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  1. Account

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    Inizierò dalla cosa più importante ovvero che non devi pubblicare informazioni personali. Sembra che tu abbia dei talenti innati, medita e sviluppali, possono esserti utili nella comunicazione ma fai attenzione alle inllusioni. Molte volte gli Dei possono comunicarti qualcosa attraverso...
  2. Account

    449 songs from NS Germany

  3. Account

    Evolution Theory

    I think it depends on the races, whites are directly descended from the gods, while blacks were created earlier. The Gods created blacks on Earth with genetic engineering and while the Gods were here on Earth they mated with each other and that is where the white race comes from. Why else do we...
  4. Account

    The Name of Satan

    As for you, they are all his names.
  5. Account

    What if im an enemy soul and we don't know it

    You are not a grey in a matrix programme. You're fine, just relax. Very often it is enemy attacks that cause confusion.
  6. Account

    Social Problems - What Is The Fate Of Humanity?

    I remember that bill gates said that there will be new pandemics, so it will definitely be revived as a programme. Or they pull it every now and then to create random restrictions. Either way we'll get through it, I wonder when the new war program will arrive.
  7. Account

    Soul mates? do they exist

    can be an astrologically compatible person or can become one, through extremely close relationships such as with demon lovers.
  8. Account

    hebrew words in reverse

    I think the smarter ones feel a harm, like when the jews did kol nidrei (it was in september) on us, but much more intense. the xians and company probably feel their "god" less and less and some ask themselves two questions while the more advanced ones go on by self inllusion. while doing RTR...
  9. Account

    hebrew words in reverse

    As I understand it, most of their meditations serve to unlock the jewish "potential" that is present in thought forms at the soul level. Other meditations are about connecting with the higher part of their "god" which are the enemy ETs. others talk about connecting to an infinite source of...
  10. Account

    Grateful for the family and knowledge

    and is replaced by some other schizophrenic. We have already talked about it
  11. Account

    hebrew words in reverse

    Warning! Some hebrew letters are present. Hail Satan!
  12. Account

    hebrew words in reverse

    I found that the talmud refers to "jesus" as "yeshu ha-notzri". I had a pdf file "The 72 stinking names" in which there were names of "yhvh" listed at the end, are these names valid or are they placeholders?
  13. Account

    Il Guerriero nel Deserto

    FuckYu_666 3:1-72 "La Saggezza del Eremita" 3:1 Il Guerriero dovette partire dal villaggio per continuare il suo viaggio. 3:2 Il Guerriero saluto le genti e si preparò per partire. 3:3 Ma le genti prima di lascirlo partire gli fecero un dono: "Un bracciale d'oro massiccio che raffigurava...
  14. Account

    Il Guerriero nel Deserto

    Apprezzo l'aura blu, anche se devo dire che il mio personaggio in realtà è bianco. Presto scriverò ancora.
  15. Account


    Do the standard ritual, and ask Satan for a Demon lover.
  16. Account

    Il Guerriero nel Deserto

    FuckYu_666 2:1-60 "Il Viaggio e gli Insegnamenti del Guerriero" 2:1 Ora il Guerriero viaggiava nel deserto guidato dal Signore. 2:2 Il Signore li disse: "vai in direzione nord-ovest e troverai un villaggio". 2:3 Nel villaggio troverai una tua sorella, discepola del Signore. 2:4 Nella sua...
  17. Account

    Qualcosa di nuovo

    Fagli entrambi, provali. al inizio è più difficile ma devi abituarti.
  18. Account

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    personalmente i mudra li ho usati solo al inizio per l'appertura dei chakra.
  19. Account

    Il Guerriero nel Deserto

    *Il Guerriero è un Satanista. Il Signore si riferisce a Satana. Ho intenzione di fare anche altri racconti appena avrò tempo. Una mente Satanica può cogliere dei paragoni ;) IL GUERRIERO NEL DESERTO 1 Il Guerriero durante uno dei suoi tanti viaggi si imbattè in un villaggio. 2 Il...
  20. Account

    How to cleanse away Christianity

    Don't worry many of us have come from xianism, proceed calmly and quietly on your path.
  21. Account

    hebrew words in reverse

    I find it difficult to express everything I know, and everything so intertwined and parasitic in the direction of conquest.
  22. Account

    Pfizer finally released side effect documents (Must see)

    could you write it here? copy paste
  23. Account

    Hail Astarte, My Mother, My Queen!

    I can imagine how scared a rabbi is when he sees an angry woman about to use her spiritual powers on him. The rabbi fills his nappy, while people enjoy the show :lol:
  24. Account

    Why are jews bad?

    the '5th chakra' (da'at), is an attempt to have one, this is represented with the thought form of 'jesus'. To achieve "jewish perfection" is necessary. Yes, each of the 22 letters represents the connections between the sephiroth ("chakras"). The most beautiful part of all this is when you...
  25. Account

    Why are jews bad?

