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TAKING OUR COUNTRIES BACK FROM THE CONSPIRACY: Time To Deliver Punishments - RTRS for Jan 20th to Jan 30th

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
For years the world has been enduring a situation that has seriously affected it. We watched our lives getting forcibly changed and "Governments" turning on attack mode against citizens over the claim that citizens were possibly or actually sick.

Anything logical has been off the window for the last 2 years. In regards to why this occurred, we know the real reasons all of this occurred. Many people called it a Conspiracy theory. Only those who lacked information believed otherwise.

Half the people are exiting this pandemic stressed and with psychological or financial damages, others are leaving it all behind in a deluded state of being literally shilled.

Many people have been scared and they were wondering again and again if the world is coming to an end. As I specified years ago, none of this was going to happen.

The last two years we have done monumental warfare against the enemy. Their downfall will accelerate. Even through all this hoaxing from Co-Vid, ballooning false scientific data, fear mongering, doing mass experimentation on human beings behaviorally or medically, they were feeling like they were Gods.

The Reverse Torah Rituals and our Rituals have clearly undermined this vermin to where it can no longer really act on it's full agenda. Their downfall will continue and further reactions from the vermin are necessary.

For those who have been seeing the News: you understand the tide is turning against them. The corrupted news and mind-washing can no longer maintain the false narrative together. This is only one example of how they will drown in the end. Soon, the planets will be seriously against them. Keep up the Reverse Torah Rituals!

The enemy vermin and it's cohorts have seriously explained their plans. Their plans are nothing else but to turn humanity into greys and fully enslave everyone. In Klaus Schwab's works there is nothing else illustrated but the reality that people will be turned into Greys.

Any advances of a Technological nature arising in the Age of Aquarius, they want to use to enslave mankind for no reason other than their own psychopathy. Like foolish fish, they are led through the bait on the hook the enemy is creating, pulling humanity along the side.

Now, it the time of revenge. As they have played their cards over the last years, our side has endured and waited, fighting against this. But now, it is time to take this situation to head,

Israel fared the worst of all Nations through the "Pandemic", increasingly getting infected like pests, genetically modifying their own like vegetables ad nauseum [Good news, we want this to continue, hopefully in the next Pandemic they will be administered with a lot of deadly things that they were preparing for other Gentiles], and hopelessly going after a vaccine that was nothing else but snake oil.

The "handling" of this pandemic was to never focus on any medicine, just their anticipated medical masturbation plan of mRNA editing therapies. Most of the damage that occurred, occurred because of this experiment that required a specific approach for them to pulled off.

Really, for the "Wise Nation" that has self proclaimed itself of "Ruling the earth", faring the worst was the awakening call for many retards including the Israeli "Chosen of God" that wanted to build this whole fraud only to later collapse on their own head.

If you are looking for the worst of the worst Nation in handling this weak disease, then that would be Israel. They rushed their own like the reptilian cattle they are and treated them as they know best. Needless to say, treating their own like this, one can imagine how they are going to treat others if they get their hands upon anyone.

Israel is a foolish and deceived Nation. Even their "Messiah" garbage is only just a general prophecy about the return of Spiritual Leaders that will arrive at the end of the Next Great Year [they will be reincarnations of older souls people], which is about 325 years from now.

This, Israel stole from Babylon, and they have since purporting the lie that they are the "People of God". There is not one thing this people hasn't stolen, including all the falsehood of claiming they are the "Chosen People". Anything that "chose" them is certainly not "God", but a defiled alien clique that wants to carry an already observable agenda.

According to Klaus's words, turning everyone into a borg, is going to have considerable difficulties of "popular acceptance" about itself. Klaus brags and envisions [he's shitting in diapers for now because he is too old] that him and the people around him will be some sort of extremely advanced cybernetic organism, that apparently will compellingly appear in contrast to humans as a God to a monkey.

Regardless Klaus for now still is wearing his diapers and hopes for the best, that he might be pumped with nanobots to survive like a vermin fearful of death, to hopefully outsmart the peasantry with his cybernetic new penis or something.

In the same manner this psychopathic people led humanity now during this crisis to the cliffs on every level, financially, spiritually and psychologically, only to attempt to benefit from this, they are doing so the same every chance they get.

While all of humanity is now attempting to build bridges with one another and try to maintain integrity in itself and communication with others, Israel is only repeating the same pattern of criminal mentality that they have repeated before, one based of sheer hatred and deadly turmoil.

Because of Israel's falsifications and fabrications, the last 2 years of human life have been literally wasted into the void of nothingness. That's only the tip of the iceberg.

Co-Vid should have humbled this worthless stolen Nation, but lo and behold, they are insisting on the same criminal mentality. As now information is rising that they are literally hoaxing and that no measures are no longer necessary, Israel's monstrosities are just gassing the pedal.

In fact, they instruct most of their slavers they have as politicians in quite a few Nations to only intensify the strangulation of the human populations.

And that is only their power after the recent slaps they got from Hitler, so one can imagine what Israel will do when they are left to stride into the "Messianic Era".

With the power they have now, they literally tried to drown humanity's soul and rights permanently, and they jack off publicly that they will install nanobots in your brain to control you, or that you need to be genetically modified because you're entirely shit.

To find out what they want to do if they get full power, we have to only refer to the works of their top Rabbis. You will get Communism and global genocide of the Gentiles. That's all there is to it.

Frequently, when jews were caught on these things, they always do a Scapegoat Ritual that is followed by forging historical lies, such as that those who punished them wanted to do these things instead.

For the average idiot, that should be confusing, but for us that know their occult secrets and rituals, everything is crystal clear.

They are nothing but a bunch of slaver reptiles and the dross of the earth, that has become very arrogant in the last hundred years since Hitler's last show up. Hitler didn't do 1% to them of what they claimed.

