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Spiritual Warfare Schedule - July 21st / August 5th

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Greetings to all of our Satanic Warriors,

As one can see the war is in generally heating up, and there are many important events that are taking place in 2020. The battle is head to head and we need to be resolute. The enemy is not in a good position anymore. Many of the enemy have went bankrupt, others have lost all their reputation totally (Ellen Degenerate, Jimmy Demorat etc, comes to mind) and many other examples of back and forth spiritual warfare have been manifesting.

What about the enemy trying to literally rig the 2020 elections? Well, the enemy hardly cares for public image anymore. Has anyone not noticed they are mobilizing civilization wreckers to ruin civilization and destroy the White Race? One can only ignore the enemy's advances willingly at this point. There is no "I did not know" or "I did not see". As they rallied mobs in Rome to rip down all the "Roman Idols", so do they now rally bunches of idiots with judenpresse support to take down the modern idols of Pagan minded people who founded the best civilizations of the late centuries. These civilizations, despite of any jewish claim, provided the most major advances and capacities for the otherwise enslaved man, both of the world, and of the Middle Ages. "The Age of Aquarius shall be the Age of Man".

Has man ever had a bigger access to knowledge, education, and spiritual knowledge than today? For centuries, never before. Our progress to that end, is again attempted to be destroyed by the enemy, but they will never succeed. Satan will prevail. On the cusp of a better age, the forces of the enemy try to stop us again from ushering a better destiny. And we have to fight again to receive the fruit of the Satanic Age.

This is also all that we get to know publicly. The enemy is indeed made up from reptilian and hostile, alien minded, monsters. As the enemy sinks, so do attempts to sink humanity intensify. The question of replacement and getting looted and having civilization seized by inferior monkeys based on frivolous jewish excuses is also manifesting. The White Race is now called progressively to face the inevitability of looking at the damnation of allowing jews to gain control over the collective destiny of our people and mankind.

Many of you are worried here, this worry comes from love of our people. But know there is no cause to feel more worried than hopeful. We will have, and we are having an intevention. This is not the first time our race will withstand and surpass the plans of desert reptilians and general looting incapable monkeys. Like a tree that has produced many apples, some of our own will fall from the basket, but the basket itself is full and we are strong as we ever were. Moves against Whites will intensify. The intervention of those above us will come in ever increasing waves, also. Bravery is needed now and a clear mind.

What the enemy is and what their plans are, we have seen, and the world has seen, clearly. The enemy permanently wants to lock people in, lie to them, create an inescapable surveillence state made up of low IQ monkeys, all while establishing a reptilian technocracy that enslaves humanity in the deepest part of their being. All of this filth is coded in the Hebrew bible, which we are collapsing rapidly. Therefore, manifestations cannot stick and come out botched. The CoVid crisis has costed the enemy all their facade.

Satan has been growing in power and so have our Gods, which is manifesting stronger and stronger. Despite of what happens in the outer world (energies are still chaotic and will continue to rise in that direction until the "Kali" phase of our goal) - remain resolute, and keep advancing.

Christianity is so rapidly collapsing that nobody should be surprized that popular Gentile hatred is rising against this jewish filthy amalgam of deception. It has harmed Gentiles beyond description, same as Islam. It was always based on hebrew bullying, deception, and lies, the only goal of it to steal the soul of human beings and turn them into slaves.

As the enemy drops, so does this collective system of damnation. This system was created to enslave Gentiles and turn them into ignorant human beings. The results of this damning program are observed, but the global soul is just rejecting this program. This tendency will speed up and accelerate.

Energy has to be spent wisely as we are running a marathon and not a sprint. Our goal is to continue with what we are instructed by the Gods to do.

Below, we will follow a schedule. This begins in the 21st of July, climaxes on the 29/30 of July, and lasts until 5th of August. During this time, we will hit them the hardest we have done through all the year.

Ideally, the amount of Rituals done, should be a minimum of 2 RTRs a day, coupled by a minimum of 2 repetitions of the other rituals.

The 29th to 1st of August will have to find us in the most brutal hitting of the enemy spiritually, with the repetitions being as many as possible.