    The relationship with the Gods is a very deep thing in the soul of the Gentiles, the jews were created in our likeness to infiltrate and take over. To enslave humanity you have to cut them off from spiritual knowledge and therefore from the gods, that is why the jews are anti-human. Then what...
  26. Account

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    sarebbe ottimale, in maniera che l'energia non viene sprecata.
  27. Account

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    questo è ciò che sono asana e i mudra
  28. Account

    hebrew words in reverse

    I understood a bit more, the Jewish soul is divided into 4 " worlds" (the elements?), these worlds refer to the tetragrammaton, in gematria the tetragrammaton is 72, their "god" is a set of angels (thought forms) hence the 72 names. My impression is that the tetragrammaton is a point where...
  29. Account

    Hail Astarte, My Mother, My Queen!

    Every now and then I casually think of her, and it's like I'm being called to do the ritual, so I run to do the vibrations. Ave Astarte!
  30. Account

    Why are jews bad?

    Their souls are profoundly different, looking at the Jewish tree of life you can see that Jews lack the 4th, 5th, 6th chakras, their souls are totally unbalanced and incapable of creativity and empathy. Just search "kabbalah" to find the tree of life, the circles are supposed to be the chakras...
  31. Account

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    Succede anche a me, a volte mi fermo mentre parlo e ricevo risposta: capisco quello che intendi. A volte comunico anche a voce e non solo mentalmente, può essere più bello perchè coinvolge più sensi a cui sei abbittuato.
  32. Account

    Television to destroy children?

    I would like to add, television is an idiotic thing full of enemy programming, if you watch the news more carefully you will find that it is meant to unconsciously link people to enemy cabalistic events, part of that is psychological terrorism. Do you want to keep your children safe? Then avoid...
  33. Account

    hebrew words in reverse

    If I recite hebrew words backwards like leviathan then natiavel, or keter then retek, and other words from the kabbalah, do I destroy them? leviathan is a kind of jewish kundalini, by reversing the word do I destroy their kundalini? I know RTR Finale deals with this, but I was curious if my idea...
  34. Account

    Feeling unproductive. Feeling like a loser.

    Get your priorities straight, start meditating and learn to be constant. You can do weight loss work by visualising the light-blue aura and affirming that you lose excess fat in a healthy and positive way (at school you can do this in two minutes at the toilet). You'll have to do liberation...
  35. Account

    ripresa del cammino spirituale

    Libri in più non serviranno, i libri "satanici" contengono corruzione, leggi Satanisgod.org Per la costanza deve partire da te, quello che ti consiglio e di chiedere a Satana di aiutarti, però dovrai avere un mindset diverso, un lavoro runico potrebbe aiutarti con questo. Prima che te ne...
  36. Account

    Television to destroy children?

    I don't know German, but they just look like idiots.
  37. Account

    Why does the calendar hold power?

    the world uses that calendar and then using dates like 9/11 binds everything subliminally, it's not about power but it's about binding minds to specific numbers for their spells.
  38. Account

    Qualcuno può aiutarmi ad interpretare queste canzoni di Mostro?

    la prima canzone sembra un clone di sfera ebbasta dopo kaparoth
  39. Account

    Qualcuno può aiutarmi ad interpretare queste canzoni di Mostro?

    Ho cercato il suo nome ed è comparso questo ragazzo con la droga in bocca, è uguale agli altri, parlano di come gli piace drogarsi e poi parlano di come la loro vita sia una merda.
  40. Account

    Le “minacce” di anonymous

    Anonymous è gestito da ebrei da quello che so
  41. Account

    Origin of Colours

    I have always wondered why there are colours in existence and on a microscopic level how a colour is created or where it comes from. Does anyone know anything about this?
  42. Account


    Is it possible to create an aura of protection with shen? Also can someone give me a work for the very powerful protection aura or give me some tips to improve it? I currently use ALGIZ SOWILO and TIWAZ for 36 times.
  43. Account

    Share Your Artwork

  44. Account

    Considering some additional guidance on old Xain leftovers

    xian things are made of strange materials, burning them will suck, throw them away or in the shit.
  45. Account

    Queen of the skies

    It is possible to fall in love with someone you have not seen, moreover there are different types of love but affective sexual love (partners) cannot exist with high ranking gods as they are all already in a relationship, so don't get carried away. However, you can feel love and respect in...
  46. Account

    FRTR - affirmations

    it is very important to visualize, use all your hate.
  47. Account

    Meme warfare

  48. Account

    Meme warfare

    jewish elite be like:
  49. Account

    Meme warfare

  50. Account


    On JoS it says that Beelzebub also rules war and peace, would we have such rituals for him too?
  51. Account

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    Prova questa, è più diretta: "L'energia del quadrato cabalistico di Giove aumenta e rafforza costantemente la mia fortuna nella maniera più sana e positiva per me, ora e per sempre." di solito la strutturo così: INTRODUZIONE aiuta con la concentrazione sulle energie "L'energia del quadrato...
  52. Account

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    in realtà quello per la fortuna lo rimando visto che al momento ho altre priorità, in ogni caso prendo spunto e poi creo affermazioni personali.
  53. Account

