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We Are Building Satan's Empire, Fellow Satanists

WIth building such things.
A strong foundation is required.
Given circumstances, your own personal world.
You'll need some cash, which i've had some thoughts.
The "powers" that be, are causing inflation across the board
and reading the plays, plan to fuck us all in the ass.
So investing in silver, as in. Literal bullion..
Is going to pay off here.

What we do amongst us is vital.
The proof is in the fuckin' pudding.
I've come very far in the short time i've participated in our joint efforts.

However, tuning into what the local energies have to offer and empowering yourself amongst them.
Being pious with your inner work/practices and use your filter of discernment of who to "recruit" so to speak
and who to use utmost discretion around, about what you do.
Reiterating (sorry), this is warfare.

Hi friend, I think you are dealing with similar emotional hangups that I recently resolved.

So, basically, when I read your comments, I get the impression that you are very much filled with fighting the world. You have a very confrontational attitude, which has consumed you so much that I only associate most of your comments with these emotions. This indicates some trouble in sensing common ground in conversation, probably? You often started a more aggressive tone in places where I wouldn't expect it.

Fighting and generally that kind of spirit is advisable, but you've put too much on the line because it seems to me that, like me, at some point you've begun to perceive too much of people's behavior as an attack in your direction, causing you frustration.

I, too, had a great deal of hatred for people, but reading the Vedas recently, I realized that this is not the noble path. What I mean is that if you feel that a person does not give you respect, don't immediately start the mechanism of hatred and desire for revenge.

I know how it worked for me. At some point I developed the attitude that however someone disagrees is an attack on me and my ability to think, because after all he does not accept what I said, it means that he disrespects me.

But people just often don't have a wide enough perception to understand what I'm talking about to that person, or maybe we've met recently, so he or she doesn't have that much confidence in me yet. Such a situation is no reason to attack. In general, I would like to point out to you that even if people today are stupid and deserve to be hated, a noble person would nevertheless not choose too hastily the path of destroying such a person. He or she is a lost soul. If you start hating someone, that person will also change his/her attitude towards you, your hatred will manifest itself in your behavior and speech and cause the other person to respond, negatively.

If you see a problem in someone, try to explain your perspective to him. If you see that the conversation is starting to become too overwhelming for the other person, that he doesn't want to listen to you then (important), don't attack and hate just for that! Simply out of respect for that person, if he or she feels uncomfortable, change the subject and return to some common ground where you can show that you are a good person. If you want to convince someone of your point, this is how you will achieve it. Having created the right ground beforehand, you can return to a topic that was previously overwhelming in a while, when you have gained more trust and convey perhaps in a calmer way and just more from a position of common ground.

By attacking people you are showing yourself from a side that people are unlikely to want to adapt in their lives, which is frustration, so at that point you are crossing out any chance of that person wanting to listen to you, and I don't think you are imparting knowledge to people in order to win some little argument over a nuance, at the expense of the other person's dignity, just to make that person assimilate what you want to impart, right?

In the Mahabharata, I no longer remember which character had a name that meant "one who has no enemies," but there it was a respectable term.

And that's exactly what it is. A noble soul will command respect even from an enemy. Don't attack with frustration. Show that you are a noble person.

From this perspective, all hateful people become potential material for allies.

Just don't be too "pushy" in your beliefs. Respect another person's path. If you know better, convey it respectfully, without emphasizing what an ignoramus this person is.

This is how you will win friends and get rid of frustrating hatred.

Don't treat the other person distancing from you as an attack. Treat it like a challenge, where you prove to her your wisdom, in a mature way. Challenges develop, don't you like challenges? (in fact, any problem can be treated as a developing challenge, life then takes on completely different colors) This is a much better perspective than "I am under attack, I will destroy you all".

Just try to put other people's respect higher in your hierarchy. People have the property that even if they themselves are not particularly developed, they are able to recognize when someone is acting towards them from a noble attitude and wants to sincerely help them, and when to just attack, and this should be your compass, whether people feel safe and comfortable around you or not. And I assure you that once you change your attitude, many people will change theirs too.

Common ground is the key concept here. Try to sense when you should let go of an argument out of respect for the other person's path. Give that base level of respect to the other human being. It should work more like that, even though you know that your rules are closer to the laws of nature, you don't "put yourself above" this person in conversation, but try to explain it, because he or she just didn't have the opportunity to learn what you.
The great coming of his kingdom can not be stopped we now watch and behold as the false prophets crumble and burn mega rich Jews are toppling over even better the toppling is done mostly by other Jews which our reversed curses crush them and turn them upon one another to dust with them all and all that is of them for we as a people awaken and learn again our fire and our vibration once more rises.
Wildfire said:
serpentwalker666 said:
Wildfire said:
What I regret now that the age of Aquarius has started is that I didn't do enough to help you guys but stay in the shadows doing RTRs with rituals to the gods if I couldn't donate or effectively translate since I'm piss poor at my own tongue, I crashed and burned there... I can't make it to getting IT skills to be more useful here(Failed a major exam and soon has to retake it), sorry I failed you all. I await my judgement by nature for everything cowardly and stupid that I have done.

