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What Do You Want To See From JoS?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
That's an open discussion thread where ideas can be shared. Could be about now or about decades later, or more generalized things. Not many limits placed on any questions, this is more like a walk into the higher worlds that we could have?

We have the 10 year plan of course. But I would like to hear about more.

How has Satanism affected you and how do you see that this might affect others in the future?

What about the future where more people will see the Truth, how do you see yourself and others in all this?

Why do you think that is important that it happens on a higher scale?

What would you like to see from JoS towards this world?
Jackie Puppet said:
Many people may be afraid to say it but we need more updates and transparency regarding HPS Maxine and her current/future status.

Soon, as I am less limited now. I will be able to answer more too. I'll relate more on the subject when certain things are out of the way. What is for sure is that what you read in the troll places from where you come they know nothing. That's mostly just slander "these people" who are well known jews keep writing, which is part of what they always do.

I know you are an ex-troll and current troll from another place, but if you look at my previous responses, there have been given answers. I stretched the limits to privacy a lot in every response as much as I could and was allowed by the current time and trajectory of things.

Also, that is not really related to the post that much.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
That's an open discussion thread where ideas can be shared. Could be about now or about decades later, or more generalized things. Not many limits placed on any questions, this is more like a walk into the higher worlds that we could have?

We have the 10 year plan of course. But I would like to hear about more.

How has Satanism affected you and how do you see that this might affect others in the future?

What about the future where more people will see the Truth, how do you see yourself and others in all this?

Why do you think that is important that it happens on a higher scale?

What would you like to see from JoS towards this world?

How has Satanism affected you and how do you see that this might affect others in the future?
-> To put it short, it gave me a perspective of our future. Without JoS maybe I would not even consider a future. A personal gain was the ability to use some basic Runes to heal some simple health affections. This is something I am grateful :) It seems like an analogy our influence is growing slowly like a plant or a tree. I think maybe even in a few years JoS might become a trend and people will ease down a little on the "all occult and energy manipulation bad" BS.

What about the future where more people will see the Truth, how do you see yourself and others in all this?
-> Complicated answer. I think I need to use this time to become more balanced and patient. I managed to control my anger and frustrations better this year, but they are still there. I am a bit worried this anger and frustration may trigger a reaction like "took you long enough, we could have all been dead because you could not raise your mouth from the jew dick sooner" instead of "welcome finally". It does depend if people wake up when it's hard to do so or when it's comfortable to do so. Going on a more positive note, I think
positive changes may happen sooner than expected, because the astrological beneficial intervals haven't started yet and I am seeing some positive reactions from people worldwide. I hope to see myself in some department having a decent job, surrounded by SS and having the time to advance like jews had while they were paid for it. Maybe work with a team on writing educational material for our cause and having better ways to reach the population than now.

Why do you think that is important that it happens on a higher scale?
-> Definitely our sites reaching a mass number of views. People are more prone to accept something if they know they are not alone, but many. It gives comfort to be part of a group. The bigger the better. A notorious youtuber mentioning JoS for example, not even in a positive comment, would probably trigger a SUBSTANTIAL GROW of our side!

What would you like to see from JoS towards this world?
->Everything is in place! All that humanity needs! Race, spirituality, economy, politics, psychology, physical development, medical knowledge, Rituals, EVERYTHING! One more thing is needed. PUBLICITY! Then the seed grows.
On a more personal preference, I think what interests and fascinates me the most (which is what immortality means on a certain level) is the secret to preserve memory. Which is what JoS is about ultimately. Not going trough all those resets of memory each time.
I appreciate your willingness to have such open discussion with our community and I'm thankful.

Everything it is right now is incomparable to anything in this world. Our amazing members make these forums the wonderful place it is through their careful and detailed responses to other members concerns and questions. Not to mention our HPs posts and the work of technical-savvy members.

Although we get disinformationists, this is the exception and not the rule.

One thing I'd like to see (just a personal thought) is a place or thread that covers the history of Satanism and our Gods.

I know one of the JoS documentary you made contained powerful information on why Odin is Satan. As well, the JoS website and Library contain a wealth of information.

The history stuff is all out there, I just think it could be more streamlined. I'm probably being cynical here though.

As for the future of the JoS, I think it will continue growing and will continue needing more donations and support. It will also require us members to continue improving ourselves so that we can become stronger assets to its combined success.

In the end it's up to us so let's keep doing our best for the sake of the future of all Gentiles.
I'd like to see Us going physical "again" (ie 3rd Reich)

Could you write a sermon about when this could happen, what it entails(how small or big are we going to start, do we members of the Joy of Satan get any spots(in the physical work), or is it just for the "VIP" members of the JOS(Singular Gentile satanists in already high positions of the world)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
That's an open discussion thread where ideas can be shared. Could be about now or about decades later, or more generalized things. Not many limits placed on any questions, this is more like a walk into the higher worlds that we could have?

We have the 10 year plan of course. But I would like to hear about more.

How has Satanism affected you and how do you see that this might affect others in the future?

What about the future where more people will see the Truth, how do you see yourself and others in all this?

Why do you think that is important that it happens on a higher scale?

What would you like to see from JoS towards this world?

I feel that I have lived to ask you this, finally

there's no nobility in poverty

an update with a very explicit page with as much useful as possible about money, wealth and how to get it
(hey, but we already have so many! but I'm talking specifically on joyofsatan, here it would also be nice)

topic about ease in life in general fixed in some group.

satanism has affected me in the way I see fate, previously fatalism which has reverted into a blessing where I simply do the most basic thing in the world which is to endure suffering and fill it with good things, opportunities surrounding me, created by ME, deserved by ME, and beneficial to ME.

i am young, and i see clearly that a good many of my peers feel a shrinking fervor for miracles and solutions, but by facing and hitting the wall of karma or having bad opportunities, they don't get very far
SS is not for the weak, of course, but among so many potentials if some go with everything it's worth it, huh?

when we reach more people, I imagine that several will give up due to the difficulty that the path requires, sorry but that is the truth, I know it is natural, but I imagine that the current average human being, weak spirit, will not go very far, I hope I am wrong.
and finally, I find myself talking indirectly with others or in a group in person, telling them what they could expect, as far as I know, as if it were theory 🤣
just camouflaging

injustices, karma, poverty (poverty really, deprivation of good things and having to decide a lot every month) etc...

from 0 to 10 in seeing joy prospering internationally, 10
evil and degeneration of harmful behavior on an individual and collective level being seen as BAD and ripped out by THEIR OWN PEOPLE, I sometimes daydream.

