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Taoist - jing jor or void meditation


New member
Mar 10, 2024

Hi everyone​

This article will compare the training of jing jor and void meditation. It may add tips to attain the trance state since by my understtanding they are the same. Sorry if it is a too long article. Remember also that they are compiled notes of what si fu sayd and it may confuse a little. As usual, search, validate.


Meditation is called JING JOR. These 2 chinese characters represent the 2 conditions to meditate.

JING = quiet, still mental state, spirit, stillness-calm-peaceful, not a single idea/thought in the heart (mind), complete emptiness (mental part),

JOR = sit, physical, body postures, motionless. It is sitting properly ,spine straight but not stiff, confortable. More you move more are distractions so bare it (itching, leg tired, numbness, else ) it is physical part.

Visualisation, breathing, contemplation is not meditation

Purpose jing jor is train and discipline mind so it is empty, ready to something else. Mind is empty and not disturbed at all, is the ultimate void/stillness. Full control is obtained when undisturbed whathever is the stimulus.

Why not moving chi kung ? Because beginners are too busy remembering the movements or attempting to do them correclty. Why not fixed standing posture ? Although, standing do exist In taoism like holding a tree (mantak chia,tien tao chi kung, si fu, else), concentration will go mainly on holding postures (try keeping a perfect horse stance or a yogic posture 2 hours or fixed arms in air). Now some say nature hate emptyness and that a vase look empty but in fact is full of air. Can the mind be really empty ? The goal seems to me more like control what must be in the vase or the flow in it (still = not moving)


Must be confortable, adjust to season. Teacher put more clothes in winter and barely heat the room in winter. His concept was to put more layers of clothes if cold, take off some if tend to sweat. But It looks like avoiding the cost of electricity althoug the concept is correct.

Loosen all straps, waist belts, socks, garments so that one can move freely and that the chi can easily travel throughout the body (very important when progressing)

Wear long sleeves and long trousers (in short, hands only are exposed)

Not naked like new age or wiccan.

The reason of not being naked is said in the section of room. Unsaid but using the same cloth may help as when do rituals in magic. Probably psychological but if you go to gym or the dojo, having the cloth stimulate the training. It is as if the cloth absord your energy, your intent/will to train apart the sweat. Put the black robe in rituals seems also to shut the mind as if t means now I concentrate on that type of training.


We do not train at my knowledge in groups as satanist except in distance at timing RTR. . But in taoist class we do so. The most powerfull/ advance will pull others at his level. But reverse also is true so do not just do in groups. Younger I was training in a park tai chi in the lest visible section were they were beggars sleeping. II remark little by little as days of training passed with their closeness loosing interest in training, starting like a depression. At that discovery I switched place in the park althought at the sight of all, and all got back to normal. Psychological or close atmosphere ? But at that time i never though of protecting myself spiritually before training.

It was recommended both sex in same room, in alternance of position, one after an other (man, female,man…) but they were just one lady serious, other cames and get out fast. Once we even did back to back, spine on spine. That makes me think of 2 pianos close together, touch a note on one, other will repeat it. I guess it was the reason behind that technic. But this is more I think with your partner.


not let wind into room (direct on you) , once sit, chi sink inside and pore opens, so not in place near cracks windows, otherwise can catch cold. (and logicly no fan)

It is best to face a wall so good chi lost as exhale bounce back to you, body 1 foot away of wall. (knees from it, not thorax)

Not room to bright or too dark (cause distaction or sleepy)

Unsaid by him but magician and spiritual people across the world believe that rooms absorb energy. So using the same room to pratice or pray (as hindu) may help. No room ? Just use same spot.

Do you protect like many magicians the room of practice from spiritual interferences ? If he did he never told us how. But I catch him once preparing the room, moving with incense, stopping in front windows and doors. When he saw me he stopped and said he was doing nothing. Mere coincidence that in western magic we draw with incense an image in ligth on each side windows and center. I do like using the solar wheel, rune algys or satanist pentagram . In books of tantrism, you will also remark a pattern, they protect the training place, then the sitting place. After they clean the room, place to sit, themselves and fetr start qhat they had to do. But I think complicating too mutch is not the best. We live in a world where we got les and less times to do all, therefore focus on what is more important to you. And as someone grow I believe it can be done faster. (image of circle of fire, fire burning all….)


Do not meditate if :

  • you Have a full meal within one hour (better wait at least 1 hour) , stomach half full. (too mucth and you cannot concentrate, no enough hunger distract you

  • Are very tired and exhausted (go to sleep and do not take meditation as a substitute for rest), Are in a very unstable mental condition (wait until passions or emotions particularly anger subside otherwise there will be more harm than good )

  • Forgot to Empty the front and back yin (tai chi or chi kung say the same thing, it is to avoid distraction and particularly, you do not want to loose your refinement or result of your chi training)


Any posture can be done but somes are better. The emphasis is having the spine straigth. Right posture is as ergonomist teach pull perineum and middle crown up so got natural curved spine (reason for adjusting the bump in computer chair). It is not as mantak chia for iron shirt where he is bending the back as a bow (pull bramhan hair and coccyx). If you look shows off of iron shirt, they do so to receive stick and avoid damage in the back. When Spine is done correctly in meditation you will believe your are going to fall forward.

