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We Are Building Satan's Empire, Fellow Satanists

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
It is important to understand that the Gods have put us here and tasked us all with some tasks. While we think these tasks are external, indeed, they have everything to do with us and who we are now, but also that which we are going to be.

Father Satan and the Gods have given us knowledge to develop ourselves and our world. Why?

Because our world has nothing in it, if we don't do nothing about it. Contrary to the views that want humans as useless, the Gods disagree. The Gods teach us that we are tasked with the fact that we must maintain and advance things. They stand there as those who have done it and our guides, calling us there.

Without following this, our world and ourselves are going to fall into a state of entropy, in which we will be consumed by the laws of nature that deal with returning to a state before existence.

The Gods and Father Satan have instructed us for these things for our own sake. Observing this matter, we cannot thank the Gods enough, for both bringing us to existence, but also teaching us about it. We might not always like what we see, but they give us power to conquer what we are against right now.

Our Gods are great teachers that understand our limitations, fears, skeletons, but also see where we can go. While we stumble on the lower levels, they still stand there to bring us back into the line, yet we always have to agree to this ourselves. We are free beings to a major extent. We are responsible for ourselves.

Currently, all of us are like a forest. We are growing on rocks, on soil, and in a world that opposes us and misunderstands us. Instead of seeing this as a negative, everyone should see this as a positive. We are a powerful seed with a great future.

The world misunderstands itself as well, so we should not take this personally. What everyone loved at one point, currently and temporarily is hated only because of disinformation. We have taken a wrong turn as a world, but we can certainly make sure to turn to the good side on our next stop.

Our next stop is currently coming, and that is Satan's Era. Our understanding has to be firm in this. As we develop personally, we must develop our common existence as a unity. We people of this place are united. Whether one is more of a lone wolf, or a master of teamwork that is focused on the community, we all share a similar destiny together.

Like trees in a forest, we are not all the same. We have our differences, yet, we all belong in the same forest, the same innocent creatures are trying to find a place in our warmth, and whether we succeed or fail is something that should propel us all to grow.

Another stolen statement from the enemy, is that when Apollonius, was being dragged to his death and was "crucified", he told that "These people do not know what they are doing, excuse them", a statement later stolen and put into the "Bible", which needless to say should be read from the perspective of where it existed originally, in OUR culture.

Apollonius was the one that was brought in front of the Roman authorities to be tried, and descriptions of this time and that event have it, that he teleported out of the room after he was absolved of a wrong verdict of the mindless masses. Apollonius was a student of Azazel/Apollo.

"Even before he was born, it was known that he would be someone special. A supernatural being informed his mother that the child she was to conceive would not be a mere mortal but would be divine. He was born miraculously, and he became an unusually precocious young man. As an adult he left home and went on an itinerant preaching ministry, urging his listeners to live, not for the material things of this world, but for what is spiritual. He gathered a number of disciples around him, who became convinced that his teachings were divinely inspired, in no small part because he himself was divine. He proved it to them by doing many miracles, healing the sick, casting out demons, and raising the dead. But at the end of his life, he roused opposition, and his enemies delivered him over to the Roman authorities for judgment. Still, after he left this world, he returned to meet his followers in order to convince them that he was not really dead but lived on in the heavenly realm. Later some of his followers wrote books about him."

People are clueless in regards to the Gods and what they are missing out on, therefore, clueless on our intentions too. If they knew, they would have changed their minds. But this change will arrive gradually, and with a lot of struggle. That is because we are stubborn in our ignorance.

So stubborn, that when we make steps to cure this disease, the Gods smile upon us and come around us in help and great mercy. As a broad mass, we are sufferers, but we aren't understanding it. We are those who engage this process, instead of pretending it's all fine.

We are all confronted with different obstacles, and the aim here is that those who can remove one obstacle, to have another obstacle removed off from their own path. That is the value of community. That is why the Gods ask us to surpass our limitations, while simultaneously they understand what these might be.

In order to build anything in this world, and follow the eternal path of the Gods, we have to learn how to give, and how to receive. Those who want to do neither, will find themselves in an empty life. The Joy of Satan is our giver of purpose. We are in a ship that moves on during a storm right now, but we are strong and resolute in this ship.

Everyday we come into this place to see more of our own going through the same struggles, maybe those that we will encounter later or the ones that we encounter now. But one must understand where we would be if we were "alone". We would be nowhere. People have been nowhere for centuries. People like ourselves were hunted down and burned not that long ago, with nowhere to go to.

Often times I am severely criticized and sometimes good, other times badly. That is a normal part of the process of life, where opinions differ. It's important however sometimes to zoom out. As far as I am personally concerned, I want to lift the maximum amount of wood and build other people's houses and the village.

In a similar manner than where people are not doing this, inevitably a winter will come. Then people who now criticize me will later curse me for not building them houses - for now, I will be criticized for saying to build the house. Over the years, when the winters came, or when we moved on the edge of not existing, everyone understood.

One zooms out and understands where we are now and what kind of opportunity has presented itself, one cannot help but act seriously in this task.