When it comes out that Satan is a real being a line Will separate those that Will side with us and those that wont. What I wonder is about the supposed event that Will kill many human lives, since Satan has stated many are going to die. Perhaps this war in ukraine Will escalate.
I really want to see that in the future people, the world won’t have any knee-jerk reaction when others mention (or generally mentioned, like in media types) JoS. To the very least they should think about it as a website with interesting and diverse information (from astrology to health, sports and ofc occult).

Another thing I could imagine again and again for a long time, even close to obsession… I want to see temples again :cry: Maybe it seems a bit shallow but knowing that there are no churches and the place, the astral is cleaned of them makes my heart jump literally. Letting people know that JoS is from a past history, not some weird random ‘modern’ thing created. It is the most natural way for us to live. (This reminds me about the Earth’s grid, but I guess this ‘project’ is going to be longer than ..10 years)

Personally, I see myself working in a career that can influence and change the stupid status quo ideas in my field. I know I may or/ not be working directly with JoS but I want to be able to understand and debunk the mess in the h statistics.
I think almost everyone that is SS now will try in some way or the other to pinpoint people to truths (I’m even thinking about small things in the workplace like one idea today another question tomorrow and so on; with safety in mind)

As for a higher-end type of deal.. it would be awesome to be recognised by the government. What and how exactly? I’m not sure. I don’t have a clear understanding of governance so it is pointless to imagine some random way.
Curious to see what other people say as well.

Thank you for these questions HP. Very thought-provoking. I will think about them more and see what is my perspective.
I would like to eventually see cooperation between politicians and the JoS, politicians openly engaging with and seeking guidance from JoS clergy (both for the purpose of decision making and properly guiding society, and also their own spirituality and understanding). And society protecting the JoS and keeping jews away from it and preventing jewish infiltration.

I want to see the JoS very involved in important spheres of society so we can better guide humanity.

Imagine if there could be made a regional (or even global) announcement for societies at any time, and all able humans respond to participate in rituals for uplifting humanity and the energies of the environment.
I'd like to see JoS cover ancient historical events on a few long articles. The Jews has been doing serious history revisionism lately with the blood libel against Whites. Maybe cover Antediluvian, Tartaria and other kingdoms.

Also what about combat methods in spiritual warfare such as fighting entities in your dreams or fending off spiritual attacks from enemies. Like instant attack methods thru visualization ect.
I am wondering if anyone has all of the black sun 666 audio, 26 parts... also will there be a detailed instruction on the Magnum Opus? All 13 (or more) steps explained in detail?
when I was new, I was just doing the basic meditations for years not moving on to other, stronger meditations. I wish we had a "meditation tier list". Not in terms of usefulness, but in terms of "you do this for this number of times a day for this many days ( basic aura cleaning for 60 days (i dont know)) then you could start to move on to higher one's like raum cleaning or runic cleaning. 3rd eye opening with thaum for however many days, then you could do the dagaz rune instead for however many days, or whatever. This sounds like it would be hard to calculate since people advance at different rates tho.

Something like this, but much better:

3rd eye opening for (days?) and after that many days you can swap to ----> dagaz rune for (reps?) for (days?) ---------------->
or ----> (something else that's stronger) (reps?) for (days?)->
then -----> (something even stronger?)
or -----> (something even stronger?)

aura cleaning many days then ----> Raum cleaning for (days?). then after this many days -------> (something stronger?)
or ----> (rune?) for (days?) and (mantra?) then ---------------> (something stronger?)
or ---->(another rune?) same as ^^^ then -------------> (something stronger?)
or ----> (another rune?) same as ^^^ then ---------->(something stronger?)
and the list goes on.....

I have a bad stagnate nature, so when i was new I wasn't doing stronger meditations, because I thought the basics were good enough for a while. Stupid of me. I feel like it would help guide some people by showing them where they could be at in terms of meditation over time.
This is off-topic but.. we have been online for many years and I think that it would be nicer to stop being an underground community. We have the 10 years plan and the time is going fast, how are we supposed to make 1 billion people know about us and maybe trust us if we are not exposing us more. Idk maybe some of us can go to podcasts or things like that and talk about everything. Maybe we'll have a "church" too in the future, what's stopping us? The jews? We have the Gods with us.
I feel like I need to rectify myself regarding the temple thing from my reply. I don’t want any misunderstandings.
I meant it as my long long term wish in an IDEAL world, where the enemy is gone and we begin to build ourselves up. DO NOT go and build any temples! Or meet/ plan with anyone to do so. Keep safe.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jackie Puppet said:
Many people may be afraid to say it but we need more updates and transparency regarding HPS Maxine and her current/future status.

Soon, as I am less limited now. I will be able to answer more too. I'll relate more on the subject when certain things are out of the way. What is for sure is that what you read in the troll places from where you come they know nothing. That's mostly just slander "these people" who are well known jews keep writing, which is part of what they always do.

I know you are an ex-troll and current troll from another place, but if you look at my previous responses, there have been given answers. I stretched the limits to privacy a lot in every response as much as I could and was allowed by the current time and trajectory of things.

