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I have a question how do we know what our abilities are and where do they lie in the chart I have Scorpio in mars
Oración Satánica para la Diosa Astarte:

Mi reina, Señora de la naturaleza, reina del cielo estrellado.

Vengo ante ti con humildad para pedirte conocimiento y sabiduría.

Hazme mejor para servirte mejor y ser mejor para mi y los demás.

Abre mi entendimiento a tu nuevo conocimiento.

Abre mi mente y mi corazón a tus palabras.

Te pido por favor, que abras mi alma en su totalidad para acercarme más a ti con alegría y entusiasmo.

Tú que guiás a los espíritus de la naturaleza, tú que estás presente en la inmensidad y su hermosura.

Hazme de ti, tu mejor y más leal seguidor. Hoy me postro ante tu grandeza y tu gloria y lleno tu alma con todo mi amor con toda mi armonía y tranquilidad, lleno tu alma con toda mi bondad y con todo lo soy porque parte de lo que soy ahora ha sido por tu generosidad y por sobre todo tu amor.

Agradezco cada paso junto a ti, agradezco tu conocimiento infinito y tu grandeza en mi vida. Permiteme señora estar a tu lado y luchar junto a ti, hazme una mejor persona y guerrera para ti y para el mundo, llename de tu invencible poder para destruir a tus enemigos, llename de tu valor y valentía para destruir aquellos que blasfeman de ti y de todos lo que están bajo tu imagen y protección.

Forjame como el herrero forja una espada indestructible y filosa, forjame a tu imagen y a tu semejanza, todo esto de acuerdo a tu voluntad y tu poder.

Yoga Asana: Sirsasana (Headstand)
Illustration by @Heather

There are quite a few headstand variations, these are very beneficial to practice but I'll just post one for now. The JoS will later have illustrations for methods to get into these poses.

BKS Iyengar states that when in proper form of the headstand, “This brings a feeling of lightness to the brain and complete relaxation to each part of the body.” However, if this pose is done daily without also performing the complimentary shoulder stand daily, it can aggravate feelings of impatience and irritation.

I love to start my asana practice with headstand, as it immediately increases my mental clarity and focus in preparation for the rest of my practice. (I end my practice with shoulder stand followed by plow pose, then roll out to shavasana.) However, for those who have high or low blood pressure, it is not advised to begin your yoga practice in this pose; you can perform it near the end of your practice instead.

My notes on the easiest way to learn this asana is to do it in a corner, where two walls will support you evenly, preventing you from falling to either side. Have suitable padding under your head, not a pillow, but a blanket or yoga mat folded evenly. If your padding is too cushioned it can make you uneven and thereby cause injury to your neck.

Tip to ensure your elbows are the the correct distance apart: hold each elbow with the opposite hand, your forearms will be along each other. You can then place your elbows on the floor, and rotate your hands and forearms to put them into position, as shown in the videos linked. Make sure to keep your core engaged, as well as your glutes and legs.

Instructional video, with variations A & B, feel free to do this against a wall or a corner for additional safety:

Instructional video against a wall (ignore the mantra):

Benefits: Improves memory, increases the health of the physical brain (including the pineal gland). Lungs are strengthened. And like in all asanas: the mind is disciplined.

Carte du monde relative aux principales religions et croyances :

En termes de répartition géographique des principales croyances/religions, le christianisme est majoritaire en Europe, en Amérique, en Océanie et en Afrique subsaharienne. Les divers courants du christianisme connaissent des évolutions démographiques différentes. Ainsi, le catholicisme enregistre un certain déclin en Europe occidentale et, plus modestement, en Amérique du Nord au profit de l’irréligion. Le protestantisme, par le biais des mouvements évangéliques, est particulièrement dynamique avec une forte augmentation de ses adhérents en Amérique latine, en Afrique subsaharienne et en Océanie.

Concernant l’islam, il convient d'éviter la confusion entre les termes « Arabe » et « musulman ». En effet, si la langue arabe occupe une place centrale dans la religion islamique et que la majorité de la population arabe (au sens « ethnique ») est musulmane, le Moyen-Orient et l'Afrique du Nord ne représentent toutefois que 20 % des musulmans à l'échelle mondiale. Ainsi, la plus grande partie de la communauté musulmane du monde se situe en Asie du Sud et du Sud-Est, notamment en Indonésie, au Pakistan, au Bangladesh et en Inde.