We are all a spiritual society and family. Some people will be able to lift a lot of wood, and others will be able to bring trucks and companies and others will be woodcutting professionals. Others will plant the trees, and others will do other tasks. Others will not be able to lift nothing, but will have another power.

But we are all doing something together - and that is the important point. One didn't exist in this life doing nothing. I know I haven't, and I am blessed to know many that can say the same. When one's heart aligns with the Gods, they will understand this motivation.

Eventually one will understand more and more, until they will finally get glimpses of the zoomed out state, in which many more things will make sense. For what I can personally say, I am thankful, and I am very humbled and live in daily appreciation for all of you and the fact that you all exist and that you are advancing.

Our people are a unique flock, a unique species of individuals and leadership here is not linear. Traditional rules of leading are not enough; one must think with the wisdom and with the heart to be both a member, a servant, a leader, or anything in this place. Yet, we are succeeding and we are doing this in a world where things do anything but welcome our advances.

The day will come where the Empire of the Gods will be restored. To these people and ourselves in that future, we will be thankful for our actions today, and what we did in that task. Those of us who did nothing will just look at themselves with a form of bitterness, and there is no guilt in realizing this.

Everyone will experience a form of guilt; others for not doing anything, and others for not doing even more. We'd rather be on the second category.

Some of you have told me you feel some guilt when I bring some matters in front of you, but the same guilt and nakedness would arrive a million times worse, if we looked back to our life and knew that we never meditated and we never tried to discover what it meant to be human, or to build something for the Gods.

Where would we be without them and without the Gods? Or without the knowledge that we have? Or the infinite value it has brought into our existence?

Personally, I wouldn't even "be".

I must also close this message by saying that the existence of this community and it's people, in the overwhelming majority, is making me trust humanity again. For this I have to say that I am thankful to all of you.

I also plea of you, to do what you can to advance, to keep walking towards your Godhead, and to not allow the void to consume you.

Further on, I hope that we both appease and amaze the Gods who see our world in this current circumstance, and that we manage to become a beacon of light in the midst of darkness.

Next time that you are confronted with something like we all are, you must think, that no matter what one is facing, one's life has had a divine spark in it.

We are all together building the Empire of the Gods. We are doing it.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you so so much High Priest!!!

I really needed to hear this, like really.

Also, one more thing: You are an absolutely magnificent High Priest ever alongside HPS Maxine!!! I feel blessed to read your sermons!

Despite the criticism, I am thankful that you are standing strong and mighty!!

I'm not trying to kiss anybodies butt's, but I just simply want to share my gratitude to you, HP!!!

Thank you once again!! :)

As inspiring as ever. I've always found the word "Empire" and "Emperor" to be so powerful and majestic, something to really admire in awe. I might even love more the Italian translations: "Impero" and "Imperatore". They sound so good in my head :D
All Hail the Restored Satan's Empire on this Earth of ours we're moving towards. Lode all'Impero di Padre Satana.
I notice that each of us are moving like clockwork where we need to be as people so that we may continue to grow as beings, spiritually, physically and in all ways.

We are playing our part under the watchful eyes of Satan and the Gods. Every solid effort to advance with us united in a bond of unity will shift the tides into better waters.

At times I doubt humanity, but my family here who I confide in, the gods who reassure me of our immense potential, and all the great things that are done and being done really set my head and focus straight.

Truly we are a family like no other under the Gods. And with this we shall succeed in rebuilding a new better world and better humanity step by step.

Brick by brick the path has been put forth for us and we piece it together as we move through eternity.

May the Gods help us see through our endeavors my brothers and sisters and most certainly you Commander Cobra.

We are gradually becoming unbreakable soldiers, forged in the flames of Olympus.

It truly is a pleasure beyond words.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank you for this as it was very truly motivating and inspiring!

I am eternally grateful to have been sent in the direction of being a part of this, and the empire we are building together. This is truly all our calling, we were called to action, and each one in our own respective ways answered. Each one of us and our own abilities plays such a crucial part in making this happen.

As you have said Hp, No matter what part we have been graced with, it's a worthy part, and blessed by the Gods. Each one of us here truly matters and is an essential piece of this beautiful thing we are blessed to be a part of. True love for our humanity and our people comes from seeing this, and feeling it deep within. The connection, bound together by this purpose, reignites this spark of life that many people are still searching for. If only they find themselves here they wouldn't need to search anymore.

I am grateful for each and every one of us here contributing to this empire, Strong people building and maintaining it's foundation. And I am grateful For our Guardians and our Hp!

