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The Biggest Lie That Was Said About Satan

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
There are many things I would like to share and say, but due to the fact that we are censored online, speech is limited, and also, we have the enemy and many other factors, such as idiots and/or infiltrators.

That aside, it is always a good thing to share at least something if it is to inspire, or to show Satan's Providence, irrespective of the above. After all this is, if anything, very necessary.

Given this is the case of this world, there are many things that are secret, and will remain secret, largely for reasons explained above. Some things I have decided to just let go, until the time for them arrives. Everyone does this in their life. For example, a parent waits until their children are older to share with them some important knowledge or advice.

As time progresses, everyone can observe, this war is also escalating. Many people thought this would be bullshit back in 2005 or so forth, where things were simplified, different, calmer. Back then, most people didn't really even have faith. The enemy wasn't a lot under threat. Much of this was undiscovered, a lot of convenient lying was around to keep people pacified, and so on.

Most of this is because many people who arrive to Satan, arrive from broken backgrounds, or tend to be harmed in life in general. This is a Truth that I have seen very verified. Nothing bad in this, as everyone can improve. Everyone should, after all, advance. This is what this is about. However, be it that the Jews have lied relentlessly about Satan [No different than they do with Hitler or anyone else who has went against them], many people come to Satan with the usual wishes.

Combinations of specific groups, victim mentality, and a careless reckless approach to life, can create potent combinations of disaster. Historically, one of these alien combinations, was xianity. Amassing all the degenerates of it's time, and with the leadership of alien jews, this program destroyed the face of the planet and all the Ancient World, and all that it had to offer.

Then, our history was collectively re-written, and here we are, in a world trying to "Restart" itself again, and making steps towards improvement with confused steps.

To prove one's self to Satan, and above all, to advance, takes time. Those of us in the path, have learned it more by walking it, and setting a new trend and a new path, than by reading about it. Except of HPS Maxine which took the head here, and gifted this wonderful and above all TRUE path to everyone, there were closely zero other sources. Of course many small minded people who cannot even fathom the importance of this, will not understand it.

it is the most difficult of things to punch a hole into a wall of this mental jewtrix prison. This can be as hard as the meme with the person who has been trying to dig a 20 feet cement wall with a plastic spoon. The second most difficult thing, is to walk through all of the security of this mental prison, and to get out, and make it "alive". After this is also done, one needs to reclaim their freedom. As a last step to this, destroying the prison of the minds is the last essential step. All of these steps have exceeding difficulty to themselves. We are doing all of this.

There was nothing functional or important about Satan before the JoS came along. Mostly, it was garbage. Some honest commentary about loyal disciples of Satan, or "The Dark Lord", was mainly centered about parts of what they have understood.

Then, there were all these shitty sites that speak about strange and mentally ill people and how they write about whatever depravity, claiming it's a succubus. Little more down the alley, some druggie that claims they saw a hoofed apparition, and then another mentally ill person writing bullshit about how Satan came to chase them off at night.

Then we open our TV to listen to a Jew saying "Thank God, thank Jesus", and making claims of the "Good lord", while then one closes the TV, goes to sleep, puts the controller down, but in their hotel, here lies the book of the history of some kikes down the desert, namely the "Bible", which is just a story of jewish psychopaths and jewish slander.

Long story short, this is the material manifestation of the jewish prison of lies. Everywhere one turn's their head around, there are endless lies. As Hitler stated, when these are repeated, then people will start believing them, even if these are totally untrue. Most people, especially xians, believe what they are told.

We Satanists here are the reverse, we went to take the trip towards the unknown, with little information, most of us questioning how it would turn out. Overwhelmingly, we arrived at the same shore of kindnesss, love and care of the Gods. Therefore we know things to be True that others have no idea about. They believed as they were ((("told"))).

In regards to the few "Satanists" that existed before the JoS and did anything constructive, or did not follow the jewish norm [almost none], the reality is that most of them were very selfish, if fruits were produced, they kept them to themselves. Or to just protect themselves, they kept a low tone. Censorship, silence, and other detrimental things, such as Jews being everywhere in Satanism and turning it into what the Torah dictates ["thou shall defecate on the Pagan things"], had turned Satanism into an asylum of jews and other crazy people who dressed strange as if trying to provoke a mockery on the "Ha-Satan".

Normal people saw this and got scared, or worse - but given these people enjoyed this circus, this trend continued with frenzy and the jews had a lot of fun around this - it verified after all, all the lies the jews have heaped on Satan, and maintained the fundamental mockery and slander the jews have started about Satan thousands of years ago. Satan remained in slander, and misunderstood.

Satan's history begins in the East, and everyone here knows that. We were lucky these Truths have resurfaced, as the enemy flattened almost all Ancient Information. Due to struggle in the last 300 years, many of these have come to light physically again. Were no war of intellectual, physical, and spiritual nature taking place, all of this would be lost.

Anyone who has meditated or used the "Satanic Name", ie, Satanas or Satanama, has understood that these mantras of this very "Name" produce wellbeing, energy [life], and in general, make the mind open and acute. At least in Gentiles, that is. The sound-wave form affects the Soul and therefore, what is good for one, may be negative to another. As far as the mere function of this goes, any meditator who is not brainwashed, would know these effects or have felt the positivity of this. Advanced Eastern Yogis and other people who do these things by the millions [our spiritual inheritance, after all], know this very well.

Here as a counter example to wellbeing, we can illustrate the example of jews who constantly whine that Satan and the Pagan Gods are the source of "All Evil" - yes, for them, they certainly are. The jews, have seen, are seeing, and will see, the "Other Face" of the Demons and Satan, because of all they have done to this world. And they hate them with otherworldly and undying, aeons old, passion. They are, after all, the Gods of their enemies that they are sworn to destroy.

On the other hand, many jews, constantly try to pretend that "Satan" is something to be pushed into their own "paradigm". This general mockery is all they did to Paganism - writing lies and slander constantly, and pumping it in the illiterate masses, until they believed them. Jews and the idiots who follow them, accept the jewish paradigm, as they themselves have been jewy-fied. In the case of jews, or slanderers who are like jews, this re-affirms jewish superiority by affirming the jewish paradigm. In short, this is like accepting the slander about someone, because one loves the slanderer.

In the above case, this means one believes the jews, and has always been with the enemy in the first place. They approve the superiority of the enemy, even if this is wholly untrue. And in that regard, one is nothing but an enemy of Satan and a xian.

Enemies of Satan have existed for centuries. Others are direct, and others are misinformed. The misdirected ones hate on someone or "Something" they haven't known, researched, let alone tried to "experience". The actual enemies of Satan on the other hand are those who have experienced the "Resistance" and "Negativity" from what they ascribe to be Satan. Nowadays with the inflow of information, we know these people are mainly the Jews, and their plans surmise around enslaving mankind entirely. The same story has been repeating since the Feudal times and Middle Ages, and continues today with Tech dictatorship etc.

It is a life and death matter for the Jews to write hoaxes, disinformation, and fake stories about Satan. Sitting on the shambles of the Ancient World, and being fully aware of their crime, they had to lie as much as possible and for centuries, to hide the Gods from the populace. One just needs to read some drivel of the Jews, and they will understand, it is all just mental illness and the usual slander the jews are doing. Nothing has been slandered more by Jews, than the Ancient Gods.

Their programs of Christianity, Islam and Judaism, are only reactive programs to the original ones of Paganism. After they killed anyone, they made sure to change and reverse the stories humanity has grown up with. This is no different than an abductee being told by the abductor after anesthesia, that they are their own "parents" or some other shit one sees in thrillers.

Every so often there is also some retard that tries to say that "Jews have said X thing about Satan". This has even come from Pagans, who have on their own been slandered by the jews. It is hilarious to look at. They are so programmed by jews deep down, they have no logic left in their head.

If we take what is said about Satan by jews, as real, is it also then real what the jews say about Gentiles, that they are cattle? No.

Does it matter at all what jews say or what their opinion is? No.

Should it even matter what a psychotic race of alien souls says about anyone? No.

The Jews have made Gentiles "Care" about their drivel by forcing, through death, communism under different names, suppression and censorship, their "paradigm".

