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The Pot People

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Even in ancient india where we didn't have synthetic drugs, the ancient sage Charaka in Charaka Samhita,the definitive guide of ancient ayurveda says that alcohol and tobacco are poison which counteracts the ojas of the body (natural processes ). He goes on several pages to malign these drugs and list the different diseases and deterioration caused by these.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
She said if people are actually in pain they don't get any of the psychological effects of opioids like the drug addicts get, because all the opioid is going towards blocking the pain receptors. And so if people don't really need it for bad physical pain, it isn't all going into blocking the pain receptors, so they then would have it just floating around in them making them feel high and addicted. Like how if you're in a hospital in serious pain and they give you morphine, you won't even feel or notice the morphine and you wouldn't get any kind of pleasure from it.

Neither of these statements are true. I know an elderly woman who has chronic pain from a few different things (fractured spine, fibromyalgia, and a few other illnesses). She can't take opioids because she gets high from them and hates the feeling of being high.

As for morphine, there are countless cases of people who had the time of their life being in the hospital high on morphine and wishing they could get it on the street after they are discharged from the hospital.

I also heard of a person who had a serious back injury, went on opioid pain killers, and can't remember that entire week at all due to being high the entire time.

Maybe it's different for the woman you know, but for most, they get high from the opioids, no matter how much pain they are in.
Wotanwarrior said:
Cyn666 said:
Most of my loved ones, friends, colleagues, etc. the only way they know how to have fun is via a diluted state by alcohol or drugs. It's fucking sad.
I hardly gets invites anymore because I always refuse "going out on the town" where they choose to just get absolutely shit faced. Then they come back with stories of how they got into brawls, or what interesting place they pissed or puked in. Or how they got stopped by the cops, or someone got arrested.
As if that's any sort of healthy fucking entertainment.
No, thanks.

Which reminds me of a question: my cousin wants to move in with me. I wouldn't mind since we get along pretty well, but she is heavily into pot/hallucinogens. I came home once to her having her friends at my place all getting absolutely baked. I was fucking pissed, of course. And have since banned her from my home temporarily, along with the condition that if she wants to live with me she must be sober.
I know it's my right as the homeowner to lay down these kinds of rules but I'm more concerned over if she continues smoking pot and such at my house. It's illegal here, not even medically acceptable. Is that really worth severing our relationship over?

I have been more drastic about it and I cut all contact and relationship with them years ago, in my opinion people like that not deserve to lose in them not a single minute of my time.
I totally believe the same as Wotanwarrior.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Does anyone have any idea/opinion about this?

Ol argedco luciftias said:
I know someone in her late 60s and she was on prescription opioids pills for around a decade now. She never abused them in any way, but she has had multiple medical conditions that had her in really bad constant pain so she was on these pills to help with it. She said if people are actually in pain they don't get any of the psychological effects of opioids like the drug addicts get, because all the opioid is going towards blocking the pain receptors. And so if people don't really need it for bad physical pain, it isn't all going into blocking the pain receptors, so they then would have it just floating around in them making them feel high and addicted. Like how if you're in a hospital in serious pain and they give you morphine, you won't even feel or notice the morphine and you wouldn't get any kind of pleasure from it.

So she's currently in the process of gradually getting off these pills, and will instead be getting a medical marijuana prescription. She's never done any drugs (other than carefully taking her prescriptions), only drinks small amounts of wine occasionally with her friends, nothing bad. She doesn't want to become a stoner so she's going to be careful to only take small amounts of marijuana only when she needs it for pain or to help go to sleep.

Is this a problem? I think it will be much better for her than the pills were. But would this be a bad thing?

It's different to be on medication because you're literally harmed physically or injured, than taking and shoving in drugs because you're just lazy to deal with your psychological issues or for whatever reason.

For the pain management medical advice may suffice.

One has to also be aware as kike doctors prescribe heavy opioids these days over the simplest issues. These make people not only hooked, but they stresses their internal tolerance system past the point of tolerance, and one either needs more and more (Some people die from overdosing or have other related issues).

Street drugs are laced with all sorts of other things. Many people think they are snorting a specific drug but most if not all drugs are totally laced. Laced on not laced it's the same shit, but if it is laced, one might as well die in an instant if they are unlucky.

