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The Pot People

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The Pot People

This is an answer I gave to a question on another thread, but will post it here because people need to understand this:

To my understanding the cannabis oil is not addictive and does not have the THC within it and its not smoked. However the pot people then use this to promote transforming oneself into plant levels of sentience, with blasting their mind out with smoking dat bong. I grew up in an area that was full of pot people, and they are plant like, drug addicts. That plant if you smoke it will suck your creativity, mind and spirit, right out from you.

The pot people will tell you the opposite and pretend they are creative when they are not. Tests done on pot people who were really "Hit'in dat bong" found they couldn't even draw a basic image of anything. It ruins the creative centers in your brain and also is known by science to destroy the long term memory centers. If you study Dementia and the effects of long term pot use, its the same on the human being. Its also known medically that smoking dat bong, through the period of adolescence when the brain is still developing, into adult life, causes long term brain damage. You become a bongoloid.

The Jews promote the bongoloid life to Goyim because they know it makes Gentiles easier to psychologically and emotionally manipulate, and their propaganda more successful, basically a dumb Goyim. There are books that mentioned the [Jewish controlled, CIA that was created by Rothschilds and Rockefeller's at the top] CIA created the drug culture to ruin society and make people easier to influence and that was the whole reason for it. It also puts them under the influence of and makes it easier for Gentiles to connect with the thought of the enemy. The most brainwashed, Marxists you will ever meet are all drug abusers. The two go together. Remember the Jews pushed the drug culture into Gentile society the same time they where pushing the Marxist cultural revolution movements, that also promoted drugs. The pot people want to bring you Pol Pot.

Look at the biggest pot people movement. They are Christian's, the Rastafarian's, they are all into the pot smoking and veganism as part of their Christian religion, as its within the Bible. And most of them are dopey from all that dope and low nutritional diet. Which allows them to become absorbed into the thought form of the enemy. Such is the reason the enemy promotes the drugs and low nutritional vegan diets that cause a lowering of mental ability and energy. Its about control of the Gentiles. Its about creating the perfect Goy-lem, which is what the Jews call the Golem, meaning "GOYIM" which is what Jews call Gentiles, it means "cattle." What do you do with cattle?
Pot people are creative. They create a lot of Dhiarrhea and smell to name one exampme.
Pot is the symptom of the society deeply rooted in materialism and completely disconnected from anything spiritual.

If people only knew about spirituality, they would quickly realize that they do not need drugs to go through life.
Hp Mageson, how dare you say this truth about Cannabis! Bcuz cannabiz is gud and I am a god, how can you tell that i’m not? Also, how dare you tell me im not a god? Don’t you know I don’t do shit all day long bcuz im a god?
I have hopes the interest in cannabis oil spurrs groups towards researching plants in a more..natural manner, not like how (((scientists))) do so for a quick buck, but actual solutions. real knowledge, real medicine, real cures. (if medicine is even an appropriate word for treatments and the like)

there's a few customers who come into the store that some cashiers have mentioned smell of cannabis. to me it does smell like bad body odor..but they're DRAINED. they might as well be walking husks. some, a small few, even have children with them...how sad.
Prawdy said:
What about psylocybin from time to time?

What about meditating and advancing rather than consuming crap? Is it really so hard?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Prawdy said:
What about psylocybin from time to time?

What about meditating and advancing rather than consuming crap? Is it really so hard?

Someone want to eat KFC one a year and someone want to eat nice shrooms from time to time ;) I think shrooms are not crap if u want to spend some time with different state of mind walking through the nature. Why u always think we trying to search for ''easier'' way to get something etc. We are just humans and its better to eat around 2g of shrooms with friend than drink this fucking alcohol and lost ur head isnt it?