    Becoming more smart and good at maths/physics

    Each rune has specific uses and each rune can be used in white magic and in black magic, on JoS there are descriptions of the runes. In your case you can choose a rune that removes depression and then vibrate it within the other person while visualizing the rune that removes their depression...
  54. Account

    Share Your Artwork

  55. Account

    [PICTURES] Newspaper Headlines - 25/02/2022

    Putin was in the KGB? Isn't that enough to say he's not a 'Nazi'? Probably not, people don't even know what the KGB is, and they probably don't even know about the 30 million in Russia. I bet if I put in even two hours of work I get a better front page than these rubbish newspapers.
  56. Account

    Meme warfare

    jews who realise that the curses and slanders made against Astarte are coming back to them: The rabbi who read the list of all the Gods they cursed:
  57. Account

    Change nickname

    It was actually the name I used on a tor site, but I had a drug problem at the time and simply reused this name. Many things have changed and I would like a name that represents me. If I google my username, all my posts come up.
  58. Account

    sale soul

    Ok, don't wish to be a genius though :lol:
  59. Account

    How to revenge against University Ragging

    ask to Satan
  60. Account

    Change nickname

    I would like to change my nickname, please
  61. Account

    Reality In Meditation vs Satanists

    How do you claim to know anything about SS if you still talk about selling your soul. You have already been answered, you cannot sell your soul to Satan, full stop. Accept that and don't look for shortcuts.
  62. Account

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    https://youtu.be/w03Qa42_SRs Ho visto questo video e spiega che può essere un pericolo indossare anelli al pollice perchè attrae un certo tipo di energie, ma può essere un vantaggio indossarne uno sul anulare perchè rappresenta il se. Provando ad indossare un anello su un dito alla volta o...
  63. Account

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    Ho fatto un sogno ero a nel giardino di casa e stavo uscendo in bici con un amico, vicino al cancello c'erano 2 serpenti, uno grande e uno più piccolo e minaccioso. Quello grande ci ha seguito cercando di inghiottirci, stava anche inseguendo me. Questo mio amico attualmente è ancora un tossico...
  64. Account

    Lavori runici

    Dipende a volte faccio dei bei sogni, ieri stavo sognando lucidamente e stavo volando fra le nuvole con la mia Dea e poi sono atterrato in un piccolo laghetto per immergere le mani nel acqua cristallina sentendo il rumore rilassante dell' acqua ed è stato bello. A proposito delle otto ore, ho...
  65. Account

    expose joy of satan

    Heheheh! Oy vey!
  66. Account

    Indestructible Bones/Tendons/Muscles?!DEATHWISH!

    I understand what you mean, but I don't like some of the details. If these guys put their efforts into Satanism they would get to a good place, they could even govern a country with the right determination and the right ideas, they could create a successful billion dollar company, but what I...
  67. Account

    Lavori runici

    Grazie al momento sto già facendo un altro quadrato di marte quindi dovrò aspettare per quello. Quanto alla meditazione la proverò oggi, il mio problema era che rimandavo le meditazioni alla sera, alla sera mi addormento e mi sveglio alle 3:00, e da qui devo riuscire a finire tutto compreso il...
  68. Account

    r/conspiracy - "Can you guys help me debunk the satanisgod website?"

    Most xians will tell you that they have faith and that you are "tempted by the devil", ignoring any arguments from JoS. Maybe their stupidity will make some xians wonder. I almost believed it, I thought it was an old message from when you were still xian. :lol:
  69. Account

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    Esiste kabbalah exposed in italiano?
  70. Account

    Lavori runici

    Mi serve un lavoro per aumentare la forza mentale e la costanza per la routine di meditazione ma anche la vitalità. Qualcuno ha consigli?
  71. Account

    Humanity Afraid of Satan

    Make the dedication ritual on the JoS website. Why are you afraid?
  72. Account

    Spiritual Darkness

    Courage is also necessary, because in order to discover the truth about Satanism, one has to go in search of Satanism and this can be difficult because of prejudices. The concept of courage comes from the desire for knowledge. Many people want the truth, but discovering the truth requires...
  73. Account

    sale soul

    Here's how: -beginning with meeting at the main street in baghdad. -I'll give you the coordinates of a temple. -This temple is full of jewels, but you mustn't touch any of them and you must look for a lamp. -Leave the temple with the lamp and bring it to me. -this lamp if rubbed will make a...
  74. Account

    Indestructible Bones/Tendons/Muscles?!DEATHWISH!

    To me it still feels like a 'nigger and grass' style thing, around this style there seems to be a passion for skateboarding, but it feels too immersed in that style. Then trash master, "trash master" with a pentagram behind it, seems to be something offensive, don't you think?
  75. Account

    Feet self-massage

    I've heard that getting massages on the feet has many positive effects, then I found different maps on the organs stimulated according to the point of the foot stimulated, which is the official one? I wouldn't want to have something fake. Does anyone have any experience with the techniques or...
  76. Account

    Energy drinks, alcohol and softdrinks

    It is not necessary, but if you want to do it. I didn't need any additional work.
  77. Account

    Sognare Serpenti Malati?