The next show up is going to be WAY DIFFERENT, but until then, they will be broken for all their cursing they have done to humanity by the reversal of their own attacks. This fall will be gradual and it is catching up on them.

They now admit their defeat and their deception to cut on damage from reaching them, but they more than likely, if one is to read the work of Klaus Schwab, are planning another hoax in the nearby future. Those who are called "Conspiracy Theorists" know this.

So long they are not stopped, their excessive influence will keep repeating on the same pattern, until they destroy and erode all of the Western Civilization but also the planet.

We literally had our world almost destroyed based on something that is literally a flu. For those who are still sleeping on this, maybe it's time to wake up now to it. People have compared this with the 9/11 [another jewish inside job], and they are right.

Vermin like Fauci and others are rejoicing in that they can escape unscathed from this situation of hoaxing us all for what will soon be two years. They are celebrating another hoax, and so long the Democratic party will be in power, except the shilling to continue again and again.

The "Democratic" party that used to protest the rights of the people, now "protests" anyone who doesn't throw the charter of medical applications and rights into the trash can. Times have changed for the "left" and "right wings". And anyone defending the Constitution now, is a "Domestic Terrorist".

"These are the real threats goy, believe this, and of course imagined Hitler because he still haunts the imagination of some Rabbi with late stage schizophrenia, oy veyyyy, do not mind about your Constitution and all this worthless things Goy, everything we do is justified, oy veyyy." -Average Jew in the United States

As everyone can see now, slowly the Truth is starting to look just a bit more..."self evident". That is because the brainwashing is starting to wane.

At the same rate, many who did wrong decisions during this social experiment are angry, and an ever smaller part of them will cling onto their false decisions and try to reason it out that everything they did was correct. The numbers aren't adding up, however.

Others, after getting like the 3rd or the 4th or the 20th dose, are understanding this junkie program that doesn't even functionally protect them is starting to smell like rotting meat. The lack of medical backing for any of these measures has become apparent by it's very own results.

Therefore, many people are now waking up to this. The force that was unjustly exacted on them is starting now to reflect itself as resistance.

It was not, and in certain Nations the freedom grabbing and destruction continues unabated, but not on all of them.

Others that are smelling the smoke already like Boris Johnson, are now playing the card: "Oy vey, we dindu nuffin, it was a lil mistake, we didn't follow Klaus Agenda, calm down Goyim, we will free you now from what we falsely imposed" and so on.

Everyday that science is allowed to speak we are feeling more and more retarded of what this world had heaped on it so that we can sell snake oil vaccine and cause mega-fake hype. Many leaders worldwide are coming to their senses, slowly but certainly. Others will intensify the insanity as it looks like, but for how long?


These psychopathic whores literally were telling you to lockdown, conditioning you for endless lockdowns as the "New Normal", told you to not visit your family for holidays, to hate your own family, to treat the people that took other medical decisions as cattle and second class citizens or with contempt, and they were having literal parties during the whole pandemic, traveling freely with forged certificates, and jewing you that this lower than the flu like virus was the end of the world.

Then some of them that had this vaccine were sitting on the same illness like you were, but they were shilling to you anyway. The amount of fault to accept of this was something we all have to accept globally. It was utterly insane to accept even 10% of anything that happened.

The Fauci vermin is a well known vermin that knows how to do things like this. Fourty years almost in the biz, he is confident that he can escape any and all justice or criticism. He feels after 40 years he'll lizard his way through this one too.

They robbed your freedoms, did take a dump on the Constitutions, and recruited the media to hoax and fear monger you 24/7. The claim was that this was for general public health, yet for some strange reasons most countries even if gorillions were printed, aren't exiting the pandemic with an updated and stronger medical provisions system.

Then, they printed 9 times the money of the Marshall Plan [reinstation money after WW2 to amend for war damages], and happily fed it to their own people for the most part. Yet, look what is happening in New York for example:


Where are the trillions we printed?

The average person in most Nations saw nothing of this. After this, they insisted on the lie as you were locked like cattle inside a house, with police beating your ass, and you being a scrutinized and persecuted citizen if you didn't follow with the popular talk.

Some countries in Europe have non stop protests, lockdowns that resemble imprisonment, and coercive measures that many cannot even comprehend in the sister continent of the United States. Ask people from Italy and you'll get a taste. Go further into Australia, and you'll see crazy things that are being prepared.

The Countries that didn't do all of the Jewish pack of "advice", are way better than those who enforced the "Jewish Great Reset Starter Pack" on the citizens. Sweden and even Britain are faring better and better.

Everyone else is faring worse and worse, with this disease even starting to really matter because the handling is THAT bad.

The degree of failure was decided by the degree of people listening to Israeli's, literally. The people that didn't listen to the lizards, went well, and the people that did, went straight into cataclysmic failure.

They career exterminated scientists, imprisoned people, and truly went as far as turd "leaders" of some Nations to literally create camps to lock the population inside. "For Co-Vid, goy".

We lived to see the exposure of Jewish psychopathy through all this, but we don't have to endure it forever. We must fight to be delivered from this once and for all.

To add insult to injury, Klaus's admitted artificial energy crisis was also combined with the pandemic, to turn many people financially on the cliffs. All of this is revealed to be fully unrelated to the medical situation. As Klaus explains in his book on the "Co-Vid", the hope of their lizard brains, was that every scourge this will bring will remain for a very long time.

They are fucking with everyone and they feel like they can get away with it. Therefore, now, as the time has arrived, the rampant punishment for these creatures is going to begin. The force of outcomes has stacked.

They deserve to be smitten with great spirit curses and many of them deserve spiritual retaliation.