Also, that is not really related to the post that much.
that's cool I miss the threads and posts by HPS Maxine, they always had a lot of insight on any of her posts and threads.

also i have a question about when the anti-islam rituals are coming :D :D :D :D
Two things

1) I hope I’m clear with what I am trying to say, there may be some back and forth. With doing workings for certain areas in our lives or selves instructions or steps for someone to follow for the layers to guarantee success. For example some one starting a business they do a working of protection for the business, one to attract the best workers and team for themselves, one to bring about good customers and a high success rate with their service or products, another on themselves for leadership and decision making, or maybe one to break up whatever blocks there might be, etc.. this can include runes, planetary timings, affirmations the whole nine yards. I’m sure this is something a bit more far off into the future and I have seen bits and pieces of this kind of info but to have something more centralized and put together.

2) some time ago HPS Maxine was talking about runes and proper ways to vibrate through the chakras or a more advanced way. Waunjo was her example- Vvvvv into the base, aahhh into the sacral, ooooo into the solar, nnnnn into the crown, yyyuuhhh into the shoulder, and Oooo back into the solar. Anyways is this something already in the works or completed?
I personaly would love a dedicated post about Karma. Because i think it is the most difficult programming to deprogram from.

I understand that the more you focus on something it becomes your karma. But i still can't grasp the whole concept of it.

So if people belive that Karma is doing good= good things happen to you, doing bad= bad things happen to you, does that become their Karma?

And then perhaps a page not on JoS(that has a direct link to JoS) with all the major terms explained, like Karma, Reincarnation, Energy(the stuff most people interested in the spiritual search) for people to be able to find us on google(as i understood we are blacklisted on google).
I one day want to see the different types of meditations such as ascent and awareness meditations

also I want to see the post you said would explain about different humanoid tribes that are native to Earth but are not Gentiles or parasites like the kikes or gypsies
I've been thinking for a while now that we could have an FAQ forum. Or in a section above under the JoS logo, it would be like a library.
There could be many types of FAQ threads covering as many topics as possible.

It also occurred to me that when you log in, there could be a tab that says "I'm a new member" for example. And when someone clicks on it, it takes them to the FAQ forum automatically.

And there could also be all the JoS websites.

If you want a lot of new people in the future, I think this could be a good solution.

I don't have much time these days, but I found this important. I have read similar threads, but unfortunately have not seen the end result.
I'm still waiting for the glorious day in which you will make that sermon on how to be extremely disciplined like you are or something like that.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
That's an open discussion thread where ideas can be shared. Could be about now or about decades later, or more generalized things. Not many limits placed on any questions, this is more like a walk into the higher worlds that we could have?

We have the 10 year plan of course. But I would like to hear about more.

How has Satanism affected you and how do you see that this might affect others in the future?

What about the future where more people will see the Truth, how do you see yourself and others in all this?

Why do you think that is important that it happens on a higher scale?

What would you like to see from JoS towards this world?

My ideas are mostly specific-rituals.

Spiritual Satanism and JoS gave me hope, and helped me realize that Bible prophecy is BULLSHIT and is the result predictive programming occultism. Every single article on this ministry debunked every single bullshit belief that I once held. It also helped liberate me and helped me reclaim and celebrate all the holidays that stupid jewish program said i cudn't (writing a post on this topic, to be released December 12).

Idea #1: Destruction of Companies Using Human Meat, Fetuses and well...anything HUMAN
One of the first things that popped-up in my head for my ideas, goes back to my very-first post (at least on this acc't) on this forum, Leviticus 26:29 - In your grocery shelves, fast food restaurants and meat supply chain.........

I know we already have the anti-blood drinking rituals, so this idea could be an extension of that. Given that the human meat industry is global (kikes of US and China being the two biggest perpetuators), it'd be nice to see JoS doing "specific rituals" aimed at exposing these companies, getting them shut down, and helping the Gentiles get access to REAL meat, be it being given the tools to open their own meat butcher businesses or allowing the Gods to guide them to trustable meat companies. Using the power of #2, that of destruction and chaos. This ritual should also have the goal of allowing restaurant-owners to only buy their meats from trustable purveyors.

The same goes for the soda and flavoring companies using aborted baby feti.

The USA admittingly may be blessed with options (simply go to a local butcher), but given to what I've read on DoC about the poison food industry in China, the folks of that country really need it, doesn't seem like they have that option given to how their Big Daddy gov't pretty much controls their entire economy, just within a "capitalist" image. I'm not as strict as HP Maxine when it comes to dealing with Asian restaurants (given as to how I took the risk and went ham on moon cakes, Made in China for the Lunar Festival), but a ritual such as this would manifest a situation where Asian supermarkets are selling REAL food, and customers can enjoy w/o having to freak out over their food being laced with.....well you fill in the blank.

I don't advocate "cutting all trade" with China or India, as a lot of occult tools we like to use, such as nag champa incense is from India, so exporting products from other nations is necessary when trying to attain those that are not made in your own country. As a matter of fact, a ritual like this would help re-gain trust between the peoples of USA and China in once-again, trading one another's products.

A couple goals of said-ritual, which is 3-fold, using the number of Trine Spirituality.
  • Expose and manifest global boycotts of companies using human ANYTHING in their food products
  • The Gentiles will get access to trustable meat purveyors, restaurant-owners will only buy from those who sell real animal meat
  • People will no longer fear where their food products are made

Idea #2: Gentiles Regain Control of the Big Cities

As well as everywhere else, but let me delve deeper into this subject. This'll seem contrary to the flag on my profile pic, I like both big cities and rural dwellers since they both contribute to the nation and are a physical manifestation of yin and yang. The difference between SS and other "whistleblowers" (because they're Xian) is their obsessive hatred for urbanites - flaunt up "Remember 9/11" logos on 9/11 and then bitch and whine about how big cities are evil and that "god" will destroy all big cities and force everyone to be pro-rural and live rural lives, which destroys the balance of civilization (either way, ultra-libtards too, wanna create cyborgs out of us and turn the big cities into huge computer networks).

I'm sick and tired of big cities constantly being associated with ultra-billionaire kikes who hold their heinous child-sacrificing rituals underneath their skyscrapers.

So perhaps another good ritual is not to destroy big cities or any of that shit, but to have Gentiles re-conquer them - make New York City no longer Jew York City.