    Quando dovrei iniziare la purificazione?
  78. Account


    Doing a standard ritual for wedding may be a better choice, it is also easier.
  79. Account

    How did the Quran predict LGTBQ?

    Your argument is so clever that 2 out of 3 times you have written "LGTBQ". Other than that if I tell you that in a week you lose 5$ and in a few days I steal 5$ from you, you lost 5$, I was right, then I am God.
  80. Account

    How do i let go of someone if i truely love her

    I highly recommend deep cleansing with the sphere of light that attracts negativity from each chakra combined with chakra and soul liberation. It will give you relief, also ask a demon to help you if you feel the need. I did it today in a weak form and the negative feelings listed by jack have...
  81. Account

    Fenomeni paranormali causati da voi

    Da quello che ricordo se visualizzi l'aura bianca passi inosservato, poi correggetemi se sbaglio.
  82. Account

    Rivelazioni sconvolgenti della scienziata che ha scoperto Omicron “Ma in Tv va in onda solo qualche minuto”

    Articolo: https://www.radioradio.it/2022/02/rivelazioni-sconvolgenti-scienziata-scoperto-omicron-ma-tv-onda-solo-qualche-minuto/ Rivelazioni sconvolgenti della scienziata che ha scoperto Omicron “Ma in Tv va in onda solo qualche minuto” All’elenco dei misfatti del Covid mancavano solo le...
  83. Account

    Are there any physical benefits to Chastity

    Have you read JoS? In this way the second chakra is blocked and kundalini cannot rise. With chastity you will have psychological damage and on a spiritual level it is deadly.
  84. Account


    Thank you all for your answers.
  85. Account

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    Ero su YT e ho fatto un commento su un posto xiano. Prima mi hanno offeso apertamente poi hanno cancellato quei commenti e hanno iniziato a dire che ero solo poi hanno detto altra spazzatura, loro parlano in maniera vaga, così sembra che abbiano una conoscenza avanzata che solo loro...
  86. Account

    Have I activated my pineal gland?

    Weren't you immortal?
  87. Account

    Holoco$t "survivor"

    It's the same video I ignored because the guy sucked. :lol:
  88. Account

    Borg Ebrei

    (Atterraggio) L'esempio più ovvio di borg sono i grigi ma non pubblicherò qui tali schifezze
  89. Account

    Can anyone provide me with advanced information on the jewtard soul and how the hebrew letters work?

    I was interested in better understanding the kabbalistic concepts of how exactly the hebrew alphabet works and other details about the jewish soul. All I know now is that the jewish soul lacks chakras number 4, 5 and 6. Then I know that there is an attempt to have a 5th chakra and this should...
  90. Account

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    Recentemente ho scritto l'RTR 3 in 1 su carta per i casi di emergenza. Quindi ho dovuto scrivere le lettere ebraiche sul foglio, appena finito ho disegnato un cerchio intorno ad ogni lettera visualizzando con intenzione che la loro energia fosse imprigionata. Ha un efficacia? Ricordavo di come...
  91. Account

    [Trad] L'anima Ebrea Inferiore Aliena VS L’anima Superiore Gentile

    Guardando l'albero della vita ebraico hanno i chakra delle anche più in alto rispetto a quello sacrale e hanno dei collegamenti fra il chakra dell'anca destra e quella sinistra e poi collegamenti anche-spalle e spalle-tempie. Anche nel anima dei gentili ci sono collegamenti ad esempio: Anca...
  92. Account

    [Trad] L'anima Ebrea Inferiore Aliena VS L’anima Superiore Gentile

    L'anima ebrea quindi non ha 4 5 e 6 chakra, ma possiede i chakra delle anche, delle spalle e quelli delle tempie? Perchè guardando l'immagine mi fa pensare a questo, ma la cosa strana è che i chakra delle spalle sono un estensione del chakra del cuore, ma se non hai il chakra del cuore come fai...
  93. Account


    You arrive at the place in the same way as you go to your astral temple, only first you go into a trance. Then we do the ceremony, meanwhile we are deciding on some decorations and also the location and other details. I'm making progress even though I'm not yet able to astral project myself...
  94. Account

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    Puoi andare a fare una passeggiata da solo e andare a meditare in un luogo privato che ti troverai.
  95. Account

    If forced to wear a ffp2 mask by jewish sadists

    One has to be careful because somewhere it is illegal. For the rest, if you work on the faceplate well, you'll have an advantage.
  96. Account

    Thoughts on sexual domination

    As I said this can be a little game, but probably as you progress you will prefer to make actual love. But the above does not replace the sexual act.
  97. Account

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    Il rituale è valido l'importante sono le tue intenzioni, l'ansia può essere normale poiche è un momento pieno di emozioni, o può essere il nemico che cerca di confonderti. Benvenuto!
  98. Account

