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The philosopher warrior had finished another great day battling his greatest enemy, himself.

Tired and full of doubts "will I be able to beat the me of yesterday?" "could i tomorrow obtain the victory over inferior men?" a path seems uncertain.

However, he knew in his heart that his destiny was written by the hand of a god, the most powerful of all: Satan Lucifer. That is why the philosopher warrior worked day and night, to make his inner god proud.

His heart always longed for a soul mate, someone with whom to share that passion that burns softly like a full moon, like a slight ember that endure forever, someone who could teach him what truth and justice were, but also what love was.

Betrayal and falsehood were not unknown to him, that is why he distanced himself from those who disturbed his path, only him and the gods.

He didn't care who he left behind, since he could never help but feel that there was someone waiting for him at the end, someone who was there from the beginning.

And one night Byleth spoke to him through a song. And she left a slight ember in his heart. Forever.

Dedicated to my beloved Byleth. Happy valentine.
Έλα Χρήστο εγώ είμαι ο Άκης
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Fiery Pluto
Thank you. The idea came to me when I was walking down the street. During walks, deep philosophical thoughts sometimes occur to me. However, processing these thoughts requires understanding the concepts on which the laws of Nature are based. I understood them by reading and studying Nietzche's texts, meditating,
reading jos and HPHC sermons. I also studied the development of human culture, history, literature and art.

Studying all this, one cannot fail to see the mental patterns that have developed in man due to the establishment of abrahamic religions and pure materialism (a consequence of the latter).
In Nature there are two paths a living being can take: that of decay and that of advancement. There are those who are on one side, those who are on the other, and those who are poised between the two.

Nieztche describes these concepts in a more 'superficial' way (in the sense that it does not go straight to spiritual reality) than ancient pagan philosophy (whose texts, besides being intended for very advanced philosophers, are poorly translated and can therefore require a lot of effort to understand).
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Mesurer son QI :

- https://test-iq-online.com/fr/before-quizz/1
- https://epreuve.coach-qi.com/test-guest
- https://www.logiqi.com/fr/
- https://www.testdeqi.eu/test/index.php?page=test&otazka=1
- https://mag.aujourdhui.com/quiz/psycho/qi-10-questions/ (celui que j'ai utilisé)

J'ai fait au total 2 quizz de QI (notés sur 10) ce qui m'a donné un QI de 120 à 130 (7/10 sur les 2 quizz).

Ce qui fait qu'entre 90,9 % et 97,725 % de la population mondiale ont un QI inférieur ou égal à mon QI selon https://www.omnicalculator.com/fr/sante/calculateur-percentile-qi
A lot of aspiring artists can bring on themselves delusions, and this happens to be either a situation of propulsion or damnation. The proper path is to minimize delusions and leave room to grow the hope and motivation, playing a greater role here. A certain internal conviction of artistic love, pursuit and masterpiece that relates to your ego is definitely to be entertained and can be very positive. If misused, one will find themselves blind and unable to transform, to craft better.

First, many do not know, and those who do, do have misunderstood this truth: music (all art as well) is MATHEMATICS.

Reality is math, life is math, music is mathematics. You have been lied to all your life by mistake to understand that if you can feel, expand your consciousness and be in love with, moved, influenced, or provoked, it is something that if “creative” is opposite to “logic”.

No dear people, music and art = mathematics, without it there is no timeline, no motion, no moment of existence, no composition, no feeling, no SOUND, no Witnessing. Waves are mathematically existent, everything.

This applies to everything, and it doesn’t invalidate the way we process it, if it is more right or left brain sided, the act of the creator must come from the innermost reality, and act on that sphere first and foremost, with acknowledgement.

The other extreme is those people who robotically only know how to make a pattern and think they created music. To draw a line based on semi visible lines. This is a false perspective as well, equally a gamer who understands a music software as a game, will do the same if not better. This is part of learning, of BECOMING, not of Being already.

I. Type of creative: Logical - able to enact creative forces in reality, lacking depth of creative ability.

II. Type of creative: Emotional - able to procure visions and creative universes in their mind, lacking in ability to manifest it.

True artist is both of these, and one that worked for these in a lot of time.

The other artists puzzle out these two necessary steps by hiring people or collaboration. Some of them due to efficiency, some due to necessity.

