Deception Signs in Human Behaviour. We all lied in our lives or have been lied to, whether necessary or not, such as even to "ethically" (to the best of ability) save someone from the truth, and this can happen. I know of an autistic kid whose mother has died unfortunately by cancer, and the grandparents lie to him everyday, the mother is "at the shopping center", so as to not lose his sanity. He believes it everyday and lives as happy as one can be in that situation, even if it is a torment. There are similar situations in life. These are not to be paranoid about or to drive false parallels within our self's and relations, but rather keep a little reminder that in our daily life we will meet with evil characters, enemies, or innocent liars, by which we should gather enough powers as SS to know for our own conscience to judge and act. I thought to be fun to share these with my family here so you know too in written form.
(sourced from somewhere our enemies must not know, all of these are of top quality of information).
1. Hesitancy - Avoiding direct subjects, naming.
2. Psychological distancing
3. Rising Pitch / and/or Fast paced motion/dynamic of language. Blinking rate of the eyelids.
4. Absence of pronouns. (Subconsciously we believe technical approach is more believable - therefore zero pronouns)
5. Non Answers.
6. Question Reversal.
7. Politeness.
8. Ambiguity.
9. Mini-confessions.
10. Over-apologies.
11. Non-contraction. - Increase in technical language - A lot of emphasis on full negative language like "I have NOT".
12. "Resume" statements. (Backstory of the persona, unprompted)
13. Exclusions (along the lines of: As far as I understand it, as far as I know, in correct contextual questions)
14. Chronology. (Avoiding the emotional initial point, repeating story from the start to the end) - '' How did you crash this car? Answer: I woke up at 9 am today and got the coffee..."
15 Confirmation Glance (Bias to find validation, or force it)
16. Adam apples raise.
17. Single sided shrug.
Given some are not so directly understood, I will explain more in the next posts. However, if ever needed, one should have understood intuitively the dynamics here.