    Hello I'm New

    You mustn't use that stuff, it destroys you.
  99. Account

    Thoughts on sexual domination

    Mainly online you only find corruption. My idea is different, I mean it's like a game or a role-playing game played by a couple of lovers. Letting yourself be dominated is an act of trust and this doesn't have to include humiliation, as absurd as it sounds the act of domination can be conducted...
  100. Account

    Starve the churches

    It may be a good idea, but JoS sheets or leaflets should be sent under the counter. Fliers can be created for this specific purpose.
  101. Account

    Ragazzino ebreo picchiato

    Da dove sono venuti, dal etere. Sicuramente pregheranno per andarci più velocemente possibile.
  102. Account

    Thoughts on sexual domination

    Recently I've been thinking about the concept of sexual domination. Now on reflection it is an act of extreme trust towards the other person, but what they show online is usually a little girl with a false superior ego humiliating and ruining another person's sexuality, and the other person...
  103. Account

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    Recentemente ho finito il lavoro di liberazione del lato femminile, per iniziare un lavoro di purificazione che data dovrei incominciare?
  104. Account

    I hate myself

    If you haven't done the ritual of asking for a demon lover then you don't have one. There are several topics on "succubi", use the search function.
  105. Account

    If forced to wear a ffp2 mask by jewish sadists

    Technically it is unlawful.
  106. Account


    Will it be OK if the moon is waning? 15 April is one of the recommended dates, but the moon is waning.
  107. Account

    Adolf Hitler and Dwayne Johnson Natal chart comparison

    In some films it promotes inter-zonal scenes, the only thing in common with Hitler is that they lived on the same planet.
  108. Account

    Onions and feet

    I just think you're making the onion feet stink in this way.
  109. Account

    Semen Retention

    It's not good, even in fetish circles attention is paid to this detail, I remember reading something quite sick about how a relationship between mistress and slave works. In addition to psychological programming there is something called chastity, in which the slave is not allowed to have...
  110. Account

    I hate myself

    You have no reason to hate yourself, you are one of the few people in this world to have discovered the way of truth, no small feat. I advise you to do self-programming, go into a trance and affirm 9 times that you are completely free from Judaic-Xian indoctrination, you can do the same thing...
  111. Account


    Thank you very much!
  112. Account


    Thank you very much, however I mean with my demon lover.
  113. Account


    What are the ideal signs on which Venus and Mars should be for marriage?
  114. Account

    Perché a Milano stanno crollando le offerte in chiesa

    https://amp.milanotoday.it/attualita/crollo-offerte-chiesa.html Perché a Milano stanno crollando le offerte in chiesa Le misure per contenere la pandemia hanno prosciugato le casse delle parrocchie e la Curia ha deciso di distribuire fondi a pioggia Le parrocchie di Milano sono in affanno per...
  115. Account

    Account Odysee

    Quindi riesci a sostituire i sottotitoli a qualche video? Si potrebbe già iniziare allora.
  116. Account

    Anniversary of Dedication

    It has been pointed out to me that I misspelled the ping name in the previous message, anyway I wanted to change my user name to Verità_666 Thank you.
  117. Account

    Anniversary of Dedication

    I remember a year ago, I was a slightly unbalanced young man, but just a year ago I understood that drugs would have wiped out my spiritual progress, making all my efforts useless. After an evening of intense thought to choose which path to take, given my attachment to drugs and my desire to...
  118. Account


    I was planning to have an astral wedding, has anyone had any experience with this? As I understand it, the moon must be waxing and the ideal day would be in the sign of Libra, but how do I know what the ideal day is for the planets Venus and Mars? Could someone point me to an ideal day?
  119. Account

    Account Odysee

    Gli avevo chiesto, mi ha detto che al momento aveva degli affari da sbrigare e che quando le cose sarebbero tornate apposto sarebbe tornato.
  120. Account

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    Ho un paio di domande: Posso utilizzare il quadrato di giove per i sensi astrali? E se nel affermazione uso la parola "potenziati" si potenziano anche le negatività? Ho sentito nel forum che uno ha usato il quadrato di marte per ridurre il fabbisogno di sonno, per un operazione simile uso un...
  121. Account

    Account Odysee

    Era Cuore Nordico https://youtube.com/channel/UCoCCfW3eYNoZ5JA0uF4VSbg Non saprei esattamente come sostituire i sottotitoli. O c'è un video originale senza sottotitoli (se HPHC ne ha tenuto uno) in cui si possono aggiungere, oppure gli aggiungi sopra in maniera che siano in risalto rispetto a...
  122. Account

    I Maneskin sono ebrei

    Usa questo sito di hosting https://it.imgbb.com/ Inserisci l'immagine Comparirà l'immagine con un link Copi il link sul tuo motore di ricerca E così ti riporta a quel immagine, poi tieni premuto sopra l'immagine e clicchi apri in una nuova scheda Nella nuova scheda che si è aperta, copi il...
  123. Account

    Account Odysee

    Ho messo in piedi questo canale ripescando i sermoni audio di un altro canale, se volete fare un salto questo è il link: https://odysee.com/@Verit%C3%A0_666:bfbe23d5a9fbcdc14a5f1a856171b70f0795133f?r=5F5PTupShPvTSqDq6gAyvTajz2hLFiSd Sarebbe l'ideale creare account su questa piattaforma dato...
  124. Account

    Should we respect our enemy?