As time progresses, all the lies of the Jewish Paradigm are collapsing. Everyone here understands, that this is only just the slander of a fearful people and misinformed people. Jews, have always had negative experiences with Satan, as a criminal always have had bad times with the police.

The Gods were, and still are the protectors of this world, and so were their followers, for thousands of years. They preserved civilization, life, and did their best to promote the ascent and advancement of humanity. Everything, even the enemy admits, comes from the Gods and the so called "Pagans".

Due to their inability to destroy all of this line of knowledge, information, and purpose, they have merely attempted to cover this with lies.

Satan's Name is clearly rising away from the slander, disinformation, hoaxing lullaby of the alien Jew. As the aeon proceeds into itself, heavy Truths such as the alien origin of this battle, and what this entails with "Other Worlds" are also being revealed. Everyone is seeing, this involves also the enemy and them dropping their mask entirely. This unmasking is because they need to force through their agenda. Due to it's nefarious nature, the more this is pushed, the more their mask cracks and humanity sees what this always was about.

Lastly, as this happens in the world, it's normal that some people will stick to "Their" convictions which are against Satan and/or slander him. They pay little attention that in every Freemasonic Lodge they have a Bible and a Torah, or that Islam has destroyed half the face of the planet, being only the descendant of Judaism in the region of the Middle East.

They will insist that "Satan is ___insert vilifying jewish claim here___" because deep down, the Jew remains their master - master of their culture and everything else - they are still goyim. They cannot reason away from this. They cannot "ignore" it. Too lazy to research further. These people will remain ignorant and are unfortunately the dead weight of spirit power that is being siphoned by the enemy to bring around their final ends. Their only hope is through the manipulation of our own Rituals, which will bring out results that will help us, without this dead weight even understanding what happened.

Christians should not be looked upon as "religious" creatures, but rather, as non religious creatures. They lack spiritual faculty to discern anything. They have no spiritual aptitude. All they are, is merely a mass that is spiritually diseased. As with someone who is colorblind and chooses to remain so, requiring them to see colors or expecting them to see anything, is an unnatural expectation.

Certainly however though, these idiots should not be allowed to bring the curses of the Jews that they worship upon reality because of their self-destructive complex, and our workings are pushing this spiritual parasitic manifestation system to collapse once and for all. Many of them are so deceived they will ask "God" for help, meaning the jew, as far as their little mind is concerned. Clearly, the jews whom they worship, want them all killed or slaves in a farm.

Due to the factor of complexity and confusion, Satan is called upon unconsciously by people, every so often, to save this world from total enslavement and damnation. Those who are spiritually wise, do understand this, and they will desert the jewish program before it is too late. For the rest, they will be an idle cry in the sea of chaos.

In closing, the Jews should be completely ignored in what they have to say about "Satan", as their plans, visions of the world, and all sorts of garbage they have created, requires to be in the trashcan for eternity. The more we move away from this diseased jewish paradigm, the more our world will heal.

Unlike many other centuries, we now have the path, the knowledge, and the pathway to make this happen. The restoration of Ancient Core and Central Paganism, or Spiritual Satanism, has been the historical central step to this direction. All we have to do now is walk the bright path that has been set ahead of us.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
The Gods are more close to us than anybody thinks now. We are absolute, and we are winners.
Years before I found JOS the very first impression I had of "Satanists" were infact just reverse xtians. They looked up to the version of Satan as told by xnity. Then ofcourse in the recent 2 years I came across the type that take "satanism is freedom" to a complete distortion thinking Satan would accept them having all sorts of dillusions about themselves and who or what they where. That they could LITERALLY be anything and drift off into some fantasy world.

The enemy has some elaborate ways of convincing people to believe all sorts of lies with their own version of Satan so as to never really know him. Then they get presented with facts and actual information and serious cognitive dissonance takes hold. They get so attached to a lie so brainwashed that if its disproven and they accept it the world as they feel it comes crashing down. Sadly they don't get that would be for the better than living in a world of lies.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Should it even matter what a psychotic race of alien souls says about anyone? No.

...Satan's Name is clearly rising away from the slander, disinformation, hoaxing lullaby of the alien Jew. As the aeon proceeds into itself, heavy Truths such as the alien origin of this battle, and what this entails with "Other Worlds" are also being revealed....

....Lastly, as this happens in the world, it's normal that some people will stick to "Their" convictions which are against Satan and/or slander him....

...Due to the factor of complexity and confusion, Satan is called upon unconsciously by people, every so often, to save this world from total enslavement and damnation. Those who are spiritually wise, do understand this, and they will desert the jewish program before it is too late. For the rest, they will be an idle cry in the sea of chaos....
Something I’ve been wondering about is the Enemy ETs who might want to switch sides at some point and join us, how this will work? It makes sense to me the situation with the greys. They are Borg creatures with no mind of their own. It makes sense how they can be spiritually powerful and still do such evil things. There’s no hope for them. However, with enemy ets who are of the same race as our gods, who are advanced spiritual beings, I don’t understand how they can be against us and do the evil they do by their own will and not want to join our side. Anyone who has meditated consistently and for a while can attest how as you clean out the dross in the soul and raise your vibration, you become more ethical, more moral, just and balanced.

What I was theorizing, was amongst gods it must be different. They’re all gods yes, but still at different levels of power and rank and perhaps some of the Nordic gods were forced into joining the enemy or were in positions where they didn’t have a choice possibly? I just wonder how Satan will deal with them if they want to join us, they must see the truth if they’re advanced?

Especially as the veil is lifting here on earth, those enemy gods must see they have little chance, and might want to break free and join us.
How they shifted the blame to Hitler for the crimes they did with communism, they did the same thing recently with the microchip ... shifting the blame, calling it 666, the mark of the devil. Another similar thing they did recently, they called and accused pedophiles of being of the devil. Not to mention xianity and islam.
Thank You High Priest. I've recently been very annoyed at these idiot xians, attributing all of the fruits of our labor and the Gods, as their shitty thoughtform. It's enrages me to no end, I cannot imagine the patience and kindness of the Gods to save such an ungrateful people.

I am eternally grateful to the Gods.

None of this appears as new, those that are truly dedicated and have put in any amount of real effort to honor their dedication can see this. New members, this is good to read and read again and again.
I agree with all that's being said and also I want to add that should be respectful and grateful to the gods for helping us. We need to be humble upon them, but not humble towards anyone else other than our brothers in Satan. Not even kundalini "masters" in the east. But always respect Earth, the Stars and all its creatures, which unfortunately means the gentile souls that are indoctrined by the enemy as well. We are after all living on the same planet.

I have the utmost hope that eventually the tides will turn and we will manage to rule in this planet with the guidance of the gods as we did in the past and humanity will be a real brotherhood once this pest is gone (is it politically correct to ask mister Ellon Musk to kindly send em to a planet where there is no life to exploit and no materials to create any weapon and let them gouge their eyes out themselves when we are done with them?)
HAIL SATAN! great amazing article, 666/10

In sure its the jos SS they fear
This reminds me of a qoute from a starwars villain grand admiral thrawn,
"there are things in the universe that are purely evil, one does not seek to understand nor compromise with them, one must only seek to obliterate them"

the jews are purely evil. for centuries battles were fought against them, some battles like the 300 spartan, were won. but our ancestors didnt end the jews completely because our ancestors werent mass murderers, they seek instead to let them exist while keeping them in check. but now the time of letting the jewish race continue existing is over. In this war, we are not only going to win, but we are also going to obliterate them completely.

"Israel is going to get what she deserves" - SATAN

HAIL SATAN! and all the GODS of HELL
The Christian's must be having a severe cognitive dissonance now ,trying to accommodate their natural humanly instinct for freedom against tyranny from the NWO and their belief in the Tyranny of Christianity.

Everything that the Jewish psychopaths did is exactly the word of the Christian god. Its literally in the bible where they say Satan gave humanity The understanding of right and wrong and the ability of Self consciousness. The bible god literally says that he wants to take away your self conscious and turn you into sheep ,which is the basis for "The return to eden." The jews admit this in the bible where the God threw the man out of the garden for gaining self consciousness and tried to Mass Genocide civilizations who were becoming too prosperous.