I have a gut feeling that Chicago's got many SS, since that city was among one of the quickest to roll back the stupid "no vaccine no service" policy - something I knew as part of remaining positive, would happen. Had I still been a Xian, and I can imagine Bible prophecy fucktards were all SALIVATING at the destruction they wanted to happen. Look like Lucifer's people go it a middle finger with some good RTR and FRTR action!

Idea #3: Gentiles, SS/Good Occultists Regain Control of Hollywood

Imagine you're a parent of really talented children, you couldn't be anymore proud of them. Said-children sign up for a prestigious art or acting school, but you are then told they can no longer see you, and you later learn that their directors, managers did really heinous things to them but if you, or your children try to speak out....your obituary will be tomorrow's headlines.

Yeah, welcome to Hollywood.

All parents want their kids to be successful, happy and prosperous, and I'm sick of tired of Hollywierd and its nefarious practices towards children preventing this.

This'd be one major one, and with people like Kanye West, there's hope. I believe Britney Spears too, is sick and tired of the kikes, which is why they have spend over 2 decades torturing her, confiscating her wealth, and STILL continue to torture her (in the most recent debacle, they TURNED HER KIDS AGAINST HER).

Seems like our RTRs are actually making some of this happen, and it's not only Kanye West and Britney Spears, but Dan Schneider and Drake Bell both got exposed for their acts of pedophilia as well, and for Schneider - his references to pedophilia in all of Nickalodeon TV shows.

I'm sure we're all sick and fed up of the Kikes constantly pushing the lie that in order to be rich and famous, you have to sacrifice children. They also mock our Gods with their fake Satanic hand symbols and their hijacking of Satanic imagery.

Yes, I know, SS discourages sitting at home and watching TV all day, but when done in moderation, it's not a bad thing, and I'm pretty sure the world is just fed-up of knowing that their favorite show was only "successful" because the actors and directors are all pedophiles and cannibals.

This feeds into the entire "do not love this world" BS that Xians like to preach (or energy-feed more-of). Thanks to Hollywierd, now many people are turned off by the idea of being powerful, wealthy, rich and famous.

But as SS, we know better, Satan and the Gods want nothing more but a happy and prosperous world.

We should live in a world where parents of talented children can comfortably send them to become famous, WITHOUT having to partake in such nefarious activities.

Nothing is impossible, as an SS, this I know. Remember when people thought that internet-browsing without spyed-on was impossible? Then came DuckDuckGo and Tor browser, I truly feel that the people who made these were actually either SS or resistors with great knowledge who spent their hard work, sweat and tears not for the money, but for the good of Mankind.

May it be done. It will be done. It is done.

Satane Vindice!
Satanism has granted me forms of knowledge that have essentially changed the course of my life for the best.

Upon proper and consistent application of such knowledge, I have come to attain greater capabilities and extents of insight, judgment, reflection, and most importantly, individuality, as a living, thinking individual amidst a world in which the majority of people live lives barely worth calling "living".

How has Satanism affected you and how do you see that this might affect others in the future?

Meditation raises our very extent of existence in life, this universe, and even different dimensions. I landed smack right into JoS without any prior experience relating to Satanism, meditation, yoga, etc., so our meditation section was the very first form of it that I had ever truly done. Then I found out it's also the most ancient and valid in the universe. Either ineffably lucky, or fate.

Although I laid off meditation for the first few years, it was actually some traumatic experience I had about 2 years ago, that caused me to start taking meditation more seriously. The way I was able to save myself in rather adverse conditions reminded me of what Satan said in the Al-Jilwah, Chapter III, "All my teachings are easily applicable to all times and all conditions." It's absolutely true.

Astrology has also allowed me to bend my fate and break what normal people would be doomed to suffer through. Although I myself am not too well-versed in astrology, and it was Lydia who conducted a chart reading for me, I was able to know what I needed to work on, and change the course of fate by my own hand.

The kind of power Satanic knowledge grants a human being upon proper application and understanding of it, is the kind of stuff of supernatural mystery stories. Seriously.

As for how I believe my experience in Satanism has affected other people, I have personally experienced that those directly around me rapidly improve in emotional state, understanding, and well-being when I am there to influence their lives. It's something related to the elevation of our minds, auras, and how as we advance we begin to shine as a beacon for those whom are yet lost but possess a will to live, some form of desire that salvages their existence more so than those on a path to self-ruin.

Again, I gained this knowledge (and therefore power) from the teachings of JoS, for which I am eternally grateful.

What about the future where more people will see the Truth, how do you see yourself and others in all this?

When we meditate, we begin to attract not only favourable outcomes in our lives, but also encounter interestingly intelligent people of similarly calculative calibre. I have made some very, very intelligent friends who pretty much possess the worldly insight and strength akin to that of a Satanist, but obviously aren't SS yet.

It takes only one of us awakened, to light the life of those around us whose suffering has dimmed their own. If I am able to be a form of light to the close ones whom I hold dear, and a form of inspiration to those not as familiar with me yet, I'm glad to bestow a sense of hope to those who are mutually tired of the mess that many humans in this world have become.

And if I am able to maximize the quality of my life as I have done through Satanic knowledge, any Gentile willful enough to learn and apply such, will be capable as well.

Why do you think that is important that it happens on a higher scale?

If every person on Earth in the right mind, ability, understanding, and circumstances consistently and maximally applied the teachings of Satan and his Demons, I truly believe that humanity would light each others' lives like a chain reaction, and no one in this world would need to bear any more suffering, any longer.

Therefore, we will win. For ourselves, and for others. And ultimately, for the Gods.
Salve a tutti carissimi fratelli e sorelle di joys allora magari questo c'entra poco con l'articolo sopra ma chiedo come siamo mesi con le nostre battaglie per distruggere il nemico?
Quando potremo cominciare a combattere
E soprattutto mi piacerebbe sapere come la loro situazione in questo momento
Other than to see the JoS expanding like wildfire and people all over the world checking it and learning from it and from our experience at a rate so fast the fucking kikes will shit themselves?