Hail Father Satan!, Hail to the Gods and Goddesses!
May our efforts live on forever and pave the way to the future we all deserve, one that is coming swiftly. A future where the old world will rise once again, where the soul of Egypt is restored to it's full glory, back to our roots, back to the ways of our Father Satan and the Gods. This is the only world I see in our future! The only future I see is Satanic! And I will keep the hope of this alive in all that I do.
Thank you for this some things said really hit home for the current moment, especially during a rough transit. Despite this, I am very grateful for the help and guidance I feel to have been given by the Gods. Financial profit from a job that turned out to be much longer than expected is going well especially at this moment, along with me always ending up in the safest places for work. I am also hoping for good weld test results back that will lead me to alternate lines of work that will better balance my work hours and to better conditions.
This is both inspiring and motivating as all your sermons are HP. Your matching of the topic with the mood and spiritual requirement of the members is impeccable. You constantly reaffirm in our hearts and minds that you are the chosen amongst us.

May the Gods bless you!
SapphireDragon said:
Thank you for this as it was very truly motivating and inspiring!

I am eternally grateful to have been sent in the direction of being a part of this, and the empire we are building together. This is truly all our calling, we were called to action, and each one in our own respective ways answered. Each one of us and our own abilities plays such a crucial part in making this happen.

As you have said Hp, No matter what part we have been graced with, it's a worthy part, and blessed by the Gods. Each one of us here truly matters and is an essential piece of this beautiful thing we are blessed to be a part of. True love for our humanity and our people comes from seeing this, and feeling it deep within. The connection, bound together by this purpose, reignites this spark of life that many people are still searching for. If only they find themselves here they wouldn't need to search anymore.

I am grateful for each and every one of us here contributing to this empire, Strong people building and maintaining it's foundation. And I am grateful For our Guardians and our Hp!

Hail Father Satan!, Hail to the Gods and Goddesses!
May our efforts live on forever and pave the way to the future we all deserve, one that is coming swiftly. A future where the old world will rise once again, where the soul of Egypt is restored to it's full glory, back to our roots, back to the ways of our Father Satan and the Gods. This is the only world I see in our future! The only future I see is Satanic! And I will keep the hope of this alive in all that I do.

Sister, you speak (well write) so inspiring and beautifully, that it's just soul warming. Thank you!
What I regret now that the age of Aquarius has started is that I didn't do enough to help you guys but stay in the shadows doing RTRs with rituals to the gods if I couldn't donate or effectively translate since I'm piss poor at my own tongue, I crashed and burned there... I can't make it to getting IT skills to be more useful here(Failed a major exam and soon has to retake it), sorry I failed you all. I await my judgement by nature for everything cowardly and stupid that I have done.

I'm one of the bitter category you mentioned HP, I didn't do enough for you guys but sit behind you all doing RTRs and other rituals that complement it, that's all I can do. All I am is a slave to my rage, to my hatred, I should have used it for the better way earlier.

I'm such a fucking idiot. I just don't know what to do anymore but I want to ask everyone here before I'm off for a break, how was I as an SS here? The whole entire time? What comrade was I?

Stab me in answering if you have to.
Wildfire said:
What I regret now that the age of Aquarius has started is that I didn't do enough to help you guys but stay in the shadows doing RTRs with rituals to the gods if I couldn't donate or effectively translate since I'm piss poor at my own tongue, I crashed and burned there... I can't make it to getting IT skills to be more useful here(Failed a major exam and soon has to retake it), sorry I failed you all. I await my judgement by nature for everything cowardly and stupid that I have done.

I'm one of the bitter category you mentioned HP, I didn't do enough for you guys but sit behind you all doing RTRs and other rituals that complement it, that's all I can do. All I am is a slave to my rage, to my hatred, I should have used it for the better way earlier.

I'm such a fucking idiot. I just don't know what to do anymore but I want to ask everyone here before I'm off for a break, how was I as an SS here? The whole entire time? What comrade was I?

Stab me in answering if you have to.

All the statements on my original post expand in a vast approach, not to focus on you in the way that you are reading this.

You need to stop worrying and taking everything so personally. You are on a developing phase. You are very strict with yourself. Work with the life the Gods have given you, and don't do this self sabotaging to yourself.

It appears from your replies you are trying and actually achieving in school and no matter that you are always unsatisfied and radical with yourself. That's wrong towards yourself.

The message is to encourage you and give you hope, not give you a negative spiral. Please fix these factors that lead you to this errant process, and advance with less worries in your future.

Everyone can do what one can do, not what one cannot do.

Meditate, keep advancing, live your life, and try as you go to also do some good things for the like minded folk like yourself here, even if this is a comment or a good word, or some deed.

You haven't failed at anything, just study and re-do your exam.
Wildfire said:
What I regret now that the age of Aquarius has started is that I didn't do enough to help you guys but stay in the shadows doing RTRs with rituals to the gods if I couldn't donate or effectively translate since I'm piss poor at my own tongue, I crashed and burned there... I can't make it to getting IT skills to be more useful here(Failed a major exam and soon has to retake it), sorry I failed you all. I await my judgement by nature for everything cowardly and stupid that I have done.

I'm one of the bitter category you mentioned HP, I didn't do enough for you guys but sit behind you all doing RTRs and other rituals that complement it, that's all I can do. All I am is a slave to my rage, to my hatred, I should have used it for the better way earlier.

I'm such a fucking idiot. I just don't know what to do anymore but I want to ask everyone here before I'm off for a break, how was I as an SS here? The whole entire time? What comrade was I?