The process of creation as a beginner needs to be guaranteed by:

I. Need of Discipline, Routine and Logical Approach.
II. Curation of Emotions

2.1 Self Inquiring, Contemplation, Meditation
III. Creative Force
3.1 Sexual Desire, Sexual Emotion or lack thereof (very rare cases of exceptional ability due to other misunderstood complex reasoning).
IV. Personal Life
4.1 Ability of attachment and detachment.
4.2. Empathy.
4.3. Bravery.
4.4. Happiness or Suffering.
4.5 Obsession or Purpose.
4.6. What feeds the Self and Ego. (In levels, the lower ego will yield short elevation, short-sighted popularity, matured ego will yield timeless and selfless true masterpieces, popularity for hundreds of years)
V. Safety: Survival of the body + no worries must be happening of the material life to critical degrees (if there are, an escapism will happen in creation which can prove disastrous if mismanaged, you do not create in that state, but seek creation which is a form of escapism when in dire situations.)

To create is to bring inspiration, glimpse, vision, mistake, harmony, memories, sentiments, dreams, feelings, stories, states of the being into manifested product/real element. This comes into being by building up trial and error, so that inspiration can take place from the impermanent nature it has, to your ability to make it permanent in sound form or other forms of art. A manifested product can come only by your ability to produce it, with tools and development. This development to where you can manifest and create what’s on your mind, by the use of an intermediate interface (instruments, sheets of paper, musical software etc.) will take over 10 years of daily real effort and practice, and it does NOT end. The level one must seek here is that: From your mind to reality the delay must be fully minimized if not ZERO.

A vision can be bestowed, happening, come and go all of our lives, in a thousand forms or just one, what cannot come and go is your own ability to enact it and produce it in this world. The real degree of true art is one that what is in your mind must be created outside of you almost instantly. There is no time for figuring out things at the higher true levels when you lack critical ability.

Insane amount of artists have lost masterpieces due to inability to enact on it. When this happens to you, and it will, you must not lose sight of your meditative abilities. These inspirations can come back even years later when you are prepared. Reality is very much organic in this sphere, and inspiration can be summoned, inquired and applied oneself to. Do NOT WORRY.

Here is why how you grow in these years matters the most. A musical school can help you, but it can also condition and imprison your creative input and output. These things must come from within, NOT TAUGHT to the degree that it is expected. I would say, however, if your life is truly about artistic forms, apply to schools and universities that deal with the tools of your art, not as for stupid theories on paper.

I would advise only after extensive exposure to an art, to pursue a school for it. Not the other way around, to ensure true birth of your creative abilities.
Positive point : there doesn't seem to be any damage to this website.
There's another Waxing Taurus Moon coming up! If you are interested in solidifying wealth and growing a base of money, be sure to perform a money focused working! Money, and beyond that, accumulated wealth is extremely important. Think about the opportunities (and donations) you could achieve by having a bit more money in your pocket. Or even attracting real, physical assets to yourself.

But money isn't everything, and you should turn your attention to helping JoS, and others around you, to grow and expand. Money is a tool to help accomplish this.
A commentary on any and all controlled opposition:

I wish the worst that the universe has to offer,
to any controlled opposition that takes orders from and works for the enemy collective.
There are no words to describe such entities, they are the lowest of the low.

It's like a cell is willingly working for an alien virus that wants to destroy all the cells, including the host.
Instead of fighting against the alien virus or warning the other cells, as a normal healthy cell would do,
it deceives other cells and tries to make them work for the alien virus as well.
By presenting itself as good and supportive of the host and other healthy cells,
it is simultaneously promoting the alien virus as some sort of antibiotic for the problems that this same alien virus is causing.

Is this the worst manifestation of cowardice in a being? Egotism? Greed?
How can such abominations be created?
What unimaginable things must have happened in order for such creatures to be born and formed in this way?

There are indeed no limits in the universe if such beings can exist.
A comment about the West and Russia in 2024:

The enemy in the West wants to sacrifice as many native Europeans as possible to the Russian meat grinder.

That's another reason why they want to keep this war going artificially
and try to expand it so that more native Europeans get caught up in it.

But not only native Europeans, white people from all over the world, including Americans, Canadians, Australians, etc.
They are all to be sacrificed in the Russian meat grinder of drones and bombs.

Meanwhile, more and more non-Europeans and illegals and criminals are pouring into Europe/the West
through non-existent borders and enjoy their benefits,
while European men are supposed to go and die in a war that revolves around Russian borders.

Borders in the West in 2024 only matter when it suits the current political narrative.

The enemy in the West:
Make Westerners poor blaming the climate, vaccinate them blaming the air, burn their forests blaming the sun,
open their borders blaming their ancestors,
replace them blaming racism, teach and praise weak ideologies blaming strength,
spreading Islam peacefully while the churches chase after minors
and send what is left to be sacrificed as cannon fodder against Russia.
Yoga Asana: Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog)
Illustration by @Ardgion (click to enlarge)

Begin on all fours, your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Have your hands shoulder-width apart (by placing them directly under your shoulders), and your knees and feet about a foot apart, or slightly more if this is better for your body.