A return to eden basically means giving up your self consciousness which the god says is sinful and claims that you don't have the right to be mindful of yourself and you have to become a mindless sheep and in order to become free of sin.

Why would anyone pray to a psychopathic entity who literally wants to make you a mindless slave and it's admitted in the Bible,literally.

The humans desire to be free of this unnatural collectivism effort of the jews cannot be reconciled with Christianity.

If Nationalism and the Fight against Globalism has to continue then Christianity must be left behind. The two cannot co exist. Christianity is a cult program and is the Psychology behind the NWO.
I allways had in my heart something about Satan, but all the information that i found was about Goetia and i never saw it to be something that i feell it right. Then i found Jos and what i have read there i know it in my heart by the first day of study to be the true.

I had allways belived that religion had to be something that should feell right in one's heart. Because os that i had been ateist till i found Jos.

So i can not understand how and way someone stand for beliefs that harm in any way one's mind, body or feelings.

Where i live people are extremely attached to church. I by myself can not fight against that and i am to new to satanism to do that. But i know that if someone came with an anser to the problems that people here face because of the church many people wold turn to Satan. For now it is dangerous to proclame outlaud Spiritual Satanism but i hope that in short time it will be possible.

Here things are very bad... Church has so much power like 400 yeares ago...
This might be off topic, but I never really thought anything of demons when I was a little wee lad. I remember drawing a pic of what I thought was satan with horns and goat legs with big muscles and sign saying welcome to hell when I was around 5 and tried to stick it on the fridge with the rest of my drawings, but that wasn't allowed. I remember the cringy reaction I got from people when I asked if they liked it. I also discovered xtianity was bullshit when I was at that age. I remember growing up I would flip off the clouds because I though I was flipping off the xtian god and at that point I remember telling myself that when I died I would want to go to hell with the devil and we would go beat up jewsus' ass LOL.
Sundara said:
None of this appears as new, those that are truly dedicated and have put in any amount of real effort to honor their dedication can see this. New members, this is good to read and read again and again.
I was thinking the same.

Nonetheless, on top of the list what annoys me about the kikery happening are the lies about Satan. What immense strength He must have to be able to endure such bullshit.
Worshipped as Murugan in the Hindu Saivite sect.... Murugan means "Beautiful One" the Hindus say he is the Commander in Chief of the Divine Armies and no one succeeds on this planet in Kundalini Yoga without going through Satan no one for he is the Master of Kundalini Yoga the Hindus know this he is also called Subramuniya...."Subra" means Light energy from the Central Source,"Muni" means silent teacher and "Ya" means Self restrained so can it mean a "self restrained soul who speaks from intuition/God consciousness" this was the name Satguru Subramuniyaswami Sivaya was given by his guru Yogaswami when he intiated him into the Natha sect after Robert Hansen (Satguru Subramuniyaswami Sivaya) had the intial rising of the snake his first Nivirkalpa Samadhi as the Hindus call it his guru boldly told him because Muruga(Lord Murugan) is white and he(Robert Hansen) is white that's why he gave the name.......in this Natha sect they say one needs to keep having many Nivirkalpa Samadhi (Parasiva/God consciousness) experiences after the intial rising as you do so a Golden Body starts developing above you whose base chakra is your crown chakra the Golden body when fully formed then descends down and the astral body eventually dissolves into it for Satguru Subramuniyaswami this happened after about 8 years I think from the time of his intial rising of the Kundalini the Kundalini then rests permanently at the crown chakra....
You know, I noticed in recent weeks during the ritual schedules that the front page of bitchute had a sudden increase of video titles with "Satanic" in it. It was like they were working overtime to drive fear of Father. I took it as confirmation at the time that the jews were feeling extremely scared, and that the rituals were severely impacting them. I also figured it had the side intention of annoying people like me who happened to see it. I can't wait until they see Satan on Earth, and their so-called savior is nowhere to be found. Talk about a wake-up call for all the greys-in-training/xians, as if they don't get enough calls every day. Ah well, c'est la mort.
Greeetings to all of you with all my respect,
I am 17 and ı did my dedication ritual to our Lord Satan on this Mabon. And ı am a SS since that great day. And ı am so thankful to JOS and and the Turkish Spırıtual Satanism site admins for making me go this way.
These days ı am not living my best days and ı can tell ı am really not on myself. Today ı randomly write to youtube "exposed JoyofSatan" just for laughing and kidding with them. But ı found myself a little bit anxious after that so here is my question. (Ofc there is nothing to expose ı just wondered what others are saying about JoS but they are lack of understanding power of spiritualism, they know literally nothing about the truth) How can we trust Gods? They are so powerfull and strong. They don't need us or earth. Why they are working and fighting so much for us? Just beacuse we are their children? I mean they are not exploiting or playing us they don't need that either. I think ı just have trust issues in my life thats why ı am asking these questions. And ı am inexperienced in practicing Spiritual Satanism. Please forgive me ıf ı said something wrong ı am just trying to learn and filling the gaps. Thank you.
Brilliant HPHC

Only true guy pre JOS that called out all the bullshit was the British guy David Myatt.

Hail JOS
Hail Satan
jrvan said:
You know, I noticed in recent weeks during the ritual schedules that the front page of bitchute had a sudden increase of video titles with "Satanic" in it. It was like they were working overtime to drive fear of Father. I took it as confirmation at the time that the jews were feeling extremely scared, and that the rituals were severely impacting them. I also figured it had the side intention of annoying people like me who happened to see it. I can't wait until they see Satan on Earth, and their so-called savior is nowhere to be found. Talk about a wake-up call for all the greys-in-training/xians, as if they don't get enough calls every day. Ah well, c'est la mort.

All of Judaism and Jews is just a reaction to Satan.

For all purposes, the rivalry of the enemy began on this world because we were graced by Satan and the Gods attempted to help us become more than monkeys.

They are the original and ONLY true haters of Satan on this earth. All their "Religion" is, is just kvetching about "Satan", and how their reptilian tribe has a problem with him.

C'est la Mort is a good way to put this in regards to them.
DCLXVI said:
I remember saying something similar like. I rather be in hell than be in Heaven with jews.
Only an insane or seriously misinformed person (99% of current Earth population) would want to go to heaven. You are used as an energy for reptilian race. Then you dissipate, aka. cease to exist. What a shit deal.
Henu the Great said:
DCLXVI said:
I remember saying something similar like. I rather be in hell than be in Heaven with jews.
Only an insane or seriously misinformed person (99% of current Earth population) would want to go to heaven. You are used as an energy for reptilian race. Then you dissipate, aka. cease to exist. What a shit deal.

Most of the population only think about that shit when they are forced in deathly circumstances. Otherwise they don't give two fucks and just get on with their life. Doing pagan-y things in some form, most of them. Gentile existence at it's heart is pagan as it stems from our soul and not the external imposed crap of the jews- especially not now.

With the internet people who are fearful of death can spend all their time into the occult and things of that nature. Chances are they are going to run into information that has permeated from the JoS if not the JoS itself.

it's more like upwards of 50/60% fall into the category you are on about, and in a tense Fourth Reich type world situation or like the sexual revolution, that number of dumb people also drops because those are deathly and world transforming type circumstances.

Don't fret so much about most of the population being too dumb. The air element does exist y'know :lol:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There are many things I would like to share and say, but due to the fact that we are censored online, speech is limited, and also, we have the enemy and many other factors, such as idiots and/or infiltrators.

That aside, it is always a good thing to share at least something if it is to inspire, or to show Satan's Providence, irrespective of the above. After all this is, if anything, very necessary.

Given this is the case of this world, there are many things that are secret, and will remain secret, largely for reasons explained above. Some things I have decided to just let go, until the time for them arrives. Everyone does this in their life. For example, a parent waits until their children are older to share with them some important knowledge or advice.

As time progresses, everyone can observe, this war is also escalating. Many people thought this would be bullshit back in 2005 or so forth, where things were simplified, different, calmer. Back then, most people didn't really even have faith. The enemy wasn't a lot under threat. Much of this was undiscovered, a lot of convenient lying was around to keep people pacified, and so on.

