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War For Our Civilization - Ritual Schedule - 15th January To 30th January [IMPORTANT]

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Greetings to all of our Satanic Warriors and Comrades.

Half the world is restrained by the "Pandemic" measures, where every human freedom and every human rights is actively restrained. Such restraints make those of World Wars pale in comparison. While some people are ignoring this, others are waking up from a long slumber.

Reality is hitting so hard at people, that only those who willfully want to remain asleep, will not notice that something is happening all over this globe in the form of an unholy alliance against mankind. Personal rights, constitutions, democracy, the ability to vote, the voice of the common man - it's all but shrinking and shrinking. It's as if humanity now has to fight so that the fire of freedom does not snuffs out.

While many negative things are happening, we are not yet sitting at the ruins of our world or our civilization. We are not yet sitting at the ruins of our Constitutions, that were handed down to us, in good will, that we will uphold their values. We are not yet sitting in a sea of corpses and blood. We are not yet living in the enemy's manifested dream of a world global dictatorship that will make 1984 look like a funny novel.

There is still time. We have been fighting this and for those who want to join, everyone must join us.

The enemy repeats and repeats that all of this is inevitable. They claim strongly, that this is the only way our history can go. They preach submission. Humans must give up. That's what they say.

Indeed, we are not there yet. We are not living in their dream yet. We are resisting. We are fighting. People are waking up. For the first time in decades, people are questioning their reality. Agendas that seems unrelated, are all coming into light as dots of one large, singular plan, with one purpose: To subjugate and disable mankind.

People of all walks of life, all financial or social backgrounds, all Nations, we are now standing against the enemy beast.

Opening one's television or watching the news in the United States, we can see the enemy's vision being communicated into becoming a reality. One sees that the enemy is preparing to create mass social unrest, and they have their fingers crossed to create such a major reaction, that will make the "George Floyd" protests and the "Co-Vid Quarantine" look like firecrackers. They want to create full blown, internal collapse of the United States and civil war.

It is funny how agencies are looking for random fools carrying flags and going around Washington DC, but nobody has yet arrested, examples like Mr Lemon of our infamous mainstream media. He is fanning the flames of hatred in the hearts of 80 million already angry Trump supporters, calling them Nazis and White Supremacists. Doesn't matter if millions of these were Black. Count them in too as White Supremacists.

We are going to see things from the enemy that do not coincide with logic anymore. Why? Because they want to break human logic. This is part of psychological warfare. The world of a clown psychodrama that they are creating, a world filled with illogical notions, is made purposefully to collapse the human mind.

People cannot fathom the logic of locking down a whole country and driving 4 out of 10 people below the poverty line, people globally into depression, insanity, domestic abuse, murder, drugs - all forms of decay, claiming this was to 'save them'. Then, the so called medical claims are not up to the level either. Most countries behave as if the so called pandemic that was worthy to take down the Western World, wasn't all that important - only the measures of control are upheld brutally, while medical and social help is completely left to it's own fate.

No matter how you cut this, you'll see that logic is lacking. There is no consistency to any of this. And this is because, all of this is curated so the enemy focuses their sights elsewhere: How they will make this world "after" or through the impositions and attacks they will throw on humanity based on the global scenery that now exists.

Due to the major mistake of humanity accepting and giving attention to these reptilian offsprings, now humanity has to witness the hatching vermin of their so called "New World Order". The values of the United States, individual Nations, or individual self thinking humans, cannot be part of such an "Order".

The situation in the United States is nothing else but what we have been writing to you about for years. It is coming to pass in front of our very eyes. Over all these years, I kept repeating where this was going to go, and things are now here. I only hope that we fight it through and these predictions come true only up to now and for half of them.

HPS Maxine has told you years and months ago, to prepare for this specifically. Many people of course, scoffed it off. As the situation accelerated, we understood where this whole thing was going. Then, the Pandemic hit harder. Economic hardship hit even harder. A few months after, the United States is on the verge of internal collapse. Washington DC looks like a foreign military has went into it and seized it, but it is our own military that is doing that. Political drama is at the highest it has ever been.