Do not slack ass here, curses have to be removed, and blessings from Satan have to be received from all. If one has slacked, do the right thing now for Satan and the Gods and participate in this Great Offensive.

We will protect all our own. Many of us have experienced losses from the CoVid and general situation. We will rebuild and keep everything going and optimal. Stay strong and have faith at all times.

Dates and Rituals:

21-25 Of July - x2 FINAL RTR, x2 JoS Protection Ritual, x2 Wealth Ritual daily
26th to 5th Of August* - x2 FINAL RTR, x2 Race Awakening Ritual daily

*29th to 1st of August is where we mercilessly spam as much as possible of both of the above rituals. 25th to 28th and 2nd to 3rd, we keep it going normally.

This is Av, the historic holiday of when Romans roasted the enemy.

After the above, we will do further things to reap rewards. Do not think the above is difficult, its pretty easy.

We will also use the RTR coordination tool, to time the RTRs, to maximize power. When this shows zero, we do the RTR. When the clock shows 1:00:00, we begin the other rituals, such as the Race Awakening and the prosperity Rituals.

May the Gods and Satan Himself bless our warfare and endeavors.


Below are the links to the Rituals:

Ritual Time Coordinator:


Final RTR:


Race Awakening Ritual [Blacks And Whites]:

White Race Ritual: https://www.satanisgod.org/RaceRitual.html

Black Race Ritual: https://www.satanisgod.org/11-13-16_Ritual.pdf

Ritual of Protection, Wealth and Prosperity


JOS Protection Ritual [/size]

I can feel Satan and the gods are standing by and waiting for when this starts to provide guidance and assist where it is needed, they have our back and are looking out for us to the fullest extent. Know this in your heart and soul.

It is very likely the majority of you worried about time and being able to do all of this as scheduled will 'miraculously' be given that time, privacy and opportunity to perform these rituals as Satan and the gods will what they desire.

Stay strong, we are not alone.
This is really awesome!!!

I was just thinking of how else I could help the Powers of Hell and BAM, you post this XDD
This is THE BEST DAY EVER! I am really happy we can hit the enemy HARD!!!! :twisted:

One question,
I know it should not concern me as I am white and not Asian, but I am just curious...

Why is there no ritual for awakening the Asian race, but there is for the other two races?

If the answer is obvious and I have not figured it out, apologies..

Anyways, let's destroy the enemy once and for all!!!!!!! :twisted:

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Christianity is so rapidly collapsing that nobody should be surprized that popular Gentile hatred is rising against this jewish filthy amalgam of deception.
To quote a close example, a family member of mine who spreads anti-Jew content on a daily basis but still defends christardism because some inappropriate social standards crawling on them, is bombarded daily by anti-Christian feelings from other parts. I'm just mesmerized by how much anti-jew memeing and/or anti-christardism has become so mainstream among young people.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Dates and Rituals:

21-25 Of July - x2 FINAL RTR, x2 JoS Protection Ritual, x2 Wealth Ritual daily
25th to 5th Of August* - x2 FINAL RTR, x2 Race Awakening Ritual daily

*29th to 1st of August is where we mercilessly spam as much as possible of both of the above rituals. 25th to 28th and 2nd to 3rd, we keep it going normally.
Right ?

*29th to 1st of August = FINAL RTR + Race Awakening Ritual daily as much as possible


25th to 28th and 2nd to 3rd = Again x2 FINAL RTR, x2 Race Awakening Ritual daily

The JoS Protection Ritual and Wealth Ritual is only performed from 21-25 Of July.

Thanks HP. Hoodedcobra666 for your never ending endeavour, for a better satanic world.
Amazing! This is going to be wonderful.

These upcoming days, starting tomorrow, we burn them worse than they have ever burned!

