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The Joy of Satan is temporarily down, due to data center power failure. Everything should be up soon without issues whatsoever.
. If you think this is worth sharing.... Jew disinfo aside, we know this man is talking Astrology here,, of course, he won't tell us this but we know the truth. Does Satan have anything to say about all of these ''coincidental'' events happening at the same time.?
I have to admit, aristocratic brother, your profile is truly impressive!!🤔🤩😍
It's okay, don't worry.
There is no photo on the profile, but Digital Art, which I will update soon, I will update another girl, or dragon.

I really love girls and admire female beauty, female nature, the femininity of girls and their sexuality, the beauty of the female body and soul, I really want to receive from to all bright women everything that I desire and want to gain true power over, that's why girl in the profile.
If we talk about power in this world from the point of view of the family, then it is necessary to heal society so that people raise families properly and still countries must really do everything necessary so that people want to create strong and loving families.

I also see that the state and the media should conduct proper propaganda in order to support families and the upbringing of children, in my opinion, the state and educational institutions should play a certain role in this, but only from the point of view of common sense.

Parents should also have everything in order in their heads, since they are mainly engaged in raising children.

I mean that the Elite and the state (which should be governed by the Elite) should make a serious contribution to the education of society in order to educate Elite generations of healthy and strong families, which will form the basis of civilization in the Golden Age.
You have my respect for what you said about girls brother. Women are equally important in society as men are, apart from being beautiful creatures😁😄.
The Most Advanced Technology of Nazi Germany and the Vril Society is Combat flying saucers (Belluzzo Disk, Vril, Haunebu). Part III.

Maria Orsic - the head of the Vril Society along with all members of the Vril Society, were evacuated of the world to Orion in 1945.


They could be evacuated both on the Nazi German developments of Belluzzo Disk, Vril, Haunebu and others (which were in the hangars of Nazi Germany in single copies), and on the ships of the Gods who flew for Maria Orsic and other members of the Vril Society.


Haunebu-I has a diameter of 25 meters, capable of carrying a crew of eight people, and reached a maximum speed of 17,000 km/h.


In 1942, the Haunebu II was ready for testing with a diameter increased to 26 meters, operated by a crew of nine people.
The speed of the Haunebu II reached 6000-21000 km/h.


Seven second-generation flying saucers were designed and tested in 1943-1944.
In total, these devices have made 106 experimental flights.

The improved Haunebu II Do-Stra (Dornier Stratosphaaren Flugzeug) was tested in 1944.
Two prototypes were made.
The massive multi-tiered machines were controlled by a team of 20 people.
The maximum speed of the Do-Stra was also 21,000 km/h.


The Legendary Haunebu III was designed as the main escort ship for larger Nazi German flying saucers.
The Haunebu III had a diameter of 72 meters and could carry 32 people.
It could reach a maximum speed of 40,000 km/h.


UFO eyewitnesses (local residents of European countries) during the Second World War claimed that some flying saucers were marked with an iron cross used in the armed forces of Nazi Germany.
According to legends/rumors, in February 1947, in Antarctica, the Americans were attacked not by UFOs, but by two Nazi German Haunebu III, which were successfully used against the American fleet.


The Andromeda Flying Saucer carrier is a huge cigar-shaped vehicle capable of carrying up to two Haunebu II or six Vril 7.
According to one version, Andromeda was used to evacuate members of the Vril Society.

Maria Orsic disappeared as a group of the Vril Society in 1945.
On March 11, 1945, a letter was sent to all members of the Tula Society, which was written by Maria Orsic and ended with the words "niemand bleibt hier" ("no one stayed here").
Maria and other members of the Vril Society completed the Magnum Opus and were evacuated!


Photo of the letter dated March 11, 1945.
The Most Advanced Technology of Nazi Germany and the Vril Society is Combat flying saucers (Belluzzo Disk, Vril, Haunebu). Part II.

Legendary German technologies: Belluzzo Disk, Vril, Haunebu had the fact that they did not need fuel, since they worked on an engine developed by German scientists (including Viktor Schauberger), which did not require certain resources (specific fuel) that Nazi Germany lacked by the end of the war.

During the war, Nazi Germany actively conducted research on advanced propulsion technologies, including rocket technology, including research on the Viktor Schauberger engine described in his writings (books).

Maria Orsich and other members of the Vril Society actively worked together with scientists from Nazi Germany on the development of the Vril and Haunebu flying saucers.


During the 1930-1945, Vril technologies were developed.


One of the early test flying saucers developed by the Vril Society in collaboration with Nazi German scientists.


