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taoist - Wong tin king / part two


New member
Mar 10, 2024


This is the part 2, they will part 3 and 4 coming next.

Notes that with training, knowledge given in our site and forum we can extrapolate ideas of the Taoist training referred in the text. But only someone higher up can trace the details and real training. A said these are my courses notes and i will put commentaries.

The cannon text often used the term called as to point the Chinese mantras, sometimes it just add the word spirit to point it out. Teacher in one chapter seems to indicate that the description is sometimes also the hidden name. In highlights I will put the training references.

Chap 2- dight yi jeung

Above there is wun (liver) and park (lung) spleen below/earthly 3 inches down navel
Left/east/location of birth is young-yang (left kidney/ left eye) right/west/location of destruction supreme-yin (right kidney, right eye)
Behind/north there is closed-door (kidney stores ching, the 2 orifices) in front life door (navel, 7 orifices)
Out/open/yang sun in/close/yin moon exhale inhale linger/visualize
4 chis(breaths = during 4 seasons) matching the 3-scenes (sun, moon stars) clear and distinct
Purple-fumes (refined chi n the eye) up down 3-coloured- clouds (purple white and yellow)
Irrigate 5 -flowers (5 organs) nurture transcendental-root (the tongue)
7 liquids (from 7 orifices) circulate upwards (to forehead)
Flow downward purple embrace yellow into the 3 dant tien
Closed-chamber (kidney) inside bright illuminating yang-root (life door)

1Upper part
is heart
1Gwan yuenkidney (below), not places of organs
means theses spots must stay closed (when urinated, pull anus so no leak of chi)
2 orifices are 2 down hole
Center (joan)= place where chi is transformed.
Dimly be aware of central region, with time below heart chi will grow. It is called guarding the center.
4Breath out Is yang. Left eye = sun, right one moon, at night time before bed imagine sun appear on right eye, both shine through upper dan tien and 5 organs. At some time they merge. Give good health. Left is yang (body side)
54 chis
prime chi
visualise prime chi or stars
6Chi will raise to the head and form and purple smoke in the eyes, most important opening up and down circulation
7Ling gunDivine route
Keep tongue on the roof
8it will go up to the forehead then go
9Go down
10Visualise kidney by looking inside, you will illumine it
When see inside, chi go up and down, nourish 5 organs

*** description physical placement do not fit. As said in part one, we talk about a zone or a building. Interessant that here north is black (kidney = water, north direction), south/fire navel. In fact solar plexus or sun chakra (fire) is in front physical kidneys that are protected by thoracic cage. We may conclude here that Navel refer to 3rd chakra.

*** text in comments are different separate practices for teacher but I believe they can also be combined like Chinese character (teacher analysed separate meaning of each then give a new meaning with combination) . Matching word bugged me for a while since it means doing same thing. So is it color organ that comes from stars ? my belief due to word clear and distinct is that the matching refer to the general process of breathing. Clear imply bright. Color bright is invoke to replace the dull one of organ (case sick or dirty) . They do not precisee what to do at any destination. We may assume that once destination is pure, like our alchemical training, energy container and force invoked is mixed, spin. Lower down is my training idea of the text.

*** In each season practice breath season element (eg: winter = water, black that will go in kidneys. Note that right now we are in beginning spring (wood = liver = green) You already have in other article the details of training .

Then invoke sun moon stars energy with 3 colors said. Due to importance in Taoism and assignation of colors ( moon is white, sun yellow, purple is great bear) Stars should refer here to great bear (9 star). Point of entry of sky is crown chakra. As in the site / forum we may see tendrils to represent the connection and see flow passing in from each star to the crown chakra. Important is that the color is clear/bright not dull (means not healthy)

The 3 color goes to their respective dan tian. For me they are 2 4 6 chakra in center line due to description of their placement but an unique text said 4th is in fact solar plexus, 3rd chakra. Which imply upper dant tian is moon, 4th or 3rd sun, last one left 2nd great bear .. In chi kung if we send energy in a dan tian we pass in and out by front line microcosmic orbit, 3rd eye, heart point, front 2nd chakra (cesarian line). You can do it like that but I believe since front body is considered yin, receiving and back is yang; it is better to do out energy by back line if flow is continuous . You adjust with context. Same door can be an entry or an exit, the question is the flow (perpertually in imply no place out if door is small, tehrefroe an other exit is used).