Many in the United States have their hands tied with other topics, but Europe is currently in full restrain over the Co-Vid. Birthrates, finances, mental health, all of these are plummeting. The enemy's agenda of invaders, decay, brainwashing - it is proceeding as if nothing happened. All these "dots" over the same puzzle of destruction of our Civilization, are happening, each to their own. While everyone is distracted with the bombardment of the news, or in the sea of ignorance, the enemy is trying to gas pedal their plans into full manifestation.

Normally, they did this behind the backs of humans, hidden, as part of a rumored conspiracy theory. Now, they have dropped the mask, and they just breach all speed limits in front of people.

Many are not believing their eyes and cannot fathom where their lives have went.

Others are in a state of shock where they deny what is going on.

A large portion however has the inner decency to face this and stand up to this, even inside of their heart.

Lastly, the fewer, the heroic, are taking steps to resist this advance of the enemy, by standing up with a straight spine. They want to make a change about things. They won't accept to go down in a twilight of undeserved tyranny.

Wise members sounded the alarm. Spread information, do spiritual warfare, and do your best to inform other human beings. This worked. We are making a huge impact, and our voice has been heard. Our opinions have been adopted by many people, who carry them now into their own ideas and understanding. And it is out of this that we are able to have hope for the future.

We have been as strong spiritual community through all this. A real brotherhood in the Gods and Satan Himself. For years, we did what our duty was to do. When we shared these insights years ago, we questioned ourselves on if these were going to even happen. And now, we live to see these manifesting in front of our very eyes.

Each has done their part, but there is more for us to go. We were attempted to be wiped out collectively, and we remained upright. We fought our way through at the face of impossible odds. We manifested through our forces a global resistance, a global war of information, a global reaction to the enemy - finally, the once immobilized body of humanity is now moving itself.

Now, even those who have been our enemies, have adopted many of our thoughts, or our ideals. As time comes to pass, they may even join us. Even if their ego disallows this acceptance, circumstances will force them to see and to understand.

Maybe we did not exist for centuries like the enemy does. We did not have their resources, their manpower, their worldly offices. We had actually nothing. But we have this: the strong fire inside man's heart, that longs for freedom. We also have strong allies: Satan and the Gods, and their hand and protective wing around us all. Our spiritual work extended this fire to human beings, which are now understanding more and more where our world is headed. We only wish the protective wings did also extend to them too. We believe the day for awakening will come, and people will see this on their own.

All we did here, exchanging opinions, information, knowledge, and understanding, led us to see this situation for what it is. We remain through all of this, positive. We understand that this world is not going to end, but it is going to change. It is going to change, contrary to the enemy's plan which is to completely enslave humanity. In fact, we are poised to believe that in the short term future, humanity will have come out of a great struggle, and facing the world with newfound positivity, freedom, and understanding. But if we are to be realistic, a storm is coming in front of us.

Humanity was so nicely sinking into nothingness, that no resistance or even violence was needed by the enemy. Now that humanity is pushed off the cliff, something is slowly waking up in them, and they are showing signs of resistance. It is as if there is spirit in the body of this dead collective.

We see now that the enemy is doing their utmost to restrain humanity, strangulate all rights, and just purge as many people of their enemies as possible. Seeing the media and the TV, it's as if watching Chinese television - there is nothing that would contradict the "Oligarchy". Before this, the opposite was the case: every time you opened your Television, the enemy was projecting that the heavens fell apart over some off topic statement from Trump.

Billions worldwide unanimously testified to this: We will not sit there and be enslaved. The enemy's system is raging consistently, trying to turn the tide around with intimidation, fear, violence, and more hatred. Only to receive all of this double at themselves. While the enemy appears very confident, all their agenda is in the open. Despite actions that want to appear bold, the enemy is losing control, because they are shaking on the inside.

The symbol of the United States, one of freedom and the power of the People, the Capitol, is seized by the military. People of all walks of life, and over 80 million Americans, are called terrorists, white supremacists, and curses are heaped on them on every media panel. Internet giants decide that presidents of Nations are nothing to them anymore - they close their ability to reach their people with a single click of a button. They praise their own self on Twitter, as if they are drug addicts speaking to a mirror.

