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War For Our Civilization - Ritual Schedule - 15th January To 30th January [IMPORTANT]

Hecate la bruja mística said:
. Hola yo soy intermedia en esta pagina, y esto de la pandemia me tiene terriblemente frustrada, pero si he visto muchas posibilidades solo que no he leido muchas paginas al respecto a este grupo y pues lamento decir, que empece este ritual el 17 de enero de este año, no se si me puedan indicar...porque si ya me puse al corriente y ya hice el rtr de esta fecha, pero estaría valido si pudiera o haya hecho los rituales que me faltaron en un día,?solo si alguien me responde por favor REPITO: hice los rtr en dos días despues de los días que me faltaron porque me atracé, y apenas los vi el día 17 de enero y me puse hacer una parte un día y la otra parte otro día y hoy hice el del día 20 Gracias y un abrazo y un beso satanico para ustedes. Bye. :( :( :( :( :(

No te preocupes, simplemente sigue con el calendario y los RTR que haya que hacer cada día, nunca hagas más allá de tu capacidad.
Henu the Great said:
Hesffcs115 said:
If I do 3x each for the frtr can I do 3x each for the tetragram part?
No, these are separate in a sense that not the same rules apply. Do not edit the tetra-ritual in any way. Just do it one time after doing final rtr, unedited.

When you mean this are you talking about the rep ranges of Tetra triangle? or are you imply we only perform ONE SINGLE Tetra Triangle RTR and that is it for the day?

Is the Tetra that powerful we don't need to spam it throughout the day?
Henu the Great said:
NameHere said:
I have a somewhat disappointing question to ask..

So, about a day ago I finished my daily meditations and I started to literally fall asleep in the sitting position I was in, so I decided to go take a quick nap and go do the RTR's.. I ended up sleeping in and when I was waking up, I was out of it and I fell right back asleep again..

So my question is.. yesterday I felt really disappointed at myself for this having happened and I punished myself by doing my meditations right when I woke up, then the F-RTR+T 2 times, the other 3 RTR's I did 2 of them, like 1 RTR 2 times and so on and I even did the 2 yogas 2 more times.

Is that alright? My gut was eating me alive for how disappointed I was..
I heard a thought while quickly eating breakfast that I am not a slave to the Gods, and I know that, but I just want to make them feel proud of me and see me as not useless.. I want to help as much as I can even if I don't do much.. at least I don't think that I do much..

Yeah.. I apologize..
Bah, don't beat yourself for it. Having thoughts like that is a sign you are one of the good ones, but yeah you already made up for it and even if you didn't and just continued normally is all well and fine. We are humans after all and we make mistakes. Just try not to repeat the same mistakes. :D

Thank you!! I'll do my very best not to repeat the same mistake! I was so worried..

Ol argedco luciftias said:
NameHere said:
I have a somewhat disappointing question to ask..

So, about a day ago I finished my daily meditations and I started to literally fall asleep in the sitting position I was in, so I decided to go take a quick nap and go do the RTR's.. I ended up sleeping in and when I was waking up, I was out of it and I fell right back asleep again..

So my question is.. yesterday I felt really disappointed at myself for this having happened and I punished myself by doing my meditations right when I woke up, then the F-RTR+T 2 times, the other 3 RTR's I did 2 of them, like 1 RTR 2 times and so on and I even did the 2 yogas 2 more times.

Is that alright? My gut was eating me alive for how disappointed I was..
I heard a thought while quickly eating breakfast that I am not a slave to the Gods, and I know that, but I just want to make them feel proud of me and see me as not useless.. I want to help as much as I can even if I don't do much.. at least I don't think that I do much..

Yeah.. I apologize..
Your body does what it is supposed to do. If you need sleep, then sleep. Do as mich as you can, but it is harmful to force yourself to do too much. You can make up for it by doing more another day.

That's a relief to hear this, thank you!!

slyscorpion said:
NameHere said:
I have a somewhat disappointing question to ask..

So, about a day ago I finished my daily meditations and I started to literally fall asleep in the sitting position I was in, so I decided to go take a quick nap and go do the RTR's.. I ended up sleeping in and when I was waking up, I was out of it and I fell right back asleep again..

So my question is.. yesterday I felt really disappointed at myself for this having happened and I punished myself by doing my meditations right when I woke up, then the F-RTR+T 2 times, the other 3 RTR's I did 2 of them, like 1 RTR 2 times and so on and I even did the 2 yogas 2 more times.

Is that alright? My gut was eating me alive for how disappointed I was..
I heard a thought while quickly eating breakfast that I am not a slave to the Gods, and I know that, but I just want to make them feel proud of me and see me as not useless.. I want to help as much as I can even if I don't do much.. at least I don't think that I do much..

Yeah.. I apologize..

Better than some people are doing.

Thank you.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Wake up to fight another day. Listen to your limitations, to last in the longterm. I know how you felt here, but this feeling should be used for motivation and comebacks. Not for self punishment.

NameHere said:
I have a somewhat disappointing question to ask..