Stab me in answering if you have to.

Don't be so hard on yourself. Things take time.

Be proud of how far you have come instead of beating yourself down, this doesn't solve anything but make your life harder.

Some of us have to build ourselves up in order to do more.

For example, personally I'd like to contribute in the IT and computer sector here as well, but too many other things in my life require attention and worked on before i can be of any major help around here.
I pushed myself deep into study, but I realise i still have awhile to go still.

Once we accept where we are at, we can further expand at the correct and appropriate pace for ourselves as individuals.

In time you'll have what you desire to accomplish in the works.

Rome wasn't built in a day..... neither was anything in this world in comparison as well.

Pat yourself on the back and take a breather for some moments before you step forward brother.

In addition to what Hp and Serpentwalker666 has said I would also like to tell you that everything you have done still has value. Just because you may have made some mistakes you truly haven't failed at all. You are here with us. If you had failed you would have laid down and given up, You are doing something and that is vastly more important than those who gave up truly, and did nothing. Those who aren't with us anymore. I have made many mistakes as well so I can stand before you now and say truly that it is in your heart and soul that matters, and the fact you are trying at all speaks for itself.

Not any one of us have gone through this life, or any other without some personal struggles that we had to overcome. You are trying, keep on doing what you are doing, things will get better. As long as you keep your head up and don't let the negative consume you, you will prevail. The Gods are with you as they are with us all. They haven't given up on us, so don't give up on yourself. Keep on trying until you get your desired results. Don't let how far you've come be in vain. Keep on fighting and know you have the love and support of Father Satan and the Gods and all of us as well.

"Falling down is not a failure. Failure comes when you stay where you have fallen" -Socrates
Very inspiring post! Thank you HP.

Hail Satan forever!
Wow!! This was the ultimate! And this was the most beautiful sermon I have read yet! And I have read a lot of beautiful sermons on here. ❤️
HP HoodedCobra666 Thank you for sharing this!! I needed to hear this! 🙏
I know I've got a lot of things that I still need to do yet.
We all have big shoes to fill here. And I admit that. And I know that you will have done a fabulous job on this website
serpentwalker666 said:
Wildfire said:
What I regret now that the age of Aquarius has started is that I didn't do enough to help you guys but stay in the shadows doing RTRs with rituals to the gods if I couldn't donate or effectively translate since I'm piss poor at my own tongue, I crashed and burned there... I can't make it to getting IT skills to be more useful here(Failed a major exam and soon has to retake it), sorry I failed you all. I await my judgement by nature for everything cowardly and stupid that I have done.

I'm one of the bitter category you mentioned HP, I didn't do enough for you guys but sit behind you all doing RTRs and other rituals that complement it, that's all I can do. All I am is a slave to my rage, to my hatred, I should have used it for the better way earlier.

I'm such a fucking idiot. I just don't know what to do anymore but I want to ask everyone here before I'm off for a break, how was I as an SS here? The whole entire time? What comrade was I?

Stab me in answering if you have to.

Don't be so hard on yourself. Things take time.

Be proud of how far you have come instead of beating yourself down, this doesn't solve anything but make your life harder.

Some of us have to build ourselves up in order to do more.

For example, personally I'd like to contribute in the IT and computer sector here as well, but too many other things in my life require attention and worked on before i can be of any major help around here.
I pushed myself deep into study, but I realise i still have awhile to go still.

Once we accept where we are at, we can further expand at the correct and appropriate pace for ourselves as individuals.

In time you'll have what you desire to accomplish in the works.

Rome wasn't built in a day..... neither was anything in this world in comparison as well.

Pat yourself on the back and take a breather for some moments before you step forward brother.

I need a 3.0 GPA to be accepted into an arms manufacturing company, I plan to earn lots as an IT specialist for smart weapon projects there. I just made myself an ass to my professors who expected the best from me.

Yep, arms manufacturing, I'm really going to need this besides making myself fortunes where poverty will never be a spike up my ass ever again, just in case things go super south with the world. If you know what it is like to study how to make interfaces easier to use at the same time on how networks operate, how to program devices and the other legit lessons there, now you know how crazy this is.

I fucked up grade 8 & 9 STEM education trying to go for aerospace engineering long ago before becoming an SS(Why did trigonometry and calculus have to do me dirty before....), yes, those years of the worst bullying under a stupid bitch I told about here. Everything I studied for because of that former crazy dream I had when I was a short and skinny teen kiddie gave me a big headstart with IT.