    No, but have you seen them? They suck.
  125. Account

    Meme warfare

  126. Account

    Meme warfare

  127. Account

    New Sigils/Runes

    How do I edit an image to make the seal blue and the background black? I'm on my phone.
  128. Account

    About Ancient Rome and Emperors

    What about the Roman emperors? Before the arrival of xianism as the official religion, there were other emperors such as Adriano who was described as cultured and killed about 500,000 jews in a revolt, does anyone have more information on Adriano? Is he considered SS? What about Caligula? In a...
  129. Account


    So it would be Friday?
  130. Account

    Why so many xtians never doubt their faith?

    It's a test of faith, goy! :lol:
  131. Account

    Good affirmation?

    Ah ok, is the above ok anyway?
  132. Account

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    Vale dai 40 in poi, pensala così: Se faccio un aura di protezione per 170 gg e poi smetto, l'aura continuerà a proteggermi anche se ho smesso in un giorno che non era multiplo di 40, il lavoro rimarrà impresso nell'anima dai 40 gg in poi.
  133. Account

    are gipsies related to jews in blood?

    I knew several of them indirectly, and I agree that they are jews but they are extremely stupid and violent as well as degraded. Everyone has different characteristics (personality, referring to those I knew), and I see these characteristics perfectly in the jewish letters. If you walk down the...
  134. Account

    Getting An Overview Of The 1 Billion Goal

    It is likely that a comment will take more people when the planets are favourable, so this information will spread at a rate we cannot imagine now. The branching effect will be more powerful in the coming periods.
  135. Account

    Selling my soul

    But have you read the website? That's one of the main things, you don't sell your soul. It's a dedication, which is different. After the dedication you should start a meditation programme and while you are approaching the gods, you should also study the materials provided, and also do spiritual...
  136. Account

    Explaining the extreme nonsense of antinatalism

    Even if they abandon Islam, the programming remains, they probably think they will only live once in this world and so they don't give a damn about humanity, the planet and themselves. If their hatred was directed towards jews, they would have potential.
  137. Account

    Good affirmation?

    "The energy of the Ansuz rune is freeing me from all the negative planetary and zodiacal influences of Saturn in my birth chart, in the healthiest and most positive way for me, now and forever." Is it okay to add zodiacal as well?
  138. Account

    Selling my soul

  139. Account

    Group/duo activities/rituals for beginners?

    Let's say you can do any operation, ritual and meditation that relates to the circulation of energy, you can also do meditations alone but with company.
  140. Account

    Idea of a Meditation and Questions about Physics

    I thought since sound meditation allows you to see sound waves, is it possible to do a meditation to see "heat waves", heat? Sounds interesting, has anyone tried it? Also I have some questions: When there is a sound the wave propagates and becomes smaller and smaller, reaching smaller and...
  141. Account


    It is just another way of connecting to the hive and being drained. Then I ask myself, what is the need to use porn, for me the only acceptable thing are erotic stories, but we can discard these too if we want. This kind of porn alienates all the positive meanings of sexuality, and a jew is the...
  142. Account

    Putting On A Show / "Lip service"

    It is much more dangerous than you think. And for what? Making friends or family happy, it's not worth it, trust me. If they ask you to go with them to a seminar to curse Satan, what do you do? Make them happy? You have to distance yourself from the church, for too many centuries this shit was...
  143. Account

    Why I don't like satanism teaching which I do

    Voodoo is corrupt stuff. Leave it alone.
  144. Account

    The Highest Level Of Dreaming - What is it, How Does it Happen?

    Ok thanks for the advice, however this was an old dream, I have made progress since then.
  145. Account

    David Copperfield Teleportation Magic

    7125 7+1+2+5=15 1+5=6
  146. Account

    Ragazzino ebreo picchiato

    https://youtu.be/uA9ovPKCdIs Questo è video di un gameplay, la parte interessante è al inizio dove si vedono varie parti di questo campo di prigionia, al minuto 3:48 c'è un riferimento simile a quello che detto sopra.
  147. Account

    I politici "italiani" come il cuculo.

    Grazie per il topic, in aggiunta ecco mattarella che dice che gli ebrei sono i più italiani di tutti https://youtu.be/OfvcqQSM4pk
  148. Account

    are street preachers lost causes

    It's like the story that you shouldn't go with partners of your own race because of some jewish lie. When I look at my partner's skin and see that it's lighter than mine, I get excited about it, and like telling the rabbis to fuck off, only I enjoy doing the opposite of what they say? Like...
  149. Account

    Ragazzino ebreo picchiato

    Ora, adesso, tutti coloro che avranno seguito i miei comandamenti ed i miei insegnamenti, rifiutino tutti gli insegnamenti e le parole di coloro che non sanno. Non ho insegnato io queste cose, né provengono da me. Al-Jilwah Capitolo IV Grazie agli ebrei, il mondo è progettato per nasconderti...
  150. Account

    The Highest Level Of Dreaming - What is it, How Does it Happen?

