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Your Personal Liberty And Hating "Me"

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
MrIntrepid said:
Feelings like these are quite possibly the result of enemy interference. Sometimes I hate Cobra for no reason at all and I ignore it because I understand that those feelings aren't mine. Bathing myself in the blacklight or the energy of the aether is enough to silence those voices, which I can very easily hear given my clairaudience points are somewhat developed. It's also possible that this is chart related, which I say as someone who has so many rebellious aspects sometimes I simply need to find someone in a perceived position of authority to mess with.

Know thyself.

Anyway, the only thing in his post I disagree with is the money thing. As someone who has brought this up briefly I don't think most of us who are against "worldly" type of living are saying to give all of your possessions to the church and live like a monk. Personally I just have a very relaxed attitude toward money and I only need enough of it to be comfortable to be happy. I also don't believe that the enemy paths are the only paths you can get rich on, just that it's easier to get rich being an immoral grifting asshole.

In regards to these situations, there are many people who have natal charts for this. We are all people here who are very hard on their self advancement, and who are really aware of all the plots and general efforts by those in power in this day and era, to create humanity into cattle.

In the mind of many, these associations may play out strangely. One example, a person who reconciled with me from years ago, was majorly hating me. Long story short the jew they were messing with disappeared, and meditation and advancement of years, worked it's way and self knowledge revealed some things for them.

They had Mars and Saturn in the 9th house and other "Fuck authority" aspects, which is of course one of the reasons they became a Satanist in the first place. When we did their chart, we both knew what was the case. It happened almost automatically. Actually, we became good friends afterwards, they are still doing great work in dismantling and attacking the enemy.

These types of aspects is also what drives many people AWAY from the enemy. They can therefore be very very good, or bad. One chooses how these will play out in their life.

Not all authority is the same, has the same motivations, is of the same source, or has the same goals. Authority is just a general category that can include infinitely different things.

The enemy has their "authority", and we have OUR OWN AUTHORITY. This is how both sides get organized, powerful, and increase the powers they have.

The enemy works like Communists and Borg style, and rightfully, they are to be hated for this.

Some people also get confused, or other things, due to personal reasons. People generally have no idea how it is to be cursed 24/7, and generally have to deal with so much hatred and other things that are beyond understanding. I can't go into details, but I am sure many of you here understand how this can be, for example, if one does warfare and you have kickback.

Certain individuals who carry on with specific things, it goes further and further. This extends beyond human hate, we are talking also of the enemy higher echelons etc. The amount of power these things have is big. Not bigger than the Gods, but considerably big. Those who say otherwise don't really have a clue.

Blending in, infiltration, keeping your mouth shut, and going about every obligation to Satan in secret, is a great self protection and self advancement policy. If one has this privilege, then use it well.

After all this time I also find it far better to NOT have a clue. Certainly no human being needs that. It is harassment and bullying of the highest level.

Yet, it all goes back to one's heart and what one KNOWS, one's level of development and so on. This is why it's crucial for everyone who wants to be a person in themselves, a free woman or man, to spiritually advance. One cannot escape otherwise.

The enemy manipulates the thoughts and feelings, not only of a few people here, but of all humanity collectively. They have lined up such great brainwashing, that the most rotten human beings are perceived as good and positive.

The above can also be done towards the Gods or Satan Himself [because humanity is on a very low spiritual and vibration level where the enemy has quite a lot of power]. The more skilled one is on the occult, they will know. After one is sufficiently advanced, and one's mind is properly attuned and empowered, one simply KNOWS what is what, and then there can be nothing that can truly convince you that let's say, Satan is "evil".

When the Gods make it known to you that they care for you and love you, there is nothing the enemy can do to make you forget that.

Experiences, knowledge, one's empowerment, TRUTH all in all, speak of themselves. We here are here because of EXPERIENCE, STUDYING, CHOICE and so on. Most other humans are just cannon fodder that never exercised personal liberty.