So, about a day ago I finished my daily meditations and I started to literally fall asleep in the sitting position I was in, so I decided to go take a quick nap and go do the RTR's.. I ended up sleeping in and when I was waking up, I was out of it and I fell right back asleep again..

So my question is.. yesterday I felt really disappointed at myself for this having happened and I punished myself by doing my meditations right when I woke up, then the F-RTR+T 2 times, the other 3 RTR's I did 2 of them, like 1 RTR 2 times and so on and I even did the 2 yogas 2 more times.

Is that alright? My gut was eating me alive for how disappointed I was..
I heard a thought while quickly eating breakfast that I am not a slave to the Gods, and I know that, but I just want to make them feel proud of me and see me as not useless.. I want to help as much as I can even if I don't do much.. at least I don't think that I do much..

Yeah.. I apologize..

I didn't know better then, now I'll know, thank you High Priest!!

Shael said:
NameHere said:
I ended up sleeping in and when I was waking up, I was out of it and I fell right back asleep again..
I know you already got replies to this, but I feel that this side of things should also be addressed.

Don't get into the mindset of toxic-level elitism. This applies both to governing yourself and also when looking at others. You need to remember this, especially because there are some people even on here who push that garbage.
In other words, dont beat yourself up for missing a day of RTRs. Considering what you wrote, I assume you were low on sleep and tired because of a busy schedule or other circumstances.

You missed the day because you were too tired to stay awake (presumably). This is completely understandable. The only time you should feel bad is if you skip a day out of laziness. What is "lazy" often depends on your own judgement, but to put it simply, if you waste your time on useless things and ignore your responsibilities, that's essentially being lazy. If you have had a very hectic day and are dead tired and as such cant do as much, then that's not being lazy.

I will end this with another general word of advice. If you ever find yourself in a similar situation again, then you can just do a very very short RTR atleast, within reasonable boundaries, and then call it a day. Don't feel pressured to torture yourself doing an entire ritual schedule when your body is already breaking apart.

I feel tired every single day actually.
Maybe because I draw digitally a lot doing peoples requests to earn followers before I can start earning money. Art is my passion.
Maybe it's because of a health issue I'm currently experiencing, but it's subsiding. I have no idea..

But anyways, thank you Shael for your advice! I do my best not to burn myself out and do as much as I can.

Gear88 said:
Shael said:
NameHere said:
I ended up sleeping in and when I was waking up, I was out of it and I fell right back asleep again..
I know you already got replies to this, but I feel that this side of things should also be addressed.

Don't get into the mindset of toxic-level elitism. This applies both to governing yourself and also when looking at others. You need to remember this, especially because there are some people even on here who push that garbage.
In other words, dont beat yourself up for missing a day of RTRs. Considering what you wrote, I assume you were low on sleep and tired because of a busy schedule or other circumstances.

You missed the day because you were too tired to stay awake (presumably). This is completely understandable. The only time you should feel bad is if you skip a day out of laziness. What is "lazy" often depends on your own judgement, but to put it simply, if you waste your time on useless things and ignore your responsibilities, that's essentially being lazy. If you have had a very hectic day and are dead tired and as such cant do as much, then that's not being lazy.

I will end this with another general word of advice. If you ever find yourself in a similar situation again, then you can just do a very very short RTR atleast, within reasonable boundaries, and then call it a day. Don't feel pressured to torture yourself doing an entire ritual schedule when your body is already breaking apart.

Like Shael said. In any case the enemy isn't gonna be going away any time soon. IF something happens whereby your unable to fully RTR or only partially. Then even one RTR is better than nothing. Like for example you can do 1, 3, 9 reps of F-RTR since it splashes everything. Or do Tetra, the affirmations take longer than the Triangular recital.

Either way don't beat yourself up even prominent members like Lydia mentioned back in 2018. She felt the F-RTR was a good thing to do as she has had moments of not doing RTRs and burning out when we did M-RTR(Multiple-RTR). So don't beat yourself up if anything it shows your human and your wants and needs are important. It's not selfish just relax and fight another day. Or if you can but can't for long even one RTR is better than nothing.

Thank you!!
Do you think 6 reps of the F-RTR are okay to do too???

And I see, maybe I'm burning myself out and not realizing it, I have no idea honestly...

But this is a relief. I'm glad I'm not a disappointment.. Hehe..
Thank you all for your replies!! I really appreciate it!!
Sorry for the late reply by the way!

Hesffcs115 said:
If I do 3x each for the frtr can I do 3x each for the tetragram part?

I think you can yes if you are saying you are doing the final rtr then Tetragrammaton thing a couple of times or 3. After doing the final rtr if you mean doing the Tetragrammaton thing the correct number of reps and affirmations then doing it again right after you complete it. I did that once. Other than feeling like my energy was drained it didnt feel less powerful.

If you mean doing the Tetragrammaton some other way or stacking reps on it then no you cannot do that.
Gear88 said:
Henu the Great said:
Hesffcs115 said:
If I do 3x each for the frtr can I do 3x each for the tetragram part?
No, these are separate in a sense that not the same rules apply. Do not edit the tetra-ritual in any way. Just do it one time after doing final rtr, unedited.