    The first time I was dreaming of entering school and then I felt sick and fainted, always with the sensation of ringing in my ears together with the feeling of trance, I saw a grey and then luminous letters that I didn't understand and that kept changing, then I woke up (in reality). I fell...
  151. Account

    What is "the Black Flame?"

    It all sounds like bullshit, even the energy of the article sucks. I remember once, I had received bad news (sort of), and I had suicidal thoughts, I felt a black flame giving slow vibrations over the second/third chakra area, it gave the impression that it was slowly destroying me. To get an...
  152. Account

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    Di solito aspetto 30 minuti fra un lavoro runico e l'altro e 2 ore fra una sessione di yoga e altra, oer i quadrati non so dirti.
  153. Account

    Ragazzino ebreo picchiato

    A me hanno detto che dicevo cose "bestiali", ho solo detto che ci sono state persone che hanno sofferto di più di loro e che è ipocrisia ricordarsi solo 6 milioni di giudei, poi ho detto che dovrebbero stare al loro posto e smettere di fare le vittime. Ad un altro (in privato) gli ho detto: È...
  154. Account

    The Highest Level Of Dreaming - What is it, How Does it Happen?

    So in dreams you cannot be attacked by greys? In one of my conscious dreams I saw candles on the floor depicting the false "madonna" this was followed by a bad energy and then a grey showed up, I managed to drive him away with blue fire. So this didn't really happen? Usually in lucid dreams I...
  155. Account

    Punishments of the Jews.

    Recently I asked if there will be any camps, the answer is that there will be something similar and that they will suffer a lot. In the future we will also know the details, but for now we have to continue with our work, making sure they get what they deserve, I have the feeling that when we...
  156. Account

    Ragazzino ebreo picchiato

    Stavo pensando al concetto di campo di concentramento, è un trattamento troppo umano per loro. Immaginati delle scatole di plastica 1m × 1m con dei piccoli buchi per la respirazione. Loro stanno dentro queste scatole, nudi e col marchio e anche in castità (con la centura). Un corridoio contiene...
  157. Account

    Ragazzino ebreo picchiato

    La parte che da fastidio è che calluniano pesantemente il nazionalsocialismo, dato che sono circondato da zombie, mi rilasso e penso che a quanto soffriranno questi esseri spazzatura. Magari con queste bugie gli ebrei prevedono il loro futuro.
  158. Account

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    Grazie della dritta, adesso sto facendo un quadrato per sublimare gli effetti planetari e zodiacali negativi di giove. La fortuna è il prossimo.
  159. Account

    Ragazzino ebreo picchiato

    E sputato 😂 Rapida esultazione, tipo i tifosi al bar dopo un goal
  160. Account

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I am curious: in online activism, are your comments taken into account more if your nickname is female? Maybe they are more open to your comments? In online video games it works.
  161. Account

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    Devo fare un quadrato materiale di giove se voglio aumentare la mia fortuna?
  162. Account

    Becoming more smart and good at maths/physics

    Intelligence and memory: Mannaz kenaz, dagaz × 64 Mann, ken, daeg affirm 9 times: "The energies of the runes Mann, ken and daeg increase my intelligence and memory continuously and permanently in the healthiest and most positive way for me. I am now able to understand and memorise anything...
  163. Account

    Meditation on Race

    Apparently it is a 'Xian nationalist' channel. So be careful about the content you can find.
  164. Account

    Meditation on Race

    https://odysee.com/@KyleSeeker:8/jews-for-hitler-intro:9 I issue a challenge , who wants to try to explain to this boy that National Socialism is Satanic in nature? On odysee can you throw down videos when you have lots of splash? If so give him one.
  165. Account


    Can you rewrite in a more human language?
  166. Account

    One of the strongest elemental balancing meditations I ever did

    How should the pillars and crosses be visualised? Is there a diagram?
  167. Account

    how to lose fat

    The best option is to programme your aura to lose weight Inhale energy or raise the energy in other ways and then affirm 9 times by contracting the aura: "I am breathing in powerful energy that speeds up my metabolism and makes me lose excess fat in the healthiest and most positive way for me...
  168. Account

    The Am I Jewish Paranoia

    When you made the post about drugs I felt a moment of compassion having gone through the same shit myself. I felt your energy and it's ok.
  169. Account

    TAKING OUR COUNTRIES BACK FROM THE CONSPIRACY: Time To Deliver Punishments - RTRS for Jan 20th to Jan 30th

    It is similar to this: 🤢🤮 Ezekiel 26:26 I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will remove from your body the heart of stone, and give you a heart of flesh
  170. Account

    How should we treat others?

