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Focalor / Lucifuge Rofocal Ritual Now LIVE!

Omule, nu-i o munca de cateva zile sau saptamani, e vorba si de cum te aplici tu insu-ti, zi de zi. Fa RTR-uri , curata-ti Aura, Chakre-le, in pralel observa metode practice sa te ridici, ce poti face ce poti invata. Nimeni nu-ti da nimic in mana trebuie sa faci tu efortul necesar. Daca esti intr-o situatie jalnica , da , cere ajutor unui Demon, normal, dar din nou, demonstreaza efort, demonstraza ca intr-adevar vrei. Arde-ti limitele nu te lasa cotropit de jale sau alte emotii. Aici toti luptam intr-o maniera sau alta si suntem rasplatiti pe masura.

"Man , this is not a working of a few days or weeks , it's also about how one applies himself day by day indefinitely. Do the RTRs , clean your Aura, and chakras, find also practical ways of lifting yourself , to find what to do or learn. Nobody gives you anything in your hand, you must put in the necessary effort. If you're really in a bad situation , of course go ahead ask the help of a Demon, but again, you must show you're willing to fully apply yourself. Burn your limits and don't let bad emotions get to you. We all fight here in a way or another and we are rewarded accordingly."
your camera

Thanks for the reply
Omule, nu-i o munca de cateva zile sau saptamani, e vorba si de cum te aplici tu insu-ti, zi de zi. Fa RTR-uri , curata-ti Aura, Chakre-le, in pralel observa metode practice sa te ridici, ce poti face ce poti invata. Nimeni nu-ti da nimic in mana trebuie sa faci tu efortul necesar. Daca esti intr-o situatie jalnica , da , cere ajutor unui Demon, normal, dar din nou, demonstreaza efort, demonstraza ca intr-adevar vrei. Arde-ti limitele nu te lasa cotropit de jale sau alte emotii. Aici toti luptam intr-o maniera sau alta si suntem rasplatiti pe masura.

"Man , this is not a working of a few days or weeks , it's also about how one applies himself day by day indefinitely. Do the RTRs , clean your Aura, and chakras, find also practical ways of lifting yourself , to find what to do or learn. Nobody gives you anything in your hand, you must put in the necessary effort. If you're really in a bad situation , of course go ahead ask the help of a Demon, but again, you must show you're willing to fully apply yourself. Burn your limits and don't let bad emotions get to you. We all fight here in a way or another and we are rewarded accordingly."
By the way, I entered this religion with the intention of becoming rich, this religion is not mine
I have been dedicated for four years, my meditation routine is 3 hours a day on weekends, even more, and I still have countless needs and problems and even more since I dedicated
I don't want to discourage anyone, but for me it is toxic and takes up my time for nothing
I would like to feel its power and a little of the wealth it possesses, to feed my soul and annihilate poverty, but no matter how long my meditations and rituals are, they still lead to failure.
I know it's not ok, but I can't lie to myself with different statements, this is the truth
By the way, I entered this religion with the intention of becoming rich, this religion is not mine
I have been dedicated for four years, my meditation routine is 3 hours a day on weekends, even more, and I still have countless needs and problems and even more since I dedicated
I don't want to discourage anyone, but for me it is toxic and takes up my time for nothing

How can you assume or believe your spells are failing? This violates/stresses the basic rules of witchcraft if you are carrying this belief into your subsequent work.

None of our problems are solved overnight. In regards to wealth, this can involve any karma on the Sun, Jupiter, and Venus and any of their associated houses (2, 5, and 9), plus houses ruled by them in your chart, aspects to them, and so on.

Part of creating wealth is also about being optimistic about one's value (Sun) and potential for growth (Jupiter), so if you are currently expressing the opposite of this, then that suggests to me one area of yours that needs specific attention.