The main posture used was :

Indian sitting (legs are crossed under) at level ground on a cushion at least 4 inches high . The stting is close to the edge and not center (space for legs crossing).Atention to spine is necessary, this posture body tends to move in any direction

Others postures :

- Half lotus (half crossed legs), watch out since tendecy fall to side of leg on top

- Full lotus (full double cross legged), Said to be the best since keep spine at right posture, no los attention to keep spine straight.

- Chair sitting, . Sit in the middle (not as mantak chia, it hurt coccyx). Nearly all Taoist masters past and present are unanimous in the opinion that sitting in a chair with 2 feet resting comfortably on the floor is equally effective as that in a cushion with double crossed legs; although the latter possesses greater advantages over the former.

In that time only fixed chair was available, so you had to play to keep as ergonomist 90 degrees angle in leg (cushion if too tall, support under feet if too small). Bad angle give pressure on knee or cut circulation at long term. They exist now adjustable chair for height.

- Lying posture on one side (head on pillow or suported by hand, folded arm, other one is straight arm lower leg straight other slightly bent back. Looks like lazy posture in kung fu movies.

- Death posture (yogic or pharaos mummys)

The tip of the tongue should rest on the uppers jaws and when jade liquid is full swallow it

First Relax by the method of your choice but he says meanly smile to yourself ( As mantak chia).

Gaze at the wall (or any point outside or inside) for a couple of minutes until the mind is still to force distraction out, stimulate point. Or at wall until seen nothing in the wall (no attention to details of it…).

Then close the eyes. If close eyes/ears (not look outside or ear outside details). Look outside is scattering energy. Spirit go away (Attention) every time take a look. Same idea with the wall, Keep on listening sound to point you cannot distinguish them anymore.

Eyes can be closed entirely, or half or fully opened. Wide open is more easily distracted and Iit tired the shen : when see anything you respond to it. Fully closed eyes risk to fall asleep. In that case, couples mouth of breath will help or just open eyes. Half closed = 60% is for beginner ithe best, eyes look at center nose.t.

As jor means sitting, some postures such as lying in a bed or kneeling is not considered meditation in theory. But advanced people can meditate in any postures, even walking, sleeping can be fruitful occasions for the practice let alone kneeling or lying in bed. The other reason that it is not recommended for beginners is that the body can hardly remain motionless for long. This in turn affects mental stillness.

The whole body should be maintained in a state of comfort and relaxation, in the absence of any muscular tension.

As for breathing, pay no attention to it as any effort to regulate breathing tends to distracting the mind. After sitting some time, if itchiness or discomfort ensues, the best strategy is to ignore them without moving the body.

He choose different mudras :

  • Left on right, palm up like a circle, thumbs joint.
  • Palm left on right (facing both up one one top other)
  • fist on tights with thumbs in (which is brahma mudra).
  • the one of mantak chia (clasp hand)
  • the thumb on the terrestrial branch of the month (joint).

The main problem is confort and distraction. Say you do half lotus , at first pain on knee will distract you. One guy was doing japanese seiza, other as golden dawn and crowley the sitting egyptian posture of pharaos. But as you guess after a time you cannot keep arms up. And seiza cut faster circulation in legs even if use the special chair in wood for it .

The goal is to do between 1 hour and 2 hours of meditation. Any posture will make you numb (arms, legs) around 30 minutes (at least in my case and others). We were changing posture to get back circulation in legs. You just have pain a few minutes (when it circulated again). Only the chair one never gave me that problem (but you have to reajust posture time to time)


For ordinary people it is object that appeal mind to it that help. Concentrate in that one, all rest go. So Look at any object of yourchoice and fix attention to it .…

We can Use mantras (voices) to tie the mind to it and help easily concentration, waterfall, wind ,chain noise. All them help mind focus on the one. That is why training outside the city is better (less distraction, no car, no band playing, people talking, etc…)

Once mind totally void, do not concentrate harder (not go too detailed). In meditation worst thing is analytical, detailed. More you do less effects further the goal.

lay aside all your affairs of the day (in short let nothing stay in your mind).

You can Use different methods :

  • Method of constant rejection, Guerilla, when distraction comes (though…), get it out

  • Indifferent, let it pass by , ignore it and come back to void
Guerilla, means as soon one though arise throw it away by force, reject it. Hic, at least for me, more I try stronger it comes back, particularly songs. The hard part also is stop talking (project, articles, what to do after, etc…) As said on the forum , better look but do not participate, do not be the actor on the stage of the theater, stay the spectator, look but do not become the actor and forget who you are. Though will reduce by itself since we ignore them. You may say focus on thoughts gives them more power, you are feeding them.