I'm one of the bitter category you mentioned HP, I didn't do enough for you guys but sit behind you all doing RTRs and other rituals that complement it, that's all I can do. All I am is a slave to my rage, to my hatred, I should have used it for the better way earlier.

I'm such a fucking idiot. I just don't know what to do anymore but I want to ask everyone here before I'm off for a break, how was I as an SS here? The whole entire time? What comrade was I?

Stab me in answering if you have to.

Don't be so hard on yourself. Things take time.

Be proud of how far you have come instead of beating yourself down, this doesn't solve anything but make your life harder.

Some of us have to build ourselves up in order to do more.

For example, personally I'd like to contribute in the IT and computer sector here as well, but too many other things in my life require attention and worked on before i can be of any major help around here.
I pushed myself deep into study, but I realise i still have awhile to go still.

Once we accept where we are at, we can further expand at the correct and appropriate pace for ourselves as individuals.

In time you'll have what you desire to accomplish in the works.

Rome wasn't built in a day..... neither was anything in this world in comparison as well.

Pat yourself on the back and take a breather for some moments before you step forward brother.

I need a 3.0 GPA to be accepted into an arms manufacturing company, I plan to earn lots as an IT specialist for smart weapon projects there. I just made myself an ass to my professors who expected the best from me.

Yep, arms manufacturing, I'm really going to need this besides making myself fortunes where poverty will never be a spike up my ass ever again, just in case things go super south with the world. If you know what it is like to study how to make interfaces easier to use at the same time on how networks operate, how to program devices and the other legit lessons there, now you know how crazy this is.

I fucked up grade 8 & 9 STEM education trying to go for aerospace engineering long ago before becoming an SS(Why did trigonometry and calculus have to do me dirty before....), yes, those years of the worst bullying under a stupid bitch I told about here. Everything I studied for because of that former crazy dream I had when I was a short and skinny teen kiddie gave me a big headstart with IT.

To go back to the topic, I do hope that my goal of contributing to defense and security can help out with Satan's empire soon.

You can do it. Just understand sometimes things can be hard and take time to achieve and overcome. Goodluck and you are going to suceed.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
All the statements on my original post expand in a vast approach, not to focus on you in the way that you are reading this.

You need to stop worrying and taking everything so personally. You are on a developing phase. You are very strict with yourself. Work with the life the Gods have given you, and don't do this self sabotaging to yourself.

It appears from your replies you are trying and actually achieving in school and no matter that you are always unsatisfied and radical with yourself. That's wrong towards yourself.

The message is to encourage you and give you hope, not give you a negative spiral. Please fix these factors that lead you to this errant process, and advance with less worries in your future.

Everyone can do what one can do, not what one cannot do.

Meditate, keep advancing, live your life, and try as you go to also do some good things for the like minded folk like yourself here, even if this is a comment or a good word, or some deed.

You haven't failed at anything, just study and re-do your exam.

serpentwalker666 said:
Don't be so hard on yourself. Things take time.

Be proud of how far you have come instead of beating yourself down, this doesn't solve anything but make your life harder.

Some of us have to build ourselves up in order to do more.

For example, personally I'd like to contribute in the IT and computer sector here as well, but too many other things in my life require attention and worked on before i can be of any major help around here.
I pushed myself deep into study, but I realise i still have awhile to go still.

Once we accept where we are at, we can further expand at the correct and appropriate pace for ourselves as individuals.

In time you'll have what you desire to accomplish in the works.

Rome wasn't built in a day..... neither was anything in this world in comparison as well.

Pat yourself on the back and take a breather for some moments before you step forward brother.

SapphireDragon said:
"Falling down is not a failure. Failure comes when you stay where you have fallen" -Socrates

Aquarius said:
Stop calling yourself names, are you dead right now? I don't think so. You are but at the beginning of your life and you are allowed to make mistakes as anybody can, what differentiates people who succeed and people who don't is that the ones that fail they fail forward, and see their fails as lessons. Use your fails to succeed.

Yagami Light said:
I had read something from you in the past, I don't remember what, but I remember that it had made a very good impression on me. Unfortunately, I don't remember what it was, but for some reason I had connected your username to something very positive.

Nevertheless, I see that many of your last posts have the form of self-punishment. Why?

You are talking as if you will die tomorrow and you didn't manage to do enough. But, you're not dying, are you?
You're talking as if you don't have another chance in life, but why?

