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The Pot People

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HP Mageson666 said:
People need to stop drinking alcohol, but your argument does not work, two wrongs don't make a right.
True, but is fining really the solution?

What is the goal of fining? To stop crime? Right now the penalty is prison. Has it stopped it?

Long term spiritually it’ll be solved because we’re attacking the route of the problem with rtrs, but with it illegal now, we just have more criminals. Just my opinion is all.

I don’t think there’s much a solution outside of spirituality to solve our drug problem.
That is true in the big picture, however the point of laws are not to full eliminate something but to reduce it. If we didn't have the drug law we did the problem would be even worse. Note the pill mills the Jews run its the legal way to get the population addicted to opium based drugs under the guise of legal pharma. Its what has caused the heroin problem as well. People become addicted to prescription pills then when they can't get them anymore they turn to heroin. Legally obtaining opium has caused the opium problems. The Libertarian types will not bring that up when they moronically demand an end to the "drug war" which is new speak for legalize all drugs.

Eric13 said:
I don’t think there’s much a solution outside of spirituality to solve our drug problem.
Weed dealers, and dealers in general, seem mostly equal to excrement.
I can't label all of them but the ones I had contact with were such lowlives who "played it cool" for the younger crowd(15years+) to get clients.
It's a bit similar to the fitness industry where people get hooked due to their high and often unrealistic hopes. A clever snake-oiler then chimes in and sells them the "bro-dream".
what advice do you have for a recovering pot person i got i smoked it for a decade or so
ZirGohed999 said:
To those of us consuming mind altering substances. The truth is you CANNOT progress on this. It's either you stop taking them or you remain stuck with them. These substances will always drain your progress even if you're using them in a recreational way. If you think your power meditations will find a way of overpowering the drugs, it is a BIG FAT LIE. The soul needs pure spiritual practices. What the drugs do is to destroy part of your soul and create severe imbalances to make you feel 'high'. While you're feeling high, the enemy is around the corner to fuck you up because you're porous. This is exactly what happens not the fake feeling you get.
It is either your meditations or the drugs. There is no inbetween. Anybody that uses drugs burns out a good portion of their biolelectricity and injures that body. There's is no other way these drugs can make you 'feel good'. It must harm you to give you that feeling, this is the mechanism of their actions.

You take weed or shrooms once a week you lose an entire year of biolelectricity you have built up.. lol
Even if you don't lose it quickly, you have stirred up/increased the dross in your body, mind and soul because this is exactly what these drugs do to give you that spiritual advancement. This dross can manifest as something beautiful later on right?

It takes one an entire year of mantra vibrations into their pineal gland to remain happy permanently. One takes drug and it simulates this feeling instantly because the drug has squeezed out every available natural highness it found there. Notice how one needs to continue increasing their dose to get the feel? They are one their way to being an empty shell.
No memory, no willpower.
The last time I check stupidity is not a crime and you have the right to convince yourself that pot is the ingredient of immortality. Take your pot and convince yourself that you're smarter than the Gods that are millions of years ahead of you speaking through the clergy.
Common lets give a round of applause for crack and pot heads. Such Highness!

can you tell more about the mantra vibrations into the pienal gland
animeman666 said:
what advice do you have for a recovering pot person i got i smoked it for a decade or so
I was a HEAVY smoker for almost 10 years, ive quit this year, along with cigarettes. And I personally did it almost as a 'favor' for Satan, and it wasnt hard for me. Just know you are quitting something that is damaging to yourself and your quitting for your own self-advancement, and after about a month it started becoming really obvious that I didn't need it like i thought i did... It actually feels empowering to be above the influence now and feel like im actually advancing now with my workings instead of needing a substance to get my energy going.. and to see how nasty of a habit it actually is by observing others who are frequent users, they really are smelly, uncreative lame-o's who just want to do nothing and really is funny to see how defensive they can get over defending their habit. :lol:

I recommend to Start incorporating a strict schedule to keep you busy, like i'm slowly adding more as time goes and feel comfortable, but so far i've done KY Spinal Yoga and Hatha yoga every day this year, which takes almost 2 hours all together, plus meditating, which will replace smoking weed, RTRs, and personal workings adds up to around 4-5 hours. I also have a job so after all that i really dont even have time to even think about weed! And i love how i'm so much more busy person I am now and I get way more things done, and have noticed i've become alot more cleaner of a person again and way less lazy!