Further, if you specifically need magickal willpower, then look into the Eihwaz rune and what it represents. Here is an additional resource with tips for successful workings: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/reminders-and-solutions-regarding-workings.158938/

Other resources on wealth:

I tried many times to communicate with the gods and ask for their help
but they let me down many times.
once I asked for help in reaching an understanding with an enemy,
and in case something happens, to save me.
This enemy had 4 other people with him and they beat me extremely badly, I was lying on the floor and I was screaming for help but no one intervened, not even the great gods.
these are some of the disappointments i had

This is unfortunate, but sometimes we have to face our karma in a way that may be uncomfortable. I cannot directly comment on what happened, but if you had taken certain actions which resulted in this event, the Gods are limited in how they can help, because you yourself would have to learn.

These can be fated events which I believe the Gods take the position of giving guidance, but not directly blocking unless it is truly necessary, but like I said I don't want to get too far into the trap of debating this. However, these are exactly the type of questions and concerns you need to direct towards your GD, rather than saying nothing and letting your faith collapse as a result.
Sorry by mistake I sent the message, can you tell me if there is also ritual to Amun or other gods. And rituals can be done if I'm not advanced.
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This post requires an introduction, because Lucifuge Rofocal has went under extreme amounts of slander, which I will rectify, bringing Him back to proper stature. For those in rush to do the Rituals, scroll on the bottom of this post.

Focalor / Lucifuge Rofocal Ritual Now LIVE!

Those who know about the mass desecration of the enemy to our Gods, also know they have perverted their Names. Baal-Zebul went from being the Head God of Ekron, to being the “lord of the flies”, because of blasphemy in regard to flies against Him. While Beelzebul was driving flies and pestilence away, that was perverted.

Recovering the factual reality of these topics, one of the most slandered entities by Name alone, is “Lucifuge Rofocale”, which is mentioned in enemy doctrines as the “Representative of Satan”. That is a code. But going on strictly by the name, we deduct the following ultimate corruptions:

“Luci-Fuge” comes from two elements: Lux, meaning Light in Latin & Fuge comes from the Ancient Greek word “Φεύγον”, meaning, “He who runs away from”. In modern English, we have this root appearing in the word “Fugitive”, or someone who is on the run. Lucifugus also exists in Latin, literally meaning "He who shuns the light".

The second aspect of this name, is “Rofocal”, which is a code for the word “Reficul”, coming from the inversion of the word “Lucifer” in Latin. It’s very plain to see here, that there is not only major blasphemy and distortion about this being, but there is also a literal inversion of the being’s Name.

"In fact, Rofocal(e) is a code for “Reficul” – or “Lucifer” written backwards. And this makes sense, since Lucifuge means “he who flees from the light”, while the opposite (“reverse”) is Lucifer, the “light-bearer”. So basically, “Rofocale” means the same as “Lucifuge”." - From ---- (PDF) On Rofocale & Focalor, or the Riddle of Lucifuge | Luís Gonçalves - Academia.edu 1

Another situation is that Lucifuge Rofocal, ended up to become the inspiration of the character "Mephistopheles", the representative of the Devil. Albeit these stories are filled with enemy content, they still have a sweet artistic tone about them, with Mephistopheles going in adventures and teaching Spiritual Knowledge to Faust, in Goethe's works. However, these are still written to conform with the Christian narratives, which are fully errant and contain many elements from Jewish Kabbalah and Christianity. That aside, they are still works of art and they inspired many people over the past, to seek the Demons again, even for the entirely wrong reasons based on the conceptions of the time.

Goethe's masterpiece, was a pivotal turn from the previous conception of the Dark Ages, as he essentially re-introduced the worship of the Demons as a pursuit of the wise people who were curious about the occult. Goethe still is considered a Satanist by the Christian Church for that reason, and he most likely was a disciple of Satan, despite the confusion of the age he existed in. In his works, Mephistopheles is interesting, hyper-intelligent and speaks many factual truths about "God", his work having a covert but polemic character against the wrong conceptions of the church at the time.

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Now, we are moving past these historical topics onward to the occult topics of the subject.

