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Obsessions: Detach, Sublimate, Manage

HPS Lydia

High Priestess
Sep 20, 2017
Scorpio, the sign of the occult… and also obsessions. Many members have this sign, or other aspects within your natal chart, that cause obsessions. Another factor is spells, magick caused by the enemy. Those with an open 3rd Eye and/or strong aura can see through spells easier and move away from them, but many people are not able to do this.

Obsessions can be used to propel you forward in life, as a constant source of motivation even when energy is low. But many obsessions hold people back, keep them stuck. This needs to be corrected and channeled in the best way for you.

A lot of people obsess over other people from their past, such as an ex, or a former friend, or old classmates for whatever reason. Obsessions also form for video games, porn, food, and other things that waste your time, or keep you from bettering yourself, such as getting a relationship in real life.

When you obsess over people from your past, they own you. They own your time, they own your mental energy. They also own your present, and, if left uncorrected, they own your future, since you will still be stuck on them.

Feeling angry or manipulated about this? Good. Use your anger to fix yourself. Do detaching from anybody who is not a beneficial part of your life, or do freeing the soul workings to remove whatever unhealthy addiction you have. Then, find something to put your focus to.

This is very important. Too many people in this world drift around aimlessly, and put too much of their time and mental energy towards something that is not in their best interests. As a Spiritual Satanist, you must always make sure to use your time wisely. It’s perfectly find to take some time off and relax when needed, but you cannot allow yourself to delve into wasting a lot of time and energy into something that, quite frankly, owns you. You must own yourself, under the guidance and will of Satan.

Find something to channel your interests in. Research a topic, become a master in it. Delve into a hobby or skill, master it. Focus on spiritual advancement. Obsessions can be utilized to master areas, which is far more gratifying than wasting your life away.

You must train your mind to stay on your goals and your advancement, and tell yourself firmly to move on, any time you find yourself obsessing on anything unhealthy. Sometimes our minds are brought to something for a reason; examine it, determine if there is actually something you must bring your attention to, and then deal with it if needed. If it’s a lingering obsession (our minds do often linger) then firmly move on from it. Put it in your past, and focus your present and future to your betterment.

A word of caution though: Don’t burn out. We are not meant to go constantly. You can revolve your life around something (call it your “healthy and beneficial obsession” if you will), but make sure to pay attention to your needs and self care, and take time off before you burn out. You need to strive for a healthy balance, ease up before you risk burning out.

Find something to devote your life to. Spirituality of course, but also another area to master, to channel that side of you. Ask your GD to lead you to a subject to study, and then delve into it. Or remember a hobby or interest you had as a child, and brush off your skills, and delve into it again, aiming to master it this time. Find books, free PDFs, videos online, classes in real life, other people who share this interest, and delve in. Set your mind to mastering something that will bring you tangible results, a real skill or talent to show.

When you learn to move on from unhealthy obsessions, it is like taking an eternal breath of fresh air. You are free.

open field.jpg
I was in the situation of unhealthy obsession regarding an ex-partner in the past. I freed from that and I became my own obsession, in a healthy way.
Hail Satan!
Thank You for this message.
In past I've only to tried remove my obsessions mentally and completely ignored the use of freeing the soul and detaching.
And look, I failed. And failed.
I started recently freeing the soul and purification cycle which I assume works similarly, and even tho I completed only one so far and didn't felt much, I completely understand that this takes time and I just leave it to do it's work and try not to think too much about it.

Obsessions is another thing that will take time to master over but patience is needed. 🙂

Recently had very much interest to pick of where I left in drawing, and maybe start playing guitar.
Thanks High Priestess!

For the detaching, are mantras as Munka and Ganesha useful?
Munka is for karma. For detaching from people, in the webpage I linked is the method, with "THTHTH" and the astral knife, it works very well.

Thanks for linking this, it's a very important sermon.

Dear Lydia! this is what i needed! ❤️ I've been telling myself for weeks that if I managed to get rid of alcohol for good, then I'd be able to get out of a bad relationship.
Good luck! You can remove alcohol and improve your life :)
Your better Sermon up to now High Priestess Lydia 😍

You have unlocked the mystery of the dynamic of my personality, I've :
  • Pluto in Libra opposed to venus in Aries leading me to fatal attractions and sentimental obsessions
  • Uranus in Scorpio square with Mercury in Versus leading me to programming addiction
Obviously, due to this period, Venus is also quinconx with Uranus and Trine with Neptune doing I'm more ease with free communication and artistic stuff concerning my Venusian energy.