To go back to the topic, I do hope that my goal of contributing to defense and security can help out with Satan's empire soon.
Wow! That was the ultimate sermon I have ever read yet! And it was beautiful!!! HP HOODEDCOBRA666 thank you for sharing this!! I needed to hear this! And it makes me feel good! And I know that we have done and have come a long way! And we have learned so much and come so far since we first started! I am both amazed and impressed how much this website has grown! We all have big shoes to fill and we all have a responsibilities! And I want to let everybody know how much I love ❤️ and Appreciate you.
The things that we have learned and the things that were still learning to this very day! Maybe a bit hard for some and challenging for others but I do know that it gets easier and easier! Once you open up and get going! It's hard to stop reading once you get going! I enjoy reading the content! Reading about the news and the updates! And reading about the goals and the experiences that people go through on here! It inspires me hearing about other people and what they do and it teaches me! To look for it in myself and inspires me to keep going! The confidence and the self-esteem! This website has come a long way and it has gotten bigger and bigger! And I enjoy reading the sermons and learning from them! And it makes me feel proud to be on here and I enjoy being on here and I try to get on here as much as I can everyday! Not just to read but also to study the meditation skills and other things! I don't know what I would do without you guys! I don't know what I would do without father Satan and his gods and demons! If it weren't for them we wouldn't exist and I know the enemy is doing everything it can in its power with all of the followers that go along with the enemy going as far as they can to destroy humanity! And I know that we all have our calling and our mission to serve and to continue one! And from reading the content and the sermon on here yes this world is a bit of a nasty place right now! And no it has not been easy for people on this Earth to survive and get by but thinking of all the fun that we've had and how much we've learned and the experiences that we've all gained is we age! It is comforting to me to know that I can get on here and loo, up information, learning about our people and how far we've come throughout the centuries in spite of all the crap we had to go through. We still have lots and lots to learn and lots and lots to do! And I'm not going to give up! And I know that there is still a lot that needs to be done and taken care of and we still have a lot to learn and study about ourselves and about Satan and his gods and demons!. THIS WAS BEAUTIFUL!! 🌏🔥❤️ THANK YOU FOR SHARING THIS!!
HP HoodedCobra666 Thank you!! I am sorry about the last post... I was going to correct something? And it put something else I wasn't even through texting and I accidentally pushed submit! So it is out there somewhere! And I apologize! Anyway I just want to let you know that I enjoyed reading this sermon! HAIL SATAN!!
There was a post that accidentally got sent.. by accident! I accidentally pushed submit! Instead of stop! I hadn't even finished it yet I was in the middle of it making a correction and I accidentally sent it! Anyway don't worry about it! It was just a typo and a mishap! All I want to do was let
HP HOODEDCOBRA666 know how much I appreciate his sermon and all of his sermons! He hit the nail right on the head with this one! And it was beautiful and well said and well written! And I can totally relate to that! We all have our responsibilities and our things that we need to do that is necessary! We all have our missions and we all have our calling and we all have our jobs that we need to do! And that's all I wanted to say and put out there! And to let Brother HP HoodedCobra666 know how much I enjoy reading his sermons and how much they help me! And the fact that I appreciate it! Everything I read on here is an inspiration to me and it is an eye-opener to me and it keeps me alert and aware of what is going on! I love that feeling of awareness because knowing is half the battle! And knowing who you are and what you need to do and what you should do is all a part of it keeping yourself physically fit! Getting plenty of sleep at night meditating and learning all the things that we need to learn! I know that a lot of people are still having struggles with meditation laugh out loud! And I know but I went through that problem myself as it is and I have sympathy for you and I fully understand all you have to do is just relax find some time for yourself or plan a day where you can sit down and relax after work and meditate or even just to listen to some relaxing music or take a yoga class or Kundalini class and notice how good you feel and The Sensation you have inside of your body the energy that you have and that feeling of deep relaxation after a good workout! And just to be able to sit down and relax and enjoy yourself and as long as you're happy and as long as you can relax that is a good step to start out with before you get into a meditative state of mind! I am a new meditator and I love it! And I am doing everything I can in my power to learn as much as I can! Because I want to be a part of the godhead and I want to work with the Gods and I am hoping that I can meet with you all one of these days and work together in an actual school and in a community working together as a team actually other than just being on social media I think it would be awesome! I love the way people get along with each other and communicate on here and the fact that people take the time to help each other and respond to one another's stories and share their ideas! Even to discuss their problems and sit down and help each other out! It's nice to know that I can put a question out here and somebody answers it! I think it is a beautiful community! And I know the Christians use the word love a lot and have pretty much wore it out! But I'm going to say this just once! I love this place! And I appreciate the things that you people do! You guys are truly awesome! In this place is everything to me! And Satan and his gods and his demons are everything to me and they mean the world to me! It is nice to know who they are and it's nice to know who you are and where you come from! And the things that we need to do and the things that we must do to keep things going to take care of ourselves and our planet family and children etc etc we all have our work cut out for us and we have come a long way since this website! And the things that we have learned and the things that we learn every day as well! Is proof right there that Satan and his guides are right here and they've been right here the whole time! And they are proud of us and they want us to continue on and keep going and keep growing! This is amazing and this is what makes me happy! Hearing about the good news and the things that we need to do! There's always room for improvement and room to grow! No matter how old you are and no matter how smart you think you are and how strong you think you are! ❤️We are still learning and growing! And still learning to figure things out! And putting things back in the perspective is not going to be easy! But look how far we've come and look back of the things that we went through before this website? And look how far people have come in their mind and with what they have learned on here! It just goes to show you that the gods don't give up they work with this and they help us even if we get stubborn and relax even if we have those days where we don't want to do shit! Satan is aware of it and he will let you know what is going on and what you need to do! We have no time to lose we've got to keep going! And learn from our mistakes and move on! This is our life and this is our calling and our mission! And I want to make Satan and his gods happy! And I want to be happy and I want to do the right thing! And I want to do everything right! And do everything and anything I can! And whatever it takes to help myself my home and family and my fellow friends brothers and sisters on this website! And this community! Satan's Kingdom and Empire. And make it grow. And I will do whatever it takes to make it possible!🔥❤️
The thing is it's already there , people are just not practicing. The Eternal Light that displays creation is always there. We have
a lot of young souls, that's why. Asking them to fully follow Dharma , would be unfair. It would be like asking a baby to sprint. The problem is leadership,you have people from Naraka Loka (chakras below the root chakra in the legs) ruling.
We are in the same Pyramid just at different levels of It , towards the peak. Prosperity can be had even right now ,if leaders of high consciousness ruled. Its always there. At the bottom of the Pyramid,you will perceive different entities, individuals,wars, Dharma and Adharma. It's mixed. But as one ascends the Pyramid in Awareness towards the Self,the Peak Absolute then one starts to see the unity of existence. And at the top despite the conflicts and so on at the bottom. There's is nothing wrong. Its many out of the One. Karmas are Self Created,from past actions , Divine Providence can't dictate otherwise.
We can comment on what we observe and happens in Kali Yuga but we should not condescend. People seeking Dharma is because of being an older soul. You have had more experience in Maya. Most are still babies and have to learn from there self created karmas and should be left to it. The problem is in leadership,we have Asuric leadership but this is about to change. People will naturally follow a soul who is more unfolded than them on the Pyramid. Whether they are Dharma Aware or not. We are in the same Pyramid. The thing is Auspiciousness is always there, Always. Lack of mental discipline that's all there is to it. People are too caught in the motion picture, ignoring the Blissful Light ,that always displays the picture. It's already there fulfilled, unchanging.
The Pyramid is Universal Sun God Consciousness,those things used to shine.
The message is no matter what ,how good or bad the motion picture looks like,the Sun God Consciousness Light is always there, Always!.
If you are still like the Pyramid and worship God in Yoga terms which is mental concentration and withdraw Awareness into the Inner Sky until you reach the Peak. The Peak being the Absolute Reality, Swastika,you worship God and come out of this. You will have the Power of the Pyramid and you would be able to order whatever you want and have it, instantly. You see it's already there, there's nothing wrong even in the self created bad motion picture of immature souls.
Pyramid symbolizes ascension through purification by Eternal Fire into the Absolute Reality,after which one can order anything and have it. This really starts from the navel when one breaks into contemplation and has the first Samadhi. God Realisation in form. Then you understand why it's Satan Seat,the navel. He then leads the soul through purification by fire into the Absolute. The Dragon.
It's already there within ,it's accomplished. People are just not practicing.
Being still and looking to the Inner Sky like the Pyramid.