Sometimes they even put washing powder into these, they create mixtures of other drugs that are even worse than what one initially wanted, or they put drugs that are in antithetic effect such as speed and tranquilizers, which can ruin people real bad.
I believe all the fucking drug dealers will have to be executed with no pity when the time comes. Those disgusting parassites..
TopoftheAbyss said:
Is it true that Hitler used drugs?

No, it is all extreme exaggerations. If one does the drug use these people claim of Hitler they wouldn't even live 5 years to tell the tale, let alone lead the lifestyle that he did.

Hitler meditated daily.
sunrise said:
If you think you are going to die anyway and life is meaningless for some people carpe diem works just fine. Which lead me to the conclusion that we need to bring truth to as many people as possible and do as many many RTRs as possible.
People need SATAN!

This is very true and congratulations on you moving away from this crap.

Just think of how many people can be helped just by spreading the message. Satanism has a positive transformative effect.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Is it true that Hitler used drugs?

No, it is all extreme exaggerations. If one does the drug use these people claim of Hitler they wouldn't even live 5 years to tell the tale, let alone lead the lifestyle that he did.

Hitler meditated daily.
Hitler stopped tobacco smoking and any type of drug use in germany
sunrise said:
It's not about drugs is about atmosphere and people surrounding yourself with, all the rest of the elements, it can't be about drugs alone...
Misery loves company, and we always increase - whether it be positively in benefit or negatively in degeneration. Our very Nature is to increase that which is in us/put into us.
Lydia said:
I guess different effects for different people. One time I was in the hospital for a night and the nurses/doctors were giving as much morphine as they were allowed to give as often as they were allowed to. And I felt absolutely nothing changed from it! It didn't make me high, it didn't even help with the pain at all! The only thing it did was make me feel a little tired and a little sick, but I definitely never got any kind of pleasure from it. I would never want to try it again. This is from my own direct personal experience, so I can see her point in when she says she has a similar experience with the pills. Maybe it has something to do with the dosage or maybe it's something genetic.

She was never on an extremely high dose. She started with very small dosage, worked up gradually to I guess a "moderate" dose that she was on for a long time, and now is gradually getting down smaller and smaller dose until stopping. She has always been extremely careful to take it at the right times, never take any extra, all that kind of stuff. I'm just assuming, but that guy with the back injury could have been taking more than he should because he was in so much pain he wanted extra "relief". She never took enough to make her pain go away, just to get it dulled down to some more manageable levels.
HP Mageson666 said:
LSD and such has sent people to the psyche ward. The Jews created the DMT drugs, I wonder what else they put into the chemical mixture for the Goyim.

TopoftheAbyss said:
What about drugs that produce DMT?
DMT is a real spiritual substance.
Holy cow. Is that for real, HP? Did kikes really create those drugs? That's a nice bit of info, do you have any sources you can share about this?

Thank you in advance either way, have a great day.
shinninglight said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Is it true that Hitler used drugs?

No, it is all extreme exaggerations. If one does the drug use these people claim of Hitler they wouldn't even live 5 years to tell the tale, let alone lead the lifestyle that he did.

Hitler meditated daily.
Hitler stopped tobacco smoking and any type of drug use in germany
I guess you were living and sleeping in the same house with him to know that he was doing drugs but stopped in Germany.
Hitler didn't do drugs. Is it so hard to comprehend? He is extremely responsible. It takes superhuman discipline to complete the magnum opus.
ZirGohed999 said:
shinninglight said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
No, it is all extreme exaggerations. If one does the drug use these people claim of Hitler they wouldn't even live 5 years to tell the tale, let alone lead the lifestyle that he did.

Hitler meditated daily.
Hitler stopped tobacco smoking and any type of drug use in germany
I guess you were living and sleeping in the same house with him to know that he was doing drugs but stopped in Germany.
Hitler didn't do drugs. Is it so hard to comprehend? He is extremely responsible. It takes superhuman discipline to complete the magnum opus.
I said he stopped people from smoking drugs wtf"
ZirGohed999 said:
shinninglight said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
No, it is all extreme exaggerations. If one does the drug use these people claim of Hitler they wouldn't even live 5 years to tell the tale, let alone lead the lifestyle that he did.