Despite knowing my chart, I had never discerned analogies between the Scorpio/Plutonian fields and the obsessions 🤔
It's so obvious thanks to you now :)
Dear Lydia! this is what i needed! ❤️ I've been telling myself for weeks that if I managed to get rid of alcohol for good, then I'd be able to get out of a bad relationship.

I have been sober for over 6 years now.
I forswore alcohol very early. I am very proud of it and very happy with my decision.

I was horrible with alcohol. I did not know when to stop drinking, thus I would exaggerate. Never violent, just incredibly stupid.

As of today, I do not feel compelled to consume alcohol. At all.
I like how I am always myself, always at the highest possible level of mental lucidity and clarity.

Any so called "negative" consequences of not drinking (mostly social situations or functions in which alcohol consumption is implicit) pale in comparison to the concrete benefits.

I wish you make this change as soon as possible and reap the benefits.
May the Gods guide you!

As Spiritual Satanists, I'm sure we send a certain energy to those we think about and to those who have been in our lives in the past. As you say, this is often not good for either party. Thoughts that do not take most people forward.
We must accept some unfinished things, move on, and learn to change our perspective.

Thank you HPS Lydia for this beautiful article.
Yeah, I've been trying to detatch from my ex for the past little while, but she's tenacious. I've always been pretty effective at detatchment, but there's always that period of lingering, and I always have a difficult time with women I love because, well, I love very deeply and genuinely. I forgot there was a specific working for this completely, so thank you so much for reminding me, HPS.

Love is the most difficult one, cause there's often also a part of you that doesn't want it to be this way, and you have to reprogram yourself to want it to be this way. This is one of the reasons why keeping a strong, rational mind is so important.

Though, weird thing started happening with full on Vampyres when I started adavncing, I can pick them out quite quickly for one and it kind of seems like I'm poisonous to them if that makes any sense? Probably an old program from a passed life or something I'm guessing.
Can curses and enemy influence make you obsessed with someone? it took me a long time to detach from a certain person, and I also have doubts if she did some binding work, although she always denied it.
Stop thinking about them and sending them energy.
Then they will be happy and you will be sad.

There are many articles and rituals in JoS. Do them.
I say this as someone who has lived it,
They don't even care about you.

Do the same and don't give a fuck about them.

Scorpio, the sign of the occult… and also obsessions. Many members have this sign, or other aspects within your natal chart, that cause obsessions. Another factor is spells, magick caused by the enemy. Those with an open 3rd Eye and/or strong aura can see through spells easier and move away from them, but many people are not able to do this.

Obsessions can be used to propel you forward in life, as a constant source of motivation even when energy is low. But many obsessions hold people back, keep them stuck. This needs to be corrected and channeled in the best way for you.

A lot of people obsess over other people from their past, such as an ex, or a former friend, or old classmates for whatever reason. Obsessions also form for video games, porn, food, and other things that waste your time, or keep you from bettering yourself, such as getting a relationship in real life.

When you obsess over people from your past, they own you. They own your time, they own your mental energy. They also own your present, and, if left uncorrected, they own your future, since you will still be stuck on them.

Feeling angry or manipulated about this? Good. Use your anger to fix yourself. Do detaching from anybody who is not a beneficial part of your life, or do freeing the soul workings to remove whatever unhealthy addiction you have. Then, find something to put your focus to.

This is very important. Too many people in this world drift around aimlessly, and put too much of their time and mental energy towards something that is not in their best interests. As a Spiritual Satanist, you must always make sure to use your time wisely. It’s perfectly find to take some time off and relax when needed, but you cannot allow yourself to delve into wasting a lot of time and energy into something that, quite frankly, owns you. You must own yourself, under the guidance and will of Satan.

Find something to channel your interests in. Research a topic, become a master in it. Delve into a hobby or skill, master it. Focus on spiritual advancement. Obsessions can be utilized to master areas, which is far more gratifying than wasting your life away.

You must train your mind to stay on your goals and your advancement, and tell yourself firmly to move on, any time you find yourself obsessing on anything unhealthy. Sometimes our minds are brought to something for a reason; examine it, determine if there is actually something you must bring your attention to, and then deal with it if needed. If it’s a lingering obsession (our minds do often linger) then firmly move on from it. Put it in your past, and focus your present and future to your betterment.

A word of caution though: Don’t burn out. We are not meant to go constantly. You can revolve your life around something (call it your “healthy and beneficial obsession” if you will), but make sure to pay attention to your needs and self care, and take time off before you burn out. You need to strive for a healthy balance, ease up before you risk burning out.