"It would not be an exaggeration if I said that man is God." - Yogaswami

Satan to HP Maxine-
"Do you know why the Pyramid has so much power? Because it points to the sky."
This "job hopping" phase I'm going though may be a way to show me examples of what I'm getting into before full commitment. Magick made it easy to find employment, but with terrible pay and long hours. In a way it feels like both a punishment and a lesson. I don't think I made a mistake with the energy, just the manifestation of it is affecting both me and my surroundings in ways I didn't expect, nor prepare for. For instance, I'm consistently offered to work overtime, and I want my "old career" back now. I also forgot about the per-diem tax deduction for days spent working out-of-state.

I already plan to fit the FRTR and any upcoming ritual schedules into my rest breaks while on the road. Originally, I was afraid I wouldn't be able to do rituals out there, but I was advised otherwise. I'm almost done with a 40-day money working, and I think I'll do another one later. I don't want to immediately dive into another working after this one, as I need time for my mind and soul to adjust.
Wildfire said:
What I regret now that the age of Aquarius has started is that I didn't do enough to help you guys but stay in the shadows doing RTRs with rituals to the gods if I couldn't donate or effectively translate since I'm piss poor at my own tongue, I crashed and burned there... I can't make it to getting IT skills to be more useful here(Failed a major exam and soon has to retake it), sorry I failed you all. I await my judgement by nature for everything cowardly and stupid that I have done.

I'm one of the bitter category you mentioned HP, I didn't do enough for you guys but sit behind you all doing RTRs and other rituals that complement it, that's all I can do. All I am is a slave to my rage, to my hatred, I should have used it for the better way earlier.

I'm such a fucking idiot. I just don't know what to do anymore but I want to ask everyone here before I'm off for a break, how was I as an SS here? The whole entire time? What comrade was I?