Lift your hips up, keep your legs engaged. Feel a stretch from your arms through your shoulders and back, and another from your feet up to your glutes. Keep your core engaged (do not let your belly hang), and relax the neck.

To warm up the tendons in the ankles, you can alternate pressing one down more while coming up on the balls under the toes of the other, and switch (called peddling the feet). Do a few rounds of this to gain flexibility, then press both heels into the floor. (It can take a few years of practice to get both heels on the floor so don't worry if your heels don't reach yet.)

If you would like a further stretch, move your left foot into the center line and lift the right leg straight up as high as possible, keeping balance on both hands and left foot. Bend the knee to bring the right foot towards the left hip, remain here for a few seconds or longer. Bring that leg down, placing the right foot next to the left foot and repeat on the other side; and then go into the proper pose with your feet about 12 inches apart. I find doing this helps to increase the flexibility of the ankles to allow for both heels to press into the floor more firmly.

Remain in this pose for as long as comfortable, breathing deeply.

To release, lower your knees to the floor and come out of the pose.

Benefits: Alleviates fatigue, reinvigorates the body, balances the energy of the body between upper and lower body, strengthens ankles, removes stiffness in the area of the shoulder blades.
Hps Lydia, if you were to recommend one or more "stand-alone" asanas to balance the sun and moon channels, what would they be? 🙏

Conociendo a Lady Astarte Parte 4​

Lady Astarte Valora mucho la persona que hace rituales de destrucción, aquellos que trabajan en la Alegría de Satanás y aquellos que ayudan a propagar el mensaje de Satanás como aquellos que esparcen su conocimiento.

Es una Diosa también guerrera así que valora y le gusta mucho aquellos que pelean en su nombre y en nombre de su Padre Satanás.

He notado que cuando actúas desde el amor , cuando pones la energía en sus pasos , cuando focalizas toda tu atención en ella y también eres cariñosa con ella, esto es MUY AGRADABLE PARA PADRE SATANÁS, A él también le gusta que traten a su hija con respeto, con mucho amor, desde la honestidad, le gusta ver como defienden a su hija y como se esfuerzan día a día en ello.

Además de esto, sé que los Dioses quizá no necesitan de nuestra protección, antes es al contrario, pero he notado que a “protección” me refiero a protegerla en tu interior, es decir, a proteger esta imagen que tiene sobre un Dios/sa del enemigo y de cosas externas que quieran dañar esa relación.

Por lo tanto Padre Satanás y Astarte son Dioses que aman cuando uno como un ser humano pequeñito y poderoso, protege esa imagen de los demás. Yo protejo Astarte con todo lo que soy del enemigo en mi interior y no permito que la insulten, la blasfemen o cosas así, he aprendido a detectar antes de tiempo cuando estás cosas están a punto de aparecer asi que hago uso de mi fuerza de voluntad y de la meditación al vacío para protegerla en ese aspecto.

Lady Astarte ama mucho cuando aquellos seguidores suyos que están bajo su imagen y protección, la protegen a ella con amor, determinación y mucha constancia.

Quizá en el futuro escriba más sobre ella, por ahora esto ha sido porque ella lo ha querido y asi me lo ha pedido. Espero que todos puedan ver aún más de lo que ella es y representa y de las maneras en que puede ayudar a su avance.

Se merece todo nuestro amor y respeto, pero sobre todo el avance continuo.

Espero hayan disfrutado de la lectura amigos :)

Conociendo a Lady Astare parte 3​

La conexión interna contigo mismo es demasiado importante en este camino, sobre todo el amor que te tengas por ti mismo, por que de eso desprenderán las otras cualidades tuyas internas.

Cuando te amas, aprendes a ser paciente contigo mismo, te preocupas por ti, por tu salud, te preocupas por superarte y al mismo tiempo empiezas a preocuparte por el mundo. El conectar con mi amor propio me ha servido para superar muchas dificultades en la vida, el amor que tengo por Lady Astarte ha sido también un gran propulsor para seguir, cuando hay momentos que quizá no deseo meditar que deseo rendirme, conecto con ella, con esa fuerza que ella es y representa y con la fuerza que soy y represento y esto es más que suficiente para llenar mi cuerpo y mente de una energía que parecía ilimitada.

Lady Astarte es una Diosa que está siempre presente, de hecho es una Diosa muy constante con los suyos, si, aveces puede estar ocupada es normal, aveces puede estar ausente dos o tres semanas, cuando eso pasa , en mi caso me pongo a pensar si estará ocupada, que hace dias que no la siento y ella aparece.