Find something to devote your life to. Spirituality of course, but also another area to master, to channel that side of you. Ask your GD to lead you to a subject to study, and then delve into it. Or remember a hobby or interest you had as a child, and brush off your skills, and delve into it again, aiming to master it this time. Find books, free PDFs, videos online, classes in real life, other people who share this interest, and delve in. Set your mind to mastering something that will bring you tangible results, a real skill or talent to show.

When you learn to move on from unhealthy obsessions, it is like taking an eternal breath of fresh air. You are free.

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Dear High Priestess Lydia, thank you for this sermon. As a scorpio myself, also with Pluto and Venus in scorpio, i strongly believe that the Gods spoke to me through you, even tho for some may seem a little far fetched. Thank you for this. I also wanted to explain myself in why i believe this, but the story is to specific and i don't want to risk it.
Your better Sermon up to now High Priestess Lydia 😍
Thank you!

As of today, I do not feel compelled to consume alcohol. At all.
I like how I am always myself, always at the highest possible level of mental lucidity and clarity.
Well done, I am proud of you for overcoming this :)

Can curses and enemy influence make you obsessed with someone? it took me a long time to detach from a certain person, and I also have doubts if she did some binding work, although she always denied it.
It's possible. Also having a lower energetic level. And a fact is, a lot of people dwell on ex's because they don't put their mind to someone or something else. They stay in the habit, instead of refreshing their minds.
Scorpio, the sign of the occult… and also obsessions. Many members have this sign, or other aspects within your natal chart, that cause obsessions. Another factor is spells, magick caused by the enemy. Those with an open 3rd Eye and/or strong aura can see through spells easier and move away from them, but many people are not able to do this.

Obsessions can be used to propel you forward in life, as a constant source of motivation even when energy is low. But many obsessions hold people back, keep them stuck. This needs to be corrected and channeled in the best way for you.

A lot of people obsess over other people from their past, such as an ex, or a former friend, or old classmates for whatever reason. Obsessions also form for video games, porn, food, and other things that waste your time, or keep you from bettering yourself, such as getting a relationship in real life.

When you obsess over people from your past, they own you. They own your time, they own your mental energy. They also own your present, and, if left uncorrected, they own your future, since you will still be stuck on them.

Feeling angry or manipulated about this? Good. Use your anger to fix yourself. Do detaching from anybody who is not a beneficial part of your life, or do freeing the soul workings to remove whatever unhealthy addiction you have. Then, find something to put your focus to.

This is very important. Too many people in this world drift around aimlessly, and put too much of their time and mental energy towards something that is not in their best interests. As a Spiritual Satanist, you must always make sure to use your time wisely. It’s perfectly find to take some time off and relax when needed, but you cannot allow yourself to delve into wasting a lot of time and energy into something that, quite frankly, owns you. You must own yourself, under the guidance and will of Satan.

Find something to channel your interests in. Research a topic, become a master in it. Delve into a hobby or skill, master it. Focus on spiritual advancement. Obsessions can be utilized to master areas, which is far more gratifying than wasting your life away.

You must train your mind to stay on your goals and your advancement, and tell yourself firmly to move on, any time you find yourself obsessing on anything unhealthy. Sometimes our minds are brought to something for a reason; examine it, determine if there is actually something you must bring your attention to, and then deal with it if needed. If it’s a lingering obsession (our minds do often linger) then firmly move on from it. Put it in your past, and focus your present and future to your betterment.

A word of caution though: Don’t burn out. We are not meant to go constantly. You can revolve your life around something (call it your “healthy and beneficial obsession” if you will), but make sure to pay attention to your needs and self care, and take time off before you burn out. You need to strive for a healthy balance, ease up before you risk burning out.

Find something to devote your life to. Spirituality of course, but also another area to master, to channel that side of you. Ask your GD to lead you to a subject to study, and then delve into it. Or remember a hobby or interest you had as a child, and brush off your skills, and delve into it again, aiming to master it this time. Find books, free PDFs, videos online, classes in real life, other people who share this interest, and delve in. Set your mind to mastering something that will bring you tangible results, a real skill or talent to show.

When you learn to move on from unhealthy obsessions, it is like taking an eternal breath of fresh air. You are free.

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Perfect thread High Priesstess. I have this powerfully and it was great to read this.
It's possible. Also having a lower energetic level. And a fact is, a lot of people dwell on ex's because they don't put their mind to someone or something else. They stay in the habit, instead of refreshing their minds.