Most of this is because many people who arrive to Satan, arrive from broken backgrounds, or tend to be harmed in life in general. This is a Truth that I have seen very verified. Nothing bad in this, as everyone can improve. Everyone should, after all, advance. This is what this is about. However, be it that the Jews have lied relentlessly about Satan [No different than they do with Hitler or anyone else who has went against them], many people come to Satan with the usual wishes.

Combinations of specific groups, victim mentality, and a careless reckless approach to life, can create potent combinations of disaster. Historically, one of these alien combinations, was xianity. Amassing all the degenerates of it's time, and with the leadership of alien jews, this program destroyed the face of the planet and all the Ancient World, and all that it had to offer.

Then, our history was collectively re-written, and here we are, in a world trying to "Restart" itself again, and making steps towards improvement with confused steps.

To prove one's self to Satan, and above all, to advance, takes time. Those of us in the path, have learned it more by walking it, and setting a new trend and a new path, than by reading about it. Except of HPS Maxine which took the head here, and gifted this wonderful and above all TRUE path to everyone, there were closely zero other sources. Of course many small minded people who cannot even fathom the importance of this, will not understand it.

it is the most difficult of things to punch a hole into a wall of this mental jewtrix prison. This can be as hard as the meme with the person who has been trying to dig a 20 feet cement wall with a plastic spoon. The second most difficult thing, is to walk through all of the security of this mental prison, and to get out, and make it "alive". After this is also done, one needs to reclaim their freedom. As a last step to this, destroying the prison of the minds is the last essential step. All of these steps have exceeding difficulty to themselves. We are doing all of this.

There was nothing functional or important about Satan before the JoS came along. Mostly, it was garbage. Some honest commentary about loyal disciples of Satan, or "The Dark Lord", was mainly centered about parts of what they have understood.

Then, there were all these shitty sites that speak about strange and mentally ill people and how they write about whatever depravity, claiming it's a succubus. Little more down the alley, some druggie that claims they saw a hoofed apparition, and then another mentally ill person writing bullshit about how Satan came to chase them off at night.

Then we open our TV to listen to a Jew saying "Thank God, thank Jesus", and making claims of the "Good lord", while then one closes the TV, goes to sleep, puts the controller down, but in their hotel, here lies the book of the history of some kikes down the desert, namely the "Bible", which is just a story of jewish psychopaths and jewish slander.

Long story short, this is the material manifestation of the jewish prison of lies. Everywhere one turn's their head around, there are endless lies. As Hitler stated, when these are repeated, then people will start believing them, even if these are totally untrue. Most people, especially xians, believe what they are told.

We Satanists here are the reverse, we went to take the trip towards the unknown, with little information, most of us questioning how it would turn out. Overwhelmingly, we arrived at the same shore of kindnesss, love and care of the Gods. Therefore we know things to be True that others have no idea about. They believed as they were ((("told"))).

In regards to the few "Satanists" that existed before the JoS and did anything constructive, or did not follow the jewish norm [almost none], the reality is that most of them were very selfish, if fruits were produced, they kept them to themselves.

Or to just protect themselves, they kept a low tone.

Censorship, silence, and other detrimental things, such as Jews being everywhere in Satanism and turning it into what the Torah dictates ["thou shall defecate on the Pagan things"], had turned Satanism into an asylum of jews and other crazy people who dressed strange as if trying to provoke a mockery on the "Ha-Satan".

Normal people saw this and got scared, or worse - but given these people enjoyed this circus, this trend continued with frenzy and the jews had a lot of fun around this - it verified after all, all the lies the jews have heaped on Satan, and maintained the fundamental mockery and slander the jews have started about Satan thousands of years ago. Satan remained in slander, and misunderstood.

Satan's history begins in the East, and everyone here knows that. We were lucky these Truths have resurfaced, as the enemy flattened almost all Ancient Information. Due to struggle in the last 300 years, many of these have come to light physically again. Were no war of intellectual, physical, and spiritual nature taking place, all of this would be lost.

Anyone who has meditated or used the "Satanic Name", ie, Satanas or Satanama, has understood that these mantras of this very "Name" produce wellbeing, energy [life], and in general, make the mind open and acute. At least in Gentiles, that is. The sound-wave form affects the Soul and therefore, what is good for one, may be negative to another. As far as the mere function of this goes, any meditator who is not brainwashed, would know these effects or have felt the positivity of this. Advanced Eastern Yogis and other people who do these things by the millions [our spiritual inheritance, after all], know this very well.

Here as a counter example to wellbeing, we can illustrate the example of jews who constantly whine that Satan and the Pagan Gods are the source of "All Evil" - yes, for them, they certainly are. The jews, have seen, are seeing, and will see, the "Other Face" of the Demons and Satan, because of all they have done to this world. And they hate them with otherworldly and undying, aeons old, passion. They are, after all, the Gods of their enemies that they are sworn to destroy.

On the other hand, many jews, constantly try to pretend that "Satan" is something to be pushed into their own "paradigm". This general mockery is all they did to Paganism - writing lies and slander constantly, and pumping it in the illiterate masses, until they believed them. Jews and the idiots who follow them, accept the jewish paradigm, as they themselves have been jewy-fied. In the case of jews, or slanderers who are like jews, this re-affirms jewish superiority by affirming the jewish paradigm. In short, this is like accepting the slander about someone, because one loves the slanderer.

In the above case, this means one believes the jews, and has always been with the enemy in the first place. They approve the superiority of the enemy, even if this is wholly untrue. And in that regard, one is nothing but an enemy of Satan and a xian.

Enemies of Satan have existed for centuries. Others are direct, and others are misinformed. The misdirected ones hate on someone or "Something" they haven't known, researched, let alone tried to "experience". The actual enemies of Satan on the other hand are those who have experienced the "Resistance" and "Negativity" from what they ascribe to be Satan. Nowadays with the inflow of information, we know these people are mainly the Jews, and their plans surmise around enslaving mankind entirely. The same story has been repeating since the Feudal times and Middle Ages, and continues today with Tech dictatorship etc.

It is a life and death matter for the Jews to write hoaxes, disinformation, and fake stories about Satan. Sitting on the shambles of the Ancient World, and being fully aware of their crime, they had to lie as much as possible and for centuries, to hide the Gods from the populace. One just needs to read some drivel of the Jews, and they will understand, it is all just mental illness and the usual slander the jews are doing. Nothing has been slandered more by Jews, than the Ancient Gods.

Their programs of Christianity, Islam and Judaism, are only reactive programs to the original ones of Paganism. After they killed anyone, they made sure to change and reverse the stories humanity has grown up with. This is no different than an abductee being told by the abductor after anesthesia, that they are their own "parents" or some other shit one sees in thrillers.

Every so often there is also some retard that tries to say that "Jews have said X thing about Satan". This has even come from Pagans, who have on their own been slandered by the jews. It is hilarious to look at. They are so programmed by jews deep down, they have no logic left in their head.

If we take what is said about Satan by jews, as real, is it also then real what the jews say about Gentiles, that they are cattle? No.

Does it matter at all what jews say or what their opinion is? No.

Should it even matter what a psychotic race of alien souls says about anyone? No.

The Jews have made Gentiles "Care" about their drivel by forcing, through death, communism under different names, suppression and censorship, their "paradigm".

As time progresses, all the lies of the Jewish Paradigm are collapsing. Everyone here understands, that this is only just the slander of a fearful people and misinformed people. Jews, have always had negative experiences with Satan, as a criminal always have had bad times with the police.

The Gods were, and still are the protectors of this world, and so were their followers, for thousands of years. They preserved civilization, life, and did their best to promote the ascent and advancement of humanity. Everything, even the enemy admits, comes from the Gods and the so called "Pagans".

Due to their inability to destroy all of this line of knowledge, information, and purpose, they have merely attempted to cover this with lies.