Lastly no problem if some people might hate "me", but consider hate where it is most meaningful, especially if you are a magician. One is anyway, at liberty.

At this condition of our world, I will not waste barely any hate towards any random individuals or random enemies, let alone any brother or sister here, despite of how they might behave towards me. That only reflects my opinion however and I know some may criticize it harshly as in that, some people might deserve it because we don't turn the other cheek.

I just find it really worthless to spend time on worthless disputes with what is one's own people, when people like Gates or Schwab are literally conversing about turning everyone into a cattle farm.

Any magician from here should also know this word: efficiency.

Lastly, in regards to attitudes and approaches to life, the enemy rants and raves to human beings by promoting specific corrosive idols, that "This" is the only way to do "That" thing, especially in cases like money. They tell people, you have to be a crook, you have to do this, or that, the only way is whoredom or drugs, whatever.

The above is deliberate because they want to destroy humans. These above are only TWO of the ways. Certainly nobody is going to be instructed by the enemy in more ways to anything meaningful, as the enemy thrives on binding humans in everyday possible.

If one is in Satanism, you are given extra power and capacity to create your own way through life. This is among other things, what scares the enemy deeply. Anything that creates the conditions of this, does affect their jewtrix prison, and is a high mortal enemy for them.

I'll be hated eternally and possibly even universally because of the fact of wanting to help Satanists, Satan and so on.

We are something like good intruders in the land of walking dead. If people KNOW about us, they will KNOW this. This extends beyond appearances and the surface. As HPS Maxine constantly said, " It's all in reverse ".

We are misunderstood, and the enemy holds the reins of popular opinion [right now shifting largely towards our side, until they lose].

They hold the vatican vaults, stolen knowledge, seemingly infinite shekels, the hearts and minds of the dumb people in numbers that would boggle the mind, and so on.

In fact, one has to have accepted this potential outcome of fate and learn to live with this, as the enemy is a habitual slanderer and hater.

Most people do cower and can't take a path like ours, because they don't want to be free. They don't want to know more. They will therefore by natural outcome, be slaves.

Nobody wants to be "hated", but I'd rather be hated and true than to be given fake kosher "angelic luv" and be a cancer on the surface of the earth, like they are. Nobody sane would feel good with themselves knowing they contributed to the borging out of humanity, if they themselves are a human with a soul.

Yet, what is majorly hated today, might end up being majorly loved tomorrow, or in another time. History will vindicate many people who have suffered for the sake of Satan during these times. It is a price to be paid so that humanity has to be helped, and is necessary immediately.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thanks, HP. You are the best the most developed person known, after HP Maxine. You have done a lot for us and thank you.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Most people do cower and can't take a path like ours, because they don't want to be free. They don't want to know more. They will therefore by natural outcome, be slaves.

I can not understand this. No explanation needed, I just can not fathom people like this, and they are the majority. Playing Online Games all day and night, watching TV shows stuff like that. Never asking themselves if this is already everything they can be.

True Satanists will always appreciate, love and support you for what you are HighPriest HoodedCobra.
Thank you!
I think the most wonderful feeling one can have is when their soul is free and can see throw enemy influence. We love HP Maxine and you HP Hooded Cobra for what you have done and will do for our cause
pherhaps, i dont speak english, but i do understand a few things of what cobra said, i was able to study something, some times
on the cattholicism, the reasons, the meanings, and the gods and the towers of babel, there were some inner power inside people, 9 tower of babel like the main deamons were created and many races were in these tower of babels. they were all humans, except by the fact every one of them was doing extraordinary good some specific things. Like meditations speechs and ability for the elements, and im talking about metaphysics. There were many worlds before the unification of the towers
then they created the single tower of babel and they reached the perfection, it was something that i cant understand yet
like meditation or hypnosis (is sure that it goes behind that cause they could do that just by snapping their fingers) and they did a massive hypnosis to theirselves to reach that power. it went bad cause there were gods, every creation has a creator.
thats the principle of alchemy. they started over a war to controll the apple of eden that was bitten from a blessed creature in the end but she/he/it dissapeared. (And im sure if it wasnt satan was very close to him) the war potrayed between worlds
and everything got destroyed, now we are just trying to bbuild it again without the same power, and thats a salvation and a curse.Its a double edged sword. Bad thing is that Satanism never talks and will never talk about these kind of argument cause all you believe is your words, every mouth is a vessel for the own questions, its the principle of how everything goes.
You are a very kind, unique and powerful soul Cobra. This life you'll reach your godly goal. Be sure of that.
The response is much appreciated, firstly.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
These types of aspects is also what drives many people AWAY from the enemy. They can therefore be very very good, or bad. One chooses how these will play out in their life.