Below the Schedule:

We will be repeating 3 Rituals in this Schedule:

20. FRTR, Holding The Enemy Accountable RTR, Restoring Gentile Power and Right to Rule Our Own Nations
21. FRTR, Holding The Enemy Accountable RTR, Restoring Gentile Power and Right to Rule Our Own Nations
22. FRTR, Holding The Enemy Accountable RTR, Restoring Gentile Power and Right to Rule Our Own Nations
23. FRTR, Holding The Enemy Accountable RTR, Restoring Gentile Power and Right to Rule Our Own Nations
24. FRTR, Disarming the Enemy RTR, Restoring Gentile Power and Right to Rule Our Own Nations
25. FRTR, Disarming the Enemy RTR, Restoring Gentile Power and Right to Rule Our Own Nations
26. FRTR, Disarming the Enemy RTR, Restoring Gentile Power and Right to Rule Our Own Nations
27. FRTR, Disarming the Enemy RTR, Restoring Gentile Power and Right to Rule Our Own Nations
28. FRTR, Holding The Enemy Accountable RTR, Restoring Gentile Power and Right to Rule Our Own Nations
29. FRTR, Holding The Enemy Accountable RTR, Restoring Gentile Power and Right to Rule Our Own Nations
30. FRTR, Holding The Enemy Accountable RTR, Restoring Gentile Power and Right to Rule Our Own Nations

Below the Links to the Rituals:

FRTR: https://satanslibrary.org/tspaintableb.html
Restoring Gentile Power and Right to Rule Nations: https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/D724.html
Holding Enemy Accountable: https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/N1526.html
Disarming The Enemy: Restoring Justice - https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/I5417.html
Let's do this !
325 years from now? Will they even be on this planet by then? :lol:
SleepingWolf said:
325 years from now? Will they even be on this planet by then? :lol:

They just stole this from the Babylonians who were very advanced astrologers. They knew about the Great Year which lasts about 26000 or so years, would signify a big change for humanity.

Even the "Jesus the super jew believe in it goy" situation is just a stolen situation during a time where at least 10 people that were about 100 times for advanced than any hoax jesus, were present on the Earth.

This will be the content of another post.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SleepingWolf said:
325 years from now? Will they even be on this planet by then? :lol:

They just stole this from the Babylonians who were very advanced astrologers. They knew about the Great Year which lasts about 26000 or so years, would signify a big change for humanity.

Even the "Jesus the super jew believe in it goy" situation is just a stolen situation during a time where at least 10 people that were about 100 times for advanced than any hoax jesus, were present on the Earth.

This will be the content of another post.
Where are we on the timeline ?
I've been seeing many fucked up news lately like arabs embracing jews again and such headlines. Can't help feel that things are escalating massively. Some headlines are stuff that we would never see on the news a few years ago.

This schedule couldn't have been released at a better time. I'm all ready for this!

Hail Satan!
I feel like 2022 is going to be a big year in terms of advancement and destruction of the enemy.

Even my mom who once forgot a minute was 60 seconds is waking up to the corona hoaxing
Hail Satan

The average person can no longer deny they've been lied to and manipulated. The evidence is quickly directing the attention of even the most stupid NPC towards the jewish vermin. Oh it's happening this decade.

Yes, let's punish the jews and their shills.
Vengeance and Justice, these are words that I like so much. Let's go!

A week ago the tide turned here, the tears flowed and I said out loud "We have been so alone but we have held on". Well at that moment I felt a very intense warmth on me for the first time. I am sure it was one of our Gods. They saw our tears and our swallowed rage, how we were despised, and the loneliness. They want this to stop, let's go!
Hail Satan ! Hail our Gods ! Hail JoS !
It's time we give those rats and their twisted traitor gentile gremlin minions a spiritual cyanide shower :cool:
*Loads F-RTR advanced rifle(F.E.A.R. perseus mandate reference)*
Great! Let's take them by storm. Someone must have started this earlier, as Boring Johnson has had great announcements. Hopefully, we'll make them stick. Someone should also make a ritual to force him to tidy up his hairstyle and stop looking like a madman who escaped an asylum. He needs a better image consultant :lol:
Thank you Commander ⛧
I was thinking about how cool it would be if there was a new schedule.
My wish has been granted, haha :D

Hail Satan!
Hail the Gods!
They are fucking with everyone and they feel like they can get away with it. Therefore, now, as the time has arrived, the rampant punishment for these creatures is going to begin. The force of outcomes has stacked.

They deserve to be smitten with great spirit curses and many of them deserve spiritual retaliation.


Below the Schedule:

We will be repeating 3 Rituals in this Schedule:

20. FRTR, Holding The Enemy Accountable RTR, Restoring Gentile Power and Right to Rule Our Own Nations
21. FRTR, Holding The Enemy Accountable RTR, Restoring Gentile Power and Right to Rule Our Own Nations
22. FRTR, Holding The Enemy Accountable RTR, Restoring Gentile Power and Right to Rule Our Own Nations
23. FRTR, Holding The Enemy Accountable RTR, Restoring Gentile Power and Right to Rule Our Own Nations
24. FRTR, Disarming the Enemy RTR, Restoring Gentile Power and Right to Rule Our Own Nations
25. FRTR, Disarming the Enemy RTR, Restoring Gentile Power and Right to Rule Our Own Nations
26. FRTR, Disarming the Enemy RTR, Restoring Gentile Power and Right to Rule Our Own Nations
27. FRTR, Disarming the Enemy RTR, Restoring Gentile Power and Right to Rule Our Own Nations
28. FRTR, Holding The Enemy Accountable RTR, Restoring Gentile Power and Right to Rule Our Own Nations
29. FRTR, Holding The Enemy Accountable RTR, Restoring Gentile Power and Right to Rule Our Own Nations
30. FRTR, Holding The Enemy Accountable RTR, Restoring Gentile Power and Right to Rule Our Own Nations

Below the Links to the Rituals:

FRTR: https://satanslibrary.org/tspaintableb.html
Restoring Gentile Power and Right to Rule Nations: https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/D724.html
Holding Enemy Accountable: https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/N1526.html
Disarming The Enemy: Restoring Justice - https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/I5417.html

"Booster in the arm" I think I rewinded like dozen times to hear the satisfaction in his voice. And he later says keep the booster - fastest in Europe. That's all there is to it, keep the money flowing.

