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What Do You Want To See From JoS?

Henu the Great said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
How has Satanism affected you and how do you see that this might affect others in the future?
I don't want to go in exact details in public, but here's something.

I have had a clear purpose after dedication, it's refining as I go, but unlike before when I was still searching now many things are clearer.

Multiple positive influences regarding health, happiness, satisfaction and joy. Many more to come, certainly.

Exactly, that's the appropriate mindset. Keep advancing brother.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Queen of the Stars said:
1) Information about the hierarchy of the enemy nordics


There are no Nordic enemies. Nordic are the species of our gods.

Enemies are the grey and reptilian species. But the enemy species are psychically powerful and they are able to project an image into people's minds. They can do this to make people see a human or a nordic, when really it is a grey doing it. This is where the stories come from of angels or enemy nordics.

Thanks, ok well if that is the case. Then this page needs some editing, as Enemy nordics is mentioned a few times here


also mentioned is the gold mining project, which i think i've also read is a story not supported any longer

Satanama <3
Charlotte61903 said:
When I think of the JoS I think of a place where I feel at home, accepted and encouraged to grow. I want to see this expand to many more people. To see others open their hearts to Satan and the Gods and advance.

I would love to see more information about the Gods. I understand that this comes with time.

Other than that, there is not much else I can think of. The goals we want to achieve come with patience, we have come such a long way already let's not lose our momentum by getting caught up in the minor details but instead focus on the overall achievement.

Many would love to see temples, I would too, but this isn't realistic. For now, I'm content with the temple I have built, my temple on the astral.

In a way, it serves its purpose. Though not physical, it still gives me all the protection and serenity I could ever need. Just a thought.

Just wanted to thank you for saying that, I thought it was beautiful and honest. The Gods sure know how much I need to hear something honest from others at the moment.

Also, I've been meaning to build myself an astral temple in ages but never did. Could you give me some advice?

As for physical temples.. this is going to take time in the world as it is right now, but it IS happening at some point.
Aquarius said:
Perhaps a website that is entirely dedicated to the jews, not like kabbalah exposed, something literally dedicated specifically to them and all their crimes against humanity, literally every ounce of truth about them on that website.

I made a website with this idea, but obviously I need a hand with the articles. Would you be available? The site is currently in Italian.
I wish there was a collection of all the documentaries posted on jos and if possible their translations in multiple languages.
I would like a topic on ‘time travel’

I think it’s very important to brainstorm and develop a means of time travel. I don’t think we have any other option except for going back in time.
Red1M1M said:
I would like a topic on ‘time travel’

I think it’s very important to brainstorm and develop a means of time travel. I don’t think we have any other option except for going back in time.

With past events that have happened, it is possible to view or understand them in various different ways using psychic skills. Like watching a recording of what happened long ago in some location, or in connection with some item.

But there is no way to travel backwards in time, and there is no way to change anything that has happened.
Queen of the Stars said:
Thanks, ok well if that is the case. Then this page needs some editing, as Enemy nordics is mentioned a few times here


also mentioned is the gold mining project, which i think i've also read is a story not supported any longer

Satanama <3

Yes. There are few incorrect details in some places. They will be corrected. But there is very large amount of work being done by very small number of people so it all takes time.
pakartas said:
Aquarius said:
Perhaps a website that is entirely dedicated to the jews, not like kabbalah exposed, something literally dedicated specifically to them and all their crimes against humanity, literally every ounce of truth about them on that website.

I made a website with this idea, but obviously I need a hand with the articles. Would you be available? The site is currently in Italian.
Send me a message at [email protected]
Just thought I'd add a few small thoughts here. It's probably been said a lot already but I feel very inspired by this post.

Satanism has made me realize the lies of the elites weaponizing a bastardized form of Satanism against the Gentiles. I think it takes people to see the level of how backwards everything is to remotely consider the truths here, yet I think this is what will happen is more people will wake up in the face of democide and more as our Satanic warriors bring information to places like alternative media platforms (especially comment sections). Hopefully at some point ignorant Christians will see the difference between Freemasonry and Satanism and see that the alleged 'rise of the antichrist' is another side of the same coin of their own religion and that this fake "christ" is actually the enemy.