Not all authority is the same, has the same motivations, is of the same source, or has the same goals. Authority is just a general category that can include infinitely different things.

This I understand better as I go along. I get that my attitude makes it difficult to accept knowledge even from the Gods and the paranoia that makes such even more difficult, so it's something I'm working on.

Some people also get confused, or other things, due to personal reasons. People generally have no idea how it is to be cursed 24/7, and generally have to deal with so much hatred and other things that are beyond understanding. I can't go into details, but I am sure many of you here understand how this can be, for example, if one does warfare and you have kickback.

I'm also familiar with this. The AI-like droning of a thoughtform in your ear at specific times or when you do certain things, all for the purpose of drawing you to the more negative aspects of your chart so you can be manipulated more easily. What's insulting is that even if you can hear the words of their programming attempts they continue to try anyway. Doesn't worry me anymore as the more often it happens the easier it is to know when it's happening.
Alot of people have serious ego or trust issues which results in bulking at authority figures. Rightly so in many cases especially in our corrupt society but not when it comes to the satanic chain of command, next to the Gods ofc who are a given and ofc Maxine and HP Cobra specifically who have always worked for the JOS and have helped us.

It is wasteful as well as considered friendly fire to throw hate at them or any SS. There maybe people here who don't like one another or who hold grudges, but at the end of the day hate is reserved for the enemy as it should be. Believe it or not there really is a difference between hatred of someone and strong resentment or dislike.
Thankyou HP!!
Without you, a lot of us would be far from where we are right now.
I appreciate everything you do for the clergy and all of us. The time, energy, passion and all the sacrifices.

HP Cobra, you are the VOICE OF SATAN and the VOICE OF OUR GODS.

Henu the Great said:
Never hated the clergy, only looked up to them, but this "hate" that I've been experiencing and expressing toward Gods mixed with love and adoration is actually on my chart. Thanks to you Master Cobra, I realized that it's normal for me. Haha!

It may be natural but this doesn't necessarily make it normal or good. Personal flaws should always be worked on, even if they are astrologically determined.
I've always looked to you with love and admiration HPC. As well as Satan and his daemons. It really is a predisposition in your stars, I.E., I have always had to cope with self hatred, denial, esteem, etc.
brdcketernal said:

No offense, but you are simply wrong on points 2-4. How could this be true if the Gods themselves created ALL Gentiles? Furthermore, there are Asian and African sections on this forum, as well as many prominent non-white members, such as High Priestess Shannon herself.

Looking at the Gods, many are Nordic, but not all. Lucifuge Rofacale is a hybrid between nordic and what one of the species of greys was before they were borged. Furthermore, Lucifuge is celebrated here and is the guardian of many.

The Gods support different races within the Satanic family, and so do we. All races under Satan are allied and protected. It is wrong for one to be submissive to another, or to have ideals that they can never be what another is. Satanism is all about transcending your limitations.

To answer your other question, when one refers to "following the Satanic path", this mainly refers to advancing yourself spiritually with yoga and meditations, as well as keeping up with warfare against the enemy.