L’hindouisme reste cantonné à l’Asie du Sud (« sous-continent indien »), tandis que le bouddhisme demeure plutôt implanté en Asie du Sud-Est (Birmanie, Thaïlande, Cambodge et Laos). Le dynamisme démographique de ces deux religions majeures tend à ralentir et, selon les projections, le bouddhisme devrait même enregistrer une baisse du nombre de ses adhérents à l'horizon 2050.

Les croyances traditionnelles que sont l’animisme, le taoïsme, le confucianisme ou bien encore le shintoïsme voient leurs proportions respectives diminuer à l’échelle globale. Cette situation s’explique par l’augmentation de l’irréligion parmi les populations culturellement rattachées au shintoïsme ou au taoïsme, ainsi que par le phénomène des conversions à une autre religion, principalement au profit du protestantisme évangélique ou de l’islam.


- Source : Recensements nationaux.

Carte du monde relative au nombre d'adhérents au christianisme par État :


Carte du monde relative à la part des adhérents au christianisme par État (en %) :


- Sources : Recensements nationaux ; Pew Research Center.
I want to grow and I am currently growing like every single one of us. But seeing the people around me who can not find the truth slowly rotting is making me sad. I wish ever person could see the brightest side of our Universe, Satan. I know it is impossible but still, believing it IS possible makes me happy.
Hail Satan Forever,
Güç ve Şeref Ebediyen Şeytana Atfolsun...
Your friendly neighborhood spy along with the enemy waiting at the corner, have few basic things to look for when trying to establish something in regards to you or their victims (only if you are a key person however). Be these people are scam salesmen, enemies, parasites, ugly politicians, secret services and the like we have to look at these very very simple digestible aspects:

Suggestibility - One Example: Acceptance and acting / When given advice
Focus - One Example: Maintaining attention/ exclude the other
Compliance - One Example: Direction/command - acting
Openness - One Example: Vulnerability/ Absence of repercussion
Expectancy -One Example: Whether or not it will be enjoyed
Connection - One Example: Desire for future contact

Now, this is not to set up your mind to a game pretend of anyone being after you, but rather this is an actual simple model that is used to profile how successful influence can be on a person.
They are some factors that make influence effective.

To create effective influence pick and use three or more factors, usually dependent on the circumstances.

Good uses for your normal daily life: Jury trials, evaluate attorneys, evaluate calls, selling, determine outcome, avoid parasites and predatory behavior.

Good uses for businessmen: Create a scale from 1 to 10 on each point and evaluate your business partners, clients etc. Information is not Skill. Takes months to years to perfect an instinctive view over this as well.

Good uses against bad actors: Evaluating yourself in relation with products, people etc.

For example Social media wins over you by Focus, Expectancy and Connection etc. Primary being the Focus.

The best way to elicit focus is NOVELTY , CURIOSITY. Real focus in by excluding the environment in favor of the subject, as a measuring unit: IMMERSION.

Other helpers for you:

Openness is by the measuring of how much they share things they usually don't. (You need to know the baseline of a person).
Connection: Trust, Intuition, Credibility.
Compliance can be measured by the latency it takes for a command to be acted or accepted upon.
Expectancy is the outcome of having creative abilities take place in the subject, visualization, hope. Unmet expectations is devastating, please be careful here with this!
Less Fear, More Faith.
Important Acupressure Points: Lung 7


There are many acupoints, but not all are easy to apply, both medically, but also mechanically. Here we discuss points which are great for the average person to memorize and use on themselves as needed.


Image Source: Mend Acupuncture

Stimulating and opening the lungs
, this point is great for the expulsion of pathogens. As energy is driven up and out of the body, this helps clear the head, throat, and nose, as well as move immune energy across the body (Penner, 2017).

During times of cold or wind, our lungs are stressed and therefore upper respiratory illness manifests as a result of this exposure to the elements. By pushing this point and directing energy towards the immune processes, Lung 7 “treats first signs of cold/flu” (Schurtz, 2022).

As getting sick disturbs not just our normal day, but also meditations and other spiritual activities, there is quite the benefit in using this point in a preventative manner. I use it often, usually right when I feel a tickle in my throat or slight congestion.

Due to the lung's influence on water in the body, this point also opens water channels, also dispersing solid matter such as phlegm, even tumors (Penner, 2017). Here we see a great example of the air element's functions within the body.

Key Benefits (Penner, 2017)
  • Circulates Immune Energy
  • Opens, Stimulates dispersing of Lung Qi
  • Removes pathogens and obstructions/blockages
  • Opens nose

How to Use
Use your thumb to hold the Lung 7 point on the opposite wrist, found proximal to the styloid process of radius (bump in wrist). You should feel a small notch, indicating the point (Schurtz, 2022). See the picture for a technique on how to find it.