It's alright if you messed up, if you fucked up, if you had some kind of a goal but failed in reaching it.
It's fucking okay. Don't beat yourself up about it, and instead see what you can do from now on to become better.

We all make mistakes, we are humans.

I think that, because you are being so hard on yourself, perhaps this attitude has blinded you to other alternatives with which you could help JoS and the community.

Not everyone's path is IT - you are very mistaken if you think that this is the only way you can help the JoS.
Also, not everyone is fit for translating; I'm also bad at my own native language, unfortunately.

You need to take a step back and stop doing this to yourself. It's not getting you anywhere. Stop cursing yourself, stop being regretful about it, just stop beating yourself over any mistakes you've done.

See the failures as opportunities to learn better. Examine things better. LEARN from them.
Failures happen so that we can learn from them, not so that we can beat ourselves up about it and make ourselves feel bad, and curse ourselves etc.... Failures do not happen so that we hate ourselves. They happen so that we learn and become better.

Please, stop having such an attitude. It is damaging for you, and if you understand how the mind works (power meditations, our thoughts have power, we can literally make reality situations we visualize on the astral), then you will understand that the more you curse yourself, the worse you'll get at what you want to do.

Think of yourself as being your own parent. If you (as a parent) beat yourself (a child), then will you (the child) become better? No.
But if you (as a parent) try and nourish yourself (a child), and make positive affirmations, and have positive thoughts, and say kind words... Then, can you imagine how beautiful and powerful you (the child) will become?
It's a very beautiful thought.

Please, take this into consideration. It's never too late, regardless of what mistakes we've done. It's never too late to start again, and this time re-examine carefully the situation, see what your mistakes were and try to avoid repeating them.

Treat yourself with kindness and love. I know this sounds very new-age lol, but I had enough years of beating myself over that never helped me at all. When I actually started accepting myself, learning from my mistakes and loving myself, I could feel it deep within me that I was being freed from this beast of judgment over my head. And when you start accepting yourself, even if you fail again and make mistakes, you don't feel as bad, because you learn from them. You don't hate yourself, but pat yourself in the back and say "that's okay. Next time I'll do better, I know I can do better".

Be a kind parent to yourself. :)

Young Faith said:
I understand you, since I am aware of the little value I've brought to JoS in the many years since I joined.
I too have been raging at myself for performing poorly as SS, but now, I just feel better. It took me a shit ton of time, but it does get better, if you want it to get better. If you just come back one day and leave all the insecurities behind you
THERE'S HOPE, even if it doesn't seem like that to you right now. Don't give up now fellow SS, don't make my mistake, I will be making that up for quite some time I think.

666Adam said:
By attacking people you are showing yourself from a side that people are unlikely to want to adapt in their lives, which is frustration, so at that point you are crossing out any chance of that person wanting to listen to you, and I don't think you are imparting knowledge to people in order to win some little argument over a nuance, at the expense of the other person's dignity, just to make that person assimilate what you want to impart, right?

I can't just say one thank you for what's being said here, I finally got back memories that kept me going in here. From someone who grew with a difficult start, had to suffer the toxicity of Manilatards at the same time religious strict parents that "wanted me to excel in school" when I got to my home country from an abroad country in which I was born in. I thought it would be the end for me until I saw what you guys had in store for me. I found this place at my extreme lowest which is also where I found my highest.

Especially you 666Adam, you already figured out what type of person I was, but I was a far more fucked version of that in the past who thought it would be a 300 IQ move to vampirize from the lost outsiders until I got a sensation that felt like getting slapped in the back real hard for it many crazy acts later.

Like I said about my past me before, I was so mad when I understood how xtianity was evil this whole time at first and then its longer list of why its hideous and it had to do with the world this whole time plus the psychotic kike control over everything we are consuming, I snapped and went looney until many coincidences stopped me from trying to do something as drastic as tying a pipe and cellphone bomb under an xtian cardinal's car like some angery stoopid moosleeem jihadist.

So yes, the kikes are why the world is shit. So what happened? All the bullshit that happened to me exploded like a BFG-666666 into all that because I was someone who finally found the murderer of this world and till the ends of the universe I'd like to have that reptard bastard's head. So glad to have met some patient SS back then who did the same indirect trick you mentioned that made me think that RTRs are way more powerful so you know where I shifted my ragee unstable self to along the way instead of reading the anarchist cookbook I locked away afterward. They were really wonderful people.

Even some assholes who of course aren't of us like Triggard lester and the O9A diddly doodlers by their toxicity let me see a mirror of my vices by being edgy idiots themselves. I hate to admit that confronting those annoying fungi in human form helped me change for the better too.