The greatest point to this whole endeavour I believe is our own individual progress. Everywhere you look (religions, ethics, etc) people are told that caring for others is a virtue and that caring for yourself is selfish. I've found that the later is actually selfless as improving ourselves inspires others more than trying to burst their illusion-bubbles directly. Indirect influence is a more powerful tool, contrary to popular belief.

As for the future, I have a hard time picturing this. To be honest I don't see the NWO slowing down and I worry that internet centralization and control may become an issue, especially for the next generations. For this reason I imagine that more people will become spiritually activated and information will be disseminated in ways we wouldn't have expected. The only logical conclusion I can see is the elites want us to go back into the Bronze age in order to combat this. This is my hypothetical take and I can't be sure when this might occur. Maybe one or two lifetimes? Perhaps less? At any rate we are in a very interesting time of history.

We will no doubt be tested more and more which I believe gives credence to the reason why we should take things to the highest level we can, meditating and advancing ourselves like our lives depended on it (which they do to a notable degree). It's better to be preemptive than to rest on our laurels. Ultimately this is what I hope to see from myself and the JoS to the world; our collective efforts manifesting into a force to be reckoned with.

That's about all I can think of regarding this. My hope is for an idyllic world whereby Satanists are free to gather and practice their religion publicly and without ridicule or scorn. I believe it was stated here that this ultimately will happen, so rather than worrying about the negatives that keep escalating I'll keep my thoughts and ambitions on the long-term positives.

As a little bonus (not really related)... I think it would be neat if we had like buttons next to the report button above comments. That said, I don't know if it's difficult, feasible or even possible. Just something of a curiosity to me.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Red1M1M said:
I would like a topic on ‘time travel’

I think it’s very important to brainstorm and develop a means of time travel. I don’t think we have any other option except for going back in time.

With past events that have happened, it is possible to view or understand them in various different ways using psychic skills. Like watching a recording of what happened long ago in some location, or in connection with some item.

But there is no way to travel backwards in time, and there is no way to change anything that has happened.

My thoughts were of disconnecting ourselves from space and time via a sphere of neutralized gravity.
Eagle Bearer 666 said:
Charlotte61903 said:
When I think of the JoS I think of a place where I feel at home, accepted and encouraged to grow. I want to see this expand to many more people. To see others open their hearts to Satan and the Gods and advance.

I would love to see more information about the Gods. I understand that this comes with time.

Other than that, there is not much else I can think of. The goals we want to achieve come with patience, we have come such a long way already let's not lose our momentum by getting caught up in the minor details but instead focus on the overall achievement.

Many would love to see temples, I would too, but this isn't realistic. For now, I'm content with the temple I have built, my temple on the astral.

In a way, it serves its purpose. Though not physical, it still gives me all the protection and serenity I could ever need. Just a thought.

Just wanted to thank you for saying that, I thought it was beautiful and honest. The Gods sure know how much I need to hear something honest from others at the moment.

Also, I've been meaning to build myself an astral temple in ages but never did. Could you give me some advice?

As for physical temples.. this is going to take time in the world as it is right now, but it IS happening at some point.

Visualization is key. Just taking some time out of your day to not only build it but to spend time in it is essential. Use your senses as much as you can while visualizing it.

This is your place, make it unique to you.

My 'temple' is more like a garden with greek-like structures around it. I focus on smelling the flowers, hearing the wind and birdsong, seeing the greenery and feeling the earth beneath my feet.

While it may seem simple, this was actually quite the challenge while living right next to a freeway. But with time, I found that as I immersed myself in my temple, the sound of cars flying by dwindled until I could no longer hear them.

Give yourself time and you may be surprised with the result. I certainly was.
Red1M1M said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Red1M1M said:
I would like a topic on ‘time travel’

I think it’s very important to brainstorm and develop a means of time travel. I don’t think we have any other option except for going back in time.

With past events that have happened, it is possible to view or understand them in various different ways using psychic skills. Like watching a recording of what happened long ago in some location, or in connection with some item.

But there is no way to travel backwards in time, and there is no way to change anything that has happened.

My thoughts were of disconnecting ourselves from space and time via a sphere of neutralized gravity.

Practices like time travel can be done with the astral body, which in higher levels, resides beyond "Time" as we know it. One can see the past.