As always, your placement does not need to be exact, as long as part of your finger(s) touch the general area. Press with a comfortable pressure for 10-15 minutes, using your awareness to judge the influence on your body.

Penner, J. (2017). Point: LU-7 (Lung-7).American Dragon. https://www.americandragon.com/Points/LU-7.html
Schurtz, A. (2022, November 10). Lung 7: Broken Sequence. Mend Acupuncture. https://mendacupuncture.com/lung-7-broken-sequence/

I am not a licensed practitioner and this information cannot be taken as official medical advice.
Please make an appointment with Centralforce666 for professional medical consultation and treatment.
Movie about Europeans vs Rapefugees:

Анастасія Слуцкая (Anastasiya Slutskaya, aka Princess Slutskaya) - Belarusian movie about abrahamist sub-human invasion and attempted genocide of the White Rus people ("Bela-Rus" means White Rus -> Bela = White, and is also the Romance root word for "Beautiful"). No idea what they're talking or find subtitles, but the storyline is pretty simple and straightforward so anyone can understand, regardless. There's also some pampering to christardanity, but it is within this historical context, and the movie is very friendly to Pagans depicting them as loyal warriors who helped Anastasiya with medicinal witchcraft and fighting against the invaders. It is also a bit NSFW, so be warned.

Also an interesting fact about the very popular Rus name Anastasiya, and its relation with Satan's name and titles:


"Early 16th century. Hordes of Crimean Tatars attack the lands of White Russia, which are part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. With quick raids the Krymchak cavalry reaches all Belarusian cities without exception. The conquerors take by storm the fortress, plunder, drive the population into slavery, leaving behind ashes. It seems that nothing can stop their onslaught. But on the way of the Crimean Tatars' troops, among the few who have not yet been defeated, a brave squad and brave residents of the city of Slutsk stand up, the defense of which after the death of her husband is led by Princess Anastasia - After the death of her husband, she stood at the head of the squad on the path of hordes of conquerors."

History repeating itself...


"As long as there have been men on the earth, the struggle between man and the underman will be the historic rule; As far back as we can look, the Jewish-led struggle against mankind is part of the natural course of life on our planet. One can be assured that with complete certainty that this struggle for life and death is just as much a law of nature as is the struggle of a pestilent bacillus struggles against a healthy body.

Light and Darkness are eternal enemies, in the same way that night opposes the day - and the greatest enemy of earth's dominant species is man himself. The underman is a biologically complete creation of nature, with hands, legs, the semblance of a brain, eyes, and a mouth. Although it has similar features, this terrible creature is only partly human, and is spiritually and psychologically lower than any animal. Inside this being lies a cruel chaos of wild, uninhibited passions, a desire for nameless destruction, the most primitive desires and naked vulgarity. An Underman- nothingelse! Because everything which has a human face, is not the same.Woe to him who forgets this! Man has conceived, created, completed, contemplated and invented great works, thoughts and art on this earth. For him, there was only one goal: to expand upwards towards a higher existence, to replace the inadequate with something better. And in this way, culture is grown. Thus the plow, the tool and the house were created.

He seeks self-preservation in the swamp, in hell; but never in the sun. And this underworld of Undermen found their leader: the eternal Jew! Thy understand and know what they want. They press forward their lowest lusts and desires and unleash horror on humanity. It all began in historical times with the destruction of the Persians, with the Festival of Purim, the first glorification of organized mass murder. 75000 Aryan Persians fell victim to this Jewish hatred. To this day, Jewry celebrates this horror as their greatest "religious" festival. The Underman's hate against all bearers of light is eternal. The desert eternally threatens to bring about the downfall of the West. In the distant steppes, the forces of destruction are eternally clustered together: Attila and Genghis Khan gathered his Huns hordes and raced over Europe, leaving behind a living apocalypse, fire, death, rape, murder and terror, which sank back into the original precipice all light, thousandfold accumulated know ledge, and the powers of progress and human greatness."

Reichsführer-ᛋᛋ Heinrich Himmler

Yoga Tips:

For all asanas, keep distance between your limbs comfortable for you. Recognize that your individual body is your own and you might need more or less distance between your feet, etc.

Never push yourself beyond your comfort. Always modify for your body if needed.

Always keep your core engaged (do not let your belly hang) unless otherwise stated.