Hail Satan! Hail His White Race! and Hail The Gods Of Hell!!!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to all of our Satanic Warriors,

Thank you for your effort. :)
I dont know if this makes sense but the "future isnt set in stone" is what motivates me to do the Rituals, RTRs etc. I mean we could have had a world war but we can collectively stop it or reduce it considerably?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
What about the enemy trying to literally rig the 2020 elections? Well, the enemy hardly cares for public image anymore. Has anyone not noticed they are mobilizing civilization wreckers to ruin civilization and destroy the White Race? One can only ignore the enemy's advances willingly at this point. There is no "I did not know" or "I did not see". As they rallied mobs in Rome to rip down all the "Roman Idols", so do they now rally bunches of idiots with judenpresse support to take down the modern idols of Pagan minded people who founded the best civilizations of the late centuries. These civilizations, despite of any jewish claim, provided the most major advances and capacities for the otherwise enslaved man, both of the world, and of the Middle Ages. "The Age of Aquarius shall be the Age of Man".

Really inspiring stuff. Can I ask who is your influence on the writing style? I would really like to know :D

By the way you wrote a while ago that an enemy notified you during an attack, has that happened again or was that just a one time thing, I feel a bit worried as to wheret the enemy can talk to us dedicated Satanists like that.

Thanks :cool:
NameHere said:
This is really awesome!!!

I was just thinking of how else I could help the Powers of Hell and BAM, you post this XDD
This is THE BEST DAY EVER! I am really happy we can hit the enemy HARD!!!! :twisted:

One question,
I know it should not concern me as I am white and not Asian, but I am just curious...

Why is there no ritual for awakening the Asian race, but there is for the other two races?

If the answer is obvious and I have not figured it out, apologies..

Anyways, let's destroy the enemy once and for all!!!!!!! :twisted:


Because the Asians mostly know their race(to NOT race-mix for example) and are not under attack as a race by the Enemy(Unlike the White race is under attack by the black race, which is orchestrated by the Enemy)
I've been waiting for this!!

Of course, I will always do more than the bare minimum for humanity!
NameHere said:
This is really awesome!!!

One question,
I know it should not concern me as I am white and not Asian, but I am just curious...

Why is there no ritual for awakening the Asian race, but there is for the other two races?

If the answer is obvious and I have not figured it out, apologies..

Unlike the Whites and the Blacks the Asians haven't been hit as hard and still remain racially cohesive as a whole. One can see much focus on white vs black and the degeneration that has happen to their respective racial communities but one cannot say the same for the Asian groups as they still keep to themselves and retain much of their roots within their minds and hearts. Therefore they don't have many issues that are in drastic need of immediate assistance and as such there isn't much priority in a race awakening ritual for them compared to the other two.
Ghost in the Machine said:
I can feel Satan and the gods are standing by and waiting for when this starts to provide guidance and assist where it is needed, they have our back and are looking out for us to the fullest extent. Know this in your heart and soul.

It is very likely the majority of you worried about time and being able to do all of this as scheduled will 'miraculously' be given that time, privacy and opportunity to perform these rituals as Satan and the gods will what they desire.

Stay strong, we are not alone.

Agreed wholeheartedly, I have been hearing August 1st/seeing/feeling it’s importance specifically. As I was reading this I thought about how packed my work schedule is especially with kids, but just the other day I was offered extra help in multiple ways. I’ve been relentlessly busy but these days I never allow anything to stand in the way. I have completely tuned out screaming (when it’s needless screaming) (I do not recommend this) I’ve also done rituals in front of them and they thankfully don’t try to repeat it but i also try to avoid it. Kids should not try to do power meditations. Regardless though the gods will keep everyone safe and in line. There’s a reason they have not been repeating what I say, when typically they do. The more I do the more help I get though. I feel for anyone in the position of having young children full time, I know it can be almost completely impossible to get a silent moment. If there are any parents reading this, don’t be afraid to dive in. Anything you do can make a difference. Don’t let anything be an excuse because it will change your life. I mean not one thing. Hp Maxine had kids, Hitler had kids, no excuses.
I have a few questions below:

1. Are the F-RTR manifesting so viciously that even 2 simple 9/9 or 18 combined rep is enough? IS that really ALL just two?

2. Can we perform the Race/Protection/Wealth back-to-back?(I don't want to do it stacked as the numerology changes so lets ignore stacked).

As for my first question I find it strange JUST two and your day is done. Before co-ordinator we did 1:mandatory/3-5:recommended and now with co-ordinator it's 1-3 and now it's just two. Shouldn't we be doing more or is it one of those things that the F-RTR is manifesting so viciously that it's becoming whereby a single RTR is poof your done.