Meditating is different topic, dont mix it please. Everything is for human but the human need to know what is moderation.
I HATE this drug culture people are so obsessed with.
My high school friends became potheads and I beat myself up over it when they stopped wanting to hang out with me, but it's okay, they're dropouts and addicts whereas I'm literally graduating next year in a STEM subject.
Seriously guys, don't give in to peer pressure because you're stronger and you're more than that - I not only grew up with an uncle who developed Schizophrenia from frequent Marijuana use, but a few years ago my cousin essentially became a retard from it too.
I don't know if someone put extra stuff in their pot that made them crazy but I did a lot of research and there are SOLID links between marijuana use and schizophrenia, especially genetically - NOT worth the risk, especially when you see these people irl, they're constantly embarrassing themselves and useless.
I know someone in her late 60s and she was on prescription opioids pills for around a decade now. She never abused them in any way, but she has had multiple medical conditions that had her in really bad constant pain so she was on these pills to help with it. She said if people are actually in pain they don't get any of the psychological effects of opioids like the drug addicts get, because all the opioid is going towards blocking the pain receptors. And so if people don't really need it for bad physical pain, it isn't all going into blocking the pain receptors, so they then would have it just floating around in them making them feel high and addicted. Like how if you're in a hospital in serious pain and they give you morphine, you won't even feel or notice the morphine and you wouldn't get any kind of pleasure from it.

So she's currently in the process of gradually getting off these pills, and will instead be getting a medical marijuana prescription. She's never done any drugs (other than carefully taking her prescriptions), only drinks small amounts of wine occasionally with her friends, nothing bad. She doesn't want to become a stoner so she's going to be careful to only take small amounts of marijuana only when she needs it for pain or to help go to sleep.

Is this a problem? I think it will be much better for her than the pills were. But would this be a bad thing?
The cannabis can be grown and the oil extracted to make fuel, it can be used for making windshields, bags etc etc. It literally has many uses but the Jews want you to smoke it while it can be used for good purposes. Its also very easy to grow .
To those of us consuming mind altering substances. The truth is you CANNOT progress on this. It's either you stop taking them or you remain stuck with them. These substances will always drain your progress even if you're using them in a recreational way. If you think your power meditations will find a way of overpowering the drugs, it is a BIG FAT LIE. The soul needs pure spiritual practices. What the drugs do is to destroy part of your soul and create severe imbalances to make you feel 'high'. While you're feeling high, the enemy is around the corner to fuck you up because you're porous. This is exactly what happens not the fake feeling you get.
It is either your meditations or the drugs. There is no inbetween. Anybody that uses drugs burns out a good portion of their biolelectricity and injures that body. There's is no other way these drugs can make you 'feel good'. It must harm you to give you that feeling, this is the mechanism of their actions.

You take weed or shrooms once a week you lose an entire year of biolelectricity you have built up.. lol
Even if you don't lose it quickly, you have stirred up/increased the dross in your body, mind and soul because this is exactly what these drugs do to give you that spiritual advancement. This dross can manifest as something beautiful later on right?

It takes one an entire year of mantra vibrations into their pineal gland to remain happy permanently. One takes drug and it simulates this feeling instantly because the drug has squeezed out every available natural highness it found there. Notice how one needs to continue increasing their dose to get the feel? They are one their way to being an empty shell.
No memory, no willpower.
The last time I check stupidity is not a crime and you have the right to convince yourself that pot is the ingredient of immortality. Take your pot and convince yourself that you're smarter than the Gods that are millions of years ahead of you speaking through the clergy.
Common lets give a round of applause for crack and pot heads. Such Highness!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Prawdy said:
What about psylocybin from time to time?

What about meditating and advancing rather than consuming crap? Is it really so hard?

Sadly, recently I've noticed drugs have become more and more common and not seen as a danger anymore. It is sick. People are defending it like their life depends on it.

I am just happy I am with Satan, meditate and advance myself rather than poison my mind and destroy my life from what? 1g of Cocaine and/or MDMA? Or smoke away my intelligence with weed and the like...

When these Drugtards open their mouth, I cringe over the stupidity and toxicity they're spreading.
They just don't care due to no purpose in life.

So then exactly what is the point of these substances in existence if eventually scientifically they would be researched and discovered. Let's say the enemy never attacked and the Gods wanted humans to have spiritual-technologies in a calculatory format like a computer or scanning device basically U.G.M.I.G.(Universal-Godlike-Military-Industrial-Grade) electronics.