    29 seconds of truth
  171. Account

    Christian threat and discomfort

    If you want help you will have to ask Satan, concentrate on his seal and ask. Also, is it possible for you to use the law against that person? You could still use Isa on him so that he doesn't bother you anymore.
  172. Account

    Smoking/Drugs - Existing Damage

    You have to avoid people who put you in a position to smoke at least until you are 100% sure that you will refuse, if I had not avoided some people I would probably still be smoking joints. Think of it this way, every time a person picks up a cigarette (or anything else) there is always a jew...
  173. Account


  174. Account

    Situazione green pass

    Fai un calcolo, durante l'eternità quanti figli potrai avere? In 100 anni? In 2000 anni? In 10000 anni? In un milione? Se ti stanchi puoi fare una pausa di qualche secolo fra una prole e l'altra :lol: Comunque hai già preso in considerazione un lavoro per attrarre il partner perfetto?
  175. Account

    Situazione green pass

    Letteralmente tutte le persone con cui ho a che fare sono animali letterali, attualmente quello che faccio è evitare le guardie nei mezzi pubblici per arrivare a scuola finchè non ci metteranno tutti in dad. Nel frattempo ho creato una cosa chiamata "mascherina facilitata" per quelli che come me...
  176. Account

    Share Your Artwork

    Better? Maybe I'll add wings.
  177. Account

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    Avevo già scritto qualcosa ma non era per una canzone, poi per una canzone ci vogliono troppe cose. E non ho così tanto tempo.
  178. Account

    Share Your Artwork

    Does anyone like them? They're my first ones.
  179. Account

    Dr. Rife said his equipment would “raise the devil” with all the radios.

    I don't understand what the cat has to do with this post? And why did you say it in the middle of the post in a completely random way?
  180. Account

    Being builled, scapegoated, ostracisized, and abused my whole life is turning me into a sociopath

    Thanks for the confirmation, it was as if it was waiting for nothing else but I cut the connection instantly.
  181. Account

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    Qualcuno conosce canzoni d'amore decenti che fanno rifermento agli amanti dei Demoni? Anche in italiano se possibile. Online non sono riuscito a trovare gran che, e non mi piace molto come percepiscono l'amore la maggior parte degli umani (frase alienante, lol). Chiedo qui perchè non sembrava...
  182. Account

    Be careful with your kindness. It opens your soul.

    It is a skill to be developed, there are overt psychic vampires and others reveal themselves in the future, one thing I was wondering is if it was possible to program one's soul and chakras in such a way that they do not create connections with the enemies of Satan, would you have any...
  183. Account

    On Human Relationships - How Does CoVid Affect People?

    You didn't say anything wrong
  184. Account


    Write in English or open your own topic in the Turkish forum.
  185. Account

    TAKING OUR COUNTRIES BACK FROM THE CONSPIRACY: Time To Deliver Punishments - RTRS for Jan 20th to Jan 30th

    So they will repeat the vaccination cycle in the hope that it will stop the infections and when it does not work people will repeat the vacination cycle again. The average human being will have had 42 doses of poison. The logic is: Sooner or later it will work, if it doesn't work it has to be...
  186. Account


    I take advantage of this topic to ask if there is anyone who would make a drawing of my succubus, it would be nice to have such a drawing. What I could offer in return is energy.
  187. Account


    I missed this event, what happened?
  188. Account

    TAKING OUR COUNTRIES BACK FROM THE CONSPIRACY: Time To Deliver Punishments - RTRS for Jan 20th to Jan 30th

    Do we concentrate all our efforts on punishing the jews in power? Or can I focus on something else as well?
  189. Account

    Being builled, scapegoated, ostracisized, and abused my whole life is turning me into a sociopath

    If you feel sympathy or anything like that in this post you get drained, has this happened to anyone else?
  190. Account

    Being builled, scapegoated, ostracisized, and abused my whole life is turning me into a sociopath

    Abandon these useless inferiors, and use your time to meditate and get closer to the gods. Write down the names of the hated ones and use them as astral toilettes, when you are more advanced you will be able to curse them. You must not become insensitive as it is a great quality, you must be...
  191. Account


    I am quite interested and was wondering if it would be possible to get me a drawing of my succubus, it would be an infinitely appreciated favour. What do you say?
  192. Account

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    Puoi usare l'energia del orgasmo accompagnata da un affermazione, e prima del affermazione puoi vibrare il mantra Inanna.
  193. Account

    The Obesity Epidemic In The West

    I don't know if it's true or not, but McDonald's in the preparation of meat puts in animal waste and the waste of sacrificed humans, in this way unconsciously linking us to blood sacrifice. So the "religion of cheeseburgers" is the equivalent of going to church, maybe McDonalds also uses...
  194. Account

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    Il mantra dovrebbe essere "Inanna", eccoti un esempio di un lavoro che ho trovato nei forum: (Penso possa essere modificato, tieni presente che se hai qualcosa di sporco,facendo un potenziamento potenzierai anche la sporcizia.) Lavorare per migliorare il senso astrale da Lady Astarte. Riempi...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