Satan's Name is clearly rising away from the slander, disinformation, hoaxing lullaby of the alien Jew. As the aeon proceeds into itself, heavy Truths such as the alien origin of this battle, and what this entails with "Other Worlds" are also being revealed. Everyone is seeing, this involves also the enemy and them dropping their mask entirely. This unmasking is because they need to force through their agenda. Due to it's nefarious nature, the more this is pushed, the more their mask cracks and humanity sees what this always was about.

Lastly, as this happens in the world, it's normal that some people will stick to "Their" convictions which are against Satan and/or slander him. They pay little attention that in every Freemasonic Lodge they have a Bible and a Torah, or that Islam has destroyed half the face of the planet, being only the descendant of Judaism in the region of the Middle East.

They will insist that "Satan is ___insert vilifying jewish claim here___" because deep down, the Jew remains their master - master of their culture and everything else - they are still goyim. They cannot reason away from this. They cannot "ignore" it. Too lazy to research further. These people will remain ignorant and are unfortunately the dead weight of spirit power that is being siphoned by the enemy to bring around their final ends. Their only hope is through the manipulation of our own Rituals, which will bring out results that will help us, without this dead weight even understanding what happened.

Christians should not be looked upon as "religious" creatures, but rather, as non religious creatures. They lack spiritual faculty to discern anything. They have no spiritual aptitude. All they are, is merely a mass that is spiritually diseased. As with someone who is colorblind and chooses to remain so, requiring them to see colors or expecting them to see anything, is an unnatural expectation.

Certainly however though, these idiots should not be allowed to bring the curses of the Jews that they worship upon reality because of their self-destructive complex, and our workings are pushing this spiritual parasitic manifestation system to collapse once and for all. Many of them are
The topic being the biggest lie, it is a bit hard to think which one that would be, given the fact that the enemy is like a criminal who did everything and has received multiple life sentences for manslaughter, rape, forgery and so on....

But, if I had to choose one would be the one of our Lord being cast out of heaven. It's like that saying someone got thrown out of jail for being not good enough to live in there :lol: Wait, what ?

In their stupidiy, the xians presume this heaven being something like a palace with flying angels singing and dancing blah blah. And yet I bet is more like dangling chains for the slaves and pitfires. I mean, we already know from the shitty book how vengeful their boss is. And being not among the chosen ones, it's easy to guess on what part of heaven you'll get to dwell, stupid xian :cool:

And one more thing, think about this word jewelry. Did you know diamonds are stored in warehouses to prevent massive drop in price? Did you also know that most top exporting diamond countries are from Africa? And that despite this, they are as poor as you get? Holy matrimony with the most expensive diamond ring that if you want to sell, the pawnshops will pay you back only a fraction of it. Lies everywhere one on top of the other :evil:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There are many things I would like to share and say, but due to the fact that we are censored online, speech is limited, and also, we have the enemy and many other factors, such as idiots and/or infiltrators.

That aside, it is always a good thing to share at least something if it is to inspire, or to show Satan's Providence, irrespective of the above. After all this is, if anything, very necessary.

Given this is the case of this world, there are many things that are secret, and will remain secret, largely for reasons explained above. Some things I have decided to just let go, until the time for them arrives. Everyone does this in their life. For example, a parent waits until their children are older to share with them some important knowledge or advice.

As time progresses, everyone can observe, this war is also escalating. Many people thought this would be bullshit back in 2005 or so forth, where things were simplified, different, calmer. Back then, most people didn't really even have faith. The enemy wasn't a lot under threat. Much of this was undiscovered, a lot of convenient lying was around to keep people pacified, and so on.

Most of this is because many people who arrive to Satan, arrive from broken backgrounds, or tend to be harmed in life in general. This is a Truth that I have seen very verified. Nothing bad in this, as everyone can improve. Everyone should, after all, advance. This is what this is about. However, be it that the Jews have lied relentlessly about Satan [No different than they do with Hitler or anyone else who has went against them], many people come to Satan with the usual wishes.

Combinations of specific groups, victim mentality, and a careless reckless approach to life, can create potent combinations of disaster. Historically, one of these alien combinations, was xianity. Amassing all the degenerates of it's time, and with the leadership of alien jews, this program destroyed the face of the planet and all the Ancient World, and all that it had to offer.

Then, our history was collectively re-written, and here we are, in a world trying to "Restart" itself again, and making steps towards improvement with confused steps.

To prove one's self to Satan, and above all, to advance, takes time. Those of us in the path, have learned it more by walking it, and setting a new trend and a new path, than by reading about it. Except of HPS Maxine which took the head here, and gifted this wonderful and above all TRUE path to everyone, there were closely zero other sources. Of course many small minded people who cannot even fathom the importance of this, will not understand it.

it is the most difficult of things to punch a hole into a wall of this mental jewtrix prison. This can be as hard as the meme with the person who has been trying to dig a 20 feet cement wall with a plastic spoon. The second most difficult thing, is to walk through all of the security of this mental prison, and to get out, and make it "alive". After this is also done, one needs to reclaim their freedom. As a last step to this, destroying the prison of the minds is the last essential step. All of these steps have exceeding difficulty to themselves. We are doing all of this.

There was nothing functional or important about Satan before the JoS came along. Mostly, it was garbage. Some honest commentary about loyal disciples of Satan, or "The Dark Lord", was mainly centered about parts of what they have understood.

Then, there were all these shitty sites that speak about strange and mentally ill people and how they write about whatever depravity, claiming it's a succubus. Little more down the alley, some druggie that claims they saw a hoofed apparition, and then another mentally ill person writing bullshit about how Satan came to chase them off at night.

Then we open our TV to listen to a Jew saying "Thank God, thank Jesus", and making claims of the "Good lord", while then one closes the TV, goes to sleep, puts the controller down, but in their hotel, here lies the book of the history of some kikes down the desert, namely the "Bible", which is just a story of jewish psychopaths and jewish slander.

Long story short, this is the material manifestation of the jewish prison of lies. Everywhere one turn's their head around, there are endless lies. As Hitler stated, when these are repeated, then people will start believing them, even if these are totally untrue. Most people, especially xians, believe what they are told.

We Satanists here are the reverse, we went to take the trip towards the unknown, with little information, most of us questioning how it would turn out. Overwhelmingly, we arrived at the same shore of kindnesss, love and care of the Gods. Therefore we know things to be True that others have no idea about. They believed as they were ((("told"))).

In regards to the few "Satanists" that existed before the JoS and did anything constructive, or did not follow the jewish norm [almost none], the reality is that most of them were very selfish, if fruits were produced, they kept them to themselves. Or to just protect themselves, they kept a low tone. Censorship, silence, and other detrimental things, such as Jews being everywhere in Satanism and turning it into what the Torah dictates ["thou shall defecate on the Pagan things"], had turned Satanism into an asylum of jews and other crazy people who dressed strange as if trying to provoke a mockery on the "Ha-Satan".

Normal people saw this and got scared, or worse - but given these people enjoyed this circus, this trend continued with frenzy and the jews had a lot of fun around this - it verified after all, all the lies the jews have heaped on Satan, and maintained the fundamental mockery and slander the jews have started about Satan thousands of years ago. Satan remained in slander, and misunderstood.

Satan's history begins in the East, and everyone here knows that. We were lucky these Truths have resurfaced, as the enemy flattened almost all Ancient Information. Due to struggle in the last 300 years, many of these have come to light physically again. Were no war of intellectual, physical, and spiritual nature taking place, all of this would be lost.

Anyone who has meditated or used the "Satanic Name", ie, Satanas or Satanama, has understood that these mantras of this very "Name" produce wellbeing, energy [life], and in general, make the mind open and acute. At least in Gentiles, that is. The sound-wave form affects the Soul and therefore, what is good for one, may be negative to another. As far as the mere function of this goes, any meditator who is not brainwashed, would know these effects or have felt the positivity of this. Advanced Eastern Yogis and other people who do these things by the millions [our spiritual inheritance, after all], know this very well.

Here as a counter example to wellbeing, we can illustrate the example of jews who constantly whine that Satan and the Pagan Gods are the source of "All Evil" - yes, for them, they certainly are. The jews, have seen, are seeing, and will see, the "Other Face" of the Demons and Satan, because of all they have done to this world. And they hate them with otherworldly and undying, aeons old, passion. They are, after all, the Gods of their enemies that they are sworn to destroy.