As some do-or-die person who would literally do the whackiest strategies/most hilarious stunts to get what I want, if it were legal, and if a physical level insurrection day would ever come to past that man has finally had it with the kike, I would catch a grenade to save this place, stand in front of it when it's going to get shot, kill hundreds of lost souls that try to tear down this home for everything this place has done for me. You all are why I got a second chance, why I got stronger and better, why my life majorly turned around even in a sea of corruption.

The JoS is everything I have.

You helped me understand how everything was supposed to be.

I thought psychical teleportation with the body itself , material body It's not possible ?
So it is?

Where can I find more about "Apollonius" ?

I loved the part with the divine sparkle in us, you right about that.

I wouldn't had been here neither when I almost gave up on life and let myself be absorbed in the void if It Satan wouldn't had come to tell me I am not alone and there's much more in life that I don't know about. But back then I was only continuously attacked by enemy and my life was terrible , just pure chaos and intense fear until He gave me a purpose ,a reason to continue living and embrace me as I am like part of a big familiy that it seem I had forgotten back then because of my previous reincarnation. I could just feel it.

Very beautiful post. Keep up the good work. Thank you for inspiring others and myself as well. I've learned very much on this community about the occult and the True Gods of the world. I am grateful to all members who contribute with information's and making the world better not just for themselves but for everyone.

I am also grateful to Father Satan and the Gods for not giving up on us and because they believe in us as we do believe in them. I can't wait for the complete change and a world of prosperity and peace.

I hope the Light of the Gods will touch you all Dear Brother and Sisters and your/our time has not been for nothing. It has been the greatest time spent and the reward will be Eternity.
AristocraticDragon666 said:

woah, I love the first 2 pictures in your signature. where are they from?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
i am very proud to also be apart of the JoS as a SS, and for my current advancements I've made on my path. With the help and Guidedence of the Gods and with father satan. Something never thought I would have expereinced in life, back when I was following Xainity. I have been now able to know some of my powers and abilities that Father satan has given me and also countless other members of the JoS too!! look forward to the glories of the Empire of Father satan and of the Gods being brought back into this plane of reality. One day I do hope to finish the final step of the Magnum Opus, in this lifetime or the next.
Young Faith said:
AristocraticDragon666 said:

woah, I love the first 2 pictures in your signature. where are they from?

The first picture I found on the website: https://www.deviantart.com , but the picture I didn't display in the signature, so I searched for exactly the same picture on other sites all over the Internet until it began to appear in my signature.
The second one has the same story.

The second picture from Dies Irae - anime franchise (manga, anime-cartoons and PC visual games).
The second picture shows Reinhard Tristan Eugen Heydrich. In real life: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reinhard_Heydrich
In anime: https://fictionalcharacterbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Reinhard_Heydrich
In anime Reinhard Heydrich is the Satan, King of Valhalla.
One of the few real satanic anime.
This anime shows the theme of reincarnation very well.
I can honestly say that these forms/community is what keeps me going everyday and everything I've been thru since finding SS motivates me to keep advancing daily. Even if some of the outside stupidity does once in a while bleed into the forums I look at the bigger picture that this is still better than the outside because people are here to become better instead of staying at a lower level which everyone is to their own individual degree before coming here.

The people slowly waking up isn't enough for me to be around them or even look up to them or have faith in humanity because they are still very far gone for the moment but everyone here who is serious and the work we've done is what I look up to.

Building this community and being part of it is why I'm still around in this world and I know for a fact I was destined to be part of this empire being built like we here all are.

Nothing will stop us from building Satan's Empire.

Hail Satan
Wildfire said:
Especially you 666Adam, you already figured out what type of person I was, but I was a far more fucked version of that in the past who thought it would be a 300 IQ move to vampirize from the lost outsiders until I got a sensation that felt like getting slapped in the back real hard for it many crazy acts later.

I'm glad that my message resonated with you. I was the same person basically when it comes to emotions and dealing with people, so I know how it is. With this I spoiled the relationship with the girl I would go to hell for (but that's just cherry on top of the cake), and this was my turning point. I understood that she was rejected by my behavior and the fact that I treat her unfairly with my angry tyrades, same as all the people around me.

We need to look more from a perspective of a given person intention, if it is the xtianity follower, most of the times these people are just seeking internal peace, are unsure of afterlife, what will happen to them and their relatives. They do not have evil intentions, just do not know any better, and do not even assimilate the "teachings" in there to any significant level (however they surely confuse them).

It's a touchy subject. After all, if a person decides to do something like this, it means that they feel a certain respect for it. This means that in order to show such a person a different way, it will have to be done in the right manner, which takes this fact into consideration. It is worth remembering that there is a good chance that you both want similar things in some important aspects in life.

Besides, in order to attract people our way, well you have to show yourself from a side that will make the other person want to become a similar human being. Then they will naturally become interested in what you are saying, because they will be eager to find out what made you who you are.