Wouldn't eventually humans and the Gods would have to sit down and talk about drugs and substances found either in nature or created artificially to induce an altered state.

For example I understand the question is difficult to handle because we aren't living with beings of higher power. But what if someone discovered a cannabis plant and they used it on themselves and others. What exactly would be the response beings of higher power or advanced humans would do to this human consuming and providing this substance to others.

It's like I'm sure even in the God worlds like Duat there are substances that produce the same effects like for example a hallucinogenic mushroom. I'm sure the Gods don't go around destroying their environment because a little plant or shroom can cause visions or altered sensations. But what exactly do they do; I mean they have a Judicial system but that doesn't mean they start a WAR on drugs and attack everyone possessing it.

So exactly what is the perspective of these plants and substances if they themselves have studied and already realized both the good of it and the bad of it. Good for example a pain treatment but bad it produces altered states of consciousness that does not mimic meditation states and produces a brutish form of being in a altered state perhaps not fit for meditation.
Lets say i used to marijuana as a teenager for a few years, ive quit for a long time and never will again. But how long to cure long term brain damage? Meditation has helped alot and healed my brain in many ways. But just out of curiousity.
Having smoked weed regularly for three and a half years just about, I can attest to much of this and offer some input.

HP Mageson666 said:
To my understanding the cannabis oil is not addictive and does not have the THC within it and its not smoked. However the pot people then use this to promote transforming oneself into plant levels of sentience, with blasting their mind out with smoking dat bong. I grew up in an area that was full of pot people, and they are plant like, drug addicts. That plant if you smoke it will suck your creativity, mind and spirit, right out from you.

It can vary with cannabis oil; some do have THC but there's some out there with only CBD, the cannabinoid that doesn't really get you high and is alleged to have numerous health benefits. In some states they can only sell oil if it's CBD-only.

That being said, I don't know about CBD but THC is most assuredly psychologically addictive, thus THC oil is too. That distinction is important when you hear stoners talk about how weed isn't addictive. It is not physically addictive; you won't experience physical withdrawal symptoms when you quit like the shakes or getting sick and so on. But psychological withdrawal is a very real thing that'll push you to procure more.

The pot people will tell you the opposite and pretend they are creative when they are not. Tests done on pot people who were really "Hit'in dat bong" found they couldn't even draw a basic image of anything. It ruins the creative centers in your brain and also is known by science to destroy the long term memory centers. If you study Dementia and the effects of long term pot use, its the same on the human being. Its also known medically that smoking dat bong, through the period of adolescence when the brain is still developing, into adult life, causes long term brain damage. You become a bongoloid.

There's studies as well suggesting that cannabis can exacerbate the symptoms of schizophrenia. I experienced something like this, even though I'm not schizophrenic and there's no family history of such, when I was hit with the hardest "am I Jewish" attack I had experienced and was in a state of deep depression. I'd get high as I typically did, and during so I'd start to experience such bizarre dissociations from reality; suddenly I was questioning the validity of everything, the linear flow of time, whether my perceptions were the same as anyone else's, and so on. It's hard to even describe because basic things we understand and accept about the world around us were out the window. I had never experienced things like that before, but it did a number on my mental health, and a few other stoners I shared these experiences with found them a bit relatable. This plant I thought was fun and even helpful was starting to warp me into something scary.

I started to really see it when I saw my experiences were so alike with people who had quit - including people here on the forums. One member had written that he, too, had thought that weed was making meditation easier because of how intense the sensations were in comparison, until he realized how difficult it became to meditate while sober. Feeling energy and one's chakras, it was suddenly much harder. Relaxing was harder. Void was harder. I knew at this point that I had truly tapped into something poisonous and needed to get out before it potentially ruined or even killed me. It's not an exaggeration to say it got close to the former and latter.

Hopefully any members who are struggling with this will be able to break free, heal their souls and build up strong auras to help them stay clean, as this drug is dangerous enough as it is for non-Satanists, let alone Satanists who are targeted for their involvement in spiritual advancement and warfare.

Prawdy said:
What about psylocybin from time to time?