The second video - cohorts of drug addicts in USA, that's what they want a needle-addict nation be it drugs/boosters whatever. It looks like the needle is the new candy. You want something goyim, get the needle first.

And just look how they applaud themselves and laugh like a bunch of bratty spoiled rich kids. They defeated the pandemic. These bozos that throw huge parties (and when get caught oupsie but you go on follow the rules) they solved a crisis. No Boris, no Biden, no Justin, you didn't and you couldn't. You're a bunch of retards pushed forward by the enemy via a couple of criteria: pretty faces, zero skills and IQ and the most important one, blind obedience.

I think this is just securing the position, let the sheeple take a breath, think they won, get wasted in parties and then bam! smack them in the head again with something else.

And then there is us and the rest who will slowly but surely wake. We we will not forget what you did, all of you lawyers, doctors, politicians etc. Your hands are bloodied, your souls are tainted. You all act like phew, what a prank we pulled. It was so fun, we got so rich.

While the others got maimed, killed, depressed, poor, scared etc. And as the law says, you are not exempt if you don't know what you are punished for, so will be you. Laws are for a season, curses are eternal.

Onwards with the tribulations.

Let me end this with a couple of WarHammer quotes

"Once the Iron Warriors began a siege, there was no way to stop it."

"Iron within, iron without"

Hail Satan!

Off to hammer the rituals in these bastards' coffin
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
20. FRTR, Holding The Enemy Accountable RTR, Restoring Gentile Power and Right to Rule Our Own Nations
21. FRTR, Holding The Enemy Accountable RTR, Restoring Gentile Power and Right to Rule Our Own Nations
22. FRTR, Holding The Enemy Accountable RTR, Restoring Gentile Power and Right to Rule Our Own Nations
23. FRTR, Holding The Enemy Accountable RTR, Restoring Gentile Power and Right to Rule Our Own Nations
24. FRTR, Disarming the Enemy RTR, Restoring Gentile Power and Right to Rule Our Own Nations
25. FRTR, Disarming the Enemy RTR, Restoring Gentile Power and Right to Rule Our Own Nations
26. FRTR, Disarming the Enemy RTR, Restoring Gentile Power and Right to Rule Our Own Nations
27. FRTR, Disarming the Enemy RTR, Restoring Gentile Power and Right to Rule Our Own Nations
28. FRTR, Holding The Enemy Accountable RTR, Restoring Gentile Power and Right to Rule Our Own Nations
29. FRTR, Holding The Enemy Accountable RTR, Restoring Gentile Power and Right to Rule Our Own Nations
30. FRTR, Holding The Enemy Accountable RTR, Restoring Gentile Power and Right to Rule Our Own Nations

Below the Links to the Rituals:

FRTR: https://satanslibrary.org/tspaintableb.html
Restoring Gentile Power and Right to Rule Nations: https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/D724.html
Holding Enemy Accountable: https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/N1526.html
Disarming The Enemy: Restoring Justice - https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/I5417.html

Hell yeah lets take it all back!

Avoid fox jews(like all MSM in general),it is CONTROLLED OPPOSITION:

Tucker Carlson calls 9/11 truthers parasites
Tucker Carlson was a regular at Comet Ping Pong
Tucker Carlson is a Rape Apologist, Defends Child Predation

Here's some far more trustworthy new websites instead:

And remember this,"Democracy" is as real as wrestling,THERE IS NOT POLITICAL SOLUTIONS!


Hi all SS SS family it's our time to shine as humans. Let's crush this Fucking Matrix of this repps sorry of the lowlifes for thay are meany :!: but not us united. We need a (program. afr). We need continued together legion attacks like in the past with HPS MAXINE. MY CHALLENGE TO HP HCOBRA. The Web is degrading here in a mooi country ruled by programmed fear. We need a app hidden only sending pings as 20 min joining attacks HP HCobra your app is nice but need a bug fix in my opinion that rrs function will work perfectly . We must link as like the ocean, continueisly and unpredictable. Sorry but I am done I worked into a supermarket today without a mask and unended. And I Just set fuck lung cancer and thy left me alone not like we will ever be killed by this, Reptiles chipped jews borg no life and those who have linked with the program what I see is gentlese just need a way out of this matrix what i tel most i mait is fuck mainstriam media and look at things around you its like a slap in the face awaking. but we must relize not all are reddy to be disconected from the Reptrixs.

for we need to pul up oure socks including me. i see and feel the change in most ways in universal flow. what i am saying is there are ups and downs lets fucking rech for ORION and show them we are reday and had enough off this so thy smile down at us.so the reptrixs feel the powndind of ouer Will and the vibration of the all Father Will in us all. HAHAHA😈😈😈😈

I APOLOGIGE FOR THE SPELLING. Hp HCobra you are doing a great function ecpessioly with the RTRS.


Jihiji12 said:

Even my mom who once forgot a minute was 60 seconds is waking up to the corona hoaxing

Having many people sick with Co-Vid and even 3rd booster people, it's evident this whole thing with the "vaccine" which was a blank and total crap product, is waking up many people.

No inoculation, not even for a few months. The joke is perpetual, one shot per month just to work or something.

Also, the most vaccinated Nations having the most Co-Vid cases is revealing in itself.

People get Co-Vid with the vaccine and they literally have no other choice but to wait it out, which was everything one would do anyway if there was no intervention at all.

No medicine literally developed, and the few that exist, were bullied to no end purposefully to keep the shilling going and hopefully allow this situation to escalate for a whole decade.