I can also recommend reading the Mahabharata, which I currently am going through and the wisdom in there amazes me. It has helps me to align myself internally. This text really evokes a feeling of holiness in me.
666Adam said:
Wildfire said:
Especially you 666Adam, you already figured out what type of person I was, but I was a far more fucked version of that in the past who thought it would be a 300 IQ move to vampirize from the lost outsiders until I got a sensation that felt like getting slapped in the back real hard for it many crazy acts later.

I'm glad that my message resonated with you. I was the same person basically when it comes to emotions and dealing with people, so I know how it is. With this I spoiled the relationship with the girl I would go to hell for (but that's just cherry on top of the cake), and this was my turning point. I understood that she was rejected by my behavior and the fact that I treat her unfairly with my angry tyrades, same as all the people around me.

We need to look more from a perspective of a given person intention, if it is the xtianity follower, most of the times these people are just seeking internal peace, are unsure of afterlife, what will happen to them and their relatives. They do not have evil intentions, just do not know any better, and do not even assimilate the "teachings" in there to any significant level (however they surely confuse them).

It's a touchy subject. After all, if a person decides to do something like this, it means that they feel a certain respect for it. This means that in order to show such a person a different way, it will have to be done in the right manner, which takes this fact into consideration. It is worth remembering that there is a good chance that you both want similar things in some important aspects in life.

Besides, in order to attract people our way, well you have to show yourself from a side that will make the other person want to become a similar human being. Then they will naturally become interested in what you are saying, because they will be eager to find out what made you who you are.

I can also recommend reading the Mahabharata, which I currently am going through and the wisdom in there amazes me. It has helps me to align myself internally. This text really evokes a feeling of holiness in me.

Neat, while I found a similar version of this teaching in a book on ancient Egyptian kabala that is sadly twisted with shitty new agey shit which gave me mixed feelings about what I just picked up until it said something about Horus, Set, Nephtys, Isis and Osiris's ways and GLAD I READ that all with Satanic judgement. It's titled the Kemetic tree of life, I once thought some crazy new agey guy wrote that book and I am still skeptic as hell if either he's making this up or is clueless with what knowledge he has that the kikes stole from.

I shouldn't have made myself a bitchy appearance to people back in those days where I...tried to criminally subvert people to attack xtian priests physically like some O9A cult leader till I knew who the O9A were. SoB I owe a lot to the holy sand mages.

Right now, I am hoping to finish reading some book on Norse mysticism this time, focused on runes. Yet I still have dudu comprehension on whatever that book has so I'm not going to tell anything about it yet.


Update: Midterm grades turned up and..I LITERALLY got one 100 on a law based subject and two line of eights(I did great in the past exams so far)...I am getting red static vision hoping I don't get a fucking line of 7 or I'm out of the ring here...the subject I failed in awaits me like I'm about to face the most horrible and brutal mythological beast that has eaten many of my comrades(many fucked up too there, but me, I can't affort to duck up there at all).
666Adam said:

I must ask,
why "Adam" of all names?

First of all, it's a jewish name. You should know we're not too fond of them.
With that being said, if that's your actual name, even if it wasn't a jewish name, it's not exactly wise to share your actual name around here, it's not safe, because of intruders and whatnot.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I must also close this message by saying that the existence of this community and it's people, in the overwhelming majority, is making me trust humanity again. For this I have to say that I am thankful to all of you.

I also plea of you, to do what you can to advance, to keep walking towards your Godhead, and to not allow the void to consume you.

That is the same as I feel about Humanity, whenever I think of my Family in Satan and the Gods. To know there are people so great and deserving sincerely makes me feel much better about being here in all this, challenge after challenge.

My guilt will be that of those that wished they could do more, no matter how much I try to do more, it never really feels like I'm doing more than other Brothers and Sisters. Sometimes I even doubted myself and wondered if I'm on the wrong path, but I easily know that there is no other path for me, so there is only this. I certainly know Father Satan is close and present, of that there is no doubt. This pushes me to do more, and to realize we are as strong as we are.

HP HoodedCobra, you're an inspiration, I am so thankful that we have someone like you and HP Maxine to help us see the way step after step. I honestly hope that more and more Humans will see these steps to take and choose to walk our same path.

Aquarius said:
I love you Brother HoodedCobra. That quote from Apollonius, I really needed it, as I have in the last period really started hating people, and in my heart I knew there was something wrong with that.

I love HPHC too my bro :D and have noticed you havent been on mate, hope you are well you one a the good SSRs from day one. :cool:
Young Faith said:
666Adam said:

I must ask,
why "Adam" of all names?

First of all, it's a jewish name. You should know we're not too fond of them.
With that being said, if that's your actual name, even if it wasn't a jewish name, it's not exactly wise to share your actual name around here, it's not safe, because of intruders and whatnot.