  • Method of observing the breath

  • Method of breath counting , (1 = in out). Start over if desire and outside awareness

  • General Count # (ignore breath, use internal clock)

  • Method of focussing on a point outside the body
could be anything, flame, image, imaginary point like Dr lefebure in initiation of pietro : note that we use part of his teaching as phosphenism (pdf training) and the movinng ball of light (site) but we do not use the brain rythms (2 seconds, else…).

- Focus on one point (empty space) like tip nose (space only = 2 noses away)

  • focus on a point inside the body (points of chariot of ra)
  • using sight with object real (thing) or light (candle, mirror…)

  • inner seeing (basicly look the inside of your body)

  • reverses seeing and hearing ( talked in last article) . When reverse it, look inside, watch, so shen stay inside and save more energy to transform. More you are willing to turn inside more will be transformation, that develop something else than physical sense. (ear breathing than go deeper …). In jing jor turn inward go hear middle body (tough, heart…) look inside at first imagninary. Closed eyes make ears sharper. Sages say listen to yourself. Pay then attention to inner sounds or breath or Hear sound inside (low, medium, silent in heart…) or use outside sound (running tream…)

  • Method see Flame and light at dan tian, stop when empy mind.

  • Concentrate on an idea (though) and take off anything else.

  • Can also visualise strong fire on point, stay all there

No need of methods if mind is empty, but they help reduce amount of thought and worries so not easilty distracted. It forces mind on one thing no room for other stuff :

After 30 minutes if mouth still dry, we don’t do it correctly or ill (fire too strong may be). Tongue on roof help produce salvia. If full of saliva swallow it.

If distraction or feel sleepy concentrate on 3rd eye or top head. Once not like it anymore, return to the void, dimly aware dong meditation


only in the state of fong fut and miu ming (deamlike state) can true breath be born

Miu, Chinese character signifies anything ideal, congenial and perfect and at the same time beyond reasoning and description. Yau literally means having being and existence. This character implies, however, all things and phenomena in the physical world irrespective of whether or not their presence can be felt by or senses. To Taoism, however the miu yau state signifies the summation of totality of all these level of perfection, namely spiritual, moral, mental, intellectual and physical

The above means that to reach the miu yau state (reversal, which is tantamount to returning to life and to be with tao ) Constancy, stillness of the mind is the general factor (root). Perfect calmness of the mind (i.e complete emptiness of the mind without losing consciousness as in certain pathological conditions such as coma, epilepsy, etc) is a prerequisite condition for the appearance of the dream like or trance like l state which inevitably results in that of miu yau.

Despite this, the layman can still enjoy a passing glimpse of, and even approach the very gate to, the wonders of miu yau by practising Taoist techniques such as breathing, visualisation, meditation ( Especially by mental concentration on a point internal or external of the body).

The ancient sages had this advice : fear not the rise of ideas but rather the delay in their awareness. If theses distractions are not terminated at the outset, they will be like roots underground; or worse still like the cancerous cells that are allowed to develop. Although it might be distressful if these crop up many times during one meditation session their early rejection will inculcate the habit of alerting the mind to any possible source of distraction, hidden or obvious.

Moreover there is an inverse variation between the efforts of refusal and the thoughts. The more persistent the efforts of rejection, the less the distraction and the weaker the force of combat, the stronger the thoughts. The initial stage of practicing meditation is nothing but to aim at stillness of the mind. Only when this is reaches can one talk about more advances topics as opening channels, immunity to sickness and acquisition of extraordinary mental powers and so forth.

Adopting a comfortable and proper posture without moving the body while remaining adamant and keeping the mind free from any incoming thought or idea during the whole meditation session will leads out towards a stage when the meditator will personally feel his improvement (or advancement) both mentally and physically.

One must cast aside and eradicate from the mind, thoughts of good and bad, gain and loss, wine, sex ,wealth, lusts, praise and disgrace, self and others, longevity or premature death. According to an old Taoist saying : When the mind is full of mundane affairs, there is no little room for the superior chi; when the mind is tied to love and desires, the chi of forests and mountains is decimated.

If no single idea or though arises in the mind, one can easily each the state of perfect illumination and enlightenment.

it is the emptying of the mind from all wants, desires, prejudices and so forth when the original state can be restored. When a person has reached this mental discipline, neither the acquisition (possession) nor the deprivation of anything will disturb his inner peace

Only in void (empty mind) will shen chi remain. Doesn’t mean 24 hours a day, still try it at least focus on just one thing, worst Is wandering.

Objective is force mind/concentrate on one thing. This is one to overrule the rest. When ideas calmed get back to normal concentration point

try to forget everything, ideas come (wandering ideas) so use technic to call attention in, ie– attention then make let go idea. Once nothing in mind, relax the inner seeing, concentration / attention otherwise you dry water. When things are over just forget it. If thing happen deal with it. Do not let it worry you. Make like if running water or passing cloud, attitude to keep calm. You should be like mirror – deal with event as it comes

In one word do technic of you choice then once you are empty forget the technic. Focus on tecnic itself is a thought.