I suppose goal is to purify the 3 dan tian as we do with breathing in an organ. So choose how to exhale impurities (no details so use the site way). Then once done there is only bright light in dan tian. We merge inherent purifie ligth dan tian to the outisde one. (n odetails so we may spin). 3 repeating steps after : A color of dan tian as ball goes out let yellow in dantian (funny yellow is color gold) . Move up down is microcosmic orbit ( passing by heart clean and purify according to Taoist-book comment, imply one full wheel done at least) . After the color is sent to upper dan tian. As satanist, we like up down but here there is a logic. We do not want mixing new purified energy to impure energy esiding in destination. So order will be upper middle, lower. Ball mix with contains chakra each time . At end The 3 colors will make a new purified purple although internet said white and yellow gives bright yellow, yellow + purple = brown.

.Then pass by tongue result 6th (saliva or not) to 5 organs or 5 chakras (chakras are said to be lotus, a flower pointing sky, text said flowers). The 7 orifices are not the usual ones (eyes, ears, nose, mouth, 2 lower yin = 9 orifices) , It may be in fact a reference to 7 chakras . Therefore charge 5 organs then 7 chakras. The flow go up by back line to crown (best if do a wheel first). What we do next is taking energy 7 chakras by wheel to 7th, mixing them all the results feos down mixing with yellow each dan tian.

After illuminate (make bright light) in kidneys to navel can be interpreted as illuminate lower dan tien (tied to kidneys) up to solar plexus (3rd chakra is also called navel) in one word illuminate the whole zone talked about, the hell zone. But this last part is curious, they seems to be missing a section between the line of 3 dan tian and that training. Since 3 dantian are important in Taoism and the idea in beginning text (matching), it may in fact be an example to repeat the process at each dan tian. I choose to do so. Of course, in any exercise you program after the final result (healthy long life, immortality Is the goal) even if it is not repeated at each chapters.

Visualise kidney by looking inside, you will illumine it
When see inside, chi go up and down, nourish 5 organs

*** We already do that in chakras training, we put light in chakras, inner seeing reference is a classic like seeing your organ and can be applied to all senses. Comparaison of training will be moving consciousness of bardon in forum , we choose first where we are. EG : you are out your body and see it transparent from a distance to see organ. But Taoism put emphasis inside so place your eyes at a section inside your body to look from outside the organ. Naturally you may place yourself inside the organ itself like in the site (enter object, animal,etc…)

Body chi circulate in same patten so at noon chi attain heart then chi become yin (liquid). This cycle is the small cycle/circulation. There is a large circulation. Small one follow the day, large one the year, by making them correspond we speed up chi.

Water trigram : yang is gold within water
Fire trigram : yin is true yin

Want them to interchange so have heat and sky trigram. During yin hour is time to rest. Earth is spleen center , yi, idea, motion and mental activities, motive. Without it cycle won’t do.

*** logicly he meant timing practices like in western astrology. We can train anything any time but specidifc time are better (planet hour, sign,etc…). According to this we train more the organ/element of the season at right time but we can do others too, result for them will be just less potent.. Un said, , it may imply due to day cycle of microcosmic orbit that we should train more back line chakra midnight to noon, front ones noon to midnight. We do not apply this theory but it could be interessant to check.

As for moving energy in the wheel, it is evident that you need the will, wish, intent and knowledge of existence of the practice. . If all text are destroyed and/or the knowledge not given orally, you would have never though even of the possibility of the microcosmic orbit exercise. In the past they were no translation of chinese books, not many kung fu teacher were referencing to the wheel, it was hidden. It is nearly mantak chia 1st book that has awaken the idea of its existence and the opening of chinese spirituality. Which makes scary the tendecy to put all on pdf. Weapons affecting electronics will make useless all electronic devices . We are in an era where no electricity imply no computer, no cellular, no electric car ( no moving, no money, no commnunication, no access to knowledge ). We must therefore be prepared for the worst.

Chap 3 – mouth is

Mouth is jade pool supreme harmony minister
Gargle/rinse swallow divine liquid disaster will not befall
Body produces/emits light/brilliance chi/breath fragrance (as) orchid
Drive/away destroy 100 evils jade refined facial complexion
Cautiously/diligently able to practice it ascend to the immense gold
Day and night not sleepy then become a true man (hsien)
Thunder roars electric charges shen (spirit) awakened/clear/fearless