However, the past has occurred and when it comes to normal linear time, and the material universe, one cannot really go "back", because the time works through what physics describe as the "Time Arrow", or time going "forward" in perpetuity.
Charlotte61903 said:
Visualization is key. Just taking some time out of your day to not only build it but to spend time in it is essential. Use your senses as much as you can while visualizing it.

This is your place, make it unique to you.

My 'temple' is more like a garden with greek-like structures around it. I focus on smelling the flowers, hearing the wind and birdsong, seeing the greenery and feeling the earth beneath my feet.

While it may seem simple, this was actually quite the challenge while living right next to a freeway. But with time, I found that as I immersed myself in my temple, the sound of cars flying by dwindled until I could no longer hear them.

Give yourself time and you may be surprised with the result. I certainly was.

I can almost smile to that, not the first time I heard of an astral temple looking like a huge garden, but living so close to a freeway I'd say that's the most immediate choice anyone of us would go for.

I think I have had troubles with the whole "choosing the environment" most of all. Being as Air headed as me, I have so many ideas it all tends to spin out of control, so between a garden, a forest, a small stone temple and such, it all ended up in nothing. Guess part of me is afraid I won't feel it much, but yeah I know that's stupid talk. Persistence and focus are the key here, like anything in Spiritual Satanism.

Thanks for your hints, Sister, I'll sure treasure them. :)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Actually a lot of "karma" is about one's decisions. Long story short as long as you exist, there is no way to fully "escape" from Karma. You are actively creating it, the idea is to create it in the best way, as it's related to the laws of universal cause and effect.

A page on the website about Karma would be very useful, and/or a pages on the other universal laws

Below is a link to a long discussion about karma on the forum a while back


SAtanam <3
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Promethean Flame said:
@ Artanis. If you are looking for Like-Minded National Socialists that are not Identity Christians, you need to look more to your Folkish Heathen Tribes. Odinists, Not men that identify as Heathen as more of those are transgender watering holes. You are going to have to wade your way through, but it is not hard to find the more dedicated and loyal members, They can open doors to groups such as the Defunct Black Sun Tribe or Order of Odalists. Start at Asatru Folk Assembly as they are the largest in the nation at the moment. I wish you luck.

This is great advice if your goal is to become "friends" with many FBI jews. They swarm to groups like that like mosquitos.

Your hypocrisy and cowardice know no bounds. You are a Keyboard commando and nothing more. Unless you are on Tor with tails when you access this site, you are easy for any government agent to find. And a VPN is worthless as you have an entry and exit node that leaves a time stamp. No war has ever been won from an offensive. A coward dies 1000 deaths.
Hi! I just had a really cool idea, it may be unnecessary but, this page right here,

What if the chakra diagram was clickable.
Like each chakra on the person is a link that you can click on that gives insight into each chakra and what they do, their purpose etc. It can either take you to a page about each chakra and it's importance, or it could appear as a bubble that gives you a small blurb about the chakra you're hovering over.
It might be fun and a good interactive way to help people who are just starting out. Anyway I just randomly thought of this and really wanted to share and see what you think about it. Thank you!
Hello, I think meditations pages on the JoS, may contain more detailed/advanced information on it. For example in one of Vovim Baghie sermons, he explained what are effects of inhaling energy trought front side of chakras, what effects inhaling it troughs back side of chakras and into the middle.

I have found this information very helpful and motivating, as after reading it, when I did chakra breathing I was much more aware of what I am doing, and it encouraged me to more analyse energy work, and after effects of it.

If something like such information would be available on meditation pages there already, it would be really amazing, as for example some newbie opens up some meditation page the very first time in his life on the JoS, and sees mind blowing detailed information about that meditation, which motivates to do it, and do it with big care. I am not saying every detail, just the main things there could have little bit explanation, in case like some kind of meditation has 3 parts of it, it could be explained for what each part is and how it gonna affect the one which performs it.

As in my case, I have found this info on old archived JoS forum in 2010 topic :D after I was already doing chakra breathing countless times for not one or 2 years, and was not able to figure out and understand what exactly it is on more complex level.