A Romanian Sister suggested the idea of starting a political party with strong healthy roots in Spiritual Satanism, so people would get to be more involved on a daily basis in something that is easier to reach than a great spiritual accomplishment (which a lot of the time can put us down or frustrates when we are inexperienced and can't get it right within the first 100 tries). That would be one idea. I also heard some time ago that in Romania someone established a "Satanic Church", but I seriously doubt the people in it have much to do with any of us here.. the main point here being that "more people are opening up to the idea of 'joining Satan'", whatever they believe that means for them (so when they finally find the JoS they'll likely want nothing to do with anything that's NOT the JoS).

I can't suggest anything that hasn't been done for the JoS translation effort cuz I'm honestly impressed at how many have taken this into their hands before someone has brought it up in a post here. I'm speaking for the Italian JoS, and I can tell they've done a MARVELOUS job, and I'm proud of being a small cog in that machine these days.

Something else I've been thinking (not sure this is what you meant one could suggest)..
I'd love to have a Ritual for Haures/Flauros (like we have for Father Satan, Astarte, Azazel..) as She's my Guardian Demon (it took me forever to realise this) and I want to do something for Her that can also strengthen our bond.
I know the progress of getting a ritual written down for all of the Gods will likely take a LOT of time, so I'm speaking up in favor of the one I want to see coming sooner, if possible.

If not, could you please let me know if I could use the current Rune series in another Ritual (like Abraxas', for instance) and write the affirmation myself using what I know and the previous rituals as a "template" to make one up by myself. I'd really love to thank Haures this way for always having been so patient and close to me.

Thank you, Brother.

General information about The Empire of ORION, different species that Satan and the Gods may have created on other world's and planets, allies to humanity etc, information about different dimensions(higher and lower etc), different places in the astral realm, planets, worlds, like a Map or something of the Universe - Geography of the Universe and astral realm/dimensions

How the universe truly functions, since Big Bang theory is wrong, the physics, science behind it etc
More information about Numerology, mathematics and how it ties to spirituality. More information about advanced Godly technology, spaceships, weapons, tools, gadgets, tools etc - Godly Science and Technology/Engineering(maybe even tutorials on how to craft and engineer such stuff too maybe?)

More detailed information about extra terrestrials, such as their biology, which planets they come from or galaxies etc.
Information about the history of Wars and conflicts of The Empire of ORION. Or perhaps notable events throughout the
universe about all species and objects - General History of the Universe.

Politics in the Universe and The Empire of Orion. Social Sciences and how things are things are ruled, detailed hierarchies of power etc. (Is there a galactic federation of different Empires out there? Is ORION part of it? What other powerful species exist besides the Empire of ORION? Are they our allies? Enemies? Neutral?) - General Power structures and Hierarchies of The Gods

Information about Law and Morality of the Gods and other species outside in the Universe etc.
Economics and currencies of the Gods.
(Do Gods make companies?)

Information about the Godly Arts(music, dance, drawing), Literature and more

More information about "siddhis" or what its called, and listing all different types of siddhis and their details.
Even more Runes if there are available than already on the Rune page.

Different kinds of disciplines and jobs that exist in God society.

More information about Warfare, spiritual and material, different kinds of warriors(like different classes that exist, like you have vikings, ninjas, samurais,modern soldiers, assassins, berserkers, ranged fighters, close ranged, snipers, mid range fighters etc etc)
and different powers and abilities that warriors use of the Gods(like thunder, water bending, fire bending, teleportation, poison, force fields, gigantification, superspeed, super strength, shapeshifting), information about famous warriors that exist like Marchosias and more.

More general information about reality basically.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
That's an open discussion thread where ideas can be shared. Could be about now or about decades later, or more generalized things. Not many limits placed on any questions, this is more like a walk into the higher worlds that we could have?

We have the 10 year plan of course. But I would like to hear about more.

How has Satanism affected you and how do you see that this might affect others in the future?

What about the future where more people will see the Truth, how do you see yourself and others in all this?

Why do you think that is important that it happens on a higher scale?

What would you like to see from JoS towards this world?

Wow. Great discussion. Let me share some ideas. Maybe they might be of Growth to our path.

1. An Official Youtube (JoS) Channel.
Where maybe Knowledge about Satan and Magick can be shared and given Audio and Visual illustrations giving them more power and Reach. Maybe things that will be deemed (antisemitic and racists by the enemy) can be omitted to obviously keep the channel going. This can act as a getaway to reach more people insearch of Religious Truth, and ultimately they can learn about the enemy(jews) and more knowledge from the site and forums.

2. A JoS App.
Technology is growing Fast. I feel like More will be impacted if we grow with it too. About the design of the app, it can have the JoS info, important aspects of the forum, Calendar, Astrology Knowledge and many other ideas.

3. More international Reach About the Truth of Satan. (Africa and other places)
I am happy to have been in the path in this lifetime
I believe i was in other lifetimes. But when i am meditating and in the astral i feel very lonely, i feel like souls around my my country are Generally oblivious of spirituality. Its so saddening. I wish more people In Africa Learnt about Satan and True Satanic Truth. I believe it would solve so many problems that we have. I just don't know how it can be done. Maybe the upcoming translated websites will help. Poverty, Corruption, Ignorance, The most bizzare forms of christianity; so many things are just so heartbraking in this part of the world. I hope Satan Looks upon Us with Grace, Guidance and an uplifting Hand.

4. More Empowering of the people in this path.
More positions of influence, more wealth, powerful voices and more resources to the people of this path. I don't know directly how. But basically more such rituals, Motivations, Directions, More powerful Magick ways directly from the gods. Because honestly i believe the JoS as a place has grown so much. It has more members, more knowledge and now its time for its people to influence the society Further. Members should be motivated to take actions into the world and become people of influence. In this way we will realize our dream of a world of prosperity and magnificence
So far I see a few highly intelligent men and that is good. I want to see forums made for each state so those of us that are tribal can meet others. This is not a TOR Forum, it is on the clearnet. We have no black market. If big Brother is watching he can easily gather all the intel they need. I am tired of only meeting Fluffy Bunny Obese Atheist Laveyans with ZERO self-respect.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
That's an open discussion thread where ideas can be shared. Could be about now or about decades later, or more generalized things. Not many limits placed on any questions, this is more like a walk into the higher worlds that we could have?