Hitler meditated daily.
Hitler stopped tobacco smoking and any type of drug use in germany
I guess you were living and sleeping in the same house with him to know that he was doing drugs but stopped in Germany.
Hitler didn't do drugs. Is it so hard to comprehend? He is extremely responsible. It takes superhuman discipline to complete the magnum opus.
He stopped drug use,thats what I meant
ZirGohed999 said:
I guess you were living and sleeping in the same house with him to know that he was doing drugs but stopped in Germany.
Hitler didn't do drugs. Is it so hard to comprehend? He is extremely responsible. It takes superhuman discipline to complete the magnum opus.
I think he meant how Hitler banned or at the very least extremely discouraged the use of these drugs throughout all of Germany. NOT that he was on them himself then quit...
PeppermintTaco said:
HP Mageson666 said:
LSD and such has sent people to the psyche ward. The Jews created the DMT drugs, I wonder what else they put into the chemical mixture for the Goyim.

TopoftheAbyss said:
What about drugs that produce DMT?
DMT is a real spiritual substance.
Holy cow. Is that for real, HP? Did kikes really create those drugs? That's a nice bit of info, do you have any sources you can share about this?

Thank you in advance either way, have a great day.

There have been reports of people being admitted to mental hospitals with psychosis after just smoking weed once. Some people have been smoking that crap longer before they ended in a psychosis.

There can be a chance to end up like that with the use of any drug..

Even if you don't smoke it, smelling it can still have an effect.
One day I went home from my freelance job some time and it smelled odd outside. I got my bicycle and left. Between that moment and getting home I don't remember anything other than that I was very tired went immediately upstairs crashed on my bed and fell asleep. When I woke up I had to think a bit about what the f happened before I recalled that.

Sometimes a whiff is all that it takes.
I think even the people that were using that crap had been gone already by the time I left.
Aquarius said:
I believe all the fucking drug dealers will have to be executed with no pity when the time comes. Those disgusting parassites..

I think the same for all the losers that go around telling people drugs aren't so bad and coming up with bullshit to defend that stuff. I don't think people understand how dangerous and toxic these individuals are these are the losers that go around telling your kids drugs aren't so bad and they are the reason they get hooked on this stuff.

Why do i feel more sensitive to energy after smoking weed. i.e during meditations or rtr's?
Lasollor said:

Why do i feel more sensitive to energy after smoking weed. i.e during meditations or rtr's?
First of all *picks up a book and hits you on the head with it* no smoking weed..

Secondly that stuff obviously works on the receptors of the nervous system. Which would make you more sensitive to energy.

But like said by others before, when you get drugged out/high/stoned regurlarly you'll be having less and less reception to that stuff.

It could be that the chemicals get stuck on the receptors of the nervous system and that as a result of this over time your brain/nervous system just starts to lose function, as there are less and less receptors capable of processing the information.
And apparently not all can be undone from this. So yes, there would be long term damage.

Just so you know. I haven't actually seen a study that says exactly this. I just more or less figured out what it might do with the knowledge that I currently have.
So in other words, this is a hypothesis.

And seriously. Getting a feel for energy is not even that hard to do without drugs. So quit taking so called short-cuts.

"There is no short-cut in the ninja way." ~Naruto Episode 171 'The Quest for the Fourth's Hokage's Legacy part 2.

The same goes for life really. Unless you want to trample and abuse others not to mention your own body or self.
Lasollor said:

Why do i feel more sensitive to energy after smoking weed. i.e during meditations or rtr's?

Because it puts you in a fake type of trance, that's all. You can cause the same trance by focusing inwardly or on an external object. The bigger the trance, the more you will feel the energies.
Maybe people have forgotten all the comments about the Final RTR.

The feeling of being way more open psychic.. Meditations going easier.. and other beneficial reports as well..

Why? Because you're kicking out the curses and blocks that were put on your soul, cleaning up the pathways/nadis/other and increasing your abilities.