Anyone who sees energies and can feel energies [those of you trained have this gift more or less], you will see that there are some dark energies emerging. Some of this is astrological, but much of this is a major reaction by the enemy. It hasn't been in decades that the enemy has been so agitated, so reckless, so revealed, so obvious.

Now everyone can see that the enemy is the source of hatred for this world. Other people who may dislike them, are only on the defensive.

Many people worldwide are looking in shock, unable to move or to think, in the sight of the things that are emerging. Many people in the United States are frozen with panic, with many dwelling in seething hatred, all while the media makers are fanning the flames of civil war.

Oligarchs and slavers of the lowest order, speaking on their own on television. Giving commands, spreading hate between people, dividing families, dividing states, dividing the very conscience of people and enforcing a "New World Order", a world for them and only for them. They happily promote and force clashes between people. The hatred, suffering, rage - of poor, broken, weaker people, tested in their wits end with politics, burdened by a stalled economy, all of this combined - mercilessly being abused without care. People who speak to stop this, are terrorists, evil, dissidents.

Every right that we knew and lived by, is going down a black hole. All people who are intelligent, or thoughtful, are asking themselves: Where are we going tomorrow? What does tomorrow hold?

I am in the unfortunate position to tell everyone, that historical occurrences such as these, never end in peace, stability, or safety for people. Our ancestors have been tested again with situations like this. Thomas Jefferson said, every so often, the well of freedom has to be renewed with fresh blood.

People who sacrifice for this, be this directly, or indirectly in the form of their time, and giving their help, have averted these disasters before. It's only in the few late centuries that human beings have had some time to advance, develop a character, and be able to have some power. The common man was nothing but a slave. The stampede of the Satanic forces, did change this. Satan gave every worthy man the opportunity to rise higher, and every man of heights the ability to reach higher.

For the average human who is aware of what is happening, and understands the political, social, rights related ramifications of this, they understand that we are moving towards a "New World". People thought all of this was a joke, a seance, a conspiracy theory. Now, it is something everyone gets to live.

As the enemy pushes their narratives on the United States, their intentions are to drive immature people to do things, that will later be used as justification for a full, worldwide curfew and strangulation of human rights. They want people going out there mad, it is all staged. A not so masterful game or confusion, acting, and theater.

Here is what they don't want people to do: start understanding their game. Playing for the long term. Resisting them. Teaching others to do the same. Putting this game on the next level. Mass education. Civil disobedience. Spiritual power. Gathering knowledge. Creaing new infrastructure away from these slaver clowns.

Remember - it was The People that were deceived into supporting Dorsey, Zuckerberg, and many other individuals who had nefarious intentions for the information, the freedom, and the means of communication for mankind. The same goes for our religious beliefs. It is now coming the time, where millions and billions have to collectively start opting out of this reptilian mindset. We are going to build our own web of existence.

The "New World Order" will not tolerate different opinions. They will not entertain people having control over their own monetary wealth, health, or spirituality. They will attempt to replace man, family, malform human sexuality, destroy social connections between humans, sever the link between humans and reality entirely. They want to return us to the oblivious state of the "Garden of Eden" - from one Hebrew story of a garden of slaves, into another Hebrew story that they hope will encompass our world.

They do not understand this: They are heading inside the waters that Satan has prepared and set for them. After the world will realize what kind of monsters they are, this is where everyone will want their removal. They are creating by their own hand which tries to damn mankind, a new mankind. New individuals. People with a different mindset, with different goals, who have surpassed different fears. They are now creating those on feet they will fall in the end, all over this world which they hope will become their plantation.

It is Satan's Will.

Below is the Ritual Schedule:

The next of Removing the Veil ritual, will be made public in the future, when we are given the OK to proceed with making it public. These rituals work consecutively and for the next to work, we have to make sure all the others that have been done, are in effect and their influence strong.