I know some people have talked about having great experiences and revelations after taking psilocybin, but those familiar with bad trips know that it's quite risky.

A friend of mine, they took mushrooms fairly regularly and enjoyed them. This lasted up until they had a bad trip at a friend's house, in which every thought they had became real and they were stuck in what they described as hell for hours. Some say it's disrespectful to veterans to claim this, but they genuinely have PTSD from that experience. If they go back to that house and the environment is too similar, they'll actually start tripping as if they had taken shrooms again and they'll need to be taken home. If you even bring up the experience to them, their whole demeanor changes and they won't be the same for hours after until they manage to calm down. The strangest thing was that they were an atheist, but after their experience they now believe there's some manner of deity out there.

Given that this person isn't a Satanist, imagine how the enemy would try to harm you when you're in such a state. You're so open and exposed to them that they could easily attempt to scar you mentally, hitting you with all sorts of shit. Truly it is safer to avoid that altogether and stick to meditations, which can help you achieve comparable highs in ways that won't break you.
There are a few things that I'd like to share here..

First off.. wasn't there a state that was going to legalize marihuana/pot in the USA?
Because it seemed fine to be done and not too much trouble on the people. (Experiment NL? - People come to Amsterdam to get high and then go clubbing ya know..)

Which basicly turned out that people were allowed to carry ounces or kilograms of the stuff.. compared to NL.. you're only allowed to have a max of 5 gram on you.. that is 0,005 kg for those that can't calculate.. Which is like.. probably not even 5 sticks that you can smoke or so.
I guess most people haven't ever been to Amsterdam.. but let me say this.. if you go to the center of the city.. every 2-3 stores (on whatever side of the street) there is a flippin coffeeshop (= store where they sell weed). I kid you not. They're even directly on the opposite side of the street of each other. And here and there a place to drink a beer in between too..

Also, there was spoken of the legalisation of the farming of weed, since though having a low amount on you is not illegal (neither is having one or two plants of them in your garden fyi - more than that is a problem and can be reported to the police)..
And they've been trying to get increasingly more potent forms of weed/marihuana.

The farming is often done underground, which takes a lot of light (electricty) to let them grow. And that is how they often get caught. Since the people that do the farming just tap the electricity system without paying for it.
I read the papers and it's been quite frequent that there was a farm found and reported about.. sometimes it takes two years.. other times there are 2 farms found within a year. And then you read about hundreds if not thousands of plants (if they're not being smart) being moved away.
It is funny now that I read it directly from our HPS.
Before I came to Satan I used to smoke alot of pot for around (5-6years). However after I came to father Satan I realized that I do not need it in any way nor do I benifit from it. I do not even miss it, it’s like I am finally free and myself again.
Prawdy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Prawdy said:
What about psylocybin from time to time?

What about meditating and advancing rather than consuming crap? Is it really so hard?

Someone want to eat KFC one a year and someone want to eat nice shrooms from time to time ;) I think shrooms are not crap if u want to spend some time with different state of mind walking through the nature. Why u always think we trying to search for ''easier'' way to get something etc. We are just humans and its better to eat around 2g of shrooms with friend than drink this fucking alcohol and lost ur head isnt it?

Meditating is different topic, dont mix it please. Everything is for human but the human need to know what is moderation.

Thanks for the lecture, it's exactly what I expected from any 12 year old on the subject.

I think what I think because you are. Your mind too goyim and untamed, you can't control it, you eat shrooms. This in particular, if you're focused on mastery and to become someone superior, is not what route one would want to follow.

My definition of human is generally not the definition of human people with the mind of a kid (and a very stupid one at that) do possess. Oy Vey you suck because you are human? And who made this definition of that humans are in general to suck? The people that we kind of hate here, if you haven't noticed.

If you really loved your friends, you wouldn't be doing shrooms with them, you would be doing a great session of Yoga and meaningful things with them.

Eating a bush and hallucinating like a monkey may be pleasurable to some, I am the well known frowner and curse upon this mentality for years now. People used to think like that, it leads nowhere.