We have the 10 year plan of course. But I would like to hear about more.

How has Satanism affected you and how do you see that this might affect others in the future?

What about the future where more people will see the Truth, how do you see yourself and others in all this?

Why do you think that is important that it happens on a higher scale?

What would you like to see from JoS towards this world?

Satanism affected me in so many ways. I haven't been this optimistic about life before until now. I was able to shake off so many delusions and lies I believed in about the Gods and Satan, and about the world I live in, and history in general.

And I believe the future, as more people begin to inevitably know the Truth, many people will feel freedom, and I see myself being able to be a new generation not just in my family, but the environment I am in, and make this world a better place.

It's important that the world is able to embrace their Satanic culture, so diverse and rich, full of beautiful and amazing people, places, art and wisdom. That we're able to be united with the Gods, and become Gods in our own right, while being unique and diverse.

I would love to learn more about our Gods and their role in the history of mankind, and their names all over the world.
I personally believe that we should get the anti jihand and anti islam rituals ASAP.

Islam must be crushed and destroyed. I am impatiently waiting to revel in the final, ETERNAL collapse that will befall this disgusting , dirty and foul program.
Jackie Puppet said:
Many people may be afraid to say it but we need more updates and transparency regarding HPS Maxine and her current/future status.

Why would anyone be afraid to ask this?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jackie Puppet said:
Many people may be afraid to say it but we need more updates and transparency regarding HPS Maxine and her current/future status.

Soon, as I am less limited now. I will be able to answer more too. I'll relate more on the subject when certain things are out of the way. What is for sure is that what you read in the troll places from where you come they know nothing. That's mostly just slander "these people" who are well known jews keep writing, which is part of what they always do.

I know you are an ex-troll and current troll from another place, but if you look at my previous responses, there have been given answers. I stretched the limits to privacy a lot in every response as much as I could and was allowed by the current time and trajectory of things.

Also, that is not really related to the post that much.

I knew this was a troll thats why i asked him why he thinks like that. Since its a troll it wants to paint JoS as a cultish organization where you wouldnt even be allowed to mention the former leader.
Hello. Something I'm curious to see/hear from the JOS is the pratical side of all this. What i mean is Ideas on how material changes might be handled like ideas on how to rebuild our socety. Ideas or plans on building physical communitys with the truth at it's core.
Also I'd love to hear/learn about our ancient past. The huge beautiful temples that are dating past any known timeline. More info about the ancient communities that still register on a geger counter. Radiation.

Basically more physical side of all of these coming changes.

Hail Father Satan :D
I know that satanism is all about freedom. However, we live in a world where the enemy puts a lot of traps to hinder our progress in the guise of "freedom". Shouldn't we have a code of conduct to avoid these? I write this even because I have noticed that there are some restrictions in our religion that are not very explicit and people tend to interpret freedom in "convenient" ways that are destructive. Maybe making more explicit which philosophers are to be taken seriously would be a step to the right direction.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
That's an open discussion thread where ideas can be shared. Could be about now or about decades later, or more generalized things. Not many limits placed on any questions, this is more like a walk into the higher worlds that we could have?

We have the 10 year plan of course. But I would like to hear about more.

How has Satanism affected you and how do you see that this might affect others in the future?

What about the future where more people will see the Truth, how do you see yourself and others in all this?

Why do you think that is important that it happens on a higher scale?

What would you like to see from JoS towards this world?

The actual number of projects or roles JoS tries to fill in the world is limited by the number of trusted "staff" members. In this way I expect some sort of limitations in terms of what JoS itself can directly control. However, I think our main influence comes through propagating Satanic information and supporting cultural change.

As Satanists gain positions of power, then this would lead to an extension of JoS into these realms of the world. In this way, the opinion of advanced members would become akin to the what the priesthood of the ancient world was like.

However, given the "Aquarian" existence of JoS on the internet, and entering into the Age of Aquarius, I think our best focus is on idea generation. For example, if we figure out a "Satanic" way to do something, then we could exert influence on the rest of the world to implement this. We do not have to actually do it ourselves.

In the modern world, there seems to be a big emphasis on supporting various movements or people themselves. We can see how people will donate massive amounts of money to people or causes which appeal to them, even strange ones. JoS could orient itself into a position where it can make use of this behavior to further itself.


As JoS attracts attention and support, our way of living will naturally be adopted by others. As people meditate, this will serve as proof of our cause, as well as directly advancing humanity as a whole. By focusing on quantity versus quality, I think this would lead to the fastest improvement within the world.

Other movements, such as Hitler's Nazi party or the priesthood of ancient Egypt, was limited in how directly it could reach people. Even though there are some concerns with abuses of power by the untrained, I think the net gain would be very positive. Established SS could also find themselves in consultant or teaching positions here.

Not only are we able to communicate written messages, but the addition of videos, memes, and other new forms of media should be good enough for people to grasp the basics about Satanism, allowing them to understand without too much confusion.

I don't concern myself with the specifics of Satanism within certain fields or aspects of life too much. I think the first step is to simply propagate it as much as possible, then allow that to naturally drive growth within more specific areas. This would also be the easiest way to stabilize people and humanity, such as if many people are acquainted with aura cleaning.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
That's an open discussion thread where ideas can be shared. Could be about now or about decades later, or more generalized things. Not many limits placed on any questions, this is more like a walk into the higher worlds that we could have?

We have the 10 year plan of course. But I would like to hear about more.

How has Satanism affected you and how do you see that this might affect others in the future?

What about the future where more people will see the Truth, how do you see yourself and others in all this?