This is the sermon I have found.
Vovim was kicked off the clergy for being a delusional individual high on meth, why such a thing could happen you can learn more here: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=80179

You don't need to worry about the meditation section, it is taking a while but that is going to be fully updated to be more pragmatic and methodical, as before advancement one also must master the fundamentals: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=63128

TerKorian666 said:
Hello, I think meditations pages on the JoS, may contain more detailed/advanced information on it. For example in one of Vovim Baghie sermons, he explained what are effects of inhaling energy trought front side of chakras, what effects inhaling it troughs back side of chakras and into the middle.
Egon said:
Vovim was kicked off the clergy for being a delusional individual high on meth, why such a thing could happen you can learn more here: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=80179

You don't need to worry about the meditation section, it is taking a while but that is going to be fully updated to be more pragmatic and methodical, as before advancement one also must master the fundamentals: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=63128

TerKorian666 said:
Hello, I think meditations pages on the JoS, may contain more detailed/advanced information on it. For example in one of Vovim Baghie sermons, he explained what are effects of inhaling energy trought front side of chakras, what effects inhaling it troughs back side of chakras and into the middle.

I didn’t knew that… 😶 thank you for telling me.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shiva666 said:
Learning ethical knowledge, Ethical Behavior , learning gods ethics beside power meditation.

There is a new whole section of this which will be uploaded before year's end.

Commander sir, I think the time has come for a new while section for learning ethical knowledge, ethical behavior , learning gods ethics beside power meditation. Years ending 2022
Joining JOS has changed my perception of things. After my dedication, I understood more about the faults of present day Hinduism.I am somehow plodding along the satanic path despite few difficulties due to not getting enough solitary time for rituals.

I would like to know more about the goetic Gods connection to the Indian and other Asian gods.
Should we create a topic where group members will upload photos of the people and ask if they are jews or not????
. I came up this idea because there are many people colleagues. Girlfriends. Boyfriends. Friends. who look like jews but i we are not sure if they are or not. If experienced person checks the photo he/she will find out their Jewishness.
Aleksandre said:
Should we create a topic where group members will upload photos of the people and ask if they are jews or not????
. I came up this idea because there are many people colleagues. Girlfriends. Boyfriends. Friends. who look like jews but i we are not sure if they are or not. If experienced person checks the photo he/she will find out their Jewishness.

This already exists.

And it is a waste of time. All they put is pictures of unimportant people that nobody cares about anyway.

You have to respect people's privacy. You can only show a picture if it is some celebrity or publicly known person.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Aleksandre said:
Should we create a topic where group members will upload photos of the people and ask if they are jews or not????
. I came up this idea because there are many people colleagues. Girlfriends. Boyfriends. Friends. who look like jews but i we are not sure if they are or not. If experienced person checks the photo he/she will find out their Jewishness.

This already exists.

And it is a waste of time. All they put is pictures of unimportant people that nobody cares about anyway.

You have to respect people's privacy. You can only show a picture if it is some celebrity or publicly known person.
Can you link the topic or write the name?
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Aleksandre said:
Should we create a topic where group members will upload photos of the people and ask if they are jews or not????
. I came up this idea because there are many people colleagues. Girlfriends. Boyfriends. Friends. who look like jews but i we are not sure if they are or not. If experienced person checks the photo he/she will find out their Jewishness.

This already exists.

And it is a waste of time. All they put is pictures of unimportant people that nobody cares about anyway.

You have to respect people's privacy. You can only show a picture if it is some celebrity or publicly known person.
Can u link this topic please?
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Aleksandre said:
Should we create a topic where group members will upload photos of the people and ask if they are jews or not????
. I came up this idea because there are many people colleagues. Girlfriends. Boyfriends. Friends. who look like jews but i we are not sure if they are or not. If experienced person checks the photo he/she will find out their Jewishness.

This already exists.

And it is a waste of time. All they put is pictures of unimportant people that nobody cares about anyway.

You have to respect people's privacy. You can only show a picture if it is some celebrity or publicly known person.
Can u link this topic please?

I am thinking of making a very short video highlighting 10-15 excerpts from the English Standard Bible showing that the is a book of the enslavement program

I've witnessed a few people actually turn to Christianity recently! These are people who are aware of CBDCs, WEF etc. But still think the Christianity Is good!

Here are the excerpts I have found

Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you.

But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,

Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them.

Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.