3. Are the F-RTRs reaching the climax, whereby a single repetition is considered the end of your day?

(I know some might state on holiday's we spam but considering this mini-holiday we have, shouldn't more be done. Of course for those who have the time and also so as not to burn out. Cause some of our members do go gung-ho at times with it.)
Gear88 said:
I have a few questions below:

1. Are the F-RTR manifesting so viciously that even 2 simple 9/9 or 18 combined rep is enough? IS that really ALL just two?

2. Can we perform the Race/Protection/Wealth back-to-back?(I don't want to do it stacked as the numerology changes so lets ignore stacked).

As for my first question I find it strange JUST two and your day is done. Before co-ordinator we did 1:mandatory/3-5:recommended and now with co-ordinator it's 1-3 and now it's just two. Shouldn't we be doing more or is it one of those things that the F-RTR is manifesting so viciously that it's becoming whereby a single RTR is poof your done.

3. Are the F-RTRs reaching the climax, whereby a single repetition is considered the end of your day?

(I know some might state on holiday's we spam but considering this mini-holiday we have, shouldn't more be done. Of course for those who have the time and also so as not to burn out. Cause some of our members do go gung-ho at times with it.)
I think it's just two F-RTR because we are doing the other rituals x2. It's a lot, not everyone has all of their day free. People have jobs, responsibilities, their meditations routine and so on.
I have runes carved in maple and oak.

Should I activate them with my blood? Which would allow them to be linked with my energy for all works including divination?
Gear88 said:
I have a few questions below:

1. Are the F-RTR manifesting so viciously that even 2 simple 9/9 or 18 combined rep is enough? IS that really ALL just two?

2. Can we perform the Race/Protection/Wealth back-to-back?(I don't want to do it stacked as the numerology changes so lets ignore stacked).

As for my first question I find it strange JUST two and your day is done. Before co-ordinator we did 1:mandatory/3-5:recommended and now with co-ordinator it's 1-3 and now it's just two. Shouldn't we be doing more or is it one of those things that the F-RTR is manifesting so viciously that it's becoming whereby a single RTR is poof your done.

3. Are the F-RTRs reaching the climax, whereby a single repetition is considered the end of your day?

(I know some might state on holiday's we spam but considering this mini-holiday we have, shouldn't more be done. Of course for those who have the time and also so as not to burn out. Cause some of our members do go gung-ho at times with it.)
Many here are very busy, and don't have much time, if you can do 30 RTRs a day, go for it, nobody gonna stop you.
I'm gonna be busy as shit...every waking moment I'm not working, eating, or sleeping I'll need to perform these rituals and double-time it. If i can follow through on that kind of demand though that'd be great.
ShadowTheRaven said:
I'm gonna be busy as shit...every waking moment I'm not working, eating, or sleeping I'll need to perform these rituals and double-time it. If i can follow through on that kind of demand though that'd be great.
Honestly, if you are really that busy then do only as much as you can, do not push yourself to where you feel bad. I'm sure the God's will understand. Ask them if they can help give you more time to do it. I understand when you have a job it may be difficult to spam RTR and Rituals but do your best. I hope I and everyone else will have enough time to spam them, I'll do my best.
Finally, time to get serious.

Don't forget to reward yourselves with Hitler-icecream after a successful day!
luis said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
I'm gonna be busy as shit...every waking moment I'm not working, eating, or sleeping I'll need to perform these rituals and double-time it. If i can follow through on that kind of demand though that'd be great.
Honestly, if you are really that busy then do only as much as you can, do not push yourself to where you feel bad. I'm sure the God's will understand. Ask them if they can help give you more time to do it. I understand when you have a job it may be difficult to spam RTR and Rituals but do your best. I hope I and everyone else will have enough time to spam them, I'll do my best.

This. Go in accordance to your life and schedule. Just make sure to perform all the rituals.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
luis said:
Honestly, if you are really that busy then do only as much as you can, do not push yourself to where you feel bad. I'm sure the God's will understand. Ask them if they can help give you more time to do it. I understand when you have a job it may be difficult to spam RTR and Rituals but do your best. I hope I and everyone else will have enough time to spam them, I'll do my best.