When you mean this are you talking about the rep ranges of Tetra triangle? or are you imply we only perform ONE SINGLE Tetra Triangle RTR and that is it for the day?

Is the Tetra that powerful we don't need to spam it throughout the day?
Repetitions are not to be changed, and each and every one chooses how much they will devote time doing the rituals. I meant that after final rtr only one tetra is to be done. If you want to do another, then it's another round of final rtr. That's my understanding of the "mechanics".
Sundara said:
jrvan said:
I have a question. When I started doing the FRTR's months ago, I channeled anger/hatred/rage to pump into the rituals, but lately I have occasionally been experiencing feelings of happiness while doing them. It's like my soul is giggling on the inside especially when I think of how I'm basically making the ugliest creatures in existence go extinct (to quote HPHC, even a vulture wouldn't go near those beaks). Is this okay, or would it be better if I tried harder to summon more anger for the rituals? I can try if it will be more helpful. Intuition suggests to me that it's fine, but I just wanted to be sure.

That’s generally my experience too. Anger motivates me to DO the RTR’s on occasion, but another main motivator is how beautiful they feel. I generally get really caught up in the beauty of it. I watch the channels of my soul open up and energy flitters through really nicely. The astral gets clear, my mind does, ect. I think of it as a freeing the soul working when I’m not in the mood to be angry.

That sounds so dreamy and peaceful. I can only imagine how beautiful the overall energy of this world will become after all of the rotten jew energy is gone. Rotten energy out, beautiful energy in... that's how it feels sometimes for me, I think. Like air filtration. So pure and happy like ahh... jews gone. Total bliss.
NameHere said:
I feel tired every single day actually.
Maybe because I draw digitally a lot doing peoples requests to earn followers before I can start earning money. Art is my passion.
Maybe it's because of a health issue I'm currently experiencing, but it's subsiding. I have no idea..
I'm gonna go out on a limb here based on what you said. Do you exercise? Do you spend the vast majority of your day not moving and sitting/lying around?

If so, this could be the #1 cause of your tiredness. I had the pleasure of dealing with terrible health problems that pushed me to even quit my job a long time ago, and took years to just get a bit better. And the central cause of it all was lack of movement and exercise (along with a bad diet).

I'm mentioning this to you in case you may have the same or similar issues to what I was having, but in an earlier stage. It's vitally important to fix this stuff early on because if you wait and wait it will become significantly harder to fix over time.

In case you do lack movement and exercise, try doing a cardio routine for atleast 10 minutes a day to really get you breathing heavily and sweating atleast a bit. Maybe also try some jogging and running outside when it's not too cold.

And of course, above all else, try to get enough sleep. Sleep deprivation can make many problems a lot worse and severely lower your body's ability to heal itself from issues.

I wont get into diet here as that's a lot more complicated. As long as you watch your sleep and exercise it should already have a big impact.
NameHere said:
Just do as many as you feel comfortable doing. For me it varies from day to day. There is no set number you have to do as long as you consistently do it to keep the momentum going. Taking a day off here and there due to "life happens" or some special occasion is totally fine too. Just don't skip too many days. :D
Shael said:
NameHere said:
I feel tired every single day actually.
Maybe because I draw digitally a lot doing peoples requests to earn followers before I can start earning money. Art is my passion.
Maybe it's because of a health issue I'm currently experiencing, but it's subsiding. I have no idea..
In case you do lack movement and exercise, try doing a cardio routine for atleast 10 minutes a day to really get you breathing heavily and sweating atleast a bit. Maybe also try some jogging and running outside when it's not too cold.
Not just out of breath -cardio, but go out for a walk. 15 minutes a day does wonders not only for physical health, but mentally it is very refreshing also. Bodies are meant to move around and sitting too much is unhealthy in many ways.
Hail Lucifer!

I wonder if there is at all any need to continue doing any RTRs at all... My divination yesterday has shown up that Jehova is now a history, victory is ours. People here in the streets of Israel started shouting parts of the RTRs as well. Folks are giving up their traditions rapidly. I here the name Marbas extremely often here everywhere. I never expected how many people here would support me. I wonder if we should now focus on spreading the Light and recruiting more people.
Hail Satan.
Shael said:
NameHere said:
I feel tired every single day actually.
Maybe because I draw digitally a lot doing peoples requests to earn followers before I can start earning money. Art is my passion.
Maybe it's because of a health issue I'm currently experiencing, but it's subsiding. I have no idea..
I'm gonna go out on a limb here based on what you said. Do you exercise? Do you spend the vast majority of your day not moving and sitting/lying around?

If so, this could be the #1 cause of your tiredness. I had the pleasure of dealing with terrible health problems that pushed me to even quit my job a long time ago, and took years to just get a bit better. And the central cause of it all was lack of movement and exercise (along with a bad diet).