Like COME ON BRUH, look a bit higher on things.
Jack said:
The cannabis can be grown and the oil extracted to make fuel, it can be used for making windshields, bags etc etc. It literally has many uses but the Jews want you to smoke it while it can be used for good purposes. Its also very easy to grow .

Hmm maybe then if Cannabis Oil can be extracted to make fuel, we can also throw communist vegan marxist cannabodroids into the same machine to make more oil?

This requires some very deep scientific exploration here.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Prawdy said:
Thanks for the lecture, it's exactly what I expected from any 12 year old on the subject.
Hahahaha :lol:

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
My definition of human is generally not the definition of human people with the mind of a kid (and a very stupid one at that) do possess. Oy Vey you suck because you are human? And who made this definition of that humans are in general to suck? The people that we kind of hate here, if you haven't noticed.
I remember back at my old job, one jewy song was the latest hit, singing about how we're all "only human, after all", and shit like that. This song made me so angry I almost smashed the radio on several occasions.
Gear88 said:
So then exactly what is the point of these substances in existence if eventually scientifically they would be researched and discovered. Let's say the enemy never attacked and the Gods wanted humans to have spiritual-technologies in a calculatory format like a computer or scanning device basically U.G.M.I.G.(Universal-Godlike-Military-Industrial-Grade) electronics.

Wouldn't eventually humans and the Gods would have to sit down and talk about drugs and substances found either in nature or created artificially to induce an altered state.

For example I understand the question is difficult to handle because we aren't living with beings of higher power. But what if someone discovered a cannabis plant and they used it on themselves and others. What exactly would be the response beings of higher power or advanced humans would do to this human consuming and providing this substance to others.

It's like I'm sure even in the God worlds like Duat there are substances that produce the same effects like for example a hallucinogenic mushroom. I'm sure the Gods don't go around destroying their environment because a little plant or shroom can cause visions or altered sensations. But what exactly do they do; I mean they have a Judicial system but that doesn't mean they start a WAR on drugs and attack everyone possessing it.

So exactly what is the perspective of these plants and substances if they themselves have studied and already realized both the good of it and the bad of it. Good for example a pain treatment but bad it produces altered states of consciousness that does not mimic meditation states and produces a brutish form of being in a altered state perhaps not fit for meditation.
All this post is trying to soften the fact that drugs SHOULD NOT be taken. Dude, it's that simple, get off that crap. getting drugged on anything is retarded and that's just something you have to accept.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Prawdy said:
What about psylocybin from time to time?

What about meditating and advancing rather than consuming crap? Is it really so hard?
Well said Commander. Nature's excrements (alcohol, tobacco, drugs and similar shit) are of no use. Illusions are useless. We need to focus on real things. I have an important question. It's about spiritual power. Absorbing energy from Wega and Epsilon Tauri = occult talent. Instead, absorb from the Polaris = spiritual power and respect thanks to it. At the beginning of the Star Energy section, he says that absorbing energy from some stars such as, Caput Algol and Polaris, can cause permanent madness. But later, when the characteristics for each star are written ... for Caput Algol it is confirmed that absorbing its energy can cause permanent madness. Instead for Polaris, we wrote this .... The ability to find our own way, is not favorable for relationships. Spiritual powers and respect thanks to them. Possible disease or affliction. So what do you think of the Polaris Star? Please answer me. HAIL SATAN
What about drugs that produce DMT?
DMT is a real spiritual substance.
Aquarius said:
All this post is trying to soften the fact that drugs SHOULD NOT be taken. Dude, it's that simple, get off that crap. getting drugged on anything is retarded and that's just something you have to accept.

I never said I was on something.

It's just after the length of time I've been dedicated and never reaching any point I feel like meditation(even basic mindfulness) is doing something. Questions pop up especially considering how free I allow my mind and think things that make others uncomfortable over the years.

Honestly it gets to the point where everyone else seems to be enjoying their life and here I'am basically in SS;DD. Same shit, different day.