This. Go in accordance to your life and schedule. Just make sure to perform all the rituals.

Of course. I get that most if not half of this forum is made up of teenagers or young adults with part time jobs, but when you got a full time job what can you do? I would love to stay at home and do RTRs and meditate all day if I didn't have to worry about bills and shit because life's too short to pay bills and die, right?
Artanis said:
NameHere said:
This is really awesome!!!

I was just thinking of how else I could help the Powers of Hell and BAM, you post this XDD
This is THE BEST DAY EVER! I am really happy we can hit the enemy HARD!!!! :twisted:

One question,
I know it should not concern me as I am white and not Asian, but I am just curious...

Why is there no ritual for awakening the Asian race, but there is for the other two races?

If the answer is obvious and I have not figured it out, apologies..

Anyways, let's destroy the enemy once and for all!!!!!!! :twisted:


Because the Asians mostly know their race(to NOT race-mix for example) and are not under attack as a race by the Enemy(Unlike the White race is under attack by the black race, which is orchestrated by the Enemy)

Oooh, okay.
Thank you for the answer, it makes so much more sense!
Zeffie of the Wind said:
NameHere said:
This is really awesome!!!

One question,
I know it should not concern me as I am white and not Asian, but I am just curious...

Why is there no ritual for awakening the Asian race, but there is for the other two races?

If the answer is obvious and I have not figured it out, apologies..

Unlike the Whites and the Blacks the Asians haven't been hit as hard and still remain racially cohesive as a whole. One can see much focus on white vs black and the degeneration that has happen to their respective racial communities but one cannot say the same for the Asian groups as they still keep to themselves and retain much of their roots within their minds and hearts. Therefore they don't have many issues that are in drastic need of immediate assistance and as such there isn't much priority in a race awakening ritual for them compared to the other two.

Very enlightening, thank you for the answer!
Hail Satan! :)
If one of the days we only have time to do the Final RTRs, will it mess up our end of the other rituals? I assume the Final RTR should be prioritized if someone is severely limited in time.
Also, sorry forgot to ask these two-do we need to bath and dress formally, etc. before these rituals, or not because they're group rituals? Also, although syncing time is ideal, is it OK if we do it when we can as long as we get the day right?
NameHere said:
This is really awesome!!!

Why is there no ritual for awakening the Asian race, but there is for the other two races?


Asians are already racially aware, their only peril is Communism, which, the Final RTR will deal with. They are nowhere close of in anyway getting extinct as a collective group, and they have solid and powerful Nations. Their issues are not race mixing issues to a collectively damning level, but only Jewish Communism which comes from Hebrew spells, which will be dispelled by the RTR itself.
Hello, I'm participating in these rituals doing Jos Protection, Wealth and Final RTR rituals in the morning,afternoon and night-time. I feel like this is the best routine for me regarding warfare on the power-dates so I dont lose interest in doing the rituals but I will give it my all on the dates 29th(July)-1st(August)

I only have one question: On the Jos Protection ritual it says "One can either begin this Ritual with the formal Standard Ritual, or just instantly recite the following prayer and proceed with the Runic Vibration and then the affirmation." however it does not have anything regarding a prayer, on the Wealth and Prosperity ritual it has one. Is it still fine to just do the Runic vibrations along with the affirmation?
HailVictory88 said:
Also, sorry forgot to ask these two-do we need to bath and dress formally, etc. before these rituals, or not because they're group rituals? Also, although syncing time is ideal, is it OK if we do it when we can as long as we get the day right?

The rituals definitely do not need you to be dressed or anything like that. Just do the vibrations and affirmation if short on time, this will suffice.
ShadowTheRaven said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
luis said:
Honestly, if you are really that busy then do only as much as you can, do not push yourself to where you feel bad. I'm sure the God's will understand. Ask them if they can help give you more time to do it. I understand when you have a job it may be difficult to spam RTR and Rituals but do your best. I hope I and everyone else will have enough time to spam them, I'll do my best.

This. Go in accordance to your life and schedule. Just make sure to perform all the rituals.