I'm mentioning this to you in case you may have the same or similar issues to what I was having, but in an earlier stage. It's vitally important to fix this stuff early on because if you wait and wait it will become significantly harder to fix over time.

In case you do lack movement and exercise, try doing a cardio routine for atleast 10 minutes a day to really get you breathing heavily and sweating atleast a bit. Maybe also try some jogging and running outside when it's not too cold.

And of course, above all else, try to get enough sleep. Sleep deprivation can make many problems a lot worse and severely lower your body's ability to heal itself from issues.

I wont get into diet here as that's a lot more complicated. As long as you watch your sleep and exercise it should already have a big impact.

I'm sorry to hear that this has happened to you.

The health issue I'm experiencing is at my genitals. I suspect it's a yeast infection, but I might be wrong.

I do exercise everyday. I do 2 yogas, Hatha and Kundalini. While doing Hatha yoga I integrate doing other exercises like crunches, push ups, etc. I have lost like 10+ kgs already which is an improvement!

I'm taking things slow as I have back problems that prevent me from doing certain exercises due to pain.

As for sleep, I more than once tried my best to stay up to get back into the rhythm. Say I'm active during the night, so I stay up to sleep during the night and be active during the day, but I end up staying back up wide awake during the night again.

I'm trying my best not to eat too many sweets or things that damage my body.
I try to eat mostly home cooked meals.

Yesterday I did my meditations, yoga and F-RTR+T and then I just couldn't go on, I felt just drained and I asked Father Satan to give me a sign if I can rest or if I should push over then no sign. I received a veryy positive and comforting sign and the break was very well needed and appreciated. I felt like I actually rested you know?
I'll do my best not to do this too often, but when I extremely need it.
Is this a sign I was burning myself out? Because I'm not really sure how exactly everyone views burning yourself..

Henu the Great said:
NameHere said:
Just do as many as you feel comfortable doing. For me it varies from day to day. There is no set number you have to do as long as you consistently do it to keep the momentum going. Taking a day off here and there due to "life happens" or some special occasion is totally fine too. Just don't skip too many days. :D

Thank you!! I actually skipped yesterday after doing 1 RTR and it was really needed. You can read above.

Henu the Great said:
Shael said:
NameHere said:
I feel tired every single day actually.
Maybe because I draw digitally a lot doing peoples requests to earn followers before I can start earning money. Art is my passion.
Maybe it's because of a health issue I'm currently experiencing, but it's subsiding. I have no idea..
In case you do lack movement and exercise, try doing a cardio routine for atleast 10 minutes a day to really get you breathing heavily and sweating atleast a bit. Maybe also try some jogging and running outside when it's not too cold.
Not just out of breath -cardio, but go out for a walk. 15 minutes a day does wonders not only for physical health, but mentally it is very refreshing also. Bodies are meant to move around and sitting too much is unhealthy in many ways.

That is very understandable.
Currently it's very slippery over here due to snow melting away and the melted snow freezing over into ice.
I really hate ice and falling down is NOT fun let me tell you that.. Haha!
Dominus Sacerdus said:
Hail Lucifer!

I wonder if there is at all any need to continue doing any RTRs at all... My divination yesterday has shown up that Jehova is now a history, victory is ours. People here in the streets of Israel started shouting parts of the RTRs as well. Folks are giving up their traditions rapidly. I here the name Marbas extremely often here everywhere. I never expected how many people here would support me. I wonder if we should now focus on spreading the Light and recruiting more people.
Hail Satan.

Dominus Sacerdus said:
Hail Lucifer!

I wonder if there is at all any need to continue doing any RTRs at all... My divination yesterday has shown up that Jehova is now a history, victory is ours. People here in the streets of Israel started shouting parts of the RTRs as well. Folks are giving up their traditions rapidly. I here the name Marbas extremely often here everywhere. I never expected how many people here would support me. I wonder if we should now focus on spreading the Light and recruiting more people.
Hail Satan.

Funny how you referred to "people here".
Nice try filthy parasite.

Your doom is soon to come! Suffer more you filthy vermin!

Good work everyone.
I'm still new here and reading the Joy of Satan book.
I'm wondering is JOS also active in ***?
I'm new here, don't even know how to start a topic lol
Hail Satan! 88!
Dominus Sacerdus said:
Hail Lucifer!

I wonder if there is at all any need to continue doing any RTRs at all... My divination yesterday has shown up that Jehova is now a history, victory is ours. People here in the streets of Israel started shouting parts of the RTRs as well. Folks are giving up their traditions rapidly. I here the name Marbas extremely often here everywhere. I never expected how many people here would support me. I wonder if we should now focus on spreading the Light and recruiting more people.
Hail Satan.

Unless you are GENTILE Palestinian fuck off. Though I'm guessing not since you called it pissreal. My phonecian ancestors from jaffa used to drown kikes in the harbor. Shall we do a replay??? :twisted:
Dominus Sacerdus said:
Hail Lucifer!