Vril 1 "Jäger". The speed of Vril 1 ranged from 2,900 kilometers per hour to 12,000 kilometers per hour.


Vril-7 flying saucer was tested in April 1944, an illustration from an article in the Italian newspaper Tempo dated September 6, 1952.
The Vril-7 was built in 1943.


Photo of the Vril 7 taken by American military aircraft.

On January 22, 1944, at a meeting between Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler and Schumann (Dr. W. Schumann is a scientist and professor at the Technical University in Munich) and Kunkel, a member of the Thule Society. It was decided that the Vril 7 spacecraft could be sent through a timeless channel at superluminal speed to Aldebaran.

The first test flight in a timeless dimension occurred at the end of 1944.
This test flight almost ended tragically, because after the flight, Vril 7 looked "as if it had been flying for hundreds of years.”
Its interior cladding looked very old, worn out and had severe damage in several places.


According to one version, the creation of Vril-Odin began in 1944, and in 1945 the ship was used to evacuate members of the Vril Society.


Drawing of the Vril spacecraft.
The Most Advanced Technology of Nazi Germany and the Vril Society is Combat flying saucers (Belluzzo Disk, Vril, Haunebu). Part I.

The irrefutable facts of the existence of flying saucers in World War II remain the evidence of British and American pilots who flew on combat missions, who periodically could not identify the observed objects.

In November 1944, pilots from the American 415th Night Fighter Squadron reported that during raids over Western Europe they saw fast-moving glowing objects of bright red, orange and even white colors.
Eyewitnesses compared them to Christmas tree lights, which, however, easily changed the speed and direction of flight.

The Americans and the British could not shoot down flying saucers, because these objects were the Technology of the Gods or legendary developments of Nazi Germany and moved very quickly.

On December 13, 1944, the US General Command in Paris issued a press release about UFOs, which was published in the New York Times the next day: in it, high-speed luminous balls were officially recognized as "the new German weapon."

After the war, the Americans and the Soviets did not find secret German technologies, in addition to the above, this is due to the fact that in the pre-war period and the period of World War II, many new aircraft appeared, which were created in Germany, Italy and Japan to fight the armies of the United States, the USSR and Great Britain, many of these developments remained in the drawings and the existing copies, along with the drawings, were destroyed by a cleaning group and German scientists during the Soviet offensive in 1945, so that the secret workings would not go to the enemies (Jews). The same thing was done in Japan and Italy.

Meanwhile, in 1945 Maria Orsic - the head of the Vril Society along with all members of the Vril Society, were evacuated of world to Orion.


Professor Giuseppe Belluzzo, an Italian scientist and a former Italian Minister of National Economy under the Mussolini goverment, it claimed that "types of flying discs were designed and studied in Germany and Italy as early as 1942".


Editorial of the Roman newspaper Il Giornale d'Italia with an article about the flying saucers of Italy and Germany; March 23, 1950.

March 30 1950, german aviation engineer Rudolf Schriver told the weekly Der Spiegel that since January 1942 he had been developing a project for a flying "top" (Flugkreisel) and even built a prototype at a factory in Prague.
In April 1945, he completed the work and was going to send a set of drawings to Hermann Goering, but by that time the front had collapsed and all the materials were lost.

A careful study of the description of Schriver's "top" and the picture published in Der Spiegel leads to the conclusion that it was about an aircraft of the helicopter scheme.
It was a disk with three vertical takeoff jet engines, after which the device appeared in the air.


A page from the German weekly Der Spiegel with an illustration for an article about Rudolf Schriver's flying saucer, March 30, 1950.


Various reproductions and diagrams of Rudolf Schriever’s (top right) and Otto Habermohl’s Flugkreisel. The Living Moon & Disc Aircraft.

On April 26, 1953, the German weekly Welt am Sonntag published an article "The first "flying disc" took off in 1945 in Prague" (Erste "Flugscheibe" flog 1945 in Prag), in which Georg Klein - a former german engineer at Albert Speer's Ministry of Armaments and Ammunition, stated that on February 14, 1945 for a year, he himself observed the tests of the Shriver manned spacecraft near Prague:

"It sounds fantastic, but thanks to its aerodynamics, such devices can reach speeds of up to 4000 km/h. Incredible speeds required special alloys, as conventional aviation materials could not withstand heating and melted. Such an alloy was created. The launch in Prague turned out to be the result of research and engineering work that began in 1941 and required millions of marks. By the end of 1944, three different designs were ready".
As far as I can see from these photos, its jet engine spinning a disk, which function as a helicopters blade, creating an uplifting force.
It's basically a helicopter. The outer circle would need to withstand a tremendous g force if it wants to go fast. This going fast seems unrealistic.
Maybe if it would use a technology that we don't know yet, but the model on the picture is simple aerodynamics.
Exactly, I think that a technology was used that we don't know yet, but that Nazi German scientists were familiar with.