Hi, yes, I sure do know we are not fond of them, did not choose it to be any offensive.

Isn't Satan's statement in Al-Jilwah, "I requite the descendants of Adam, and reward them with various rewards that I alone know", a positive one?

And no, that is not my real name, but I can't share here why did I exactly chose it.
We all have big shoes to fill here. And I admit that. And I know that you will have done a fabulous job on this website
666Adam said:
Young Faith said:
666Adam said:

I must ask,
why "Adam" of all names?

First of all, it's a jewish name. You should know we're not too fond of them.
With that being said, if that's your actual name, even if it wasn't a jewish name, it's not exactly wise to share your actual name around here, it's not safe, because of intruders and whatnot.

Hi, yes, I sure do know we are not fond of them, did not choose it to be any offensive.

Isn't Satan's statement in Al-Jilwah, "I requite the descendants of Adam, and reward them with various rewards that I alone know", a positive one?

And no, that is not my real name, but I can't share here why did I exactly chose it.

To me that quote sounds more like a threat to them. It wouldn't even make sense otherwise. The various rewards are surely intended to be bad things for them.
Young Faith said:
666Adam said:
Young Faith said:
Isn't Satan's statement in Al-Jilwah, "I requite the descendants of Adam, and reward them with various rewards that I alone know", a positive one?
To me that quote sounds more like a threat to them. It wouldn't even make sense otherwise. The various rewards are surely intended to be bad things for them.

Excuse me for my intrusion into your conversation, but I think that the rewards can be good or bad, in accordance with what the rewarded person deserves. The verb "to requite" implies that something is being repaid, be it good or bad.
Wildfire said:
What I regret now that the age of Aquarius has started is that I didn't do enough to help you guys but stay in the shadows doing RTRs with rituals to the gods if I couldn't donate or effectively translate since I'm piss poor at my own tongue, I crashed and burned there... I can't make it to getting IT skills to be more useful here(Failed a major exam and soon has to retake it), sorry I failed you all. I await my judgement by nature for everything cowardly and stupid that I have done.

I'm one of the bitter category you mentioned HP, I didn't do enough for you guys but sit behind you all doing RTRs and other rituals that complement it, that's all I can do. All I am is a slave to my rage, to my hatred, I should have used it for the better way earlier.

I'm such a fucking idiot. I just don't know what to do anymore but I want to ask everyone here before I'm off for a break, how was I as an SS here? The whole entire time? What comrade was I?

Stab me in answering if you have to.

Our Mars shows where we act, the Sun shows where we create and also receive. Our Saturn shows where and how we employ discipline. Our Mercury shows how and what we can comprehend.

If you cannot translate well, then don't bother, unless it is critical (nobody translating a popular language). If you have trouble learning the material, then use more Mercury. If you have trouble staying disciplined, then use Nauthiz. If you feel fatigued or have low motivation, then use Saulo.

In a general sense, you can use freeing energies to avoid the worst of past failures, such as poor grades. Similarly, energies pertaining to expansion, like Jupiter and Fehu, can be used to get yourself a job, despite of mediocre grades.

Use this thinking to figure out how you can best be prosperous. There should be a set of skills which you are naturally good at, but you can fill in some of the gaps with the above solutions, in order to fully materialize that dream.

JoS Cyber Security said:
How to find out which task we should do? When i was 14 years old i felt i will be important somewhere, and that i will need to convince people in something. Satan also told me i can reach Magnum Opus in this life.

The above writing may be of use to you.
Bipolar Bear said:
Young Faith said:
666Adam said:
Isn't Satan's statement in Al-Jilwah, "I requite the descendants of Adam, and reward them with various rewards that I alone know", a positive one?
To me that quote sounds more like a threat to them. It wouldn't even make sense otherwise. The various rewards are surely intended to be bad things for them.

Excuse me for my intrusion into your conversation, but I think that the rewards can be good or bad, in accordance with what the rewarded person deserves. The verb "to requite" implies that something is being repaid, be it good or bad.

And what do you think exactly the descendants of adam deserve for their deeds?
Young Faith said:
Bipolar Bear said:
Young Faith said:
To me that quote sounds more like a threat to them. It wouldn't even make sense otherwise. The various rewards are surely intended to be bad things for them.

Excuse me for my intrusion into your conversation, but I think that the rewards can be good or bad, in accordance with what the rewarded person deserves. The verb "to requite" implies that something is being repaid, be it good or bad.

And what do you think exactly the descendants of adam deserve for their deeds?