I wonder if there is at all any need to continue doing any RTRs at all... My divination yesterday has shown up that Jehova is now a history, victory is ours. People here in the streets of Israel started shouting parts of the RTRs as well. Folks are giving up their traditions rapidly. I here the name Marbas extremely often here everywhere. I never expected how many people here would support me. I wonder if we should now focus on spreading the Light and recruiting more people.
Hail Satan.


Oy vey, someone in Israel is really afraid. Stop the RTR's goyim you won and stuff, we are defeated, look at us, so weak etc etc. Please goyim stop fast, goyim can't be reacting to the chosen people.

You have mananged to make many people add extra now with this comment.
LordofAllthatFlies said:
Good work everyone.
I'm still new here and reading the Joy of Satan book.
I'm wondering is JOS also active in ***?
I'm new here, don't even know how to start a topic lol
Hail Satan! 88!

JoS is International. However, nobody will meet with you in anyway physically in any locale. So do not do that, or you may invite the enemy to you. Study and practice in secrecy.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Dominus Sacerdus said:
Hail Lucifer!

I wonder if there is at all any need to continue doing any RTRs at all... My divination yesterday has shown up that Jehova is now a history, victory is ours. People here in the streets of Israel started shouting parts of the RTRs as well. Folks are giving up their traditions rapidly. I here the name Marbas extremely often here everywhere. I never expected how many people here would support me. I wonder if we should now focus on spreading the Light and recruiting more people.
Hail Satan.

:lol: You guys are fucked! By all means do try to suck up to the Gods and destroy your own creation and people. Hell add the Tetragrammaton thing too. Heck do all your Torah readings and services backwards to make this fun and tell all your friends too :lol:
Dominus Sacerdus said:
Hail Lucifer!

I wonder if there is at all any need to continue doing any RTRs at all... My divination yesterday has shown up that Jehova is now a history, victory is ours. People here in the streets of Israel started shouting parts of the RTRs as well. Folks are giving up their traditions rapidly. I here the name Marbas extremely often here everywhere. I never expected how many people here would support me. I wonder if we should now focus on spreading the Light and recruiting more people.
Hail Satan.

:lol: Silly kike, even after your "god" dies, your suffering will only get worse!
You won't be able to beg your way out of it this time.
NameHere said:
Yeah so leaving aside the yeast infection issue (which I cant really help with), it seems your biggest issue is sleep without a doubt.
To answer your question, yes, you are 100% burning yourself out like this quite heavily and you'll regret it deeply if you try to keep this up.

I can tell you I used to do the same thing as you regarding sleep, and I did it for years. As of right now I'm going to sleep early and having restful sleep every single day.
From my own experience, by the time you realize how bad this stuff you are doing actually is, it will already have caused you significant problems. And when I say "realize", I don't mean thinking "oh this is so bad to do.. but I cant help but do it anyway". Those kinds of thoughts I had for over a year before I actually stopped with it for good, so they are obviously quite useless. What I mean by "realize" is when you get to the realization of "okay.. I feel like garbage every day and this is part of the reason. I will be in 2x the pain if I'm late again today". Once you reach that point, you will pretty much be forced to fix it if you want to keep living life in at least a mediocre standard. With these things, you usually only end up fixing it once it starts to heavily affect you being able to live your life and do basic things.

Now, I don't know if telling you these things will be enough to help you fix it. But I think you should seriously take a few minutes of time and meditate on this. Like, actually relaxing yourself and calming your thoughts, and then pondering what I wrote to you above. You need to deeply realize that these things will happen to you if you keep going like this. Maybe then you can actually find the drive to fix it before it comes to that.

Let me tell you, once you are at that point where it gets this bad, you will be willing to give up anything to make it go away. This is the starting point of any deep transformation, especially health-related. When I was at that point, I finally decided to give up all the things that had kept me from being early. That includes heavily cutting down on meditation (I did way too much of it in a day), as well as making a strong limit to how late I can still chat with friends on my phone, and some more things.

The only realistic way I can see you fixing this before that point, is if you can get this realization more early on. So if you want to fix it, my advice would be to work on trying to reach that realization deeply for yourself. You dont owe anyone anything, and there are no "standards" you need to live up to. This is especially true for meditation. There is no shame in cutting it down to just the basics for a while until you can find stability. Just ensure you still do yoga, cleaning, AoP, and the basic RTR+T.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Dominus Sacerdus said:
Hail Lucifer!

I wonder if there is at all any need to continue doing any RTRs at all... My divination yesterday has shown up that Jehova is now a history, victory is ours. People here in the streets of Israel started shouting parts of the RTRs as well. Folks are giving up their traditions rapidly. I here the name Marbas extremely often here everywhere. I never expected how many people here would support me. I wonder if we should now focus on spreading the Light and recruiting more people.
Hail Satan.


Oy vey, someone in Israel is really afraid. Stop the RTR's goyim you won and stuff, we are defeated, look at us, so weak etc etc. Please goyim stop fast, goyim can't be reacting to the chosen people.

You have mananged to make many people add extra now with this comment.