Physical activity really helped me as well! it helps to remove the toxins that get stored in your body so imo it will help remove the cravings faster and gives you a nice healthy buzz instead;) A healthy diet helps the process as well. But really quitting shouldn't be too hard, it's not very addictive luckily, you just gotta have the initiative to start the process and keep remembering why you are doing it.
animeman666 said:
what advice do you have for a recovering pot person i got i smoked it for a decade or so
Well If you havent already stop that degenerate behaviour. Second, daily meditation and yoga+eat healthy and take good vitamins if possible like magnesium(there are threads on these)
animeman666 said:
ZirGohed999 said:
To those of us consuming mind altering substances. The truth is you CANNOT progress on this. It's either you stop taking them or you remain stuck with them. These substances will always drain your progress even if you're using them in a recreational way. If you think your power meditations will find a way of overpowering the drugs, it is a BIG FAT LIE. The soul needs pure spiritual practices. What the drugs do is to destroy part of your soul and create severe imbalances to make you feel 'high'. While you're feeling high, the enemy is around the corner to fuck you up because you're porous. This is exactly what happens not the fake feeling you get.
It is either your meditations or the drugs. There is no inbetween. Anybody that uses drugs burns out a good portion of their biolelectricity and injures that body. There's is no other way these drugs can make you 'feel good'. It must harm you to give you that feeling, this is the mechanism of their actions.

You take weed or shrooms once a week you lose an entire year of biolelectricity you have built up.. lol
Even if you don't lose it quickly, you have stirred up/increased the dross in your body, mind and soul because this is exactly what these drugs do to give you that spiritual advancement. This dross can manifest as something beautiful later on right?

It takes one an entire year of mantra vibrations into their pineal gland to remain happy permanently. One takes drug and it simulates this feeling instantly because the drug has squeezed out every available natural highness it found there. Notice how one needs to continue increasing their dose to get the feel? They are one their way to being an empty shell.
No memory, no willpower.
The last time I check stupidity is not a crime and you have the right to convince yourself that pot is the ingredient of immortality. Take your pot and convince yourself that you're smarter than the Gods that are millions of years ahead of you speaking through the clergy.
Common lets give a round of applause for crack and pot heads. Such Highness!

can you tell more about the mantra vibrations into the pienal gland

1.) Jupiter planetary square.
3.) aum mani padme hum.
4.) Any rune that increases awareness or empower psychic abilities like Dagaz, Mannaz, Ansuz, Laguz.
There are even so called yoga instructors who promotes the use of "cannabis yoga" nowadays, see for example https://www.theganjayoga.com/

I'm not an expert on the subject but I do think there is a difference between a typical heavy potsmoker who smokes 5 grams a day and someone who use only a tiny bit of it for medicinal purposes etc. I'm not promoting it though. Especially not smoking THC heavy weed in order to feel high everyday. CBD is something else.
Hollywood does promote THC weedsmoking through so called "stoner movies" which portrays HEAVY THC weedsmoking as something harmless, very cozy etc. and you can nowadays see many people having a really naive view of this lifestyle. "It's a plant" etc. Well so is the opium and tobacco flower.

The fact is that the effects of weedsmoking stays in for a long time and it effects your ability to concentrate, getting started with things etc. not just during the "high" but also in your daily life. Yogi Bajhan who introduced kundalini yoga to the west was a clear opponent of weedsmoking, claiming it to harm spiritirual growth, which I think is true, especially if you are a heavy smoker.

He also said some very interesting things about why people want to drug themselves; experience hunting is one reason, but also that they feel handicapped without their drug, and that they want to take drugs when they are at the peak of their mood. At the peak of the mood they want to make it extra nice by having a beer etc. It's like trying to overclock a newly bought graphics card so that it eventually breaks down instead of just enjoying the new graphics card. If it ain't broke don't try to fix it!

However I do understand why people feel stressed out in todays society and thus have an urge for drugging themselves so that they can calm down. I myself have always felt it very difficult to calm down my mind. But just as Gopi Krishna said one time: meditation is concentration - which demands discipline. And it doesn't exactly become easier to concentrate when smoking a lot of weed.

By the way, anyone here know anything about the connection between Shiva and cannabis?
Serotonin stimulates the animal part of your brain and turns off the human part. The way they help depression is by degrading your consciousness -- you know what never gets depressed? A rock.

Vitality/life energy/dopamine/thyroid is what is missing in depressed people, not Prozac.[/quote]

Wish I knew this before taking SSRI's but luckily I quit them month's ago only now my depression come back worse at times, is there anything naturally I can do for this? Like meditations or supplements
Serotonin stimulates the animal part of your brain and turns off the human part. The way they help depression is by degrading your consciousness -- you know what never gets depressed? A rock.