I think you are misunderstanding something. I think you are assuming that the descendants of Adam refers to jews, but the whole nature of Al Jilwah, at least to me, implies that the descendants of Adam are us and not the jews. There are more passages where the phrase is used and feels strange to me that Satan would be talking about jews in any of them. This is how I see it. If anyone can explain this more thoroughly, I would be glad to hear it.
Bipolar Bear said:
Young Faith said:
Bipolar Bear said:
Excuse me for my intrusion into your conversation, but I think that the rewards can be good or bad, in accordance with what the rewarded person deserves. The verb "to requite" implies that something is being repaid, be it good or bad.

And what do you think exactly the descendants of adam deserve for their deeds?

I think you are misunderstanding something. I think you are assuming that the descendants of Adam refers to jews, but the whole nature of Al Jilwah, at least to me, implies that the descendants of Adam are us and not the jews. There are more passages where the phrase is used and feels strange to me that Satan would be talking about jews in any of them. This is how I see it. If anyone can explain this more thoroughly, I would be glad to hear it.

At this link it's said that the Muslims altered some of the Yezidi doctrines, the very people who received the Al-Jilwah from Satan Himself. So that might be why we see using "sons of Adam" in the Al-Jilwah, but I'm really just theorizing here. Otherwise I have no clue why would Satan call us "sons of Adam". We're not.
If you read that link, you'll see a series of unadulterated commandments from Satan to HPS Maxine to us, and there is no reference to the name "Adam" at all.
If what I'm saying right now is true, then you were kinda right.
Thank you hp for such a meaningful, inspiring, and encouraging. I to have found myself in a similar position as wildfire. Though i have just started on the path of meditating, doing breathing exercises, and doing a nightly ritual to our true God and creator, father Satan, I feel I am not advancing fast enough and therefore letting father Satan, the gods of hell, and my fellow SS's down. Reading your comments brought so much encouragement and direction to me. Really picked my spirits up. Just what I needed at this time. I realize I am just at the beginning of a long road and I need to show patience, study and work hard, and in the end I will please father Satan. I feel so blessed to have found father satan and to be part of a family of SS's who are United as one and whom I can always count on for support.
Soldier of satan said:
Thank you hp for such a meaningful, inspiring, and encouraging. I to have found myself in a similar position as wildfire. Though i have just started on the path of meditating, doing breathing exercises, and doing a nightly ritual to our true God and creator, father Satan, I feel I am not advancing fast enough and therefore letting father Satan, the gods of hell, and my fellow SS's down. Reading your comments brought so much encouragement and direction to me. Really picked my spirits up. Just what I needed at this time. I realize I am just at the beginning of a long road and I need to show patience, study and work hard, and in the end I will please father Satan. I feel so blessed to have found father satan and to be part of a family of SS's who are United as one and whom I can always count on for support.
It's not only about goals, but also of the way there. By embarking and walking on this path you are already pleasing them.
Young Faith said:
666Adam said:
Young Faith said:
I must ask,
why "Adam" of all names?

First of all, it's a jewish name. You should know we're not too fond of them.
With that being said, if that's your actual name, even if it wasn't a jewish name, it's not exactly wise to share your actual name around here, it's not safe, because of intruders and whatnot.

Hi, yes, I sure do know we are not fond of them, did not choose it to be any offensive.

Isn't Satan's statement in Al-Jilwah, "I requite the descendants of Adam, and reward them with various rewards that I alone know", a positive one?

And no, that is not my real name, but I can't share here why did I exactly chose it.

To me that quote sounds more like a threat to them. It wouldn't even make sense otherwise. The various rewards are surely intended to be bad things for them.

I don't understand why you have any issues with the Biblical characters of Adam and Eve. They represent the human race which was imprisoned on Earth by Yahweh. Jews spit on them for eating from the tree of knowledge, when Satan enlightened them. Adam and Eve were the first victims of Yahweh's reign on Earth. Satan is essentially saying in the Al-Jilwah that he rewards humanity with knowledge.
bsod said:
Young Faith said:
666Adam said:
Hi, yes, I sure do know we are not fond of them, did not choose it to be any offensive.

Isn't Satan's statement in Al-Jilwah, "I requite the descendants of Adam, and reward them with various rewards that I alone know", a positive one?

And no, that is not my real name, but I can't share here why did I exactly chose it.

To me that quote sounds more like a threat to them. It wouldn't even make sense otherwise. The various rewards are surely intended to be bad things for them.

I don't understand why you have any issues with the Biblical characters of Adam and Eve. They represent the human race which was imprisoned on Earth by Yahweh. Jews spit on them for eating from the tree of knowledge, when Satan enlightened them. Adam and Eve were the first victims of Yahweh's reign on Earth. Satan is essentially saying in the Al-Jilwah that he rewards humanity with knowledge.