2 first characterName of the chapter
mouthSo will have to know something about liquid, saliva. When have saliva in mouth, swallow it, it will rise so do a cycle.
Jade poolIs name of mouth, saliva nourish the body (so precious as jade). Mouth is minister of all body for harmony of chi
gargleSo first use tongue to full mouth of saliva, gargle before swallow. Only when pure that water go up (vapor)
Saliva cleanse 5 organs
. When sick mouth is dryer, totally in death. So when sick or feel dry drink it
When 8 channels opened there is light/brilliance (meditation/death)
fragranceIs sweet flower (rose, not just orchid) depending the stage of organs purified.
evilsAre ghost demons
Skin is different. All this is because of saliva technic. When have some drink it.
Immense coldIs a palace in the moon, spirit of the sun rest there, mean become a sin.
Day…Practice it anytime, mind is also clear (not affected by anything else)
sleepMean also no go to sleep, body may sleep less and never do the spirit.
The techic is called to conquer the sleeping ghost(demon). This is possible only if clear mind all day or when want.
Thunder…Last phrase is even if thunder and lightning, spirit not affected. Lui ming is also tap the drums, deen gick is knock teeth, theses 2 exercise help stay awake.
So after beating, knocking swallow.
When swallow see in stomach is a young virgin (baby) at the entrance opening the mouth toward sky, receiving it. Baby is female without clothes (roughly). If il and not enough saliva, visualise virgin, use glass of water to help

*** text is about importance of drinking saliva. Teacher commentaries gives clues to the process. The reference to a flower and the result of it (to smell must be opened) may imply that saliva (charge in water) is send to a part of us making them brighter, nourishing them . Fragrance (result) smell normally everywhere (put result in all body) but closer to source (here body). We use light in training of site and forum but not saliva.

Ascend may imply due to emphasis won tin king on upper dan tian ,to send the 7 resulting chakras energy in 6th chakra , making with their fusion (mix/ spin) a color of gold. As for thunder, isn’t it funny coincidence that we use thor name, god of thunder/ligthning pronounced as thaur for the 6th chaka ?. Just to say that in yoga it is used also tam for 3rd eye, therefore taum. T as a latin letter imply top of something in this case spine. I will need to hear the thunder sound again, that sound referred may also be a mantras to put in upper dan tian like the sound of wind used for emptying the mind by some school (by memory zen myth question, answer was mantra wu as woo). The thunder is also the result of moving lightning in air which may imply that moving light (spin ?) is done first in upper dan tian and after comes the cracking sound awakening the spirit (mind, 6th chakra)


sound HA (pronounce h) few minutes. When feel better (well) do not do it. The good chi will escape.

Chap 4 – yellow court

Yellow court (cardiac region) inner person dressed in brocade (5 coloured)
Purple flower (chi) flying skirt (clothing of hsien) cloud chi enclosed
Red blue green branch light green divine heavy branch
7 orifices jade lock close 2 entrances (2 eyes)
Double entrances (eyes) metal gate tightly securely stored (not to waste ching/chi)
Mystical spring (saliva) secret palace (between kidneys) high above towering
3 tien (upper central lower) ching chi slightly warm
Dainty girl (ear spirit) petite/slimly graceful floating heavenly light
Double hall (the throat) (to describe bright condition) light up 8 directions (gwa)
Heavenly court (between eyebrows) earthly gate (coccyx) arrayed axe (brave and strong)
Divine terrace located securely never collapse.

The wong ting Is an orifice located between the heart and abdomen and is the very site for concocting the elixir. Its receptivity can contain green yellow red white and black chi while its tightness is as though enclosed in jade lock and metal gate. Towering above, the mystical spring from the mouth irrigates and warms the 3 fields (upper middle lower) thereby gradually generating ching and chi. Let not the dainty girl (name of the ear spirit) escape outside and let the double hall (throat) nourish the whole body. Then eventually the heavenly court (spot between eyebrows) will automatically open and the earthly gate (coccyx) will start circulating. At this the real chi cycles throughout and the divine terrace (heart) is one at rest and radiates brightly In action forever without fail.

*** yellow court depending context is sometimes middle dan tian, solar plexus and because of color yellow also earth/ spleen. Here teacher said cardiac region in text but comments of his point to solar plexus . Since heart is a connector and close to sun chakra it may explains their confusion. The god to see there have 5 color dressing inside. He have a vest purple. The name seems to be missing or hidden in text.

It may also just mean put 5 elements or energy 5 chakras in yellow court, result is purple (refine chi) around it. Remember the myth of cronos eating 5 babies that are vomited as adult /developped bodies., coincidence may be.

Small Branch on trees imply flowers, leaves so chakras, make bright green main branch imply the link between each 3 little branch . 3 color seems to refer to 3 dan tian (sun / fire as red, moon / water as black, therefore green is the one left, lower one) which imply their link is the central line chakra used in Taoist magic . Eyes are entrance liver. These seems to be a focus on rising energy from 2nd (green put in main branch) . In Taoist training, the guardians in front of holes either protect from bad energy getting in or keep energy trying to escape by it.