Modern engineers have a lot of questions about unidentified flying objects (UFOs) in the form of cigar-shaped, rectangular and other shapes, they also cannot explain how it works.

I admit that a synthesis of technologies could well have been used, i.e., on the one hand, aerodynamics for vertical takeoff and landing (like a helicopter), then technologies were used (directly for movement in the atmosphere and beyond) that we do not know.

In any case, all the photographs and drawings, as well as the testimony of witnesses and eyewitnesses, prove that Nazi Germany had grandiose plans that do not go into any comparison with the squalid Jewish projects to launch rich Jews into space like Space X (Elon Musk) and others.

I am sure that if scientists from Nazi Germany lived now and had at their disposal the resources of the US Government and/or private space corporations with a full carte blanche for development, as well as members from the Vril Society, then humanity would now live on a completely different level.

Jews do not benefit from people having high technology, the enemy wants to immerse the Gentiles in the Middle Ages. The active promotion by Jews of the false theory that the Earth is Flat is proof of this.
Are you willing to kill your ego over and over again?
A friend told me when he tried to pull me out of my most darkest times are these words, back when I was in an indecisive rut on what I want to choose for a career: Pick one goal and never let any external factor stop you from reaching it.

In spiritual contexts, I’ve even had the damn enemy try to get me to stop doing fundamental acts that build up to them. They tried to distract me, make me feel bad about it, make it look ugly and put me in many places but know this, it will be the last time and no longer will those enemy entities sway me away from the right discipline to my success ever again.

I’ve found my long lost reasons once again. Thank you community of warriors under Satan.
Does your device's web browser freeze up entirely when viewing this forum? As in, you have to quit out, or reload the page to get everything working? I have known about this issue for some time and believe I just found the fix, but I am curious if anyone has any experiences they wanted to share about this.
The best tool for language learning:

The theory behind it:

This is true, I didn't ever "study" English, yet I'm pretty confident with my speech and grammar to the point I became a translator over time. When I found the JoS I didn't understand English at all except scarce words. Upon immersing and reading over and over I've achieved fluency level, also from watching videos of people speaking natural English, unrelated to language learning at all (Pewdiepie). My younger sister achieved advanced level English even earlier through PC games and media - none of us got good English classes at school (and other people had the same classes but didn't learn any of it).

The truth is I hate methodical schooling (brainrotting), I hate writing, and I hate making charts of whatever nature. I've only felt the urge to write things down like now and translating when I really loved what I was doing. The child pill worked wonders for me and has been the working formula of the Ages, where you absorb and repeat the knowledge because your brain learned to love the process, like a child who is learning how to speak from their parents, and repeat things over and over.
Lesson learned: Never turn your hobbies into your job. Slap me if this is wrong.
You are right. In psychology class I learned that if you turn something that you have intrinsic motivation(ex: hobby) for into also something that you are extrinsically(ex: earning money for something that was once a hobby) motivated to do, then it will become only be for extrinsic motivation over time(only motivated to do it for money not out of curiosity or pleasure).

Φοιβε θεε
Αναξ πυρφορε
Ξανθε τοξευτα
Απολλων θεε
Μαντη δαφνηφορε
Δαιμων καθαρσιε
Και αυξητα
Εσενα καλουμε
Εσενα υμνουμε
Πυθιε λατωε
Παιαν κοσμητα

Go to sleep.
Anax, fireman.
Blond arrows
Apollo gods
Manti laureate
Demons' laxatives
And increased
We call upon you
We praise you
Pythian wolf
Children of jewels
I have seen the final battle of Berlin.
It was basically an international army of Orcs ordered and manipulated by Mordor/Judaism to attack, destroy and plunder the last uplifting civilisation on Earth.

The descendants and nations of all the White/European Orcs who fought in this battle against NS Germany,
were then rewarded by Mordor/Judaism with open borders, communism, islamisation and self-destruction.
The Orcs thought that if they helped to defeat NS Germany, things would be better for them and they would be rewarded positively.

Having incorporated Germany into Mordor and the Orc army, they have now set their sights on Russia.
Hey, I've started working on a roadmap for myself. It is something that will give me a sense of direction on the meditation path. Sense which I found lacking.
I feel like this would've helped me a lot in the beginning so I've actually made it useful for other SS aswell.