Of course. I get that most if not half of this forum is made up of teenagers or young adults with part time jobs, but when you got a full time job what can you do? I would love to stay at home and do RTRs and meditate all day if I didn't have to worry about bills and shit because life's too short to pay bills and die, right?
Everyone has different type of situations. The only thing I can say is right now doing what you can, don't worry about it. It's not like you can change your situation in a second but when you can just put all your energies so you can find a better job that gives you even more time to meditate and do RTR. I honestly think it's not impossible to become rich with magick. It may take time but it's totally possible, probabily even to win some money. As soon as you can do a spell to find a better job, with better pay and that can give you more time to meditate (until it materialize, go past the 40 days, It may take a lot it all depends on how powerful you are and your life in general). The God's know that many have not that much time, this is why you see many teens here. They are the ones who have the most time.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
NameHere said:
This is really awesome!!!

Why is there no ritual for awakening the Asian race, but there is for the other two races?


Asians are already racially aware, their only peril is Communism, which, the Final RTR will deal with. They are nowhere close of in anyway getting extinct as a collective group, and they have solid and powerful Nations. Their issues are not race mixing issues to a collectively damning level, but only Jewish Communism which comes from Hebrew spells, which will be dispelled by the RTR itself.

Thank you for the reply, High Priest! Very enlightening!
Awesome! There are no words to describe how happy I am with your work, and that of everyone! :D

I had some off time when it comes to art's of spiritual satanism. Various reasons... I do feel silly about it.

Recently I was in an accident. Luckily no one was injured. Turned out that they were most likely after insurance money... And offcourse it was some enemy assholes.
Right now it seems they will not get thier money. But it is a long process. So things are not yet certain. Luckily this is only a financial setback.

The point of this story is that prior to this, I wasn't doing the meditations I should have been doing. However I feel that I was still protected by Satan and his Gods. Maybe if it weren't for them and my girlfriend being with me, things would have gone less smoothly.

But please let this motivate you to be as consistent as you can. I know I wasn't, and still we are both unharmed. But I do feel that this could have been avoided.
This was a major wakeup call for me and someone very close to me.

I've been getting a lot of positive changes lately. For instance among other things, I now have someone to work together with when it comes to rituals and meditating.

I'm back at it again! And that which does not kill me, will make me stronger than before! And the coming days I will give my all!!

Thank you for all of this amazing work!!!! We will get through this! And we WILL be victorious! :twisted: :evil:
Stay strong!

luis said:
Everyone has different type of situations. The only thing I can say is right now doing what you can, don't worry about it. It's not like you can change your situation in a second but when you can just put all your energies so you can find a better job that gives you even more time to meditate and do RTR. I honestly think it's not impossible to become rich with magick. It may take time but it's totally possible, probabily even to win some money. As soon as you can do a spell to find a better job, with better pay and that can give you more time to meditate (until it materialize, go past the 40 days, It may take a lot it all depends on how powerful you are and your life in general). The God's know that many have not that much time, this is why you see many teens here. They are the ones who have the most time.

Well on the 22nd I'm starting a sun square so I can get more money coming in. I'm arranging to have every single loan I have open taken care of, so far I've saved up a couple thousand dollars but I'm not that deep in debt. Another $10,000 will have an apartment lease taken care of for a year so I'm trying to shoot for that because you do not want to be behind on a lease. That's not even counting bills, that's a $800 a month rent payment times 12 if I did my math right. I don't need a million dollars or nothing, but that would be fucking sweet. Yeah, enough to buy a sizable house in a good neighborhood, and have a Subaru WRX STI in the driveway sounds good to me.

But with that sun square, and the Hours of the Sun I'm having a hard time finding because ChronosXP won't work on Windows 10 and it's driving me fucking nuts plus i only have time to do this shit in the evenings anyway since I work 12p-8p every day. So uhhh yeah my schedule's kinda fucked and it's not the matter of finding a different job I'm happy with my hours it's just that I'm an adult, an adult is expected to pay the bills and work full time. It really sucks that i can't devote a good 4-6 hours to just meditating and rituals anymore like I could when I was 16-19 years old but that's what the sun square's for.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to all of our Satanic Warriors,

As one can see the war is in generally heating up, and there are many important events that are taking place in 2020. The battle is head to head and we need to be resolute. The enemy is not in a good position anymore. Many of the enemy have went bankrupt, others have lost all their reputation totally (Ellen Degenerate, Jimmy Demorat etc, comes to mind) and many other examples of back and forth spiritual warfare have been manifesting.