On the other hand, many jews, constantly try to pretend that "Satan" is something to be pushed into their own "paradigm". This general mockery is all they did to Paganism - writing lies and slander constantly, and pumping it in the illiterate masses, until they believed them. Jews and the idiots who follow them, accept the jewish paradigm, as they themselves have been jewy-fied. In the case of jews, or slanderers who are like jews, this re-affirms jewish superiority by affirming the jewish paradigm. In short, this is like accepting the slander about someone, because one loves the slanderer.

In the above case, this means one believes the jews, and has always been with the enemy in the first place. They approve the superiority of the enemy, even if this is wholly untrue. And in that regard, one is nothing but an enemy of Satan and a xian.

Enemies of Satan have existed for centuries. Others are direct, and others are misinformed. The misdirected ones hate on someone or "Something" they haven't known, researched, let alone tried to "experience". The actual enemies of Satan on the other hand are those who have experienced the "Resistance" and "Negativity" from what they ascribe to be Satan. Nowadays with the inflow of information, we know these people are mainly the Jews, and their plans surmise around enslaving mankind entirely. The same story has been repeating since the Feudal times and Middle Ages, and continues today with Tech dictatorship etc.

It is a life and death matter for the Jews to write hoaxes, disinformation, and fake stories about Satan. Sitting on the shambles of the Ancient World, and being fully aware of their crime, they had to lie as much as possible and for centuries, to hide the Gods from the populace. One just needs to read some drivel of the Jews, and they will understand, it is all just mental illness and the usual slander the jews are doing. Nothing has been slandered more by Jews, than the Ancient Gods.

Their programs of Christianity, Islam and Judaism, are only reactive programs to the original ones of Paganism. After they killed anyone, they made sure to change and reverse the stories humanity has grown up with. This is no different than an abductee being told by the abductor after anesthesia, that they are their own "parents" or some other shit one sees in thrillers.

Every so often there is also some retard that tries to say that "Jews have said X thing about Satan". This has even come from Pagans, who have on their own been slandered by the jews. It is hilarious to look at. They are so programmed by jews deep down, they have no logic left in their head.

If we take what is said about Satan by jews, as real, is it also then real what the jews say about Gentiles, that they are cattle? No.

Does it matter at all what jews say or what their opinion is? No.

Should it even matter what a psychotic race of alien souls says about anyone? No.

The Jews have made Gentiles "Care" about their drivel by forcing, through death, communism under different names, suppression and censorship, their "paradigm".

As time progresses, all the lies of the Jewish Paradigm are collapsing. Everyone here understands, that this is only just the slander of a fearful people and misinformed people. Jews, have always had negative experiences with Satan, as a criminal always have had bad times with the police.

The Gods were, and still are the protectors of this world, and so were their followers, for thousands of years. They preserved civilization, life, and did their best to promote the ascent and advancement of humanity. Everything, even the enemy admits, comes from the Gods and the so called "Pagans".

Due to their inability to destroy all of this line of knowledge, information, and purpose, they have merely attempted to cover this with lies.

Satan's Name is clearly rising away from the slander, disinformation, hoaxing lullaby of the alien Jew. As the aeon proceeds into itself, heavy Truths such as the alien origin of this battle, and what this entails with "Other Worlds" are also being revealed. Everyone is seeing, this involves also the enemy and them dropping their mask entirely. This unmasking is because they need to force through their agenda. Due to it's nefarious nature, the more this is pushed, the more their mask cracks and humanity sees what this always was about.

Lastly, as this happens in the world, it's normal that some people will stick to "Their" convictions which are against Satan and/or slander him. They pay little attention that in every Freemasonic Lodge they have a Bible and a Torah, or that Islam has destroyed half the face of the planet, being only the descendant of Judaism in the region of the Middle East.

They will insist that "Satan is ___insert vilifying jewish claim here___" because deep down, the Jew remains their master - master of their culture and everything else - they are still goyim. They cannot reason away from this. They cannot "ignore" it. Too lazy to research further. These people will remain ignorant and are unfortunately the dead weight of spirit power that is being siphoned by the enemy to bring around their final ends. Their only hope is through the manipulation of our own Rituals, which will bring out results that will help us, without this dead weight even understanding what happened.

Christians should not be looked upon as "religious" creatures, but rather, as non religious creatures. They lack spiritual faculty to discern anything. They have no spiritual aptitude. All they are, is merely a mass that is spiritually diseased. As with someone who is colorblind and chooses to remain so, requiring them to see colors or expecting them to see anything, is an unnatural expectation.

Certainly however though, these idiots should not be allowed to bring the curses of the Jews that they worship upon reality because of their self-destructive complex, and our workings are pushing this spiritual parasitic manifestation system to collapse once and for all. Many of them are so deceived they will ask "God" for help, meaning the jew, as far as their little mind is concerned. Clearly, the jews whom they worship, want them all killed or slaves in a farm.

Due to the factor of complexity and confusion, Satan is called upon unconsciously by people, every so often, to save this world from total enslavement and damnation. Those who are spiritually wise, do understand this, and they will desert the jewish program before it is too late. For the rest, they will be an idle cry in the sea of chaos.

In closing, the Jews should be completely ignored in what they have to say about "Satan", as their plans, visions of the world, and all sorts of garbage they have created, requires to be in the trashcan for eternity. The more we move away from this diseased jewish paradigm, the more our world will heal.

Unlike many other centuries, we now have the path, the knowledge, and the pathway to make this happen. The restoration of Ancient Core and Central Paganism, or Spiritual Satanism, has been the historical central step to this direction. All we have to do now is walk the bright path that has been set ahead of us.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Honestly, I blame entities who pretend to be Satan or demons and give the Gods and Goddesses a bad reputation. It also causes people to pray more to that false god so as to have more psychic energy. To feed it.

Not everything is mental illness... HP, there really are evil entities out there.

Then the mentally ill? Well, a lot of them are people who dabbled in the wrong magick. Some summon bad shit and caused them to go insane. Father told me that Schizophrenia isn't real, but entities talking to people.. be it Gods, ghosts, reptilians, greys, angels or whatever...

Unless I'm wrong here... please do correct me if I am.
Now why do all y’all say that it will take years to get at a basic level everybody is different but anyways i be studying and why did they try to make satan look evil why is that
AllFathersdaughter666 said:
Honestly, I blame entities who pretend to be Satan or demons and give the Gods and Goddesses a bad reputation. It also causes people to pray more to that false god so as to have more psychic energy. To feed it.

Not everything is mental illness... HP, there really are evil entities out there.

Then the mentally ill? Well, a lot of them are people who dabbled in the wrong magick. Some summon bad shit and caused them to go insane. Father told me that Schizophrenia isn't real, but entities talking to people.. be it Gods, ghosts, reptilians, greys, angels or whatever...

Unless I'm wrong here... please do correct me if I am.
Don't speak as if you knew more than HP HoodedCobra, most of your posts are straight up delusions, you should start living more in reality and ground yourself.
Aquarius said:
AllFathersdaughter666 said:
Honestly, I blame entities who pretend to be Satan or demons and give the Gods and Goddesses a bad reputation. It also causes people to pray more to that false god so as to have more psychic energy. To feed it.

Not everything is mental illness... HP, there really are evil entities out there.

Then the mentally ill? Well, a lot of them are people who dabbled in the wrong magick. Some summon bad shit and caused them to go insane. Father told me that Schizophrenia isn't real, but entities talking to people.. be it Gods, ghosts, reptilians, greys, angels or whatever...

Unless I'm wrong here... please do correct me if I am.
Don't speak as if you knew more than HP HoodedCobra, most of your posts are straight up delusions, you should start living more in reality and ground yourself.

Well, forgive me for studying outside what the clergy writes! I take everything with a grain of salt anyway, not even the clergy knows everything. They're always studying, too.

I've dealt with entities since I was little. I know a lot more about reptilians than people give me credit for. One, they'll suck the lifeforce out of you amongst other entities out there. It's called... what was it... "energy ripping". Reptilians like to torture people to feed off them, of course, people do confuse them for demons. They do shapeshifting, so they take on forms that deceive.