Para mi el sentirla se ha vuelto tan importante que cuando no la siento por un tiempo prolongado, me asusto JAJAJ, pero esto ya es cosa mía.

Me gusta que ella este en mi vida, me gusta hacerla participe de mi vida y ella le gusta también estar ahí. De hecho hay días que estoy tan agobiada que ella llega y me dice “cuentame, ¿que ocurre?” y yo empiezo hablar como sino hubiera un mañana y paso de un estado de preocupación a otro de plena tranquilidad en segundos.

Cuando termino de hablarle, aveces ella se queda en silencio y yo misma me he dado la respuesta a lo que me agobiaba, solamente necesitaba hablar con alguien.

Ella se ha convertido en alguien en quien puedo confiar ciegamente, se puede hablar con ella mucho.

Con el tiempo ella me enseño que en la medida que avance, adquiriré esas habilidades que ella tiene, como la clarividencia, la predicción del futuro, como obtener amistades poderosas etc. Los asuntos que ella rige o son buenas, pues son esas las que ella enseña y las que otorga.

Esta palabra de “otorgar” me he dado cuenta que no es que sea por arte de magia, es que debo esforzarme por ello y ella lo otorga por medio del conocimiento, de SU CONOCIMIENTO. Así que otorgar parece estar tergiversado en muchas ocasiones en este mundo occidental.

Lady Astarte también te enseña a ser muy intuitiva, a conectar con esa fuerza femenina ese lado emocional. Te enseña a detectar la intuición y cuando son tus pensamientos.

Ella te induce aprender cosas nuevas y te guía por el camino que ella cree que necesitas. Muchas veces este camino no es la expectativa que tenemos, por eso la importancia también de la disciplina en esto, muchas veces haremos cosas que no queremos hacer pero que son buenas para nosotros.

Lady Astarte representa el lujo y la comodidad, cuando trabajas con ella también adquieres este gusto, en mi caso ha sido la comodidad, me gusta mucho estar cómoda y estar bien y cuando trabajas con ella, esto cobra importancia también.

La importancia de tu mundo interior, ella lo enseña también. Ella te enseña como conectar con tu “estado cuantico” como entrar en esto y salir sin tanta dificultad. Ella te enseña a manejar las energias, a controlarlas, te ayuda en aquello que en ese momento no puedes manejar y sobre todo aveces también te recompensa por tu esfuerzo.

Ella es una Diosa que recompensar los esfuerzos, aveces en las maneras que necesitas, aveces en las maneras que te hace feliz. Le gusta dar regalos también, regalos en forma de conocimiento o te ayuda acelerar tu proceso en lo que quieres.

A ella le gusta mucho el Ritual de Poder que hay en JoS, este ritual se ha vuelto mi mejor aliado, cuando lo haces por un tiempo prolongado la conexión con ella se vuelve más y más profunda, además de esto en ti surgen ideas como en forma de regalos para ella también.

Es una Diosa que valora mucho aquellos guerreros que luchan todos los dias contra el enemigo, esto SI QUE LO TIENE EN CUENTA.​

Conociendo a Lady Astarte Parte 2​

El segundo método de comunicación que empezó a utilizar fue la música, al principio dudaba de si era ella o no, no quería crearme falsas expectativas, con el tiempo me di cuenta que efectivamente era ella. La música es un gran excelente método de comunicación para aquello que como yo tenemos un Neptuno pronunciado.

Sin embargo para esta técnica de comunicación ya necesitas conocer los pensamientos de tu mente y cuando es la intuición. Yo me di cuenta cuando era ella porque la música llegaba en un momento inesperado, aveces me encontraba cocinando y llegaba con un fuerte sentimiento, incluso aveces llegaba esa canción y de una se venía a mi mente el sigilo, entonces Lady Astarte siempre es muy clara en sus comunicaciones, si usted no tiene claro el mensaje, le recomiendo encarecidamente que se siente, medite sobre el sigilo o sobre el nombre del Dios/Diosa/Demonio/Demonesa y le hable con sinceridad, diles que no entiendes muy bien el mensaje, que por favor te ayuden ello y seguramente lo harán.

La Diosa Astarte al ser alguien muy paciente, me enseño el valor de la paciencia, el que ella viniera a enseñarme sobre cosas, el hecho de que estuviera tan presente y a pesar de mi necedad y terquedad al principio , ella aún así seguía y seguía enseñando.