Why do you think that is important that it happens on a higher scale?

What would you like to see from JoS towards this world?

Things I'd like to see:

1) Joy of Satan Publishing House. Where official publications, books, magazines, newsletters, etc. can be published and distributed the good ol fashion way! It seems there is enough information already to comprise an entire collection of books. This could also include instructional DVD's and CD's.

2) Apprenticeship training. Old fashioned master-apprentice style 1-on-1 training to produce high quality adepts and ministers. I know there are lots of materials provided for free already and one could certainly achieve a high level of adepthood just by applying the free materials, but nothing really can substitute for face-to-face apprenticeships.

3) Literal (brick and mortar) universities. Get your degree in everything Satan and His Demons have to teach us in a formal classroom environment! Joy of Satan Universities all over the world! :)

4) Buying out churches that can't afford to stay open anymore! There are a lot of these springing up on the market. I'd love to see us buying as many that go for sale and converting them to serve Satan and our beloved Gods and Goddesses! Real estate takeover In Nomine Satanas lets gooooo! =)

I'm well aware of the OPSEC/security limitations in place that currently prevent at least some of these 4 things from being possible right now, but I'm dreaming of a world where we're free to operate openly without fear of retribution. I believe we can do it!

Bonus idea: organized pamphlet/newsletter drops individuals can print off at home and distribute discreetly at local bookstores, shops and wherever those little "free pamphlets" bins are. Making sure to stay within the bounds of legality while doing so of course.