Stab me in answering if you have to.
Stop calling yourself names, are you dead right now? I don't think so. You are but at the beginning of your life and you are allowed to make mistakes as anybody can, what differentiates people who succeed and people who don't is that the ones that fail they fail forward, and see their fails as lessons. Use your fails to succeed.
I love you Brother HoodedCobra. That quote from Apollonius, I really needed it, as I have in the last period really started hating people, and in my heart I knew there was something wrong with that.
All people are free to choose, to choose what to follow and why. And based on this, the consequences will come, positive or negative.

As far as Satan's Empire is concerned it is an irreversible process.

Thank you HP for what you do for us.

Thanks also to all the guys who do their best to build wonderful things.

A special thanks goes to the Gods who help and support us.
I'm a little confused, when does the age of Aquarius actually start? Internet says 2012-2020-2021 one of those dates, I've read somewhere it starts in 2100, so which is it???
The trees that grow in the coldest mountains are the strongest.
We shall rise the Empire of Satan, and ignite what resides in humanity once again.
The empire of Satan will be successfully built and we will defeat the Jews and their nefarious programs.

Ave Satanas
Ave Azazel
Ave Lilith
Heil Hitler SS army
So I want to do the soil dedication ritual. However I can't get enough blood out of my finger. Does it have to be the finger? Can I get it somewhere else?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

How to find out which task we should do? When i was 14 years old i felt i will be important somewhere, and that i will need to convince people in something. Satan also told me i can reach Magnum Opus in this life.
Wildfire said:
I had read something from you in the past, I don't remember what, but I remember that it had made a very good impression on me. Unfortunately, I don't remember what it was, but for some reason I had connected your username to something very positive.

Nevertheless, I see that many of your last posts have the form of self-punishment. Why?

You are talking as if you will die tomorrow and you didn't manage to do enough. But, you're not dying, are you?
You're talking as if you don't have another chance in life, but why?

It's alright if you messed up, if you fucked up, if you had some kind of a goal but failed in reaching it.
It's fucking okay. Don't beat yourself up about it, and instead see what you can do from now on to become better.

We all make mistakes, we are humans.

I think that, because you are being so hard on yourself, perhaps this attitude has blinded you to other alternatives with which you could help JoS and the community.

Not everyone's path is IT - you are very mistaken if you think that this is the only way you can help the JoS.
Also, not everyone is fit for translating; I'm also bad at my own native language, unfortunately.

You need to take a step back and stop doing this to yourself. It's not getting you anywhere. Stop cursing yourself, stop being regretful about it, just stop beating yourself over any mistakes you've done.

See the failures as opportunities to learn better. Examine things better. LEARN from them.
Failures happen so that we can learn from them, not so that we can beat ourselves up about it and make ourselves feel bad, and curse ourselves etc.... Failures do not happen so that we hate ourselves. They happen so that we learn and become better.

Please, stop having such an attitude. It is damaging for you, and if you understand how the mind works (power meditations, our thoughts have power, we can literally make reality situations we visualize on the astral), then you will understand that the more you curse yourself, the worse you'll get at what you want to do.

Think of yourself as being your own parent. If you (as a parent) beat yourself (a child), then will you (the child) become better? No.
But if you (as a parent) try and nourish yourself (a child), and make positive affirmations, and have positive thoughts, and say kind words... Then, can you imagine how beautiful and powerful you (the child) will become?
It's a very beautiful thought.

Please, take this into consideration. It's never too late, regardless of what mistakes we've done. It's never too late to start again, and this time re-examine carefully the situation, see what your mistakes were and try to avoid repeating them.

Treat yourself with kindness and love. I know this sounds very new-age lol, but I had enough years of beating myself over that never helped me at all. When I actually started accepting myself, learning from my mistakes and loving myself, I could feel it deep within me that I was being freed from this beast of judgment over my head. And when you start accepting yourself, even if you fail again and make mistakes, you don't feel as bad, because you learn from them. You don't hate yourself, but pat yourself in the back and say "that's okay. Next time I'll do better, I know I can do better".

Be a kind parent to yourself. :)
This was a very inspiring sermon, thank you very much for writing it.
Beautiful sermon HP. Hoodedcobra!

I may not know where I fit into the grand plan of things currently, but it doesn't matter.
I will continue to advance, trying to figure out what I can do for the Joy of Satan that is valuable.

Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank you HP)
It might be stupid but Your amount of kindness to our community makes me ashamed of not being perfect
Wildfire said:
Failed a major exam and soon has to retake it

Actually exams are a good chance to learn for free (since older people have more problem with paying for education than with the education itself). When I failed many times some exam somewhere I enjoyed coming and solving other tasks every next attempt because while I payed for the classes themselves, exams there were extra freebie, and those attempts were actually free classes where I learned on my mistakes and got extra knowledge. I enjoyed the process (since I am blessed to be fully devoid of all ambitions and solely interested in the process) and actually learned much more of the subject itself than if I had passed it by some luck from the very beginning.

At school I also was distracted by all kinds of unimportant crap, but living my life through I realized that there is nothing more joyful than realizing you know nothing and relearning again and again, improving your knowledge making it perfect. This feels like a dream quest in a wonderland.