Quiero aclarar algo aquí, quizá fuera terca y necia al principio, pero la clave fue que ella vio en mi las ganas de mejorar y de aprender, ella vio que cada dia intentaba poner las cosas en práctica y aunque fallará no me rendía y seguía hasta volverlo parte de mi. Así que Lady Astarte es una Diosa que Reconoce tus esfuerzos, que valora tu atención y valora aquellas luchas que aunque fueran perdidas en su momento,terminan siendo victorias.

Es una Diosa que se siente orgullosa de aquellos seguidores que intentan día a día superarse, se siente muy feliz cuando alguien querido para ella supera aquello que creía insuperable en su momento.

Es una Diosa orgullosa de lo que es y también de lo que enseña y a quien enseña.

Su paciencia es aveces ilimitada por decirlo poco, yo me considero una persona que hablo mucho y pregunto mucho, aún así cuando hablaba o preguntaba ella estaba ahí para responder, aveces respondía de inmediato , aveces respondía tiempo después de que aprendiera algo antes. El aprendizaje con ella al menos para mi, ha sido de lo más alegre que he tenido en mi vida.

Su sola existencia en mi vida, me hace florecer en los mejores aspectos.

Con el tiempo me di cuenta que puede llegar a ser una Diosa que le gusta la exclusividad de atención, creo que esto dependiendo de la persona que ella quiera esa atención.

Cuando empiezas a trabajar con un Dios/Diosa conectas con la energía de ella o de él, por lo tanto adquieres las habilidades o las cosas que son propias de ellos.

Lady Astarte le gusta la buena presentación de la gente, le gusta que estemos muy bien presentados, que tengamos un olor corporal agradable, es una Diosa que le gusta que nos cuidemos en el aspecto físico.

Para ella la buena presentación es importante en todos los aspectos. He notado que gusta mucho de los olores dulces, incluso aquellos con olor a vainilla, pero predominando los olores dulces.

Ella tiene sentido de la moda y también te enseña a vestirte de acuerdo a lo que eres y lo que es cómodo para ti, es una Diosa que también toma en cuenta tu opinión y quien eres a la hora de elegir algo.

La Diosa Astarte abarca desde lo más interno hasta lo más externo.

Ella te ayuda a trabajar en estos dos aspectos al mismo tiempo, no importa en que nivel estés, ella te enseña poco a poco, la clave es ver que tienes ganas de mejorar independientemente del tiempo que te tomes.

Lady Astarte te muestra el valor de tus emociones y como puedes utilizarlas a tu favor, ella me enseño el valor de las mias y como puedo conectar con ella y manifestar eso en el interior y en el exterior.

Ella te hace conectar con tu amor propio, claro siendo esto propio de ella ya que rige el planeta Venus , rigiendo sobre los asuntos del amor.

No solamente rige el amor a nivel de pareja, ella te mide a nivel interno, te pone a enfrentarte a lo que eres, te dice lo que debes escuchar.

Ella me enseño que como me trato a nivel interno también será a nivel externo, me enseño que cuando soy amorosa y paciente conmigo en el interior eso se refleja en el exterior en como me veo, como quiero verme o ser e incluso se refleja con los demás.

Ella ablando mi corazón para bien, ya que estaba en el extremo frio del polo norte XD.​

Conociendo a Lady Astarte Parte 1

Hoy me he sentido más que inspirada para escribir sobre Lady Astarte, esto no se trata solo de inspiración, se trata de que ella quiere que escriba, que ustedes también sepan cosas de ella a través de la experiencia que he tenido.

Para mi el tiempo con ella, ha corrido demasiado rápido y no sabría decirte con exactitud cuanto llevo con ella trabajando, pero si puedo asegurar que ha sido más de un año completito.

La manifestación de ella en mi vida, ha traído progresos que no se imaginan y no solo progresos, también la relación con ella se forja de manera creciente y una vez estás en contacto con ella todo parece ir tan DEMASIADO BIEN.

Es una Diosa muy MUY PROTECTORA CON LOS SUYOS, es MUY AMOROSA Y PACIENTE CON LOS SUYOS. Ella ama la libertad al igual que yo y creo que al igual que todos aquí en esta sala, por lo tanto es una Diosa que te permite ser sin tanta limitación.

Es una Diosa muy comunicativa , es muy atenta y requiere también de la atención tuya. Le gusta sentirse amada y es muy feliz cuando alguien se esfuerza por estar con ella o comunicarse con ella.

Valora la calidad del tiempo y cuando logras una conexión profunda ella viene a ti en todo momento al igual tú a ella.