It is mainly based on the 6 Months Hell's Army program but much more accessible, at least for me.
I hope it will help other SS as well, I will try and finish adding the links and directions today.

Please do help me fix any errors there might be in the roadmap, thank you.

„It must look democratic, but we must have everything in our hands''.

- is the criminal slogan and action of the Jews, Communists and traitors in positions of influence and power in the West after the fall of Mr. Hitler and NS Germany.

Another one of their favourite criminal slogans is „Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East”.

Their "demuhcrazy" is basically like Christianity, full of shit.
Given the number of countries that "impose" or "intend to impose" sanctions on extremist Israeli settlers who are creating a living nightmare for the already trashed Palestinian living situation, it begs some serious questions:
  1. How much are these "sanctions" actually going to help Palestinians, when many of these same countries [or (((those))) who run them] send Israel financial and military support that amass to billions of dollars? In other words, how much of a difference will these sanctions make, when a handful of Israelis are "disincentivized" from violently attacking Palestinians, while at the same time Israel is being handed over tens of billions of dollars yearly, plus state-of-the-art military equipment, to do exactly that which apparently this handful of Israelis are supposedly "condemned" for doing?
  2. How comes that Israeli settlers are not an issue any more and everyone talks about it as though it's nothing — although they're not allowed to settle and expand in the Palestinian land, and, by the international law, they're doing illegal stuff — and the problem is only the most violent and the most extremist of them all? Palestinians have been driven off their land for many decades, with many talking the talk but doing exactly nothing to stop Israel from illegally expanding and settling further into that land. And this leads to the next question:
  3. What is the chance that these "travel bans" and other "sanctions" aimed at a tiny number of extremely violent Israelis, is nothing more than an attempt to save face, pretend "something is being done", let some steam and frustration out from people in the West and, of course, have some arguments to use in the coming elections?

Biden imposes sanctions on Israeli settlers accused of West Bank violence

WASHINGTON, Feb 1 (Reuters) - The Biden administration on Thursday imposed sanctions on four Israeli men it accused of being involved in settler violence in the West Bank, signaling growing U.S. displeasure with the policies of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

President Joe Biden issued an executive order on Thursday that aims to punish ill-behaved Israeli settlers in the occupied West Bank, where Palestinians envisage a future state.

The order establishes a system for imposing financial sanctions and visa restrictions against individuals who attack or intimidate Palestinians or seize their property, White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said in a statement.

"Today’s actions seek to promote peace and security for Israelis and Palestinians alike," he said.

The State Department sanctions, freezing the U.S. assets of the four men and generally barring Americans from dealing with them

UK places sanctions on Israeli settlers for ‘forcing’ Palestinians from their land

The UK has imposed sanctions against four Israeli nationals, saying they were “extremist settlers” who had violently attacked Palestinians in the Israeli-occupied West Bank.

The measures impose strict financial and travel restrictions on the four individuals, who Britain said were involved in “egregious abuses of human rights”.

“Extremist Israeli settlers are threatening Palestinians, often at gunpoint, and forcing them off land that is rightfully theirs,” the UK foreign secretary, David Cameron, said.

“This behaviour is illegal and unacceptable. Israel must also take stronger action and put a stop to settler violence. Too often, we see commitments made and undertakings given, but not followed through.”

The Foreign Office said there had been unprecedented levels of violence by settlers in the West Bank over the past year.

Announcing the restrictions, the Foreign Office said Israel’s “failure to act” had led to “an environment of near total impunity for settler extremists”, with violence in the West Bank reaching record levels in 2023.

Spain to impose sanctions on violent Israeli settlers if no EU deal

MADRID, Feb 19 (Reuters) - Spain will impose sanctions on violent Israeli settlers in the West Bank unilaterally if its European Union partners fail to reach an agreement on the issue, Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Albares said on Monday.

He said Spain, which has also been critical of Israel's military offensive in Gaza, will push for the approval of such sanctions during a meeting of EU's foreign ministers held in Brussels on Monday.

"If there's no agreement, Spain will proceed individually with these sanctions against the violent settlers," Albares told reporters before the meeting.
Irish Foreign Minister Michael Martin said earlier on Monday he hoped the EU countries would unanimously approve these sanctions.

Last week, French authorities banned 28 Israeli settlers from entering the country, accusing them of attacking Palestinians in the occupied West Bank.