Idea thinking, attention of mind move shen away with it. Instead of letting mind wandering away in useless thinking we concentrate inside, this is called meditation.

Chi is breath, spirit permit to guard it. Hard concentrate if excess desire (no guard), wasting it.

Spirit should control chi, chi master of the body. If spirit should control chi, it remains in the body. Spirit goes out = mind go to something else (wander, think…) So try recall it in you: Every time shen (mind) wander away (by distraction) chi moves (so they could be anger). If run physically a lot, we tires chi then shen will weaken. The 2 should stay together for good health. If chi too weak shen not interested to stay long. The question is how to keep them together in the body. Chi, Is lost in excess motions. Shen keep highest spirit (soul), mental activities; related to heart, lost in excess desires. Anytime you loose shen (it wanders away), speak lot/emotional upset loose chi

Chi is motion or if you prefer its manifestation, not moving physically is therefore not loosing chi. Shen is awareness, jing is body . No chief present (shen), workers do not do proper job.

Empty mind imply no words, no worries, no though… drive away all distraction.

Resist and fight is not Taoism, we reduce it naturally

You do understand that the training of awarenes and emptyness could be done anytime in daily life. . Eg conncetrate on feet sole as walk as keep global sight (not specific object as sports guys peripherical view) or do as carlos casteneda as walk concentrate on tips finger wth global sight. Seems dividing is key of awareness, switching as the wave of the sea, or myamoto musashi concept of sigth.

He often says concentrate on void to be empty then once done, forget it. Same for any tools, , In one word back and forth as needed.


Not get up right away , massage, stretch out limbs then slowly get up, gradually walk faster

no washroom, chi must spread out evenly to all body first.

The idea is not to stand up right away and awake all parts body progressively from top down since you are numb and chi has sunk down in body. My guess is it permits also to get out completely of trance state and direct energy. Exercises are the usual you can find on internet and mantak chia. EG :

  • Close open wide eyes, move eyes 8 firection and circles
  • knock teeth, swallow saliva
  • beat drums,, rub ears/face/scalp (after warming hands), rising shoulder/perineum as look crown, shoulder rolls, circle and moving in 8 direction neck, turn waist, rub kidneys, straigthen legs PROGRESSIVELY (slowly since knees are stiff) then reach toes…


beginner set aside a fixed time each day to practise the art. Although morning is the best time of the day, night time, before going to bed appears more practical to most people for the daily practise of the art. One should start 15 minutes at first and gradually increase to half an hour and after about 6 months of constant practice one should be able to enjoy a session of one hour.

Yon (tiger) hour best for meditation to get rising chi

Can meditate any time, worst time is afternoon. Best at midnight.

Use kay moon divination is FOOK YUM for hour, it is best time for meditation

In winter can do it anytime meditation, summer only at midnight (meditation increase fire, summer is fire, chinese idea is balance)

Meditation 1hr good to relax but only more then 1hr gives progress in chi, opening channel., to make strong chi until as hot as water. Once feel heat boiling water, visualise to lead chi go up.

Rat boar tiger rabbit is feeble chi, gather by more concentration. Best is rat. Half way to sky, chi strong, tendency chi escape or merge (5 to 7) with one’s outside. (this is why it is the time of training holding breath, less out and keep more in)

Better do Regular timing each day 30 minutes than once a week 2 hours.


Whatever technic used, it seems just a matter of fixing attention on something then once empty (no though, no image or shape, no details, no analysis), we forget or ignore the details of the technic. And at need doing a technic again. Compare the mind to a donkey. More chance he will moves with the carrot/apple (the stick with rope with carrot in front of hs eyes) than just beating it.

I particularly liked the article with brain waves pattern using space method since I was doing it without knowing why. Looks to me as concentrating on void / emptyness around us (space of air) instead in us do help to attain an empty mind. It seems that many of us, satanists have the same inspirations of technics, and some have more easyness to explain.

Of course, each person being different , will have more facility with one technic than an other. And today you may feel more attracted to an other that your regular one. The final goal is allways the trance/dream state, a state of readyness then to focus to do something else. Any practice choosed (site) can be done first with that goal of emptyness then the focus of using it. EG : invoking an element could imply first image (5 senses) of element with intention to contact (attention) and once we are empty/still/ ready to act we do the focus as invoking/manifesting for a specific goal. I like using the space technic before any training but I specify zones : out aura, in aura, in body.

Training will make you able to have the state as need it to any practice. (ritual, moving chi, etc…). In fact when i think of it, we do empty mind before praying in churches by focussing on the heart zone but peole do not direct energy for themselves, no time since the priest speak rigth away. Coincidence or altered training for energy robbing and brainwashing? I m no expert but hypnotic or magnetic trance do make you vulnerable to suggestion. Also did you remark that when we prepare a ritual in magic, once we readu to start, we feel like empty mind, like a form of disp0onibility, trance . Coincidence may be.