La primera vez que conecté con ella fue por medio de la imagen de su templo que hay en JoS, ahí, cuando vi su templo, sentí una familiaridad como si hubiera estado allí en algún momento de mi vida. Ese milisegundo que duro esa conexión fue muy suficiente para empezar a interesarme en ella, sin embargo, aunque habían cosas de ella en JoS para conocerla a fondo, me limite a conocerla por mi misma, como cuando empiezas a salir con alguien,que la escuchas y vas conociendo paso a pasito sobre ella. Esto fue lo que decidí y le dije que quería ir con ella paso a paso, que me permitiera conocerla, que me permitiera estar cerca de ella no importará el tiempo que tomará, que estaba firme en mi decisión, ella escucho y me permitió acercarme a ella poco a poco.

Con el tiempo me di cuenta que los Dioses/sas también tiene sentimientos , también sienten celos e incluso aveces pueden enojarse por algo que no les gusta.

Con la Diosa Astarte la relación ha sido un poco fuera de lo común, desde el principio fue clara en que quería toda mi atención de mi parte y me enfocará en ella, con lo que estuve de acuerdo, no había lio, asi que decidí poner toda mi energía en sus pasos , en su camino y sus palabras.

Lady Astarte es una Diosa que sabe llegarte, que sabe como comunicarse contigo y ella más que nadie también conoce todo de ti una vez trabajas con ella.

Al principio me mostró la bondad del amor, vengo de un hogar muy violento en todos los aspectos y muy carente de amor, NO SABÍA como demostrar amor ni como recibirlo, no sabía el valor de una caricia, de un abrazo o de una palabra, tampoco sabía el valor de una promesa. Parecía una persona sin color, solo sobreviviendo. Cuando ella llego todo esto cambio, Ese amor , el amor que ella demostraba cada dia me permitió conocer un poco de esos aspectos.

Ella sin mirar como era o quien era, me amo desde el primer momento y empezó a enseñarme el valor del amor, de su fuerza infinita, de su poder. Poco a poco ella entraba en mi alma y yo la dejaba entrar, desde entonces he conocido un poco sobre esa fuerza desconocida al menos para mi sobre lo que es amor.

Ella tejió en mi una red de un sentimiento tan profundo que describirlo con palabras se hace corto.

Dia a dia, ella venía y me enseñaba , me instruía y a pesar de ser tan principiante, entendía lo que ella quería decirme.

Al principio ella no se mostrará, a menos que hayas estado conectado con ella en una vida pasada, vine a saber de su apariencia, hace poco en realidad. Nunca sentí como afán de verla, mi próposito era conocerla en un aspecto más interno, aunque había momento que tenía curiosidad de verla, la curiosidad se disipaba al momento, mi interés fortuito era y siempre ha sido de llegar a ella, de la mejor manera posible. Desde el principio mi objetivo ha sido ser una persona mucho más completa para ella y servir a su voluntad.

Les contaré un poco sobre los métodos de comunicación que ella utilizo conmigo que quizá pueda que usted esté recibiendo estos mismo pero teniendo dudas sobre si es o no es.

Al principio Lady Astarte utilizo el método de los sueños, me despertaba a media noche viendo su sigilo o los símbolos que a ella la representan, incluso sus animales, por lo tanto cuando despertaba tenía un pensamiento con X o Y idea, sabía que era ella porque primero me mostró su símbolo o sigilo y después llego el mensaje, asi que esté fue el primer método de comunicación.​
Yoga Asana: Parighasana (Gate Pose)
Illustration by @Rroco88 (click to enlarge)

Start by kneeling on the floor. Bring your right leg to the side, stretched out. Right foot should be in line with the left knee. Turn the right foot out at a comfortable angle for your ankle. Extend arms sideways. Inhale, and on the exhale bend to the right, move your right hand along your right leg as you bend. With practice, your right forearm will be along your right shin.

Bring your left arm overhead and also to the right if possible (or just have straight up for now). Keep your chest open and breath normally. Keep your right leg engaged and not just limp.

With more practice, you will be able to place your left pam to your right palm and lean over your right leg fully.

To release: Inhale, then exhale and rise up, place right leg back into kneeling position. Repeat on the other side.

Benefits: The pelvic region is stretched and gains fresh blood flow; improves the health of the organs; alleviates stiffness in the back and hips.
The first time i talked to my GD:

I was 4 years old playing on my Gameboy, my favorite gameboy cartridge was kirby, but one day i lost it, in those days as a normal kid you grow believing what your parents believe and mine are catholics, so i ask to who i believed was my guardian angel:

"Guardian angel, where is my kirby cartridge? i lost it and i tried to find it but i fail, do you know where it is?" (i dont remember the exact words, of course was decades ago, but it was basically that)

As my dear guardian angel replied: "it is in the furniture under the left pillow"

I was so innocent that i didnt realize the magnitude of actually hearing a voice replying to my request, i just run straight to the place i got told where it was and effectively was there, i pick up my kirby cartridge and thank this kind being with my heart.