Let's give it nightmares from which it will never sleep >:). I'll just leave this here...I hope it gets horrid flashbacks. http://www.thetower.org/4343-palestinian-band-warns-jews-to-flee-tel-aviv-or-else-your-body-parts-will-be-collected/

Not to mention the song is in the Lebanese arabic dialect that I grew up hearing my grandma and dad talk in all the time so i got a big kick out of it. I recongnised and remembered several words without the subs xD. Its islam centered though but hilarious. Not to mention it stands as a theme for every country that has ever thrown them out!

Ohhh and who could forget this one! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07DUDxYxy0w

Burn it down! :cool:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
LordofAllthatFlies said:
Good work everyone.
I'm still new here and reading the Joy of Satan book.
I'm wondering is JOS also active in ***?
I'm new here, don't even know how to start a topic lol
Hail Satan! 88!

JoS is International. However, nobody will meet with you in anyway physically in any locale. So do not do that, or you may invite the enemy to you. Study and practice in secrecy.

I see, thank you for your response.
greetings LAF
NameHere said:
That is very understandable.
Currently it's very slippery over here due to snow melting away and the melted snow freezing over into ice.
I really hate ice and falling down is NOT fun let me tell you that.. Haha!
I understand, because I live up north so we have snow and ice aswell. Although I like ice, it's very dangerous when not being careful. Ice = fun, falling = not fun. :D

Do you know about spikes for shoes? With such it would be possible to go out on icy weather or even on ice (careful there), and have better grip.

Dominus Sacerdus said:
Hail Lucifer!

I wonder if there is at all any need to continue doing any RTRs at all... My divination yesterday has shown up that Jehova is now a history, victory is ours. People here in the streets of Israel started shouting parts of the RTRs as well. Folks are giving up their traditions rapidly. I here the name Marbas extremely often here everywhere. I never expected how many people here would support me. I wonder if we should now focus on spreading the Light and recruiting more people.
Hail Satan.

I can't wait to someday **** you humanoid viruses like how my ancestors fought for our islands against xtian cuck hordes. May the spirit of greatest grand dad Lapu-Lapu help me KO you like kampilan-to-neck style.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Wake up to fight another day. Listen to your limitations, to last in the longterm. I know how you felt here, but this feeling should be used for motivation and comebacks. Not for self punishment.

NameHere said:
I have a somewhat disappointing question to ask..

So, about a day ago I finished my daily meditations and I started to literally fall asleep in the sitting position I was in, so I decided to go take a quick nap and go do the RTR's.. I ended up sleeping in and when I was waking up, I was out of it and I fell right back asleep again..

So my question is.. yesterday I felt really disappointed at myself for this having happened and I punished myself by doing my meditations right when I woke up, then the F-RTR+T 2 times, the other 3 RTR's I did 2 of them, like 1 RTR 2 times and so on and I even did the 2 yogas 2 more times.

Is that alright? My gut was eating me alive for how disappointed I was..
I heard a thought while quickly eating breakfast that I am not a slave to the Gods, and I know that, but I just want to make them feel proud of me and see me as not useless.. I want to help as much as I can even if I don't do much.. at least I don't think that I do much..

Yeah.. I apologize..

Thanks a lot for this message( even though it was not addressed directly to me). I kind of fell off in the learning process and it was just RTRs and rituals day in and out; sometimes with a broken arm.
If i can ask this question- After meditating for extended periods of time and returning back to people; I at times feel a sort of disconnect with the present world ( also I am really young and JoS has been my own major perspective shaping tool) where Nazi is used in a negative sense and this unbound-selfishness is something I am not used to dealing with.
How then are we supposed to adjust to the present ignorance of the world ( for a lack of a better phrase). I do get really emotional on matters that we have been addressing as a part of Hells Army. So a simple statement about "white privilege" makes me debate with people for 40-50 minutes at a time just to see the person return back to their own sense of understanding of things. It gets frustrating day in and day out to see people of Satanic Races so willingly be blinded to serve " a jew on a stick" or just take "peace" as it is now, for granted. I have got into arguments with people on " evil Nazis" and gotten attacked at night by a grey ( with MRTRs).
Also some of this as has been shown to me by my GD an attempt by the enemy to scare me away from the Gods and/or JoS. So some of what I asked is already answered.
On a more personal note I see people having a change in perspective with my close ones as example- with some of them questioning the very existance of the "gayllah shit" that is being forced upon people by the media; something they wouldnt question before.

If I had to summarize: When can we start seeing a greater appreciation towards pur Gods or return of people towards paganism. Now the juden problem is something they accept but still worship the false religions. And what exactly is expected of the SS till the time the Gods return?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

We were attempted to be wiped out collectively, and we remained upright

I would like to add something to this from personal experience. The Gods have been more than active in making us aware of this fact. I recall an incident where I was half dozed out tired from the work of the day and questioning my very existance with these attacks when my Succubus stepped in to show me a room with people moving in and out - where my I think I saw someone cursing us as a group. I at that time disregarded this to think it was from the enemy to scare me off but now I am sure it was from the Gods.
There was another incident when going through one of your recent posts where you when about sitting under a statue of a person who drove away the mudslime invaders- there was a shock or vril as we call it to try to show me this image. It was a time of very strong attacks for me so seeing that pushed me to do more.
Shael said:
NameHere said:
Yeah so leaving aside the yeast infection issue (which I cant really help with), it seems your biggest issue is sleep without a doubt.
To answer your question, yes, you are 100% burning yourself out like this quite heavily and you'll regret it deeply if you try to keep this up.