Also if you really love the subject, all your falls in it charm and call you even more. Because it is something precious enemy does not want you to get. A forbidden fruit. A godly knowledge, a godly quest.

I wish to put here an example of what I think is close to the mentality I have about it, maybe I am wrong and it is something else. Maybe such thing is at all wrong either. I speak about samurais who were so devoted to their art that when they had to give a try to a new sword they gave their lives to be chopped with this sword just to give it a try, so that other samurais could use it if it proves well.
Wildfire said:
What I regret now that the age of Aquarius has started is that I didn't do enough to help you guys but stay in the shadows doing RTRs with rituals to the gods if I couldn't donate or effectively translate since I'm piss poor at my own tongue, I crashed and burned there... I can't make it to getting IT skills to be more useful here(Failed a major exam and soon has to retake it), sorry I failed you all. I await my judgement by nature for everything cowardly and stupid that I have done.

I'm one of the bitter category you mentioned HP, I didn't do enough for you guys but sit behind you all doing RTRs and other rituals that complement it, that's all I can do. All I am is a slave to my rage, to my hatred, I should have used it for the better way earlier.

I'm such a fucking idiot. I just don't know what to do anymore but I want to ask everyone here before I'm off for a break, how was I as an SS here? The whole entire time? What comrade was I?

Stab me in answering if you have to.

I understand you, since I am aware of the little value I've brought to JoS in the many years since I joined.
I too have been raging at myself for performing poorly as SS, but now, I just feel better. It took me a shit ton of time, but it does get better, if you want it to get better. If you just come back one day and leave all the insecurities behind you
THERE'S HOPE, even if it doesn't seem like that to you right now. Don't give up now fellow SS, don't make my mistake, I will be making that up for quite some time I think.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This is one of the Best sermons :!:

Sometimes I feel like I'm not doing enough, I often wonder: How can I meet the requirements of the Gods? How do I do all the things that the Gods expect me to do? What will I say to the Gods after physical death in my justification, why didn't I do this and that? What can I do today and tomorrow to make the Gods happy with me? What can I do today and what can I do afterwards to make the Gods happy with me? How can I go with the right speed of spiritual development? How to meet the expectations of the Gods? How can I become better in the eyes of the Gods than I am now? How can I get better?

Sometimes I feel insecure, and sometimes I feel very proud. Of course, if you choose from two extremes, it's better to feel proud and too confident than the other way around. When I feel overly confident, I have a better chance of succeeding in any business than if I feel insecure. When I meditate, sometimes it seems that reality is adjusted to my will! (Like in the movie The Matrix!) I really don't know if it's true, or if it's just my perception. For example, if I'm working at my job and I really want everything to go perfectly, that's what happens. In other words, after meditation at this moment at work, if stones are metaphorically thrown at me, they fly past me.

I hope that during my current physical life I will see the Empire of the Gods, the Satanic Empire as a World Order, as a Global State of Pagans, or as a Union of States that are part of a single Empire :!: In one of my vision, the main state should be the United States of America (the Heart and Brain of the Empire), along with Australia and New Zealand, because the most technologically advanced and in addition to a high standard of living, people have a high level of civic consciousness and civic culture (as in Brisbane, or another Australian city (I forgot which one) where everything is done for people!). These are the states of the Golden Zone. Europe (Western and Eastern), including Belarus, Ukraine and the European part of Russia (at least if the rest of Russia resists) are Green Zone countries that have high civic consciousness and have technologies, but not as high as in Brisbane or Texas (presumably in the future the entire Silicon Valley will flee to Texas), therefore Europe will need to be helped (in a common sense!). Japan and South Korea can also be included here (high technologies, traditions are preserved, Shintoism can be revived as paganism and exported to less developed Asian countries and others). Africa, Asia, India, Indonesia, China (if the government of Winnie the Pooh is destroyed!) are the countries of the Yellow Zone that need to be helped (from the point of view of common sense!), for example, to help eliminate poverty, low standard of living and raise culture, medicine, in general, to carry out a whole range of real reforms (possibly from under sticks!). In general, the essence of the Empire is that the Countries of the Golden Zone will teach the countries of the Green Zone in order to reach their level. And there is a lot of work with the countries of the Yellow Zone to milk them to the Green Zone. There will be a lot of problems with the countries of the Yellow Zone, but SS will pull them out so that people live with dignity!
I wish I had at least one IRL SS friend, someone more dedicated than me. Instead there are basically only Christards and drug users among people around me.
They really don't get what I'm saying, not at all close to how I Got It back then.
This aspect in my life can drag me down a bit from advancing and it unfortunately also has.

So the absolute best thing would be a IRL Satanic Empire and not just a forum. In such an empire; strong people being among stronger ones would strive for everyone's perfection instead of destruction, which some of my "friends" seem to strive for with all their alcohol, weed, porn etc. Some are really deep into all kinds of Jew traps, all of which should be non excitant in the Satanic Empire. I really like the name and idea of such an empire. IRL that is.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