Vitality/life energy/dopamine/thyroid is what is missing in depressed people, not Prozac.[/quote]

Wish I knew this before taking SSRI's but luckily I quit them month's ago only now my depression come back worse at times, is there anything naturally I can do for this? Like meditations or supplements
ZirGohed999 said:
animeman666 said:
ZirGohed999 said:
To those of us consuming mind altering substances. The truth is you CANNOT progress on this. It's either you stop taking them or you remain stuck with them. These substances will always drain your progress even if you're using them in a recreational way. If you think your power meditations will find a way of overpowering the drugs, it is a BIG FAT LIE. The soul needs pure spiritual practices. What the drugs do is to destroy part of your soul and create severe imbalances to make you feel 'high'. While you're feeling high, the enemy is around the corner to fuck you up because you're porous. This is exactly what happens not the fake feeling you get.
It is either your meditations or the drugs. There is no inbetween. Anybody that uses drugs burns out a good portion of their biolelectricity and injures that body. There's is no other way these drugs can make you 'feel good'. It must harm you to give you that feeling, this is the mechanism of their actions.

You take weed or shrooms once a week you lose an entire year of biolelectricity you have built up.. lol
Even if you don't lose it quickly, you have stirred up/increased the dross in your body, mind and soul because this is exactly what these drugs do to give you that spiritual advancement. This dross can manifest as something beautiful later on right?

It takes one an entire year of mantra vibrations into their pineal gland to remain happy permanently. One takes drug and it simulates this feeling instantly because the drug has squeezed out every available natural highness it found there. Notice how one needs to continue increasing their dose to get the feel? They are one their way to being an empty shell.
No memory, no willpower.
The last time I check stupidity is not a crime and you have the right to convince yourself that pot is the ingredient of immortality. Take your pot and convince yourself that you're smarter than the Gods that are millions of years ahead of you speaking through the clergy.
Common lets give a round of applause for crack and pot heads. Such Highness!

can you tell more about the mantra vibrations into the pienal gland

1.) Jupiter planetary square.
3.) aum mani padme hum.
4.) Any rune that increases awareness or empower psychic abilities like Dagaz, Mannaz, Ansuz, Laguz.

Thank you
theserpentrises666 said:
Serotonin stimulates the animal part of your brain and turns off the human part. The way they help depression is by degrading your consciousness -- you know what never gets depressed? A rock.

Vitality/life energy/dopamine/thyroid is what is missing in depressed people, not Prozac.

Wish I knew this before taking SSRI's but luckily I quit them month's ago only now my depression come back worse at times, is there anything naturally I can do for this? Like meditations or supplements

I "quit" SSRIs by taking an old antidepressant to clear me out which name was Aurorix. It was a rough 3 months but after the time period mentioned one day I literally "woke up"... it was like I was torn out of the depression and could distance myself from it. At the same time I could clearly recognized what made me depressed and saw clearly how many negative influences(location, people, attitude, etc.) were pulling me down. The hardest part is to get away from these and not fall back into the depression which a kind of "hopeless shelter".

In hindsight I would rather concentrate on meditation, !physical activity!, good nutrition and inner monologue.
BUT I also have to add that meditation is pretty powerful and also initiates some form of cleansing meaning you'll be rocked hard for some time.
This confirms my theory that marijuana was part of the MKULTRA program from the beginning. The timing of when it became popular alone is clear evidence. I get in plenty of arguments with people who agree with us on most other things and they never accept it could be harmful because "muh plantz iz gud." What are the studies you referred to? I have a hard time finding them.
This is all too true I've smoked it since I was 10 not knowing all the harmful effects, then I was too potarded to believe them once I did, but now I honestly feel like a bongoloid a lot as a 20 year old. I've even been meaning to post this for a few hours but keep forgetting to send it in. I'm surprised I even made it back to the God's sometimes honestly.

Is there any runes or squares I can use to help reverse this or make me at least a little less retarded/forgetful tho because it's really draining to do the third eye meditation 3 days in a row then forget the fourth and have to restart, alarms help but it'd be nice to be able to rely on myself to remember things again
Jihiji12 said:
This is all too true I've smoked it since I was 10 not knowing all the harmful effects, then I was too potarded to believe them once I did, but now I honestly feel like a bongoloid a lot as a 20 year old. I've even been meaning to post this for a few hours but keep forgetting to send it in. I'm surprised I even made it back to the God's sometimes honestly.