Water of kidneys (2nd dan tian tien) move up to upper dan tian, the saliva from it goes down to 3 dan tian activating them mildly (not excess concentration) . We have ear spirit name and its visualisation to do. Ear are opening kidney, again same concept, avoiding energy escaping with a visualisation and calling a name at the door. With that step, we can foresee an other possibility. There is a possibility that green energy of liver is send to lower dan tian to go up after linking the 3 dan tian. Next is energy kidney send to lower dan tian then up. Main branch may be in fact the spine so again microcosmic orbit path. There is no mention of red of heart ? Do we repeat same concept ?.

Next is energy throat (result in saliva from 6th) that goes to all directions. Compass was a symbol of the word and for Taoist they are 8 spots microcosmic orbit /8 gwas. The choice may be put light in the 8 spots or in all body . (south is bai hui crown, north perineum 1st chakra, east is back heart…)

Now why speak of 3rd eye and coccyx ? Commentary teacher, and the word axe, seems to point to starting points to the flow in microcosmic orbit. Let choose to be a bar between them, As rise energy in spine, it push the other down . It may imply focus on 2 opposite points of the wheel in same time as do the microcosmic orbit, fat etch but why do we move only sun around earth (body), why not moon it s opposite ? I once have seen in forum the idea that we must train opposites chakras in same time schedule (1-7, 2-5, 3-6) but I cannot trace it anymore. Couples must mate to have kid to fill life in their house and the connector here is the axe 4th chakra. The interessant part too is if we do an X with the text references of spot with opposite points (check mirror) the yellow court (middle dan tian) seems to be the center.

Chap 5 – middle pool

Middle pool inner spirit clothed in red pearl
*** could be said as
  • Darn gum wun po dye foo foo
  • Red brocade cloud robe wearing tiger belt ***
The tongue 3 inches divinities reside
Concealed fabulous (plant of fairy land) obstruction dense automatically to follow

The middle pool is the navel. It breathes with the mother before birth and cultivate the primal elixir after birth. In pured calm and wu-wei then the red pearls emerge as fire belt and the abode of divinities, after expelling evils, will assist one another

Middle poolThe gall, the area below the tongue and above the throat, the navel region
Red pearltHe clothing of fire
Red brocadeThe colour of the heart
Cloud robeThe colour of the lungs
Tiger beltTo dispel evils

*** the text seems to be a training. fire pill from 3rd chakra / heart move to below tongue (opening heart). It explain the visualization of the deity receiving the red pill and name the process a cleaning. But the god name is missing except if it is Red brocade cloud robe wearing tiger belt daan1 gam2 wan4 pou4 daai3 fu2 ?? (belt, different character is also daai3, fu3 = pants, a mistake of his ?)

Comments shows more using the navel to make a red pearl that move in belt meridian purifying channel. Seems like the alchemy training of our site (moving red ball in microcosmic orbit). Emphasis on navel or center may well be in fact a reference to 3rd chakra called also navel. In overall, it may mean red pill or fire energy condesned as a sphere is made in 3rd chakra then it must clean the 8 channels so every thing in body function in harmony.

Chap 6 – in heaven

The heavenly mountain perseverant diligent cultivate/practise
Divine abode already clean/cleared jade emperor tour
All through/unimpeded roads have no termination and ending
The eyebrows called flower lid covering bright pearl
9 darkness sun moon cave empty nothingness
Above inside there is a real man always clothed in red
Examine can see, it no sickness trouble
Red pearl dragon skirt flowery hair brilliant
Tongue below mystical chest life death shore
Out green in black the 2 chis obvious
You if meet it ascend to the heaven above

The human heart is the medial mountain between heaven and earth. Originally it is pure, void and if cultivated with dedication and perseverance not shrouded by desires and wants, then the above is divine and the emperor will tour in it. There then is no impediment throughout the whole body. If the eyebrows are open, eyes are clear and the land of the 9 darkness will be lit as if by sunshine and moonlight. The heart is fire and if not nourished with water, trouble occurs. Moreover, the red pearl and only dragon can keep and carries water. The saliva from beneath the tongue would descend for the alternation of the yin/yang chi and soon hsienhood is attained.