HP HoodedCobra6 :D 66 🌏❤️ spiritual Satanism has helped me in many ways! IN MANNY WAY!!! For starters! Being brought up and born and raised in a Mormon family! It's interesting to know how things have taken a different perspective in my mind growing up as a small child and a teenager! Curious about Satan and his gods and demons and what they are really like
And finding out the truth more and more! Just out of curiosity? Getting into this whole thing about Satanism when I was about 13 years old which is about typical for most teenagers! Starting out with Anton LaVey and all of the Hollywood crap that you as a child or many other people were forced to believe in! And how antagonizing it was trying to talk about it with family and asking questions! And how I used to sit around as a teenager and think about the movies and all of the crap they put out there about father Lucifer Satan and making him look like a monster! With the Catholic church and what the enemy out there wants you to believe and forces you to believe! All the well? People grow up angry and scared about their own nationality their own race? Wondering why are we being discriminated? Just because we're Gentiles and wondering what we did to deserve this kind of Cruelty throughout the years reading and studying the history books and such growing up as a teenager I wanted to know the truth about things! And I wanted to know the exact truth and what was really going on compared to what was written in our school textbooks and what was being taught in churches all over! And it doesn't matter what Christian Branch laugh out loud and all of the costumes and all of the fear behind it all keeping you from knowing the truth and keeping you from knowing yourself! Giving you a guilt trip just because you have a curiosity about something? And that Curiosity has pushed me on throughout the years because I know that there was something out there that wasn't right and I knew that as a child I was being lied to by people and you would ask questions and they would yell at you for the fact that you would dare question authority! What all you were were just a little kid that wanted to know the truth just like everybody else they want you to tell the truth and yet they lie to you! Keeping things a secret from you and I know that that was wrong growing up as a kid and therefore the Curiosity pushed me more and more even if it got me into a lot of trouble and a lot of big arguments with family and friends and school teachers all over! It didn't matter if I was polite about it? Even when I started doing my own research myself! I got into many different groups all over social media and they were not exactly what I was looking for some of those I have to admit we're a little fun at first Until you realize how phony a lot of these people were and the pictures and the nonsense that they were talking about and posting was no more different than the Hollywood crap and the nonsense that you would read about in Bibles Bible classes or sitting down watching a classic movie about dracula? All of the Hollywood garbage and all of the nonsense trying to convince people out there all over that Satan is a bad person and that his gods and demons are a bad people? When I knew that there was something wrong? And I knew that it had something to do with the Enemy just because of jealousy and out of sheer hatred taking down Empires throughout the centuries killing off innocent people and turning people against each other in towns and Villages all over! Going after women it just because they're attractive or just because they know something and accusing them of practicing witchcraft! And yet they practice magic themselves in their synagogues and in their temples all over and then they tell us the word not allowed to do it? And then to hear about ancestors and relatives and my family that were killed and murdered during The Witch Hunt just because? Whatever excuse and it wasn't just women it was a lot of intelligent men as well! Just because they happen to have an idea for business! And wanted to make things better for their family and their children! A good man who happens to love his wife and respect his wife and who and what she is and had appreciation for her and her family and would do anything for her and his children! A lot of good men were simply put out and put to death just because they simply had respect for their wife and didn't go along with the church or the enemies rules! A lot of these good men were also killed on the battlefield just because they were the main target out of somebody's hatred or out of some jealousy!? And then the woman was left to survive on her own and then things would either go downhill? For her and the family just because of the color of their skin or because they have an Aryan name or just because of their background! Whatever excuse a lot of these people seem to thrive and they work their butts off trying to work their way up protecting their children and what they have left to remind them of the love they had of their spouse! Just because of their family background and just because of their own beliefs a lot of these people were put to death and executed! Just because of their own unique and different ways of being a person! I know that there were a lot of good people in these Church families and a lot of these people were discriminated and put to shame and made to feel embarrassed! Just because you're a girl or a guy who was interested in going out and learning something being put to shame just because you dare take that step forward to go out and get a higher education or to go after your dreams and just show interest in gratitude in yourself!? And wanting to be a different person and having that right to be different and that there's nothing wrong with that! And I do know that I've made a lot of enemies throughout my school days as a kid because I wanted to know what was going on and why we were being given old textbooks given half lies and half truth and then some smart ass remark just to slip out of the fact that somebody is asking a question the teacher would come up with some lame-ass excuse and brush you away and weasel herself out of it because she didn't want to sit down and think about things and answer your question people like me were put to shame just because I would dare ask a question or because I would show an interest in higher intelligence or sit down and have a conversation about the gods and what they were really like back in the days compared to how they were described in textbooks and in Hollywood movies! Being on the joy of Satan has opened my mind up in many ways and has helped me with a lot of my questions and on here I have found a lot of my answers! That has helped me. Of course having to go through a lot of stumble and fall on the way trying to find the truth and trying to find a group or a website that made sense after all of the many groups I have been in since the year 2000 getting the same bullshit over and over again in every group the same old biblical crap over and over again which didn't even seem to make sense laugh out loud I knew that Lucifer Satan was not a monster and I knew that his gods and his demons were the good people because I have visited family and relatives that have passed on and I have seen visions of them in my dreams and that they were beautiful and I have seen demons and I know the difference between what demons look like and how they treat you and how angels look like and how they treat you.. and needless to say? Angels are not very pleasant they take on many different forms and they'll even take on the form of your dead relatives and fool you into thinking that everything's perfectly fine when it's not when you know where your loved one is because they come to you and they give you straight answers and they talk to you or if it was an enemy laugh out loud you can tell the difference in their vibrations their energy levels and you can tell that they are in the right place and that they are being loved and that they are learning and continue on with their Journey working with the Gods and they will do anything they can to help you and you can fill the positive effect and you can feel the love of these relatives that have passed on and therefore I know the difference! Demons on the other hand when they make their appearance you feel their energy and their vibrations and you feel loved and wanted and appreciated a demon is there to help you and they are willing to help you especially when you have that chance to sit down and meditate when it is needed even on the worst of days even on times when you don't even feel like doing anything they are very encouraging and very helpful it's nice to be able to sit down and have a mental conversation with somebody who cares about you and understands you and you notice the difference right off! As with me I recognized it right off and I could tell that I felt at home and I felt appreciated! And when a friend told me about this website! I was so happy I was in tears! After years of dealing with social media and the enemy and the mind games that they play it was a tall glass of water to me to be able to log on to the joy of Satan and to actually read things that make sense! I learned to find peace Within Myself reading about Satan and who and what he is and what he really looks like and what he is really all about finding the truth! And finding comfort being able to learn to let go of the past noticing the difference between what I was taught as a child growing up and what I have been taught on here I have come a long way since I first started on here noticing the difference and recognizing the truth! You guys have led me to the right path and yet at the same time out of curiosity I led myself to the right path! And a path that I have chosen for myself! Compared to all the nonsense that I've read about and things that were disturbing to me I had every right to ask a question and I had every right to get the truth! I am one of these people who want to know the truth behind things and as a child growing up I wanted to know what was really going on and who is being honest with me and who wasn't and yet we are told as children to be obedient until the truth until it like it is? Well how was it that we could be expected to tell the truth? When these people are all about lying and working with the Enemy and turning things around and twisting things around keeping you from knowing about your ancestors and the gods when you have every right to! And you have every right to be you and express yourself any way you can anyway you want to and wish to especially as a woman! And that I have every right to be proud of myself as a female! Looking for the truth and looking for the answers and now I am here! And I have learned not only things that I was curious about learning it goes on and on because I learned more things the more I read and the more I get into it! I have been a part of this website now on and off since the Year 2013! And needless to say it has inspired me in many ways and it just keeps me going and going! I still have the Curiosity of Truth in many things but it's nice to know that you can sit down and get on a website where you feel wanted and accepted to learn about the truth and to be able to find it on your own and that is okay to talk to Satan and that is okay to learn about your ancestors and your ancient background and to learn about the gods and those that have passed on before you and to learn about our history and to turn my mind around and to look at things in a whole different perspective compared to how I was taught growing up! It has taught me in many levels! Just to be able to sit down and talk about your experiences and what you've learned and what you have read about! Is what I enjoy about being on the joy of Satan! I feel at home here this is my classroom! This is the classroom and the type of school I was looking for a growing up as a child where I could actually have a conversation or ask a question without being shut down or put to shame! That I can actually sit down and have a heart-to-heart conversation and know that I'm getting somewhere or just simply go and look things up and be independent and have the joy and the pleasure in doing so. And without being questioned! By the enemy or buy some Christian School teacher! It's nice to know that I don't have to deal with Christian idiots and morons throwing their rules out there and trying to give you a guilt trip just because you're curious! And just because you want the answers and because you want the truth! There is nothing wrong with looking for the truth! And there's nothing wrong with being independent and looking for your own answers and doing your own research and having the pleasure in doing so! I think that higher education is priceless! And nobody should be kept away or be put to shame just because they show an interest in learning something especially when it comes to education! And you have that right to go as high as you want to and branch out! Because after all Satanism is connected with Europe he is connected with intellect mind body and soul and spirituality on all levels which is something that the Christians have tried to shut us off from or give us a guilt trip just because we dare ask or show an interest! We don't have to worry about that on here! We can study and read to our hearts content and know that we are getting somewhere we have our hopes and dreams and my hopes and dreams is to meet with Satan and to be with him and to work with him and to be a part of his godhead! And I am going to continue to read and study to my heart's content and it doesn't matter how old I am! I'm going to keep going and going! I am destined to look for the truth and all things! And I will be more than happy to take the risk in doing so! Being a warrior! And being strong about it knowing that I'm going to be fine right here with the JOS. And and having the confidence Within myself! And that we just keep going! And that we are not alone we are together as one fighting for Satan's kingdom and fighting for what is right! It is never too late and you're never too old to learn about the truth there is nothing wrong with being curious! I think that curiosity is beautiful! Father Satan is everything to me! And his gods and demons are priceless! And so are we! We deserve to know the truth! And we will do anything we can to fight for it laugh out loud I know I will! I will not give up with that a fight! HAIL SATAN!!! 🙏❤️‍🔥
Considering how Jews love to create associations in order to create connections and hold power in societies, maybe we should do something similar too. Do you think it is feasible to restablish what the freemasonry was supposed to be about (in a form of another organization) until the end of this century? Or should we rely at best with just covens?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