In my natal chart the Sun is very debilitated, which has always caused me to have serious self-esteem problems. Over the years I have made a lot of Sun squares to strengthen my Solar chakra and my Natal Sun and I have improved a lot, but even today I still experience some backslash every time I make a Sun square to continue strengthening it.
Greeting HPs and Lydia And members.I am battling alcohol addiction it's been 16 years I just can't quit.I really wish to quit alcohol.If anyone can assist with a Spell/ working that may assist me.A step by step spell coz I'm not good with affirmations and numbers in magi
i dont have GD all my GD was leaving so what must i do..

You have a GD if you are a dedicated SS. And you likely only had 1 so far, and still have. You might be interpreting your experiences incorrectly, or assume things. Be more patient, they only show themselves to you when you are ready for this, this can take years at least.
Scorpione, il segno dell'occulto... e anche delle ossessioni. Molti membri hanno questo segno, o altri aspetti nel loro tema natale, che causano ossessioni. Un altro fattore sono gli incantesimi, la magia causata dal nemico. Coloro che hanno un terzo occhio aperto e/o un'aura forte possono vedere attraverso gli incantesimi più facilmente e allontanarsene, ma molte persone non sono in grado di farlo.

Le ossessioni possono essere usate per spingerti avanti nella vita, come una fonte costante di motivazione anche quando l'energia è bassa. Ma molte ossessioni trattengono le persone, le tengono bloccate. Questo deve essere corretto e incanalato nel modo migliore per te.

Molte persone sono ossessionate da altre persone del loro passato, come un ex, un ex amico o vecchi compagni di classe per qualsiasi motivo. Le ossessioni si formano anche per videogiochi, porno, cibo e altre cose che ti fanno perdere tempo o ti impediscono di migliorare te stesso, come avere una relazione nella vita reale.

Quando ti ossessioni per le persone del tuo passato, loro ti possiedono. Possiedono il tuo tempo, la tua energia mentale. Possiedono anche il tuo presente e, se non vengono corrette, possiedono il tuo futuro, dal momento che sarai ancora bloccato su di loro.

Ti senti arrabbiato o manipolato per questo? Bene. Usa la tua rabbia per sistemarti. Distaccati da chiunque non sia una parte benefica della tua vita, o libera i meccanismi dell'anima per rimuovere qualsiasi dipendenza malsana tu abbia. Poi, trova qualcosa su cui concentrarti.

Questo è molto importante. Troppe persone in questo mondo vagano senza meta e dedicano troppo tempo ed energia mentale a qualcosa che non è nel loro interesse. Come Satanista Spirituale, devi sempre assicurarti di usare il tuo tempo saggiamente. È perfettamente giusto prendersi del tempo libero e rilassarsi quando serve, ma non puoi permetterti di sprecare un sacco di tempo ed energia in qualcosa che, francamente, ti possiede. Devi possedere te stesso , sotto la guida e la volontà di Satana.

Trova qualcosa in cui incanalare i tuoi interessi. Fai ricerche su un argomento, diventane un maestro. Immergiti in un hobby o in un'abilità, padroneggiala. Concentrati sull'avanzamento spirituale. Le ossessioni possono essere utilizzate per padroneggiare aree, il che è molto più gratificante che sprecare la tua vita.

Devi allenare la tua mente a rimanere sui tuoi obiettivi e sul tuo progresso, e dirti con fermezza di andare avanti, ogni volta che ti ritrovi ossessionato da qualcosa di malsano. A volte le nostre menti sono portate a qualcosa per una ragione; determinala se c'è effettivamente qualcosa a cui devi portare la tua attenzione, e poi affrontala se necessario. Se è un'ossessione persistente (le nostre menti spesso indugiano) allora allontanati con fermezza da essa. Mettila nel tuo passato, e concentra il tuo presente e il futuro sul tuo miglioramento.

Una parola di cautela però: non esaurirti. Non siamo fatti per andare avanti in continuazione. Puoi far ruotare la tua vita attorno a qualcosa (chiamala la tua "ossessione sana e benefica", se vuoi), ma assicurazioni di prestare attenzione ai tuoi bisogni e alla cura di te stesso, e prenditi del tempo libero prima di esaurirti. Devi impegnarti per un sano equilibrio, rilassarti prima di rischiare di esaurirti.