If I sound like bad guy or a negative individual. I'm not trying to be just after living life in such a repetitive, isolated, repressed, and suppressed way questions do come up that question your reality and way of living.
Gear88 said:
So then exactly what is the point of these substances in existence if eventually scientifically they would be researched and discovered. Let's say the enemy never attacked and the Gods wanted humans to have spiritual-technologies in a calculatory format like a computer or scanning device basically U.G.M.I.G.(Universal-Godlike-Military-Industrial-Grade) electronics.

Wouldn't eventually humans and the Gods would have to sit down and talk about drugs and substances found either in nature or created artificially to induce an altered state.

For example I understand the question is difficult to handle because we aren't living with beings of higher power. But what if someone discovered a cannabis plant and they used it on themselves and others. What exactly would be the response beings of higher power or advanced humans would do to this human consuming and providing this substance to others.

It's like I'm sure even in the God worlds like Duat there are substances that produce the same effects like for example a hallucinogenic mushroom. I'm sure the Gods don't go around destroying their environment because a little plant or shroom can cause visions or altered sensations. But what exactly do they do; I mean they have a Judicial system but that doesn't mean they start a WAR on drugs and attack everyone possessing it.

So exactly what is the perspective of these plants and substances if they themselves have studied and already realized both the good of it and the bad of it. Good for example a pain treatment but bad it produces altered states of consciousness that does not mimic meditation states and produces a brutish form of being in a altered state perhaps not fit for meditation.

I'd imagine in a world where we were never attacked, we'd discover cannabis given that it is a naturally occurring plant that came to be through natural means, we'd study it just like we study any other plant, and we'd simply come to conclusions based on our findings.

We'd make use of it for positive things like Jack pointed out whilst cautioning against its dangers. Same for any other plant in nature, such as one that might be necessary in nature because it's an important food source for organisms in that ecosystem, but is poisonous to us.

I don't think the Gods would extinct a species just for having hallucinogenic properties to them either. They just wouldn't consume it and would either leave it alone or use it for purposes that are positive and useful.
It's very interesting how weed and alcohol are so heavily extolled in our culture whereas tobacco is shunned. If you look at the brain changes these various drugs cause, weed and alcohol lead to mental sluggishness whereas tobacco increases alertness.

Not recommending smoking cigarettes though - there are numerous other chemicals in cigarettes that are highly carcinogenic.
Prawdy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Prawdy said:
What about psylocybin from time to time?

What about meditating and advancing rather than consuming crap? Is it really so hard?

Someone want to eat KFC one a year and someone want to eat nice shrooms from time to time ;) I think shrooms are not crap if u want to spend some time with different state of mind walking through the nature. Why u always think we trying to search for ''easier'' way to get something etc. We are just humans and its better to eat around 2g of shrooms with friend than drink this fucking alcohol and lost ur head isnt it?

Meditating is different topic, dont mix it please. Everything is for human but the human need to know what is moderation.
We are not "only Human". That is kike mentality used against us to belittle us and turn us into nothing. If we're "only Human" then those with that attitude need to get the fuck off technology and go create and build their own anthill to the Moon, Mars and More - or better yet just live in that termite dirt mound.

Shael said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Prawdy said:
Thanks for the lecture, it's exactly what I expected from any 12 year old on the subject.
Hahahaha :lol:

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
My definition of human is generally not the definition of human people with the mind of a kid (and a very stupid one at that) do possess. Oy Vey you suck because you are human? And who made this definition of that humans are in general to suck? The people that we kind of hate here, if you haven't noticed.
I remember back at my old job, one jewy song was the latest hit, singing about how we're all "only human, after all", and shit like that. This song made me so angry I almost smashed the radio on several occasions.
If that's the "song" I think it is, then I also hate that song. I know that in some mental health places and areas with types of vulnerable individuals, they play the radio and have songs like this on...with those patients/vulnerable people with mental health problems. That is beyond disgusting. Isn't that "rag'n'bone man" a kike? (I know "rag-and-bone man" refers to gypsies, by the way...) It looks like a hairy male version of the kikeovision song contest winner last year.

Gray0123456789 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Prawdy said:
What about psylocybin from time to time?