It might've been intended that way, with that being said though, on a broader scale, "sons of Adam" is not an appellative one would use for Gentiles. Especially as the jews call themselves "adam", as it means "man", while they call us "goyim", meaning "beasts".
Also, I don't think that any character in the Bible deserves our attention, the Bible is a blasphemous text to the Gods, despite it letting slip some unavoidable truths (like Satan trying to stop Abram from killing Isaac in a sacrifice, or the tree of knowledge example where Satan brings knowledge and free will to humans)
Young Faith said:
bsod said:
Young Faith said:
To me that quote sounds more like a threat to them. It wouldn't even make sense otherwise. The various rewards are surely intended to be bad things for them.

I don't understand why you have any issues with the Biblical characters of Adam and Eve. They represent the human race which was imprisoned on Earth by Yahweh. Jews spit on them for eating from the tree of knowledge, when Satan enlightened them. Adam and Eve were the first victims of Yahweh's reign on Earth. Satan is essentially saying in the Al-Jilwah that he rewards humanity with knowledge.

It might've been intended that way, with that being said though, on a broader scale, "sons of Adam" is not an appellative one would use for Gentiles. Especially as the jews call themselves "adam", as it means "man", while they call us "goyim", meaning "beasts".
Also, I don't think that any character in the Bible deserves our attention, the Bible is a blasphemous text to the Gods, despite it letting slip some unavoidable truths (like Satan trying to stop Abram from killing Isaac in a sacrifice, or the tree of knowledge example where Satan brings knowledge and free will to humans)

Sorry for interfering with your explanation, but I have one point you might want to consider. You say that bible is a blasphemous text and I have to agree. But in Al-Jilwah Satan clearly states: "The books of Jews, Christians and Muslims, as of those who are without, accept in a sense, i.e., so far as they agree with and conform to my statutes." See what I mean? He says to accept it partially. The bible contains many stolen legends and parables and the origin is paganic and therefore, not blasphemous, it is only after jews corrupted it, then it became blasphemous.
Bipolar Bear said:
Young Faith said:
bsod said:
I don't understand why you have any issues with the Biblical characters of Adam and Eve. They represent the human race which was imprisoned on Earth by Yahweh. Jews spit on them for eating from the tree of knowledge, when Satan enlightened them. Adam and Eve were the first victims of Yahweh's reign on Earth. Satan is essentially saying in the Al-Jilwah that he rewards humanity with knowledge.

It might've been intended that way, with that being said though, on a broader scale, "sons of Adam" is not an appellative one would use for Gentiles. Especially as the jews call themselves "adam", as it means "man", while they call us "goyim", meaning "beasts".
Also, I don't think that any character in the Bible deserves our attention, the Bible is a blasphemous text to the Gods, despite it letting slip some unavoidable truths (like Satan trying to stop Abram from killing Isaac in a sacrifice, or the tree of knowledge example where Satan brings knowledge and free will to humans)

Sorry for interfering with your explanation, but I have one point you might want to consider. You say that bible is a blasphemous text and I have to agree. But in Al-Jilwah Satan clearly states: "The books of Jews, Christians and Muslims, as of those who are without, accept in a sense, i.e., so far as they agree with and conform to my statutes." See what I mean? He says to accept it partially. The bible contains many stolen legends and parables and the origin is paganic and therefore, not blasphemous, it is only after jews corrupted it, then it became blasphemous.

Yes, of course, there is truth slipping from the blasphemous Bible, like I said.
That's why we can accept it "partially", but there isn't much need for that right now, as we can get the unadulterated truth from other sources instead of carving it out from those blasphemous jewish texts.
When the Al-Jilwah was dictated by Satan to the Yezidis, there was no internet, there was no JoS, so probably the easiest way to get fractions of truth was precisely that, carving it out from their texts.
At least this is my reasoning.
It says "books" of these people, and not specifically their bible or whatever "holy scriptures". Ie., many times the Clergy has to read occult sources authored by Jewish rabbis and whatnot, because these people have stolen this occult knowledge, or just straightfoward misgueded gurus that have something to offer;
and the next quote also says:

"Whatsoever is contrary to these, they have altered; do not accept it."

And that is where one of the Clergy's roles comes in, so they can use their spiritual openess to fact check the parts that are of Satan and were unaltered, from most of the crap, doesn't mean paying attention to senile "stories" of their holy texts like gawd kills some dude for not ejaculating inside his wife, but actual "esoteric" stuff like lost mantras from Hindu sources, check if those were altered or not, kabbalistic revelations of how to destroy the Jewish alphabet etc.

Young Faith said:
Bipolar Bear said:
Sorry for interfering with your explanation, but I have one point you might want to consider. You say that bible is a blasphemous text and I have to agree. But in Al-Jilwah Satan clearly states: "The books of Jews, Christians and Muslims, as of those who are without, accept in a sense, i.e., so far as they agree with and conform to my statutes."
Yes, of course, there is truth slipping from the blasphemous Bible, like I said.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