It's really hard to not notice the abuse and purposeful failure factor by those in "Control" of this situation. Doctors shilling, paid shills etc etc.
EasternFireLion666 said:
Let's start the offensive! As for the great experiment it remains to be seen if Israel or China used the real vaccine on their own.

China appears to merely have called it off after understanding within a few months that it was not as high mortality as it was anticipated. They could have studied the situation months ago, but with-held information so that it would escalate in other Nations.

Israel is a mixed data situation where nobody knows truly what is going on and what their private agreements with the Vaccine companies are.

We just know that even by the fake data and mixed data they pump, that they have failed and that to follow their "Example" is deadly and illogical.

Then they exaggerated or false data to everyone and they control the "Pandemic" through false research. The recent data on South Africa and Israel does indeed show Israel is shilling. Israel wants to make it's own self into a China quickly, and it's leaders have estimated they should lie to other jews to accelerate the situation.

They may be feeding some of their own blanks, and others they are feeding them with real vaccines. Yet the cases of all the countries closer to full inoculation or stacking the doses, is revealing in that nothing is really stopping this but clearly reinforcing the situation of infection, possibly by weakening or violation of the immune system.
many with 2nd + 3rd dose and sick from omicron

some sick too much, like hospital. my family, half sick with 3rd booster.

person with lung cancer believe in vaccine as SUPER SOLUTION. got covid now, straight into NHS. my family call me lunatic, now they are force t o wake up

boris end this why? Because he sees where this went. fake promise = dead people + sick people. aka, cancel it

its a joke.

ill participate in schedule as full on monster mode this cannot continue
Stormblood said:
Great! Let's take them by storm. Someone must have started this earlier, as Boring Johnson has had great announcements. Hopefully, we'll make them stick. Someone should also make a ritual to force him to tidy up his hairstyle and stop looking like a madman who escaped an asylum. He needs a better image consultant :lol:

Currently he's the pioneer in the European continent and some people call him crazy already about this decision.

I think he just happened to look at the data and said "Holy shit, if we continue this, we'll be fucked. Abort this now!". He knows this will blow up.

The most recent data from South Africa is groundbreaking and does justify scientifically the full end of the pandemic based on the "Omicron". They can't keep the narrative going.

Most others are still drinking opium of eternal plandemic.

It could not be done earlier, times and flows of time are what they are. Other schedules have reassured on the very serious matters. Now this will act more specifically on this situation.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
They may be feeding some of their own blanks, and others they are feeding them with real vaccines. Yet the cases of all the countries closer to full inoculation or stacking the doses, is revealing in that nothing is really stopping this but clearly reinforcing the situation of infection, possibly by weakening or violation of the immune system.
So they will repeat the vaccination cycle in the hope that it will stop the infections and when it does not work people will repeat the vacination cycle again.
The average human being will have had 42 doses of poison.

The logic is:
Sooner or later it will work, if it doesn't work it has to be repeated.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
Let's start the offensive! As for the great experiment it remains to be seen if Israel or China used the real vaccine on their own.

China appears to merely have called it off after understanding within a few months that it was not as high mortality as it was anticipated. They could have studied the situation months ago, but with-held information so that it would escalate in other Nations.

Israel is a mixed data situation where nobody knows truly what is going on and what their private agreements with the Vaccine companies are.

We just know that even by the fake data and mixed data they pump, that they have failed and that to follow their "Example" is deadly and illogical.

Then they exaggerated or false data to everyone and they control the "Pandemic" through false research. The recent data on South Africa and Israel does indeed show Israel is shilling. Israel wants to make it's own self into a China quickly, and it's leaders have estimated they should lie to other jews to accelerate the situation.

They may be feeding some of their own blanks, and others they are feeding them with real vaccines. Yet the cases of all the countries closer to full inoculation or stacking the doses, is revealing in that nothing is really stopping this but clearly reinforcing the situation of infection, possibly by weakening or violation of the immune system.

The studies from the South African scientists about the Omicron variant did come out too fast and backfired on them really bad. They were planning to squeeze a lot out of this new wave. I remember the local press did its best at first to try and debunk the mild Omicron symptoms and make it look bad as the rest, but ultimately failed.
Israel will try its best to appear like the victim again and push the evil globalist nazis narrative. Believe us goy we are just another country affected by the Satanic Globalist plan.
It seems for now they are taking one step back, but they are preparing for other possibilities like: global warming restrictions, the energy crisis, Russia, Ukraine, Khazahstan etc... let's hope they fail those as well. Two years ago the conflict with Iran did not materialize into anything...
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Stormblood said:
Great! Let's take them by storm. Someone must have started this earlier, as Boring Johnson has had great announcements. Hopefully, we'll make them stick. Someone should also make a ritual to force him to tidy up his hairstyle and stop looking like a madman who escaped an asylum. He needs a better image consultant :lol:

Currently he's the pioneer in the European continent and some people call him crazy already about this decision.

I think he just happened to look at the data and said "Holy shit, if we continue this, we'll be fucked. Abort this now!". He knows this will blow up.

The most recent data from South Africa is groundbreaking and does justify scientifically the full end of the pandemic based on the "Omicron". They can't keep the narrative going.

Most others are still drinking opium of eternal plandemic.

It could not be done earlier, times and flows of time are what they are. Other schedules have reassured on the very serious matters. Now this will act more specifically on this situation.
The enemy is already saying that the next October we may have a stronger variant. I don't know if they will actually stop with this bullshit. I'll definitely do my best in this schedule and I'm sure it will work but I know the enemy does not want to stop and may keep pushing this narrative until they are defeated, which is good for us but kinda tiring.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jihiji12 said:

Even my mom who once forgot a minute was 60 seconds is waking up to the corona hoaxing

Having many people sick with Co-Vid and even 3rd booster people, it's evident this whole thing with the "vaccine" which was a blank and total crap product, is waking up many people.

No inoculation, not even for a few months. The joke is perpetual, one shot per month just to work or something.