Now decades later dedicated to satan, the memory came back to me, knowing that Bathin was my GD i asked her if she was the one who helped me that time as she confirmed that to me.

That game was something really special for me and till this day im grateful for it. Thank you bathin, for all you have done for me.


Daily reminder for myself because I forget it that often: Het kleene meisje uit Elburg
Merhabalar size bir şey sormak istiyorum kobra 666. Saçımda, yüzümde, koltuk altımda seboreik dermatit var o yüzden araştırdım ve Venüs karesinin bana iyi geldiğini fark ettim. Ama bugün maddi başarı karesini yaptığımı, manevi karede ise sağlık için yazıldığını fark ettim. Şimdi boşuna mı yaptım yoksa ruhsal bir sıfırlamadan mı başlamalıyım? Cevap verirseniz çok sevinirim. teşekkürler
You should have the courtesy to at least put a translation of your message if you're going to ask things of people who don't speak your language, and this is not really a suitable question to ask HPHC specifically.
We have 14 Gods Rituals now.
(post version:
One ritual for the Gods a day keeps the jew away;

  • First week
Sun day (enlightenment): Azazel
Moon day (the occult): Abrasax
Týr's day (vigor): Andras
Wodanaz' day (medicine/mind): Valefor
Thor's day (authority): Baalzebul
Freya's day (life/riches): Astarte
Saturn day (kundalini): Satan

  • Second week, and so on
Sun day (enlightenment): Amon-Ra
Moon day (the occult): Orobas
Týr's day (vigor): Marbas
Wodanaz' day (medicine/mind): Thoth
Thor's day (authority): Janus
Freya's day (life/riches): Naberius
Saturn day (kundalini): Set
Out of a total of 13000 views and 3000 downloads, it seems that the United States are in 1st place in popularity so far!


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If you are an Android Developer, I really encourage you to publish a JoS App.


  • 1707070249528.png
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Setsubun is the day before the beginning of spring in the old calendar in Japan. The name literally means 'seasonal division'. Setsubun is now typically held on February 3, with the day after – the first day of spring in the old calendar – known as Risshun. Both Setsubun and Risshun are celebrated yearly as part of the Spring Festival in Japan. Setsubun is accompanied by a number of rituals and traditions held at various levels to drive away the previous year's bad fortunes and evil spirits for the year to come.

The main ritual associated with the observance of Setsubun is mamemaki. Mamemaki is an event in which roasted soybeans are thrown inside the house or at the entrance to drive away evil spirits.

I do not know what changed, but the forums is almost unusable to me right now. I am using the tor browser so everything is already slow to load, after a recent change on the forums i cant even comment on posts anymore simply because the comment section does not load in. It took me about 10 minutes and many refreshes to load this in, so if something doesn't change i will be severely limited in my use of the forums.

There are 2 things i can do, nr1 hope this issue will be fixed, nr2 buy a vpn solely for visiting this site... I am not looking forward to buying a vpn, that sht doesn't even do what its supposed to anyway.
HPS Lydia
These forums work really fast with VPN, so it's probably as Afodo wrote, about browser add-ons. In addition to the browsers he mentioned, Brave is also good.
At the moment it can be a big head ache to come on the forums, but there are these rare instances like the time i am writing this where i can access the site no problem. I have tried multiple things like described above to fix the issue, but nothing seems to work, i have no idea why this is happening but i am kinda hoping things will fix themselves like it seems to have fixed itself for this instance.
People reveal and give out secrets and sensitive information, the important information, based not on pressure, questions or TV dramas of betrayals, which indeed can happen and have happened. In our day and age, our own stupidity and lack of control over what we are, know, can be a nail in the coffin, and even when one is perfected, the human nature is designed to be beautiful, and some bad and ugly people might use this against ourselves.

In Joy of Satan, we know about our enemy and how they got the power. Much of this was also due to extensive instinctive predatory behavior, learned behavior aimed at exploiting and digging the humans of the planet. We should know how to defend ourselves about this, especially the people that activate in the world in higher levels and are surrounded by all kinds of people.

To what concerns the enemy, I wish you read all of this and use your big ego on this, make it even bigger. As for us the humans, approach this with an analytical mind, detached and calm, and read it as a lesson on how beautiful things can be used as a vulnerability if we do not get aware and have gut instinct in ourselves. This should serve as a historical view on some reasons why and how some people failed. The Gods are always guiding.