If you really think you want to get drugged up and then go meditate.. remember the above and go do an RTR instead.
sure am glad I never smoked pot, I see its effect on my step dad and throughout some people even friends at my school. I have recently been however opened to accepting moderate use of pot but mainly because I seen what seems to have been pot in some ww2 german photos where the men looked like they were smoking some but that either may not have been pot or it was photoshop, I am not clear as to what that is about. Might just be a normal cigarette I would suppose. Any replies towards these kind of images would be helpful but yeah I never got the appeal of pot, it definitely does seem to ruin people by atleast a bit.
FancyMancy said:
sunrise said:
It's not about drugs is about atmosphere and people surrounding yourself with, all the rest of the elements, it can't be about drugs alone...
Misery loves company, and we always increase - whether it be positively in benefit or negatively in degeneration. Our very Nature is to increase that which is in us/put into us.

of course
Lasollor said:
StraitShot47 said:
Ive read the article about ketamine, but i guess im not smart enough to understand all that science talk. Could you dumb it down for me and explain what it basically said?
It’s bad that what it says.
Also, you feel energy better, but can you do anything with your energy? Like circulate and be able to be logical when smoking weed? The answer is no. You gotta achieve that sensibility without getting drugged
FancyMancy said:
sunrise said:
It's not about drugs is about atmosphere and people surrounding yourself with, all the rest of the elements, it can't be about drugs alone...
Misery loves company, and we always increase - whether it be positively in benefit or negatively in degeneration. Our very Nature is to increase that which is in us/put into us.

And also nature creates links. a shitty decision is leading to another and another and another
What happened to me started from jews and increased in its very essence
Read the bible from a very young age, - hung out with jews and gipsies while a teen, one day a gipsy kidnap me and a friend (another gipsy one), she was raped in front of me (brutally), (Just for the record she was A level medicine student, not a retarded slut, if it makes any difference).

I did drugs to forgive myself, I developed fetishes to confront what I saw, I screamed for sexual liberation furthermore - this girl has been punished for sleeping with two men in one night sometime before the incident, (information that I had zero ideas previously).
My life has been infested with jewish culture, people, situations and lifestyle early on; it is so traumatizing only to think about it but I am working on it.

All I am saying is that we need to get rid of those horrendous rotten creatures once and for all. Except for the jews and their influences, good things poop-in as well in my life, for example, I recognised Satan instantly thanks to the misfortune to know jews very well. No situation is entirely white or black in my acceptance.

thanks for your reply
Lasollor said:

Why do i feel more sensitive to energy after smoking weed. i.e during meditations or rtr's?

Please stop smoking, weed destroys the aura and your energies and it hits the 6th chakra in particular. I met a lot of these people, they all had a very dark aura and they were giving me headaches while speaking to them because they were draining my 6th.
You possess all the means to bypass such useless substance.
HP Mageson666 said:
My opinion on the legalization issue is having weed should just be a fine based offense and the fine goes up depending on the amount. Not a criminal record or jail time.
Doesn’t that make it okay for wealthier people and not okay for lower income people? Fines are nothing for wealthy people. No balance there imo.
Eric13 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
My opinion on the legalization issue is having weed should just be a fine based offense and the fine goes up depending on the amount. Not a criminal record or jail time.
Doesn’t that make it okay for wealthier people and not okay for lower income people? Fines are nothing for wealthy people. No balance there imo.
Then the fine is higher if you are rich.
Eric13 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
My opinion on the legalization issue is having weed should just be a fine based offense and the fine goes up depending on the amount. Not a criminal record or jail time.
Doesn’t that make it okay for wealthier people and not okay for lower income people? Fines are nothing for wealthy people. No balance there imo.

According to idea behind penalty it should be noticeable. There are countries, like Finland, where fine is calculated based on income, and It would be "equal" for rich and poor. In any other cases - yes, it might discriminate those with low income. In my opinion easing the law in terms of drugs leads only to making things worst, because less people are afraid of potential law consequences and they are willing to take a risk of paying fine in opposition of serving a jail time.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Why would someone waste their money on weed when they can buy books instead?
............... :D

bcz one has to smoke dat strong dud, wtf u talking about? duhhhhhh nerd

frying braincells be k00l yo. best thing eva
Putting people in prison for weed is a waste of time and it costs society money for such. Its not worth giving someone a criminal record over and how that can negativity influence their life. Some teenager with a bong does not deserve such.