Also, the most vaccinated Nations having the most Co-Vid cases is revealing in itself.

People get Co-Vid with the vaccine and they literally have no other choice but to wait it out, which was everything one would do anyway if there was no intervention at all.

No medicine literally developed, and the few that exist, were bullied to no end purposefully to keep the shilling going and hopefully allow this situation to escalate for a whole decade.

It's really hard to not notice the abuse and purposeful failure factor by those in "Control" of this situation. Doctors shilling, paid shills etc etc.

Yeah, it really is. Sadly though, some people still seem in denial about the whole situation & think the answer is to distance & listen to said shills.

Hopefully soon our effort slaps these delusions out of people
Mr. Priest, in your opinion, are we close to seeing these criminal globalists being tried in an international court for violating the Nuremberg code?
Thousands of children are dying because of vaccines, this is very sad to see.
This couldn't have come at a better time for me. The charlatan cunts at my job in management use CoViD guidelines to lord their authority on the peasant workers. Pulling their cocksucking masks down to tell people to "mask up" kind of shit has gone on long enough. Acting like the politicians who where out partying while ordering the peasant masses to "mask up", laughing out loud about dominating a slave basically. Literally laughing and attempting to insult the intelligence of the worker with the mask down, as the prick pulls his mask down to tell them.
It will feel incredible pouring all my hatred for the JWO and what it has done to people into this RTR!
Hail all Gods of Hell and Satan most high and just!
Hail all SS fighting these scumworms! Let's obliterate! Hail Satan Eternal!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SleepingWolf said:
325 years from now? Will they even be on this planet by then? :lol:

They just stole this from the Babylonians who were very advanced astrologers. They knew about the Great Year which lasts about 26000 or so years, would signify a big change for humanity.

Even the "Jesus the super jew believe in it goy" situation is just a stolen situation during a time where at least 10 people that were about 100 times for advanced than any hoax jesus, were present on the Earth.

This will be the content of another post.

The leader souls mostly incarnated already many are here I remember Maxine or someone said that so I don't understand this 325 years thing.

Anyways yeah I am enjoying the energies of this and Aquarius sun and doing something different than just the three part and Curse Israel one.
Todo el credito le pertenece a:
HP HoodedCobra666 Publicaciones: 9307 Se unió: Mar 19 de septiembre de 2017 7:19 am

RECUPERANDO A NUESTROS PAÍSES DE LA CONSPIRACIÓN: Hora de entregar castigos - RTRS del 20 de enero al 30 de enero

Durante años, el mundo ha estado soportando una situación que lo ha afectado gravemente. Vimos cómo nuestras vidas cambiaban por la fuerza y los \"gobiernos\" activaban el modo de ataque contra los ciudadanos por la afirmación de que los ciudadanos estaban posiblemente o realmente enfermos.

Cualquier cosa lógica ha estado fuera de la ventana durante los últimos 2 años. En cuanto a por qué ocurrió esto, sabemos las razones reales por las que ocurrió todo esto. Mucha gente lo llamó una teoría de la conspiración. Solo aquellos que carecían de información creían lo contrario.

La mitad de las personas están saliendo de esta pandemia estresada y con daños psicológicos o financieros, otras lo están dejando todo atrás en un estado engañoso de ser literalmente sacudido.

El \"manejo\" de esta pandemia fue nunca enfocarse en ningún medicamento, solo su plan de masturbación médica anticipado de terapias de edición de ARNm. La mayor parte del daño que ocurrió se produjo debido a este experimento que requirió un enfoque específico para que se retiraran.

Realmente, para la \"Nación Sabia\" que se autoproclamó de \"Gobernar la tierra\", lo peor fue el llamado al despertar para muchos retrasados, incluido el \"Elegido de Dios\" israelí que quería construir todo este fraude solo para colapsar más tarde. su propia cabeza.

Si está buscando lo peor de lo peor de la nación en el manejo de esta enfermedad débil, entonces ese sería Israel. Se apresuraron como el ganado reptil que son y los trataron como mejor saben. Huelga decir que, tratando a los suyos de esta manera, uno puede imaginar cómo van a tratar a los demás si tienen en sus manos a alguien.

Israel es una nación tonta y engañada. Incluso su basura del \"Mesías\" es solo una profecía general sobre el regreso de los Líderes Espirituales que llegará al final del próximo Gran Año [serán reencarnaciones de almas mayores], que es dentro de unos 325 años.

Esto, Israel robó de Babilonia, y desde entonces han pretendido la mentira de que son el \"Pueblo de Dios\". No hay nada que esta gente no haya robado, incluida toda la falsedad de afirmar que son el \"pueblo elegido\". Cualquier cosa que los \"elija\" ciertamente no es \"Dios\", sino una camarilla alienígena contaminada que quiere llevar una agenda ya observable.

Según las palabras de Klaus, convertir a todos en un borg, tendrá dificultades considerables de \"aceptación popular\" sobre sí mismo. Klaus se jacta y imagina [está cagando en pañales por ahora porque es demasiado viejo] que él y las personas que lo rodean serán una especie de organismo cibernético extremadamente avanzado, que aparentemente aparecerá de manera convincente en contraste con los humanos como un Dios para un mono.

Independientemente de que Klaus todavía esté usando sus pañales y espere lo mejor, que pueda ser bombeado con nanobots para sobrevivir como una alimaña temerosa de la muerte, para burlar al campesinado con su nuevo pene cibernético o algo así.

De la misma manera que esta gente psicópata llevó a la humanidad ahora durante esta crisis a los acantilados en todos los niveles, financiera, espiritual y psicológicamente, solo para intentar beneficiarse de esto, lo hacen de la misma manera cada vez que tienen la oportunidad.

Si bien toda la humanidad ahora está tratando de construir puentes entre sí e intentar mantener la integridad en sí misma y la comunicación con los demás, Israel solo está repitiendo el mismo patrón de mentalidad criminal que han repetido antes, basado en el odio y la agitación mortal.