Anyway, call me delusional simply because you haven't gone through what I've gone through. I dont give a rat's ass what you think, however. I know my truth.

One day I'll rise above this war and destroy the enemy along with all of you and Father Satan. I'm not the antichrist, but one day people will know me and I won't fail to mention it all.

Anyhoo, sorry, HP. I just... keep sticking my foot in my mouth, Apparently.
AllFathersdaughter666 said:
Well, forgive me for studying outside what the clergy writes! I take everything with a grain of salt anyway, not even the clergy knows everything. They're always studying, too.
Too bad you can't discern the truth from bullshit, and most of the things you say are based on delusions. You should take advice instead of acting "mightier than thou", it's realizing the truth that makes you advance.
Aquarius said:
AllFathersdaughter666 said:
Well, forgive me for studying outside what the clergy writes! I take everything with a grain of salt anyway, not even the clergy knows everything. They're always studying, too.
Too bad you can't discern the truth from bullshit, and most of the things you say are based on delusions. You should take advice instead of acting "mightier than thou", it's realizing the truth that makes you advance.

Alright. Help me out here.... what have I been through is a delusion?

I'm not trying to argue with you, but since you are giving advice... help me further see.
AllFathersdaughter666 said:
Aquarius said:
AllFathersdaughter666 said:
Well, forgive me for studying outside what the clergy writes! I take everything with a grain of salt anyway, not even the clergy knows everything. They're always studying, too.
Too bad you can't discern the truth from bullshit, and most of the things you say are based on delusions. You should take advice instead of acting "mightier than thou", it's realizing the truth that makes you advance.

Alright. Help me out here.... what have I been through is a delusion?

I'm not trying to argue with you, but since you are giving advice... help me further see.
Not gonna go through your posts to tell you what's wrong. I will make it a point to point it out to you next time I see one.
AllFathersdaughter666 said:
Honestly, I blame entities who pretend to be Satan or demons and give the Gods and Goddesses a bad reputation. It also causes people to pray more to that false god so as to have more psychic energy. To feed it.

Not everything is mental illness... HP, there really are evil entities out there.

Then the mentally ill? Well, a lot of them are people who dabbled in the wrong magick. Some summon bad shit and caused them to go insane. Father told me that Schizophrenia isn't real, but entities talking to people.. be it Gods, ghosts, reptilians, greys, angels or whatever...

Unless I'm wrong here... please do correct me if I am.

It's not mental illness in the way you think as Schizophrenia, but astral delusions in most cases. If you believe in something with all your heart you will create a thoughtform of it and see it astrally. Some enemy entities might be involved, but it's not very common. These enemy entities, evil as they may be, they don't have time to go around harassing every single person. You can see Christians having strong beliefs and psychic experiences which are a direct reflection of these beliefs and claim that their experiences confirm their beliefs when it is the opposite.

The JoS site refers to them where it says that when you approach Satan it must be with open mind and without any previous beliefs. If you have strong beliefs and preconceptions about him you will see an astral reflection of your preconceptions and beliefs and not the real Satan. Or you might contact Satan but he will appear according to the preconceived image you have of him.
The enemy is already sharing me fucking bible profishits to try and proof their bible talks about this in the end times...and guys i really hope my G mother gets what she deserves .She is not only a traitor,but a two faced jew hybird or somthing,she agree's with me but tries anything to still prove the bible is good after i told her the truth to the best of my ability s and when she is around other Christians she changes her stance and talks bad about Satan and is quick to give him the fault,she is the one who held me back for a long time and a lying thing i cannot believe is fam to me. She acts like a jew in its nature all thse years,i have sufferd because of her.. She is the one who made my mother and father devorce and the reason i was sent to the Christian rehabs.

I know it is frowned apon when talking bad about one's own family,but i really really doen't know anymore with her. Its has been going on for years and i when't through a lot of abuse verbally. Her nature really is like that of a jew,its like she torments my soul..
If she is a jew then that means im part jew,but that cannot be right because since i can remember i had Satanic spirit in me. She is pure evil one day then tomorrow a christian Saint. Why is this can someone please help me understand, could it maby be that she is not the real mother of my father or somthing.. sorry i hate talking about this,and asking ! but i need advise. I really know im not a jew,and doent look like one but she fucking does in a way. And her evil nature against human nature make me fucking boil.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
The enemy is already sharing me fucking bible profishits to try and proof their bible talks about this in the end times...and guys i really hope my G mother gets what she deserves .She is not only a traitor,but a two faced jew hybird or somthing,she agree's with me but tries anything to still prove the bible is good after i told her the truth to the best of my ability s and when she is around other Christians she changes her stance and talks bad about Satan and is quick to give him the fault,she is the one who held me back for a long time and a lying thing i cannot believe is fam to me. She acts like a jew in its nature all thse years,i have sufferd because of her.. She is the one who made my mother and father devorce and the reason i was sent to the Christian rehabs.

I know it is frowned apon when talking bad about one's own family,but i really really doen't know anymore with her. Its has been going on for years and i when't through a lot of abuse verbally. Her nature really is like that of a jew,its like she torments my soul..
If she is a jew then that means im part jew,but that cannot be right because since i can remember i had Satanic spirit in me. She is pure evil one day then tomorrow a christian Saint. Why is this can someone please help me understand, could it maby be that she is not the real mother of my father or somthing.. sorry i hate talking about this,and asking ! but i need advise. I really know im not a jew,and doent look like one but she fucking does in a way. And her evil nature against human nature make me fucking boil.
Xianity ruins people souls, the more one is into xianity the more the person will die inside and rot, seems like your mother is that kind of person.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
The enemy is already sharing me fucking bible profishits to try and proof their bible talks about this in the end times...and guys i really hope my G mother gets what she deserves .She is not only a traitor,but a two faced jew hybird or somthing,she agree's with me but tries anything to still prove the bible is good after i told her the truth to the best of my ability s and when she is around other Christians she changes her stance and talks bad about Satan and is quick to give him the fault,she is the one who held me back for a long time and a lying thing i cannot believe is fam to me. She acts like a jew in its nature all thse years,i have sufferd because of her.. She is the one who made my mother and father devorce and the reason i was sent to the Christian rehabs.

I know it is frowned apon when talking bad about one's own family,but i really really doen't know anymore with her. Its has been going on for years and i when't through a lot of abuse verbally. Her nature really is like that of a jew,its like she torments my soul..
If she is a jew then that means im part jew,but that cannot be right because since i can remember i had Satanic spirit in me. She is pure evil one day then tomorrow a christian Saint. Why is this can someone please help me understand, could it maby be that she is not the real mother of my father or somthing.. sorry i hate talking about this,and asking ! but i need advise. I really know im not a jew,and doent look like one but she fucking does in a way. And her evil nature against human nature make me fucking boil.
She sounds like a very lost person. Poor soul. Leave her alone as she is waste of time and energy. It sounds harsh, but there is nothing wrong choosing Satan over some xtian programmed family member. The more you can distance yourself from persons who bring you down, the better. Sometimes you might not be able to, and thats when the results of daily meditation come into play. You do meditate daily, don't you?
One Wire Phenomenon said:
The enemy is already sharing me fucking bible profishits to try and proof their bible talks about this in the end times...and guys i really hope my G mother gets what she deserves .She is not only a traitor,but a two faced jew hybird or somthing,she agree's with me but tries anything to still prove the bible is good after i told her the truth to the best of my ability s and when she is around other Christians she changes her stance and talks bad about Satan and is quick to give him the fault,she is the one who held me back for a long time and a lying thing i cannot believe is fam to me. She acts like a jew in its nature all thse years,i have sufferd because of her.. She is the one who made my mother and father devorce and the reason i was sent to the Christian rehabs.