I can tell you I used to do the same thing as you regarding sleep, and I did it for years. As of right now I'm going to sleep early and having restful sleep every single day.
From my own experience, by the time you realize how bad this stuff you are doing actually is, it will already have caused you significant problems. And when I say "realize", I don't mean thinking "oh this is so bad to do.. but I cant help but do it anyway". Those kinds of thoughts I had for over a year before I actually stopped with it for good, so they are obviously quite useless. What I mean by "realize" is when you get to the realization of "okay.. I feel like garbage every day and this is part of the reason. I will be in 2x the pain if I'm late again today". Once you reach that point, you will pretty much be forced to fix it if you want to keep living life in at least a mediocre standard. With these things, you usually only end up fixing it once it starts to heavily affect you being able to live your life and do basic things.

Now, I don't know if telling you these things will be enough to help you fix it. But I think you should seriously take a few minutes of time and meditate on this. Like, actually relaxing yourself and calming your thoughts, and then pondering what I wrote to you above. You need to deeply realize that these things will happen to you if you keep going like this. Maybe then you can actually find the drive to fix it before it comes to that.

Let me tell you, once you are at that point where it gets this bad, you will be willing to give up anything to make it go away. This is the starting point of any deep transformation, especially health-related. When I was at that point, I finally decided to give up all the things that had kept me from being early. That includes heavily cutting down on meditation (I did way too much of it in a day), as well as making a strong limit to how late I can still chat with friends on my phone, and some more things.

The only realistic way I can see you fixing this before that point, is if you can get this realization more early on. So if you want to fix it, my advice would be to work on trying to reach that realization deeply for yourself. You dont owe anyone anything, and there are no "standards" you need to live up to. This is especially true for meditation. There is no shame in cutting it down to just the basics for a while until you can find stability. Just ensure you still do yoga, cleaning, AoP, and the basic RTR+T.
Henu the Great said:
NameHere said:
That is very understandable.
Currently it's very slippery over here due to snow melting away and the melted snow freezing over into ice.
I really hate ice and falling down is NOT fun let me tell you that.. Haha!
I understand, because I live up north so we have snow and ice aswell. Although I like ice, it's very dangerous when not being careful. Ice = fun, falling = not fun. :D

Do you know about spikes for shoes? With such it would be possible to go out on icy weather or even on ice (careful there), and have better grip.


Oh! I have these actually! My dad bought these a few years ago for me, my mom and himself.
It helps a little, but it's still quite slippery regardless.

Today I was actually out, it was quite nice actually, excluding the extremely slippery roads, but somehow I felt like I was protected, like I had someone with me overlooking that I wouldn't fall down and I didn't. It was nice.
I did a banishing ritual regardless, but the feeling never left me, it was positive and like a friendly presence.
It's quite nice to have someone accompanying you, I'm quite lonely, haha.
NameHere said:
Oh! I have these actually! My dad bought these a few years ago for me, my mom and himself.
It helps a little, but it's still quite slippery regardless.

Today I was actually out, it was quite nice actually, excluding the extremely slippery roads, but somehow I felt like I was protected, like I had someone with me overlooking that I wouldn't fall down and I didn't. It was nice.
I did a banishing ritual regardless, but the feeling never left me, it was positive and like a friendly presence.
It's quite nice to have someone accompanying you, I'm quite lonely, haha.
Yeah, best protection is to be aware at all times, and some company won't do any harm either. :D

For the longest of time I went for a walk aswell yesterday. I have been doing weight training and cardio in home, but walked only at work for over a month now.
NameHere said:
Yeast infection is related to damp heat in the lower part of the body. I wouldn't say the the cause of this is lack of exercise, based on what you posted. Heat could be from yin deficiency, likely from sleeping during the day.

Dampness is mainly related to the spleen being deficient, how are your bowel movements and overall digest? Avoiding sweets is a good start, however if you are eating too many cold foods, this can also weaken the spleen and lead to this. Look up a kapha diet for foods that balance against dampness, yet won't hurt the spleen either.
This case study on yeast infection might interest you. Also search "TCM yeast infection" for more.

Dampness is a yin pathogen and this alone, or along with any spleen deficiency can create fatigue.

Screwing with your sleep will definitely cause for fatigue. Don't go for wide or crazy attempts at fixing sleep all in one night. Try to go to sleep 1 or 2 hours earlier before the previous night's time. If it is really bad then you can do 3 but you might need melatonin. Anything more drastic will either fail or fragment your sleep schedule.
Blitzkreig said:
NameHere said:
Yeast infection is related to damp heat in the lower part of the body. I wouldn't say the the cause of this is lack of exercise, based on what you posted. Heat could be from yin deficiency, likely from sleeping during the day.