What about meditating and advancing rather than consuming crap? Is it really so hard?
Well said Commander. Nature's excrements (alcohol, tobacco, drugs and similar shit) are of no use. Illusions are useless. We need to focus on real things.
Shroom's can send you to the hospital and you can overdose on them, there are major dangers. The situation is the psychoactive plants can be just as powerful as the artificial drugs. One of the most intense and dangerous mind altering drugs is Jimson weed, it sends people to the rubber room in the psyche ward for days.

Also how do you know you got the right mushroom..... There are mushroom's that can kill you if you eat them.
LSD and such has sent people to the psyche ward. The Jews created the DMT drugs, I wonder what else they put into the chemical mixture for the Goyim.

TopoftheAbyss said:
What about drugs that produce DMT?
DMT is a real spiritual substance.
I have seen people from my immediate surroundings and some of them were even friends of my childhood and adolescence, ending up with their health and mind completely ruined by the weed, you can also feel in their auras that end up being empty shells, drugs apart from damaging your health and your physical body also damage your soul, this is totally incompatible with spiritual advancement.
That is industrial hemp, you can't get high off it. Industrial hemp is already being used in around 50,000 commercial products around the world.

The Pot People claim that the reason smoking dat boing is illegal is to stop the commercial use of a type of hemp no person can get high from...

Jack said:
The cannabis can be grown and the oil extracted to make fuel, it can be used for making windshields, bags etc etc. It literally has many uses but the Jews want you to smoke it while it can be used for good purposes. Its also very easy to grow .
Tobacco increases the energy of the neural synapse in the brain. But the constant nicotine also effects the reward part of the brain and effects the brain like Heroin, it can also cause damage in the brain with long term constant use. So you don't want to smoke it, then chew it and still die from cancer, even without the chemicals in it.

indrasoma said:
It's very interesting how weed and alcohol are so heavily extolled in our culture whereas tobacco is shunned. If you look at the brain changes these various drugs cause, weed and alcohol lead to mental sluggishness whereas tobacco increases alertness.

Not recommending smoking cigarettes though - there are numerous other chemicals in cigarettes that are highly carcinogenic.
Guys if your looking for a quick mind buzz then drink some organic coffee, that has been found to be good for you.
Colorado legalized weed.

My opinion on the legalization issue is having weed should just be a fine based offense and the fine goes up depending on the amount. Not a criminal record or jail time.

T.A.O.L. said:
There are a few things that I'd like to share here..

First off.. wasn't there a state that was going to legalize marihuana/pot in the USA?
Because it seemed fine to be done and not too much trouble on the people. (Experiment NL? - People come to Amsterdam to get high and then go clubbing ya know..)

Which basicly turned out that people were allowed to carry ounces or kilograms of the stuff.. compared to NL.. you're only allowed to have a max of 5 gram on you.. that is 0,005 kg for those that can't calculate.. Which is like.. probably not even 5 sticks that you can smoke or so.
I guess most people haven't ever been to Amsterdam.. but let me say this.. if you go to the center of the city.. every 2-3 stores (on whatever side of the street) there is a flippin coffeeshop (= store where they sell weed). I kid you not. They're even directly on the opposite side of the street of each other. And here and there a place to drink a beer in between too..

Also, there was spoken of the legalisation of the farming of weed, since though having a low amount on you is not illegal (neither is having one or two plants of them in your garden fyi - more than that is a problem and can be reported to the police)..
And they've been trying to get increasingly more potent forms of weed/marihuana.

The farming is often done underground, which takes a lot of light (electricty) to let them grow. And that is how they often get caught. Since the people that do the farming just tap the electricity system without paying for it.
I read the papers and it's been quite frequent that there was a farm found and reported about.. sometimes it takes two years.. other times there are 2 farms found within a year. And then you read about hundreds if not thousands of plants (if they're not being smart) being moved away.
Watching the junkie laying sprawled out on the side walk in a puddle of their own vomit, urine and diarrhea, should be the all the message anyone needs.

Gear88 said:
Wouldn't eventually humans and the Gods would have to sit down and talk about drugs and substances found either in nature or created artificially to induce an altered state.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