If your caught with a brick of weed and the government fines you two hundred thousand dollars, that is punishment. If its determined your a weed dealer and the government takes your home and assets as the profits of drug dealing and then fines you half a million dollars you will have to pay.... That is punishment.

If your some working guy or teenager and you caught with a couple of joints and you get fined eight hundred dollars a joint, which is almost two thousand dollars, that is going to have an effect.

If a person can't pay it with the money, then they get to also pay it with community service. So you get to work all week at your job and then work numerous weekends to pay the fine.

Photon said:
Eric13 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
My opinion on the legalization issue is having weed should just be a fine based offense and the fine goes up depending on the amount. Not a criminal record or jail time.
Doesn’t that make it okay for wealthier people and not okay for lower income people? Fines are nothing for wealthy people. No balance there imo.

According to idea behind penalty it should be noticeable. There are countries, like Finland, where fine is calculated based on income, and It would be "equal" for rich and poor. In any other cases - yes, it might discriminate those with low income. In my opinion easing the law in terms of drugs leads only to making things worst, because less people are afraid of potential law consequences and they are willing to take a risk of paying fine in opposition of serving a jail time.
luis said:
Eric13 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
My opinion on the legalization issue is having weed should just be a fine based offense and the fine goes up depending on the amount. Not a criminal record or jail time.
Doesn’t that make it okay for wealthier people and not okay for lower income people? Fines are nothing for wealthy people. No balance there imo.
Then the fine is higher if you are rich.
Are they going to pay millions? Because whatever the fine is the wealthy can pay. My friends dad is filthy rich. Has more speeding tickets and dwi’s than you could imagine. Because rich people can drive as fast as they want. Doesn’t matter. Just a fine. It all comes down to that. They’ll never take his license away no matter how many times he does it because they just want his money. His money will pay his legal problems away.
Same if they fined for drugs.

What needs to happen is legalize across the board. Why not? Booze is legal and promoted and is more dangerous in many ways than pot. I would never advocate anyone do either. But looking at the legal issue and how people are over punished and booze is killing way more people and destroying way more lives. Just legalize it.

My dad spent some of the first 10 years of my life in prison over pot. So I got no father. Luckily it was just pot and he came back. Can’t say the same for some other dude out there who’s dad is dead from a drunk driving accident or something similar. Just legalize it already. No fines, no jail. People will do it regardless.
The thing is a friend of mine in UAE told me they can put you in jail for brutal sentence over having weed. What happens in that case is that people go to jail, sometimes even for years, it's that serious in UAE if you are a native and cops catch you on a bad day.

Then when they are in jail, they start harder drugs, or are exposed to an unbearable lifestyle that turns them into way worse people. Over what? A joint literally.

Then people become obsessed over that joint, and it becomes sort of like a very important thing.

Fines accumulating and/or adjusting to actual income will be effective in that, or other forms of disciplinary action that is actually ingrained.

Going to jail for lighting a joint makes many people hate authorities and also gives a lot of 'anti' legitimacy to weed. Many people do that for the 'gangsta' aspect of it. It's an aspect of discipline and pity.

As for dealers, jail time is appropriate. Dealer and a joint is not the same thing however.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
As for dealers, jail time is appropriate. Dealer and a joint is not the same thing however.
If I may ask, why is jail time for pot dealers appropriate? They’re destroying lives?
What about the breweries making alcohol? Should we lock them away? I don’t know if you’re talking short term solutions or long term after we’re able to change things with our spiritual efforts, but short term. Makes no sense. I’ve grown around drug users my whole life and have been exposed to it since I was wee little. Many of the characters you and Mageson describe I’ve seen and it’s horrible. So I would say yep you’re right. Lock em up. But however, the worst I’ve seen aside from the meth users is not the potheads but the drunks.

The dealers aren’t the problem. Perhaps the dangerous way it’s done because it’s illegal is the problem. The character willing to brake the law are not the ones people should be buying from, but from legal vendors instead.

I hope this doesn’t sound like advocation of drugs. Not my intention. At its core I’m against them the same as any sound member here, but in our current world the criminality of it isn’t just.
Your argument is based on not understanding the karma of having a society in which weed is normalized. Understanding the medically documented long term mind damaging effects of weed. Would you want someone who's mental aptitude you place your life or accounts into their hands, to be into weed? Weed stays in your system for years after using it.