I do not know where you came to understand such things about HPHC, or about JOS. If you could provide a link or something, this would be useful.
brdcketernal said:

Pathetic you have to use strawman arguments to attack someone superior than yourself. But hey, inferiors are gonna be inferiors.

Like we literally have subforums for non whites and you come and tell us we want to genocide them? The idiocy meter is off the charts.
unnamed satanist said:
Henu the Great said:
Never hated the clergy, only looked up to them, but this "hate" that I've been experiencing and expressing toward Gods mixed with love and adoration is actually on my chart. Thanks to you Master Cobra, I realized that it's normal for me. Haha!
It may be natural but this doesn't necessarily make it normal or good. Personal flaws should always be worked on, even if they are astrologically determined.
Of course, this is self explainatory for anyone with the process of self improving, that is, almost all here.
I don’t know if this is entirely on topic but I want to be as much myself here for a moment.

I use to ram my head so hard against any kind of authority that I ended up shutting down my own femininity. I was conditioned to feel that I couldn’t be a girl and be strong enough for anyone to treat me like a person. The only exposure I had was a weak manipulative mother and an equally weak father who tucked tail to his own wife when she was mad. My mother ran the household, and everyone got out of her way. I hated it.

(Mind you it didn’t help that I didn’t know - and still don’t know - what femininity actually is without the corruption, but that’s a different matter).

Because of my parents conditioning, the moment I felt my strength was threatened I got pissed. Sometimes violently so. I’d get testy and ram my head against the people above me, even if listening to their authority would benefit me far more than not. Even keep me out of harms way.

jrvan knows that well enough haha. It’s taken a couple years of him working with me almost everyday, just to ensure I would settle down and listen when he points things out that I need to work on, instead of attacking him. Honestly, he’s the reason I even understand that being a female has nothing to do with weakness.

The moment I get that threat feeling, I rebel even without meaning to. It can be idiotic at times, I’ll admit.

In my personal time, I rammed my head against your own authority for a while HP HoodedCobra. I was afraid to trust you and your position, because so far I’ve only had one person above me on a human level who I’ve been able to trust, and even then I still ram my head against them more often then not like an impulsive tick.

This is probably going to sound really weird but whatever... The first time I felt your energy in a voice recording of yours for an RTR, that feeling towards you stilled completely. I don’t know why you had that affect for me, HPHC, but there’s a reason you are who you are running JoS for Satan after HPS Maxine.

I trust you.
brdcketernal said:

Nobody ever said anything about genocide of humans. We believe in O.R.I.O.N. which stands for Our Race Is Our Nation. Every race and subrace is its own nation, and will have its own land with its own people, laws, traditions, and culture. No non-white gentiles are going to face genocide, you have the wrong idea entirely.

As for "genocide" of the jews... the jews are facing the weight of their own spiritual crimes and actions through thousands of years, and this is resulting in the destruction of their collective racial soul which is no less than what they attempted to do to all of humanity, the gentiles. In a way it's just their own shit being forced back onto them. They have effectively committed their own genocide, and are rightly getting what they deserve just as Father Satan promised. The extinction of the jews is inevitable because of their own actions and manifestations. They are paying for their crimes.

The High Priest does not censor either in most cases except for obvious trolling and harmful things like, gee I don't know, maybe paragraphs of enemy hebrew curses and filth. Leave it to your imagination. He allows far more than you realize, and sometimes even I don't understand it. I myself certainly wouldn't be so generous in allowing of comments, but then again I also see that he sometimes does it to let people make an example of themselves for learning purposes.

The approach you chose with your comment was also very negative aside from the obvious already mentioned fact of you putting words in the High Priest's mouth.

However, the worst thing you did was call the religion of our Gods and Satan weak. This is our original religion passed down from them which the jews stole and twisted, and have made extreme amounts of money by selling back our stories to us in corrupted form. You clearly don't know anything, and if you're not an enemy then I suggest you actually read the JoS website. You know, since you wanted to know what in Hel it's all about.