15. FRTR, Reversing the Curse Upon the Serpent RTR, Serpent is Free RTR, Serpent is Empowered RTR
16. FRTR, Reversing the Curse Upon the Serpent RTR, Serpent is Free RTR, Serpent is Empowered RTR
17. FRTR, Reversing the Curse Upon the Serpent RTR, Serpent is Free RTR, Serpent is Empowered RTR
18. FRTR, Communications RTR, Ending Confusion RTR, Disarming The Enemy RTR
19. FRTR, Communications RTR, Ending Confusion RTR, Disarming The Enemy RTR
20. FRTR, Ending Confusion RTR, Restoring Gentile Right To Own Nations RTR, Disarming The Enemy RTR
21. FRTR, Ending Confusion RTR, Restoring Gentile Right To Own Nations RTR, Disarming The Enemy RTR

22. FRTR,Ending Confusion RTR, Restoring Gentile Right To Own Nations RTR, Disarming The Enemy RTR
23. FRTR, Communications RTR, Ending Confusion RTR, Disarming The Enemy RTR
24. FRTR, Communications RTR, Ending Confusion RTR, Disarming The Enemy RTR
25. FRTR, Reversing the Curse Upon the Serpent RTR, Serpent is Free RTR, Serpent is Empowered RTR
26. FRTR, Reversing the Curse Upon the Serpent RTR, Serpent is Free RTR, Serpent is Empowered RTR
27. FRTR, Reversing the Curse Upon the Serpent RTR, Serpent is Free RTR, Serpent is Empowered RTR
28. FRTR, JoS Protection Ritual, Wealth for Satanists Ritual
29. FRTR, JoS Protection Ritual, Wealth for Satanists Ritual
30. FRTR, JoS Protection Ritual, Wealth for Satanists Ritual

Below the Links to the Rituals

Reversing the Curse Upon The Serpent RTR : https://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/Reverse314Ritual.htm
Serpent is Free RTR : https://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/Reverse324Ritual.htm
Serpent Empowerement RTR: https://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/E712.html

Right To Rule Nations RTR: https://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/D724.htm
Disarming The Enemy RTR: https://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/I5417.htm
Ending Confusion RTR: https://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/D723Ritual.htm
Communications RTR: https://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/11_9_Ritual.html

JoS Protection Ritual: https://www.satanisgod.org/JOS_Protection.html
Wealth for Satanists Ritual: https://www.satanisgod.org/ProsperityRitual.html
Our Satanic world will manifest. Many of us here knew that this wouldn't manifest without chaos first.

I hope everyone took HPS Maxine's warning prior to the massive lockdowns about preparing.

Stock up BEFORE greater chaos begins.

Victory or Valhalla.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I don't see any bold days?

Anyway, I just put this schedule on our Tor site, at the top of the RTRs page!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

You might get tons of this same message, but the napalm dates are missing their bolding. Anyway, thanks for organizing the next schedule!
It’s always darkest before dawn. These rituals need to be done and we need to secure ourselves. Temporarily, my situation is very stifled towards spiritual progression. I’ve got two young kids full-time, one barely sleeps. If she does, it has to be with me. It’s a sun up to sun down and even middle of the night job. I’m 24/7 in close proximity to those that are vulnerable to intense cleaning and rituals. I’m not one to make excuses, but my energy has also had to be put towards an exhausting amount of things that needed to be fixed. I have hardly had a moment to even shower. I feel hesitant to be asking the gods to assist in protecting the kids so consistently. I’m lucky if I get 20 minutes. Does the energy the gods use to aid in this matter over time exceed the benefit? Would they ever NOT assist in protection during these rituals? I hate to be too reliant.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

We will blast them as hard as we can, and continue the fight until the very end!

Also, none of the dates you mentioned are in bold (which are to be napalm days).
So when the war room goes to 00.00 we do the RTRs instead of just the F-RTR and the other rituals when it says 01.00.
Cool, totally understood.
Last night I noticed that emergence of dark energies, I noticed the conspiracies going on against the world, Africa especially. It was also brought to my awareness the useless reinforcement the xians, and their Jewish arms are trying to put up, and that they're afraid of their future. I was also reminded this would be a good year for those who fight. And I deeply saw the need to engage in all our spiritual warfare and to meditate.
My awareness is growing and I think part of this huge development is from the F RTR And the veil removal. I would really want to know about this veil ritual and personal effects cos I don't think I will let this ritual go even after the introduction of the next. Please do inform us as about it as promised. Thanks HP HoodedCobra 666 for the sacrifices made.