Is there any runes or squares I can use to help reverse this or make me at least a little less retarded/forgetful tho because it's really draining to do the third eye meditation 3 days in a row then forget the fourth and have to restart, alarms help but it'd be nice to be able to rely on myself to remember things again
Keep meditating everyday, sometimes you just gotta use that willpower to actually sit and meditate, and that’s good. Also do yoga hatha and kundalini. Do breathing exercises.
HailSatanForever said:
I HATE this drug culture people are so obsessed with.
My high school friends became potheads and I beat myself up over it when they stopped wanting to hang out with me, but it's okay, they're dropouts and addicts whereas I'm literally graduating next year in a STEM subject.
Seriously guys, don't give in to peer pressure because you're stronger and you're more than that - I not only grew up with an uncle who developed Schizophrenia from frequent Marijuana use, but a few years ago my cousin essentially became a retard from it too.
I don't know if someone put extra stuff in their pot that made them crazy but I did a lot of research and there are SOLID links between marijuana use and schizophrenia, especially genetically - NOT worth the risk, especially when you see these people irl, they're constantly embarrassing themselves and useless.

I know a lot of potheads with STEM degrees. Your thinking of alcoholics. Smoke pot at night, you still get up for class. Get drunk at night, you either miss class altogether, or show up still drunk ftom the night before.
Aquarius said:
Jihiji12 said:
This is all too true I've smoked it since I was 10 not knowing all the harmful effects, then I was too potarded to believe them once I did, but now I honestly feel like a bongoloid a lot as a 20 year old. I've even been meaning to post this for a few hours but keep forgetting to send it in. I'm surprised I even made it back to the God's sometimes honestly.

Is there any runes or squares I can use to help reverse this or make me at least a little less retarded/forgetful tho because it's really draining to do the third eye meditation 3 days in a row then forget the fourth and have to restart, alarms help but it'd be nice to be able to rely on myself to remember things again
Keep meditating everyday, sometimes you just gotta use that willpower to actually sit and meditate, and that’s good. Also do yoga hatha and kundalini. Do breathing exercises.

Okay, thanks for the answer
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Cacique Satanás said:
Prawdy said:
Someone want to eat KFC one a year and someone want to eat nice shrooms from time to time ;) I think shrooms are not crap if u want to spend some time with different state of mind walking through the nature. Why u always think we trying to search for ''easier'' way to get something etc. We are just humans and its better to eat around 2g of shrooms with friend than drink this fucking alcohol and lost ur head isnt it?

Meditating is different topic, dont mix it please. Everything is for human but the human need to know what is moderation.

We also should consume dettol because it cleans your body.

Bro you are filled with wisdom.

My doctor said we have crystals in our body. So I bought a great quartz crystal about 3 feet long and I consumed it. Oy vey the enlightenment I received.

Ur wise these no drugs people cannot understand us.

This Spiritual Queen sister drinking Dettol also does it cause it is red and therefore revitalizes the blood like the elixir of life.

Nobody understands us bro! Light it up, Kabbalistic number 420!

Wow, are you a wiccan? What's your [https://shop.atperrys.com/blogs/healing-crystals-blog/how-to-detect-aura-colors-using-gemstones]aura color?[/https://shop.atperrys.com/blogs/healing-crystals-blog/how-to-detect-aura-colors-using-gemstones]
Prawdy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Prawdy said:
What about psylocybin from time to time?

What about meditating and advancing rather than consuming crap? Is it really so hard?

Someone want to eat KFC one a year and someone want to eat nice shrooms from time to time ;) I think shrooms are not crap if u want to spend some time with different state of mind walking through the nature. Why u always think we trying to search for ''easier'' way to get something etc. We are just humans and its better to eat around 2g of shrooms with friend than drink this fucking alcohol and lost ur head isnt it?

Meditating is different topic, dont mix it please. Everything is for human but the human need to know what is moderation.

From personal experience, when you advance, taking drugs or alcohol (no matter the dosage) is damaging to the Soul and affects your progress. Especially something so mind-altering as mushrooms.
If you don't notice the negative effects during your 'trip', reflect upon how you feel afterwards, when you go to meditate next, do you feel how different it is? There is absolutely no denying that these drugs are damaging to your Soul and hence, strongly discouraged in Spiritual Satanism.

Early into Satanism, I still took drugs; but now, I wouldn't touch them. No way. Additionally, they make you way more susceptible to physic attack(s).
I'll have a glass or two of red wine every now and again and that's about it. I feel naturally high, pretty much all the time. The high from drugs or alcohol is nothing in comparison.

Hope this helped.

Hail Satan Forever.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