See what I did there? Hel = Norse. If you don't like white people then too bad because we're gentiles too, and there's plenty of non-white gentiles who do like us, and we like them. We like them a lot more than brats like you who fly off the handle at us spitting strawman arguments in our faces.
brdcketernal said:

Who the fuck are you to come here and say shit about our commander? You criticise our HP, yet you don't even have your facts straight.

1. You support mass genocide of jews too, so you must be our commander instead of HP Cobra?

2. I don't recall HP Cobra ever implying that he wants genocide of non-white Gentiles. A lot of us Satanists here are not white, including myself. From this point alone, it's clear that you either don't understand anything regarding Spiritual Satanism or you are just trying to criticize and say shit about our HP without any grounds for it.

3. Prove this shit. I can prove the opposite.

4. Seriously??!?!? From where do you even get this shit from?

Nothing is censored here, unlike the rest of the internet. That's a fact.

Spiritual Satanism isn't just surviving, it's thriving. We all are. It's extremely hard for a dick face like you to understand or comprehend the level of freedom us Satanists enjoy. We experience everything we discuss here in real life. Spiritual Satanism isn't some made up shit. This is real and we are living it. We all are came here by choice. We all stayed because all of it IS real. We are not some fear based followers of some cult/religion.

Lastly, do you think you are the first idiot to come here and try to start some shit like this? We all have dealt with other idiots like you. None of us needs to prove any shit to you, especially not HP Cobra. What is it that you really want? An actual picture of HP Cobra's balls?

Get the fuck out of here motherfucker! If you can't respect our HP, you don't belong here nor deserve to be here.

P.S. Fuck jews and their alien overloads.
***** to the jews.
How funny, one can blame their lack of self control, and ability to be reasonable on astrological charts. Very laughable. It utterly shows lack of mastery of the mind, and poor decision [to post it here].
brdcketernal said:

You are trying to start an argument based on lies, instead of finding any truth or asking legit questions.

Non-whites are welcome here, they even have their own subforums. Any non-white who posts here receives the same amount of answers, guidance, and support as any White member. In fact, to date, we have had 2 Black high priests, one Asian, one "half-Mexican half-white" (his own wording), and a few Latinos. Which completely invalidates your argument of Spiritual Satanism being against races other than Nordic White.
brdcketernal said:

Didn't even read the site or look around the forum huh?

I will make a quick answer but please read the site. Probably amount of lies about us made you think those are real.

1- Yes.

2- All Gentiles are welcome to us. We don't have a racial problem with any of them. Take a look around the site. You will see people from all races and nations.

3- Those with mixed heritage doesn't need to he killed. They can make themselves purer with meditation and yoga. Those who refuse to make themselves pure will die normally anyway. We don't need to specially make them suffer or kill them.

4-Same as third claim. With spiritual development, DNA gets purer. We don't need to kill or genocide any Gentile to achive pure blood people. Be it white, black or asian.

If you are a troll, don't waste our time. If you are a normal person whose just confused, don't waste your time and do some studying.
Thank you HP Cobra.
No way should our own HPHC get abuse.

he is here for us anyone doing so will get chased out this forum as they are vermin.

Have respect for our clergy and HPHC.

Encountered only a small amount of rats in all my years here but to blatantly "diss" clergy is a no no for me.

Get them tae Fcuk

Thank you HPHC for all you have done since day 1
Academic Scholar said:
I love and adore all of my siblings in Satan, I couldn’t really imagine hating another SS. But big symbols make big targets I guess..