Hi everyone​

This article will compare the training of jing jor and void meditation. It may add tips to attain the trance state since by my understtanding they are the same. Sorry if it is a too long article. Remember also that they are compiled notes of what si fu sayd and it may confuse a little. As usual, search, validate.


Meditation is called JING JOR. These 2 chinese characters represent the 2 conditions to meditate.

JING = quiet, still mental state, spirit, stillness-calm-peaceful, not a single idea/thought in the heart (mind), complete emptiness (mental part),

JOR = sit, physical, body postures, motionless. It is sitting properly ,spine straight but not stiff, confortable. More you move more are distractions so bare it (itching, leg tired, numbness, else ) it is physical part.

Visualisation, breathing, contemplation is not meditation

Purpose jing jor is train and discipline mind so it is empty, ready to something else. Mind is empty and not disturbed at all, is the ultimate void/stillness. Full control is obtained when undisturbed whathever is the stimulus.

Why not moving chi kung ? Because beginners are too busy remembering the movements or attempting to do them correclty. Why not fixed standing posture ? Although, standing do exist In taoism like holding a tree (mantak chia,tien tao chi kung, si fu, else), concentration will go mainly on holding postures (try keeping a perfect horse stance or a yogic posture 2 hours or fixed arms in air). Now some say nature hate emptyness and that a vase look empty but in fact is full of air. Can the mind be really empty ? The goal seems to me more like control what must be in the vase or the flow in it (still = not moving)


Must be confortable, adjust to season. Teacher put more clothes in winter and barely heat the room in winter. His concept was to put more layers of clothes if cold, take off some if tend to sweat. But It looks like avoiding the cost of electricity althoug the concept is correct.

Loosen all straps, waist belts, socks, garments so that one can move freely and that the chi can easily travel throughout the body (very important when progressing)

Wear long sleeves and long trousers (in short, hands only are exposed)

Not naked like new age or wiccan.

The reason of not being naked is said in the section of room. Unsaid but using the same cloth may help as when do rituals in magic. Probably psychological but if you go to gym or the dojo, having the cloth stimulate the training. It is as if the cloth absord your energy, your intent/will to train apart the sweat. Put the black robe in rituals seems also to shut the mind as if t means now I concentrate on that type of training.


We do not train at my knowledge in groups as satanist except in distance at timing RTR. . But in taoist class we do so. The most powerfull/ advance will pull others at his level. But reverse also is true so do not just do in groups. Younger I was training in a park tai chi in the lest visible section were they were beggars sleeping. II remark little by little as days of training passed with their closeness loosing interest in training, starting like a depression. At that discovery I switched place in the park althought at the sight of all, and all got back to normal. Psychological or close atmosphere ? But at that time i never though of protecting myself spiritually before training.

It was recommended both sex in same room, in alternance of position, one after an other (man, female,man…) but they were just one lady serious, other cames and get out fast. Once we even did back to back, spine on spine. That makes me think of 2 pianos close together, touch a note on one, other will repeat it. I guess it was the reason behind that technic. But this is more I think with your partner.


not let wind into room (direct on you) , once sit, chi sink inside and pore opens, so not in place near cracks windows, otherwise can catch cold. (and logicly no fan)

It is best to face a wall so good chi lost as exhale bounce back to you, body 1 foot away of wall. (knees from it, not thorax)

Not room to bright or too dark (cause distaction or sleepy)

Unsaid by him but magician and spiritual people across the world believe that rooms absorb energy. So using the same room to pratice or pray (as hindu) may help. No room ? Just use same spot.

Do you protect like many magicians the room of practice from spiritual interferences ? If he did he never told us how. But I catch him once preparing the room, moving with incense, stopping in front windows and doors. When he saw me he stopped and said he was doing nothing. Mere coincidence that in western magic we draw with incense an image in ligth on each side windows and center. I do like using the solar wheel, rune algys or satanist pentagram . In books of tantrism, you will also remark a pattern, they protect the training place, then the sitting place. After they clean the room, place to sit, themselves and fetr start qhat they had to do. But I think complicating too mutch is not the best. We live in a world where we got les and less times to do all, therefore focus on what is more important to you. And as someone grow I believe it can be done faster. (image of circle of fire, fire burning all….)


Do not meditate if :

  • you Have a full meal within one hour (better wait at least 1 hour) , stomach half full. (too mucth and you cannot concentrate, no enough hunger distract you

  • Are very tired and exhausted (go to sleep and do not take meditation as a substitute for rest), Are in a very unstable mental condition (wait until passions or emotions particularly anger subside otherwise there will be more harm than good )

  • Forgot to Empty the front and back yin (tai chi or chi kung say the same thing, it is to avoid distraction and particularly, you do not want to loose your refinement or result of your chi training)


Any posture can be done but somes are better. The emphasis is having the spine straigth. Right posture is as ergonomist teach pull perineum and middle crown up so got natural curved spine (reason for adjusting the bump in computer chair). It is not as mantak chia for iron shirt where he is bending the back as a bow (pull bramhan hair and coccyx). If you look shows off of iron shirt, they do so to receive stick and avoid damage in the back. When Spine is done correctly in meditation you will believe your are going to fall forward.