What about the enemy trying to literally rig the 2020 elections? Well, the enemy hardly cares for public image anymore. Has anyone not noticed they are mobilizing civilization wreckers to ruin civilization and destroy the White Race? One can only ignore the enemy's advances willingly at this point. There is no "I did not know" or "I did not see". As they rallied mobs in Rome to rip down all the "Roman Idols", so do they now rally bunches of idiots with judenpresse support to take down the modern idols of Pagan minded people who founded the best civilizations of the late centuries. These civilizations, despite of any jewish claim, provided the most major advances and capacities for the otherwise enslaved man, both of the world, and of the Middle Ages. "The Age of Aquarius shall be the Age of Man".

Has man ever had a bigger access to knowledge, education, and spiritual knowledge than today? For centuries, never before. Our progress to that end, is again attempted to be destroyed by the enemy, but they will never succeed. Satan will prevail. On the cusp of a better age, the forces of the enemy try to stop us again from ushering a better destiny. And we have to fight again to receive the fruit of the Satanic Age.

This is also all that we get to know publicly. The enemy is indeed made up from reptilian and hostile, alien minded, monsters. As the enemy sinks, so do attempts to sink humanity intensify. The question of replacement and getting looted and having civilization seized by inferior monkeys based on frivolous jewish excuses is also manifesting. The White Race is now called progressively to face the inevitability of looking at the damnation of allowing jews to gain control over the collective destiny of our people and mankind.

Many of you are worried here, this worry comes from love of our people. But know there is no cause to feel more worried than hopeful. We will have, and we are having an intevention. This is not the first time our race will withstand and surpass the plans of desert reptilians and general looting incapable monkeys. Like a tree that has produced many apples, some of our own will fall from the basket, but the basket itself is full and we are strong as we ever were. Moves against Whites will intensify. The intervention of those above us will come in ever increasing waves, also. Bravery is needed now and a clear mind.

What the enemy is and what their plans are, we have seen, and the world has seen, clearly. The enemy permanently wants to lock people in, lie to them, create an inescapable surveillence state made up of low IQ monkeys, all while establishing a reptilian technocracy that enslaves humanity in the deepest part of their being. All of this filth is coded in the Hebrew bible, which we are collapsing rapidly. Therefore, manifestations cannot stick and come out botched. The CoVid crisis has costed the enemy all their facade.

Satan has been growing in power and so have our Gods, which is manifesting stronger and stronger. Despite of what happens in the outer world (energies are still chaotic and will continue to rise in that direction until the "Kali" phase of our goal) - remain resolute, and keep advancing.

Christianity is so rapidly collapsing that nobody should be surprized that popular Gentile hatred is rising against this jewish filthy amalgam of deception. It has harmed Gentiles beyond description, same as Islam. It was always based on hebrew bullying, deception, and lies, the only goal of it to steal the soul of human beings and turn them into slaves.

As the enemy drops, so does this collective system of damnation. This system was created to enslave Gentiles and turn them into ignorant human beings. The results of this damning program are observed, but the global soul is just rejecting this program. This tendency will speed up and accelerate.

Energy has to be spent wisely as we are running a marathon and not a sprint. Our goal is to continue with what we are instructed by the Gods to do.

Below, we will follow a schedule. This begins in the 21st of July, climaxes on the 29/30 of July, and lasts until 5th of August. During this time, we will hit them the hardest we have done through all the year.

Ideally, the amount of Rituals done, should be a minimum of 2 RTRs a day, coupled by a minimum of 2 repetitions of the other rituals.

The 29th to 1st of August will have to find us in the most brutal hitting of the enemy spiritually, with the repetitions being as many as possible.

Do not slack ass here, curses have to be removed, and blessings from Satan have to be received from all. If one has slacked, do the right thing now for Satan and the Gods and participate in this Great Offensive.