Why do you say that you love every SS if you don't know every SS?
brdcketernal said:

And who the hell said that tp you that we "must to kill the non white gentiles"? Nobody said this bullshit, just the jewish people say it, because they want to make a big war where the subraces of mankind kill each other, and it is actually normal that a person or people kill those whos are actually enemy. (just like fundamental christian whos actually want to kill us SS/NS people, and whos want to kill us, we must to kill theme). About the "pure nordic" it seems that you don't know anything about the reincarnation, because a white person can reincarnate as a white person and can't reincarnate as a white-black hybrid. Because the subraces don't get mixed is not equal that we must to kill other non white gentiles. And this religion is the truth, it means actually a reality, real life. You are the weak if you can't understand this. We are ot on just the internet, we are here physically.
Shadowcat said:
Alot of people have serious ego or trust issues which results in bulking at authority figures. Rightly so in many cases especially in our corrupt society but not when it comes to the satanic chain of command, next to the Gods ofc who are a given and ofc Maxine and HP Cobra specifically who have always worked for the JOS and have helped us.

It is wasteful as well as considered friendly fire to throw hate at them or any SS. There maybe people here who don't like one another or who hold grudges, but at the end of the day hate is reserved for the enemy as it should be. Believe it or not there really is a difference between hatred of someone and strong resentment or dislike.

You have a good point. I know we had our "run into"
In the past. Just wanted to stop by and let you know that I don't feel any resentment towards you!
It was a misunderstanding after all. Hope you feel the same. 😊
brdcketernal said:

Spoken like a true hooknose. You feel a lot like CNN. Adding a lot of things that were never said, your jewish psychopathy, and your high strung jewish feelings in the mix.

You could ask any reasonable question, but all you say is just illegal, psycho CNN bullshit and empty words that everyone here knows are not factual.

But I know how that mentality works over in the CNN type of people, these methods start to lose their appeal in people.

The only ones I know speaking of genocides, planning them, doing them, and saying this place is about Blondes are only jews such as yourself.

All you do is reiterate your own jewish stereotype.

We know you are a species wide projection fetish to defend yourself from all the crimes the jewish people have committed, but the CNN tricks are just worthless at this point.

You might find it strange, but not everyone has to engage in your jewish stereotypes or criminal mindset to proceed with anything.
Giszmon666 said:
brdcketernal said:

And who the hell said that tp you that we "must to kill the non white gentiles"? Nobody said this bullshit, just the jewish people say it, because they want to make a big war where the subraces of mankind kill each other, and it is actually normal that a person or people kill those whos are actually enemy. (just like fundamental christian whos actually want to kill us SS/NS people, and whos want to kill us, we must to kill theme). About the "pure nordic" it seems that you don't know anything about the reincarnation, because a white person can reincarnate as a white person and can't reincarnate as a white-black hybrid. Because the subraces don't get mixed is not equal that we must to kill other non white gentiles. And this religion is the truth, it means actually a reality, real life. You are the week if you can't understand this. We are ot on just the internet, we are here physically.

Jews answer their own projections on things never even said or even thought of.

These are only their thoughts on the subject, displaying their very own mental illnesses.
Satanswarlord666 said:
Shadowcat said:
Alot of people have serious ego or trust issues which results in bulking at authority figures. Rightly so in many cases especially in our corrupt society but not when it comes to the satanic chain of command, next to the Gods ofc who are a given and ofc Maxine and HP Cobra specifically who have always worked for the JOS and have helped us.

It is wasteful as well as considered friendly fire to throw hate at them or any SS. There maybe people here who don't like one another or who hold grudges, but at the end of the day hate is reserved for the enemy as it should be. Believe it or not there really is a difference between hatred of someone and strong resentment or dislike.

You have a good point. I know we had our "run into"
In the past. Just wanted to stop by and let you know that I don't feel any resentment towards you!
It was a misunderstanding after all. Hope you feel the same. 😊

No worries :) same here
Lydia said:
brdcketernal said:

You are trying to start an argument based on lies, instead of finding any truth or asking legit questions.