U.N. figures show that daily settler attacks have more than doubled since Hamas' surprise attack on Israel on Oct. 7 and the ensuing assault on the Palestinian enclave of Gaza.

While international attention has focused on that cross-border assault and Israel's subsequent war there, European officials have also expressed concern about rising violence against Palestinians in the West Bank.
As more and more people are walking up to the truth there will be real sanctions i.e. boycott by the general populace towards the enemy's tools and their human pawns. Common sense that is largely missing in people today but still on the rise is enough to make anyone possessing a minimal amount of it react accordingly with condemnation and disgust toward the kikes as they are an aberration of nature and one that should and will be corrected as soon as possible. We will handle this in line with the will of the Gods and the best interests of mankind.

They are done for, it just needs some time to manifest.

Are you staying focused and trying to finish what you started?

Set your mind to a goal, even a small one, and then work towards completing it. Try to dedicate each day to accomplishing at least one productive activity. Don't stop unless you absolutely have to. Apply this then to JoS, where you attempt to help build our Satanic presence, one brick at a time. This may sound like generic advice, but getting into the mindset of completing your set goals is very important for your brain, and you are helping JoS by becoming stronger and more focused.

Check your natal chart and transits, ensuring you are working with the planetary energies, not against them.
Some role models who can guide you in your life goals:

-Politics-Adolf Hitler. pragmatic, passionate, a skilled orator, moved by great love for his people and nation. Remember to take it in the context of a reality other than the modern one.

-Science-Nikolas Tesla. intuitive, inspired and guided by the Gods.

-Philosophy-Friederich Nietzsche. prophetic, aphorismatic, intuitive, allegorical, fearless destroyer of Jewish lies, connected to reality, true to the earth and to life.

-Music-Beethoven. creativity combined with emotion, celebrator of human strength in the fight against negative Karma
Yoga Nidra is indeed a game changer for improving the trance..

Thinking about it, the Guided Meditation MP3 by HPS Maxine could also count as Yoga Nidra?
The Spirit of Truth will rise again and leave no stone unturned.

What is needed for a better world?

1. Truth

2. Human Progress/Upliftment based on Truth

3. Warriors of Truth
If I had a piece of enlightenment today, it was that taking care of somebody equals to taking care of yourself.
How else would you help somebody else if not helping yourself first?
You are taking care of them by taking care of yourself.
You are taking care of yourself by taking care of them.

I am closer to grasping a tiny bit of what it means to be a positive being, that grows its surroundings.
Aportes Filosoficos en PDF

  • Yeye95


  • Algunos aportes de Aristóteles aplicados a Este camino SS según mi experiencia #1.pdf
    68 KB · Views: 209
  • Algunos aportes de Aristóteles aplicados a Este camino SS según mi experiencia #2.pdf
    89.3 KB · Views: 218
  • Algunos aportes de Aristóteles aplicados a Este camino SS según mi experiencia #3.pdf
    75.7 KB · Views: 191
Lately i have been ''stressing'' over the amount of freedoms that are being taken away from me, and everyone else for that matter, especially when it comes to the freedom to make personal choices.

How can it be normal that you are forced to wear something on your body (for example: steel toe shoes, face masks etc.), how can it be that many other choices you can make for yourself are being taken away from you, all in the name of safety. Someone else decided that this or that can be dangerous, so now you are obliged to conform to their ''concerns'', even when it comes to personal choice or safety. If you do not conform to their desire you are punished for being a bad little disobedient slave, the worst part of this is that the majority of society completely agrees with this, it is the norm, and should obey.

Just a few days ago i spoke to my boss about the increase of safety rules, half of them are completely bllsht. He laughed in my face when i spoke out about it, he said that he must implement and enforce them or risk being fined.

You simply have to comply or risk being punished, isn't it funny how the majority of the population become willful slaves when they are told to, yet attack or laugh at those who point this out.
Safety regulations are written in blood.
As i stated, it seems like it is completely normal, your reaction say exactly that. I did not say that people should be put in hazardous working environments without protection, but that people should be given the freedom to make their own choices. If something is dangerous / hazardous, explain to the people what is so dangerous about it and why personal safety measures are recommended. Supplying safety equipment is a good thing, forcing it on someone is another.

Vaccinations are there for ''safety'' as well, imagine if this was forced on everyone, in essence it is exactly the same. (Again i am not saying that safety measures etc. should not be there, i am saying that people should be free to make their own choices. If you are not able or allowed to make your own choices, wouldn't that be similar to slavery?)
Henu the Great
Henu the Great
You are taking personal freedoms a bit too far. Maybe you'll understand later.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