People need to stop drinking alcohol, but your argument does not work, two wrongs don't make a right.

Eric13 said:
Are they going to pay millions? Because whatever the fine is the wealthy can pay. My friends dad is filthy rich. Has more speeding tickets and dwi’s than you could imagine. Because rich people can drive as fast as they want. Doesn’t matter. Just a fine. It all comes down to that. They’ll never take his license away no matter how many times he does it because they just want his money. His money will pay his legal problems away.
Same if they fined for drugs.

What needs to happen is legalize across the board. Why not? Booze is legal and promoted and is more dangerous in many ways than pot. I would never advocate anyone do either. But looking at the legal issue and how people are over punished and booze is killing way more people and destroying way more lives. Just legalize it.

My dad spent some of the first 10 years of my life in prison over pot. So I got no father. Luckily it was just pot and he came back. Can’t say the same for some other dude out there who’s dad is dead from a drunk driving accident or something similar. Just legalize it already. No fines, no jail. People will do it regardless.
Eric13 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
As for dealers, jail time is appropriate. Dealer and a joint is not the same thing however.
If I may ask, why is jail time for pot dealers appropriate? They’re destroying lives?
What about the breweries making alcohol? Should we lock them away? I don’t know if you’re talking short term solutions or long term after we’re able to change things with our spiritual efforts, but short term. Makes no sense. I’ve grown around drug users my whole life and have been exposed to it since I was wee little. Many of the characters you and Mageson describe I’ve seen and it’s horrible. So I would say yep you’re right. Lock em up. But however, the worst I’ve seen aside from the meth users is not the potheads but the drunks.

The dealers aren’t the problem. Perhaps the dangerous way it’s done because it’s illegal is the problem. The character willing to brake the law are not the ones people should be buying from, but from legal vendors instead.

I hope this doesn’t sound like advocation of drugs. Not my intention. At its core I’m against them the same as any sound member here, but in our current world the criminality of it isn’t just.
compare a drug dealer to a bar owner, one is making a living legally and without bad intentions and the other is selling stuff that could kill you in 1 use. Alcohol is bad yes, but it’s so common that bar owners can’t really have a choice to sell it as nobody would go to it if they had no alcohol
Eric13 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
As for dealers, jail time is appropriate. Dealer and a joint is not the same thing however.
If I may ask, why is jail time for pot dealers appropriate? They’re destroying lives?
What about the breweries making alcohol? Should we lock them away? I don’t know if you’re talking short term solutions or long term after we’re able to change things with our spiritual efforts, but short term. Makes no sense. I’ve grown around drug users my whole life and have been exposed to it since I was wee little. Many of the characters you and Mageson describe I’ve seen and it’s horrible. So I would say yep you’re right. Lock em up. But however, the worst I’ve seen aside from the meth users is not the potheads but the drunks.

The dealers aren’t the problem. Perhaps the dangerous way it’s done because it’s illegal is the problem. The character willing to brake the law are not the ones people should be buying from, but from legal vendors instead.

I hope this doesn’t sound like advocation of drugs. Not my intention. At its core I’m against them the same as any sound member here, but in our current world the criminality of it isn’t just.

A dealer is a dealer and basically when one deals drugs they are part of a cartel even if they do not know it or is not their intention. They are just far more irrelevant to the agenda of the cartel itself. They are resellers of the products of a drug cartel.

I do not even compare Alcohol with Weed personally. With Alcohol, most people do not just lose themselves completely and permanently and turn into a permanent vegetable, but weed on the same time and length of usage, does this and way faster.

10 years of alcohol does not equal 10 years of weed. Weed is also a gateway to other things.

I am talking about weed, not alcohol. Weed can turn someone by consistent use into a zombie within the span of a year. Alcoholism is by definition way harder to go down, as it really backfires onto someone, their work etc. Weed is like a slower and decaying thing that can be shoved into life, but IMO it appears to be way more costly than alcohol.

Neither is good, but I see way less frequently people turned into vegetables by alcohol, than by weed. The regular weed users are almost this stereotype they show of a mental vegetable or someone going this direction.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