Do first, thumb middle rub nose with joints slowly 10 minutes downward motion, rub surface not sides, do not press.
If hairs of nose go out cut it
Divine abodeCheeks (cloud above)
In it will appear dark-dim-lines if bad and an other kind of sin
clearshould clear face means rub until warm then rub cheeks first at bones then all cheek
for men at night for kidney, rub min moon. For ladies rub sole of feet for keeping them warm

Small child have cold cheek and warm feet, with age yang chi go up. Too hot cheek is bad health. Against that do standing meditation (iron shirt embracing tree but lower arms)
3 areas to rub : cheek, ears, bones behind ears. Rub palm first, beating the drums. After meditation massage all limbs.

After 8 opened 5 chi will go up to pay homage to the prime (emperor) means head.
Jade emperor is you own spirit that you created by work. The tour (face) will be place where he will one day pass. = roll 36 times in 2 sense eyeball
Bright pearlEyes
Chi and spirit go always through the eyes
9 darkness9 levels of hell (there is 9 heaven too)
Sun and moon2 eyes
Means that eyes closed and visualise, look inside, no illness can hide, it is an exercise with 5 organs
redHeart, boy of the red city (this time)
Healing effect for heart is visualized young boy in red. Close eyes under the tongue ,there is a region related to death and life, this region must always have saliva (dry = death)
greenIs yang, breath out is yang
blackIs yin
meetMeet it (yin-yang)
When go to sleep do not expose the navel region. 2 directions 99 times each circulation motion on it (Clockwise – right)
Not too wide, shoulder around between feet (iron shirt but lower) 3 times in day, 15 count then rotation knee then walk around. Do it again, hands loose, smile, no tension never 100% full stomach, good 50% or less when feel uncomfortable (a little0 straight up
. Help ankles and yang chi to go down.

*** or the part in meet, it is the closing classic similar to mantak chia and other chi kung . But here there is no spiral to in or out, just circle. For info qigong empowerement book have n interressant version which is horizontal isntead vertical . The closing is applied after standing meditation

*** commentaries teachers seems to point chakras to open at eyebrows (or above it), and it give ligth in 9 spots (7 + 2 knots ? or 5 organs and 4 prime points in microcosmic orbit ?). They are many references in internet by hindu or egyptians, anime to eyes or eyebrows. For sure I will never invoke energy in the eyes organ but rather in chakra of it and due to safety I will prefer above them . repeating Coincidence is 2 dots over eyebrows, mis places eyebrows too huge, horns facing front instead side. Sure it can be just representaton ida and pingala instead 2 chakras. Just remember that hors a while where on temples. And variant ram one (as greek on site) seems pointing to spinning.

** This is my version : Heavenly mountain seems to be upperdantian. So train lot it. Teacher seem to call the great leader lay yuen (further down). it is mantra to use in 6th chakra. Then 6th chakra clean; the jade (refer to 6th chakra) emperor (contains of chakra) make a tour (microcosmic orbit).

Bright pearl must be result in upper dan tian and saying sun moon cave(chakra) empty imply what is inside has been moved elsewhere, probably in upper dan tian resulting in a pearl (lines text misplaced ?)

Saying being called imply that is the mantra of eyebrow. Other God Name to use may be red pearl dragon skirt flowery hair brillant. Dress in red. Note that red is fire, tongue is sometimes called a dragon and is opening fire. It may look like using god of tongue image and name to get more saliva

Green is liver and black water, we may understand that we call the god of tongue as making saliva (before making saliva), cumulate saliva and send it to liver. Then once done move up to 6th chakra (heaven) concentration. But why repeat idea same color of last chapter ?

Chap 6 and 7 refer to 9 palaces
Upper dan tian in meditation is the most important tregion
Mud pill = pineal gland, upper dan tian
Lower dan tien for man, transform chi
Chi go up and after mud pill go down. Front is yin mo yin channel, back is tou mo, intersect is LAI YUEN
Avoid excess meat
Tortoise opened the yin mo, dear the tum o.

The highest technic is the least complicated. The real is the spirits inside body. Body has 361 joints, sections; each is governed by a spirit. The most important ones are in the head. Their leader is LAI YUEN

god of all gods
** info is in chap 7
lay yuen (ligth yuen, variant sound leye)
mud pill
Leader spirit head ( crown chakra ? but say mud pill = pineal , 6th one)nai4 yun2

Other cannon is visualise the 9 real cannon

*** he meant the upper dan tian 9 section talked n my article part one

For problems with corresponding organs, fix attention consciously, invoke the corresponding gods. Most are like young children, concentrate on the spot 9 real chamber; are all lai yune in a sense.

One inch Chinese is said to be the width of a finger. At least ½ inch English.

Purple = green + red = wood + fire, pure yang (both yang). If only use mind (visualize) there is no result. Use also the heart (where the spirits live) the thinking mind.

*** END CHAPTER ****

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