The main posture used was :

Indian sitting (legs are crossed under) at level ground on a cushion at least 4 inches high . The stting is close to the edge and not center (space for legs crossing).Atention to spine is necessary, this posture body tends to move in any direction

Others postures :

- Half lotus (half crossed legs), watch out since tendecy fall to side of leg on top

- Full lotus (full double cross legged), Said to be the best since keep spine at right posture, no los attention to keep spine straight.

- Chair sitting, . Sit in the middle (not as mantak chia, it hurt coccyx). Nearly all Taoist masters past and present are unanimous in the opinion that sitting in a chair with 2 feet resting comfortably on the floor is equally effective as that in a cushion with double crossed legs; although the latter possesses greater advantages over the former.

In that time only fixed chair was available, so you had to play to keep as ergonomist 90 degrees angle in leg (cushion if too tall, support under feet if too small). Bad angle give pressure on knee or cut circulation at long term. They exist now adjustable chair for height.

- Lying posture on one side (head on pillow or suported by hand, folded arm, other one is straight arm lower leg straight other slightly bent back. Looks like lazy posture in kung fu movies.

- Death posture (yogic or pharaos mummys)

The tip of the tongue should rest on the uppers jaws and when jade liquid is full swallow it

First Relax by the method of your choice but he says meanly smile to yourself ( As mantak chia).

Gaze at the wall (or any point outside or inside) for a couple of minutes until the mind is still to force distraction out, stimulate point. Or at wall until seen nothing in the wall (no attention to details of it…).

Then close the eyes. If close eyes/ears (not look outside or ear outside details). Look outside is scattering energy. Spirit go away (Attention) every time take a look. Same idea with the wall, Keep on listening sound to point you cannot distinguish them anymore.

Eyes can be closed entirely, or half or fully opened. Wide open is more easily distracted and Iit tired the shen : when see anything you respond to it. Fully closed eyes risk to fall asleep. In that case, couples mouth of breath will help or just open eyes. Half closed = 60% is for beginner ithe best, eyes look at center nose.t.

As jor means sitting, some postures such as lying in a bed or kneeling is not considered meditation in theory. But advanced people can meditate in any postures, even walking, sleeping can be fruitful occasions for the practice let alone kneeling or lying in bed. The other reason that it is not recommended for beginners is that the body can hardly remain motionless for long. This in turn affects mental stillness.

The whole body should be maintained in a state of comfort and relaxation, in the absence of any muscular tension.

As for breathing, pay no attention to it as any effort to regulate breathing tends to distracting the mind. After sitting some time, if itchiness or discomfort ensues, the best strategy is to ignore them without moving the body.

He choose different mudras :

  • Left on right, palm up like a circle, thumbs joint.
  • Palm left on right (facing both up one one top other)
  • fist on tights with thumbs in (which is brahma mudra).
  • the one of mantak chia (clasp hand)
  • the thumb on the terrestrial branch of the month (joint).

The main problem is confort and distraction. Say you do half lotus , at first pain on knee will distract you. One guy was doing japanese seiza, other as golden dawn and crowley the sitting egyptian posture of pharaos. But as you guess after a time you cannot keep arms up. And seiza cut faster circulation in legs even if use the special chair in wood for it .

The goal is to do between 1 hour and 2 hours of meditation. Any posture will make you numb (arms, legs) around 30 minutes (at least in my case and others). We were changing posture to get back circulation in legs. You just have pain a few minutes (when it circulated again). Only the chair one never gave me that problem (but you have to reajust posture time to time)


For ordinary people it is object that appeal mind to it that help. Concentrate in that one, all rest go. So Look at any object of yourchoice and fix attention to it .…

We can Use mantras (voices) to tie the mind to it and help easily concentration, waterfall, wind ,chain noise. All them help mind focus on the one. That is why training outside the city is better (less distraction, no car, no band playing, people talking, etc…)

Once mind totally void, do not concentrate harder (not go too detailed). In meditation worst thing is analytical, detailed. More you do less effects further the goal.

lay aside all your affairs of the day (in short let nothing stay in your mind).

You can Use different methods :

  • Method of constant rejection, Guerilla, when distraction comes (though…), get it out

  • Indifferent, let it pass by , ignore it and come back to void
Guerilla, means as soon one though arise throw it away by force, reject it. Hic, at least for me, more I try stronger it comes back, particularly songs. The hard part also is stop talking (project, articles, what to do after, etc…) As said on the forum , better look but do not participate, do not be the actor on the stage of the theater, stay the spectator, look but do not become the actor and forget who you are. Though will reduce by itself since we ignore them. You may say focus on thoughts gives them more power, you are feeding them.