Non-whites are welcome here, they even have their own subforums. Any non-white who posts here receives the same amount of answers, guidance, and support as any White member. In fact, to date, we have had 2 Black high priests, one Asian, one "half-Mexican half-white" (his own wording), and a few Latinos. Which completely invalidates your argument of Spiritual Satanism being against races other than Nordic White.

These people are just lying jews, nothing else.

One kike was sending me long scorn about HPS Maxine, citing the fact on how we can promote "race values" since HPS Maxine had black hair. They are the "Purists" with the big giant noses, who are half jewish and preach a lot online.

Oy vey goyim, be hollywood genociding kiked nazi jews. We made this for you goyim it's your ideology, we kikes project it on everyone here so you must accept it. That's the truth goyim even your goyim leader cobra never said this but I say he did so believe he did like a stupid goyim.

Remember also goyim when jews rule the planet every jew will have 2800 slaves as our Rabbi said, if you have jet black hair you're going to hell [oy veyyyyyyyyy], and enjoy the Great Reset which the jews want to kill 90% of human population of goyim. But that's nothing we don't do columns of this on CNN because jews own CNN.
Giszmon666 said:
brdcketernal said:

And who the hell said that tp you that we "must to kill the non white gentiles"? Nobody said this bullshit, just the jewish people say it, because they want to make a big war where the subraces of mankind kill each other, and it is actually normal that a person or people kill those whos are actually enemy. (just like fundamental christian whos actually want to kill us SS/NS people, and whos want to kill us, we must to kill theme). About the "pure nordic" it seems that you don't know anything about the reincarnation, because a white person can reincarnate as a white person and can't reincarnate as a white-black hybrid. Because the subraces don't get mixed is not equal that we must to kill other non white gentiles. And this religion is the truth, it means actually a reality, real life. You are the week if you can't understand this. We are ot on just the internet, we are here physically.

This person just read the Talmud, then watched Star Wars, and then heard his local Rabbi telling them about the 2800 Gentile slaves they will have, after a great speech on the World Economic Forum on why everyone needs to die, starring Billy Gates.

Then they came here to do a Goat Scaping ritual [the same ones we reverse] by saying the goyim said things we never did, so we can be the bad goyim for one more day based on things never even said.
Hermit of 13 Swords said:
brdcketernal said:
3- Those with mixed heritage doesn't need to he killed. They can make themselves purer with meditation and yoga. Those who refuse to make themselves pure will die normally anyway. We don't need to specially make them suffer or kill them.

4-Same as third claim. With spiritual development, DNA gets purer. We don't need to kill or genocide any Gentile to achive pure blood people. Be it white, black or asian.

Hi Hermit do by chance have any sources proving point 3/4, it would be of major interest/help to me. I probably just overlooked the info by accident tbh.

Specifically about DNA/ mixed race people becoming purer with spiritual development, I'm also assuming they will become purer towards their more dominant genes, such as a half white half black becoming a full black with spiritual advancement?
AgniCosmos said:
Hermit of 13 Swords said:
brdcketernal said:
3- Those with mixed heritage doesn't need to he killed. They can make themselves purer with meditation and yoga. Those who refuse to make themselves pure will die normally anyway. We don't need to specially make them suffer or kill them.

4-Same as third claim. With spiritual development, DNA gets purer. We don't need to kill or genocide any Gentile to achive pure blood people. Be it white, black or asian.

Hi Hermit do by chance have any sources proving point 3/4, it would be of major interest/help to me. I probably just overlooked the info by accident tbh.

Specifically about DNA/ mixed race people becoming purer with spiritual development, I'm also assuming they will become purer towards their more dominant genes, such as a half white half black becoming a full black with spiritual advancement?

People use confused terminology about some things. Purer, in this case, should mean more balanced, stronger, healthier and so on. It could simply be called as more advanced, better.

The Gods gave us meditation so that our blueprints get perfected and we direct these in the best way possible for survival, evolution etc.