In occult terms, Lucifuge Rofocal, is essentially a representative of Lucifer, holding the position that is equal to a “Presidential Court Envoy”. As Lucifer is our God [the most well known epithet ascribed to “Satan”, or “Light Bringer”], when “Lucifuge” was given an edict from the Light [Lucifer] he had to leave the light [of Lucifer] deliver this edict. As to leave this higher state one must divulge into the lower realms, the legendary Mephistopheles was also associated with “Lucifuge Rofocal”, being the “Representative of the pacts” towards Satan Himself. Mephistopheles is simply another name for Lucifuge Rofocal.

He is an intermediary that must go to the light and “flee from it”, in order to deliver Satan/Lucifer’s messages as a representative or mail-man would do. He is also listed as being the friendliest and most compassionate to human beings. I have communicated with Him before and all these evil descriptions of the enemy are complete slander. Others know that as well from here.

In traditional “Grimoires” of the Dark Ages, many people were influenced by “Pope Honorius” who wrote that slander, to attempt regardless of the evil illustrations to strike pacts with Satan for numerous purposes, ranging from knowledge, supernatural understanding or abilities, or material riches. The Dark Ages were rife with hidden disciples of Satan, who were nevertheless trapped into the negative paradigms and false notions of the enemy. The Gods helped them regardless and many of these people became later the paragons of the “Enlightenment” or the downfall of the Dark Ages, restoring civilization.

Lucifuge Rofocal is also given two powers: One is to bestow riches, power and prominence, based on Satan/Lucifer’s divine edicts, things that concern the lower material realms. The second as “Focalor” is written about how he has a malevolent aspect that can cause shipwrecks and destruction. As the latter world comes from the inversion of Lucifer, it’s no wonder that this was used to slander him in a malevolent manner.

Lucifuge Rofocal, in the texts even admitted of such by the enemy, they write that “He is in charge” of transferring the “pacts” people want to do, to Satan/Lucifer. That is because of his position as a representative.

Albeit all of this is gross corruption, there are still clear meanings if one can draw them out. His other name is Focalor, rooted in the Latin word Focalis, which means Fire. Fire is associated with the Astral element of the Light, again related to this.

In plain, as one would be called “He who leaves the President”, is carrying a message from the President they just met, they must go away in order to deliver that message. In order to rectify this, I contacted him directly to ask Him, since the above is wholly corrupted, what his Name is and how he would like to be addressed.

The public name with which he will be known from now on, is this: “Lucifius Focalor” or simply Focalor. Another name that can be used, is His Mesopotamian name “Isimud”, or “Usmu”. In the epics surviving from his Mesopotamian identity, it’s very much illustrated that he has the same function, always being with “Enki” on his side as an envoy, delivering messages and passing down the edicts of Enki.

Astarte, Beelzebul and Azazel also have their own “representative envoy” in the same manner, which are other Gods from the Goetia. In the case of Zeus/Beelzebul, that is Thoth.

About this topic of “messengers”, a well known God of messengers is Hermes. Hermes was the messenger of Zeus, transferring his edicts to mortals and the Gods. In Ancient Babylonia, this position was called a “Sukal”, and these entities were recognized to have that role.

Lucifuge Rofocal and other names that are pure slanderous to the Demons, are removed from the Demon’s section, as they do not represent the Pagan Gods and we should entirely avoid using abhorrent titles for our Gods.

They will be kept there as part of historical review, but they will no longer be used from now on, as they equate as someone inviting someone in their house and using swearing to bring them in. That was the case in the medieval times, where the factual topics were forbade of discussion and the Gods had to undergo severe slander and persecution, therefore, they answered inquiries even from blinded people. But that is not the case anymore at all.

The Ritual given here is for Lucifius Focalor and this Ritual represents his absolution from historical lies, slander and falsehood, and a kind re-invitation of human beings to associate with this most important deity.

Links to the Ritual:

Ritual is to be done until May 22nd.

thank you for more information about this, when I first joined I was wondering who this was. Thank you for helping me know them more. I really think the dark ages were the worst of the worst for humanity( hopefully we never go though that again) Hail Satan Hail Lucifer Hail Focalor.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