Debido a las falsificaciones y fabricaciones de Israel, los últimos 2 años de vida humana se han desperdiciado literalmente en el vacío de la nada. Esa es solo la punta del iceberg.

Co-Vid debería haber humillado a esta nación robada sin valor, pero he aquí, están insistiendo en la misma mentalidad criminal. Como ahora está surgiendo información de que están literalmente engañando y que ya no son necesarias medidas, las monstruosidades de Israel solo están gaseando el pedal.

De hecho, instruyen a la mayoría de sus esclavistas que tienen como políticos en bastantes naciones para que solo intensifiquen el estrangulamiento de las poblaciones humanas.

Y ese es solo su poder después de los recientes golpes que obtuvieron de Hitler, por lo que uno puede imaginar lo que hará Israel cuando se quede para avanzar en la \"Era Mesiánica\".

Con el poder que tienen ahora, literalmente intentaron ahogar el alma y los derechos de la humanidad de forma permanente, y se alejan públicamente de que instalarán nanobots en su cerebro para controlarlo, o que necesita ser modificado genéticamente porque es una mierda total.

Para descubrir qué quieren hacer si obtienen toda su potencia, solo tenemos que referirnos a los trabajos de sus principales rabinos. Obtendrá el comunismo y el genocidio global de los gentiles. Eso es todo.

Con frecuencia, cuando los judíos fueron atrapados en estas cosas, siempre hacen un Ritual de Chivo expiatorio que es seguido por la falsificación de mentiras históricas, como que aquellos que los castigaron querían hacer estas cosas.

Para el idiota promedio, eso debería ser confuso, pero para nosotros que conocemos sus secretos y rituales ocultos, todo es claro como el cristal.

No son más que un montón de reptiles esclavistas y la escoria de la tierra, que se ha vuelto muy arrogante en los últimos cien años desde la última aparición de Hitler. Hitler no les hizo el 1% de lo que afirmaban.

El próximo show será MUY DIFERENTE, pero hasta entonces, se romperán por todas sus maldiciones que le han hecho a la humanidad por la reversión de sus propios ataques. Este otoño será gradual y los está alcanzando.

Ahora admiten su derrota y su engaño para evitar que el daño llegue a ellos, pero es más que probable que, si se va a leer el trabajo de Klaus Schwab, estén planeando otro engaño en el futuro cercano. Los que se llaman \"teóricos de la conspiración\" lo saben.

Mientras no se detengan, su influencia excesiva seguirá repitiéndose en el mismo patrón, hasta que destruyan y erosionen toda la Civilización Occidental, pero también el planeta.

Literalmente, nuestro mundo casi fue destruido en base a algo que es literalmente una gripe. Para aquellos que todavía están durmiendo en esto, tal vez sea hora de despertarse ahora. La gente ha comparado esto con el 11 de septiembre [otro trabajo interno judío], y tienen razón.

Las alimañas como Fauci y otros se regocijan porque pueden escapar ilesos de esta situación de engañarnos a todos por lo que pronto serán dos años. Están celebrando otro engaño, y durante tanto tiempo el partido demócrata estará en el poder, excepto el chelín de continuar una y otra vez.

El partido \"demócrata\" que solía protestar por los derechos de las personas, ahora \"protesta\" a cualquiera que no arroje la carta de aplicaciones y derechos médicos a la basura. Los tiempos han cambiado para las \"ala izquierda\" y \"alas derecha\". Y cualquiera que defienda la Constitución ahora, es un \"terrorista doméstico\".

\"Estas son las verdaderas amenazas, creo, y por supuesto imaginé a Hitler porque todavía persigue la imaginación de algún rabino con esquizofrenia en el escenario tardío, oy veyyy, no importa tu Constitución y todas estas cosas sin valor Goy, todo lo que hacemos es justificado, oy veyy.\"-Judío promedio en los Estados Unidos

Como todos pueden ver ahora, lentamente la Verdad está empezando a verse un poco más...\"evidente\". Esto se debe a que el lavado de cerebro está empezando a disminuir.

Al mismo ritmo, muchos de los que tomaron decisiones equivocadas durante este experimento social están enojados, y una parte cada vez más pequeña de ellos se aferrará a sus decisiones falsas e intentará razonar que todo lo que hicieron fue correcto. Sin embargo, los números no se suman.

Otros, después de obtener la tercera o cuarta o la vigésima dosis, entienden que este programa de drogadictos que ni siquiera los protege funcionalmente está empezando a oler a carne podrida. La falta de respaldo médico para cualquiera de estas medidas se ha hecho evidente por sus propios resultados.

Por lo tanto, muchas personas ahora están despertando a esto. La fuerza que se les impuso injustamente está comenzando a reflejarse ahora como resistencia.

No lo fue, y en ciertas naciones la libertad de agarre y destrucción continúa sin cesar, pero no en todas ellas.

Otros que ya huelen el humo como Boris Johnson, ahora están jugando la carta: \"Oy vey, dindu nuffin, fue un pequeño error, no seguimos a Klaus Agenda, calmamos a Goyim, ahora te liberaremos de lo que nosotros\". impuso falsamente \"y así sucesivamente.

Todos los días se permite que la ciencia hable, nos sentimos cada vez más retrasados de lo que este mundo había acumulado para poder vender la vacuna contra el aceite de serpiente y causar una exageración mega falsa. Muchos líderes en todo el mundo están volviendo a sus sentidos, lenta pero ciertamente. Otros intensificarán la locura como parece, pero por cuánto tiempo?