I know it is frowned apon when talking bad about one's own family,but i really really doen't know anymore with her. Its has been going on for years and i when't through a lot of abuse verbally. Her nature really is like that of a jew,its like she torments my soul..
If she is a jew then that means im part jew,but that cannot be right because since i can remember i had Satanic spirit in me. She is pure evil one day then tomorrow a christian Saint. Why is this can someone please help me understand, could it maby be that she is not the real mother of my father or somthing.. sorry i hate talking about this,and asking ! but i need advise. I really know im not a jew,and doent look like one but she fucking does in a way. And her evil nature against human nature make me fucking boil.

Hook into xtianity enough and it actually changes the structure of the soul. You will understand this after a few years if you consistently meditate and then look at her again with your astral eyes. Its called becoming a spiritual Jew.

A person becomes like them in soul and may even take on some features in the body if they believe enough and tie into it enough. They can never be a full genetic jew though but they sure as hell will act like it.

Do not feed into the enemy if they start making you wonder if you are a Jew cause of this. If you had a positive spiritual experience with Satan you have no Jew DNA.

Damon said:
AllFathersdaughter666 said:
Honestly, I blame entities who pretend to be Satan or demons and give the Gods and Goddesses a bad reputation. It also causes people to pray more to that false god so as to have more psychic energy. To feed it.

Not everything is mental illness... HP, there really are evil entities out there.

Then the mentally ill? Well, a lot of them are people who dabbled in the wrong magick. Some summon bad shit and caused them to go insane. Father told me that Schizophrenia isn't real, but entities talking to people.. be it Gods, ghosts, reptilians, greys, angels or whatever...

Unless I'm wrong here... please do correct me if I am.

It's not mental illness in the way you think as Schizophrenia, but astral delusions in most cases. If you believe in something with all your heart you will create a thoughtform of it and see it astrally. Some enemy entities might be involved, but it's not very common. These enemy entities, evil as they may be, they don't have time to go around harassing every single person. You can see Christians having strong beliefs and psychic experiences which are a direct reflection of these beliefs and claim that their experiences confirm their beliefs when it is the opposite.

The JoS site refers to them where it says that when you approach Satan it must be with open mind and without any previous beliefs. If you have strong beliefs and preconceptions about him you will see an astral reflection of your preconceptions and beliefs and not the real Satan. Or you might contact Satan but he will appear according to the preconceived image you have of him.

The enemy entities harass anyone who is open to the spiritual at all no matter who they are. When me and my girlfriend who was diagnosed as skitsophrenic talk about mental breakdowns we see them interchangeably with enemy attack. You are somewhat right though. Part of this is false perception which the entities also often try to feed to confuse someone. Tell me one time you have ever heard of anyone (an outsider) becoming open to the spiritual in any way and not have an attack or bad experience. That tells you that its much different than what they tell you on this. The enemy entities literally will mess with anyone who is open no matter who they are or what they believe. There must be something in the matrix they set up that let's them know when someone becomes spiritually open somehow. Also many of these people were involved in enemy magick of some sort or were strong xtians that ties them into the enemy strongly. It is the enemy causing this mostly but also thoughtforms and perceptions. If you listen to what people say about mental illness it can not ever be fixed. These things can be fixed though (sometimes quite eaisly and quickly surprisingly i know how to fix this stuff myself and helped a few people the quickest way is affirming they are disconnected from the enemies of Satan and munka/runes after only a couple sessions even if you do a large count the symptoms mostly stop) either by the person or someone who knows what they are doing helping the person in the spiritual. So if it is simply mental illness that couldn't happen. If its not mostly entities and the enemy why would this be true.
slyscorpion said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
The enemy is already sharing me fucking bible profishits to try and proof their bible talks about this in the end times...and guys i really hope my G mother gets what she deserves .She is not only a traitor,but a two faced jew hybird or somthing,she agree's with me but tries anything to still prove the bible is good after i told her the truth to the best of my ability s and when she is around other Christians she changes her stance and talks bad about Satan and is quick to give him the fault,she is the one who held me back for a long time and a lying thing i cannot believe is fam to me. She acts like a jew in its nature all thse years,i have sufferd because of her.. She is the one who made my mother and father devorce and the reason i was sent to the Christian rehabs.

I know it is frowned apon when talking bad about one's own family,but i really really doen't know anymore with her. Its has been going on for years and i when't through a lot of abuse verbally. Her nature really is like that of a jew,its like she torments my soul..
If she is a jew then that means im part jew,but that cannot be right because since i can remember i had Satanic spirit in me. She is pure evil one day then tomorrow a christian Saint. Why is this can someone please help me understand, could it maby be that she is not the real mother of my father or somthing.. sorry i hate talking about this,and asking ! but i need advise. I really know im not a jew,and doent look like one but she fucking does in a way. And her evil nature against human nature make me fucking boil.

Hook into xtianity enough and it actually changes the structure of the soul. You will understand this after a few years if you consistently meditate and then look at her again with your astral eyes. Its called becoming a spiritual Jew.

A person becomes like them in soul and may even take on some features in the body if they believe enough and tie into it enough. They can never be a full genetic jew though but they sure as hell will act like it.

Do not feed into the enemy if they start making you wonder if you are a Jew cause of this. If you had a positive spiritual experience with Satan you have no Jew DNA.

This truely helps! Thank you for telling me that,yes then i am for sure no Jew,the thing is i only get positive experiences from Satan,unless i do stupid things,but all my happiness is linked to Him in one way or another. I know that for a fact!
Henu the Great said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
The enemy is already sharing me fucking bible profishits to try and proof their bible talks about this in the end times...and guys i really hope my G mother gets what she deserves .She is not only a traitor,but a two faced jew hybird or somthing,she agree's with me but tries anything to still prove the bible is good after i told her the truth to the best of my ability s and when she is around other Christians she changes her stance and talks bad about Satan and is quick to give him the fault,she is the one who held me back for a long time and a lying thing i cannot believe is fam to me. She acts like a jew in its nature all thse years,i have sufferd because of her.. She is the one who made my mother and father devorce and the reason i was sent to the Christian rehabs.

I know it is frowned apon when talking bad about one's own family,but i really really doen't know anymore with her. Its has been going on for years and i when't through a lot of abuse verbally. Her nature really is like that of a jew,its like she torments my soul..
If she is a jew then that means im part jew,but that cannot be right because since i can remember i had Satanic spirit in me. She is pure evil one day then tomorrow a christian Saint. Why is this can someone please help me understand, could it maby be that she is not the real mother of my father or somthing.. sorry i hate talking about this,and asking ! but i need advise. I really know im not a jew,and doent look like one but she fucking does in a way. And her evil nature against human nature make me fucking boil.
She sounds like a very lost person. Poor soul. Leave her alone as she is waste of time and energy. It sounds harsh, but there is nothing wrong choosing Satan over some xtian programmed family member. The more you can distance yourself from persons who bring you down, the better. Sometimes you might not be able to, and thats when the results of daily meditation come into play. You do meditate daily, don't you?

Thank you Henu,yes i have noticed that but i feel a bit angry (a fucking lot) i doen't like people especially those who know the truth about Satan or atleast Christianty,then still choose to be Christian or to defend it. I need justice for my soul! I doen't want her to die but believe me she really deserves punishment for every aware choice she made to go against SATAN(my GOD,my Ancient Father my protector and my entire being!!!!!) That is what she has spiritual toutched in my life or poked with a spear for 15 or more years
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Thank you Henu,yes i have noticed that but i feel a bit angry (a fucking lot) i doen't like people especially those who know the truth about Satan or atleast Christianty,then still choose to be Christian or to defend it. I need justice for my soul! I doen't want her to die but believe me she really deserves punishment for every aware choice she made to go against SATAN(my GOD,my Ancient Father my protector and my entire being!!!!!) That is what she has spiritual toutched in my life or poked with a spear for 15 or more years
It's not ethically right for you to be the one punishing someone who transgresses against Satan. Or let's put it in other way they choose xianity over Satan. It's between the Gods and that person. However if you are wronged somehow then you should take appropriate measures against that.

To make an analogy you dont punch someones face completely in and brake an arm when they push you and call you a moron. Get it? Be ethical about your approach.

But before you even consider it I think it would be more vital for yourself to establish a steady meditation/yoga schedule and follow it first. Then, when that is set you could learn to use magick.

Something to consider..

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