  • Method of observing the breath

  • Method of breath counting , (1 = in out). Start over if desire and outside awareness

  • General Count # (ignore breath, use internal clock)

  • Method of focussing on a point outside the body
could be anything, flame, image, imaginary point like Dr lefebure in initiation of pietro : note that we use part of his teaching as phosphenism (pdf training) and the movinng ball of light (site) but we do not use the brain rythms (2 seconds, else…).

- Focus on one point (empty space) like tip nose (space only = 2 noses away)

  • focus on a point inside the body (points of chariot of ra)
  • using sight with object real (thing) or light (candle, mirror…)

  • inner seeing (basicly look the inside of your body)

  • reverses seeing and hearing ( talked in last article) . When reverse it, look inside, watch, so shen stay inside and save more energy to transform. More you are willing to turn inside more will be transformation, that develop something else than physical sense. (ear breathing than go deeper …). In jing jor turn inward go hear middle body (tough, heart…) look inside at first imagninary. Closed eyes make ears sharper. Sages say listen to yourself. Pay then attention to inner sounds or breath or Hear sound inside (low, medium, silent in heart…) or use outside sound (running tream…)

  • Method see Flame and light at dan tian, stop when empy mind.

  • Concentrate on an idea (though) and take off anything else.

  • Can also visualise strong fire on point, stay all there

No need of methods if mind is empty, but they help reduce amount of thought and worries so not easilty distracted. It forces mind on one thing no room for other stuff :

After 30 minutes if mouth still dry, we don’t do it correctly or ill (fire too strong may be). Tongue on roof help produce salvia. If full of saliva swallow it.

If distraction or feel sleepy concentrate on 3rd eye or top head. Once not like it anymore, return to the void, dimly aware dong meditation


only in the state of fong fut and miu ming (deamlike state) can true breath be born

Miu, Chinese character signifies anything ideal, congenial and perfect and at the same time beyond reasoning and description. Yau literally means having being and existence. This character implies, however, all things and phenomena in the physical world irrespective of whether or not their presence can be felt by or senses. To Taoism, however the miu yau state signifies the summation of totality of all these level of perfection, namely spiritual, moral, mental, intellectual and physical

The above means that to reach the miu yau state (reversal, which is tantamount to returning to life and to be with tao ) Constancy, stillness of the mind is the general factor (root). Perfect calmness of the mind (i.e complete emptiness of the mind without losing consciousness as in certain pathological conditions such as coma, epilepsy, etc) is a prerequisite condition for the appearance of the dream like or trance like l state which inevitably results in that of miu yau.

Despite this, the layman can still enjoy a passing glimpse of, and even approach the very gate to, the wonders of miu yau by practising Taoist techniques such as breathing, visualisation, meditation ( Especially by mental concentration on a point internal or external of the body).

The ancient sages had this advice : fear not the rise of ideas but rather the delay in their awareness. If theses distractions are not terminated at the outset, they will be like roots underground; or worse still like the cancerous cells that are allowed to develop. Although it might be distressful if these crop up many times during one meditation session their early rejection will inculcate the habit of alerting the mind to any possible source of distraction, hidden or obvious.

Moreover there is an inverse variation between the efforts of refusal and the thoughts. The more persistent the efforts of rejection, the less the distraction and the weaker the force of combat, the stronger the thoughts. The initial stage of practicing meditation is nothing but to aim at stillness of the mind. Only when this is reaches can one talk about more advances topics as opening channels, immunity to sickness and acquisition of extraordinary mental powers and so forth.

Adopting a comfortable and proper posture without moving the body while remaining adamant and keeping the mind free from any incoming thought or idea during the whole meditation session will leads out towards a stage when the meditator will personally feel his improvement (or advancement) both mentally and physically.

One must cast aside and eradicate from the mind, thoughts of good and bad, gain and loss, wine, sex ,wealth, lusts, praise and disgrace, self and others, longevity or premature death. According to an old Taoist saying : When the mind is full of mundane affairs, there is no little room for the superior chi; when the mind is tied to love and desires, the chi of forests and mountains is decimated.

If no single idea or though arises in the mind, one can easily each the state of perfect illumination and enlightenment.

it is the emptying of the mind from all wants, desires, prejudices and so forth when the original state can be restored. When a person has reached this mental discipline, neither the acquisition (possession) nor the deprivation of anything will disturb his inner peace

Only in void (empty mind) will shen chi remain. Doesn’t mean 24 hours a day, still try it at least focus on just one thing, worst Is wandering.

Objective is force mind/concentrate on one thing. This is one to overrule the rest. When ideas calmed get back to normal concentration point

try to forget everything, ideas come (wandering ideas) so use technic to call attention in, ie– attention then make let go idea. Once nothing in mind, relax the inner seeing, concentration / attention otherwise you dry water. When things are over just forget it. If thing happen deal with it. Do not let it worry you. Make like if running water or passing cloud, attitude to keep calm. You should be like mirror – deal with event as it comes

In one word do technic of you choice then once you are empty forget the technic. Focus on tecnic itself is a thought.

