment of a dog, is alongside humanity, in our homes and in our societies. Anything else, would be depriving them of their nature.

For many people, the companionship their pet provides them is invaluable.

The relative simplicity of an animal allows them to fulfill roles in the lives of people that no human could ever fulfill. When it comes to dogs, they need almost nothing as compared to a human, they are content with very little, and when cared for well their affection is truly boundless in return for what you give. They are extremely pure in their expressions and affection, which by itself is uplifting and elevating. This is the case for any domesticated animal, not only for dogs.

Their affection and love for the people who take care of them is greater and more pure than any other being. To the extend this affection alone is soul mending. Looking at it like that, it is nothing less than Sacred and Divine.

Besides the affection, having a pet gets someone to activate in life. How many people are there who struggle to take good care of themselves? One may say, these people should just learn to do better or whatever. However, how are they going to learn that? Are they suddenly going to change their ways which they have se in for decades, and suddenly they would change for the better? Are they suddenly going to find friends or a partner, when they are in no position to attract such a person or receive such a person? Not at all.

For many people who have felt stuck in life, or alone, or decadent and futile, getting a pet activated them to finally get off their ass and make life something worth living, make life pleasant and worth looking forward to, as this pet requires you to care and requires you to put in effort, get off your ass and provide for them and yourself a better environment. When people take this commitment seriously, it transforms them for the better in all aspects of their life.

What other thing can provide this for a human being at such a small investment? There is nothing. Starting a family is not an option for many, having friends does not solve this at all, therapy? Perhaps if someone has a personal caretaker to activate them daily in life, each and every day. Ooh wait, isn't that exactly what a Dog does?

Indeed, when one takes the commitment seriously, a dog is the best activator in life, they are always there for you to get you going in life and keep you going. Through them, many people transform into better versions of themselves which they never could have accomplished without their animal companion.

To me, the excitement of my dog when I got home after being away for the day, the way she ran up to the door as she heard me arrive, and waited at the door for me to open it, to then excitedly jump up at me because she was glad to see me again, each and every day, it is one of the most endearing things in the world. The purity of her excitement, unconditional love and appreciation, this is not something you can really put into words. This alone is invaluable.

Then that feeling when she one day couldn't do that anymore, because she had become old and sick, but to still see her trying despite her old age and weakness, it is also indescribable. I cannot think back to that without getting tears in my eyes. To me, that dog enriched my life in ways that nothing else could have.

To say she had no value or was useless, is not only false, but certainly disingenuous towards life as a whole. Similarly, she could never have lived in the wild, as she was a completely different creature from any wild animal, her soul as a whole never existed in the wild, she was born to be a companion to human beings and she exists to coexist with human beings.

The whole fate and karmic pattern of such a life is completely different from any wild animal, karmically it is tied to humanity, dependent on it but also providing intangible uplifting bonds in return.

Spiritually, if you have a familiar, your familiar protects you in the literal sense, they are sensitive to many things comparable to a very spiritually open SS, they are sensitive to energy as well in ways beyond anyone but the most advanced spiritual people. Their physical senses are very sharp, and this is reflected in their sensitivity to the spiritual and immaterial. As a familiar, an animal brings you a lot, their aura keeps you safe as you sleep, their presence is purifying, it is like having an extra layer of protection 24/7. They can warn you of karmic things that are coming up, and the Gods can even communicate to you through them.

Besides that, taking something under your care teaches you a lot about life, about responsibility, and what it takes to give, to care and to protect. Someone who cares well for an animal, will care well for their family as well, while someone who cannot even take care of an animal certainly is not fit to handle the responsibility of taking care of a family of their own.

For most human beings, they will see their grandparents pass at a young age, and they will see their children or children from close family be born and grow, but it is rare for a single human being to witness an entire life from one person in their own lifetime, especially a complete one from beginning to passing, not through accident but through old age.

It is fulfilling to take care of another life, to have it by your side from the earliest moments they open their eyes, till they pass, it gives you a small glimpse at the greater path of life in a unique way as one can experience an entire lifetime in a short time of your own. This gives you the chance to immerse yourself in the essence of life, as you see it grow and pass before your eyes, and measure also the impact you have had on this life. In my eyes, this is quite a valuable experience that can be gained from this.

To have a pet is a choice for people that is available because we as human beings are advanced to be able to have this choice, to take another life under your wing and becomes the caretaker for another being. In this case, it is a privilege available due to the stability and advancement of our society and species as a whole.

You do not have to like this or want this yourself, but you should also be able to see it for what it is, learning to look at things not from the most negative/cynical perspective, but from at least the middle ground, to get closer to a complete understanding towards the affairs and manifestations of life.

To love and appreciate animals, should come naturally to any human being. If for any reason you do not feel this within your heart, even towards animals that exist specifically for their bonds with humans, or those whom enrich and elevate our lives with their presence and existence, fundamentally, you are missing an integral link to the world and to life as a whole.

How much we love them, is individual from person to person, depending also on the bond you have towards any specific animal, and depending on the nature of the animal and what they are in the world.

One would not look at a group of stray dogs the same as towards a proper family dog, same as one would not look appreciatively towards a swarm of locusts compared to a single grasshopper on your terrace in the summer, or an infestation of rats as compared to a pet rat. Nothing in nature is equal, and thus there is no one set way to approach life or all things.

Thus we must not unconditionally love life, a realistic approach is needed, the bottom line however is that one should be able to see all things for what they are and understand how they are part of the greater picture of existence, even in the case where we acknowledge it needs to be removed due to the undesired or harmful nature of it.

This post is one of the greatest expressions of love for animals I have ever seen.

I agree with everything you wrote, when I was born there was already a cat in the house, then my parents gave me a dog when I was 8 years old. I have always had one or more animal friends in my life and their presence was and is of immense importance.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