The "purity" here is also wider than simply some sort of race ideology. People can be of any race and no matter who, everyone has major work to do, since closely NOBODY on this planet does meditate anymore.
Lydia said:
brdcketernal said:

You are trying to start an argument based on lies, instead of finding any truth or asking legit questions.

Non-whites are welcome here, they even have their own subforums. Any non-white who posts here receives the same amount of answers, guidance, and support as any White member. In fact, to date, we have had 2 Black high priests, one Asian, one "half-Mexican half-white" (his own wording), and a few Latinos. Which completely invalidates your argument of Spiritual Satanism being against races other than Nordic White.

Wanna know something funny?
White people are a minority globally speaking, and yet I feel like here are more white people than other races.
Just something I noticed.
These "projections" HP.Cobra and some members mentioned from hooknoses is just a method by which their own networks(shabbos and sayanim, kehlila, sanhedron, irgun, mossad, comiturn, gangstalking spy terrorist network)hunt down "radical" organizations to deal with. In other words because they state this organization does this then comes in glowniggers(feds) and are like "Oy vey, yo vey da poor chosnites they let us know this organization is razists and sheit so we gunna goy it up to make them happy for goyshkopfing process".

In other words the reason why these kikes and shabbos activate is to take down organization. Much like what happened earlier in 2021(a few months ago) when a glownigger(federali) fedbombed us about creating a no-go zone but with NS. Funny if you study Mein Kampf and if Hitler was around he'd be against no-go zones it's anti-NS.

I just think these people do it to get organizations in trouble. Kinda like how gamers many of which are conservative or right wing and the jews probably investigate. I guess investigate is the wrong term. More like manipulate into getting them in trouble to promote gamergate non-sense "Oy vey, yo vey da goyum be anti-feminest 'n' sheit". It's funny all these -gate scenarios popped up starting what 2012-2013 by 2014 it had basically shitstormed it's way across the internet.

It's true in the truest sense with jews you lose. Perpetual kreig, might as well perform perpetual totaller kreig on them. IF they goyshkopf might as well kikeshkopf them back.

Either way Brdcketernal is either very deluded or working for the enemy. Might as well keep him around and use him as a useful idiot to extract knowledge from him. For example he posted a racialist memetic enforcement picture but left out one key detail, probably because it leads to white promotion. But stated Asians = yellow, when in fact like one member pointed out some Asians have whiter skin than even some Whites in particular to Korean or even Japanese or Japanese-Korean descended persons as Korea and Japan posses VERY fair people.


Yeah more white people but I hope that isn't a disrespect to other racial-national people. As a matter of fact if going by Dr.Pierce Whites are the most minority of the Gentile species. Less than 9% World-Wide, that number should be at least 40-50-60% while the remainder are the other two root races following racial segregation/separation protocols.

So it's no surprise probably one of the reasons why people believe Satanism to be a White people thing when in fact it's an all Gentile thing. It's a shame we aren't more popular and having more members but frankly I guess we gotta get the diamonds away from the rough and shine like a star not everyone is cut out to be NS/SS material. Not that they can't join or be with us rather it requires self-reconstruction from the ground up. It's an everyday struggle.
Manofsatan said:
How funny, one can blame their lack of self control, and ability to be reasonable on astrological charts. Very laughable. It utterly shows lack of mastery of the mind, and poor decision [to post it here].

You do realize that the way planetary energies and transits affect you depends on your chart, right? Certain extreme placements will cause certain traits to manifest and because knowledge of that usually comes after it has already happened the effect is usually difficult to reverse. If you're psychic enough you can even feel yourself being swayed in a specific direction.

Your dismissal and elitist attitude toward those who may have a lot to deal with due to past life situations is, honestly, disappointing. Nobody is blaming their chart for anything either, if someone is astrologically a rebel it's easier for that person to be manipulated into rebelling against the wrong person, cause or idea. Yet as Cobra mentioned it could also be a very positive trait depending on which way someone goes.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