Trova qualcosa a cui dedicare la tua vita. Spiritualità ovviamente, ma anche un'altra area da dominare, per canalizzare quel lato di te. Chiedi al tuo GD di guidarti verso un argomento da studiare, e poi approfondiscilo. Oppure ricorda un hobby o un interesse che avevi da bambino, e rispolvera le tue capacità, e approfondiscilo di nuovo, puntando a padroneggiarlo questa volta. Trova libri, PDF gratuiti, video online, lezioni nella vita reale, altre persone che condividono questo interesse, e approfondiscilo. Imposta la tua mente per padroneggiare qualcosa che ti porterà risultati tangibili, una vera abilità o talento da mostrare.

Quando impari ad andare avanti dalle ossessioni malsane, è come prendere un respiro eterno di aria fresca. Sei libero.

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Grazie mille, bellissimo post
Scorpio, the sign of the occult… and also obsessions. Many members have this sign, or other aspects within your natal chart, that cause obsessions. Another factor is spells, magick caused by the enemy. Those with an open 3rd Eye and/or strong aura can see through spells easier and move away from them, but many people are not able to do this.

Obsessions can be used to propel you forward in life, as a constant source of motivation even when energy is low. But many obsessions hold people back, keep them stuck. This needs to be corrected and channeled in the best way for you.

A lot of people obsess over other people from their past, such as an ex, or a former friend, or old classmates for whatever reason. Obsessions also form for video games, porn, food, and other things that waste your time, or keep you from bettering yourself, such as getting a relationship in real life.

When you obsess over people from your past, they own you. They own your time, they own your mental energy. They also own your present, and, if left uncorrected, they own your future, since you will still be stuck on them.

Feeling angry or manipulated about this? Good. Use your anger to fix yourself. Do detaching from anybody who is not a beneficial part of your life, or do freeing the soul workings to remove whatever unhealthy addiction you have. Then, find something to put your focus to.

This is very important. Too many people in this world drift around aimlessly, and put too much of their time and mental energy towards something that is not in their best interests. As a Spiritual Satanist, you must always make sure to use your time wisely. It’s perfectly find to take some time off and relax when needed, but you cannot allow yourself to delve into wasting a lot of time and energy into something that, quite frankly, owns you. You must own yourself, under the guidance and will of Satan.

Find something to channel your interests in. Research a topic, become a master in it. Delve into a hobby or skill, master it. Focus on spiritual advancement. Obsessions can be utilized to master areas, which is far more gratifying than wasting your life away.

You must train your mind to stay on your goals and your advancement, and tell yourself firmly to move on, any time you find yourself obsessing on anything unhealthy. Sometimes our minds are brought to something for a reason; examine it, determine if there is actually something you must bring your attention to, and then deal with it if needed. If it’s a lingering obsession (our minds do often linger) then firmly move on from it. Put it in your past, and focus your present and future to your betterment.

Una parola di cautela però: non esaurirti. Non siamo fatti per andare avanti in continuazione. Puoi far ruotare la tua vita attorno a qualcosa (chiamala la tua "ossessione sana e benefica", se vuoi), ma assicurati di prestare attenzione ai tuoi bisogni e alla cura di te stesso, e prenditi del tempo libero prima di esaurirti. Devi impegnarti per un sano equilibrio, rilassarti prima di rischiare di esaurirti.

Trova qualcosa a cui dedicare la tua vita. Spiritualità ovviamente, ma anche un'altra area da padroneggiare, per canalizzare quel lato di te. Chiedi al tuo GD di guidarti verso un argomento da studiare, e poi approfondiscilo. Oppure ricorda un hobby o un interesse che avevi da bambino, e rispolvera le tue capacità, e approfondiscilo di nuovo, puntando a padroneggiarlo questa volta. Trova libri, PDF gratuiti, video online, lezioni nella vita reale, altre persone che condividono questo interesse, e approfondiscilo. Imposta la tua mente per padroneggiare qualcosa che ti porterà risultati tangibili, una vera abilità o talento da mostrare.

Quando impari ad andare avanti dalle ossessioni malsane, è come prendere un respiro eterno di aria fresca. Sei libero.