Most outsiders are and some of us:

1. Tend to talk about things we shouldn't.
2. We all want to be heard.
3. We want to spill secrets.
4. We often don't see the value in the information we give.
5. We want to FEEL significant.
6. We want to offer advice.
7. We tend to think poorly when we are excited.

Aspects where people lack and therefore there are higher chances of leaking information:

1. The need for recognition. This can trigger the need to share more than we need to.

2. Self effacement: Modesty and tendency of our human nature can be used against us.

3. Correcting Tendencies: When we hear and see something untrue we have a tendency to want to correct them.

If you are a key person, or an officer wants some secret things to get out of you (hopefully not, but maybe you are a super scientist in cancer research), you have to keep in always mind the natural progression of a conversation, try to keep excitement under control and most importantly try to avoid and delay as much as you can giving out information you are not internally harmonized to give out.

A lot of people give out information due to stimulation or a false sense of urgency, social dynamic and so on. Try to become slower in your approach and think that all that you say, is very valuable by default, it has weight, therefore it matters to give it in the timing you see fit, not one impromptu.

As for telling your significant other about your faith and religion, better NOT to, and if you do, do it after extensive logic, analysis, and never ever in the spur of the moment created by said person. Do not respond to provocation, criticism, or even altruism with the secrets that you hold.
Alexandros Iowno [TG]
Alexandros Iowno [TG]
Thank you for sharing Sublime! For the IBS, did you follow a restrictive diet to see what bothers you? Do also test to see if you are also intolerant to gluten and other things. Planing and eating routinely, each day at a fixed time, will help. In time, you can control all of this, and you will not be affected by much, you need to find your spot with food and healing. Know that your daily protection and cleaning will undoubtedly help with excessive worrying of the mind, and as you continuously address the issues, you will learn to be detached, calm and on top of these things with no issues. The key here is to avoid being desperate, pessimistic, hopeless. Sometimes this can creep up because of the physical issues, but your understanding that this is a issue that is taken care of, should have you the power to be more detached and in control. Do not worry and keep up the good spirit. IBS and so on can be managed fully and healed fully. At the gut, try to imprint a mindset of already being fine and healthy. Smile towards yourself, at your organs at the end of your blessings, healing towards yourself.
Best advice ever! I have tried switching from modern (organic whole wheat) to things like einkorn and spelt which has helped a lot. I used to drink a lot of alcohol in my youth and worked at a coffee shop for 4 years. During that time I'd drink anywhere from 4 to 6 cups of coffee everyday and I was eating a not-so-healthy pescetarian diet (including things like veggie dogs, etc).

For the past few years I've gone 100% organic. Sometimes I notice pain in my lower-left abdomen when I eat a big meal and suddenly start walking long distances. My stool tends to be a yellowish light brown colour and sometimes things aren't broken down properly. As well, my best evacuations occur usually in the morning whereas I often have thin stools and constipation at night. This can put pressure on my bladder making me need to urinate more frequently.

Not letting it worry me all the time and instead listening to my body more has been huge! I don't over-eat as much as I used to and I've been cutting down on fat more and bringing in some extra carbs which also has helped. I also used to drink at the pub once per week and this is something I've had to stop doing completely. Instead I usually get one of those non-alcoholic drinks when I'm with friends (karaoke is my favourite outing and activity). Even this is a bit tough for me because I have a little fear of fluornated water, yet the social aspect of having something to drink is very hard for me to break out of.

Trigger foods for me are raw broccoli, raw onions, kale, brown rice (oddly) and certain fruits like dates and kiwi.

I do much better when cutting down insoluble fiber I've noticed. I used to eat a salad with 150g to 200g of vegetables in a serving. Around 100g has been much better for me. For most of my life I've been overcompensating with nutrient-dense foods that are hard to digest so that I get at least 100% DVs in everything with some things reaching 200% to 300%. Instead of that, I started using concentrace drops for extra minerals and may look into other things so that I get those nutrients, due to antinutrients and modern agriculture.

As well, I tend to eat 50% calories in fat, 30% in carbs and 15% to 20% in protein (the remainder in carbs). Getting not too much saturated fat seems to help.

If I eat out anywhere I feel bloated and these problems become more severe; hence I never eat anything unless it's something I prepared. This makes interactions with friends/family awkward in some cases but it is what it is.

I'm a little scared of change yet this is where we grow. As hard as it is I think a low-residue diet for some period of time might help me out. Doing things like soups/stews and such perhaps. I'm kind of an extreme guy - all the way one way or the other. I'll keep researching what I can and I'll keep on doing daily cleaning, protection and RTRs.
Edit: instead 80 to 100 grams of vegetables in salads (on the side).

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