(This post is a work in progress and will be updated along the way, and then transferred to the JoS when complete.)
Shouldnt we push ourselves even a little bit during asanas? im not talking about athletic stretches, but putting some pressure on oneself. I started yoga more than 2 years ago and i constaly practice it, but after some point, totally relaxed asanas calm my nervious system of course but they dont help me to surpass my previous limits. Should one practice both?
HPS Lydia
Yes, push yourself as far as it feels correct to do so, but not more. I vary my practice, I do more relaxing when I need it, and more challenging at other times.
Yoga Asana of the Day: Virabhadrasana II (Warrior 2)
Illustration by @Ardgion

Standing in Mountain Pose, spread your feet approximately 4 feet (48 inches) apart to the sides, arms straight out at shoulder height, palms facing down. Turn the right foot 90 degrees to the right, and left foot slightly to the right. (Alternatively, you can begin from Mountain Pose by stepping the left foot back by 4 feet and turning the left foot slightly outwards, keep the right foot where it is.) Keep your entire left leg engaged and knee tightened. Inhale, and on the exhale bend the right knee so the thigh is parallel to the floor, forming a right angle from your thigh to your shin. Do not bring your right knee in front of the toes, keep it above the heel.

Keep your arms straight as in the illustration, feel a stretch across the shoulders and chest. Face your right palm. Keep your shoulders in line with your hips and fully open. Feel strength in your hips, and a balance of your shoulders being above your hips. Keep your core engaged. Remain in this pose for up to 30 seconds with deep breathing.

To do the other side: From the above, straighten your right leg, pivot on your feet so your left leg is now in front yet your chest is still facing the same direction; repeat all instructions for the left side. To finish, relax your arms, straighten your legs and return to Mountain Pose.

Benefits: This pose strengthens the legs and prevents/treats leg cramps. It is relieving for the back.
I just found out who my Guardian Demon is and perform a community blessing ritual for JoS. I hope every one of us will get blessed by it. <3
Zorlu bir yol içerisindeyiz. Kimi zaman Yggdrasil'de baş aşşağı asılmak, kimi zaman bir gözünü feda etmeyi gerektiren bir yoldayız. Kimi zaman ise sadece oturup kendini dinlemenin mucizeler yaratabileceği bir yol...
Şeytan, bu yolda ki tek dostumuz, Ana Tanrıça'nın Adını, Baba Tanrı'nın Mızrağını taşıyan o yüce Şeytan, o kutlu Şeytan,
Düşmanın bahçesinde vermiş olduğun sözü tutacağız, keza tek güvencem o...
Yeller esiyor şimdi ruhumun karanlığından,
Zifiri gecenin ardından tüm parlaklığıyla göklerin arasından ışıldayan güneş gibi
Bu dünyanın değil, evrenin güneşi gibi yıldızlarımı ısıtıyorsun.
Gökyüzünün değil, kaderimin yıldızlarını Isıtıyorsun.
İşte senin eline sunuyorum
Güvenle tanrısallığına duyduğum hayranlık ile
Yeni yaratılmış bir ruh temizliğinde
Ruhumun en saf parçasından sana bakıyorum Anubis.
Çağrıma cevap veriyorsun,
Yüzyıllar arasından, zamanla güçlenen bakışlarınla bana cevap veriyorsun.
Müzikler ve çanlar senin için çalıyor.
Hep ayakta duracak heykeller senin için yapılıyor.
I have found that in these times when almost no music talent is to be seen I prefer to listen to game music and OST.

One theme song that got stuck with me when I used to play games before is from game Warframe called "To Take Away It's Pain" or "Smiles From Juran"

Quick short story while you listen to it: It is about Umbra who spied on evil villian Ballas and in the end Ballas infested him, tortured him, turned him into a waframe (bio-metal exoskeletons controlled by Operators) and made him kill his own son. You as a Operator try and connect with Umbra.
It is a very short theme song but it is really beautiful, it start with the string instrument as Umbra grieves and suffers from all the pain and torture it has endured and then the second part is where he connects with Operator who helps him to "take away its pain."

"And it was not their force of will — not their Void devilry — not their alien darkness... it was something else. It was that somehow, from within the derelict-horror, they had learned a way to see inside an ugly, broken thing — and take away its pain." Ballas

Unfortunately I couldn't find the name of the string instrument, it is so calming.
If someone here plays games sometimes, I would highly recommend checking out Warframe and the "Sacrifice" quest.