Dampness is mainly related to the spleen being deficient, how are your bowel movements and overall digest? Avoiding sweets is a good start, however if you are eating too many cold foods, this can also weaken the spleen and lead to this. Look up a kapha diet for foods that balance against dampness, yet won't hurt the spleen either.
This case study on yeast infection might interest you. Also search "TCM yeast infection" for more.

Dampness is a yin pathogen and this alone, or along with any spleen deficiency can create fatigue.

Screwing with your sleep will definitely cause for fatigue. Don't go for wide or crazy attempts at fixing sleep all in one night. Try to go to sleep 1 or 2 hours earlier before the previous night's time. If it is really bad then you can do 3 but you might need melatonin. Anything more drastic will either fail or fragment your sleep schedule.

Hello and thank you for this!
However the yeast infection I'm experiencing is not vaginal, but a skin one.
I have posted about this here if you require any other details: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=49989

And I'm doing just that about the sleep.
I went to sleep 3 hours earlier than I normally do and sleep was quite alright, but still the same.

Henu the Great said:
NameHere said:
Oh! I have these actually! My dad bought these a few years ago for me, my mom and himself.
It helps a little, but it's still quite slippery regardless.

Today I was actually out, it was quite nice actually, excluding the extremely slippery roads, but somehow I felt like I was protected, like I had someone with me overlooking that I wouldn't fall down and I didn't. It was nice.
I did a banishing ritual regardless, but the feeling never left me, it was positive and like a friendly presence.
It's quite nice to have someone accompanying you, I'm quite lonely, haha.
Yeah, best protection is to be aware at all times, and some company won't do any harm either. :D

For the longest of time I went for a walk aswell yesterday. I have been doing weight training and cardio in home, but walked only at work for over a month now.

Wow, that's really awesome and very big dedication!!! Great work, brother(?)!!
I hope I didn't sound sarcastic...
NameHere said:
Wow, that's really awesome and very big dedication!!! Great work, brother(?)!!
I hope I didn't sound sarcastic...
No, you don't sound sarcastic and yes, I'm male. But anyway for me exercising is not something out of the ordinary. I'm an athlete after all. Anyway, it's great to walk outside after such a long period of only exercising inside.

I hope you find yourself outside more often aswell, and don't worry being lonely. Fill your days with power meditations and other pleasurable activities and you don't even remember what loneliness feels like. At least that's how it's for me. I'm alone most of the time, and like it, but after I begun meditating daily I've lost the feeling of loneliness. I want something what others can't give me so I think that overrides need for normie friends and conversations.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Is the Demon section on the website already updated? I went through it yesterday, I just want to be sure.
Is it okay to viberate Beelzebul's name?
How do I pronounce the S in Sowilo? The runes pronunciation page on JOS website says S at the begining of a rune is to be pronounced as S in Satan. And how about S in Ansuz? The same page mentions that S in the middle of a rune is to be pronounced as a Z as in Zebra.

Am I on the right track with these? Just asking if new info has been found because earlier in the serpent is free RTR it is stated "that the kabalistic letter “S” is to be hissed, regardless of the language."

Please help so I can perform the ritual correctly.

Hail Father Satan Forever
Hail the Crowned Princes of Hell Forever
Hail the Powers of Duat Forever
स त न म said:
How do I pronounce the S in Sowilo? The runes pronunciation page on JOS website says S at the begining of a rune is to be pronounced as S in Satan. And how about S in Ansuz? The same page mentions that S in the middle of a rune is to be pronounced as a Z as in Zebra.

Am I on the right track with these? Just asking if new info has been found because earlier in the serpent is free RTR it is stated "that the kabalistic letter “S” is to be hissed, regardless of the language."

Please help so I can perform the ritual correctly.

Hail Father Satan Forever
Hail the Crowned Princes of Hell Forever
Hail the Powers of Duat Forever

S as in a strong S that is slightly hissed.
Manofsatan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Is the Demon section on the website already updated? I went through it yesterday, I just want to be sure.
Is it okay to viberate Beelzebul's name?

It will be up soon, but two more articles need to be publicized before that. It'll be updated on JoS Main and SatanIsGod.

Yes, it is alright.
OpenMind said:
Hello, can someone please tell me if i can make a bigger number of vibrations with the same number of affirmations in the tetragramaton ritual? For an example x10 each( 30 , 60 , 90 , 120 ) and standard number or affirmations(10). I say that bcs the affirmations take the most time of this ritual.

No, the tetragammaton is to be left as is. If anything, do multiple rounds back to back or do it multiple times a day.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Manofsatan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Is the Demon section on the website already updated? I went through it yesterday, I just want to be sure.
Is it okay to viberate Beelzebul's name?

It will be up soon, but two more articles need to be publicized before that. It'll be updated on JoS Main and SatanIsGod.

Yes, it is alright.

Thank you for the time you give😘

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