In other words,



To one who strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also.

From one who takes away your cloak do not withhold your tunic either.

And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles.

Give to the one who begs from you, and do not refuse the one who would borrow from you.

If your enemy is hungry, give him bread to eat, and if he is thirsty, give him water to drink,

In other words,



Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy

Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

In other words,


at the end I will list the Chapters etc

any thoughts, feedback welcomed!
Ok, so.
I wanna share this, as i feel obligated.
A lot of us could use this type of protection around our auras.
My particular den of cunts, i have trying me on the regular.
Use some pretty sophistocated geometry with some of their assaults.
I just virtually ignore the mention of all the starseed
jargon/"Christos" stuff and today ive been doing a check in and affirmation.
Which has halted the incoming waves of dickheads, for the day.


These also, are a bitch.
Hope it helps, or even better again.
I hope it's not needed.
I would like more detailed insight on how to interpret the sigils of demons. there is repetition in the geometric shapes and other elements we see inside the sigils...i know meditation is a part of it but there must be some masterkey foundational info that helps to crack the codes contained in the sigils.
Also more information on reincarnation. I have so many questions. Id like active discussions about some of the posts on the site. I have MANY questions! Is it discouraged/encouraged to reach out to HPs and message them about questions?
I would like to have a random article button for the forums, especially for the “Important Articles from the Ministry” section. It’s getting harder for me to decide which ones I want to read and which ones I have already read. I think an optional button would make studying easier for a lot of people.
Legendary Creature said:
I would like to have a random article button for the forums, especially for the “Important Articles from the Ministry” section. It’s getting harder for me to decide which ones I want to read and which ones I have already read. I think an optional button would make studying easier for a lot of people.
Make a list of the ones you have read. Every time you want to read something new, use the list as a reference so that you know what not to read again. A random article button can still provide you with an article that you have read.
More on Hatha and Kundalini!

Considering mainstream yoga has been corrupted, one could easily get off track once one decided to expand outside the basic Hatha and Kundalini exercises provided here.

I've found some useful yoga links posted from searching the forms but for how important yoga is there should be more content.

The Power Meditation Series 1-3 is well done we just need a yoga version. I know there are a lot of old books but a JOS version that's directly related to the Power Meditation would be awesome! And doesn't sound like too difficult of a job to do either!

It would be cool to have the type of layout where you can move on to harder poses, once you reach the goals of that yoga program. Then you can go into more depth on certain poses while involving chakras.

Kinda like checkpoints or a level system but with a focus on guidance instead of completing the entire game. Because some people might not be able to do things compared to others. So what the "manual" would tell you is based on your weaknesses here, you should be doing these stretches x times per day. AI could probably give you the answers to that.

Now you have this ultimate yoga guide backed by the OG of humanity. This would definitely bring followers who'd never end up on the JOS website.

(Imagine if the JOS yoga manual got made) If you can just get people to try this without running from the name Satan then people would be shocked at the results, compared to what there were once doing before.

I know with research and some trial and error one could figure this out but that's not what people do nowadays. People are looking for the all-in-one get-rich-quick scheme. And you can provide them with that but in a good way because the results will be so strong from this it will feel like you got rich quickly because what you did before was kinda nothing.

But... Idk because of the dedication thing if people aren't dedicated and start doing this what's gonna happen? Could it do more harm than good? Could it do harm but wake people up and in the end do good?

I started writing this idea as I thought it would help guide me but then my business side kicked in and turned it into a marketing strategy...
Red1M1M said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Red1M1M said:
I would like a topic on ‘time travel’

I think it’s very important to brainstorm and develop a means of time travel. I don’t think we have any other option except for going back in time.

With past events that have happened, it is possible to view or understand them in various different ways using psychic skills. Like watching a recording of what happened long ago in some location, or in connection with some item.

But there is no way to travel backwards in time, and there is no way to change anything that has happened.

My thoughts were of disconnecting ourselves from space and time via a sphere of neutralized gravity.
"Journeys out of the body" by Robert Monroe. (book) He tells how he time traveled. Basic is to journey out of body and go straight up above our planet and then you turn a little degree and come back down in a different time. You can go past and future. He traveled way back and way into the future. Only observing can happen in this method. His books describe all his out of body journeys.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