Oh Father, come to me!
In this season of lust, we call for thee!
Hear and follow us till dawn,
Watch us dancing in the woods all alone honoring Arawn!
Oh Father Satan hear me,
I call for thy name, listen me...
Every SS is a Creator 🧙‍♂️🧙‍♀️

There is a real Creator in every SS, an Artist of his destiny, a blacksmith of his happiness, so take a brush, soak it into your inner world and draw in the outer world! 🌞

There is a lot of dirt in the existing world and it is important in this world to remove dirt as carefully as you clean your shoes! 👠👞

If you do something, do it beautifully, do it with your soul! 🦅

What is the true Aristocracy, the true Greatness? What does it mean to be an Aristocrat? 👑
In short, when you eat, you should enjoy eating, you should feel the taste and enjoy it, and so do it in everything! 🎪🍊🍇🫐🍓🍍

Effectiveness, Result - this is exactly what determines your success! 🏆

What do you want most from the material world? I want to receive everything that I really love and that is really dear to me! ❤️‍🔥

Why do the lower forms of life (Jews and Gypsies) despise Übermensch, Zarathustra wondered, and he realized that dirt cannot become purity, dirt can only be cleaned until it disappears! 🦠🪠

Am I a punisher? Am I a bad person? Am I angry? No, I know that I want to see the beauty of this world (without dirt!!!), I know that I am a good person, I know that I am not evil, although sometimes I am annoyed by external circumstances, I know that I am firm and coping when necessary, but at the same time I know that I am very affectionate and gentle (when with my girlfriend), I love plants and animals!



Hail Satan! 🎃 Hail Satan! 🎃 Hail Satan! 🎃 Hail Satan! 🎃 Hail Satan! 🎃 Hail Satan! 🎃 Hail Satan! 🎃
I love it!🙂🔥
Wonderfully written 😍
I love this! Thanks for liking my comment btw! ^_^

I clicked your profile by mistake and I was amazed at the fantastic art, WW2 info and this captivating post. To do everything beautifully and with your soul. You're an emoji expert! I had a few good chuckles there. 😆

Animals and nature are some of the most beautiful things on our earth. I love your theme of aristocracy. I've always liked this idea too. Random thing, I've been an Ouran Highschool Host Club fan and for a long while I've liked for a long time the idea of being fancy. Being well spoken, well kempt, articulate, detailed and passionate. Contrary to popular belief these qualities do get us places in life.

It's a very positive message you shared here.
These past days have been quite tough, but I actually found an opportunity to grow in the midst of it all.
Now I am one step closer towards freedom.

And by freedom I do not mean financial freedom or any type of freedom. But the freedom where you can freely act no matter your situation or circumstances, no matter how hard is it, you are free.
No matter if you are in a society where freedom is only resembled by your financial state, you are free.

This is my current definition of freedom, the ability to be free anywhere, anytime, anyhow.

Don't let society shackle you. The freedom is within yourself and nobody but you can embody it.
Yoga Asana of the day: Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward Facing Dog)
upwardfacingdog (1).png
Illustration by @Heather (click to enlarge)

Begin lying on stomach. Feet are about one foot apart with toes pointing straight back. Place your palms on each side of your waist with fingers pointing forward (to your head). Inhale and raise your head and torso like you are going into cobra pose, but also raise your pelvis and thighs, keeping your knees off the floor. Keep your glutes and legs engaged, your weight will be on your hands and toes (the tops of your toes which are pressing into the floor, as shown in the illustration above). Press your chest forwards.

Feel a stretch through your chest, abdominals, and entire legs. Have your head back at a comfortable position for you. Your arms will be fully engaged to support your weight. Stay in this pose as long as comfortable, breathing deeply.

To release, bend your elbows and relax your legs then your torso onto the floor.

Benefits: This pose is very healthy for the spine and back, and treats sciatica and lumbago. The lungs are expanded, and blood circulation is brought to the pelvic region.
A short message and information for the Greek Diaspora: !!!

I have seen that the current government and state of Greece
will try to separate the Greeks of the Diaspora from their homeland forever.
We are talking about millions of people if this happens.

They have already changed the law so that they cannot vote anymore (because migrants tend to vote more patriotically).
Now they are talking and planning to "not recognize" Greek children born in the diaspora.
Later they will try to "not recognize" any Greek living in the Diaspora.

Instead of trying to create better conditions or programs for people to return to their homeland,
they are trying to cut them off forever.
They will try to make conditions harder and harder for the natives, wherever they may be.

If this happens, Greek migrants will also lose their belongings they have in Greece
and then might be given to the newcomers for free.
At the same time, the enemy is planning to funnel even more non-natives/non-Europeans into Greece,
preferably those who are completely the opposite and incompatible, culturally/historically and DNA' wise or all of those combined.

If you are a Greek in the diaspora, or know one, tell them what the enemy is planning and try to counter-plan ahead and act against it, sooner rather than later.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