HAIL the Gods of Hell.
HAIL all my comrades of Satan.

Our intentions is manifesting.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
...what is considered normal repeats?...

For the M-RTRs(Multiple-RTRs) of yesteryear what is considered repeat? Once or twice or do we spam them? Is the minimum rep mentioned by the RTR the recommended or can we perform lower reps what is the rep range for the RTR itself recommended?

In consideration to last year, 2020, M-RTR rituals.

What is considered standard spamming?

For the members who ask what is Spamming with F-RTR/Tetra.

Some general factoids about RTR rituals. First with F-RTR for newer members 1, 3, 9, or 18 reps/tetra once.

For standard spamming mentioned by HP.Cobra: 3-5 reps either 9, 9, 9 or 9, 9, 9, 9, 9 the advantage of doing multiple niners is you can also do multiple Tetras. I'd say spam tetra as it's only about 5 minutes give or take maybe less for those who've memorized it.

1. Can I stack the F-RTR?

Big yes 3-5 or 27-45 reps is standard mentioned by HP.Cobra a while back. So that's a big blast and your done. As for tetra spam it out throughout the day or perform multiple repeats of mentioned rep ranges for the 3, 6, 9, 12 of Tetra.

2. Can I spam more?

Yes your free to do it albeit one caveat is you might be bored or burnt out. Avoid burn out don't go crazy the enemy isn't gonna collapse in one day IF the chance of burn out is incoming just simmer down and temper down the spamming. Nothing wrong with doing less to do more over time.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The next of Removing the Veil ritual, will be made public in the future, when we are given the OK to proceed with making it public. These rituals work consecutively and for the next to work, we have to make sure all the others that have been done, are in effect and their influence strong.

Fantastic another new ritual soon to be here. Wonderful news lots of people are gonna be happy at this as it seems we are progressing and entering new territories.

Anyways when it comes it comes so I'll just mention my happiness.
Took a break from rtrs, focusing on aura of protection/cleaning.This gives me a reason to come back to them strong. Hell yeah!
Thank you for the schedule. I felt negative energy some days ago, I think I even posted a comment saying this. To me it felt like it was the negative emotions from people around the world but It had something to do with jewish magic too. Its obvious to me they are trying to make people angry and make a civil war happent, then Biden will use his new powers as a president to have martial laws and everyone will be fucked...or at least this is what they want. Something definitely is going to happen.

By the way HP there are no 'bold' days in the schedule, can you fix it?
thank you for the message of hope and positivity for the disastrous period we are going through. here, in Italy, the situation is really heavy. we have a government crisis, I don't know if it's another plan of the (((political class))) to put whoever they decide in power. the situation is difficult and, personally, I struggle to see a bright and satanic future here. at least not now. I hope the Gods will assist us.

Hail Satan!
Awesome ,glad a new schedule is here, however you mentioned bold days, and i don't see any bold days on my end

In regards towards physical warfare and bloodshed, how much will become neccessary for the Satanic future that we wish for? I understand how our collective spiritual effort has affected this world and that things will change in the direction that we and Satan desire. That's why I want to know if full out physical warfare will be required in the relative near future (within the next 10 years or so) or will we work to prevent it if its meaningless.
But our calendar is saying void moon today 15th through till tomorrow.
Thank you, High Priest Cobra, for not sending us away at such a crucial time. After all, even spiritual Satanists of mature age who have behind their life experience and who regularly meditate are still human. I'm not one of those who get discouraged easily, but it is nevertheless nice to realize unity with colleagues and like-minded people. If you will, may I ask you? After all, I appreciate your time and I will be very grateful for your answer. Today my son (he is 7.5) asked me when he can devote himself to Satan? I was slightly shocked to hear this from a child, but I could not answer him unequivocally. I will be very grateful for your answer.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
They do not understand this: They are heading inside the waters that Satan has prepared and set for them. After the world will realize what kind of monsters they are, this is where everyone will want their removal. They are creating by their own hand which tries to damn mankind, a new mankind. New individuals. People with a different mindset, with different goals, who have surpassed different fears. They are now creating those on feet they will fall in the end, all over this world which they hope will become their plantation.