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Bel articolo grazie mille
Greeting HPs and Lydia And members.I am battling alcohol addiction it's been 16 years I just can't quit.I really wish to quit alcohol.If anyone can assist with a Spell/ working that may assist me.A step by step spell coz I'm not good with affirmations and numbers in magi

Use munka. 49x MUNKA 3x "This energy frees my myself from alcohol addiction, in the most beneficial way for me"
Munka is pronounced as MMMM-UUUU-NNNN-YY-KKHH-AAAA, Y as in yay, it's a short transitionary sound between the n and k. the KKHH is guttural.
clean yourself afterwards.
Use munka. 49x MUNKA 3x "This energy frees my myself from alcohol addiction, in the most beneficial way for me"
Munka is pronounced as MMMM-UUUU-NNNN-YY-KKHH-AAAA, Y as in yay, it's a short transitionary sound between the n and k. the KKHH is guttural.
clean yourself afterwards
Thank you so much.When can I begin this ritual? Since it's a waxing moon now or should I wait for the waning moon or anytime is fine ..also bearing the void time
Thank you so much.When can I begin this ritual? Since it's a waxing moon now or should I wait for the waning moon or anytime is fine ..also bearing the void time
Afodo answered you, but I wanted to wish you well in quitting your addiction. Put your mind to it, and you will succeed!

Since you mentioned you aren't very good with magick, you might not be able to handle large numbers of repetitions. You can start with perhaps 21, as that is a multiple of 7. 28 would be better if possible.

After you finish the vibrations, try to visualize yourself surrounded by yellow energy, or white-gold like the sun if you aren't experienced with colors yet. Yellow helps overcome addictions. Try to hold this color while stating your affirmation.
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Afodo answered you, but I wanted to wish you well in quitting your addiction. Put your mind to it, and you will succeed!

Since you mentioned you aren't very good with magick, you might not be able to handle large numbers of repetitions. You can start with perhaps 21, as that is a cycle of 7. 28 would be better if possible.

After you finish the vibrations, try to visualize yourself surrounded by yellow energy, or white-gold like the sun if you aren't experienced with colors yet. Yellow helps overcome addictions. Try to hold this color while stating your affirmation.
Hps Lydia, sorry this is off-topic, but may I privately send you a question regarding a transit in my chart? Something big kind of happened am I'm trying to learn how. Thank you
Hps Lydia, sorry this is off-topic, but may I privately send you a question regarding a transit in my chart? Something big kind of happened am I'm trying to learn how. Thank you
Hello, yes of course. Anyone can DM or email me about a question, but I do not do full natal chart readings anymore. I'm just stating this because there have been other members who assumed I would do a full report.
When you obsess over people from your past, they own you. They own your time, they own your mental energy. They also own your present, and, if left uncorrected, they own your future, since you will still be stuck on them.
I like the way you put this. Never thought about it like that.
Do detaching from anybody who is not a beneficial part of your life, or do freeing the soul workings to remove whatever unhealthy addiction you have. Then, find something to put your focus to.
So that's what freeing the Soul workings are good for! Thank you
. Research a topic, become a master in it.
My favorite thing to do. Research. Especially researching all the information in JoS and the forums. I'm glad you added this suggestion. I liked this sermon. You did an excellent job with it.
Hail Satan!!!
A lot of people obsess over other people from their past, such as an ex, or a former friend, or old classmates for whatever reason. Obsessions also form for video games, porn, food, and other things that waste your time, or keep you from bettering yourself, such as getting a relationship in real life.

When you obsess over people from your past, they own you. They own your time, they own your mental energy. They also own your present, and, if left uncorrected, they own your future, since you will still be stuck on them.

Feeling angry or manipulated about this? Good. Use your anger to fix yourself. Do detaching from anybody who is not a beneficial part of your life, or do freeing the soul workings to remove whatever unhealthy addiction you have. Then, find something to put your focus to.
Hello, High Priestess.
I have a question, some people were just completely awful and are rejected by me completely and wouldn’t mind doing a detach working if I have time.

However some people too, an ex for example, I just don’t want to detach from them, and I still care about them to a degree, despite knowing they are awful as well but just still loving them too much and wishing they can be better in the future and holding on to hope that they can be better, how should I deal with these feelings?

We separated several years ago too so it’s not recent. The person had narcissistic tendencies as well and right now is doing much worse and has plunged into the extreme depths of islamic extremism.

However, when I first met her she was spiritual, extremely beautiful, and we spoke about Tarot, witchcraft, we often had telepathic contact, and she had spiritual awakenings when I was her. She felt like a soulmate and we were so similar and compatible, but some complications happened and she distanced herself I had to leave her soon after.

It was rare to meet someone like her at the time and I was ecstatic, it was one of the best and worst times of my life.

I think she became extremist as a way of rebelling and expressing hate towards me and so she can distance herself from our ties completely. She’s completely lost herself in islam and killed off any beauty she had before, purposefully.

Sorry for going on a tangent, but long story short, what should you do if you don’t want to detach and still care about the person but there’s no possibility to be together again?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