Idea thinking, attention of mind move shen away with it. Instead of letting mind wandering away in useless thinking we concentrate inside, this is called meditation.

Chi is breath, spirit permit to guard it. Hard concentrate if excess desire (no guard), wasting it.

Spirit should control chi, chi master of the body. If spirit should control chi, it remains in the body. Spirit goes out = mind go to something else (wander, think…) So try recall it in you: Every time shen (mind) wander away (by distraction) chi moves (so they could be anger). If run physically a lot, we tires chi then shen will weaken. The 2 should stay together for good health. If chi too weak shen not interested to stay long. The question is how to keep them together in the body. Chi, Is lost in excess motions. Shen keep highest spirit (soul), mental activities; related to heart, lost in excess desires. Anytime you loose shen (it wanders away), speak lot/emotional upset loose chi

Chi is motion or if you prefer its manifestation, not moving physically is therefore not loosing chi. Shen is awareness, jing is body . No chief present (shen), workers do not do proper job.

Empty mind imply no words, no worries, no though… drive away all distraction.

Resist and fight is not Taoism, we reduce it naturally

You do understand that the training of awarenes and emptyness could be done anytime in daily life. . Eg conncetrate on feet sole as walk as keep global sight (not specific object as sports guys peripherical view) or do as carlos casteneda as walk concentrate on tips finger wth global sight. Seems dividing is key of awareness, switching as the wave of the sea, or myamoto musashi concept of sigth.

He often says concentrate on void to be empty then once done, forget it. Same for any tools, , In one word back and forth as needed.


Not get up right away , massage, stretch out limbs then slowly get up, gradually walk faster

no washroom, chi must spread out evenly to all body first.

The idea is not to stand up right away and awake all parts body progressively from top down since you are numb and chi has sunk down in body. My guess is it permits also to get out completely of trance state and direct energy. Exercises are the usual you can find on internet and mantak chia. EG :

  • Close open wide eyes, move eyes 8 firection and circles
  • knock teeth, swallow saliva
  • beat drums,, rub ears/face/scalp (after warming hands), rising shoulder/perineum as look crown, shoulder rolls, circle and moving in 8 direction neck, turn waist, rub kidneys, straigthen legs PROGRESSIVELY (slowly since knees are stiff) then reach toes…


beginner set aside a fixed time each day to practise the art. Although morning is the best time of the day, night time, before going to bed appears more practical to most people for the daily practise of the art. One should start 15 minutes at first and gradually increase to half an hour and after about 6 months of constant practice one should be able to enjoy a session of one hour.

Yon (tiger) hour best for meditation to get rising chi

Can meditate any time, worst time is afternoon. Best at midnight.

Use kay moon divination is FOOK YUM for hour, it is best time for meditation

In winter can do it anytime meditation, summer only at midnight (meditation increase fire, summer is fire, chinese idea is balance)

Meditation 1hr good to relax but only more then 1hr gives progress in chi, opening channel., to make strong chi until as hot as water. Once feel heat boiling water, visualise to lead chi go up.

Rat boar tiger rabbit is feeble chi, gather by more concentration. Best is rat. Half way to sky, chi strong, tendency chi escape or merge (5 to 7) with one’s outside. (this is why it is the time of training holding breath, less out and keep more in)

Better do Regular timing each day 30 minutes than once a week 2 hours.


Whatever technic used, it seems just a matter of fixing attention on something then once empty (no though, no image or shape, no details, no analysis), we forget or ignore the details of the technic. And at need doing a technic again. Compare the mind to a donkey. More chance he will moves with the carrot/apple (the stick with rope with carrot in front of hs eyes) than just beating it.

I particularly liked the article with brain waves pattern using space method since I was doing it without knowing why. Looks to me as concentrating on void / emptyness around us (space of air) instead in us do help to attain an empty mind. It seems that many of us, satanists have the same inspirations of technics, and some have more easyness to explain.

Of course, each person being different , will have more facility with one technic than an other. And today you may feel more attracted to an other that your regular one. The final goal is allways the trance/dream state, a state of readyness then to focus to do something else. Any practice choosed (site) can be done first with that goal of emptyness then the focus of using it. EG : invoking an element could imply first image (5 senses) of element with intention to contact (attention) and once we are empty/still/ ready to act we do the focus as invoking/manifesting for a specific goal. I like using the space technic before any training but I specify zones : out aura, in aura, in body.

Training will make you able to have the state as need it to any practice. (ritual, moving chi, etc…). In fact when i think of it, we do empty mind before praying in churches by focussing on the heart zone but peole do not direct energy for themselves, no time since the priest speak rigth away. Coincidence or altered training for energy robbing and brainwashing? I m no expert but hypnotic or magnetic trance do make you vulnerable to suggestion. Also did you remark that when we prepare a ritual in magic, once we readu to start, we feel like empty mind, like a form of disp0onibility, trance . Coincidence may be.
I didn’t get the part when you said focus on the chi the breath the spirit should control chi if it’s outward I’m lost

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