It is Satan's Will.
I hope you all don't mind me quoting myself (if only to insult, while saying the truth about, the jew!) -

FancyMancy said:
The jew's and reptillians' attempts at damning us is just making us stronger! The jew and its reptillian overlords are not supposed to be helping us, be it advertently or inadvertently, but it has no choice! I know the jew is very clever, but it is also seriously fucking retarded.

Happy Warring, People!
Yes, yes, yes :cool:
Thank you HP
Ol argedco luciftias said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Which days are these? None of the days are bolded here.

Fixed. It is only 3 days. Obvious reasons.
Manofsatan said:
But our calendar is saying void moon today 15th through till tomorrow.

The thing you cannot do during a Void moon is start a personal working or some sort of personal work.

Schedules are something we are doing for years. We do on all days, same as Void.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Which days are these? None of the days are bolded here.

Fixed. It is only 3 days. Obvious reasons.
Does it mean we need to do more of each Rtrs in those days or just the F-Rtr?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Manofsatan said:
But our calendar is saying void moon today 15th through till tomorrow.

The thing you cannot do during a Void moon is start a personal working or some sort of personal work.

Schedules are something we are doing for years. We do on all days, same as Void.

HP Third Reich said:
The enemy preaches submission? Should Igive up? I will never give up!! I would rather die than give up freedom and truth.Our Gods are close to me and will lead me in this war against the hostile Jewish creeping stinking god. We will win this war whether they like it or not. He will never defeat us. Satan's faithful chidren are invincible because of their Knowledge and spiritial practices. In the fight for the right thing , it is our duty to fight to the last breath. I will fight to the last breath and tear my head off the stinking god YHVH.Thanks for you HP 666 sermon.You're great. Thanks to you and JOS, I know the truth and I know what to do. Thanks brothers and sisters . Glory to Lucifer and all his children . Hail Satan !!!!!!!!!!!

Hello, if you are new, just know, you don't become a HP just by adding this to your name. To avoid confusion, your comment has been deleted.

You're very welcome however to be on the forum if you want.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
...So for the M-RTR what is considered spamming?...

Is it like last year's(2020) holiday rituals once or twice and we are good?

Rep range wise minimum like 3, 6, 9 depending on the ritual?

For the M-RTR what's our priority on said rituals and can you update the main block of text with information on M-RTR since it seems like in consideration to last year we don't go crazy as yesteryear time period when we would spam it in reps and amount.

So what's the skinny on M-RTR this schedule around?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Which days are these? None of the days are bolded here.

Fixed. It is only 3 days. Obvious reasons.

I dont think the sun at 0 Aquarius adds that much power to anything or any of the other aspects other than Mars being exact conjunct Uranus and Mercury unaspected for some of that time possibly might but i wouldnt know. This kind of is confusing to me what you mean. Not some dates i would pick to put extra effort into anything but i will do it anyways cause you said so.
Lavena said:
Thank you, High Priest Cobra, for not sending us away at such a crucial time. After all, even spiritual Satanists of mature age who have behind their life experience and who regularly meditate are still human. I'm not one of those who get discouraged easily, but it is nevertheless nice to realize unity with colleagues and like-minded people. If you will, may I ask you? After all, I appreciate your time and I will be very grateful for your answer. Today my son (he is 7.5) asked me when he can devote himself to Satan? I was slightly shocked to hear this from a child, but I could not answer him unequivocally. I will be very grateful for your answer.
The sooner the better, it's a beautiful thing, since he knows about Satan why not let him dedicate? :)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
We are going to see things from the enemy that do not coincide with logic anymore. Why? Because they want to break human logic. This is part of psychological warfare. The world of a clown psychodrama that they are creating, a world filled with illogical notions, is made purposefully to collapse the human mind.

I've noticed this as well, they're perverting and disorienting our perceptions of right and wrong and the way we've defined them. They've even made Joker appeal & conform to many ideals for the enemy to the point where what was once considered an iconic villain now actually appears to be a "hero". This element can also be relatable in many other places.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