Estas putas psicópatas literalmente te decían que te encerraran, acondicionándote para bloqueos interminables como la \"Nueva Normal\", le dije que no visitara a su familia durante las vacaciones, odiar a tu propia familia, tratar a las personas que tomaron otras decisiones médicas como ganado y ciudadanos de segunda clase o con desprecio, y estaban teniendo fiestas literales durante toda la pandemia, viajando libremente con certificados falsificados, y te digo que este virus más bajo que la gripe fue el fin del mundo.

Luego, algunos de ellos que tenían esta vacuna estaban sentados en la misma enfermedad que usted, pero de todos modos le estaban gritando. La cantidad de culpa que debemos aceptar de esto fue algo que todos tenemos que aceptar a nivel mundial. Fue una locura aceptar incluso el 10% de todo lo que sucedió.

La alimaña Fauci es una alimaña bien conocida que sabe hacer cosas como esta. Cuarenta años casi en el negocio, confía en que puede escapar de toda justicia o crítica. Siente que después de 40 años también se abrirá camino a través de este.

Robaron sus libertades, se volcaron en las Constituciones y reclutaron a los medios para engañarlo y temerle 24/7. La afirmación era que esto era para la salud pública general, pero por algunas razones extrañas, la mayoría de los países, incluso si se imprimieron miles de millones, no están saliendo de la pandemia con un sistema de provisiones médicas actualizado y más fuerte.

Luego, imprimieron 9 veces el dinero del Plan Marshall [dinero de reinstauración después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial para enmendar los daños de guerra], y felizmente lo alimentaron a su propia gente en su mayor parte. Sin embargo, mira lo que está sucediendo en Nueva York, por ejemplo:


¿Dónde están los billones que imprimimos??

La persona promedio en la mayoría de las naciones no vio nada de esto. Después de esto, insistieron en la mentira cuando estabas encerrado como ganado dentro de una casa, con la policía golpeándote el culo y siendo un ciudadano examinado y perseguido si no seguías la charla popular.

Algunos países de Europa tienen protestas sin parar, cierres que se parecen al encarcelamiento y medidas coercitivas que muchos ni siquiera pueden comprender en el continente hermano de los Estados Unidos. Pregúntale a la gente de Italia y podrás probarlo. Ve más lejos en Australia y verás locuras que se están preparando.

Los países que no hicieron todo el paquete judío de \"consejos\" son mucho mejores que aquellos que hicieron cumplir el \"Paquete de inicio judío del Gran Restablecimiento\" a los ciudadanos. Suecia e incluso Gran Bretaña están yendo mejor y mejor.

Todos los demás están peor y peor, con esta enfermedad incluso comenzando a importar realmente porque el manejo es TAN malo.

El grado de fracaso fue decidido por el grado de personas que escuchan a los israelíes, literalmente. Las personas que no escucharon a los lagartos, se fueron bien, y las personas que lo hicieron, entraron directamente en un fracaso cataclísmico.

En su carrera, exterminaron a científicos, encarcelaron a personas y realmente llegaron a los \"líderes\" turd de algunas naciones para crear literalmente campamentos para encerrar a la población en su interior. \"Para Co-Vid, goy\".

Vivimos para ver la exposición de la psicopatía judía a través de todo esto, pero no tenemos que soportarlo para siempre. Debemos luchar para ser liberados de esto de una vez por todas.

Para agregar insulto a las lesiones, la crisis de energía artificial admitida por Klaus también se combinó con la pandemia, para convertir a muchas personas financieramente en los acantilados. Todo esto se revela como totalmente ajeno a la situación médica. Como Klaus explica en su libro sobre el \"Co-Vid\", la esperanza de sus cerebros de lagarto era que cada flagelo que esto traerá permanecerá durante mucho tiempo.

Están jodiendo con todos y sienten que pueden salirse con la suya. Por lo tanto, ahora, a medida que llegue el momento, comenzará el castigo desenfrenado para estas criaturas. La fuerza de los resultados se ha apilado.

Merecen ser golpeados con grandes maldiciones espirituales y muchos de ellos merecen represalias espirituales.


Debajo del horario:

Repetiremos 3 Rituales en este Anexo:

20). FRTR, Celebrando al enemigo RTR responsable, Restaurando el poder gentil y el derecho a gobernar nuestras propias naciones
21). FRTR, Celebrando al enemigo RTR responsable, Restaurando el poder gentil y el derecho a gobernar nuestras propias naciones
22). FRTR, Celebrando al enemigo RTR responsable, Restaurando el poder gentil y el derecho a gobernar nuestras propias naciones
23). FRTR, Celebrando al enemigo RTR responsable, Restaurando el poder gentil y el derecho a gobernar nuestras propias naciones
24). FRTR, Desarmar al enemigo RTR, Restaurar el poder gentil y el derecho a gobernar nuestras propias naciones
25). FRTR, Desarmar al enemigo RTR, Restaurar el poder gentil y el derecho a gobernar nuestras propias naciones
26). FRTR, Desarmar al enemigo RTR, Restaurar el poder gentil y el derecho a gobernar nuestras propias naciones
27). FRTR, Desarmar al enemigo RTR, Restaurar el poder gentil y el derecho a gobernar nuestras propias naciones
28). FRTR, Celebrando al enemigo RTR responsable, Restaurando el poder gentil y el derecho a gobernar nuestras propias naciones
29). FRTR, Celebrando al enemigo RTR responsable, Restaurando el poder gentil y el derecho a gobernar nuestras propias naciones
30). FRTR, Celebrando al enemigo RTR responsable, Restaurando el poder Gentil y el derecho a gobernar nuestras propias naciones

Debajo están los enlaces a los rituales:

FRTR: https://satanslibrary.org/tspaintableb.html
Restauración del poder gentil y el derecho a gobernar Naciones: https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/D724.html
Responsable del enemigo: https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/N1526.html
Desarmar al enemigo: Restaurando la justicia - https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/I5417.html

Nota**SeaGoat_666 usó un traductor online. Favor de avisarle si algo no se tradujó bien.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