We will protect all our own. Many of us have experienced losses from the CoVid and general situation. We will rebuild and keep everything going and optimal. Stay strong and have faith at all times.

Dates and Rituals:

21-25 Of July - x2 FINAL RTR, x2 JoS Protection Ritual, x2 Wealth Ritual daily
25th to 5th Of August* - x2 FINAL RTR, x2 Race Awakening Ritual daily

*29th to 1st of August is where we mercilessly spam as much as possible of both of the above rituals. 25th to 28th and 2nd to 3rd, we keep it going normally.

This is Av, the historic holiday of when Romans roasted the enemy.

After the above, we will do further things to reap rewards. Do not think the above is difficult, its pretty easy.

We will also use the RTR coordination tool, to time the RTRs, to maximize power. When this shows zero, we do the RTR. When the clock shows 1:00:00, we begin the other rituals, such as the Race Awakening and the prosperity Rituals.

May the Gods and Satan Himself bless our warfare and endeavors.


Below are the links to the Rituals:

Ritual Time Coordinator:


Final RTR:


Race Awakening Ritual [Blacks And Whites]:

White Race Ritual: https://www.satanisgod.org/RaceRitual.html

Black Race Ritual: https://www.satanisgod.org/11-13-16_Ritual.pdf

Ritual of Protection, Wealth and Prosperity


JOS Protection Ritual [/size]


For the Jos protection ritual and the other ones is there any mp3 on how to pronunciation these properly? Anybody lmk if you have this info plz and thank you.
I think this also goes back to the framework of the boomers vs millenials meme. It seems to me Pluto in Scorpio is when most older souls incarnated or near that time. It seems disproportionate that the boomers are very young souls.

I personally dont hate any of them just for this or any manufactured ideas of generational conflict as its dumb but I just wanted to point out that this seems to be the vibe here. I was at least alive on earth myself but unfortunately during the time of Hitler and pluto in Leo when most boomers were born. I think I was in one of the communist occupied places and trying to get out and come to America. I think I believed lies in that lifetime about Hitler.

This was actually one of the more clear past life memories I had. When I was little my dad said I started talking in my sleep about being on a train to America etc.

My dad is young soul btw it frustrates me that someone who really doesnt fully know how to guide me would be in that position not to mention he tried to brainwash me with xtianity.

I do realize though that for very young souls for now xtianity or Islam or other enemy stuff will be the only way in most cases they will not see past this. They will be the last people to wake up if they do at all because this is all their souls have known.

Destroyed or Judged or even straight up execution etc?

Some people on this board seem to think that these people should be punished and here is what I have to say to this as an older soul.

As much as I would like to see this with a lot of those people and sometimes on here have even said that too in frustration unfortunately when thinking about this this totally isnt their fault the way they are. The ones that are the worst and do harm and are evil and corrupt in intention yes they will be punished in some way. If not by the Gods than the enemy by them not being protected or nature itself.

Most though I think will be simply reincarnated into the Satanic world and will learn the next life.

They may be reeducated in a system of Camps like what Hitler actually had for awhile to have that stick on their souls as well.

Most baby and young souls are innocent of what they do cause they dont understand it at all. I think the Gods know this as well and only the worst cases will actually be destroyed or punished.

What should be done though is they should be separated from the really old souls and the leader class. So that the old souls can live according to their values while teaching the younger ones through the media and education systems.

It doesnt have to be a great separation just maybe a neighborhood to ourselves or a city or a retreat for sometime.

That is the one thing I kind of wish for so we dont have to wait for everyone to catch up to actually enjoy life.

I personally dont know what my position will be. I know in various I was anything from the leader of places and rich to a poor person who had nothing and was barely surviving in a shack.

I do not want to go on and on about my past lives cause it doesnt matter a lot I am not better than anyone I am simply typing about this stuff because I feel it may help someone else who is old feel better that someone understands.

So yeah been there done that been in pretty much every situation imaginable at least once.

To be honest I use this to empathize with people and help them in their current problems feel better and help people work through things. This is probably good.

A lot of people on here are way more powerful than me right now but my main strength is wisdom and understanding I have a lot of karma and energy blocks and bad energy that makes it hard to advance. New souls dont have this.

But eventually I will get there too.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
